The Brussels Post, 1925-7-22, Page 2coo a t"itttdy place in the wood dawn'
by the stepping -stones, Where she Welt
him in her arms, great fes eW though I.
clahail pped ie shoulder lightly )with end
hand, laddie, My Dire laddie)" sayieg only,•in a shaken voice,
"My Then )bit, lint looking every wily WI
ace that no one wne coming, would lay.I
hie cheek on his mother's brow and
croon over her, saying, "`dither•, meth-'
er, dinna greet.! I tun gain to be n
_ ■ ' v _; -- great man, and then I'll tai' ye away:
`• ',�r . •. y r$;� � +- � � :,�,,"';±,.. k ' ',a and seizing the old man wi' me, And tvo'il has a haass in the.
M 1 a ealma dispossess him of his a .shall has a91k to wear and lr bonnet;
: t<"ayw Jfs y�,r ]307'„
CHAPTER XX�,IiI,---(�ntcl,)` 'ib?�t uponhhim, pooout teen and a hoass 'let the seaside. And,
Daminie'Peter Mac Fadyen, ether hammers and leathern bug, crying
are with gum ficosis 'Dill'!, green and
ii' ::E TEA wjso known as Bfrsie, had been d°m all the time, Oh, "grandfait ye"wore red and purple- Aa ya']1 hoe rase-
e. inie of St, John's 'Town fox more than ye no galad to see me? I:thocht body to fret ye than, and nosh! to do t
tried* The ���� >rlC� two generations, and lie djd not tel- lever coinln'!" but to see that hen, ; les are elan do`
s .air of at Iivin to tick:e the alma' pit on ---a clean white nark every
p y ,. g , g Then with the -old' man smiling iriornin. Diana greet, 'either, for it's
11 c^t-al �'� �EEJtve:� �','e � � � n of his ear itis! inepis grandchildren. dawn upon him, wind K. a'rci'ng like ' l
a gigks g� �a► f ground i t i' round and round Ium, comm Gunpowder.
0 ¢' �i� Sh Ho had the barna o a a jib ,an collie rou „
Insist aE ;.;SEA SALADA. fine” they "brocht the weans eoA the pair would approach the door off
His mother smiled through the 'fast j
fine," they said. "He was mayb the little cot, And Betty Landsber- running salt water, I
wee sair on them et times. But he's 1 oro" out with a tin "bine, ""Be at Rood lad, Kit, and mind your
i in her hands, and stand looking a prayers.
.� an auld rnan, and i i tem x no Ju31,t Aye, mithex And we'll hoe two
;,,nil the Strange Romance o
CUPS�what d was.' them with that in her eyes which none e !
tom-• ,,.-�-„� QGeaTI maY�+, .. - I{ t'Dod,,gin it's weir than it was #n of her admirers had ever )teen'able servants, -•and yen gie them SeonX�
`... %�.' �1 c<'^rte my time thirty year since! guid peety to bring there, I wile hoe? if they arena up „
As 1 write this story, sate a centre kep a eloek and readyire the porridge)
bitter, there lies before mea piece of `the bairns! For a mair ill-tempered, Margaret tljrm°ur, her beet on the far our mither? a pray
gray India silk perhaps twelve inches I !brawn auld runt there weans m accurate: ad ustod on her hand in Kit do ye aye mind to say
square, About it is woven a web of 'braid Scotland:' honor of the occa;ron, stood P Y
angio. For sus o inions• doorstep, saying notbrg, nut, „Aye, mithai',� of course! • But body!
ram „ ,
The mystery of its origin was buried would declare, "ba cot o' the pairesh motherly I{senior
t she would say Harnifeg- three storeys, Anndowsr--wt. Smiles VVillFollow You.
with a pirate captein two centuries before I wad pit them at the mercy �y as theboy, wild with getting home' '",Kit ye never see ony tramp•,folltl laduese tarry you along
Let g
a o.sica vie-- s auld curmudgeon. I fora eon would indulge in same sur-. worse of drink up your way, do'
About the year 1725 two young pee.; I declare ye canna gang within a Sal pa,;siro. prank, " dinna vex your v„ I tubborii road to fame,
pie, husband and wife, embarked from "bath day's journey o' Pters sebu e �fnithen Iie. will be tired, lied ony- Ye";No, mither, What for do 1 And set you High among the strong
northern Ireland for America, In mid- mid -
; but ye will sea a bairn a'forgruttea ;body ever see eecan a Gallant. I seer?" There's nae tramps aboot the! Who seek a lustrous name.
ocean while the ship lay baaalmed I haudin' its hand below its oxter, an� But'itwae wish they were sill Bath -i pace, but I'll keep awe' free thorn if poop doing good item day to day,
the wifegave birth to a girl, ;the yells o' anther comm Erse .the eyed in the little .room, and the v°ray ye say so, mither, gin that will please - For fl'at's the thing to do,
ter the baby's schule itself like to tai the roof aff,�
dove Rowers seemed to turn invvar I e Hoo I mann ren half the roadLet friendliness illmne'your wat,
rareI ht eve know the This suss John Regersons opiniops. spotless
silk be Ave hundred years old. I, am glad I has nae weans, he smiling observant, benignant, as a need ye speak o sic !)sing • 1 .�..�•�• -
in I had forty h l i r among her chickens, might hear ye. And the hoof becan-
l bo
T i I wad send them"Kit, sties m every window--"
g o b r +rand- the The
The heart of Montreal Here you
ted Hot Hocatetels' hospita ItYed to ,Raetee
three dollars a day and up.
V erne'?: G. Car4V
.Manaiing Director
Direction; unif t ed Seals Com•
On the third day at
birth the -captain described through; "'Ye are a great miss in a barn,' I
his telescope, a mast -head on saidr r that?' says he;
zon. TO the voyegera rk f
to listen to their happy talk, that ln !'frac for the "Orta Man'." And erotica will follow Yaii
the hors• to Peter ymce Kit's "headtime," as he tailed 3t him-'Kexis mother asked ono other goes- d
r or ith nn anxious fa .
Whenyou can helps man in nes ,
thronging the t And what f self, arrived.
tion tv
deck there slowly appeared an ap-{glowenn at me. Then he. too from his pocket al• ""Qh" joist a kind man at a neigh-
i in 1 says I, 'for re say on like two purse which the it he extracted
"Orta Man„ had bar faun." Kit answered; "he is to Or shift his heavy Pack,'
hering vessel; she was graceful "'Xe wad do for flail and fanners meet mist fisc clachan —a ceevil man Run to his aid with losing speed
and mastsiga *ere shipalg The cepato` threshers on a sheaf, and gar the"his en ghes itncl fyo notleei. x d
of the emigrant gave orders'stout flee like a pair o' blue fanners
wages in dirty poundeatly thocht o' b• y his Meister:' And ease his aching back.
! ft cot o' Andre o'obie's f anne "l I"011narried a half-year
alf across to hire gran a I rye uidAnd think on the mind
cleannsarka Heap coals upon a fireless grate
slacken speed. Nearer and nearer now coP111 Ramos flare up anew,
drew the mysterious craft. A puff off "The dominie wadna likeneighbor at the mother with careless grace but inward stirs day, and the twa servants and place food upon an empty'PIate,
i smoke appeared. A cannon roared, warrant,'said his swelling pride. I the canaries in every window," And smiles will follow you.
and a shot flashed across the ship's' kirk door, where they were waiting "lists granny," he would say, e c Kit would go off with hes feet
i f L h
i bow. The craft was a pirate. � for the mi
The awe-stricken passengers stood' or in Then th
boric it was cons t(11 he And also, to
sad watched while the pirate ship immediately fall upon any head. o£ a time.•
a tear all the time—brat is,• not
ke beget,
to. A boat dropped from her side, andimmediately
or other responsible person First Kit became conscious of a ;pas too tar from his mother for her He shall not this forget.
down a raps ladder climbed the pirate; who would venture to take his seat roud beam look answering his n to sea whether he cried or not I1 happiness you want to 'and
U to the P y h Elder' Ae you the world
captain and his villainous crew.. n before the minister had Bonn m hes mother's face. Then the
Disler. ��heerfully, "this is to help to pay the mavirg fast in the derect an o °c It is affirmed of Nature's Plan
the parish of Saint John's 'rent" Spelland as but his face looko back
edered that lightning would a samething happened every; over his shoulder. And he never cried That like doth elgooil of man,
go through,
CHAPTER XXXIV. Goodwill bestow upon your
And smiles will follow a kind,,
and the crew of the defenceless Tepirates
vessel said G on backward well u into his gran IstT's RIVAL,
were soon in irons. The pirates pre- said Grocer Candlish; !hetes Sock her lips quiver, and she would say, was a
pared to scuttle the ship. In the course' Mac Waste ye wadna find bet sen heder re "I canna take it K. 'Deed, I canna thiotsecret of itis strain for
Marais'!' lessons kep Exalt the
o never rancour neon d content;
of his sinister work the pirate captain"mother. than be takin, it Mostly, while she, l asdthus holding to himself, and only the urgent re-, Applaud the man in his ascent
i came to the stateroom of the and
i' na the
back-shore urnip free a platatVtieteacher, Of lulls that valour know.
I Rudely entering, he heard the cry of a' except joist by the taste, and hea has it in her shaking fingers and her hands monstrances of his and the Praise him who rises from a fall,
child. His countenance swlftiy i were gripping her apron, with the wonderful surprise it would' be to Glue honor where it's due,
Ina t he can
leather at tib Latin till' glad tears 'happin' " like rabbits down' every one if ho succeeded, kept him
10b2 changed. Then, swiftly recovering ass Buher black dress and white match from telling his mother each time he Incline the ear to Duty's call,
composure, he inquired how old the . ye wad think somebody
las sweerin'' strings, Betty. Landsborough would bade her good bye. She had so little
SUM- child was and whether it was a bray or the )schen ' 1 in life to make her glad. She seemed 'And smiles will .follow you)
SUET ",� P•,lBLt?�3E FOR
der powerful oars the boat stmt across { vestry would bow his head and give silent
the intervening space. The captain ""peter has a great name for thanks. Thereafter the tears would
• , )eddies though, dmother's eyes,
oaths doon by m e c come jauntily in.
"Oh, he's a terrible weal -learned! ,"What's this, what's this?"she to have suffered for everybody elsees Rise of the Cigarette.
herd oft „ Ido- wren -doings, and to make up Kit
H.R.H. "Bimini) Bun."
lfnWever democratic a Prince may
feel, there are times when he is Weed
Up= his pedestal. Recently, at Val.
tate, fisc leading chief of the l ondo,
Fango, and Tembu tribeeetbus address-
ed the Prince of Witter.
"Great Chief, you are our earthly
god, Our )stop wilt be Happy after we
have seen your Royal Highness. We
are exeeediugly thluihcftil to see hen in
this manner—to see our father. There
is not'a single one who fells bad in Ws
heart, now we see: you, because our
god hue descended from heaven and
is now on earth."
Amid tumultuous cheering which
greeted this pronoaneemeirt, the chief
concluded, "Sun, shine on 05, oh, Sunt"
l-lencefca'th, the Prince was known
as Lauga Ltyaltanya, or "Shining Sun."
pr'i'es Henry on Babies.
•'The other evening at a dinner at the
Guildhall, Prince Mena' amused his
Mulleins by describing his recent visit
to the Infante' Heepttal,
"I learned a good deal about babies
of which ] was .1gneraut before," ho
said. "For one thing, 1 never realized
that 111011 feeding was so complicated.
I thought one gave them an occasional
beetle, and the chief object was to stop-
topthen) from howling!"
That is, possibly, the- tibia masculine
object, but, happily for the babies,
there are feminine folic with other leas
selftelr notions,
Very Much Spotted.
That famous sportsw•e uari, the
Duchess of Somerset, who in company
with her husband has shot big game
in various parts of the world, dearly
loves a good story, especially if it has
a sporting flavor.
One of her favorites concerns a go -
as -you please race between a stout
gentleman and a leopard.
Two ducky Natives watched the race
with obvious interest.
"Can you spot the winner?" asked
one of them: excitedly.
"The winner is spotted;" replied the
It Bounded Too Fanciful.
A quaint story concerning George .
13ernnrd Shaw was told by a friend of
'l'he famous playwright was d.escrib•--} ,
big to some children, in their ueother'e
reliance, how it happened that a ter
MER DAYS. a girl,
have you given her a name?" he crafter the marster, said the would y r Never mair srLer! g Cigarettes were practically unknown i P
qtr blouse is being much asked, j Knocltman, a lull farm at the root ee dare a main rob the bank, Faith, wanted to give her all the joy he could.
The pease said she had Cairnsmore• I hear he's gaup to ye micht spare a note or boo for me But the "'Orin Man" represented to in England until attar the middle.of i lain pet oat In became a its mistress' "dohs
favored for wear with sports skirts. The mother, trembling, s !send Jock fort'! for the next Gallows Ito buy mea .new goon, Kit—me that him what it would be when they saw) last century: Among the nose to use
;Pewter," or, in other words; the l
! th a ors ft"" Prince of Wales, after - that one places against a door to keep
it open,
"The lady's bobby;" veld G.B.S., "was
White crepe -de -chine develops one of not, •Bursary His faither is to mak as aye been sae fond o' ye!" !his name in e P p Ewas
the dainty modes pictured above, permit me to name her and promise ;mster cot o' him, I hear. wee, I For Betty Landaborough thought; And then Soak brae Walter --and ward tlnerd VII,
>4I welter's mother)
with bands of embroidery yin bright to retain that name and I will release' hae
seen moray queer-loolan and un -
that there had been enough of the joy Jock ac
colors bin -ming the long sleeves and your captain and crew and leave your faceable ministers, but gin theyamak', t brings down the tear, and with) Kit could not forego that'rev lien Ii liy—"Mom, I don't see why the, plaster modeling. One day she lets
colo sag
center front. The neck is cut low and ship unharmed," yin cot o' that les is n I it say i„ her rustic outspokenness, which in and what he suffered
a ase as great a peltafactor toads go to the trouble of a olden' all, dish s containing liquid plaster on her
a narrow band of the crepe -de -chine The woman quickly promised. the day o' that a is t, bygone i y .gHover sit on 'em.' !'able, and returned to lied her cat
at the neck. •'1 name her Ocean Mary;' said the "'And what s the matter wt' Jock' wits h gate passedghtvery well forcdehis ice was perhaps •lapping upthe last of what it no doubt
hoIds the gathers in placeins?"' said Grocer Candlish; "he's a wit, she soon brought the smiSes back!acquisitionroff knowledge rkasa>edery these stools—they pp g
Printed crepe fashions the modal with pirate, aced h'a'res) ceevil lad and sideral at his les -again to all the faces. Esau squandered his }..irthrigh#. and regarded as a new kind of milk. Later,
short s:2e:es, which are finished with Then he left her cabin, tele i Ah, simple moods of simple folk, thing else put together.
o opens at• rs and ordered his men to the sons."moon lime For Mistress Mac bankrupted himself in the Bank 'oP lan-
er, as plaster wilat sat l set. The •eaftey the fire, the nthe
a turn -back cuts. The blouse prisons k across' "What's the maitter we' him—a ;humor broad as the harvest pathos it into" Kit afterherWfashionalter . "rubbed Life.
b ower snxi es in the Septerdber sky, p
h f of rmed him athou.and t#roes that
the centre front beneath a band trim-
med with leettons, and a boyish collar
finishes the neck. Sizes 16, 18 and 20
years. Size 18 years requires 23f
yards of e6 -inch, or 2% yards of 40 -
inch material. Price 20 cents: raft—ye are prec ons y
Our Fashion Book, illustrating the of everyone's adoration. On the third and he or " me but perhaps over -common ford ;«
newest :fed most practical sty"' -es, will day the mast of the pidate ship again' and greets when he gets a cuin ff, and many others! Your manifestations, Taking and Retaking a Ship.
be of interest to every horns dress rose on the acrossizon. thewets stn a cannon tells and a boat' the mailes on the rest to stie -when Oh, I hoe been
be aboot the
ma} be unrefined, your words are' gf
maker. Price of the book 10 cents the tclachan.dYe utak I've minister 0' b»hi often coarse, but the sin and the pain The London Graphic in a reminis•'
copy, Each copy includes one wnpon! was lowered. This time the pirate; grace " and the pardon ye recent are those: cent article c8ncerning the war tells of
good for five cents in the purchase of captain came aboard alone, eke!'will aloe, for the ace o God is al -:,which each recurring generation )las' a British collier that was going to
any pattern. But thee rt should be push- first th Wall of Edenj
boat. They rowed slowly acfar , of the worlung field and kite en, o . i a s
the water and went aboard the ship. ! ceevel Gallant, says you.Ave,Ape
ared over the horizon. ceevil. I wad like to see him scoorin :the home returning feet, the labor- Jahn was to be aminister,o bn ouiand tworkehat r:
Soon It disappeared the hits lichtfit like a wild goat, bare -weary body, the ageing face, the un-, Kit Kennedy,
Three days passed—days filled with the
and bareleggit, Boy Gallants are ageing heart—with the love so retic-' about a farm, who might indeed rise
thanksgiving t the Providential es-, best steerin' But yon laddie, he creeps ently shut within mostly, so suddenly to handle,a plough; but who could not
t t the desk h the clouds be trusted with a printed boost,
cape. Ocean Mary became the object to the schule, and
f a its a the
ldesk,'resealed some day when
Tp be continued.)
i ever whit to' (
Write your name and address plain-
ly, giving number and size of such
patterns as you want. Enclose 20c in
Stamps or coin (cone preferred;
tinder his arm he carrieda pa michty. u eo and lists known since a when war was imminent.
To the captain he said, "I sow come send when they're young, 1 was broken down, and man set to earn Hamburg
on a peaceful errand. Take me to the my thocht dt!" * ;his daily bread in the sweat of his The Germans were counting cm her
cabin of Ocean Mary." Descending, he; brow. I coming in with coal for one of their
entered and laid his parcel on the bed.; Every, three months
shKit of alittle, Then when Kit stood beside his men•af•wnr. The captain was nvorso
"I leave this gift for the child. It is off, and we andmather, and Lilies still had that' to sa❑ing, but the owner, who was to
see those whom lee ranfe to peon gher face, w th a� get a high s1 ice for the coal urged • __
a web of India silk for her trousseauhouseeft behind. oBy the care of Betty g h{ to go: So he sailed, and at the
fn]ly) for each number, and when she marries. I bid You farewell. ! Landaborough (0r some one of her
would rise to his fest
d river mouth a Gorman pilot came on I _
,lady, combining economy with affec-
tion, employed her petrified pet to
keep open the door on warm slimmer
0 C1 0 At this paint the mother interrupted.
it "Mr. Shaw," she Bald gravely, "i be-
lieve you are telling those children
Tho world's best
hair tint. Will re-
store gra}tehair to itsnatural
color in to minutes. •
small size, $130 by - man
Double size, $6,60 by mall
'The W T. in
Peteer Stores
Lim129 Vonge 8t. Toronto
Ndress your order to Pettern Dept.,
ilson Publishing Co., 18 West Ade-
laide St„ Toronto. Patterns sent by
return mail.
He passed through a mule throng to 1 many admirers) it was alwa ss abs rat' ''fit us pray!" I can hear him say.
his boat. A tow minutes later a gun when Walter Mac Waster wa Then all rose as they did when the board.
boomed a parting salute, and not long' on some of the mysterious business
afterwards minister came to visit. At the Book On taking charge of the ship he
the pirate vessel vanished. I which about this time more and more night and morning theykneeled. But said: "Now this Is German property;
Another month Passed, and the egibtbegan to occupy him. Lilies came over now they stood. For iwas a family war began yesterday."
1courtyard and closed doors, and thanksgiving, and with a hand laid " ..Die ill" exclaimed the captain,
a rot- grant ship dropped.The anchor inMassa- I growno, courtyard
on her way the i,gded on the boy's shoulder the Ruling Elder ,,Then take that And he downed the
The Ileal Gardener—"That's chuaotts Bay. The young settlers fin i meriling wistfully the barites prayed that the blessing of thea
n yob. Where did you learn how to !ally made their home in Londonderry, i vreiindows of the late Yarm of BlackIenben] Father might rest on this pilot with a tearful bang en the head
Now Aamp;hire. At the age of twenty; Dornal; then, sighing a little she y with his telescope. I
•f tad who had no father on the earth,�Then he turned the ship round anal
frim a hedge?"
lila Assistant, --"1 toot a course in
the barber's school,"
Toll of Death From Vesuvius.
In seventy-five years, Nola 1753 to.
067, Naples lost about 11400 Inhabit.
Orta by the volcanic eruptions of Ver
A Sweet Breath
at alt times
Ocena Mary married, and her wedding, creased the high backed budge and that he who honored his forbears;
dress was of India silk. Mother of Crae beneath which the water for and obeyed the voice of his mother, with his German Prfao>Ser on board
many children, she lived to an ad- ever rustles brown and cool, striving] mi ht receive tenfold the blessing of steamed oft for England as hard'as he i
vanced ago. The wedding dress pass - loath the green leaves and the jubilant. the .commandment with promise. , t•oeld steam.
d as a cherished heirloom from one birds which shall have the mead of This was the time when Kit felt the .....En:
sweetest melody !tears flood up from his otvil heart to, 1
Thain at the end of the little walk, his eyes.His mother cable nearer to' Reindeer for Daughters,
which leads to the left among the him; he bent his head on her' brgaat, In Lapland, when a daughter is born,
trees to the cottage in the woods of `Somehow the roof of the humble sot, her. father presents her with a Lein -i
Orae" Kit would ftmg hale cry
into his,
`hnent off, and they seemed to be stand -1 deer. deer. The progeny of tits animal is'
mother's arms with a little cry o£ joy.•
ing it a large place of shining beauty,,• h i• only Fortune.
generation to another and was finally
divided and distributed among surviv-
ing heirs. Qna largo section 1s now
in poasesslQn of the Mack family of
Londonderry, I fiord heard the story
of Opeaa Mary while seated before the' I nm.
blazing hearth of the Meek home - "Oh mither—mither! But
that glad to •see you' las indeed well they might. For the o
Interest in It was rewarded. And each time be would search her: cottage in the Crae wood had become
stead. MY e if ' it had grown more
A email piece of the India silk lies be- face to sed her abundant hair
fore me. ideal,
Best of All Trees,
The date palm is said to be more silly t ccause he knew that the Oi ra .derie for the simpering of the horse,
vaivaltle to man than any other tree.'an" would ask him an many q•uos and besides he had trysted with the
Beautiful ae an ornament, it is a era*: i tions about them all, but especr••illy „Orta Man" to meet to the smiddy
to girt trames the boa es beat 01 tile l about his mc"tlande icen he and theback Blackin St. John's Town. With sad, relue-
desert oases. its loaves are into
in Ila Toch ape= 1tent rout Lilies must return to Kirk
to carpets, its fibre is made into string,, Sheds. Oswald to feed on the joy she had ex -
thread, tepee and clothing. Be more! Then in gallant procession they arend and to await that which
would return to the cottage, Kit lead-; pt'
amid wood makes shelter as a dwell-;
ing his mother, looking radiant and; shouhi `'ct be. She lived chiefly be-
ing• Iia juice is a wonderful drink {almost girlish, the weary broken la til cause sertheseno f°rgettm'ts of h't.hsonBonk,
and its fruit f the nivel nue worng An the moment quite taken away Y, Kit?" his grandfather would oak,
s h
sen • r Bible. malefactors,Aab fruit 1n ell the world. An i eu excitement of hert meaning the reading of his b .
entire Arai' family can live on a largo, buthe .find' of her mother's "Aird' your prayers?" hes metier
bustling welcome and her 'father s, p
would add.
stiller joy. Andy' are ke pin' cot o' a' had
For early in the tiftpreoou the Llrl _r': company?'' This i'icrm his grand -
himself would come up the green walk comp r•y
between the pino woods carrying his "And you are n i =kin' loveto ouy
trent perhaps than toolsofayyo, little tt more, o' he up -country :asses?" Would he
whiter of hair, but with all the old Betty I,itnci le• oueh'a contribution:
serenity of eye, tho same . straight-; "mind that ti are tasted to rat 1
forwardness of regard, the placid lip,terThiit Yt1(,ti liould gland cfor
uralor rrst-
the firm chin, the noble cliff -like brow, i self so. bravely at parting, that i him -
At the same place each time, and ; self ti be tl every fat'. His tri it +r
eyor with fresh" apparent surprise on, usually walked a little way with him
hie grandfathers part, lttt would leapi
After eating, or smoking
Wrigley's freshens the mous
and sweetens the breath.
Nerves are soothed, throat Is
refresh/4 and dt4estint. aided.
So airy to carry a tittle paeltett
an antechamber of the court o
Heaven, and the Elder's petitions the For tilts! Alti te0nard`a Liniment. I�
See That This Label
on Your Fox Wire
"Prince Edward" Brand 1pngileh i
Fox Wire --recognized rou has
above label on every
given more than tottrteea years
of perfect service on pioneer
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"There's a reason."
Write or wire for free sample
and prices.. Summhrsldo
HOLP�1Pr.N S P. E, Island
Ontario Sales Agent
for bridge between the. poor human facts .._---- —•--- _.
had _ -•_- _...�..,
d to'1 out as If he
grey threes p01 and the lofty human i ea -------
been her lover. And partly it o ns the
anxious joy of n son's affection, and � Soon, all t°° soon, it was time to go.
Itit must be back at Loch Spelitn-'
single tree.
' Dogwood owes its name to its siliI-
larlty of setiliil and waling to gag -
wood, a sbprten°rlr torp' of dagger -
woods so ca11g4 because it eves former-
ly liege to melte daggers or sticks to
hold ttol;othsr moat roasted over au
Fafter et,er_y v;eal,` of , open fire, _
PISU No, 29—�26. y r Minard'e Liniment for Baokacho.
§ ("Eiji L -IL
Who Owns the North Pole?
Tho North Pole has been much in
1 the news lately but few people know
that it may be regarded as part of the
British Empire.
During a discussion in the Federal
Parliament recently, Mr. Stewart, Min-
,lstar of the Interior, expressed the
view that the whole Northern Archi-
pelago belonged to Canada. Referring
to a proposal that parties going into
the hinterland of the North-West Ter -
1 the
' rltories must obtain a permit Yrom "
1 Canadian Government, he said:
11 "We are getting after men who go
` in, presumably tor exploration pur-
poses, but possibly there may arise a
question of sovereignty over some is-
land that they may discover in the
northern portion of Canada, and we
claim all that portion."
Asked whether Canada claimed right
up to the North Pole, Mr. Stewart re-
t plied, "'Yes." .
Why the Seaside's Healthy.
Why dons a visit to the seaside tone
us up so thoroughly? The 80010 s tell
us 1t 1s because there is iodine in the
sea, and the spray from the waves is
full of it, Bo, with every breath of air
s the telco, we absorb - some precious
'• ,d;. fa. S o.
Z/ltll Want One r jour OWL M'tchen
� t.. Yon 'youf° J
very feel of It will make•yo
l tt w
ant to own he
corns to bo just right. T
1 a
e. • It balaneee so nicely, ii
l ede y beadle is rield and does not tip around like a hinged
lr handle. That Dream sir slit"pintt, scalded hands or
ncridcnts. See how You fall it? You lift the hinged 9
lid ane' can fill it right wider the tap or by dipper 1
i beezuse the opening fa at the side, not the centre. l
n more
1 amain
i •data
ltttt C
C JC ",T
GC. 4
,runt 1 U
;. stn"
aihhaa {Ito std h.:tuoaeci 1.Otle.
The importance of lediee is now be-
ing preached by the doctors. To enc
1phasiso their contention that it is
necessary to fitness, they point to the '
leyVe s, ryelet's,, where
lake!! from the air before it reaches
them. " Such people become weak and
undersized. -
Suggestions made recently for ar-
t ing us all more iodine •include the
iodising of the water Supply. Mean•'
while, iodised salt, chocolate, and but-
telt have been placed" on the ' V
market, -
Doth Ways.
First Prlsonnr—"1 was jailed for
driving while letoetleated and running
into a pedestrian. What ere you In
Second Prlsonen••-"Defog a pedes -
elan while•lhtoxloated"