The Brussels Post, 1924-10-8, Page 63011
is ftftllS appreciated 'P reciated in the Crich,
delicious flavor. 'Try it today'.
We have four children, three of
whom are in school now. The oldest
was nearly ready for the third grade
when she entered school a
nd the sec-
ond, a boy, was ready for the second
grade when he began attending regu-
larly. Besides teaching them their
reading and numbers, I have planned
their "busy work" for which I also
have gathered materials,
I believe that if a mother can di-
rect her child's play so as to develop
the small brain and muscles •in the
right direction, she need not worry if
he does not get an early start in the M1. Wombold
average country schoolroom, It takes If you have ammonia or denatured Mr.Wombold had fallen back into haps, to the freer and moxa nutritious
some time and oversight on the part alcohol handy, these are excellent the depths of the chair, with one diet solicitously urged on him by Miss
of the mother to do this, but if there liquids to use with it as either one Pa
are a number of ere n in the fam- tends to rut any greasy film on the nods undersered tandble His that
cheeks usual exercise.
with his lack
ily, the older ones ane anxious to gs." l silvere so that the whitingao may actual-l.stood out in high relief against the brain visions of a far-off boyhood
Here aree tots learnfj as, things." lY get at the discoloration quickly.
Here some of my ideas, the ma- If you have neither the ammonia dark upholstery. Miss Armitage mingled with broken images of pres-
IJeant surroundings.
terials I use, and the way in which nor alcohol you may use water. Mix sprang to his side.
i "Your heart' Mr Wombold, did He woke thus one night, about the
strings and other pretties to trim •the
Xmas tree or drape their own win-
dows or have them for their play
house in summer.
Is silver cleaning in your family
a laborious process or one finished
within a very short time?
There are plenty of commercial
'The Ghosl. `�oo(�
I----�-^^"^ joys In store—
PART II. i read ofd't stifled cry broke the
,'thread of the medium's monologue, At the hamper packed and walling
!'What kind of a man was he?'1 Mme. Charlcroi's body was wrenched there
Starting at Four.
So- -"the t outhdowf beauties ware
smoothed and brnehed,_
And the feathery geese and dorsey
Then the clock was wound; the house
was bushed;
And you fell to your eremite you
knew net 11oW,
The Toronto €ioe4llgl .for Incurahlee, In'
af53$i ton with 5111004 ane roma How ell,
How XefN City, et0Be 4 leroO recti' oourlr.
of Tr1Wno to 4011,0 Nom,,, /lacing the
renulre4 education, and gadruae of ritoondht
mead, Thlt Iloepltal bat metes the ellht.
hear IVO.. The 404110:!mealvo unitorme oI
the SOhoal, a monQlfy Allowance and travelling
expenses l0 4nd frodl New York, for Nights
Intonsat,oa apply to flu Su4trint1nd4ct
Far to•nterrow opened the evunty fair,.
Hew yeti shiveeed and tbraledd at
Wombold asked, when he had master- violently to one side, and she opener'
ed the contraction in his throat. I her eyes.
"Why, he was a large man- rather It was three days before Wombold
,lightly built, perhaps about thirtY- left his bed, and when he reappeared
five.. He had' brown hair and eyes,
it was as if five or .six yenta had
but he was somewhat gray, and had elapsed, so much older and More
a kind of worried look, He is hard' broken did he appear. He seemed to
to describe exactly --rather odd look-
"How was he odd?"
Wombold put the question harshly,
in a tone that grated with sharp in-
sistence. The puzzled frown on Miss
Armitage's forehead deepened.
"Why, he was dressed rather queer-
ly, for one thing, as if his clothes had
been laid away for thirty years _
more. I noticed he wore one .of those ployed the detective agency, however,
old-fashioned stiff white shirts, and directing it to make discreet inquiry
and their
Hart's relatives
•olio, and bow tie, as to Henry
r at c
he hada queer fl
His cont was long, and his trousers history. He Iearned in this way that
weren't creased, but ironed smooth Hart's widow still lived in,Bracksford,
all round, and he had a low -crowned and that the family had finally,
derby hat and buttoned shoes. Be was years of hardship, settled the last of
pervaded by a general air of antiquity, the claims against the old partnership
pastes on the market that give very one might say.' though not until anxiety and stress
good results. But since whiting is "Did he have a beard?" the old man had cost the life of Hart himself while
used in a number of these you can interrupted chokingly, his face' sud- still sfn a the sitting anhod.
Ntme., Char -
and buy
whiting in your local drug store deniy gone gray.
and mix this into a paste yourself. "Yea, a short brown beard. Why, leroi, Wombold's sleep had been fitful
?" and dream -laden --owing in part, per -
have become a haunted man,
Mr, Wombold had now definitely
surrendered the idea of any human
agency as responsible for the -phen-
omena he had experienced. Hie 'pre-
occupation with spiritualism deepen:
ed, and his studies became more ab-
sorbing, though he no longer resorted
to Mme. Charleroi or even permitted
her to be mentioned. Ile still em -
And the magical word, "We'll start
at four."
There were. silver,mapies along the
And they caught at the moon and
hold the moon;
While a mocking bird took shine for
And was trilling its morning song
too soon,
There had been a fog like a rata that
• night; '
With the wheels of the spiders'
mistgray lace;
And the road led under boughs drench-
• ed white,
While they icily sprayed each up-
turned face.
I use them.
First, I let each child have a place
for his own treasures. One has a After two ays
drawer in the kitchen, the others have, soft brush or cloth, let it dry and tion, during which he had steadied ed, but could hear nothing more than
each a dresser drawer and a box. They) rub off. Rinse the silver thoroughly
in his nerves by the exercise of that his own panting breath.
alsomat have a large box thatocontains! hot water and dry.
material, toys, et., for common use The use of any of the above is steadfast sl'LawStsh�huMrhwom in!By
could makeglow
out fthe the nr�cumbenht t
of all. 1 try to make their week teachl known as the abrasive method of lieu of physical cot at
them something and encourage theml cleaning silver. Nowadays there are bold! axion fixed upon
two one methods
-/side fguro4 of
Otu on a The stghtepother
to save to their best efforts and put many lc us looking forw an easier way g
them to some kind of use. (in which to do our work, and there other psychic. One or the other of Japanese, and of the vague shapes of
I have gained much help from the' is some such way for us when the fam- them, he the Ifo, ould thatdisclose
ed him. assured himiar icles Hetn could neiitroom,
her see
pages of a primary teacher's magazine! ily silver becomes dull and dark.' ture To ocar out the first, he employed nor hear anything to justify his alarm don recently Is a human calculattng
d from catalogs from kindergartens! This is known as the electrolytic 11 -known detective agency, in- and presently, with practiced self- machine He performs the most Entre
to a medium thick paste and use as • of two in
you would a commercial paste—that you say it was your heart? Oh, Mr. spectral
c al hour
easing int the orning,
Wambold, rub it briskly on the silver with a ombold, are you i
d off troubled cogita- wi h these distressing
the room. He listen -
With a tinkleettnk on a shadowed ridge
There were cattle a -grazing down
the dawn;
And wheels rang out on a ghostly
And a whispering creek wan past
and gone.
Oh, the sun came up on an unknown
From a tapering hill you did not
There were small neat farms on either
And a shimmering haze hung far
and low.
There were drowsy croonings like
broken rimes;
And the wheels as they turned
seemed drowsy too—
Then you woke from dreams .of fairy
Lo! a merry-go-round was calling
—Gertrude West, in Youth's Compan-
Delightful task: to rear the tender
To teach the young idea bow to shoot,
To pour the fresh Instruction o'er the
To breathe the enlivening Spirits, and ed the neeeseity of ample supplies o,
to rthe glowing ower, available ata cost that whit
The generous Purpose in permit of the production and treat -
--Tbomsap—The Seasene, ment at large auantltiee of raw me•
terials in the districts fa which the
q mines occur,' The extent to which
TION OVER 277,000
Ontario and Quebec, Lacking
Native Coal Deposits, Lead
in Water Power.
The recent revival of activity in the
mining industry of Canada, has strew-
New Island In Azov.
As a result ot a terrific maritime
oonvuleion a new island has sprung up
In the Sea of Azov, an arm of the
Black Sea. The island isa"dangerous
impediment to navigators and beacons
have been, erected to warn the ap-
proaching shipe.
What Can You Remember?
An. Indian student who visited Lon -
and school supply houses, There are method, sometimes simply as the soda- a a eto ascer-
many things one can buy to amuse! salt method and does not wear out taint he heerintef thendentlast a d re-- contsleeprol, he recomposed himself to
and instruct children, but I have used! your silver, either plated or solid.origin
mostly what we have in the home and! The proportions are these: -To each ceived, and the identity of the person Some time later his dreams, which
on the farm. A pair of scissors and; quart of boiling hot water—prefer- whohad
resortingto thesec-hsdal incongruous
n ed o throughjhisbeind in the sense
a box of caryola pencils are about the' ably soft water as there is less scum reportimages, ongruo themselves into thes
only things I have bought for the' —use one teaspoonful of either bak- ond line of inquiry. roved images,'definiteresolvedimpression ofburial.He
little ones. I have all old magazines: ing or washing soda and one teaspoon- The report, when it came, p
and catalogs and save squash and: fol of salt. Have the water in a baffling. As far as the mysterious seemed to lie entombed, a mass of
pumpkin seeds and peas for their busy: bright aluminum kettle; when it is caller who had appeared before Miss earth or stone pressing down upon
work. boiling add the soda and salt, stir Armitage was concerned, absolutely him with an intolerable yet hopeless
One of the first things a child likes! until dissolved, then drop in all the no trace of him could be discovered. weight.
to do is to sew. Our children have silver that the water will cover. Be In short, the search of the detectives As his consciousness rose to the
sewed carpet rags at three and four) sure, too, that each piece of silver is had ended against a blank wall. With waking plane, this impression took on
years of age, and sewed buttons allentirely covered by the water or you a sickening apprehension, Wombold the poignant reality that constitutes
over their dolls. They like to string; will have a high-water mark on it. turned to his alternative line of re- aight,tito est a pe. are. He strove
a gropedo cry
buttons, but those have to be given? Leave all over the heat until the sil- search.
back to mother and they like their' ver is cleaned. This usually takes "Make an appointment with Mme. with his hands, which encountered a
own material to use. In the fall be-� only a minute or so. Charleroi for to -morrow afternoon," heavy object lying on his breast.
In an access of terror, he sprang to
fore threshing I cut a quantity of oat/ As soon as it is cleaned, remove he told Miss Armitage.
straws in half-inch lengths and lett tom the fire and earroff the water The seance washot water and bold's library, none being peld in reser. nt but thing slipped to his lap and layorn- a sitting posture with a kthese
them string pumpkin
orly with / at once, rinse in clear,
squash er cut n seeds or bright/ sub briskly finish
as you druite the same himself and
toehalf length, rfilli filling the explored hard,itsangular outlineus. s as rds
catered paper cut in circles, squares suiting Rnish is not qoom. screamed again. In an instant
or diamonds. In this work they learn; as when using the cleaning pastes, room with a mellow, Mnie. Charleroi, a small, Mout wo- was by his side and hadswitched to
to use the needle and learn color and; although if the silver is briskly rubbed
shape. las it is dried we have had great diffi- man, garbed in black and with the, the electricibet concluded.)
The children like to make clay ob-• eulty in telling which was which flat features, high cheekbones and
(Tojests such as birds and nests with/ when trying both methods experi- neutral complexion of the Baltic lit -I -4e-
eggs in, apples, all kinds of animals,' mentally, total, was a noted psychic, enjoying'Finishing Lambs.
etc. I make a variety of clay which! Our reason for telling you to empty an exclusive clientele among the well -1r
is as follows: one tablespoon salt and/ the cleaning solution out of the alum- to-do
daodirfar re roe charlatans on' market demand' fThose farmers ho o will caatefi o the
one tablespoon flour, mix thoroughly!inum kettle as soon as your silver is
85 to 100
nranging from
her often' lamb
consulted g
and moisten with just enough water1 cleaned is that this alkaline water agedirecent nt ityeers, root infrequently wit'it,I live weight, depending on the breed
or harmless dye of the desired color ) will soon darken your kettle. remarkable results,and season of Y
to make it knead easily. The two confronted each other now source of p B
We Make Payments Daily.
We Pay Express Charges,/
We Supply Cans.
highest Ruling Prices Paid.
BOWES .CO., Limited
this need has been met bytheonevelop-
ment of Canada's advantageously
anted water powers has been made
the subject of special study by the Do-
minion Water Power Branch,
The theory is often advanced that
Canada is likely to become the lead-
ing mineral -producing country' of the
world, and considerable ground for
this -assumption is found in the fact
that the Dominion conteias 16 Per
n coal re•
cent. of the world's
sources, has greater asbestos, nickel,
and cobalt deposits than any other
country, and ranks third in the pro-
duction of gold, whilet:the diversity of.
her miusral endowment is indicated
by the fact that the three main divi-
sions, metallic, non-metallic, and
structural.,a�td clay products, Include
some 60 principal Iters, 17 of which
had, in 1923, a production value of
$1,000,000 or over,
este sums without resorting to pencil
and paper and can name immediately
the day of the week for any date in
the post or future.
As a test, two numbers, each of
forty figures, were chalked on a black-
board, The Indian was told to multiply
one by the other. After less than half
an hour's mental arithmetic he gave
the correct answer.
A great Greek scholar knew by heart
every line of his favorite classic. He
said, however, that his memory was a
curse, since it compelled him to re-
member things he would rather target,
Another man could repeat, word for
word, any sermon be had heard. One
of his feats was to walk down a busy
street and then, at the end, repeat
every sign displayed in the thorough-
An Italian who had a wonderful
memory was able to save a friend
twelve months' work. The friend came
to him lamenting the loss ot a manu-
script which had taken: a year to write.
The Italian sat Sown and rewrote the
entire manuscript from memory. al-
though his friends had only shown it
to him on two occasions.
A negro cloak -room attendant at a
the ear, should find a
aril profit in so doing. Usually
Anotherg of their first ochupations! A GOOD FLY DOPE.
is cutting out pictures. Theseplc-{ When the flies stick close to the in an accustomed comradeship, the the well brad lamb weighing from 60
tures they paste into scrap books. 1! screen doors in the late fall, I find medium impassive, Wombold under a tb 80 pounds is the best stocker lamb
make the books with several sheets that this mixture sprayed well around severely repressed strain that showed to put into winterquarters. The most
of heavy paper or sometimes they uses the door keeps them away to a great
Strips_ in his intent eyes and the slight, nerv-1 profitable time to purchase such lambs
an advertising catalog andOII paste the e correct extent. The mixture is mads by mix- t movements of his lips and hands. is between August and November.
ictures in it.
ing three ounces of creolin with keno-
"Tell me what comes to you," he Heavy lambs weighing from 80 to 110
said. "Allow a free inflow of sugges pounds should be avoided as they
"W llklnaon"
Made by
The Bateman -Wilkinson Co. Ltd.
Toronto Ont.
Beans and Peas
Send Samples—State Quantities
Morrow & Go., 39 Front St. E.
Phone: Main 1738, Toronto, Ont.
length and width from wall paper { Bene and applying it with a hand spray tion from across the border." !make small gams at a high east per
samples and magazine pages are out- to any place where the flies bother. If Mme. Charleroi leaned back and pound, although, if thin and not ex man! My factory is at home—I have
for the children to make into papery the bench which holds the swill polls closed her eyes. She was motionless ceeding 100 pounds in weight, they eleven children."
chains. I also maks home-made for the pigs is sprayed with this, many for ten or fifteen minutes, during may with profit be given a short finish
sewing cards for the children. They of the flies will b
hotel had • an amazing memory for
faces. During large parties he would
take charge of the, belongings of three
hundred guests and return them to
their proper owners without the aid
of checks or tickets. He. relied solely
upon. bis memory and he never made a
— ;
Where She Works.
"You work at a factory?" a woman
was asked at Shoreditch County Court.
"Woman—"Don't be foolish, young
Ilse the chains, straw and paper MrsJ. B. B.
-After every meal
A i!
anda pleasant
sweet and a 'r
1 -aa• -i -i -®t -g
benefit as
good for
teeth, breath
essid digestion.
Makes the
next citfmr
tante better.
°� 18StJ6 No. 40—'24.
e driven away.—
which a slightly increased paleness in feed lot and pasture. Useful in -
and regular breathing denoted the formation on the subject will be found
heightening of psychic susceptibility, in Pamphlet No. 16, "Finishing Lambs A French scientist says there are
SCALLOPED SQUASH. Wombold's gaze never left her face for the Block," issued by the Domin- 1,000 poisonous gases that are avail -
For scalloped squash, boil and mash as he waited tensely the result of the ion Dept. of Agriculture at Ottawa. able f
bef more mason, war, w hic makes a tthousanbe no
as usual. When nearly cool beat the experiment. At last the medium's ---es--
squash, adding half a cupful of milk he could catch a faint form of words:more war,
yolks of two eggs and stir into the lips moved, and as he leaned forward,
Growing Bulbs in. Water.
01� the Job. ono 44.4'
Day afterdayamonth after month
Sinerfs'444 Axe will standthe
going where the going ishaulest"
Oct yo,}sr1 ardware man show
You a444. Note the hent} and the
feel" of it- Meal axe Walla
firehlued. finish that resists
thickened with a tablespoonful each of 'I see—darkness
e White
Paper and p )
Lily Sacred
end then: S
another pause. n
into abut- There
flour. Pourme
butter and
tared baking dish, season, cover with Wombold commanded sternly. j sus bulbs. They may be pia
fi bread crumbs and bake until pale "Yes. Go forward! Try to pierce sell, moss, sawdust hnorlwat methodr alo e
he darkness!" !.
fir 1 "This is the time to plant Chinese
ne The cleaner as
An expression of pity and pain growing or 'forcing' them is by lilac-
brown.I}INTS WORTH TAKING. gradually came uponMnie. t'harlcroi's ingem le shand llow to hold themi ig
rice ing countenance. ; pebbles
A bunch of arrowroot tied in a'' „A R very great and very old" place, anti then adding water until frons
pito clothes will give them a a communicate with you—a troubled ,sing the ar, e " '
1 perfume. spirit, He speaks the name of Henry,!lower tilts and better flowers can be'
By using a bottle brush to clean the: rt. , i obrafirdd. The bowl:: should be paced„
lick cotton cloth and boiled with
the wren
i h delight -181'e whispered. "There fit some one te 0110 -third el the. bulb 1s covered. By
l g r '•tze bulbs
refrigerator pipes, the lob is mare Il The listener gasped. in a cool, airy cellar, garret, or store.'
er Ln
� thoroughly and quickly cabbage, done, "Go on?" he stammered. i room in a. dim 19klit The tamp a
Before using cauliflower Suddenly the quality of Mme. Char- should be icon forty to fifty degrees.,
or lettuce, turn the heads down in
leroi's venae chanttcd. It assumed a T`he+e baths ere not partly, so ally
salted water to which a few teaspoon- .I r• r,0 fie, tint: slrmild. be avoided.
fins of vinegar have •been added, Ail
insects will crawl out,
Unsightly holes in the walls made
by driving nails into the plaster can
, be filled with paraffin melted just
enough to soften so as to be pressed
firmly into the holes, It will keep
I the plaster :from crumbling and will
look neat,
For Bora F
y . l a d cheery y
with a note o reprrart m i,
"George, you remember that Mort; and they al mr:a ix 1,0-;.1 in the at ilii
-"' _set---Minard'd t.tniment.
marc, ire ring, gems n ,
wf 1 ,t • 1The taut . rt1 sl:anld le mtlatuPeed
gage I put' son my+ house to meet the ronin Prot, four to six woke. t
r Macey Wcolen Company bill, don't 'there is a tither mass of rout; in the
a C they're going* to fore- water and the Thant }tan starred to
Ow that t ug I rut,} ]ivinf .r om eel tel ettltere ond .In a
everything, and , if 1 tests my home :srctu,
there'll h0 nut m>x or my •, , , .•
bleary. I'm trying to see you- "
!limy, have mercy:" MInard'a Liniment eleals cuts.
,you, George,
; taw, Then bring them into the light.
h t � c I can't meet p'
h' f family 'hut sh t tints teal will b
Beautiful home dye• ,
ing and tinting is
guaranteed w 1'1 Ii'
Manion:I Dyes. lust'
dip to cold water to
64;11 y1 tint soft, delicate,
sluide,3, or boil to
dye rich, 1100rnanbnt
t��.:, h
Average Annual FIve.Year Value.
Figures of total production fail to
convey the proper impression of the
magnitude of the industry on account
of the diversity of product and units
involved, whilst the varying prices at-
tendant upon uotuating ,market condi-
tions make computations of value d10} -
cult. Probably the fairest conception
of the value of the output may be ar-
rived at by stating that the lowest
value since 1910 was that for 1911,
viz., $103,221,000, the highest that for
1920 when a value of $227,860,000 was
reached, while the average annual
value during the last five-year period.
mounted to 6194,907,000. As com-
modity prices reached a peak In 1920,
and have since receded, production
computed In terms of value Is not a
fair basis for comparison. A weighted
t produc-
tionshowing the 0 p
tion would undoubtedly -mark 1923 as
the banner year In Canada's mineral
industry, new output records being es•
tabllshed in that year for coal, lead,
zinc, asbestos, and for the venue of •
The principal uses of power to min-
ing are for compreasing air for drill•
Mg; driving motors or engines for
hoisting; haulage of oro above and be-
low ground; driving ore cruallers and
conveyors; pumping for water .supply
and for 'the removal of ground water;
lighting; heating; ventilating; slgttal-
ling; machine; blacksmith and tram-•
ing shops; and for various electrical
metallurgical processes. Even in the
comparatively simple mining process-
es involved In the recovery of coal, as
much as 10 per of the product
may be consumed in generating the
power required.
Total Installation for Mining
From estimates made by the Do-
minion Water Power 13ranch it is com-
puted that at January 1st, 1924, the
hydrnnitc^ installation for mining pur-
poses in Canada bad reached a total
of 277,600 h.p., of which 233,000 h.p. Is
Purchased from central electric sta-
dope. e.
An conservative estimate of the
capital investment necessary to de -
Velem this power Is $74.000,000."
From the point of view of minerals
and the development of mining, Caba-
1 da may be divided into ave main
Iareas, the Maritime Provinces, Que-
bec, Ontario, the Prairie Provinces,
and British Columbia and the Yukon.
Each of these areas possesses large
resources of 'Water power deveioped or
iavailable for development for mining.
With the exception of some of the t•oal
I fields or the Central Plain there 1= no
t mineralized area for yli ell ample
power cannot be mode avaliable. This
Is particularly the case In Clntmt•irr and
Quebec, which; being situated in the
acute fuel area of Canada, would be
almost entirely deltendeui neon coal
1imported front the United States were
1t not for hydraulic power.
Available and Developed Pouter.
'Che departineuee iatest table of
'1 lower
i developed water
n deVe] •r 1
h and avnila to
in Canada, corrected to b:ebraury lst,
shows a total available 24.110111' power,
at 80 per cant. ttlflriency, of 18,225,316
hp, at ordinary in ilimi it flow, and
32,055;008 lee. at ordinary six nlonelis'
flow, and a total terbino installation in
Canada. of 3,226,414 h•D. Reference to
the table shows the fortunate tilled.
button of water power throaghoet Cam
Tloo two provinces Without na-
tive coal, Ontario and Quebec, lead In
o water
and utilization
possession t
Power, tollowed closely by Manitoba,
whore only lignite coal is found. 1
far as Inf00ntatlon ie available, there
is no prospeotive mineral area in the
Dominion, with the exception of some
of the coal fioide of the middle pinlna,
where hydraulic energy , Cannot be
mado Itvnilablo,
Nature repairs her ravages, repairs
them with her sunshine turd with his -
man lobar.--Geargo Elliot:
c dors, l:ac
l acicage contains (11- (No ventage remand)
- nrrter's"BilhIet.Rs
and h �
O MMin�h�n
•—twda..a4.+4.4.,,",uodalldr, ,o Ali
The publications of the
Dominion Department of Agri
culture arc obtainable free of
charge. on request, with excep-
tion noted.
They contain helpful informa-
tion on all subjects relating to
They number some four hun-
dred in all, and the following
are examples: ..
List of Pnbncations.
Senaonable !tints.
Predating Poultry Produce for hfarket.
Winter Egg Production.
Wintering Seen in Canada.
a mato.
Root and
Storage C
d11u of Commercial
.Iv. Sian k
Liac Stock.
'Pim Basan ling and floe G=,ding.
Finlnhing Lambs.
. Selection of iamb Cuts.
Preservation of Eruba and Vegetables.
far Boma Gse.
Areong Live Stock.
PermoOb Aecuunt Book—Price xa cents.
Cut but this advertisement,
mark on it the bulletins desired,
including the full List of Pub-
lications, fill in your name and
address, and mall to:
Publics:ione Branch
l�cpartlnanz of Agnc ,
Ottawa, Canada.
pec 1 a,s o x1 11110 shy woman, cad dye ,
o tin, liui4r 0, 901110, ribbons, altirts, Name
l drt; e3, '''oats, stOCktng4 ,
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