The Brussels Post, 1921-10-20, Page 4iitatiods
PaovINCIALATli14ASU1tak PaTalt SMrrjf
says Ontario 'Mow have a half million
surplus by clow of financial year, Tnat
Outlets good in the midst of a long eon-
tinuetion of deficits -1e se many govern.
menta.. °
C x
A Alar opal Railways atiow a
decided gain in earn tugs, . Level heeded
management,• equable peesouger a d
freight rates, uento,date set vice and the
lopping off pf unneoessary officials or.
expense should keep the balanceon tbe
right side of the /edger.
ANGLICAN Synod, meeting at Remit
ton, evidenced a vett' friepoly 'spirit
toward Cburcb Uoion and will make 1t
easy for other advances, A united
church would be a great force for
Rigbteouaness, we believe. Cpmmittees
of other churches are busy too,
JAILER CART6a sort of got the "kick -
out" at London jail over the escape of
the Murrell Bros. and thereby a new job
was opened up quite unexpectedly.
There don't appear to be any shortage
of seekers for the vacancy as more than
too have applied fur the berth. Funny
bow quickly aspirants grow when the
door Is open,
LAST week New PBruaewick spoke In
no uncertain way When they pronounced
against tbe importation of booze. Coo-
trary to some of the other provinces the
cities also piled np big majorities, St.
John giving 2,000, Moncton /,goo and
Fredericton 400. John Barleycorn dies
hard but he's being booted out of Canada
just the same,
EVIDENCg in connection with the in
vestigation of that old timber deal (if
not steal) of the lata Plovincial Govern-
ment is a "loud smeller" and shows bow
prone public men may be to "wink," if
nothing worse at
what should be straight
business transactions. We suppose if
the Drury Government bad not boisted
their predecessors nobody would ever
bave heard of the little game being put
across. The human family is surely
very human.
A Nuatast of the cities and towns are
catering to the farmers and their fami-
lies in commuaitics adjacent by the
opening of lest and parcel rooms,
equipped with modern conveniences.
ett,000 is being spent by the Chamber of
Commerce in Gaelph for this very put,
pose. This feature is no doubt appre-
ciated by those who derive the benefit
but it would not do any harm to express
it to the promoters. The silly old yarn
that, people would not come to town if
booze was shut off bas been disproved
thousands of times and the libel on the
tillers of tbe soil made a laughiog stock.
HEAR the leaders of the political
parties. Hon. Mr. Haighton, Hon. Mr.
Ring and Hon, Mr, Crerar have worth
while- messages for the people, We
may beve our preferences and possibly
not agree with utterances or statements
but get the information anyhow and sift
out the chaff if you think it is there,
The country needs the best to be had
but prejedice or bigotry wont be the
best scales to weigh public issues in. If
governments don't 811 the bill or do
their duty kick them out and put tbose
you believe will honestly try to serve in
their places, but hear what has to be
said and mark your ballot for the repre-
sentative who will serve Canada best.
Iv half the t ime and money spent on
trying to get to the North Pole were de-
voted to "sewing wood" at home there
would be something to show for the ef-
fort at the close of the year, "Wbere
there is no vision the people perish" and
where its all "vision," so called, the folk
either starve to death or live by impos-
ing on their friends 01 course tbere
must be pathfinders and discoverers but
along with all this should be the exer-
cise of a good chunk of common sense
and keeping on terra firma instead of al-
ways wanting to aeroplane or build
castles in the air. Doing is better than
dreaming. Wake up and get busy.
Do you throw bricks at at the level head-
ed woman candidate seeking office 7
Did yon say site ought to stay home and
confine berself to the duties and care of
her own home circle i' It strikes us If
our women folk quit the work they are
doing today outside of the borne 9 out of
re critics would see the work go by de•
fetiit before they would lift a helping
hand. No Sir! l we lay a debt is owing
womankind never likely to be paid, even
by a vote of thanks for A f services per.
formed in the church, eominnnity and
every other good cause wanting "lift.
era," If they cant do any better as M,
P's or M P. P.'s than Borne of the
"basswood" material who has pocketed
indemnity by false pretences then Perlia.
mentary halls had better close up and
mi111ons of dollars, oftoned tquandefed,
diebitreed toprojects and for purposes of
general lrreetical benefit,
Cockerels for Sale
Afew titmice White Wyandotte
Ooakerels for sale. Call and he
Ooivineed, They crow for them,
eel ves.
G. B USse s
A. Manning r i
1.1 if
La1,an a trade and dont be satisfied
astir yuu have mastered the details and
are able to prove you are a specialist at
your job. One trouble today is short-
cuts are taken to shorted apprenticeships
and the tesult often is a "botch" is
turi,edout instead of a workman. The
same is often true of school and col;ege
life, anything to get in the preseribtd
t,n1e and as a result it is eftec a poor
Moth that is made at the examination
tests. Yoe 180'1 grow an oak on mush-
room principles.
Now is the time to quiz the man or
woman seeking your s:ft age as to their
positive opinion on fundamentals. Tbev
should be able and ready to give an
answer as to where they stand. Sound
legislation desired by the people bas
often been throttled or blockaded by the
weathercock individual wbo trimmed
their salts to catch favoring breezes to
advance personal interests on their par-
ticular party no matter what became of
the cause or the country. A gocd re-
cord is the best way of judging wbat.
AMY be expected in days to be.
DON'T be a groucher, nor wear crape
on your bat while you paint gloom pic-
tures of hard times at hand. While
there may be need of retrenchment and
the practice of economy we dont believe
you can tie up the Dominion of Canada
so as to cripple business and starve out
the people. We are of the opinion that
fine times are abead of us and that by
care, thrift industry rY and everybody YACS
workbe "good d
t go d o day.," some people
tike to talk about, are on the way.
Buckle into your j 1b, spend your moues
at home and cheer for Canada instead of
b-ing.a croiker and things will right
tuemselves i0 due course.
SOpTH PERTH Will run a 3 ring circus a
too on December 6. Wm. Forrester, a
well known Mitebeli resident, is the
nominee of the Liberals ; Dr. Steele,
the past M. P , castes the colors for the
Conservatives and Rob1, BerryBien-
shard township, represents the U F 0
The est uamed was elected last election,
as far as a majority was concerned but
the overseas soldiers' vote, applied to
Dr Steele's minority passed bins it and
Forrester out, a most unsatisfactory con-
dition of affairs in, any riding. Iu the
triangular fight the Dr. will hkely stand
a good show of gettiog back to Oaawa,
even if a majority dont want him. It's
a nonsensical way to do but if the
parties won't harmou'ze then von have
to be satisfied with potluck, nothwttb-
standing tbe fact that possibly the object
sought to be attained becomes an im-
Political Notes
fn the Province of Ontario theevot-
ers' list for cities, towns and villages
will be based upon existing provincial
Or municipal lista of 1919 or 1920, The
Ontatio provincial lists are more than
two years old, and there is no statut-
ory provision for the preparation of
new lists in cities, towns and villages.
Aroa consequence the chief returning
officer hire decided to adapt the sug-
gestion of Alexander Smith, barrister
of Ottawa, and has instructed return•
ing oflicets to use for guidance in
compilation whatever lista are avail-
Wi ngham District
W. M. 5. Convention
Annual District Convention of the
Women's Foreign Missionary Society
of the Methodist church, YVingham
Mallet, was held in Gorrie, on Thnre-
day, Oct. 0th, Mrs. T. 0. Johnston,
Supellntendent, presiding. There
was a splendid attendance both after-
noon and evening, many wishing to
hear Rev. Kenneth ,L Beaton, B. A.,
one of the Wingbam District boys
home from China on furlough, who ad-
dressed both meetings. Interesting
and helpful talks were given byMre.
Foreman, of Union. on Circle Work t
Mrs. Mills. of Olatk's, on Flartd Work
and Mrs. Ed. Johnston, Blnevale, on
Auxiliary Work. Bible Study was
Or Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago?
The remedy is simple, frtexpen-
siive, easily taken and harmleue.
Rheumatic Capsules
Your druggist wilt supply you.
Write for free trial to Temple.
ton's% 56 Colborne St., 'T'oronto.,
Sold by Jae, Fox 1 in Walton by
W. 0, Neal.
Tried for Years to Fled Belief
Chronic Conslipailon or lnuu icient
action of the bowels, Is one of the
greet Dawes of disease, Some autho-
rities even elal03 that Constipation
cannot be permanently corrected.
This is a great mistalce, because here
is the proof that coestipatiun can be
cured and the bowels mad 2 to act
regularly and naturally,
YAuuouTO, N.S.
"For years, I was troubled with
Constipation, and had to take laxa-
tives and purgatives all the time.
1f I neglected to take these, the
bowels would refuse to do their
About two years ago, a friend
advised me to try "Fruita.•tives", which I
did. Tie first box helped me so much
that I obtained further supplies of
therenledyand continued the treat-
ment. after using about eight boxes,
my bowels were able to perform their
particular function without aid.
.The relief in my case has been lasting,
as up to date, I have never had any
further trouble. I can recommend
"Fruit -a -tines" to all suffering as I
did and I am sure they will derive
equal benefit".
"Fruit-a-tives" are sold by all
dealers at 800 a box, 6 for $2.50, trial
size 26c., or sent postpaid by Fruit -a.
tires Limited, Ottawa, Ont.
conducted by Mrs (Rev.) Cragg, Wing.
ham, and Stas (Rev.) O'Iiell, Ethel,
reviewed the new Study Book. A.
pleasing feathre of the afternoon s -
p g ses-
sion was a talk to the Goo rioschool
children "Tbe Children of China" by
Mr. Beaton. Repents were encour-
aging, showing a' epleddid advenee,
ales the Addition of one new auxiliary
and a new Circle during yeare lit
the evening, Ala Beaton gave a fotee-
ful ttddrees proving that }viten the
Ohinese were Christianized they Me
caste real Obristieu workers, hulu't
by lure, .1111tchau, Ethel, and Miss
Wood, Brussels, and a pantomime by
mernbeta of tViughant Oh eta were
much appre6lated. Ladies of Currie
Auxilutry entertained the visitors to le
splendid, supper in the hasernent. The
new officers a leoted were Mrs, W. 11.
Willis,uletin ode t awl Mrs.
tet 1 t 3 .
1 ), 1 1V'
T Greer; Secretary, both of Wing-
Dr. Ross, of Brussels,
Wins free Press Trophy
Loddon Free Press of Wednesday
of last week says teethe J. V. Rose,
Brussels won The London Free Press
trophy, and incidentally the melee
singles tennis oharupionship of West-
et'rr ()nutter), when he -defeated Dr.
Tisdale, of Delhi, in the challenge
match staged at Hon. 0. 5. Hymau's
enure yeel(edgy afternoon.
Dr. Ross won frolu 3. G. Boucher,
of London, in the Heals of kite West-
et'11 Ontario tennis tournament, aid
qualified thereby to rneetDr, Tisdale,
who has been the holdet of the. trophy
Since 1915,
It was a decisive victory for 1)i'
Ross, as he captured three ont of four
sets from'Dr. Tisdale. The entire four
sets ended by the score of 6-1. Dr.
Tisdale was successful in winning the
first set, but the next tli1e0 were won
by the Bi usseis player, formerly of
Toronto Uuiversify.
The new tennis -champion, who 18 im
the twenties, outplayed Dr. Tisdale,
who has had many more years' ex,
perience at the game, Rose won in
great form and was persistent,
The Bittssels star had a keen eye
and exhibited unusual ability in serv-
ing. His style was superior to any-
thing disclosed in the tourney this
year, and made plays which appeared
impossible. The gallery applauded
Dr. Roes frequently.
Dr. TitduIe, although defeated, is a
sportsman of high calibre, and all
though the contest corn plitl)eittell
Ross 011 his playing. The former
chalrlpion realized that 'Ross lied the
edge on him and was glad to credit his
opponent with the bonne.
In theliTisdale tl r d set Dr. la dale threat.
erred to come I ask and take the lead,
Ross was leading by three games
while Tisdale went sear elese. The ex. .
tennis champion Bien %von three con-
seentive pelmet and the Bet finished
with the active of 0.4.
Muss player( close to the not and
Tisdale reedits this to be partly
reepun'.ible Far the winner's 8mceese,
11'; "1'7 Meyer which appeared to
he eitlibult to luutdle were spade by
Wove with little or no exertion.
'Mulatto 22)18 unfortunate lit serving
and lois opllonent gained many points
on inferior plays.
The last get wee a thrilling affair
and contained triot'e close plays than
the outer three co,mbfned. The two
'Muerte-gave thi
hest they
had and
deavored to uutplrty each other,
Unfevnl'able contlitions existed as
the day wits. broken by showers of
relit, and after the third get had been
'slogan play was suspended for more
than ono hour owing 10 the $info.
ThA e00(11e1) menet was wet, and for
title reeeon the platy was rout as speedy
as it wunld'have 11eee otherwise,
La the final [Hen's eiugles, which
Wns the qualifying round fur the chal-
lenge match, Ross defeated Boucher,
of London, by the seers of 2 0 in the
first set, The Londoner won the
second by the not of 0 4, but lost the
third by 8 10, -
J. 0. Boucher needed only to win
theebauipionehip yesterday to have
made the Isoldon Free Prean trophy
his pet moment property., The cull
was awarded for competition in 1918
and was won by J. 0. Boucher for two
consecutive yearn. ° In 1915 Dr. Tis-
dale became champion, and the play
WKS snependad in 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919
anti 1020.
Perth County
Perth County Ocuneil /net last
Business prrospects at Stratford are
meet promising,
12 hew houses have been erected fn
Mitchell this year.
Apples are poor crop and poor qual-
ity around Mitchell.
Liberal candidate for South Perth
is FVtn. Fou rester, Mitchell,
Cowmilloe Cameron may, seek Mit-
chell Afayor's chair next year,
G. T. It has appointed Druggist Fee -
gegen as uptown ticket agent.
Listowel }for ticultural Society is
boosting the Fall planting of butts,
Life :Membership was presented Mrs.
11. J. Gourley of St. Andrew's W. M.
S., Stratlot el,
Fine barn, live stock, rkc., in Rib-
bert, belonging to Edgar Butson, was
destroyed by five.
ere. Robt. Roy, aged S9 years, died
home aG
he' l t n1 e. tt 1 Kt I
t se dale. An
e 11
and 211211111;tet' fns viva.
Returning dicer for North Perth is
R. 7, Orr, Stratford, and for South
riding Copt, Oxnard, St. Alert's.
University of
NiCigair .11111M1411110111111.1
The establishment of the Uni-
versity of Alberta in Edmonton has
bro.,1ht about a great Intellectual
stimalus in the West where there
are in the youth of the province
wonderful potentialities for national
efficiency and good citizenship. At
tl,e primary session 6P the 'Legis-
lat:ru cf Alberta in 1906, an act was
passed creating the University of
Alberta and in 1908 the first presi
dent entered upon his duties with
sessions beginning in September of
that. year.
The site of the University on the
high bankf of the Saskatchewan in
South Edmonton comprises 268
acres while there is also a farm of
800 acres. Five hundred acres are
under cultivation in addition to those
conked by bujldings. The institu-
tion is financed by the government
and the expenditure to date exceeds
three and one-half million dollars.
There are three commodious rosf-
dentiel buildings—Athabasca Hall,
Assiniboia Hall and Pembina Hall,
providing residential accommodation
for four hundred students. The main
reaching building is a handsome
structure of eco -classic style and
was opened for elaases in the fall of
1915. The new medinal building
which will be completed for the
opening of the fall session ranks as.
one of the finest in Canada, It forme
the southern part of a quadrangle
of University buildings and is in
architectural harmony with the oth-
er structures. In addition to acoom-
xnodating the department of chenille
try, it contains Iabeeatoriee for the
department of anatomy, physiology,
pathology and public health, There
are two loeture halls, in theatre form
with a capacity for tWo hundred
'steatite eaeh. . 'Twenty-five thous
sand dollars, representing the inter-
est oft half a million, has been made
available for the medical faculty by
ttile 200k/eller Foundation, toe the
(1) The Main Teaching Building of the Alberta University.
(2) The Engineering Building, in rear of the Math Building.
promotion of better medical training
in the United States and Canada,
Dr, H. M. Tory, IMA., is presi-
dent of the University; W. A. R.
Kerr, M. A.., is Dean of the Faculty
of Arts and Sciences; 11. A. Rowes,
B.S.A., is Dean of the Faculty of
Agriculture and Dr. A. C. Rankin is
Dean of the Faculty et Medicine;
The University has achieved the
'mportaht function of reaching in its
educational work, the people of the
province at lgrge through extension
work. There: is a special secretary
for this department who promotes
lecture courses throughout (he pro-
,inoe, a Press Bulletin, a system of
travelling libraries and a bureau for
information for literary clubs, de -
eating societies and such organize -
thins. One 'important work was a
series of discussions before various
l udiences In the province, ori the
social proliletns of Western Canada
The Scientific Association has a
definite program of economic re-
search into the resources of the pro -
deco, The university farms ere
conducting an expeelmental station
for agricultural research.
%The library of nineteen thousand
volanme has a large collection of
books written by (:anndian authors
on CAnnde and Is located 1110 the Audi,
r the direction of the Exten-
sion Board, the farm young people
of Alberta were given a week of
work and play at the University, m
June. A feature of the Univers1ty
Is the Summer School for teachers
which is carrying on its ninth pro-
gram of work.
"Evergreen and Gold," the year
book of the University gives a re-
sume of the activities of the year
which are as interesting as they are
broad hi scope, The Clubs include
the A5rivelteral Club, the Pharmacy
Chb u1 its first year, the Medical
Club In its fourth year. Literary
and Musial interests are prontoted
liy the literary Association, the
Glee (suit, Mardoifn Club and the
University orchestra. The Drama-
tic Society hair established a reputa-
tion in Alberta. Bernard Shaw's
comedy "You Never Can Tell" was
the spectacular production give» in
the leadutg cities of the Province.
The V,'ritcr.e' Club, whose program.
fins covered the various fields of
literary endeavor toed value in such
121 2 ru;; p1040 c'0 .t1, Alberta.
Amateur sport in Western Canaria
has let n developed by the 17niver11-
ty of Aeoerla Athletics Society.,
l here is c track club, soccer, baskets
ball team, rugby and hockey, and
great advance has been node in
wonmu's ai.luatios.---G.
,J. ScAimerville, Pipeetone, Minn„ is
visitlug .tor lit, Maoya after 30 years
s n e
1 �
e 0
Nov,. 11 Is the date of nnYsfling a.
Soldiers' taLlet iii Lrullatton Mellen
diet ohut'eh,
• Golden wedding of J, and Mrs. Kest -
A61', Stratford, watt; oelebtitted and
puree preaettted,
Empty boxes under eountel'- in
1 1.'Aer'e etnle, St. Marys got on fire but
were extiuguisbetl,
Blouse tablet 1108 been placed 'ill
Rugal Bank, Stratford, In 005)0017 of
1), 0, Bradshaw and J. O. Riches,
mounters of attar who fell in 020 war.
Average cost per day for 1521)0us at
the Stratford jail was 197.10;, accord-
Ing to the report for last year pro-
tented by Jailor Nicol, Tireoperating
coat 0f the jai► was t4,15O,19. During
the year there worn 107 prisonerg in
the jail, iucludrog seven females.
There were 73 Uanadians, 16 •Du ••lisp,
8 Scoteb, 2lriesb, 7Atnstfcari8, o'f the
wt. it nets eleven could neither read;nor
write, 'Phare were 24 comwttmoute
for breech of the 0, T. A.., 18 for nag
saucy and 17 for theft.
AUCTION 8412 OM FARM 820011. 1011,111.
MASTS, &o. -T. R. Bonpett, Auctioneer,
hoe received instructions from.. the under-
signed proprietor to sell by Public Aiceion at
0351 Lot 68, Con. let, Morris, Wednesday,Oct.
26th at 1. e'clook sharp, the following valuable
property ;-1 sow due to calve Des, 19611, I
heifer due to calve January 20th, 1 sow duo to.
Delve Feb.2nd,1 cow due to calve Feb, 20111,1
cow due to calve Marsh 1st, 1 sow due to calve
)naroh 41h,) eoW doe to ealye April 26111,1 cow
doe to calve May lith, 1 cow doe to calve May
22nd, 1 cow due to calve May 12th, 1 sowdue
to calve April 26thal cow doe to calve March281), 1 heifer rising 8 farrow, 1 thoroughbred
Durham ballrleing 2, 1 grade Polled Angus
hall 1 year old, 1 heifer 2 years old, a yearling
heifers, 7 yearling /Aeere, 8 Spring oalvee, 11
sows, 18 pigs ready to ISO lbs.
10 York shoe, 50
hens, about 10 tons of hay, 100 bus. mixed
grain, 100 bushels oats, 26 bus. peas, quantity
of sheaf corn, 1 high wagon, 1 truck wagon,
1 set bobsleighs, 1 combination atonia rack,.
1 single plow, 1 gang plow.. Sate wi1hoat ra•
serve 08 the Proprietor ds overstocked.
Terms.-8nme of 56.00 mud ander /cash ; over
that amount 10 months credit given on fur.
Melling A pprOved Joint Notes. 6 per cent off
for cash. on credit emonnts.
J. 01,25111512, Proprietor.
for Sale
Flreeel ass farm 101 sole in Greytownship,
cenastel»gg 100 notes. Fins balhiege end a
good da111ed well. ponerete stabling under
berm. TMs farm eon be boeghtat a Very IOW
11411.P0 , d n»)be unfitly financed,
o TAP PoaT,
Farm for Sale
100 more inran for eels beingN'Ifi Lot 20, pan,
9, aierrl0. Abant v5nore4 0)e»1W), There is -a
comforntblc hoose, with 5000 Dauer, bank
horn, with 20ment floors 10 stables, pigpen
&D„ gaud well, urebard and plenty_ of water oat
mon, Oply 80 suds to eebmo , 131080011, and
Birth are ey, unto distant. 26 novae of Fell
plowing dont+. Far further perticniara se to.
price Aad urea: which ewe liberal, apply to
teen Foy, Brussels.
House for Sale
The property el the late Mrs, Procter, Dor.
mer of Alexander and Flora Street, Brussels, is
oaered tor nate. Good frame hopes rind f4 aori
of lend, Poaoeseion may be halon October 1412
Nor tartlets partioulare apply 10.-
Phone 101.1 R, lt, No, 4, llroseels,
Bull for Service
The undersigned w111 keep for Rervfoe, on 8%
Lot 00, Con. 2, Morrie township, thethoro'-bred
Short Born Bull, Gainford of Salem, No,
W418=, Sired by Getnford 0argnie (`1008001 ;
Dam Mildred. VII by Royal Sailor 418850), ped-
ig6rse may be seen on application. TOMS -
51.0.00 for thorn'-breda payable at time of ser-
vice with privilege to retarn. Grade sows not
2'808. PIEROS,
Hill View Farm
Breeder of large %Hsh Berksli res
Young stock for sale, either sex.
For further pArtlealars write or phone.
Bru-sels'Ceatrat- Wattonp.0,
Phoneme) B, B. 8
04444+4 4•4•44444404444•44.+44. 04-44.4r4•t'4+4*4+4+•444410'W4,4
The Seaforth Creamery
ream Wanted
Bend your Cream to the Creamery thoroughly
established and that gives you Prompt; Service and
Satisfactory Results.
We solicit your patronage knowing that we can
give you thorough satisfaction.
We will gather your Cream, weigh, sample and test
it honestly, using the scale test to weigh Cream sam-
ples and pay you the highest market prices every two
weeks. Cheques payable at par at Bank of Nova Scotia.
For further particulars see our Agent, MR. T. C.
McCALL, Phone 23zo, Brussels, or write to
The Seaforth Creamery Co.
4.4••• NN'N4•ts..i/
• w�
a Stratford °
9 00•••••••••••••••••••••••• k • 44 •••4.04 44 E e 8 44 •0.0.000
May Enter Any Time 3i
The School i
cool w th experienced instructora.
The School which gives thorough Courses.
The &School which assists its Graduates to positions.
Andreae tho Collage for pros Oataiogub, to oithor
or . Wingham
ream Wanted
111111111211111.11MMIIIIIMII 111.6111111.11111•1111111=11111111111111111111111111111111M
Ship your Cream
Direct to the
Brussels Creamery:.
Prompt Service Satisfactory y Returns
We furnish you with Cana • and. Pay all Ex-
press Charges. Issue Cheques for the pay-
ment of your Cream twice each month, pay-
able at par at your Bank.
Give the Brussels Factoryone trial and au
will not want to discontinue,
Stewart Br
C __ mer ,
Preps, a.