The Brussels Post, 1924-7-16, Page 1VOL, 53 NO,
zoo per annum in advance
Most great business
successes had their
foundation in a savings
account . Capital enabled
the 'saver to srasp his
opportunity . Are you
preparing for the day of
opp ort unity a You can
do so by opening a -
savings account toady
Bank of Nova Scotia
Paid-up Capital $ 10,000.000
B,eserve 19,000,000
Total Asaota . 210,000,000
Manager, Brussels
New Advdrtisements
oderich Races
Big dap In Brussels
For rent—D. Ewan
Dunlop Balloon Tires
Final week—W. D. Hamel
House for sale --O. McNeil.
Electric Washers—C. Pope
Kodak Agents—F. R. Sinith
Hey for sale—Arobie McLean
Manilla rope—Duff's, Biuevale
Calc Strayed—Robt. Campbell
Change in business—R. W. Ferguson
Safety First—Walton Farmers' Club
Electric flaturea—Bennington Electric Co.
Miami Rears
DEBT. -A former old resident of this
locality passed to the Great Beyond,
in the person of Jno. Gaynor, on June
18th, at the home of his daughters,
Expected to arrive
shortly. Place your
order early.
Phone 2214 ETHEL
5810 Francisco ave., Chicago. Burial
was made at Seatorth on the 20111 ult•
Mr. Gaynor was born in Co. Berry,
Ireland, 82 years ago, coming to Can-
ada with his parents when a child.
For 40 years he lived in Elma town-
ship where he was well known and
highly respected, He married Mies
Mary Travers, who died in 1914. Sur-
viving children are :—John, 10th Oon,
Grey township ; Dr. James, Bruno,
Sack. ; Thos. and Leo, Palmer,„Saek. ;
Mrs. Quinn, Mre. D. W, Nicnlareen
and Mies Alice, Chicago. Edward
died in 1909, Mr. Gaynor was the last.
of his generation and was a brother to
the late Thos. Gaynor, Brussels. He
lived in the latter place fora while be-
fore going -to Chicago 3 years ago,
Mr. Gaynor possessed Irish wit and
repartee and was an honest, honor-
able man, His death was due to a
Hurrah for Hydro. Walton is go-
ing to be right in it,
Mre. Jno. Berry is holidaying with
relatives at St. Marys and locality.
wee visiting
Alex. Gardiner g
her daughter, Mrs, W. K. Graham,
at Acton during the past week,
Alex. Clark Geo.
We congratulate
MdDonald and Clark,
Love, J. 17 Mary
Kreuter on passing the Extranee Ex-
amination. The latter took honors.
Rev. Mr. Chandler will preach an-
hivereary sermons at Blake next Sun-
day and Rev. Mr, Lundy, a former
pastor, will conduct the .service here
Sabbath morning.
"Safety First ' a t humorous play,
will be presented
int the A. 0.110.W.
Hall here, by the Olinton Dramatic
Club, Friday evening of next week.
They come under the auspices of Wal.
ton Farmers' Club.
ri tore
Stratford s ec
Bennington Electric Co. Ltd,
30 Ontario Street Phone 595
Our Special Bulbs
26 or 40 DD
Watt Tungsten Wintt
4for 51.00 j uuriuit'd
Electric Irons
One year Guarantee
Single and Double
Hot Plates
$5 05 and $0 00
$14,50, $21,00 and 42800
3 Lt. Pan fixture
With Shades --
Special $6.75
Single Brackets
1,25 1.50 1,75 2.00
2,25, 3.00 3,50 & up
3, 4 & 5 tight fixtures
Lovely finish, complete
with frosted or colored
$17,00 $18 ,'51000
vie have Eighty -levet different Electric Lightt'ixtOreaha'ngtna in'dltr,
store to choose from, Come down and choose your osvtl—it will,pay
you. , 10 % discount on anY Fixture in stole if you being this All,. in
Dining Roam Dames
514,00 517.00
525,00 526.00
Hell lanterns
Several finishes
3.75 425 5.00
0,00 8,00 & 12,00
3-1ight fixture
Flemish Finish
r 57.75
1.75 2.25 6.25
Inverted White kiwis
3 -chain Hangers
5-1t. 5llretone Fixture
. Newest design and
finish, with Bulbs.
Large White OpalGlaee
Bowl, either • Nickel
Plated or White Ennui -
el Holder -3.00 3.50 4.00
It will pay you too entne by train or Sett can motor to our door in one,
hour turd a half. We will eave you money and give you
numerous designs to choose from.
IA welcome visitor frain the West
is Sarrieter W. Rea, I:'tlrnontcn, He
ie an old boy who fills it large place in
his Capital city, Mr. Rea'e children
are holidaying with relatives at Port
Our veteran villager, Jno, Fulton
once more won the prize last Satur-
day, at Goderich for the oldest
Orangemen in the.. march, Me age
being 96 year's and a member of the
Order. for 80 years, He's a real
The wrist watch advertised in THE
POST was recovered by its owner,
Congratulations to the Entrance
pupils who weed recent exams, List
in this ie0ue.
Hones and lot for sale in Ethel. In good
condition, with hardwood floors, &o. Low
price for quick sale. For further parttonlare
apply to 0, MONeIL, Ethel. 4-4
PROMPT for sale or to rent 4/6aores of
land, good buildings. Possession about end of
August, Apply to Mao, $4naaay, Ethel,
Phone 2220,
Orangemen went to Milverton for
the 12th.
Some of our boys were taking part
in Brussels Junior Football play.
Mise Constance Purvis ie in Brant-
ford training for a nurse, We wish
her every. success,
Mies Marjorie Tucker has returned
home after spending a holiday with
Juo. and Mrs. Puerile.
We congratulate Miss Ruby Cleaver
on paeeing,her advanced Intermediate
exam. in music with honors.
Misses Annie and Minnie Bateman
and Mr. Mitchell, Orediton, motored
to Mount Forest, last Sunday, and
spent the day with friends. •
Woman's Institute will bold their
next meeting Thursday afternoon,
July 24th, at 2 30 at the home of the
Presldent, Mre, R. Bremner. The
subject, "Literature as a means of
Oulture" will betaken by Mre, J. M.
Steenweg.. A reading will be given by
Mies Purvie, Social hour after meet-
ing. Everybody welcome whether
members or not.
RAYNARD RE -ONION.— A very en•
joyable event took place on Tuesday,
July,8th, when 0, and Mre. Raynard,
with their children and grandchildren
met in the Memorial Park,. to .spend
the day. 26 eat down to a tempting
dinner around the long table bounti-
fully spread for the occasion uuder a
spreading maple tree on the grassy
bank overlooking the river. The af-
ternoon was spent in playing Baseball,
pitching horseshoes and foot races by
the married men, married women,
young men and children. After a de.
licious supper all departed homeward.
Those present were : — 0. and Mrs.
Raynard, Ethel • John and Mre. Max-
well and Winnifred, Max and Mre.
At no time in the history of the
Baking Industry has it been
more generally appreciated that
eN uality
t1! Bread
is the great essential in-buildi ng
up a strong, healthy body. YItu
can have "Quality Bread" by
Willis' Bread
Phone 32x
hite Gap
ie on exhibition at the bome of
ORAS. PO'L'E, Elizabeth street,
and should be seen hefere,yau
purchase, Ir will pay you to see
this wouderful machine,
Is easy to Operate
Washes faster
{White Lasts longer
Is easily cared for
Cap Is safer to work with
No time lost in
Keeps water warm
7 goad reasons, among numer-
ous others, why you should use
a White Cap,
Let ue demonstrate.
C. Pope
Agent Brussels
Baynard. Luoknow ; H, and Mrs. Dob-
son, Ethel ; W. E. and Mre. Lucas,
Dolby, Wis. ; 0. and Mre. Oongram,
and E. and Mre. Ackert, Holyrood ;
Roy and Mre. Hall, Ethel ; Quest Dob-
son, Carman Lucas, Pearl Oongram,
Raynard and Lloyd Ackert,
A number from this township were
'at Goderich last Saturday.
Township Council will meet Thurs-
day of next week. Minutes of last
meeting may be read on page 5.
Names of successful pupils, at the
Entrance examinations who wrote at
Brussels may be Been in another
W. H. Ferguson, Toronto, and
daughter, Mies Elizabeth, were re-
newing old friendships in Morrielaet
week. Former still holds his farm
on the 5111 line.
Ww. and Mrs. Russell and family
are holidaying here from Saginaw.
They came by car. The former is an
old Morris boy, being a sonof the
late Thos. Russell, and a brother to
Alex. Russell, 7th line, and Mre. Jos.
Long, Grey township.
We congratulate Leslie Campbell, a
pupil of S. S. No. 6, on passing the re-
cent Entrance Examination, taking
honors. Not only thio but he headed
the list at Brussels by scoring 635
marks. It is to be hoped that he may
meet with many successes,
There was upwards of 50 applicants
for the vacancy as teacher at the
Bryans School,
Mise Rubyanna Er
skine Alber-
ta is a welcome visitor at the
home of
her uncle and aunt, James and Mrs.
Denman, Atwood, Ont,
Mies Alice Gaynor, Chicago, and her
cousin. Mre. W. Heffeon. Blyth, were
visitors with the former's brother, 3,
P. Gaynor, 10th Con, Mies Gaynor is
a school teacher in the Windy City.
The folk of the upper 9th and 10th
Con. spent a very enjoyable day at
theNeighborhood Picnic in Riverside
Park. Everyone took mut in Group
games, baseball and Novelty races.
After supper the 9th Oon, won a hot
game of Football from the 10th. A
small remembrance was sent Mrs.
For Pure Manilla Rope
Rope to repair Hay Loaders,
Hay Forks, Slings, Oars and
Pulleys - Harvest Tools, Oils
and Binder Twine—
Go to Duff's, Bluevale
nAVING decided to enter into another line
of business I will put my stock of Men's
Furnishings on sale at a rate on the dol-
lar starting
Saturday, July 19th
when the public will get all lines of Merchandise
at very much below the usual prices. This will
Save you money and our stock must be cleared
out at once. Wait for the Bargains.
R. W. Ferguson
P. S.—' I will continue the Tailoring Line.
W. He KERR, Proprietor
Listowel Band
Thursday of This Week is'
a Big Day in Brussels
Program on Victoria Park will
include : — Baas Bail Game —
Blytb vs. Brussels—at 4 p. m.
Senior League Foot Ball Match
—Kinburn vs. Brussels—at 6.16.
Street Dance follows
Listowel Kiltie Band
will be here and' supply choice
music from 4 to 10.30 p. m.
Orchestra Music -Also
Come with the Crowd,
Garf. Baker, who is taking treatment
in Wingham, just to show, that she
Wee not forgotten. It was decided to
make the Picnic an annual affair.
Roe's church Sunday School will
hold a Social Evening al the home of
Geo. Johnston er, 2nd Oon„ Thurs-
day evening of this week. Good
program, games &c. Lunch will be
Thos. and Mre. Kirkconnell, Shep-
herd, Ivlicb., are here on a holiday
visit with relatives and old friends,
Itis more than 30 years since they
went to Uncle Sam's land ,where they
have pi capered. The former is a
brother to the late Jno. Kirkconnell,
16th Oon., and Mrs. Kirkconnell was
formerly Miss Love. The visitors
came by motor, calling on relatives
en route. It was a fine trip as the
country and toads are first class. Tab
is kept on this locality by receipt of
Mrs. A. McLeod is holidaying in
Toron to.
Rev. and Mrs. Ferguson were recent
visitors in Toronto.; .
Mre. G. Wearring is visiting rela-
tives at Sunderland.
Elise Alma Hann, Toronto, is spend-
ing a holiday with her parents here.
Mre. H. Depew and little daughter,
Toronto, are visitors at the home of
R. Stocks.
Mr. Henry, Wingham, has been ap-
pointed manager of the local Bank of
While cranking his car recently,
Lorne Kaake suffered a fracture of
his right arm.
0. A. and Mre. Pleasance, Toronto,
are guests of the letter's parents, Neil
and Mrs. White.
Mre. Harold-
Bradnock,nee Jean
Anderson, Toronto, is isiting old
friends in the village.
14Irs. Geo. McIntosh, Stratford, is
epending 2 weeks at thirhome of her
father, Jno. Davidson,
Mise E. J, Howe left Friday for a
holiday trip to Humboldt, Saek„
where she will remain several weeks.
Wm. and Mre. Edgar, Edmonton,
and John and Mre. Edgar, Saskatch-
ewan, are visiting relatives in this
THE POST gives the neve.
Haying is on the program,
A new Ford Sedan has been purchas-
ed by R. Pratt, our merchant.
Mrs. L. Churchill and daughter,
London, are visiting at Wm. Baillie's.
Former is a sister to Mre. Baillie.
Mies Marie Livingston, formerly of
this locality, ie eupervisor of the Strat-
ford play -grounds for this vacation.
A short time ago Mre. Wm. Baillie
had the misfortune to fall and break
au arm. She is making a good recov-
Mrs. Albert Broughton and son
have been ill with scarlet fever but
we hope they will soon be convales-
Geo, and re Edwards Willie and
Mac. and Mre Ben. Woodleyand
children Brussels, were visitors t W,
Baillie'e home
A number front this locality are in-
terested in the W. F. A, Intermediate
Foot Ball contests, in which Monkton
team is engaged.
Next Sabbath afternoon Rev. Mr.
Lundy, Kipper, will preach at Mon-
crieff, His former pariehiouert will
be glad to see him once more.
A fine 11 pound lad has become a
member of the Harold Livingston
family. He arrived on the 11th and
came nearly being a young King
IIRR REWARD.—Monday morninS of
this week the sad neve was received
here from Listowel that. Mrs. D. G,
McQaarr'ie, a fernier resident of this
locality, had passed away. She had
been in failing health for some time
and her demise was not unexpected.
Deceased is survived by her husband,
a sots (Stewart)and 3 daughters, (Mrs.
Hardy, Palenereton and Misses Har.
riette and Helen, school teaehere),
Thos, Inglis, a well known resident, is
n brother'. Mrs. McQuarrio during.
her residence here was a splendid
worker in the Presbyterian church
and rendered willing and ofH•eient
service, She enjoyed the eeteen of
the oommttuity' who will deeply syn.
The Humorous. Play
Will be presented in the A, 0,
U, W. Hall,
JULY 25th
Under the auspices of Walton
Farmers' Club, by
Clinton Dramatic Club
Program at 8 o'clock -
Tickets 35 and 25 cents
Be Sure and Attend I
pathise with the bereaved, The fam-
ily removed to Listowel last March.
Among those who visited Stratford
on the 12th were Richard and Mrs.
Pratt and daughter, Mise Edna,
Angus and Mre. Brown, and Win, and
Mrs. Machan.
On July 1011i a fine baby boy was
born to Gordon C. and Mrs. Whitfield
of Flint Mich., this intereeting event
transpiring at the parental horse of
Mre. Whitfield, Jno. and Mre.
Struthers, West Monkton. The
young gentleman's •.name is Douglas
Hamilton. We wish him a long and
useful life,
Entrance Examination
The following are the results of the
recent Entrance Examinations held at
Brussels. Seaforth and Manley.
Marks will be sent in a few days to
the unsuccessful candidatee ; certifi-
cates but not marks to the successful
candidates. Appeals for re -considera-
tion of answer papers must be made to
the Inspector before the middle of
August, In the Seaforth centre, Bas-
il James Duncan stood highest with
677 marks out of a total of 750 ; of the
country candidate Norman Jefferson,
S. S. No. 5, Tuckereenith, stood high-
est with 623 marks. In Brussels
centre, Leslie Campbell S. S. No. 6,
Morrie, was highest with 635 marks to
his credit.
R Beirnes, W Bowman, H Bry-
ane (11), L Campbell (b), A Clarke, S
Clark,Davidson h F Dennison,
N. D av'd i
kmier(11),D Ennis A Grewar,0
G Ec
Harrison, C mingway, R Holland,
V Jacklin, V Jordan, J Kelly, H Kerr
M Kreuter(h), D. Lewin, A Logan, 0
McAllister, D McDonald, G Macin-
tosh, W McMillan, M Mantle, W Mel-
ville, C Michel (h), L Mille, F. Murray,
H. Oster, D Prentice (h), 0 Raynard,
M Ritchie, Id Sangster, Jae. Smith,
John Smith, I Stewart, M Thompson,
L Whitfield (h), J Yolleck,
W Alexander, J Archibald, Wm,
Archibald, 0 Armstrong (h), H J
Armstrong, M Beattie, G S Black, E
Broadfoot (h), W Broadfoot, F E
Calder, H 3 Coleman, 0 M Constable,
H Cummings, W J Cuthill, G Daly
(h), H K Davidson (h), L Dinnin, M
Doig, B J Duncan (h), D Farquhar, M
Ferguson (h), M B Finkbeiner, 3 E
Finlayson, M J Finnigan (h), A Fin-
nigan, M Forrest, V E Forsyth, T
Govenlock, F Hogg (h), E. Holmes, A
D Hudson (b), hl Hugbee, J C Junzie,
N Jefferson (h), W L Kruse, M Lane,
G S Love, P McGowan, J D McDon-
ald, H M McKercher (h), E McLean
(h), 74I McNay; B Marriott, G Mason,
D K Meldorf, F Mere (b) L A Mole, G
Muir, A H Munro, T Nolan (I), H E
O'Hara (h), 3 Purcell (h) 0 S Reid, W
D Scott, F S Souter, F E Spain, 0 B
Stewart, R Storey, J M Webster (h),
E W White, M W White, A Wright;
J Dennis,
o T Dennis,D Downey, A
Feenie, P Feenre P Flanagan, M
Flannery, J Kelly R Krauekope, P
McGrath, R McQuaid (h), J Malone, J
Moylan, R O'Reilly, M, Ryan, M Sul-
livan, M O'Sullivan.
People We Talk About 1S
tit --32
James Sharpe is visiting with Loudon
Miss Marguerite Wilton is visiting in
W, B, Strachan, Toronto, was home
for the week cud,
Fred. Burchell was home for the week
end from the Ottawa district,
Miss Margaret Maunders is enjoying
a well earned holiday at Muskoka.
Miss Mary Barber, =Toronto, isarisit.
lug her sister, Mrs. George Birt, Brus-
Mrs. S Fear, Mimico, is visiting
relatives and friends in Brussels and
S. Wilton, D, D. G. M., and M.
Black ate attending the Masonic Grand
Lodge at Toronto thin week.
Frank Bryans le here from Hamilton,
recuperating from a recent opetri ied,
We hope be will soon be o, k.
A. E and Mrs. Jackson, Hatrlston,
spent the weekend with Jim. and Mrs.
Robb, Mrs. Jaeksoe'e parents,
Goderich Races
Good sport at Goderich Races
Wednesday July,23
Three evente, 51300 in purees,
Mrs. Hillis, Detroit, is a visitor with
ber sister. Mrs. Ino,, Simmons.
Miss Edith Henderson, Seaforth, is
holidaying with relatives in Brussels.
Barrister Rea, 'Edmonton, was a
welcome caller on THE POST this week.
Miss Jean Scott, London, is here on
a visit with her grandparents, P. and
Mrs. Scott,
Harry and Mrs, Kirby and daughter,
London, were visiting Jos, and Mrs.
Queriu this week,
Mrs (Rev.) Hind, Guelph, and child.
ren ere enjoying a holiday at the form-
er's parental home.
John Simmons enjoyed a holiday with
relatives and friends at Detroit, Port
Huron and London,
James McCracken was visiting his
brother, Dr. McCracken, Otterville,
His son Allan accompanied bio,
W. Harty, and A. Mrs, Porteous and
Miss Maybell Rands, Seaforth, were
callers in town Friday of last week.
Albert Lott and his grandmother, Mrs.
john Lott, are visiting for a week in
Wiogham with relatives and old friends.
Mrs. Jas Armstrong and Miss May
are holidaying in Toronto, with head-
quarters with Mrs. Short, the former's
E. A. and Mrs. Francis, Miss Myrtle
and Master Keith, Hamilton, were
last week visitors with Miss Maude
Misses Kathleen and Margaret Ran-
kin, Elora, are 'holidaying with their
uncle and aunt, A. and Mrs, McGuire,
j. and Mrs. Longmire and Mrs. Somer-
ville, Goderich, were week end visitors
with Arthur and Mrs. McGuire, Wil-
liam street.
George Dawson, of the Standard
Bank staff, St. John, N. B., bas been
holidaying in town. He was in Brus.
secs branch for a few years,
Mrs. D. B. Moore. a former resident,
is visiting in town and adding to the
pleasure of many old friends in Brussels e
and locality. She is looking well.
Wm. Habkirk, Kincardine, was here
tor the week end. He is a cousin to
Robert Henderson, Brussels, and spent
a good many years In town and locality.
Mrs. Thos. Maunders, Detroit, a form-
er well known resident, is a visitor at
the borne of hter son, corner William
and Albert streets. The trip was made
by motor.
Mrs, S. W. Baxter, Miss Margaret,
and Harold, Wyandotte, Mich„ areivisi-
tors at the Methodist Parsonage. The
former is a sister of the late Mrs. (Rev.)
Miss Madge Donaldson, Listowel, was
renewing old friendships in Brussels
last week. Mrs. W. W. Harris is an
aunt. The visitor is no stranger in
Mrs. H. B. Churchill and daughter,
Norene, London, were in town last
week. They are holidaying with W.
and Mrs. Baillie, near Moncrieff. The
ladies are sisters,
Mrs. H Semis returned this week
G n s
from the Kitchener Hospital where sbe
has been for 2 weeks, having under-
gone a • serious operation. We wish
her Speedy convalescence.
Miss Margaret Wallace, Toronto, is a
visitor at the Home of her grandmother,
Mrs. Robt. Kerr. The latter has been -
quite poorly for some time but is some-
what improved,we aro leased to state
Miss •Dora Smith and neice, Miss
Ruby Smith, who were visiting relatives
and friends in Brussels for the past year
left last Saturday for Borden, in the
West. They may take a run to the
Mrs. Mattice and daughter, Mrs.
Strapman, Detroit, are visiting relatives
and friends in town and locality.
Former is a sister to Mrs. John Sim-
mons, Queen street, and was a ,former
Will, Long and D. and Mrs. Hume
were here for the week end from
Toronto with /no. and Mrs. Long,
Brussels, Miss Winnie returned with
them in the former's Sedan for a visit
in the Queen city
At the County W, C. T, U. Colwell.
tion, held at Exeter last week, Mrs.
A. McGuire. Brussels, was re-elected
President, for the 5th term. She fills
the bill excellently and is a fine worker
for this most ' worthy cause.
Mrs. Chas. Ainlay, Harriston, and
Mrs, Hill, bar neide, Denver, Col„ were
sailing 012 old friends last week. Both
ladies were former Brusselites, the latter
when Miss Ida Stacey, The young
grand daughter, Miss Beatrice Francis
Thompson, Chicago, was accompatiying -
Mrs, Hill.
Reuben and Mrs. Hiudes and child-
ren, Michigan. have been renewing old
friendships in Brussels and community,
The former was born in Brussels but re-
moved 20 years ago, He found a'good
many old acquaintances even after the
lapse of the fleeting years.
Alex, and Mrs. Strachan left lest Met -
day on a holiday to the West, with Cal -
gory as the tante°, where their only
daughter is married to Cline Scott, of
the Standard Bank. The travellers
motored to Toronto taking the boat at
Port McNichol. We wisb them an en-
joyable stay and a safe return,
Mrs. Wm. Methieson, Brandon, Met„
formerly Miss Etntna Colvin, arrived
here for a visit at her old home last
Saturday. She cattle by boat to Sarnia
aid visited with relatives at Stratford
on the Way here. Mrs, Methieeon
was for years a member of 'Tete Paso
stall and looks as if the West agreed
With her tip top. We are sorry to
hear that her sister, Mrs. A. G. English,
Harding, Mau., was not having very
good health but we hope for early cot-