The Brussels Post, 1921-10-20, Page 3An AIYterican's Impression of Canadai• It'la always pleasant to boar nice `things sail of Canaila as they but con - Arm our tern opinion of this country's future. The following letter was Pula i in a recent 'Moue et the Ottawa :Med, to e 'Citizen and speaks for i IR Livine.aoroaa the border line all my life, I, litre many otiters, aelevely en• .gaged there, hitherto have 'tamed to pay much attention to the claims put forth In behalf ob Canada as a won• e erfut county. A five -weeks trip front •ocean to ocean over the Caneillan Paeifie Railway, has absolutely eon. 'viewed ;no that the great future aimed,. et Canada that is claimed for her by your political leaders and captains of industry will probably . arrive emelt "starker than is looked for by the most 'en thusiastic booeter, Observations made during` my trip luno indeed been a eevelatlon, to me, AS '!t ,inuat also have been to Many others, Aside from tbo marvelous scenery, your vaet domain, has poten. Nal prospects in a commercial .canes that cannot fail to materialize. Wheth- •er one oon"siders tile' outlook from tate standpoint of mining, agriculture, lum- bering, fisheries;or otherwise, a Wen - did 'prospect moves into view. And 'Canada is surely entitled to have these predictions. realized. Any other out- come would be unfair to her patriotic sons who are forever doing something to promote the general welfare. Then again, • Canada's hospitality is really the last word in that direction. As one who recently was a "stranger 'within your gates,' I know whereof I speak, and am only too glad to lay a little tribute on the altar of Canadian progress. Yours truly. — J. Frank Howell, New York, Shelling Ships to Save Them. Most people aro aware that oil has a remarkable effect on the waves of a stormy sea, Many a ship has been kept afloat in a tempest by her crew pouring overboard part of the 011 that formed her cargo. The reason why oil has this wonder - tut effect is that It floats upon the water,' and that it spreads itself into a very thin film over an enormous arse. A pint of oil will cove)' more than an acre of water. This floating film acts es a kind of insulation, preenting the wind from acting fully upon the water, The waves decrease in size, and soon a comparative calm results. ' An idea has been developed recent- ly which may result in the saving of numbers,of bard -pressed ships. Coast- guard stations around the British Isles are to be proided with guns which lire shells filled with oll. I4 dtstreae signalsare seen by the watchers, the gun will be taken to the nearest possible point to the ship. Shells will theft be fired, aimed to strike the water ahead and astern of her. :1s each falls it will burst, allow- ing its contents to spread over the face cf the sea. In this way the ship May be enable.l to last out until the lifeboat can reach her. A New Help for the Housewife. The most laborious of all domestic tasks is scrubbing floors. Any woman wilt testily to that. It breaks the back and wears out both temper and stock - Ing -knees. Hehce it may by consider- ed that Charles 1. Oliver, of Sher- brooke, Quehere has proved himself a benefactor through the invention of a stoopiess scrubbing brush which he has newly patented in this country. The brush hes a long handle there- fore the operator doesn't have to stoop. On top of It is' a rectangular box containing water and cake of soap. Sharp metal points' projecting upward from the bottom of the box •scrape the soap constantly as the brush is pushed back and forth, A dribble of soapy water falls continual- ly in front of the brush through a row of small holes provided for that pur. pose. Thus the scrubber has nothing to do but to shove the long handle to end fro, soapy water being fed nut in advance of the brush. The perforut- unce is almost automatic, Turning Night Into Day. One of the strangest Rowers, and one that is not often seen, because it only blossoms after night has fallen, and then. withers; before dawn comes, is the cereus. Except at the time it blooms, this plant, which is bno of rho few that turn night Into day, is not at all attractive In appearance. What you see is fiothtng suore'than a leaf• less, distorted tangle of discolored and repellent vegetable fibres, But when this. unpromising mass of roots does • break into blossom, it throws out flowers as beautiful as they aro tlnlioionely scented: The bud be- gins to unfold a little after dusk, and an hour r two It has grown t ino a 4 g large flower several feet in eircumter- ence, which at nttilnight is brown and prangs and white, and fills the air With n heavy tropical scent like a cont• pound of fresh frangipatinl, roses, and tiger lilies. An hour or so before: dawn the flowers begin to fade,` and before breakfast the plant is again en apparently withered heap, Each female sahnon yields approxi - nudely 3,500eggs ends year. The highest trees have the most painted leaves. Vitetbail la volar popular in Dunne, the players Wonting no footgear, and kicking the ball With the bare feet, A deposit of ;iliamonda of fair rise mitt 1111.21,7 1,416' t(S'en tbisi't:eyaic sd iii a gold in°ane as China, WELL SATISFIED WIT BABY'S OWN TABLETS Once a mother has nand Bab 's Own Tablets folk her little onee site will use nothing else, IOxperlenee teaches tier that the Tablets ars the very best medicine elle can give icor baby, Thoy are a gentle laxative) mild but thor- ough in action and never fail to banish constlpetlpn, colic, colds or any other pf'the many minor atlmente of child- hood. Concerning them litre. J, B'te, C'hareet, St. Leon, Que„ writes; -"My baby cried continually and nothing 1 eeemod to help her till I began using Baby's Own Tablets, Those Tablets soon set ear right and now 1 would not be without them," The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 °ante a box front Tee Dr, Wettettts' Medline Co., Brppkvillo, Out, • Electric Popcorn. The popper that pops popcorn. by electricity Is a brand-new invention; hutch more convenient than the old style of popper, and loss danger of scorching the corn. • It is a small pan of aluminum with a rectangular wire cage on top and a 'wooden handle, Through the handle passes- an electric cord, which has simply to be plugged into the house circuit. Thea you are ready to pop. Right Back at Him. Editor (to aspiring writer) --"You should write so that the most ignorant can understand what you mean." Aspirant—"Well, what par( of my story don't you understand?" Ask for Minard's and take no other. A Combing Mill Needed. The woollen itduatry of Canada 1S a haste lnduetrY i+tld elenthi be a dotal• sent factor in the production of wealth ter our Canadlan people, Sheep rale - Ing, when properly encouraged, will be one of the [Host profitable departments of Dar agrleultural lite, The bulk 02 wool produced In Canada during the past has, threugh lack of a combing mill, been exported to foreign ooua tries where, after being combed, it has beenshipped back to .our worsted mills' at a greatly increased value. Something like twenty-four million (24,000,000) pounds of wool was grown la Canada last year. 'This quantity is sufficient to provide for something like eight million : (9,000,000) suits , of clothes, which would eel) for in the neighborhood of Four hundred Magee Dollars ($400,000,00.0). If the various pl•Ocesees of manufacture were com- pieted in 'Canada this largo sum would be set circulating in Canada through thousands of people employed in the combing and spinning of the wool, the weaving of tate cloth and the tailoring and selling of the finished product. The establishment in Canada of a 'wool combing mill would prove a tre- mendous benefit to the Country as a whole and would undoubtedly receive the whole -hearted suppci;t of the Do- minion and Provincial governments, textile manufacturers and breeders of Sheep, Punctuation. Returning from school the other at- ternoon a little girl proudly informed her mother that she had learned to "punctuate." "You see, nipther," explained the child, "when you write 'Hark:' you put a Hatpin after it, and when you ask a question you put a buttonhook!" HEALTH EDUCATION BY DR. J. J. MIDDLETON Provinciai Board of Health, Ontario Dr. Middleton will be glad to answer questions on Public Health :me ters through this column. Address him at the Parliament Bides. • Toronto. In an address at the Canadian Na bional Exhibition this year, Hon, Dr. Cody, of St. Paul's Church, Toronto, stated that education 'teas the most important undertaking of a govern- ment to -day. This is admitted, but Dr. Cody might have gone further and stated that of all branches ef educa- tion, that of Public Health was in the forefront an point of importance. If the education of the child in its early years is directed along the lines of health habits it will prepare it both in strength of body and of mind to receive a general education in reading, writing and arithmetic and all the higher education to follow. Of course there are exceptional eases where children cf poor physique have turned out to be exceptionally brilliant students, but this to some extent is due to over -development of the mind in spite of weakness of the body. It behooves all educational and health authorities, therefore, to re- gard public •health' education as one of the fundamental necessities in the teatlhing of the young. Observations have shown, forinstance, that the child who gots to bed early, vho sleeps in a well -ventilated room and rises early, who cleans his teeth daily and drinks cold water between steals, who eats plain, substantial foods, drinks milk and avoids tea, coffee, pastry, candy, pies, etc., and wbo spends definite tines each day in out- door play and exercise, who bathes regularly and attends to his personal hygiene is in a far better state of mind and body for study than the lack- a-daisicai, slovenly boy or girl who knows or cares nothing about health habits. To diffuse this very necessary health education, all sorts of attrac- tive measures will have to be adopted, some of which are already in use. These include health talks by doctors, movittg picture shows, and practical demonstrations and clinics by Public Health and School nurses, "W. G.," of Asquith, Saskatchewan, complains about shortness of breath and dizzy spells, with sometimes a feeling as if he were going to 01 - lapse, These conditions may arise from several causes, of which the fol- lowing are the most important: (a) Heart disease, (b) Artero-sclerosis or hardening of the arteries with increased blood pressure resulting. (c) Kidney disease. Just which of these, cr what com- bination of these is causing the trouble can only be diagnosed by a physician who has examined the pa- tient thoroughly. It would be impos- sible for me, therefore, to try to tell what the origin of the trouble is, and I would reoonunend that "W. G." put himself immediately under a physi- cian's care. "W. J.," writing from Woodstock, says: I unfortunately acquired syph- ilis a year ago, and have had good, thorough treatment since. When will it be safe for me to be married? Answer: A patient with syphilis should not marry within two years after treatment has been commenced and then only after a thorough ex- amination and blood test has lleen made by a competent physician, and the patient declared cured. The Man Who Said: "The proof of the pudding is in the eating"— was only half through He started a good pudding - proof, but he didn't finish it. 'There's a lot of trouble in the •world from puddings that taste good but don't do good. They "eat" well, but that ends the recommendation. Sanitariums are full of pud- ding -eaters who stopped the testat taste and forgot to inquire whether their food gave the body what it needed—until the body rebelled. Grape -Nuts is a food that tastes good and does good. The .Proof of Grape -Nuts begins in the eating and goes on through the splendid service which Grape- Nuts renders as a real food. Grape -Nuts is the perfected good- ness of wheat and malted barley delicious to taste, easy to di- gest, and exceptionally rich in nourishment for body and brain. "There's r s a Reason" Ar Grape-:Ntite H is also putting Scouting across with GOOD 7,lEALT 1 a "bang " At present there ate abput •AND n t�+� R 24 new hays .feludying ter elle Tender• feet D V SPIRITS 1�� take Ta?ly moreoot, and l rocrutttsWill be imuntil these - i boys have massed the teat. This is Depend Upon the Condition oftho duff that oo pts. Cacp your troop CapaCity strength, It stimulates inereet from withia and without, the Meed—Keep ep it Riek, Rea and Pure. When a doctor tells you that You are anaemic, he simply means, in plala English, that your blood is weak and watery. But this conditipn Is one that mcI easily pass Into a hopeless de- cline if attempt steps are not taken to enrich the blood. Poor blood, weak, watery blood is the aauee of headackiee and backaches, loss of appetite, poor digestion, rheumatism, neuralgia, ner- vous irritability and many . other troubles, To poor blood is due the pimples and blotches, the muddy coln- plexion that disfigures so many faces, To Have good hettlth, a good complex- ion and a °beerfnl manner, the blood, must be kept rich, red and pure. This M easily done through the ilea of a blood enriching tonic tike Dr, Wil- liams' Pink P111s. The whole mission of this medicine is to help enrioit the blood which reaches every nerve and every organ in the body, bringing with. it health, strength and new activity. That is why people who occasionally use Dr. 'Williams' Pink Pills always feel bright, active and strong, Mrs. E, 17. Cook, Sintcoe, Ont., gives strong testimony to the value of Dr, Williams' Pink Pills when the blood is in an anaemic condition. She says: "I have been a sufferer for some years His Preference. Englleb Walter—"Which aide of the table do you wish to sit on, sir?" American Guest—"I prefer to sit on a chair, thank you," Cutting Hini Down. Scot (at the baths)—"What's the Klee of a bats?" Attendant—"One ehtiilug." Scot—"IIeclt, man, that's a hit. Can Ye no say saxpence and put in less water?" Never Touched, "Now, sir," said the lawyer, cross- examining a witness, "your answers are not satisfactory. I am afraid you are slightly ambiguous." Witness (with .greet indignation )— "I am naethtng o' the kissd. sir. I'm a strict teetotaler," Reason for Asking. from a run down copdition of the eye- Little Teddle--"What tune does the tem. I suffered from palls In the tide come io, itIr. Fisherman?" back, twitching, of the nerves and "Why, you young rascal, I've told muscles, my appetite was poor, I had you three or four times already. At indigestion and would get drowsy 5.55." •sitar eating. lily hands and feet were Little Teddie—"Yes, I know: but I almost always cold, and though I was like to see your whiskers wobble when constantly doctoring, the medicine I you say '5.05: " took did not help me. I had practical. ly given up hope of good health, until Enough at a Time. a friend from .Hamilton came to visit me, and urged me to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. It took some persuasion, but finally I consented to try them. I have reason to be grateful that 1 did, for after using seven boxes I felt like a new persou. I have gained in weight, have a better color•, and my work is now a pleasure. For this con- dition m3' thanks are due' to Dr. Wil- i thing else." Hams' Pink Pills, and I cannot praise _ then too highly," A Stickier for Politeness. You can get Dr, Williams' Pink Pills I'm shocked at you, Ricking your through any dealer in medicine, or by little playmate," scolded Raymond's snail at 50 cents a box or six boxes mother•. for $2,50 from The Dr. Williams' Medi- „f got tired of playing with hint eine Co., Brockville, Ont. and I wanted him to go home;' the The New Chief Scout. youngster excused himself. "Then why didn't you ask him to go His Excellency, Baron Byng of Vimy. home?" Governor-General and Chief Scout for "Why, mamma," he said in amaze - Canada, presided at a recent meeting meut, "that wouldn't have been of the Dominion Council of the Boy polite." Scouts Association. A resolution was adopted expressing gratification at His Excellency's acceptance of the His Hearing Restored. highest office in the gift of the Scout The invisible ear drum invented by movement in Canada. A. 0. Leonard, which is a miniature In reply to the resolution, His Ex- cellency expressed the satisfaction and pleasure he felt at becoming head of so worthy and important an organi- zatien. He believed whole-heartedly in the worth of the Boy Scout stove meat and its benefits to the entire country. Very amusingly and with not a little pride, His Excellency tell of how, before the war, he became so thoroughly interested in Scouting that he had studied and gone right through every grade, finally winning the Silver Wolf, which is the highest decoration in the Scout movement. He recalled Little Berrie obstinately refused one day to say Itis lesson to his teacher. "But you know it quite well, I'm sure," protested the young lady, "Yes;" he admitted, "Well, why don't you say it?" she inquired. "What's the use?" he replied, "If I say it you'll only make me learn some - megaphone, dttieg inside the ear en- tirely out of sight, is restoring the hearing of hundreds of people ir. New York City. Mr. Leonard iuvented this drum to relieve himself of deafness and head noises, and it does this so successfully that no one could ten he is a deaf man, It is effective when deafness is caused by catarrh or by perforated, or wholly destroyed neutr- al drums. A request for information to A. 0. Leonard, Suite 437, 70 Fifth Avenue, New York City. will be given a prompt reply. advt, the ocaasiou when be had formed Buying a Wife In, Asia. twenty-eight'troops In the country in In Turkestan every wedding engage - which he lived. He had also started meat begins with the payment of a one of the first, if not the first, scout- substantial consideration to the girl's masters' training course. Irl conch- parents. If the girl jiltss her lover the shin, he said he accounted it a plea- engagement gift has to be returned sure, while in Canada, to do every unless the parents have another thing he could to help the movement, daughter to give as a substitute. Very stimulating reports were heard in connection with the progress SAYS NER REGOVERY IS LN.O8T LIKE A MIBNGIE rom Helpless Invalid to Com- plete Restoration of Health, Strength and Happiness Is Wonderful Change Mrs. Root Experienced in Three Weeks—Statement One of Most Remarkable On Re- cord. "Just a week before I started taking Tanlac I was down in bed so crlpp)ed up with rheumatism I could not [Hove without pain. My son had taken Put- tee, and 3t had done him a world of good, so one day he brought home a bottle and field, "Mother, I want you to take. th1s:" When I had linie'had that bottle, I fait like a different wo- man, and by the time I had finished my second bottle, 1 was out in the gar- den hoeing. "Tanlac has simply done wonders for me; it almost seems like a mira- cle." This is the remarkable state- ment made recently by Mrs. Jennie Root, residing at 1409 Powers St., Portland, Oregon, and is only one of tens of thousands from well-known men and women who are daily testi- fyleg to the powers of Tanlac. Continuing her wonderful state- ment, Mrs. Root said, "For year I suffered terribly with rheumatism, and would often be down in bed for days at a time. In the iast five years. there was not a time that I didn't feel those rheumatic pains all through my body. About two months ago I got very much worse and my arms and legs were so bad I was almost help- less and couldn't even hold a pen to sign my name. I was so weak I could not do any housework. I couldn't even sleep, and had no rest day or night. Even to walk a few stets would tire me out completely. When I tried to walk as little way and sat down I could not get up without some one helping me. I had no appetite and hardly ate enough to keep me alive. I could not stoop over far enough to get my shoes on. "I never knew what a night's sleep was, and would Ile awake for hours. At times 1 would get vary cold and would have to get up and sit by the fire ail huddled up, and my daughters would put hot water bottles all around me. I was treated by four doctors, j MRS. JENNIE ROOT and took ail kinds of medicine. Noth ing ever did me any good. I aur just • like a different persue now. All these terrible achoe and pains have left nye, and only the other day I was able to walk up four fights of stain In au office betiding when the elevator was out of order. "My appetite is just splendid now, ' and- just to -day for the first t:mo in years, 1 felt so bungry that I had to go and eat a piece of pie between meals. In fact, I can't remember the time that I ,have felt as well as I do now. I have not ouly regained my health and strength, but I have gained fourteen pounds iu weight. To tell you tea truth, I wouldn't exchange the benefit I have•reesived from Tan lae for the best rancor in Oregon, and I will praise it as long as I live." Tanlac is sold by leading druggists everywhere, Adv. Old Man Worry. Old man worry cause around the other day, He said: "It's only foolishness to smile or sing or play: The sunshine may be pleasant, But it's.only for the present; And you may as well get ready for the elands all cold and gray:' A feller with a addle heard the things he bad to say, He set 'em to a tune. an' then he started in to play. Old Man Worry Felt his feet begin to hurry, And pretty soon he laughed and went a-dancin' on his way. MONEY ORDERS. Pay your out-eatown accounts by Dominion Express Money Order. Five Dollars costs three cents. Little Robert went to call on a neighbor. "I have not seen you for some time, Robert," said site. "Have Yon been sick?" `Yes," said Robert. "And what was the trouble?" "Four apples,' was the laconic reply. Morality, study. and gayety are Fiche n's Friend., throughout the provinces, the provinve a °� of British Columbia receiving special three sisters who should never be mention. His Grace Archbishop Ale- separated—Voltaire. Neil, of Toronto, was appointed to the The expedition of Mr. Donald ]'a.1 Canadian General Council, and Right Rev. liirhop Fallon, of Loudon. was MacMillan, now well up in the Arctici made a member of the Dominion 1001Ons, has one advantage that ao, Executive Committee. Plan. were die- previous c.-pediticn to those regions cursed for the publication of further poaseseeclt a wirelees outfit, with Scenting works, and the extension of which it expects to cop in some de-! the stores department for supplies of gree in touch with eiviliz:iti'rise uniforms, the object being to have one time signals sent out from theen, Nav:tl! standard uniform for the whole or Observatory at Arlington will he re - Canada. • ceived on shipboard daily, aha it will; * . a lxohabiy he some comfort merely tot The troy Scouts of I''ort William, pass the time of day.. Ont. have proved couctusively to the n nn p local Rotarians in that vicinity tile f! S P I R I splendid worth of Scouting to the cont- A 1 1 \ muuity and also the value of sync i pathetic tntetcat on the part of the r)"Bayer" is Genuine Rotary Club. At a recent demoustra- tton of secaucraft given before a largo !�^ gathering of Rotarians, one of the well- known doctors of Fort William pro uouneed the bandaging and other de- ed i Scout from drowning daring the lat- ter part of the summer and expressed Warning: Take no caa aces with sub. the )tope that they would shortly be stitates for genuine Ba•'cr T:'blets of presented with the Scouts' life•ssvine, Aspirin." 'Unless you ace the name medal and also Use Royal Humane "Bayer" et package or on tablets fall Society's medal. I3earty' autl prolong• are net getting A`11.tt'lif at all. to every ed enders trete, the Rottti$?ns- present Bayer pottage ate itirecticns tot' + olds, greeted lilts ttenctteetnieat. Iteedarho, Neuralgia, nt. mina lism, 1 President JaAson of the Rotary liatrael.o, Toothache, tenthago and for' Club thanite'd the Scouts for their Pain. :Mandy tin bores of twelve tab.; spieltdld ontottninntent and many lets cost low cents. Druggists also 1 times reiterated that ro•operatimt and sell larger packages. Made in Cave 1 Help In the spiendil work would ever de, Aspirin is the trade mark, (regia - be the trim df the local ltetniiatts. term] in Canadel, of Bayer Manatee- The anatee. o lure of 4tonnaretIeAchlestcr of• ;nli•' The Original and Only Genuine YA119iOUTI3, N. 3. BAY COVER Willi ECZEMA When 4 Days Old, Cross and Cried, Ci=tic,uraHeals, "My baby brother had ecneme which b5gaa when he was oboist four days old. It istoso �.- s in lhtle pimples and then ti . a Tan, 'd ise wap env-. '" '.1;!1 eyed H was so c..rs• ,',` h 4 t $1. x" avid he cried. temp, ,.--..,•1 7.".•.rs1astc1 t l .ro s \ t trthe bef:re vat tr'1 Caiic,.,a, Ithelped l'sm,tow le 1_t m:re, and he was cil it :1 nee"to had -tote.] tv,s cstaa of Owe ere t..a bretze of 01:1(5i;*'.'I Almcda Wsf ease, 1 "o. Coat", 1.13., Patty 23,1:.10. Hee Cutloure Loan Clatment area 'Talcum for all toll , pt.eprt Seep 20a, Olntetebt 21 nullbe T:!.:1 through-ttheD0[nm.nn Csrw'lenrve n r t nuns, . rmited, 5* leant 6t„ s-9 , . , Cut[eure$tiaraahavaavw0, n'c. Getting No Better Fast. The old gardenore wife had been very ill, and on seeing him I asked hits about her. - "Oh. ma'am," the old man replied • sorrowfuily,.'•the doctor don't give us no encouragement either way." M inard's Liniment Lumberman's Friend Thirty thousand people are kil'Ied or ' injured in the United States every day; five persons, it Es estimated, meet death by accident there every minute. COARSE SALT LAND SALT Balk Carlota TORONTO *ALT WORKS 0. .1, CS.APP • 'roaou-ro Areerloe'a lions' Der Remedlos Hook en. DOD DISEASES and How to Feed Mailed-1i'"reo to any A.S. dress by tha,Autbot. E. Olay- tHoder 00:, tea, IIS :relit Slat steps New Teric, PAINS SO OAD S AYE0 IN BEll Young Mrs. Beecroft Had Miserable Time Until She Took Lydia E. Pinkhani'a Vegetable Compound. Ilamitton, Ont. --"I have suffered Inc three years from a female trouble ante consequent weakness, pain and irregu- larity which kept Inc in bed four or five days each month. I nearly wont crazy with pains in my back, and for about a week at a time I could not do ray work, I saw Lydia E. Pinlcham's Vegetet.a Compound nderas ed in. Vets e inmiton specator Ps4 ;Woe' it. Now I have ne OM and ata quite regular unless I over- work or elite on my feet front early morning unit late at night. I keep house ons) do all my own work without any trouble. I have recommended the (lemmata to several friends,"—•Airs. revaLY 13t calci r, aaaaVietoria Ave. lir,, fnnnsilton, Ontario. For forty years women have beets tolling how Lydic 1;, Pinkham's Vege- table Compound has, restored their , health when suffering with female. ills. This accotmts ant the, enormous dematttl for it :trout coast to coast if you are troubled with any ailnnc it peculiar' tet •' women why don you try Lydia 11. 3'inkham's Veeetable Compound? It tis made front u'i .e roots and herbs Etna 1:mistier, no tee entire er ltarm£ol drugs!. s. Fnr,+p:a'tni advice 's'otneu are naked to write the 1.e dos i . i''iiskhart .11odieins Co., Lynn, Mesa '.Pit+ rctult of forty 'years experience to at pet eela ice. iSSiUE Nei. 4a--"4.