The Brussels Post, 1921-10-20, Page 24,� ...
____ , � .-MM&MMI111119"116--1 ... _., I --I ..... ..... - M I
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��-4� a spotgowlldltald'mo�rewttexbhann Decrease its floss of 1<rertllSty.' r/�1.��yyyy���,1. r raO
I ,,.. stone, The film watQ- •thus stored up The annual lova of m:vale and fer- j I V ■aA �A Le
-,.-,.w - -�..; ,••, . ate;, -- - ;; " during Illewa, ar, rains, furs .has a tilizers oil unit atnec4 Sarsnsy dun to---�--- •
a . °"+r sq")ply of water up•;'n wh!c'h the p? utt
AV'°7 catpslraty in w dry sen an, �Y1t.n the zurface,,wasting, can lordly Ua uvea - oB `3. Cpu " �' �" `�
V , e r estimated, Mueit of this fertility Is p�T �.r.. T�Y.TG�HQ�E
lY sup'pl'y of water near de:.3pant rccta itep'osited on low, flat vre'as, whieli
--� is exhaust,d caipiliay ackicn bring flreTr oudii'ele Fonletimcs sail ,dhiarIty P1lul'4 4xt Journey to ,lerusalein, Acts 21: 1 17. Golden
up water from the lower levels, lug cids, becauzo they ,; re ke, t well fex- Text—Gal. 6 9 (Rvv. Ver.)
as oil is drawn up into a lamp -wreak til'ized at their hbors' expense. By ^' I
(rant the supply below am(1 coffee into ab ar t!yu of the rainfalh through ar 1Tine atld Plaice -GG. A,D.; from the Acahtr of Jutig, 1: 91, and is rat
P ; greeted Courtesy •rut the -telephone is, quite•
g , e side of the , tile -drained soil the amount of surface d luted lite With
t brethren; 1vlret'us to Jemu�alem. Acre, Saluted UUU 5 conmm�+se wItlt the •Chng'tdan � • a
a lith•+ va sw ax when cn
. cube is dipped into it. The Iitose, Connecting Links --After Paul hail sari ty • as nttvpowh o as $400st toward, h
nh . ;, t. tin • washing is materially decreased, and lettered at Ispheaus' for a period of society w+hielt, as Pta7mmais rues an person wl-o atnitd's fano to Para with
Profit tit Iiratatng Turkeys. have the tango of rho park, shutting meal Ftiy eo-nditr'an of the suttee,. sail manures and fertilizes are mrraed three 'ears (see Lesson- 2. Oct•. 19; the 'greaat 'Migbway ll the leash bead cammat sloe
as thnnr u'p only at;nigh't. Before I hada pr;terr.s the cvaporatian of this water the s:il tvliere the growi cls 19: 8 20 fir date mtdn'er1 to to- b,d'n fRunded' by theiaciples dtspars- you The feat that yant .
In title first pslaco, experu(rnee h donvrt talo It o n1 ) .
a Task I haul movable coops large to a cars-dcral)10 extent. STt-ca it ire " the pennon at tete ether End•of the lino
taughtt ave that it is u.ela,a to try to + j p
we, or three hens. itiv of harrow a crc s can make use of then', Some visit Macedonia ahtd AChsta, dh, 10 ori' from Jerusnillem n#tar the death, at
`' a Itvin•" ail cnc'agh _to .hold t posaiblo to tIS ate of crourse, lost thtou2h the 21. leving •sent limotlt ,and, Eiastus Stopilieb, ch, 11: 9, Unto Caesarea; or, tut some liters, des tuitglcnow who dt.
-arse burkeys un.,ds you re
Phos, wrTa nude of poultry ware, -with drained' field soon after a rain, mucdt,' r ';} ]' when into Mavedonla (oil:„19: 22) to prepare thirty or for, Mlles fiirth'er on: is, in nowise excuses a aardi or a .
a harm, as they Tequire mute range t Ito t ,key s is negligible
• covered. I kept t W of the water which is ordinaail . ars$ tile -drains,, but it for his coming, he planned' to remotes Paulls pro stat T161 was was the ;t1T'rd lite In 1%'r that you. would nob employ
: Won a+ other• fow'.s; turkeys will not thm, tap o e ,title I y compfared wsib the aaudibit s'a'ved ficm .
bsrns in these, but allowed the through evaporation, is conserved, „ to > pliesiis for some Uinta lon`gei. Itis axil piande to iritis city (leo ahs : 90; in,adiirasskng t'i3lax.-
do 'well in ltmit•od quartets, Tde until the were a -ping` sta h g P 1t TV net cut 'null uti>Z'i innioid for a'
i a ” use. tnix,,9 stank. osnes to ran .outa. ,, because of bhe rouloh thus fou+trltd. s rfacn wry Y, however, wait brought to a sari- 18' 22). Chili the evattgcldst. Evart t
Nor direr t p y o r weeks old. This pre 7 Y matt who would not think of 6nouC, 30k
, two or three The difference ltetutive,n,rops am drain'- Frost is frequently responsible for. den end by th'e, riot 'instigated liy grliats were an order or e -td' of me'tt
I ndl r nae anything bat purebred a in' aryva.
. r the •hens from stt 3 g Y ed and undrained• 1ie+ldd is often as bhp; loss of wbat' , c oval amid alfalfa Demetrius, o{ }nail, an nccaun a is. i;t tho'early church, after t achst�Uas, anxd
stacic, teal I Heel: itroox ed. v<a-.el Pati . ,r, anywise itrteentiotrallly to jerk drawn the
and lasiu so muanY of the young. Rotinoed in a dr as in a diet season, on undrained soils. , A wet ri,icn in ch• 9 4Q Havin esca ed befor* pwstans anti teachers (fie tel hone reeeivea and sly, "Wei,
�m1 ex- .g i ffi p .
I 'used` to have a f0cat deal af' g Y •t f from the danger that threatened lits Epli'es 4 :11). They cortespo»d�1 0 °� „
I feed only. twice a day; overfeed- Ina ea a in Available Plantfood. Panels wjionfreezitng, because, its pores; Nis he'• wtiveedcd to 'ca, out his cur foi`•,ign mags'i�onarles." 'faits Was w"hgt d� you wm¢ut? Sur, u perzon:
tM. ble fir4ing .tdt'e crests, a they v', 4anise bQlvol taauble. Ik is Increase
ung -, all l- are filled with water. This eaFaivsamt• lora of Gni+ to Ma�cedoni and thence Plty, is a dwaaco'n (obs. 6: G 8; G, 26) atoe<l teat ,be pito pTicsoci if he hears Uhl'
would wander away and h le thea s i c, ut to the green food; The Increased, supply of froth air m of the soil causes pl-Ants to be lift'rd p g g
very in p rte g to Gree^e ar, Achara, ah. 2Q: 1 R, After to be dirtimgu4€hod from Philip ,the i calm r Iy; /1Nok you, thank^ you;
egtgs in {d -e most unexpected place's.{ ,., a tile -drained :soil, and its higher tem- +' ave � please t•.mo speak to ramie obhsrr_,
sit h as annoms, ]attune, tender ass,Iperakus tnaltoSt as out of the groaned 5e, _that their Teats atllmoc_manuhy tayai-Grade (eh, 20 apostle Jolanl: 43; etc.IIomnsSt?¢
Best now 131ave no.trdubla, as I have •e'en wheat, or w?falfa cut very fine, e possible for t, cold, lose contact .with the so'it. The result 3), Ji'a was about to rail fpr Syria, been !rn'an of soave wealth ie, •be able inert-ber'af iOAe office force" Many
a poultry park containing about an �,. ll enou h to find green which can not exist ii- fuer , is often the 'total' lose of a c-00. In a whko a plot of the Jews obliged Win to en lana- spa large a party: .`~our ,bus'igess men suffer li ianciral lbss be-.
un.rl they are a g
" food for themselves. Do not feed p p n the supply well.-dratned soil the pores air, filled i iso .change hills plan and- return ; to daugh't'ers . . did prophesy; that carve"they lmclk Summon courtesy in
m,.re of ']and, with g • .*] gr¢aes in it, -con act soils, to act u o
al(s�, usually, sortie eats or vrhiat. cornmeal or corn chap o young of raw phtnt£oorl that flies 'been stoned : Macedoruia•. From Philippi,, he went to is, they belongal ,b n c1aKs in the
up in the soil for years and' prepare with ear, because the suxphns' -nate- Tr-asy there jo,iiaing tAie oomPsany who earlyhumeh who edified bhe church the tree of the telephone; many women
flet the tgar'ke�s rut. v.,?iere they turkeys, as these will cause bowel) • has been removed. This permits ex « v ddlg,d tree the ,mason for ,their un-
lpaze until time +o began IaTing, rt so the plants can use it. This ae were to soil' with him to 'Jerusalem, ",by tatsaechdnt, under tiro direUt ir5rfiw �
P, trouble. After a few days I give events for the fact that the in�cretacse pam'sion within the oil, and pi+events cit, 20: 4-6, After the incidem relat- enre of inspu'utlom, interpreting the paPNcamity to cbcaenonn when they,
iuhen )lilt .,.-;-<, shutiar the lot. Then koffir corn oT wheat, and also give h4eving. Ing to Evitychu's ('ch, 20: 7-12) Paul's mind of God, rev'eed5rig the,se0rebs of erhiowedl bad temper cut the telephone.
I •rarrllo oc., i t,,R,,lvll with straw foe plenty of sour milk. Do not let them in crops due to tile -drainage is much bompanions set sail for Asses, where tiller lleaver's• inner life anal convert- The person et ,the other, end, of this
them to it d fo::fi the birds wel pie Y more pronounced, in a soil that has More Permanent Crop Rotations.
y ' • % sleep on wet grout -;3, as it will altt ayt he: jodned them,, h'aviaig gone front ing u vbeldavets.. 15me avis -lot ,to Wane bra entre the
a+Uwa "3 heaps•„ fresh water, grit, and been so wet that no crop ams ever The loss o8 a crop in, a rotation due Trcua to. Assos+ on foot, ch. 20: 13.16. IP: The Warning, 10-14. cake iburtred; 4t was not her laulit uteri
y cause trouble.
p?'enty of i '.e_• rhe?1 }:e#are thorn. It The turkey hen been rased on it, is a splendid , than. in one that to heavitFg by front ax dnowg+h't 5s a The farewell, an'tervew with the o]ders, Vs.. 10, 1L .Tarried ..many dogs. Johnny �;ke R'tivindow, or haat the,
i•t a a•;,',1 ?. -1 to feed m41']c; as on a , produces a crop Occasionally. - butcher's boy was late'wihh the meat,
S mother through the day, but at night' serious one, not only Because -of 'the of the chute', at Ephe• im for whom lLomeeq, m his journey
of this time
Semi the : .ea.11ly plenty of it, lakes .to slipaway and hide ]ucti There are thou'sand's of acres of value of the crap, but 'because it Paul, had sent to meet Aidmt at Midmkus aowp&,d 4n the journey from Mise spent She cal'W wi'hh g. od will in iter hesrt,
R, e: : fret s lay their fits, she rd if u don't and, h -cut lite .swamp land aai(1 ponds on unproved breaks up the rotiiiiom, Since tile- is recorded' in ch. 20: 17-38. to Je'rased'emy counts• the period spen ;
serif- ; -n c ;c;•,; I set these utnder• fam family, a Y I. The Voyage, 1-9. at Caesarea as teen) days, just befoul' but the gi+eel,i'ng .theat she got will
Harms that can be reclaimed at a very
p will pride in some lo'<v plane where, drainage prevents the Sass Of crops V& 1, 2. Gotten from them (see Pentecost From Judaea; that is, from leave a peiem¢ut nt soar.
,•' ' •. h:::;. If the tuTlcevgs get t ., will run small cost, through tile -drainage• dro•e to these causes, it makes it pias ch, 20: 36-38 "torn; from their em'- Jeruzadem, or fits neighvborhoodi Af Anyone would regent a stranger's
under It rain, the nvat-r Laird of tbas nature will frequently
Lr-c:,y, 1 = i'.,k them up a few days or under her oral el -All or drown the tittle si�b]a to keep up a natation more per- Brame,' says )ane interpreter; a paint•, prophetAgnbus. Sea comtdtg to the 'dta•or enddetnsaaideng,_
.pact t'•ivw ou'iside the park, and In a ate„ Thn male turnkey sets an ex- produce a crop the first yew that will manently -'than can be done on wet ful and d'ifficuit'sieparmtion. Launched; ch. 11: 28. ,Tdak Paul's 'girdle; the ,,Wh,o are you?) Yet Often a 'person
:ltxrt tin•' then w�k1 ,!+gin to lay p be worth three or four -times the cost sat seadl. A straight course. Luke "Ittae bad' f, a iniestnfarpwoe), b t � ' nuimbe,r on the tele-
r air- f^.n tnrknys ate set on the am a that rs o follo'w.l The gob- of drainin -it. Dead -furrows are un LaaA that is stunted at any timeIthe true• Greek gfeeling forte• y _ ad, oro p t ag+ra, "Heide! Who is
g ; human Pathe g
>xr -r-.Irl sit '•;a of e;"g?. They will bier will often take part of the family -lees Ory on a t -1e dreamed• field "ex- y Ammgharrbary to harbor heRainsay)9 drpamtu together agt the waisit It mt7glvt', thUl" If ,hip deina'A is met with the'
a :ti ) or s2 egg; the Slrst sept in the case of heavy clay soils, during the growir-g season b exoes f ,
and care for them just like the nrathar am then only for a year or two. sive moisture or drought is 'bound o Coes; •aan islaand southwest of bhe dis- be front, three to tet- inches broad ands countersign; "Whom rile you want?"
troll', r,n 1 18 of 20 t'l se�onri time. doss, even hovering thein at night. be of inferior quality. Beets !grwwrn o¢i trier of Coria, in, Asia Mirror. Rhodes; several yardin lot -g. Bound his own) and he sbiNl insl�, "Who is this?"
I T:: 1 (- ..,rkcg, hen ,hat Iatx} more { Replacing medium-sized' open ditch-
. When the young turkeys get large I ti1'n-dawatued sail often have a sugar a . great island due south of Cora. lydtrds .and feet. Such. symba14c arty, the 17ersotx "'iu�hw 'a'�zTed the .tele•
ihalt 10 t V,- o+'e sum:.' •!Q •, on } set) el:au h and well-feath�ered, I let them! as tivith lila drains wi71 add oatieidpr-
i g, able land il the productive oo of the test of five or eight per cont. higher Patera a seaport rather o the sat-th were, Tifton emp,ayed by prophets in phogvo is just4iied in 7Jnr&O up the
firva Lira o l;ut• it t r:a, common for. roost in trees. One of the most critd- than those grown on wet soil. west of Lucia. A ship crossing over •the 0'id Teutaiment, 1 Kings 22: 11; � 1Plelive •,
t +,t to niltrae lay,ng so Torg. cal times far Yaun turkeys is when farm. These ditches can gradually be (Rev. Ver,); a 3arger metcbentiman, Ise. 20; 2; Jet. 13: 1. Thus saith the The person who invariably says',
g filled a 3 the farmer wanks eaters The el6mtdnation of opera ditches sari wkoliy instead; of hugging the coast, Holy Ghost; ivies gave to the pro- aHtllo! Da you know wAto this is?
In pr=e ar n� tha nests I hol'ow c:tt' they are feathering out; the growth dead furrows and' the more treble
+ them. The opening of bhe sub -soil and as •the voyaegeyns had hiNherto boort' rlo plhets their scwem,ion's, 2 Pot, 1: 21: Doti�t you rrraognize my voice? Well,
n ''%;dz )rale in the veor,n+T ja•st deep of the feath^rs seems to exhaust their' the larger feedingground plants` get condition of tile -drained soil redhtcee in their sunalie; vessel wag im V's. -12-14 We; *ose.of,P•auls cam
a o:glt ra t:t'.t tar eggs vriil not roAli strength. wear and tear em farm Implements stied hk ectasis ditto ape sea 'P'smy: The ' the tldsEi ]pis be'iari in' to now, guest who I am?„ become.One
cut, demi ll" ;t 1'Tiitit Alen ty of straw. As a tonic for all my poultry I use in this way, is in, effect m se it forms
to p to stand >; Y, A g g
t f w^iter thearea of the farm, lhecause it £arms Consnderably. This saving in wear aidtd Unto Pheniciu the strip of eaest Ca(>-aaes:. What.'du ye? (Rev. Ver.) woo a nuisanceah she dial
Wbcn the 1 e!1 is cot ng. I ca ,the the fall --wing: Pat o :e gal -ort o � tear also applies to horses and mem. north of Pale -Ai ie. Why ' dlo you uMer-ve and' unman tvamnan ,tail taint Pauli broug4it to' her
a farm under a farm. _ ' pn 4.» „ + At the
eco, s:� ,•'.i� I!A cant ._ d:. lir, her. in a jug, add felt, ounces of Copperags , V. 3 Discovered;. s>g+ghted:, a sealer s ire . I um ready, etc. To Inn who abtenticn when; after thte'ftaend
g}ire like ., ,1;:^l to 't ;:a :t x-hich.,when dif olved, a<+d One-half ounce ., word; literally, "heniing mad4 to rise isprepared ways Bem 1, 6heliurdeai the Lae had "giie s'£K1"
tarot. I r•;.in thea ,}i., •.}.ea £er'ling u:,.htrc tell Two vita es of this' p is careful is light" Would. nat;bmLtruse rift other end ofrsgersistcci, How
What the Northern Institutes Are Doing u out of the set- Luke I Y� orrectly at on
ti settin^ brit<. i hey ^an come Eolul,cn usul into¢^h gal'•an of drink- to give rite exactgdetailg of tha'1rip. kept rzitliriig hrtti; un3g ha iLared not did you know me tvheixTdisguised my
ext far c�4 _ i 1;: will rat eat flag wat,r, three ar four times a week; Cyprus the island formerly vlscted dayabey.the inner voice, IIo utas res_fly , notal?"`
very often -i+i',e -. dl,g. . I wi'.l give growl iesul'ts. Do not let $Y GIBSON 6COTT by Pant) and B'arrvaehas, ch. 13: 4. Ith dL for the Lord's sake. Tho will w "$,douse;' cams the response; "you
L,it +Ile .•t.:+ ,,+:r; hatch, I don't! water stand in the troughs more than "The wonderful sin 'hefty and d4- Musdcai Marksvllle are also literary Unto Syria (Rev. Vex.) li the Raman . the Lord, Irl Paul's decision they sand � eltvays asir ata if I know who it ix
4y province rues -entad which dnaduded t0tb divans Purpose, which they could,
diAuri: them t:nt:i the second day.' one day rpetress of the machinery of organiza- and, have 'begun to buy bhteir own lib- Pheniciea. At Tyre . to unlade, not oppose. aiid you %ways; want me 'to guess:'
Then I e a , ir. a IittI•o fine oyster In aiddiiiov, I use permanganate of i .Ston these rural home-nvakers have nary, having already quite a collection Tyre was one of the �rWef ports of III. The Arrival, 15-17. Sometimes, when an'aworing the
shctl and bread s akei in milk, or aI Potash 4n all drinking water for young worked out in co-operation with the to which they propose addling anew Phoenidi's, aun3 a. very amc^iPai't city. i Vs. 16-17. We took up our car-, idephone, yon find that th+e p&zorn at
little cctta , cliecse with iilack pep ;forks or chrecksn;, ac' an anti:t+pttc.!,o» said a visiting lady :books from time to time V. 4. Having found the tlisZ iPles; riages; Rev. Ver "baggage.° The the other end of tan line has trade a
per in it, ke.,.itig fie=Ti water always Tape 25 cei'ts' worth of the crystals, I re em,_Qy aithi adm:irateon in }see voice, Progressive Kenibvale has not only (Rev. .Ver.); rooked titin tp: they' distance between Caesarea and Jet mistake in the t umber. It nsay be
P would be a smial4 company in a large usulent was about :dxty miles, and that as you leave, 1hne instrument'. yott
reaur theau. Wh(t t%ey are aboutdsissolve in a quart fruit jar, addingi the way the liong frlenrlly arm of a good hall and fine library of their rill Tarried sere- days. „
fh,rca did} : ;,1, I ata^: a b1:s reap W a, enough to make the water red. If the) the Institutes Brain& of tore Depart- own Ibut are keen about evening Ram -ay satyr that ths, journey rues d say, I should like to know iliac tvo-
2ce.. ', I ic, a little trio a enough
tuxkeya get lice, I anoint the• * The ship mustleve eve'beery a large one tate on hata2Luck. The usual be ref 1 mann. Her voice was very pleasant,
frs••'h p] men, of Agriculture reaches through classes. to require this time' for ugmiloading and is, that the tri -t was trade on foot.
ara:a:::l It to ke_g,, .ice water out. This `heads and under wings with Pard!,, it, travelling lecture staff, short Up -to -Date Institutes of Algoma. the taking in of froth cargo. Said Mhason of Cyprus, an early (Rev, I and wam shr found• that this was not
3s v(ry tape-rtsn't, mixed with a sanall amount of courses, and 1'iiieratuxe, to the remotest The reguuar programs of the north- , through the Spirit. Sen "c""Ver.) disciple; per]taFa, cnie of th.o' the P1adL she was trying to tet she
Than I turn them out so they can kerosmne. groups of girls and women is amazing. ern Institutes are as a Tule well plan. ch. 20: 22, 23. Should not set ):rot in convsrbs of the day of Pentc;'dst. He : I am t e y eoriy to have troubled
_..____..._ - _ __-_ _ _ -- -------- And the econoanyof itl To bring such ned anti carried out by tare members (Rrsv. Ver.). The spirit shawed these ,had mot Pawl's company at Caesarea,! You; central -last have misunderstood
lecture-demonsbrat6oriA books, and a'n- thema d'ves o cover tine many sided)I disciples the sufferings that aiva'itod mid invited them to dais home, now Ora i tho number•,' "
formation would m the Ordinary interests of the }home and, famil in Paul' in Jeruisalem. Their love moved Jerusalem. Brethren received. us glad -i On the other haald, it may be that
The ueStion of the Tiled Drat y therm to hold 'him back; his sense of g when the stranger discovered her
course of thins east hnnnelreds of adirlitiom o these lines of work for ]y; hzastervin rto•bInason's house with nuis-
g di-ty }axle him g+o :forward, (Ocmpaxe' affeotftonlate gree-tr*ngns. take she merely hung up the receiver
thousands a year, But of course in is neighborhood in other ways. The dg,V 22, 23,) Application:
There are two kinds of water in ar an earlier, and conaegvertly,' longer the co. -operation that doers it," she members pass along to each other V. 6. Accomplished those days; the x::0taut a word of apology or explans-
wet soil, namely, free or hydrostatic growing sceson then the plasrdis on concluded. "Any neighborhood that their best ideas and the result of eleven days of v. 4. We departed, etc. Don't be a discourager. Friends as I biota; then you go away feeling 'nnsult-
water, and film or capillary water. wet land will enjoy. While a neigh- is enteTprisin enough to want tial housekeeping experiments, successful Paul, refuses to yield; to the parswa- well as foes threatenel to -oleo theedmmcA ineiigrvant. To bang up the
The pre mace of the torn -ex is injuri-`bar is sowing acts or ploadm'g On wr'1-, best and friondty m ids large-souled and otherwise, give demonstrations, sdana of the Tyrtam disciples; Uenttuse, r.lwtioa of St. Pawl. Wall meant. receiver, ms a Way of shutting off a
our to the soil and to the planet; the! drained land in the spring, the wer. to pull togethrix and keep up ta6ks, exhibits, music, readings, know Ire hours the rsaeil of ditty. Brought us POSMIhm'`-hie teilk stM does the mus I cottventlt-.tan, is quite the worst insni't
Satter is the water open which the:, land farmer bas to content br3nse:f Ion our way; reluctant to part £Tom Gad a deal of hard. The folk of
their end eiP the job, can )tone just its more about Parl4amen4mry praceclure 1 that can be offered to a person It will
' j the apostle, and +grevedl dtecause rite I the churches may be divided meta two •
plaint impends far its grawbh. Anj with doing odd jabs around, the house god ,things as Toronto. Why the than some townehip couniefls, and, was going .to face certadn danger. classes,-bhe blearanerrs and tho; cost you hitt a to be courttwus even
Interesting experiment to show theI or about the farm, when fie should''beI bet Ins,atutes I've gem, and:'the most spend a rpleawaant sacral half hour to- V, 6• Kneeling , on the beach heart-m'eltens. Tits heaxteners are nl- to rite anost annoying parson,
doffer•omce between free amid filum water, working his fields. Chances 'are that talented people I've meet in OYntagrio gether over a cum of tea at the con, (Rev, Ver.). A level sandy beach I ways ready to bdt'rove that •bard things Everyorm should krvaw the prin-
ean be performed wi4ilt little dtifficulty: his impatience, will get the,Tetter of have lima miles from railwl e And dusian of massy meebings. (such- as the Greek word describes) can be done. The lve9cwtielter+s al,•I ciphes of courtesy tie be observed in
in any farm Roane. Take a flower pat, i his judgement, with tare result than he ,anywhere in rural Ontami'a as few as McLennan is one of the l'rvest of the extends, for a .considerable distance on ways say that the task is boo •great. using a party line, yet •there are )ion
after pluggflng the hale that has; tramr to propane a seed bed an land .ten or fifteen girls and women can Aligoma Institutes dpi this respect, both sides of the site of aenc}ent Tyre, I and cannot be achieved: Wl xn the meds of prisons who, far one rna ort
bean provided in dAie 'bottom, fill it: that is too wet. It may talcs years to short a BzmaCh ' where they airs just buslniess-like Prayed; those who were to remain Fcnmwrd• Movement Fund was launch- � or another, are compelled to use st,th
with dry sscit, well compacted. Theft( overcame the damage done to the soil The lov,lyislanidsOf Mmrrmtoulinand onough to put good programs through) and those alto were 1'e, go, commend- ed marry had the
and id: "For,
lutes cn9 who eart¢tot.eien order a list
pour water into the pot slowly untill by working it white in this condition: St. Jexseph's ,aryl a flourishing group mg one anwkhex to tate loving care of them. But bbe Lord+aJes said: Por
without heir -g at all a+tiff or formai an, protection of 'hhe God1 who would'�a� name of bite Lord Jesus we Ona i of groceries wdUhaut hearing ore re
water level reaches its tap. Next t Itis impa,%nble o Frepaaea,gocd smealr of Instntutesiy one of whose active com- in methods, which is the Institttdte be with them. a11. The farewelal� is in ready." Dwrlrig the South Afriean , cei'% -r after am'other rams dotirn off
remove -the plug -and catch the water bed out of sail that has been thus mumity interests of the Travelling as'irm+ An attractive "d'emonstaatdon!' many ways like the scene at Milatus, wvir thdo telegram came from Laity-, the hook and eo knowing" that a ielva
Viaet daalus through the hole, and corn- maltreated, and almost as impassible Library, which may be had free of at one meeting was an Apron Parade 'but without the same 4mdt!niacy. The sm!ih, A civilian, has been t;rmba-ced line of listening ears rare taking in
pare the amovact removed with the to raise a. CrOP on it that that wihl do mucdi everything but one way express for in whid'h the girls of the brand -gave a.cquain t ance here had been short, by court-martial to a year's imprison-' every word,
mount poured in. The water that is more -than cover the cert of producing a p,fi,d of six months, wh,n it may two walking exhibits of afternoon "The scenes are familiar, and yet haw menk for causing dlmponthn-cy:' This Then there is "o -entry" who Otes
removed h gravity is the free ori and harvesting .it and it frequenbly be nxd6arged, for another. aprons and inertia -g aprons doming different. Such touches of diversity man struck -no blow for the enemy. her beat under ooni:dtinns that ara
y falls to a even that Farmers who and resemblance co-wld• be given only Tie was not intentionally diAo,pal; but eteawgh to distract anyone, Ilavir,p
hydrostatic,water; that which romair-s Little Current availed 6ltaamselvcs of the proceedings, and the rr-orated by an eye -wetness." We went on board wherever .he went his truth d¢1:,pTed` and two hands and t�vo coxa, of
in the pat aiui frnms a film area -red fdlow, obis all too common practice of the visit OF true Deptartmenka'l lecturer members voted by ballot as o the the ship (Rev. Ver.). "The" shows discouragement. He want iiTeakuig, y
the he pot
it f particles is the film work land while it is wet and sag- this summer to make inquiries and three best in each class.. Fun, inter•= that it was the same ship in which down the morale of the men. Flee wma course shot makes mistakes, But she
water. gy generally have to console them -1 propose getting one fore this w}nber. est, and education were combined in they had; came from Tyre. ding harm and tam rottrtmantia] did; known who are the real gentlewomon
Tito drainage furnishes an owtlet selves during the harvest with th'e! This Branch was using its busy clever this unique feature. This 'branch Va. 7-9. Ptolemais; thirty miles pa'mfooblyright. Happy is that chinch on her et changge and 'who are sat; she
for blue drainage
lits water in the soil of l thought: "Well, I didn't get as much. fingers and: 'brains to make and sell interweaves community needs, making south of Tyre, a day's tail, It ival3 whaste pezedmisdts =, - dummies ai•:o knows the real gmt�rten. Hear
Y surplus of a crop as I expected, but then, I --- - - - -=-- - lutitgmsnt in s•adh -tatters is w<¢tally
exact) the same wayter that Opening in quilts to Heise money fon recreation one need help another. Money was
dddn t expect I would
she ha'e furnishes an out]et foT the � � equipment for the -school playgrounds, rais,d for .the Medical Inspection of On aau3 on he went an :ng 1}iP flaw -j sa'uta', fur she is in ora rf the ba:l
The growing and a Memorial for the boys who went The schools and the Baby Clrnra under- � ers, untt l at trust he cams to Che daisy.! Positiors '.n the World to, train it.
surplus wader in the flower pot. lotion is fv s on! i � I t "
R,anioval of the surplus water in, the lengthened 1>y the fact that plants osr; for freedom's cause to France and did 'taken by idyl members by a seines o£ � And what is Your tut ;1, little dau'ry?" i-"�--�"�--
a tide -drained soil are seldom stuntedI not return• events, social; and tea -meetings; "'Ali my w^haie lifer' it answered, "l; A Vinegar Economy.
sail it the foundation for all epi the in their growth by heavy rains or Travelling Library in Demand. which brig-tered the social life and have tanrried flue sun. Il, is sa bight Itirra every jar and dish that has
bract -rat b,neligts that till dra3raage drought, as they frequently are on (�
brags• g' y Building a commnna�ty haq] for the intercourse of tale not}rm ned;gh�barhoad �"� : and wonderful. But wFrn the cso-udu e ecntafr. rd fruit, w'iUh a little hot waken
t' undrained sailer benefit of the neighborhood, and its as well. The Echa Bay Institute Til cover his face the earth Pa dark. Ch,f end pour Tato a half -gallon jar, and
Better Soil Aeration. Tile drainage has the faculty of social and educational doirvgs is one working along mach the saane dinar: )legend Of the Daisy. if`anly I could give a ?!We brightness; let it a'an:h until it becomes vinegar.
Mir at the Toots is just as ese mtiai •blibligingg the seal from a wet, W997 of the lines Of general work ocdupy. Base Line added the excitement and A long time ago, so they toll the them" 1 Strainse. , vnd it is ready to uThis
to the 14fe athe .pAment as air T's to the `condition to a moiset, lapse �conditiocu• Ing the attention of .the Howland In fun of a membership contest to their, •tale in fields and gardens', manyflow- Flarvivony stooped} and toucalted ita! •tmvas mwaroy a'penny, and the vinsga7
1 rog'a of a man. Plants do not lake T}siis change is a .gradual one in the stitu't,. They have a0ked' for one of regular methods taws year wlth thei era were not satisfied, with the way potala "You halve chosen wisely, little ; is ori gof..ld as you purehnse at the
"wet feet," bemuse the presence of • case of heavy clay 'soils: Sometimes result that their members now num- the had been: made. Sone cif thein " " stores,
surplus water act Chair Toots exeliadms the the Cowries Tm 'Sewing avails -ole Y eliall, he told! it» From nano cn you Y
;three or four years are Tequdrccil he- Exam the Department, as well as tt bar over one aur -dyed. folk bhtrt they were toxo tall; others shsilt'havn n bright disk among yr-utl -—.4 -
air. Bo,bh eannot occupy the same ,fare the tile.dTadns become matured. Travelling Library for the Coming The "Trave'-e;in.g College" as the wished to change their colors. There white petals3, and when popple look at Succeasfuh plant-d-L'vaso concan
elrtl ca
space at the same time. In wall, However, the improveemen't at the end y,e8r• short courses in Home Nursing, Sew was d good deal of dnscontenat here � you they will see the reflection- of the � be dome r-dy by community co-o,limt-
dxa:!ned soil, air ,follows the water of bhe first year is very -marked, Bass Creek and Sam:dfiald Branches ling, Domestic Setence, Laboli-swing, :and there, mumu No matter whether tine day is � tion,
Blown into the soil., and occupies the I ,lore Root Space. are interesting themselves in cleeanimg Program Planning and Methods i:n the Osie year the weather had Neem brighat ar ,cloudy, you'll nowt hide
panes vacated by it. 'Since the pores ,Since the tile -drainage lowers the up and beautifying their :cemeteries. Conduct o8 Meetings which the Instil- oloudy and dreary for a long • time.
,among your leaves, but will turn: to- The '1cm price, for all kis-is of lin,
to a well' -drained sail are larger them I water table and makes soils more Some Stomas extend a helping testes Bramti of: the, Department of That ,male the discontentedflowers word bile akg." stock cites a •goolt, 6pgort':!tt1ty to
n a more compacb, undirained, soul, the i porous, plants develop a more ext"- hand to the cities also, their bearts Agriculture send, 'out on the request Toro unhappy than oder; seine of Aaid that is the way -so they tell it all breeders to cull out their inferior
air supply is comparatively greater. j sive -rooting system 'in drained than beim especially tender for children and with the co-operation of the, thein even began, to droop. Ther one ammialo.
This explains why legumes, )tire g g Y in the gardens and the fields -khan the
(in undranned rolls. It is commonly ant return( ealdiers. Big Lwke •seat Brandies, is in much demand through- dray a good fairy named Hal"nt' y dish ---: —'--•
a+lfmlfu and clover, wbich are deepen:• 1,' P g tsry got its yellow centre, The long type of pit is mora (. x ir.
dent for their healthy growth upon i known that plants are more drou ht ail the way to the Toronto Institute cwt the province, but nowhere mole heard alaout the sect ,oasrt of the flow- ti
p i resistant when the spring of the sea- far the Blind for aprons evade by the than in the north. Here the Only com- era. He went to Mother Nature about able Poi °the sbora a'P
Met tultrogi,n from the far, thine amjson has beets dry than when it has 'bliradl, which they bought by way of Plaint is that they do not come f+as the meatter. "Go and ask th,eni wharf —� a patrttIn len
A well drnan�egd soil, and starve om am Tractor Fanning, fou e't'her, o the rmoreen•s-tushes been
b,mi wet, During a city s.griitg the doing a bit to help. A number of aaul fregwenUly enough. The Insiti- fitly vymart," alta replied, "and int tlnemi found to rrmiadat aunt's uttifiann in otic
andala4¢ned one, even in a dry season. water, table in the soil is eomparative- Branbhez sent aid to the Northern tubes Branch is Indeed rapidly beeom- have it." There is some question as i
Mkwh Of tihe heat theut goes to warm regards 0, this Ie3m,d. Tim' pit should d have
g 1 Ion, and offers no ohrtrnrtion to children, who are a�t the Sault Ste. img the centre OP a quite un4que I;x- Th* fit';t flower til:+at Harmony iodic- ilt,e economy of usdrag m tractor on n gond dhainaego. y
bp. a drains -de roti in Uhe spring ts' Y tenrrcn Department of what Moght Ire eco with was then thistle, small farm, but the •ad'visa'bility of n
e'opmen rr" a naisnar, lir+alth Merie Shelter.
q .time) to 'evaporate the water from I b o den' r 4 poruf it,y Barrie ialand put in a hot lunch (lex !1130x) as the Rural Home -makers' "I am proud of my purple calor," it buying a tractor for use on large, Anyone who is familiar with date
root ays.em• .C} -a T, and h ,
an uurlrnit-erl' szre'1 with the results! (°r,i •mono Pas the cltilvlmdm it their Unti'vcrsaty whose eager stnd�ent;s are sail), "but people p-ek me, mad I want Poorly drained !azar is just as quos, use of a •gaug;ro and as nna'lsnt, a saw
ci a tilerJait-ed ;• Pl and the fact that s P the. busiest of busy :girls .and wa'mron.� to seta. r „
✓<,'I-at-�t]ted 'tn'trtlp,ra,!:U7'Kl of the 1!rtttnr lg :.ib3 Water t(yi' i,:tbl, is F1tVay8 low, exeCpt aVrn 4:d�1T0�?ly as (1[d ,5i:1VCT �at,r. T1rC ' - .. y •'n t'llti 6�'ta,t W114'T'e I glCaw, ti'aria'tAln. The tractor -tin �e used to 8.ried tt pa-int-'bTY]tVll CA:[4 U,ndk7rtA�1{a t�ia
a• rociably lower than that of tone: ,'+ere twent cone tlmusan, in num ,-Very „
IIP Pnr .short ,,,ertods during vary hr:ivy latter i; evidently living up to the y Y- ry fuel), sett) IIatrmamy; prick- advamtagn (m a wel'1-draitttx! elmpler kiin(Ts of tr,e stttgery• Pnatnnvt
farmer, lilvahiotramom hras a ecalim ' r 7. devcla menu of n Institute ideal of considering ,the bars. 'lo meek the growing domanela ers dh's ,lgrow'on y'ou, Then no ane f vn that is not too imoll nor too traattnnmit of bteaks lsr the`vireestanxleffect ons the sail just; a3 Tt 1'aa am arstro., make re, , y p sibl. in need's angd interests of all in the home, g Yo " 1-111 tT , y '� . m. ingdis-
rapi n, deep toot esern post t of such is natIo-b-tild!n worth w Bile will Pick u• ,good
butyl, m y,ar auround art eat season I tro t acwtorruicay watyadf rnve¢u4(>rs(tn who is sweating. This acconnds I Peron. 'Fh!s accounts for the for they made a cighborhood Bee and in,iecd wo hV of the hes l n. lit pass�eed, on to the marmungwglciy, en: are stasotns when, tit use eaayo axial dewy', and, ct11 Nvoivko madei
fPioxIW?lt facet iihat seer, w11I gbrntnnato any s ; .cit ir,c1 sails in gnodl old pioneer style raltrd made a tine of a Governmernt• The idea was "I do not wish to May in a'no sprit," ( opt a trader oar a poorly drained farin in rapedr wort. aluc-. 3, Aro elmita,
tient tluat plants an rile a born anon, Ontario m,n attd weiruon y „ 1 r
in a vvila-•ranted, sail trtua4!i soom,m' me less liable to lodge; than those an Pien'ic of Clearing v.p tho picnic g , sold this mornim"Ju y: I w^nnat ici is rfa'ctica-lly impossib,r at any time..starilitecl and i:M0 Ic teas'trent in -cellon
than 7n a wet sa'NL drained soil's, grounds. lcvellin•: t;:,= { 'a„,• incl who still work tagothrer to tiAieve oli•mb and to a�ook tut the world.” T!1'e-deraining mch a fidrm will, how as earefu%- as sin-iin.r wounds A
III) reecLng ilio 'grcu"(1 Fe,r ::. tiaaehal) in rzaslrng Hffirinmcy th 'ugh the "A.'1 riga) " said 13aamamy, "Clirr-li+ fi' r, m:.,n(• ilii• tsr (fat,:altar more
tr,cat>rai 3n nuxtrra:l margery:, iill for the
Ranier and Longer Snason, A porous sail nidi ,Told. more water operation of ,cane earl stat,. , crud testate as you like," f pt+a:ti.a.l
�nrlier germlinaation of snood. niecins than a rampatrt, undrained so}dy just as diarnend: s:ust, reason,