The Brussels Post, 1924-11-19, Page 5DIMNESS CARDS
1brFo' lrPal aNT,IN419
} D, M, $OOrr
.r.v1aisJfP'rlale at PPtri,r`a°,%'IJdlplr'"as9
For references eoi,aalt any person W11000 aatoo
I ltay0 ollictated at. Phone fax or 65
sliff'P:1'l ldY47,f'JNtai
If yes Want results get
. Licensed Anationeer for Sateen County, to
handle your dales, 4 years experience to the
Weal, °allphono5817
rdonor graduate of rho Ontario Veterinary
College, Day and night molls; Oflioempposiso
Flour ;Mill, Abel,
Graduate Department or ppbthalmology, Mo,
Uormiok Medfoal Uollego, Chicago, 111. Throe
months post graduate co Urea during seat fang.
Eyes soientlfloally examined, •::a:
Latest Modorn Methods used.
I.s'Uroas Myna straightened through proper.
ly fitted Lenses.
Satisfaction. Assured.
Office tours : 15 to 14 at, to, • 1.50 to a p. tn,
Battntday evening, 7.30 tog o'clock.
Phone 26a
al4A04' . /a$.It?
Fire, Automobile and Wind Ins.
For Brussels and vicinity Phone 647
Agent Howick Mutual Fire Insurance Company
1 Also
Hartford Windstorm and Tornado Insurance
Phone 43 Bax 1 Turuberry,Street, Brussels
T. T. M' RAE
M. B., M. C. P.. d} 0 O.
hi, 0. a., Village or Br uasola.
Physician, Surgeon, Accouako•i
Ofiicaut realdenoe, opposite Linty Ills Church
William street.
011. a§clJIPCJw n,
z,W, :;:,µ 4,,,, ml,'1^✓,J tga ort ;
9 Cor. Yonge and Alexander Sts, Toronto
I) Noted far h'gh grnle Instruction and
superior employment aervlae. Molly
itstudents how other Bnslnese Genera,
d have been in artentlance here during
Jh the past twelve months. linter any
Moo. a rite for catalogue.
Staoi�al oaler'aWneeisa ;ma MennA'g`ynoct nee
?fAtRar lgs7 gi.Ritie 7 reeine A.i
prepares youngmen and ,young women P<
ror Business which Is now Cannda'a P1
.- greatart pro[esulon Wo haslet grade -
h stat to training tons and they bass n ptno-
q- tient training which enables that to
meet with lucre . Students aro reg.
!stored s anoh. week. met our. tree oat•
aloene and eprteabout our
�. different deportment-.
tie D. A. M' LAOHLAN. •PRIN.
-!••t••t,•i,•..... t"F•N4•d••t•4"F•Fd'•Fi....•4't
... N S*+
hest market rte
+ paid.
+S' n
See roe or Phone No. 2x, Bros -
i' eels, and I, will call and get
4. your Poultry.
I M. Yoll.ick
Thursday, Dec. 4th, 1924
Thursday, Jan. 08th, 1925
Thursday, Feb. 5th, 1925
Thursday, Mar. 5th, 1925
Thursday, April 2nd, 1925
Leading Local and Outside Buyers will
be Preaent.
13y Order .o(' Council,
Safes ermelr'ry, Ht8Heft 1 'wneliip,
has been exit:tided by the purchase of
extra hand.
Prank Levis, St. Helens, died at this
\V i,,gliam Ituepiertl fnUnwing 1181 mer -
alien. He was in hie 19th year.
At 00 time in the history Of the •
Baking Industry has It been
more generally appreciated that
is the great essential in building '
up 5strong, healthy body, You
can have "Quality Bread" by
Willis' Bread
Phone 32X
rural liebu e ,
Giro ready for Winter.
One Pos' gives the, news, •
Trig long dry spell has been broken.
'roe Royal Show at Toronto has the
CLEARthe track for the Christmas
trade. '
• Laws have abbreviated very notice
Mom MARION FoRlunrWAS renewing
old friendships In Klien: dine.
Sonia Alwers were picked last week
quite Immune from frost.
Winton apples were a poor crop this
year 811oun0 this section as a rule.
HURON Co. Council will meet in God•
erect Cuesday. December and, at 3
A new verandah at the borne of Mrs.
Wm. Robinson, Queen street, las much
unproved her Rhum-. .
Miss JEANET McVirrrie and Will. Mc-
Dowell, students at London Normal
School, wete borne toe the holiday.
AUCTION Sale bills printed on short
notice at Tug FoeT and Auctioneer ar-
ranged tor when the request is made.
'Pee Sebool Board has been having the
windows of the school build ing tighten-
ed up by the . application of weather
Tax POST issorry to state that Miss
Berths Parr has not been enjoying good
health of late but we wish her favorable
FRED Woon, Cbatham, nndere/erg au
operation but has sufficiently recovered
to return to, his home. Old friends, here
trust be will soon be o. k.
THUasIAV evening there was a little
furry of snow, sleet and rain, a forerun
ner of what may be expected at this sea-
son of the year. The moisture was bad•
ly required.
Guaale paper speaks as follows of a
well known Brusselite referring to a
Concert given there: —"Mrs, Parker,
of Brussels, delighted everyone with her
humorous read Ings." That's a fashion
she has and she taut help it.
GOOD for Acton I This tidy town has
passed a By -Law prohibiting the throw-
iug of • waste paper or other
refuse on the public streets. Recept-
acles have been provided and penalties
enacted for violators, Here's a lesson
for Brussels.
Wrong visiting at the home of 0, E.
end Mrs. Walker, 6th line, Morris. last
week,'1'.E. Whitfield and Mrs. Whit d were
thron out of their buggy and received
some severe bruises and cuts. Fortun-
ately no bones were broken and their
numerous friends hope they will soon be
as hearty. as ever,
Hoe= FAIas: Monthly Horse Fair o1
this season will be held in Brussels on
Thursday, December 41h, and each suc-
cessive month till Spring,ring, Phis is as
old order of affairs in town and a large
amount of business has been [ralisacted
in the part: List of coming Fairs may
be read on page 5 of this issue.
'NUMBER of prisoners in jails of Ont-
ario have so reduced under the O. T. A,
that frequently they are without in-
mates and in a number
of instances nst aces at-
tempts have been made to make o e
jail do for several eountiee. Walkerton
has the boarding ° figures down fine,
o4 cents per day being We average cost.
Of course roast turkey, plum pudding
and ice cream are not always on the but
of fare but a good meal is provided nev-
DIed at Hos 'Pittat—JasFlanagan," of
Dublin, died Nov. 71h, while uder
treatment in St. Joseph's Hospital,
London. For some time Mr. Mulligan
was afflicted with what was thought
to be rheumatism. He. was a young
man not yet 30 years of age and
loaves young widow, whom he married
a year ago; a mother; 3 botuers, John n
!Dublin; Thomas,�uc.e amtri end
Joseph, McKielap Township; and! 3
sisters, Mrs. Joseph O'Rourke, Mrs.
Joseph Murray and Mrs. Fnank O'Reilly
all of Mcl'VHop Township, Funeral
waseeteld on Monday morning :et St,
Columban Roman Catholic Church,
with interment at St, Columban
Following is the report of S. S. No.
6, Grey for the mantas of September
and Ootobert—Sr. IV—,Evelyn. Steph-
enson 85; Orwell Elliott 79; Alex.
Pearson 76' Jr, IV-4Mildwed Hoy 77;
Charlie Keifer 74;Margaret Ooake 73.
Sr. 111—'Roy Pearson 77; Vincent Row-
land 71; Hazel Raynaud 65. Jr, 111 --
Serve Parr 74; Ralph Keller 63; John
CcneleW 52. Seemed—George Liitiate
831 VJola Turnbull 76; Bent Rowland
73 Normal Stephenson 68; Laura
R.ayuard 66; Bea Parr 62; Ralph Jlear-
sou 61. First — Excellent: Margaret
Pearson, Helen Rowland. Palter "--
ONE 59
13200011011t1 Ina T1lrnbull; Gorge iloy;
Ceonge Peareen; good; Hugh Pearson;
ROSS Stephenson; 'fair; Fred Keifer,
Miss Rireg MdLelland, ;salter.
bchooll Reporlt—•The 7 it:Wing as
elle repent of S. S. No. 9, for ,the
mouths of Septcnnbee and October,
The mines are In order of merit, Those.
marked with on AsItedok. mlbssed exam-
;nations:• --Sr, 1V --•Tena Dennis 78%;
etessie Dennis 78; Ida Puirdite 631
*John Muton 41, Sr. 111—'Ross Tel -
bot 86%. Willie M Pherson 8S; ,Arnie
M 9814h0l 69; hart 001ton 66; **Fred
d.eon'hardt 49. Jr, 111—Prank Dundas
71%; Della Thorndon 65; Duncan Mc.
Nichol 60, Sr. Ji— Elite McPherson
89%; Carl Leonhard' 7'7, ' Jr, it ---
liveliyn McPherson 80%r Rdes MC -
1414101 66; Chorale Munn 51, Sr, 1--•
A'rdelle Jlrodmiageu 74%. Jr, 1 —
;.aura. Bfodhagon 70%. Sr. Pr.—Lorne
McNichol; Agnes Dundas; Kenneth
7lhornion; Nelsoir'Brodh'agen. Jr, Pr:
--+Bobby Holden, Edna L,, Reid,
Goderioh has 557,500, i1nvested in
Government bonds.
Benaniiler Consolidated School voted
for dissolution by 109 to 57.
Godericth HeighSdhoeat Bawd has
decided to remain a Collegiate.
Ripe strawberries were ;pecked Jn
Oolborne townshrrp on Nov. 4thr
A oaleinet., of silver was ptesa;lted
to Town Clerk Knox- and bride,
Jack Purvis was nolpineted est a^
,candidate for the Boys' P'arl'iament
for Norith Huron.
D. E. Holmes has •tendered his resi-
gnPitioe as town Councillor. He lies
heen appoinaed'town Soli,cbtor,
In the recent U. S. electtons Frank
Toni, broither to Inspector Tom, town
was elected Republican candidate. He
lives at Toledo.
At the annull meeting` of the Co.
Ohild'ren's Abd J. J. Kelso, Toronto,
gave an address. 'Old officers were re-
elected. Good.reparts were given.
Mrs. John Vine, London, spent with her, mother' Mrs.
C. Collins.
Miss Alice Booth and Mr. Murray,
London, spent Thanksgiving 2.t.'the
,home of Will Johnston.
Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Brocyn•, Wroxeter
spent Thanksgiving with Rev. Dr. and
Mrs. Brown at the parsonage.
Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Brown were in-
vited guests With R. S. 'and Mrs.
Iiamelton' Gerrie, on Armistice Day.
Tuesday evening 'program' of, last
'week of the Young. People's League
took the form of a Thanksigiving ser-
vice in which a goodly number took
A two weeks campaign of special
evanlgelisti'c services commenced Sun-
day, -Nov. 16, in the Metthodist church.
Services on Sunday were. at 11 a. m.
and 7.30 p.m. and during the week
evenings 'at 8 o'clock. Rev. Dr. Bar-
ton, 'Foronto, evangelist, will be the
'Clinton Military Company was in-
ts,pected by Brig. -Gen. King.
Messrs. Stothers and McMurray at -
.tended the Go. Fairs' Association
meeting at'Brussels. -
A number of Masons paid a visit to
Brussels Lodge lest week. .
The •mother of C. E. Dowding, for-
merly of Clinton, died at MJlbrook.
The 5-year-o']d son of W. and Mrs.
McIlveen had his left arm crushed by
a heavy stone.
Col -J. A. Cooper, Toronto, was
elected President of the University
Alumni Association _
Dr. and Mrs.. Struthers have sailed
from Vancouver for Ohina to resume
tach Missionary labors.
Corner building of Albert and Rat-
tenburry streets has been bought by
Public Vtiltties Gommi'ssiont
Dr. Shaw \vas called tq Beustsels
last week .n consultation over the ill-
ness 'of his cousins Jack Shaw, tvho
died later of infantile paralysis. He
was 16 years of age.
(Intended for heist Week)
MTS. D. Geddes and Mrs. .Procf
were delegates to'tUre W. 1. Convention
at 'London last week and ,report a good
Delegates wil'1 be chosen to attend
the .District institute to be held In
Melville church, 'Brussels, Wednesday
of next week.
Rev. Iver. Langford, Lucknow, •took
elle service in the Anglican ohurca on
Sunday last, Rev. W. 13. Hawkins
preaching Harvest Thanksiglwfng ser -
Sermons et Lucknow and St. Helens.
Address ,and •P,efes.autation--T'trur5-
day evening, 6th lust., the members
ofeBrick Gh.urea, East Wawanosh, mrt
attire hone of Wilfred end Mrs. Reid
and surprised Rev. Mr. Moores end
beidef a few w\veeks,with an address
read by Mr. Reid and a sum of money
presented by Jno. Beecroft. Add•ess
was as follows:
Dear Mr. anti Mrs. Moores:
We, ,the members sand) aktlrerents of
Brick 'Chutell (your parishioners) ,have
gathered :here this evening to spend an
dour in .ocraJ intercourse'end 60 ex••'
press to•you in part our well Cellos
for future success and our determine
tion to co-operate with you in the
work a of God and the Church. We
would ask you to accept this small
,gliif,t as an expre4siata Of our good
wishes and ,05sttre you eke, though.
•tardy; they are none the less sincere.
We hope and pray that you Will never
have cause to regret your stay amongst
us, and Hetet God \vili bless your every
effort and particularly His work to our
midst this year. Signed by Committee
Blithe Weaker, J!no. Beecroft.'
Brick Church, Oot. 30, 1924.
Mr. Moores made a very sulettble
reply . expressing 'his own anis Mrs.
Moores thanks for, elle gift and also
the spirit of the congregation. He
said his people were amongst She very
finsit in the world, ,the early trouble
wad 'that there Were nott enough of
them However, he hoped that they
would work bogelllner With him, and
both be and Mrs. Moores Were deter -
Mined to serve to the Very best of
,ability. A dainty iunnet Was sat -
Years of Constipation Ended
By aft-a-tivesn
The Wonderful Fruit 'Medicine
Anyone wit() suffers with miserable
health; who is tortured with Heed.
aches; anis who is warble to get any
real pleasure out 0f life; will be
interested in this letter of Mrs..
Martha de Wolfe of East Ship
Harbor, N.S.
Mrs. 'de Wolfe says, "For years.I
wase dreadful sufferer front Constipa-
tion and headaches and I was miser.
Ale in every way. Nothing in the way
of medicine seemed to help me,
Then Tided "lrruit•a•tives"and the
effect was splendid; and after tatting
only one box, I was, oompietely
relieved and now feel like a new
a box, 6 for $2.60, trial size 26o.
At dealers or from Fruit.a-tvee
Limited, Ottawa,1Ont.
ved by the ladles after Aker a pleas.
ant evening was brougaut to a 'close
by all joining hands and singing "Auld
Lang Syne." ,
We understand that Rev. A. E. C.
Pentland, who .supplied • on Belgrave
'circuit last year, 'hos gene: to the
United States and accepted a good
charge In Illinois. He will travel alone
no longer as Mrs. Pentland, in the
person of one of WJngluam's fair dau-
ghlte"rs, will grace the 'parsonage, Wo
congratulate and wish the beet suocess
In the new role assumed.
Woman's lnstiute 'hear as very suc-
cessful Fowl
uccessfulFowl Supper and social even-
Ing on Friday, Nov. titer in the forest-
er's Hall. This has been an annual
event looked 'forward to with much
pleasure by the members and their
families The tables were prettily
decorated, `Behind a Fairy has touclh-
ed them" was the impressiones one
.glanced at them in their daintiness,
laden with every tih'bog good to eat:
After supper a pleasant hour' was
spent in games and social chat. R.
Proctor was then inNeted 10 the chair
and called on the different numbers.
Mrs. D. Geddes and Mrs. H. Wheeler
.presided at the plailo and led off with
community singling, followed by solos,
readings Speeches and instrumentals.
Mesdames Geddes and Proctor gave as
,amusing and Interesting account of
their trip to London W. 1. Gonveeti'nl.
A 'Nappy evening was 'brought to a
close by singing "God Save the King."
The ladies ware oongratulated-on the
success of their At Home, .011 feeling
ft was good to be there.,
Several days ago James Showers.
who lives one-half mile out of town,
was considerably surprised when he
went out to bis' barn to find a large
deer a short distance nff standing in
the Held. Showers had no gun with
him and before he ooald procure one
the deer had disappeared. It is sup-
posed that the deer was driven out of
Greenock swamp,
Mr. end ells Birr thanked the
friends for their kindness and the com-
pany sang,.
om-pally-sang,' "We're all jnlly good fel-
lows," Dancing and amusements fol-
lowed till the wee hours of the scorn-
the evening of November 7111 a com-
pany of eOpie on the Sed line and vi-
cinity, asembled at the home of Aug-
ust avid firs. Birr, the he latter being
probably tette; known as Mrs, Chart -
ere, to congratulate them on their re-
cenlmarriage and matke It presentation,
Address was read by Charlie Sellers
and Thos. Warwick and Joe. Henry
Sellars presented the gifts..
your friends and neighbnues, havens
Rambled Isere this evening
g to wish
you much joyandprosperity
ae ou
embark upon your w
sphere of life.
Dnriug your sojourn among us we
have found you neighbors of the
right spirit, ever ready to lend a help-
ing hand. We will greasy alias your
cheerfulness and frequent hospitality
'whieb ou many occasions ynu have
demonstr ted to us
a Asa slight tok-
en of the esteem in which you are held
in this locality, we .taco present ;Vire.
"Bierwith this roasting pan and Mr.
Birt' this shaving set.
6Ti1 ow NOVEMBER, —Guy Fawkes'
Day ons commemorated by Hosterll
Star Lodge, No, 406. of, Ethel, by a
Concert and Box Social. Programme
iated of loom -norm readings
Neil McDonald, Iiinemdine vocal
and instrumental duets by Mise Ma -
Call and 7,1*. Battenberg, 138 besets ;
eolb's by Mt', Ourrie anti" Archie Bat.
lentyine. Mark's Orchestra, Trow-
bridge, assisted with illogical numbers.
Geo. Spotton, Wingham, gave le very
Nal motive address nu the good work
bone by the L. 'P 13 A Lodgem, in
supporting; Ohildren's• }lollies at Rich-
mond 11111 and other glares. 1Ie 19 a
vely forceful speaker and becks up
his aigumeties by (nets and figures
Ethel people will be glad to welcome
kilns back at any time. O'ril Bate-
man gave a splendid historical sketch
on;Guy Fawkes' Day, H, Richmond
was chairman and delighted the audi-
ence with his wit and lamina He
was also the auctioneer.. There was
a great variety of decorated boxes
crud Judges hada d'Been' t task picking
the vvinner but finally decided on Mitis
Irene Finmiltou'e box owing, to its or.
1 �11, 3,, ,c.:IriVla o ', { 1 iil,lll
The t
b. 1
baniti:y liit,°`Ja...ri :"5
Iginelity, . The prize was a Frwiell le-
ery 14enleure travelling cash, ata' tirl
Tam Mon, the highest .bidder, was .a-
•ward+dellepI'ize of a set of ehorly
Milne, yy ,;rushes in leather ogee.
J?r'oeeette were over 118000.
News of the death of toss Amy
O'Dell, who for elniel 2 yearn had been
aasoeiated with tlie (doff of the Sea,
; forth Collegiate Inetlture se teacher of
hietnt'y awl English, whieb oecurted
at tier home near Ingersoll, ocoaeloried
tepee among the pul 1i1e and fawns.
people. 6?iss O'Dell, who was ouiYer.
lug from 11 severe cold, returned to
her dome 2 weeks ago. Pneurnorlia
afterwards developed and iu spite of
the best medical care she passed away
at the age of about 28 yenta, She wee
a member of the Methodist Ohuteh,
W. G. Hpevicer, principal of Seaforth
Oollegiste we et to Ingersoll to attend
the funeral,
The Tuxis Square has reorganized,'
P Anniversary set vices In Baptist
church m1 the 80th inst,
Listowel Temperance organization
Intends to loyally back up the Tem-
perance cause,
Mies Marjory Von Zubsn has cont•
plated her training as e. nurse at Port
Huron Hospital.
Hugh Tipping is deceased In his 74th
year. He had been in failing health
for eorne years, Mrs. Tipping and 2
daughters survive,
Listowel continues to hold the
Hough Cup, The boys won 6 .out of
0 games 48ld tied in one game. They
scored 19 goals in all. In addition to
their. other honors Mitchell reprobates
treated them to aged -here fruit,
. Atwood
Rev, B. Snell attended District me-
eting at Fullerton,
Last Sunday Rev. Dr, Perris, Wing-
ham, preached in the Presbyterian
church here,
Orville Struthers, Ledger Keeper
in the Hank of Omornet'ce, has been
promoted to Chesley.
$25 was donated to the Co.. Chil-
dren's Shelter, Sh'atford, from the
lslemorial service held here.
Geo, Ellacott's . faran buildings ted
a close call front fire from the 11,t'eeh
ing engine, a spark igni tins; chaff.
In proud,andloving memory of the
unseturnirig brave of Enna township
who pairs the supreme sacrifice in the
(creat' War, J. Peachey, a returned
vetern who suffered the amputation of
one lee as a result of Cha. carnage, laid
a cureatl1 al, the base of the War'
MMelo ri 11 of the tow1151115), which
standsj,p Atwood. dui ing the Armia-
Lice DeTsei vies here. The speakers fur
the reversion were Rev. F. W. Gil-
mour, Presbyterial nllnieter here,
who presided, and Rev. H Paull,
rector of the Chiu ch of England.
There was aelarge concourse of people
present, including the public school
children, who attended in a body.
Matriannu'ial—A quiet wedding was
solemnized et elle home of Elder Wil-
lianl\ H. Gret, of the Mitchell Letter
Day Saints' church, on Nov. int, when
Miss Myrtle Geneva Stimore, of, Mc-
Killop Township, became the bride of
Earl Andrew Meehan, sod of Andrew
and Mrs. Machan, Grey Township. Ai -
ter the ceremony the young couple
left by, motor for the bride's home in
McKillop, Where a sumptuous wedding
dinner was served. After the dinner
Mr. and Mrs. Meehan left on a wedding
trip to Toronto, Detroit and other
points of interest. On their return
they will take up •residence on the
bridegroom's farm, don. 15 Grey
Township. We extend 'hearty con-
gratulations a wish Mr. and Mrs.
Meehan manyap`rosperous years.
W. M. 5.—Regular monthly meet -
in o the fPresbyterian
� . NI, 5 was
held in the MansWednes'lay of last
week, Mrs. Oster presiding. After
prayer and praise, a splendid paper on
'Women's Work in Formosa' was
given by Mrs, Hislop. Election of Of-
ficers for 1925 took place resulting in
the present executive being retained
with the exception of Mrs. 3, J.
McGavin's appointment tment a
s Home
Helpers Sec. and Mrs.RitchieRitchi as
ganist. A Special service held in
the ehnrch 011 Oct, 12th when Rev.
Mr. Telford, Blyth, addressed the
Society. The Women's Thank -offer-
ing was 590.00, and more to follow.
The canvas among the women of the
church for funds instead of a supper
at Anniversaryrealized tea Izr.d the Dice stun
of $250, which goes to the Ladies'
Aid. At the close of the meeting a
social hour was spent during which
Intuits was nerved. The Secretaries
will please bring the reports of the
year's work to the next 'meeting,
whirls will be held at the home of
Mrs. A. Gardiner on December 10th.
The Glenboro' (Man,) Gazette, of
November 1st, reports as follows:—"It
as our sad duty this week to chronicle
the passing away of Robert Owens,
our genial Postmaster and a highly
respected citizen ,of Cypress River.
Mr. Owens was born in Stonefield,
a o and •tan
g fe to
the Cypress River district in 1879
when the earliest settlers came in, and
during the pioneer days put the riglet
'stamp of life upon 'the district, Mr.
Owens halupsteltded just north of the
town Ind et the 'thine of his passing
shill owned the ,hallf-Seaton he had
farmed for many years. 25 years ago
be built a beautiful brick residence in
the town and has occupied it ever
since. For the past 10 -years he has
been Postmaster, a post ton he filled
wont satisfaction to ail, Mr. Owens
was a prominent member 06 the Angli-
can Church, being One . of its best
supporters and it very loyal member
of It during all his time in this district.
He will be much missed from the
.church and from the community,
\\Nef has always regarded him as one
of Its best citizens. He leaves to mourn
his passing his wife and 8 children, 4
50115 and 4 daughters: Harold, Ernest,
George, Frank, Mrs. Lova; Mcleod,
,Ruth, Alice and Florence; eil in
Cypress River. 3 sisters and 2 bro-
thers also sat -nine hilnl Miss Maria
Art in Granite and Marble
EVERY piece of work we do le
treated like a master-pieee of
are aefoi'e 11 can pass our rigid
inepootian, Lor,g experience in all
the different treattiente of expres-
sion in granite enables ue to produce
the last touob that makes perfection.
Cemetery work promptly attend-
ed to.
A. E. HERSEY, Prop.
Now that Fall weathdt is at
hand customers would much
oblige by 'phoning their or-
ders early so as to save a elp.
ition of calls on same street.
WVhy not have your name
placed on our 'phone list to be
called by Ire every morning 7
Baeker Bros.
For Milling
We are prepared to pay the
highest possible prices for all
kinds of Grain.
Feed of all kinds on hang
T. G. Hemphill,
Phones 90, 21 29 and 62 Wroxeter
Owens and Mrs. Mullens, Cypress
River, Mrs. Higginson, of Ontario;
John Owens, Peace River, and Win.
Owens on the old farm at Stonefield,
Quebec. Funeral service on Sunday
afternoon was under Masonic auspices,
Masons being present from Treherne,
Holland, Glenboro, Greenway and
Cypress River, with Grand Master Jas.
McEwen; Treherne, and District De-
puty Grand Master Ted Thompson,
Glenbord, in charge of the ceremonies.
Rev.. Mr. Goulding, Holland, an old
friend of the deceased, and Rev. Mr.
Luxton of loca'1 .Anglican Church, con-
ducted the service on lawn in front of
family residence. Service was attend-
ed by a very large gathering, many
of whom came from a long distance to
pay respect to one who lied lived a
genuine Christian life for so many
years in the cominuntty. It was 1
surely a beautiful thought that came '
to us there, on an afternoon of ideal 1
warmth and sunshine and amid the I
trees plaided by the deceased's own
hands and before the home in which
he had lived for many years, that
nature seemed thus to make the pass-
ing easier for 'chose who had to bear
a heavy sorrow. The sympathy of all
the people of the community le ex-
tendedl to else bereaved widow and
family." Mrs. Owens, was formerly
Miss Fanny S. Kelly, daughter of the
late James and Mos. Kelly, for many
years well known residents of Brus-
sels, and who are stili well remember-
ed by folk in this locality. Although
87 years of age Mrs. Kelly keeps very
well and continues her interest in
Brussels and The Post. Since Mr.
Kelly died 21 years ago, she has made
her home with Mrs. Owens.
Russia will never again rival Can-
ada as a wheat exporter, accord-
ing to L. W. Lyde, Professor of
Geography at London (England)
University. He believes that grain
growing in future lies with the
Canadian farmer. Russia cannot
properly supply its own needs. Pre-
war export of wheat was purely ar-
tificial, drawn, not from a natural
surplus, but from the needs of .a
very poor and ignorant peasantry.
A twenty per cent increase in the
business over the Dominion Atlan-
tic Railway, serving Nova Scotia,
was the approximate summary of
the summer's- travel recently given
by F. G. J. Comeau, General Tref-
fig Agent of the line. This is attri-
butable to the growingappreciation
of the beauties of the Annapolis
Valley and the charm of the Evange-
line county among tourists every-
One of the many gifts offered
by enthusiastic individuals to the
Prince of Wales on his visit, the
majority of which he could not for
obvious reasons accept, was a pack.
age of French-Canadian tobacco
grown on a farm at St. Roth l'Achi-
gan, situated near the boundaries of
Montcalm and Assomption counties.
In a letter from the Alberta ranch
the Prince through his secretary
thanked the donor for the gift.
A cablegram from London, Eng-
land, quotes en article in the "Finan-
cial News" dealing with the British
Empire Exhibition. It stresses the
exceptionally fine exhibit staged by
Canada and the unquestionable
benefit to trade relations it has
effected. The article pays a high
tribute to the Canadian Pacific Rail-
way exhibit, describing the railway's
gorgeously illuminated map of Can-
ada, with its 5,000 incandescent
lights as probably the most brilliant
specimen of cartography ever seen
at the exhibition or , elsewhere.
It has been anneunoed that H. 1.
Logan, M.P. for Cumberland, will
accompany the Minister of Trade
and Commerce to the West Indies
to negotiate a new reciprocal treaty
with those islands. The general
purpose of the visit is to admit
West Indian commodities free in re-
turn for Canadian manufacturers
receiving similar treatment, the pro-
ducts of the two countries being
entirely dissimilar. It is also hoped
to build up a direct system of im-
portations through Canadian ports
instead of through the United
States, by which route a great pro-
portion of West Indian products
now come to Canada.
programme it being
prepared in connection with the
winter sports activities of the Cha-
teau Frontenac, the Canadian Pa-
cific Railway's famoud hotel at Que-
bec. E. Des Baillets, newly appoint-
ed sports director for the hotel, is-
p g formation of the Fron-
tenac Winter glob and the holding
of competitions in curling, std-ing,
ski-joring, skating and other pas-
times of the season.
Fall Supplies
Welter's Hardware
Quebec Heaters,. large size, $18,00
Happy Thought and McClary Ranges
Stove Boards and Coal Hods
Stove Pipes and Elbows
Electric and Oil Heaters
Roofing a're;nd . Horse Blankets
Stable and Storm Sash : Beaver Board
Cement, Lime and Paristone
oan supply Repairs FF r.3 F s far all makes of Stoves