The Brussels Post, 1924-10-22, Page 8rhe Daily Sellers Milk of Magnesia 25o, 40c and 65e bots, Rexali Orderlies 25c and 50c Purest Epsom Salta in tins 15c Pormolid Threat Ease 10c Bayers' Aspirin Tablets 25e pkgs. Hydrogen Peroxide 25o bots. • Tooth Brushes A good lino of Children's Tooth Brushes at 20o and 250 each Otlier Tooth Brushes at 35e, 40c and 45c I{lenzo Tooth Paste Whitens the Teeth 35e & 50e Tubes Pearl Tooth Powder 25o Pearl Tooth Paste 25o ,Rexall Tooth Paste 25c Eastman Films are the Best for Your Kodak The kind that come in the Yellow Box Paper Covered Books 15c each A large range of titles including the Merriwell and 'f'ed Stroug series, as well as those by Garvice, Soutbwortb, M. J. Holmes and others. All the leading Magazines Winter Pictorial Quarterly Now on sale at 25c copy. You will be sure to find the Pattern that snits in it, or from fhe large catalogue.; Pictorial Review Patterns kept ire stock. F. R. SMITH The Sfore Druggist and Stationer Peal etas ez Boy's Conference will be held 10 Strat ford Friday, Saturday and Sunday next. $200 FINE -For attempting to vote twice or voting when they have no right the offence is punishable by afine of Sacra. AT a recent meeting of the Lon- don Normal School Literary Society Wi1I. McDowell, Brussels, was chosen President for the coming term, He should fill the bill and we wish him an enjoyable occupancy of the honorable office. THURSDAY of next week will conclude the weekly half holidays le Brussels for 1924 Early closing will be continued each evening, excepting Wednesday and Saturday,up to the Christmas week when it will be open nights for the holi- day rush. SATURDAY evening at the Family The- atre "Flaming Barriers," will be the thril- ler on the screen. Monday and Wednes- day evenings the love story, "The Net," will be depicted, The usual humorous picture will also be shown. See the advt. for further particulars. AucrioN Sales at the Central Sale Stables, Brussels, Wednesday afternoon of next week, commencing at 1,3o sharp. The list comprises horses, cows. young cattle, wagon, buggy, harness, &c. R. McInnis. Proprietor and also auctioneer. See the posters for list and dont forget the date, DID WELL. -The humorous Play, "Sopbronia's t''edding" was presented in the Town Hall Tuesday evening by Union Church Ladies' Aid and was very web done, The practical lessons taught were not far to seek. Rev. and Mrs. White, Ethel, provided choice musical selections. Play was ander auspices of Methodist Church Ladies' Aid, Brussels, SYLvxsTar Fox, went to Brampton Provincial Plowi.g Match last Friday with the intention of taking a band in the tractor work but as be is not actu- ally engaged In farming he was barred. Ho says the match was a great perform- ance and attended by 75,000 Our townsman is a good hand and we would like to have seen bim in compet• ition with the experts who were at Brampton, CALLED TO HER RE WARD. -Last Tues. day morning, about 8,3o o'clock, Mrs, Thomas Lott, passed peacefully away at her home, North Turnberry street, Brussels, after an illness extending over several months, at the advanced age of 87 years, 7 months and 24 days, Her demise was not an unexpected event as she had been hovering near the border land for some weeks. Deceased's maid- en name was Fannie Board and her birthplace was England, coming to Can. ada to Darington township, Ontario, In childhood.. She was united in marriage to her late husband. who died 8 years ago, when 57 veers of age, and came to St, Helens, East Wawanosb, over 5o years ago. Mr, and Mrs. Lott made their home inBrussels locality for past 20 years, There are 3 sons, George and Levi, Wingham, and Wetiter, White- church, and 5 daughters, Mrs, Wm. Miller, Mrs. C. McKay and Miss Mary, Brussels; Mrs, R Palmer, Wroxeter, and Mrs. D. Ferrier, St. Helens. De- ceased did not enjoy rugged health for Some yenta but was a faithful attendant al the Methodist church when able to get there. She was of a kindly, sym- pathetic nature and Was beloved by all who knew her. She died as she had liv- ed in trustfulness in her Saviour, The funeral will be private, and will take place from her late home Thursday af- ternoon at 4 o'clock, Interment will be made in Brussels cemetery, Bereaved share iu the sympathy of a wide circle in the departure of their dear one, A masquerade Dance is on the pro- gram for Wednesday of next week in Brussels, Clinton orchestra supplies the MUSIC. Read the advt. concerning the same. NEXT Tuesday evening a Progressive Euchre program will be held in the I 0 0 F. Hall. commencing at 8 o'clock, under the auspices of the Wom- en'; Institute. Lunch will be served and tickets are so cents, Proceeds go to the Armenian Fund. See advt, STRAYED on the Dre13118ee Of the Undersign- ed, Lot 18, Con. 8. Grey, iaboat Sept 15th, a yearling heifer. Owner la requested to prove property, pay expenae6 and take her away, Phone898 Jos.JAOaLxn 2 YoRx, Sowe for sale, doe November and December. Lot 1 8, Con. 7, Grey. Phone 848 HOLLI HOER MAITLAND Creamery, Wingham, report pay- ing 88e per Ib. for batter fat delivered at the Creamery. Foreign demand for a high grade export butter has apparently had the tendee. cy psodmm adity. firmer feeling fn the market for Dowty Town OrnroE CLOSED.—Mtes Mande Bryan° has, for the present, closed her offiee on Tarnberry street but nabs old or new pat. rons to ea/1 at her home, corner Thomas and Elizabeth streets, one block West of Bank of Novo Scotia. SOMEBODY took a box of handkerchiefs with initial letter "F" from Brassele Fair building by mistake. Will they kindly leave the came at TUE POST and greatly oblige. MRe. W. J. HENDSRSON Tudhope•Anderecn Range, new last Fall, will be sold at bargain for quick sale. Leav- ing town Saturday. T. A. ROOEae, . Albert Et„ Bruseeie. Goon Winter Apples for sale. Apply to E. O. WALKER. Phone 188 Morrie Twp. LOST,—Car number 019-482 Finder kindly leave it at Tis PosT, Brussels, or Blyth Stand- ard. War, D. 1,40LEAN, Box 800, Blyth, Fon SALE.—Two frame houses on Albert street, Brussels, also a lot, Will be sold to. gethor or in single parcels. Bargain for quick sale, For particulars apply to W. E, Heist, Atwood, or T. A. Rogers, Braes eta. tf OAP loot of a ear gas tank South of Ethel. Also 2 pigs strayed, 5 or 8 weeks old. Will Anders kindly communicate with Geo. Whlt- fie1d, Lot 28, Con, 18, Grey. Phone 4916 W oon,N water tank for sale, alze 8 z 1' feet, about 6000 gallon capacity. IOODT. THUELL, Brussels. OnoToae Knitting will be attended to in the manufacture of Olen'a Socks. Children's Hose, &e. Satisfaction assured, Reasonable prices, 17-4 Tnoa, SMITH, Phone 4419 Jamestown. FALL Honey for sale. 10 sent per pound. Good quality. L. WaaeLEn, Phone 6824 FOR BALE.—Very comfortable frame bones. Princess street, now vacant as owner has moved 60 Kl noardfne. Apply at once for per - Houton; and terms to T. It, Bennett, gingham or A. H. Macdonald, Brussels, Fort ,SALE ATA BARGAr1't.—Gan machineand all neaeaaary fixtures. An ideal lighting eye. tem for resldeooe ont of reach of Hydro. In- expensive to operate and 10 good condition. Apply to W. M, SINOLAert, Brnsaela DR, PAuxrcn, of 'gingham, bee resumed his weekly visits to the Queen's Hotel,Brussels, FINE MEETING - Thntsday' Of last week, a public meeting in the interests of Prohibition was held in the Town Hall. Program consisted of the fam• iliac song 'The Maple Leaf." in which Miss Hingstoo sang the verses in good voice add the audlerce joined in the chorus, Rev, C.N. Clarke offered prayer. First address was given by Rev, Mr, Livingstone, Elimville, recently of B. C., who went into the record of Govern. meat Sale in that Province and proved, by facts and figures, its insufficiency and the evil effects on city and rural life. A quartette by Mrs. J. Meadows, Mies Kate Amentand Mesdames McLeod and Thomson was web rendered. Postmaster A. H. Musgrove, Wingham, was then called on and for upwards of an hour dealt with the 0, '1', A. and so-called Government Control in a most trenchant manner. Audience sang "Cast your bal. lot" with heartiness. The platform was neatly decorated with flowers and Maple leaves. W. H. Kerr presided. Rev Mr, McLeod pronounced the Be olicG tion. It was a good meeting and should do good, HANNA,. f3aos ..merchants, Wioghern, ask the penile to rend their advt, on page 4 end govern themselves accordingly 11 its bargpins they exit, A raw iirtrsselites took in the Soder* leU Rakvalr charnpionship Base Ball eon to t, at the Co, town, on S''tardav, !xame was a hot one and won by the via fors by a 050re of 4-3 Is took 91 in, Mega to settle the supremacy. Wa rsaN Outwit) Newspaper Merl met at the `iecumseb Honse London !est Friday. Board of Commerce tender ed them a luncheon and the quill drivers were addressed by President Ingram, Mayor Wenge and. Editor Renuedy of the Advertiser staff. 43 Editors were present, LAOQIS SermAY School, GATHERINGS. -'Phe enthusiasm of the annual Conven- tions of the Ontario Religious lldueatioo Council has grown to such art exteut that now 2 Conventions�tre held to ac. sommodate the deuorninational activities of this province, Seetiou A will coD- vene Rt Krrehener, October 27 to 29, and section 13 at Ottawa, from October 29 to 31 Extensive programs include : Dr. Hugh S Magil, General Secretary Inter- national Sunday School Council of Reli- gions Education ; Dr. Sherwood Eddy, Foreign Department International Com• mittee Y. M. C. A., New York : Rev. J. B. MoLaurin, Canadian Baptist Mit - vim India ; Dr, Donald MacGillivray, Shanghai, China ; Rev. C. W. Bishop, 18, A , Sherbourne Street Methodist Church. 'rorooto; Dr. T. A. Halpenuy, Ptincipel Stanstead College, S•anstesd, Quebec ; Rev, Frank Langford, Rev. C. A Myers, Dr. Geo T. Webb, Rev. Mattson Doyle. Theron Gibson, Rev. E, H. Bean Rod Rev. H. C. Priest. Con- vention program is so piauned that the delegates will virtually receive a 3 day course in practical Sunday School work. Sunday School, like other edncational enterprises, is passing through a period oftraasitioa, and pastors, Superintend- ents, and officers, can ill afford to be ig- norant of what is taking place, Further iuformation may be secured from the 0 R. E. C. Office, Room 504, 299 Queen Street West, Toronto. A FORMER BRUSSELITE DIES. -The Durand (Mich) Express of October 2nd, speaks of the death of W. R, Hop- kins, son of the late Samuel Hopkins, who was a resident of Brussels a good many years ago :-Wm. R. Hopkins, Clio, who up to about 18 years ago was one of the best known merchants of Dur- and and a cpunly-wide known politician. died in a hospital in Flint last Sunday night, following an operation for appen- dicitis. Funeral services were held in Clio Taesda afternoon, being conduct- ed by the Masonic Lodge. Mr. Hop- kins was, about 59 years old. He had been married three times, his present wife surviving, . The one son by his first wife was educated and graduated from the Durand Schools while they liv- ed in Durand. - This is Denna Hopkins, a teacher in the Saginaw school's. Al- though a Democrat in a Republican com- munity, there was a time when Mr. Hop king was elected to any office be asked the voters of Vernon township. Twen- ty years ago be made a wonderful race for County clerk. but was defeated by A. H. Northway, of Owosso, the latter be- ing the victim of an accident that crip- pled him and called for the sympathetic vote. Mr, and Mrs R J. Chick, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mills, Durand, were a• moos those attending the funeral ser- vices Tuesday. Both Mesdames Chick and Mills were sisters of Mr. Hopkins. it9. I o ft ri+ t 'u'Ur.f! n 4 4till II it SI !1 J, 0 ii II # fl !l. !l. t, IF!' a. Jl BA.. Bring Your Maturing Victor Bonds to Els CLIMBS of Victory Sonde that - tiring on November' the that, H next, will find it profitable and ! !c C1 .1, BANKING Rl 4 G VIFTY TEARS conVenienG to convert thein at this )Dank. We are prepared to pay cash for such bonds of any denomination, and suggest that for the sake of eafety,situ. plicity and oonvenlenee you deposit your maturing bonds to your credit' i11 a Standard Bank Savings Account, THE STANDARD BANK OBRUSSELS BRANCH -G. H. Semis, Manager ., rax.7: ins. m�JI}(-a� A rlrtiif•i-i ., iru A New ruling from Ottawa makes it obligatory on the part of postmasters not to accept American paper money in ex- change for stamps, money orders, etc. .Che public is requested to govern them- selves accordingly. , STBWART-.KILEOURN. The hem of Dr. and Mrs. Kilbonrn, 236 Annette Street, Toronto, was made most attractive with autumn foliage and chrysanthemums on Friday evening, when their eldest daughter, Miss Ruth Marga"ret, became the bride of Roy Al. exander Stewart, son of P. and Mrs. Stewart, Brussels, Oat. Rev. Dr, Hines, of High Park Methodist Church officiated, and the bride, tall and lovely, was given away by her father. She wore her mother's wedding gown of iv- ory grosgrain, her veil of Btusselslace being caught by orange blossoms and white heather from Scotland, and she carried a shower boquet of yellow and mauve chrysanthemums. Miss Mildred Wickett, grand -daughter of 8. R. Wick- ett and cousin of the bride, was flower girl. Masters Morley Wickett and Stewart Lowe, acting as ribbon bearers, preceded the bride to the altar, which was banked with palms and autumn flowers, The wedding march was play- ed by Miss Winnifred Hudson, and dur- ing the signing of the register Miss Kathleen Meldrum sang. Mrs. Kil- bouru, assisted by the groom's mother, received with the bride after the cere- mony. Mr. and Mrs, Stewart left for Muskoka for a two weeks' honeymoon, the bride wearing a striking three-piece French dress of grey trimmed with touches of scarlet, grey squirrel fur and red and grey velvet hat to match. They will continue to reside in Toronto, Mrs, P. Stewart, Misses Hazel, Flor- ence, and Jean, Archie and Graham and grand son, Stewart .Lowe, at- tended the wedding, motoring from Brussels. Hearty congratulations are extendrd to Mr. and Mrs, Stewart by the many old friends of the groom in this locality. Fall Supplies AT Welier's Hardware Quebec Heaters, Large size, $18.00 Happy Thought and McClary Ranges Stove Boards and Coal Hods - Stove Pipes and Elbows Electric and Oil Heaters Roofing 's'Pi;nd Horse Blankets Stable and Storm Sash •Beaver Board Cement, Lime and Paristone We cosi supplg Repairs for all makes 0 Stopes a R. WELLER - BRUSSELS Prices of Live Poultry Delivered at our Warehouse Week ending Oct. 3ist Livo Droa'd Live Dres'd Hens, 5lbs. and over 18e Young Ducks . 11c 180 Hens, 4 to 5 lbs . 11c Spring Ohiokene over 5-1138 19e 24c Hens, 8} to 4 lbs On Spring Chickens, 4 to 5 lbs 16c 21e Hens, under 3t lbs... 'lc Spring Chickens, 3 to 4 lbw 14e 11;fc Roosters 8c 12c Spring Ohiakene, 2 to 3 lbs 12c 170 Nothing but No. I Poultry accepted, except at re- duced prices, Poultry must be in starved condition or deduction made for crops. Robt. Thomson Phone 66 BRUSSELS THE POST list grows, 25 cents gets it to January 1st, 1925. THANKSGIVING Day, Monday, Nev. 1o, will be the next Public Holiday, Scxactry of partridge in Ontario has resulted in a declsion by Charles McCrea, Minister of Mines, to shorten the com- ing shooting season to r1 days. New re- gulations provide for a limit of 10 birds between October to' and 25 inclusive. During the same period sportsmen in Thunder. Bay, Rainy River, Senora and Patricia Bay districts will be permitted to shoot a daily bag of ro prairie chick- ens. A RUTHVEN Correspondent says "Two'Coronto detectives have been here for the past two weeks trying quietly to ferret oat the mysterious shooting 01 three revolver or rifle bullets through the front door of the Methodist parsonage One bullet almost hit a member of the family. So far no clue bas been found as to who the guilty parties are, but much suspicion has been centred on cer- tain parties whose every move is being closely watched. and it is thought the guilty ones will soon be brought to jus• tice." Rev, W. E. Stafford. formerly of Brussels, is the pastor there. MARRIED AUestN — RAasenaeaN. — At the Anglican Church, Gorrie, by Rev. R. 8. Jones, on Ootober 15611,1924, Mies Serena Rasmussen to Mr, Wm. It G. Austin, Gorrte, STEWART—KtLBOURN,— On Friday evening, October 17th, 1925, at the home of the bride's parents, by Rev. Dr. W. R. Hlncks, Ruth Margaret Rilbonrn, B. A., Toronto, daughter of Dr. and Mre, B. Kllbourn, 296 Annette 8t.. to Mr. Roy Alexander Stew- art, B. A , Toronto, son of Mr, and Mrs. Peter Stewart, Brusaele, IN MEMORIAM WreDEN:•eIn loving memory of our dear Grace, who died Ootober 28rd. 1918. Gone from us but leaving memories. Death can never take away; Memorlea that will alw aye linger While upon this earth we stay. Ever remembered by Ruen4xD.PARENTS AND BROTnane WreaoN.—In loving memory of our dear cis. ter, Gracie, who died October 28rd, 1918. Surrounded by friend° we are lonesome; In themdt our midst ofjoyswears blue; A smile In our fade, but a heart o.' And a longing, dear Grace, for you. ALMA AND EMANDED, 50c Bottle Palm Olive Shampoo —AND - 2 Cakes of Palm Olive Soap ._21016— 50 Cents 114.1m ol ivti Shampoo S. Sh.- oh.. at j 50c Bottle Palm Olive Shampoo —AND—• 2 Cakes of Palm Olive Soap —Fon- 50 Cents This offer good for Two Weeks only. $1.25 ou offer tial $1.25 08' ONE OF Gillett's Safety Razors --GOLD-- AND —GOLD—AND A LARGE TUBE OF COLONIAL SHAVING DREAM Still goes on -11.25 for both, Every Razor guaran- teed and the Shaving Dream is one of our best, HAVE YOU TRIED Fly Tox for the pesky Flies ? Will clear a kitchen free of Flies in 6 min, uteri. Bottle and Sprayer - 50c Penslar Cod Liver . Extract AND There is None Better Very palatable. Large Size Bottle 81.00 FOX'S DRUG STORE "Careful Prescription Dispensers" DOWN TOWN C. N. R. TICKET AGENT DRUGGIST and STATIONER BORN ARMaTRONG, In Brussels , on October 18th, 1024, to Ste, and Mre. J, W. Armstrong, a dauebter. DARx, In Brussels, on October 17th, 1024., to Mr, and Mee. Alex. Dark, a daughter— Lorraine Elizabeth, MOINToan,—In Grey Townahi , on October 8th 1924, to Mr, and Mrs, T. P. Molnteeh, a daughter. 01E0 LOTT: In Brussels, on October21st, 1924, Farr nie Board, widow of the late Thomas Lott, aged 87 years, 7 moatha and 24 days. WRranT.—in Tarnborry Township, on Octet). er 18th, 1924, Francis C. Wright, in his 84101 year. Cow Strayed Strayed:from the premises of the nnder- 1RD ed Lot 12,Con. 14, Grey, on or about Sept. 20th, a sew. information son. earninglerwerea is will be thankfully racefvad. Phone 4214 JOHN H. STEVENSON. AUCTION SALE WEDNESDAY, OCT. 20th,—Farm Stook, Im- plements, &a. Lot 20, Con. 12, MOKillop town. ship. Sale unreserved, at 1 p. m, Wilnam Mm Culla, Prop,; Thos, Brown, Ana, WeDNEaDAr, 002, 29: HOrseo, Cattle, Sheep Poultry. &o. Central Sole fitnblea Brussels, at 1 0 p• m. eharp. R, walnuts, Auctioneer and Proprletor, FRrDAY. OOT. 81.—Form Storik, Implements, &e. Lot 10, Con. 16, Grey Township, Salo nn- reaerved at 1 p. m. Russel Roberttoa, Prop, ; D. M, Scott, Ane. WEDNESDAY. Nov. 6—Farm Stock, Imple• manta, Household Furniture, &o. 1.134 Lot 20, Con. 4, Morris Townehlp. Sale unreserved at 1 p m. Mrs. A. E. Charters, Propr,-tress,; T,. R. Bennett, Ana. - BRUSSELS MARKET Fall Wheat Peas ... Barley Cate t11 80 1 25 50 t1 55 86 82 60 50 Buokwb eat 80 80 Butter e2 82 87 87 Hoge 10 00 10 00 ri+ t 'u'Ur.f! i)r.,r.r • • IMEW rr utiirruir t, IF!' pq n , iiDId' 60 111415 f+3 uii�it,�•��' W a.S'(y'„llrrr iilm ^ , 0ut gs nen ! !c C1 .1, .. 1��iiiiinii It.ii 5 1 i h.54 rax.7: ins. m�JI}(-a� A rlrtiif•i-i ., iru ti \ 1� t i,11 , l �' .■ul 1 C G Northway Garments a" have now on hand a complete line in real classy WECoats consisting of All Wool Velours, Overcheck. Polaire Cloth, Maravellas and all the new materials. Come and inspect our new Fall range. Also a full range of Northway Dresses to choose from and prices are reasonable, P hone 61 F. A. H U hl T E Brussels .ql