The Brussels Post, 1925-9-16, Page 1..1
VOL, 54 NO, 13
2,00 lis' annum in advance
, I925
1 Chiropractic for Rheumatism
Do you know that the cause of Rheumatism is
pressure of nerves leading to the organs of elimin-
ation ? This condition allows oisons.circu-
p tou
lated to the weakened joints thereby causing the
pain. To be free from this miserable condition
take Spinal Adjustments and the cause
will be removed, A Free Consultation
'will convince you of these facts.
Office over Johnston's Jewellery Store
Honrsfeto72a,ni. Listowel, Ont. Phone q.
•t to Bp. m.
• by Miss Ireneliamilton and the prose
eotation made by Miss Minnie M0 -
IR>+Nt6„-On behalf of your.
gill Yriends of this gouununity I take
pleasure in preseuting you wits these
elight tokens of our esteem for you.
Our best wishes go with you and we
treat that veli will, be successful in,
your new and iluportent spher e of
. life and we are sure that you will
Make new friends and gain a place in
their hearts as you hove done here.
We ask you to accept these gifts final
us and with them go our good wlehes
for a happy and 1ueeessftll life,
Signed nrr behalf of friendeett Bete
Frye. The rest of the afternoon was
spent in games and soft ball
Miss Irene Henry left on Monday
for St, Marys. where her parents ex-
pect to j en her in October, Mr.
Henry having bought a store at Ram -
;nock, 2 miles from St. Marys.
years and also drove a mail route. Aarrecion
He was ice married, ttv a e his i d first wife
bei 18 ''L
n Mae Eh abeth Williamson, f
viva, Wilfred Clark, of Guelph and
Grey Township, whose two sons sur -
Talbot Clark of Grey. Eleven years
ago he was morried to Mies Jennie
Sellers, of, Bluevale. There are also
three sisters and eight brothers Iv- ,
ing: Mrs. Metz, of New Hamburg;
Mrs, Zeigler, of Cranbrook; Mrs.
John Williamson, of McKillop; Thos.,
Henry and William, of Walton; John
of Egtnondville;Archie and Robert,
of McKillop, Joseph of Saskatchewan
and Edward of Listowel,
Mrs. Befrnes is spending a few
wanks in Brantford and Niagara
Mrs. Wes. Summers le under the
decor's care. - We hope to see her
better soon,
I A and Mrs. Eckmire have re urned
School fair toda hniuA aft d' ug a couple of
Y. weeke at Wallace. •
More Belgrave news en another B 1? Carr spent last week visit1, ,,.
Many citizens are attending •the the National Exhibition.
London Fair. Rev. D, M. Guest and Rnbt Brem-
_. .. / er apse ret
Adverbs' emeats
For sale -M. Lowe
Fly 'rox-JON. Fox
L opal -Mrs. Panner
Notloe-R. W. Ferguson
For isle-Oeoll Bateman
Strayed -Andrew McKee
For sale -A refl. McDonald
Maintaining Ford Leadership
Car of Dement -F. A. Harrison
Umbrella found -Misses Hunter
Sunday Service -United Church
Pigs for sale -Gordon Whitfield
Tenders wanted -Geo. Robertson
Steam is up -Wroxeter Cider Mills
Fall Opening-Jno Ferguson & ('o.
Rupture Export-Tbompsou, B ayuk Co.
In,.ividnal Instruction -Con, Bus. College
Chiropractic for rhentnattsm-L. 0, Whit-
1t istr ct Cl1i%
Thos: and Mre, Hempill, Hensel',
are visiting at the home of T. G.
Hans Rasmussen left for London on
Wednesday last, where be has secur-
ed a position.
H. and Mrs. Depew, Toronto, are
guests of the latter's parents, Robt.
and Mrs. Stocks. •
The byelaw voted on, on Tuesday in
regard to a lighting system for the
village was defeated. The vote was
35 against and 18 for, 1 - 0?
There was a large attendance at the
Harvest Thanksgiving service held in
the Anglican church, Sundae after-
noon, Rev. Mr. Farr Kineat dine, a
former rector, preacher.
The annual School fair was held in
the skating rink and adjacent park on
Thursday afternoon. The weather
was all that could be desired, and the
attendance of visitors, large. There
was a splendid increase in the number
of exhibits this year. The exercises
done by the four schools represented
the speech -making, racing, spelling
match and tug-of-war between
Salem and Wroxeter schools all mov-
ed very interesting.
A pretty wedding was solemnized
at Lakelet, on Monday at noon, at
the home of George and M'rs. Horton,
when their youngest daughter, Clung
Marjorie, :of Harriston, became the
Car of
Expected at McNaught
Station. Special price
off car.
F. A. Harrison
phone 4723
wife of Elden C. Green, Owasso, Mich.
The bride was given away by her
father and was charming in a wed-
ding gown nt mauve flat crepe,; and
earned a briquet of asters and fern.
The flower girl, Miee.Sadie Knapp, of
Caperol, was prettily dressed in white
silil, and carried u boquet of pink-
gIedioli. Under an evergeeen arch,
bedecked with flowers, and hung with
a white bell, the ceremony was per-
formed by Rev. Mr. Weaver, Ang
licart church minister, of Harriston.
Miss Betaine I•iornlon, of Olifford,
supplied the wedding music. The
groom's gift tithe flower girl was a
locket and chain, to, the organist, a
gold pin, and to the bride, a gold
necklace set with penile. After the
ceremony, the guests to the number
of 30, sat down to a very daihty din-
ner. The couple left Oliiford on the
afternoon train fnr a honeymoon
trip In Towner° epd other Eastern
cities. They will snake their home in
-oswaesa, Miele
Harvest horse services in St. Dav-
id's church, HPufryn, Sept. 2OLh, at
11 ar w. and 7 80, preacher, Rev. W.
J. Hendry. Th.
PRESENTATION. -bliss Irene henry
was honored My friends eller to leav-
ing for St, Marys Collegiate. On
Saturday 'afteinoon, about 35 girls
assembled at her home and presented
her with a beautiful twin silver
compact and a French ivory manicure
set, The following address Was read
Brussels United Church
Sunday, Sept. 20
11 tt. m.-Polo't Worship,
Rev. G. A. Barnard, Fordtyieh°'
8 p. tn.-Sabbath Scheel Session
and, Bible Classes,
7 p tri,-Pulptt Worship :
Rev. Mr. Barnard
Wednesday evening-Ptayer and
Praise Service,
Not attend our Fall Opening of
Ladies' .te
Sept. 23
A Representative P ve of one of the largest g t Coat
and Dress firms will be here on. above date to
display the Latest in Coatsand
p y Dresses,
Any Special Special orders or measurements will be
given special attention.
The Styles are the Newest ewest and Prices Mod-
page. with friends to Toronto and attended
daypthe9gh instt,,,,iRgigit Ii n. Wednes-
leader of the ofiieia) Op -
Position in the House of Commons of
Canada, ended his remarks on .the
Australian Treaty by stating that the
Member for North Huron voted rut
the Treaty, That statement is eon- 1
start/ to 410
e facts. The -,lectors o_
North Huron having Hansard of date
June 23rd, 1925, page 498ti, will
there see that I voted in opposition to
Treaty n jus ace to m se F I
•rneT my
(Advt.) J, W. KING.
Danger ,
9 �
PTOPLI; with dc•fsetive eyes
naysoe no well its those
with normal Pyrs, tint the
uervntas Ment unconsciously put
frn'tli, brings on weariness, pain
in hack of peek, twitching eye-
lids and headeehes,
Correctly tilted Glasses relieve
above troubles.
Maude C, Bryans
ENTERED INTO REST eeThere passed l
away at his commode -ins Mune; Lot
24, Concession 10, on h 71uy, Sept. Walton School
8th Dail 0 F r
ceased underwent n crificnl Operation , Favored by Weather
in tit. Joseph's
u e neper, in a it year a ton_ ai
hie age, Nearly three years ago de- t
Hospital, Guelph,
a hieb, along with kind nuaiug Hines
only a loving daughter could, give, More Than 500 Persons Attend the
greatly prolonged his life. Deceased Annual Exhibition,
was born near Prescott, Ontario,
where be grew to young manhood, be-
t o, a previous aster in (Minton this ag• Walton School tFair oaf Mondayand
the grounds and school
Knox Untied Church has been sec- nee are attending the fret Preshylety Mg the younger son of I •--
eesful in securing Rev. (Sydney Dat, meeting- of the -Tuned Church Jr g y g he late James I The weatherman did his, best l Cooper
de for
Jaen of Me li p i pCI b week, and Anne Mehaff9 Tri tinge
this vicinity, :s' special preacher for The WOmetr's institute have been oat' 1588, be was united in mot nage to
Mary Lnuud'erville, who proved het- were visited
"a good help -wale, and they uluved during the day by over 500 persons.
the anniverPnvey services i to be held making some extensive. improvements
on Octnbet 4311, to their Libaary and Reading troout,
and have added greatly to .the ap-
CRANBROOK pearauce of the place.
e Mrs. Laura Lautpman, Be.amsville
Lytle alidMee Gordorl•were Exhitii- announces the engagement of her
tiOn visitors in Tot mato,' only daughter, 'Geta Geraldine, to
Mrs. Wm (Nnie,nn is visiting' her Blake Howlett, Niagara Falls, N. Y
8011, W. ,1 Oaniernn, in NPry York. I only son of S. C. Howlett, Ethel,.
Miss Etta MiNaii•, of Kitchener, !.Out., the marriage to take place
awas a visitor with Mrs. R. K. MtDon. i Sept. 20th, in Beamsville Methodist
Rev. A. M. Shannon, wltn has so ac- l Tilers will be r e
to church ,in Ethel
oeptably supplied the Knnx church • suited 4htit' ch. on Sunday next n '
the same Fall to the far in tai nhtcit ' S. S. No. 2 ,Grey, No. 9, Morris, No.
he died, buying it in 1892 from the
late Witliaw Campbell. Besides his f 9 McKillop, No. 11 Grey, No. 12 Grey
late Wing widow, 2 daughters and au t and No. '7 McKillop were the schools
only sow -Moe, J. 'P. Gaynor. 10s1t taking part in the fair, and the ex
(Annir(1Jed Oct 81, 7915), Joseph hibits were of a high order. Mes-
on the hurnestead, and Clive, a grad -dames Muldoon and Dames, of Brus-
uate nurse --are left to mourn the loss sell, ledged the baking and sewing,
of a kind husband end loving father, while Dr, Field of Goderich was in
Funeral took place The, seat' me, Jing charge of the writing and art.
frons his tete home 10 Sc. Ainbtoee Messrs, 'Parrish and Kellough had
charge of the poultry and livestock
part. The parade was excellent, and
all the contestants were effectively
costumed. First prize _ went to the
Walton school, a Japanese pages
second and third prizes went to N
7 and 9. No. 7 carried of the sings
prize and the public speaking laurels
went to Bliss Dorothy Drager, of
11, Walton.
Following are the names of t
Church, Brussels, where 11r gniem
n Mass was sung by Rev. Pother Me -
pulpit for the lust six months, has i account of Union anniversary servie• Hugh. Interment was made in the
diacontinned his oerviges. ,-es. Rev. E. e'. Armstrong, of List• family plot in Bruesecs Catholic ceme-
tery. Pallbearers were Thos. Steph-
enson, retrainee Krautel, Win Sleru-
nnn, Donald McKinnon, Jos, Long
and Timothy.Nolan.
Kilpatrick -Menzies. - A very owes. will preach at 11 a. tri„ and Rev,
quiet wedding took place in North C. O. Kaine, of Atwood, will have
Street United Church, Goderich, on charge of the evening service ass 7 30.
Tuesday, Sept. 5th, when Jessie May, These are former pantos of lvthel
youngest daughter of Mrs. Julia, Men- s circuit and will be weletnue back
zies, became the bride of Fred J. Kil- ' agaiil•L:18 1
patrick, of Windsor. Rev. C. F. 1 On. Wednesday night of last week,
Clarke conducted the ceremony in a well attended meeting of the Ethel
the presence of immediate relatives. I'circuit of the Uuited Church was
The guest of honor•was Mrs, W. E. C. held in the Ethel church for the
Richards of Banff, formerly Miss purpose of re• -organizing the churches
Ferne Eckmire, cousin of the brise, 1 of, the district under the new basis of
The bride wore a checker brown ern- union. Much routine business was
semble with hat to match. After a 1 attended tou and Lhe stewards elected
dainty luncheon at the Hotel Sunset fnr Ethel were : Ohas. Cleaver, John
the bridal couple took the afternoon •Tilos, Jae. Ames and Robert Brem-
train for Eastern points, amid show-
ers of confetti. They carry with i'ionsiste of Andrew McKee, Isaac
them the best wishes of many friends.
1 Lake, Geo. Eckmire and Mrs. V ,si.
I Bremner.
MORRIS There was a large crowd in attend -
cutting ' is on the ro rani ' mice at. the concert in Dunbar's Hall
K P g on Saturday night, in connection with
now. 1 the annual $chool for 11r blcQee
Blyth hair -next Wednesday al
Belgr'ave School Fair will altra
many tn•day.
Mrs. (Dr ) Lootiishut•y and daught
Miss Elizabeth, of Philadelphia, ma
a short visit with their snot, Mrs.
Mcentr:won, Oth line, recent Ir.
Many are taking in the Wester
Fair at London this week. Many al
going by eat and ethers ars fakir
the special 1r510 on the L, H. & B.
Otto Walker, Detroit, spent a fe
last week at James Kerney's.
James and Mrs. Kerney and Mi
Florence Kerney motored to Cron
arty last Wednesday to attend tine
wedding of Miss Irene Walker, s
Darrell Parker, of Exeter. .
Mos. John PitttetSnit (3.1111 ani,, r
011,Clift1 ar
n .
� la 8 Itlfift Mrs. IIs. 'lin
7 int
Scott, of 1Vinghoui, and Mee. Robert
Warwick, of Alnrri'r, were visiting
their sister, Mts. David 31 iOnle1 eon,
0th line, for a couple of days last
Id cgmedian, of Auburn, gave' several
`songs 1r, 'Hall and Scotch costumes,
et Mrs. Vanwyck, of Witighan, el-
ocutionistfor the evening, gave her
er numbers well, and like the other
• entertainers, respnitded with. several
1) Ienem err, Ethel Orchestra provided
musical numbers, which were much
n • etrjnyed, Solos wet e also snag by
e 1 Mrs. J. Nicholson and Loyd Dunbar
Ig in their usual able planner, and the
heels Jig was a speoial feature, with
eW - Kathleen Bremner and Jean Camp=
., bell tripping on the light fantastic
ss toe. Rev. D, M. Guest was Clnairroun
n- for the eveuiitg. Th pee in rhatge are
to he congratulated on the success of
a the evening's entertainment.
If Ya
Many are planing to go to Londo
Fair this week.
There was a big crowd in the vill-
age on Monday at the School Fair.
Blyth Fair will be the attraction
next Thursday and Settforth on Fri-
day. •
Mrs. W. IC. Graham, of Acton, is
visiting her mother Mrs, Alex. Gar-
Ars. Geo. Carter and two ehildren
spent their holidays at' Hugh Carm-
Mrs. I. E
E. McEwen,
of Toronto
is spendinga few days among her re
Y g
Mrs. Gordon Kerr 'has returned to
her hone in Winnipeg• after spending
a month among friends.
Visitc,rs over Labor Dny et the
Parsonage were A ,l and Mrs browns,
Mrs. D. Boyles and John W. and
Mrs. Henry, of Sernin.
Card of Thanks -The undersigned
wish to thank the many friends for
their' kind acts during soar recent
affliction, They are appreciated by
the family, anvil ,
y Mrs. Clark and two sons.
The W. M. S. of the United Church
stet at the home of Mrs. Art. McCall
on Wedne'day last. Mrs. W. Murray
was in the ,chair. After singing hymn
553, prayer,' was offered by Mrs. Mc-
Arthur: u. The
Bible 1 on
Ess wa read
Mrs. MurrayY M S ll r
y and Mrs. R Reid and
111 Simpson Sites S son a(f
e t teiestin =-
counts s
g g
counts of the worst being done in our
Pioneer Mission Hospitals in Horne
land. The Roll Call response was
answered by naming a Missionary in
Our. Homeland. Prayer' by Mrs, A.
Gardiner bol"g'ht the -meeting to a
close, The October tneetfttg will be,
lield in the Manse. bunch was served
and a social hour was spent by the
i10 ladies present,
TheIunoral of the late •Rnoch
Clark took pltto from his residence
in Walton on Friday afternoon of last
week, On the -nothing of •his death
was due heat trouble,
which d to a -he
was not fooling in 'his usual good
health, At the time ilia. Clark was
in Chicago receivingg' mediaal-treat-
ntent for her health, es site heel
hetet very poorly the pest slinuttet•,
leaving Mr, Clark fn good health.
Not itotiettlg him about during' the
afternoon his n h 1
o t s l oL 1 to nn
e T t s wit
10 see Ism in the eveningand found
Mgt dead in he stable,
elle wh'
ate he had
died doing his t c 1 s
noon chores. Mr.
Clark was in his 59th year and• was
horn In Grey Township, being a son
p'r'be late George Clark, 17th 'con,
boat fifteens years ego he retired
Tlrs• Robert:Iioneton and 8110, wire
have heel visiting friends 10 Toronto,
end Nilrgara Falls for the past two
weeks, have retained home,,
Miss Ottrris Dark is visiting in Ham-
ilton with her sister and- other rei-
t advert foe oouple of weeks, Slle al-
so spent two days at the Toronto
John and Mrs. Pride, 1111) Con.,
Grey Tsvp , announce the engagement
f then daughter, Awelie June, to
Fred SumIldon,' 30n of Wee and
Mts. Swalldon, alert of Grey Twp.,
the marriage {taking place; this
CARD Or THANES' - We wish to
ibaek kind fl ien(is and especially our
neighhnrs for kindness and sympathy
slinwn to tis during the long illness
death } of
the late
DRniel Oormet. Stich kindness will
alwaysremain Pmt in ft�esh in Out memory.
• MRs, COOPER A10 Faetn.r•
Anniversary services will be held
at Union Church next Sunday. Rev.
E. F. Armstrong, of Listowel will
preach at 11 a.m. and. Rev. C, C.
-wine, of Atwood, will take the even-
ing service at 7.30. Large congreges
tions are expected on Sunday.
On the evening of August 81st, a
large eompatty of friende and neigh
bons called at the Ronne of ere, Julia
111euzies and tendered a thowee to her
daughter, -bliss Jessie hie in view of
her approaching iva3l•iAgu.• Varied
and useful were the gifts presented.
A pleesant500151 evening wars enjoy
edrby all.
t i bin the Nato- to Welton, where he
c'nducted a livery barn for seine
Gera '
S.. P 1,AGlsk LTL-
tt,tr-Ori Fridu even r
4th le Mel y i r .Sept
, Ra titan
n pease
y es d peen?.
fully away in his 77th year, lleceitaed
was barn in Vaughan Tow nsltip, Orn.
of York, Ont., OctobeiSOth, 1848. He
cave to Grey township (13 years ago
with his panelist and lived on the
South side of the Maitland river on
lot 1$, con, 10, for a few years, later
moving to their flu in, let 20, eon. 11,
There were only 7 shurltieA in the
sow nship et that ti Inc.. 48 yams ago
last M moll he wan mai tied to Eliza-
beLh lluether, who sui'ylves to mourn
File loss of a kind and loving husband,
They Heed in Grey 011 lot 19, con. 12,
until aboutyears ago, then moved
to Palmerston end leitchei:er and lat.
er to Detroit where he built, a fine
hone at 5445 25th street where he
died. Ile lonvos it fitfully of three
daughters :-Mrs. W. Crowell, Mee.
Albert Pillion and Ales Clyde Willis,
till of Detroit, One eon died in in.
fancy, There
are also eight g
on etnY1daYr�9C t, 70CvergICP
Y, Detroit, and
wee a1 1 '
gel Y
rte entd by Mendeand neighbors.lhelintel trtbntes wet emany teed
beautiful, showing the esteem In which
deceased was held by all. The sarvIces
were conducted by Rev, Mr, Henden -
eon, of Grand laver Aeolus Presby-
tertian church, I
W. R. Moses spent the weekend at
Ailsa Craig and Forest. He made
the trip by moor.
Miss Doreen Eckiniee is 10 be cnrnp-
linteuted on the number of; 91izes
won et the Bluevale Fair. -
Woman Ends Hese Life
After Long Illness
The citizens of Blyth were very
much shocked Monday morning when
the word came into town that Mrs.
A. Sanderson, who lives about one
and a quarter miles north of Blyth,
had committed suicide. It seems that
she had not ben feeling well for some
time, being troubled with headaches,
but nothing was' thought of it. Gn
Monday morning she got upas usual
to get the breakfast and her husband
went to do the' chores. He came in
about 7 o'clock and noticed the they-
ing shed door open and went over to 1
shut it, when he discovered his wife
hanging there, 3M immediately cut
ho, down and the body was still 1
The doctor, was called for, but
nothing could be done to revive her.
The deceased, whose smitten name
was Miss .
, ➢lccallu
m, came from Hui -
lett township, and was married about
12. years ago, and leaves to mourn
her loss her husband and'two young
f L. h'ERR, Probrieitor
Y, Gee. Y, o Tt 1
t qi El
da da Mc -
P r
son 1V r
o ma Aiurnay,
Darlf Cake- Dorothy Driscoll,
Evelyn McPiierson, Alebcl Bewley,
Narma Murray,
Light Cake -Norma Murray, Kida
McPherson, Dorothy Driscoll.
APPIe Pfe -Dorothy Dr1sco11,
elyll McPherson,
Graham Muf>lns-Jean Marra ,
)3iseu't - Y
i s l�l(la Mekherson, Mabel
Bewley, Grace Sommerville a
Shortreed, , M lr.
o sed, Dthel Shaw, Gec, Taylor,
Maple Cream --Evelyn McPherson
Winnifred Drager, Charles McDonald,
Robinson Hamilton, Norma Murray,
Helen Sommerville,
Butter Scotch -Lewis McDonald,
Norma Murray,
Bread -Edith Patterson.
Tea Towel -Norma Murray, Eve-
lyn McPherson, FGrace Sommerville,
Laura Manning, Jean Murray, Ruth
Handkerchief Dorothy Driscoll.
Apron-Elda McPherson, Dorothy
Driscoll, Norma Murray,
Buttonholes -Ella McPherson, Vi-
ola Carter, Helen' Steiss, Isobel Far-
quharson, Norma Steins, Ethel Shaw.
Darning -Dorothy Driscoll, Evelyn
McPherson, Norma Murray.
Doll -Aileen McLaughlin, Myrtle
McCallum; Ruth Engler, E1da Mc-
Pherson, Norma Steiss, Servs Stelss,
Cron}teting•- Evelyn McPherson,
Hattie McCall, Edith Patterson, Grace
Cardboard Articles -Grace Som-
merville, Cora blathers, Mabel Bew-
Bird House (10 years and nd under)
-Arthur Bewley, Wallace Shannon,
Stewart Bryan,. e ,
Bind house (over 10 years), -Lew-
is McDowell.
Hammer Handle -Melville Shan-
Milking Stool -Wallace Shannon, a
Keneth Jackson, Lewis Steiss, Earl
Hoy, Stuart Bryan,, Geo. -Taylor.
'1; Any other article -Kenneth Jack:
as. son.
ng Public Speaking -Dorothy Drager,
Leaves --Ross Driscoll, Jinn Murray,
Frank Kirkby, Mabel Bewley,
1 Woods -Geo. Taylor,
Tao Weeds -Laura Hoy, Ilioruthy Drfs
toll, Jim Murray.
Weed Seeds -Jim Murray, F. Kir-
•' by, Laura Hoy, Grace Sommerville,
Edith Patterson.
1C I Insects -Geo, Taylor,
c]- Plates (Class Il) -Wallace Shan-
: -
i Plates (Class III) -Orval Holmes,
Dorothy Driscoll, Fergus Smalldon,
od Ross Driscoll, Ruth Manning, Dorothy
n 1 Plates (Class TV)-Erlitit Patter-
son, Clara McCall, dim Johnston,
Gracb Sommerviie, Viola Carter,
Lewis McDonaId.
n- i. Huron Map -Wallace Shannon.
t, Map of Canada -Dorothy DriscoIl,.
Y, Ross Driscoll, Laura Hoy, Fergus
n Smalldon, Roy Carter, Jim McCall.'
Map of Br. Isles -Grace Sommer-
, Clara McCall, Viola Carter,
1, Jim Johnston, Lewis McDonald, :Itla-
r bel Bewley.'
Writing- Lena Draper, Lloyd
Wheat; 1 qt -- Willie McPherso
Orval Holmes, Clifford Pease.
Oats, 1 qt -Geo. Taylor, Will
MacPherson, Ellwood Shortreed.
• I3ariey, 1 qt-]tuth Manning, M
i'.JJe. Shannon, Loyd Pease.
Wheat, sheaf -Harold Solger, 011
ford Pease.
Oats, sheaf -Geo. Taylor, Ellwoo Grace Somerville.
Barley, sheaf -Melville Shanno
Lloyd Pease.
Sweet Corn -Willie Meleherso
Chas. McDonald, Jack Turnbull, Ke
neth Ritchie, Kenneth Murray.
Fall Wheat, 1 qt= -Walter Some,
ville, Geo. Taylor, Arthur Bowie
Blairmore Shaw, Willie Macl?herso
Jinn Turnbull.
Full Wheat, sheaf -Jack Turabul
Jim Turnbull, Geo. Taylor.
Peas -Walter Shortreed,' Arthe
I. I. C. Potaotes--Jinn Ritchie, Alva
lenrquharsot, Grace Somerville.
G. M. Potatoes -Cora Mathers, Iva
Hoy, Halcyon Chandler, Dnnc. 'M
D. Potatoes -Isabel Farquharson
Harvey Bryan,, Agnes Dundas, Ji
Murray, Elda MacPherson.
Mangold, -Robinson Hamilton
Jim Murray, Ross Driscoll.
coll. ps-Jim Turnbull, Ross Din
Beets -Laura Hoy, Dorothy So
erville, Lena Drager, Ruth Mannr
• Dorothy Driscoll, Mabel Machan.
Carrots -Charles Munn, Helen Fa
quharson, Dune. McNiohol, Ory
Hotlines, Tan Johnston, Stewart Be
Parsnips Charlie Munn, Se
Murray, Ray Carter.'
Onions - Charlie Munn, Wallas
Shannon, Willie MacPherson,, Mar
Heavy Damage When
Garage is Gutted
Three Cars Burned Together Witit
Equipment In Seaforth Fire . , ,
About' four o'clock on Monday
morning it was discovered that the
garage belonging to T. Brown and
occupied by J. Thompson at Seaforth
was on fire and soon after the alarm
was sounded the fire brigade was do-
ing everything possible to extinguish
the flames which had made consider-
able headway. in the front part` of
the betiding but g notwithstanding
their efforts is the'
interior of the
ing ing was partially
1 Y destroyed as were
also three cars which had been left
for repairs and also the workmen's
The origin of the fire is a mystery
as when Mr. Thompsen left the gar-
age about midnight everything ap-
peared safe. The loss is partly cov-
ered by insurance. Fortunately the
gas tanks belonging to the Supertest
Company which occupied the back
part of the store were removed be3'ore
the fire reached them,
At a congregational meeting c,f
Pres 0 '
vt r1n:n chin .
1 nth Afily .
tote it, was
. decided
nxLend art
rail to
(Rev. Roleed Mr1ti tchcut formerly ynF
Bracebridge, but Into of Toronto,
Rev. Mr. McLarhl111 occu,ppied`tli"
pulpit ref Borne (III melt receitly arid
delivered splendid sertnnns.
A puree helonging to A, Lark -
worthy, MiLrhel3, tvhfelr he kelt in a
lot, next to his hone, broke through
the covering Unit old well and deep.,
ped to the bottom, swine 12 feet, A
number of men fried to get it reit, but
felled, no the anima.) was loo tightly
wedged in. They were forted to have
the vetoer wiry destroy it. There tvas
some water In the well, lint as the
hose wennint hind 'feet fleet, it, hid
Re head nut of the abater, It. was da.
cider] to 011 in the well .and bury the
beast there,
n Pease, Allan McCall.
"Morning Hymn"--Molvi11e Shan-
non, Walter Sommerville, Helen
, non, linson,
0- "Indian Summer" ---Wallace Sbttn-
' ^ "Crossing the ` Bar"- -Hide ide-
m Plnvson. FertYu, Snnalldmt, Jim Mc-
Call, Ethel Shaw, Dorothy Driscoll,
Evelyn McPherson.
Child.+ '
ire s
a- ing, Clara McCall, Mabel Bewley Jim
Johnston, Grace Sonnnerville, Norma
111- Murray. - -
g Composition -`valises Shannon. -
i I • Composition --Jack Douglas, Dora
Driscoll Ethel Shaw, Isobel Ferguson
al Ross Driscoll, Alvin McDonald.
Composition -Clara McCall, Edith
Sea Pnttersou, Kenneth Jackson, Jim,
Johnston; Mabel Bewley, Laura Man-
3, Parade --•School No. 11; No. 7, Me
Killop, No. 9 iticKillop, No. 9, Morris
• No. 2, No: 12.
Singing -S. S. No, 7, No. 9, Me-
w, ICiliop, No. 9, Morris.
Swede Turnips --Harvey BurinsStewart Bevans, Blairmbre Sha
JackMc.Gavin, Walter Somerville
l Jinn Turnbull.
Leviathan blangolds-Geo, Taylor.
Arthur Balfour.
.Asters ---Clara' McCall, Helen Steis
Charles McDonald, Laura Hoy, Boy
Driscoll, Berva Steiss. '
Z one
a I aura
Alvin n.
Y, 'Mc
Gordon Shortreed.
n Marigolds -,lint Turnbull
Crilenat Ja
i s
tear t
Bi• ai e
y t., T>.e
ncth .Ritchie, Jim Murray.
Penstrs--•. Harold Bblger, Isobel
Farquharson, Boyd Driscoll
Gladiola --Lewis McDonald, Halc-
yon Chandler, Jim Turnbull, 'larva
Steiss, Geo. Taylor, Earl Hoy.
Snapdragon -Charlie McDonald.
Boquot (any variety) -Ear] Hoy,
Orville Holmes, Viola Carter, Wallace
Shannon, J•iui Turnbull, Gordon
Cockerel- Jim Turnbull, Jack
urnbulh, Gracie Sommerville.
Pullet -Jack Turnbull, Jim Turn -
I'a'n of Three -Jack. Turnbull, ,Tiro
! urtibul!
Barred ani d
:Rocks -Clarence Clan .nor C a
it hA
Harold Bolger, ei ' Jens
urnbull komieth Ritchie, Duck
White Plymouth Rock -Geo, Tay-
lor, Frank Dundas.
. Bantams-- Jim Turnbull, Lorne
Stress, Billie '1'ulnhulle,Tack Turnbull, 1
Lloyd Prase.
Le •horns Lorne $ tt Steiss, Alvin s
�uhtu' at' ,
•soii, Cora Mathers, Charlie I
turn, Kenneth Murray, Geo. Taylor.
Wyandotte,- Willie Farquharson,
Lewis McDonald, ICenneth Jackson.
Heavy1Sprittg Colt (halter broken)
•--31111 Ritchie.
Calf under 1 year (pail fed)-
Frank Dundas, Frank Kirby, Harold
Bally Beef under 1 year--Franli
Dundas, Frank Kirby, Harold Bolgor,
Pair Bacon flogs -Kenneth Jack -
Lam •--Murray. lCenh tl
g a n ]4luir11
1 1 MacPherson e P absWalter
CC ��7ti��
d Ross - C
s McNichol, -
GE T•t
Tiarvey I3ryans Mabel Bowley.
Apples --•Arthur f3ewleq, Jack Me-
�'at r '.
1J1 y
, 'Mabel Bewley,
1 ,
tto, McNichol, Stuart Tlryans,
Tomatoes--Di.tncan McNichol,Reb-
i', Keett tit Nktlrray, Tia c'yGeo.
i Ch tad•
Domestic science Scheel t.unch---
.I Now that. a
costal siert'
g ion is •L
hand our imaginative Conservative
friends, who ,o fociferously predict
i a victory for their leader, see a train-
' endous -light of Ca/Indians from the
{ United States back to the country of.
I their birth. .7 his Regis's, of course,
will be due to the flet that they see
in AIr. Meighen', return to power a
jsimultaneous arrival of tine prosperity
which has been destroyed by the Lib -
government. These reingces
' from Canada Went to find what they
tor"steady and eau genial worst
ln. which is denied them in this country."
Well, one becomes accustomed to al-
Imost any kind bf twaddle during an.
election campaign, but, to bo perfect-
ly frank,the brand of nonsense put
out fox onservativo propaganda plot-
1 poses
ist n
1n cls allItalie
s it that at d tri
t n the '4l i
r R
C liCll
I $
kmiE tin c eeottus fi ens titin
? country began? HOW is that since the
King government assumed power
. Between
April 1
st and
e 80t11 of
have boon retraining in
greater numbers than over before?
the present year, 9141 Canadians who
had been in the United States for six
months or longer; and who wart to
that country to settle, came back to
the minion. Singe April led, 1924,
and until the end of June last, 511:
915 Canadians carie home to their
fact of the matter is that tho
United. States is no El Dorado for the
working man and Canadians are lie-
g•inniaig to become aware of the fact.
Many who have not returned would
bo very glad to do so had they the
means. Many who hati been conteH-
tlatin 1
change t h
t; o the tltlt n' '
i; [ side debt
the lino have
onncl slit ii•
p P jt ourn
indefinitely and are reconsidering
thrn• d t
e eum i
11 t r'
1 c.y uninite toakeep the King goy.
eminent in 'office they will not need
to emigrate; they will fled opportnni-
• ties at home which no .other country
in the World affords them to-dey,1 t;' .,;.
us hive the hots, not the nitreeleft
t ivative effeet3 ei Corsets ttl'7a Ore
and writers, to Whole, ap
1 facts are anatitetna, . .
Tlie'attraclive list of Special Prizes Se
o Brussels FallPair nPP ears in an•
her column,
Quits After Three
Yeats. .
Fred Anderson who hts been
d 'sol
c' 'tell tri for
Arne hoses G
ball club for the past three yen's, has I)
severed eottftections With that club,
and is 'Aging 1113 mother and bre- 111
fliers in Weikel:ton, Anderson Was to
Catcher for Wingham tetra when they , le
e , c tampionship,