The Brussels Post, 1921-9-22, Page 4S c Utz Vint THURSDAY, SI PTRMBFR as teal t k tearing n tta rib hat i s b0 ,i t o n t m t1 met g y nearly every day• Vert y the gasoline buzz buggy is covering is wide field. li'xOM iw editenticnal progressive stautlpolut the fnct of well tilled schools and ;Alleges for this ball term betokens increased interest in getting mora than the "3 R's," Mom tie -tors' scandal at ono Fran. oisco sbd ,s"a dageuerate eonditiou;that has been long suspected. The record is bed with a few redeeming qualities It is not all gold Chet glitters. PLUM crop is a 4;buot,er in Betleviile locality„ In ane sbiputeut there were Ss,Ooobaskets taking 6 car toads to cot - vev the fruit. Ltttfe Jatk Horner could wish for no more blissfnt turronndiugs. AN Oinabe. woman, 41 years of age, is the mother of 22 cti'dren• She would be a real arid to a Colonization Comp:lnv we would dusk, Guess Mrs. Earl Rowray clever heard about race suicide, Muksl.t. Bros. escape from London baettle hes etfarded many opportnnities for "hiudsight." It appears to A trash after such little inesdeuts. The wisdom (?) attained after the incident would 3111 a large volumn but about as valuable as junk, You can't build a stoma healthy man hood ou a skulking,spendthrift cigarette smoking youthful foundation. The re- cord, after many attempts, is wbally bad and will never attain qualities that stand the test, You don't need to leave On- tariofor illustrations WREN prisoners are placed in the "jug" they should be supplied with night keys and a road map as this would re- lieve the "watchful waiting" of officials and save too vigorous exercise on the part of the fellows who "dont care for inside of jails," WESTERN Fair, Londou, scored agreat success last week with a bumper attend - nee. Possibly both Toronto and Lon- don owe a bonus to the automobile factories for providing up-to-date travell- iog facilities on the sightseers own scbedule for arrival and departure- It used to be some trip to make London in the lumber wagon days Hos. RAtee is doiug right in the es- timation of thousands of folk in striking out gambling devices. Swindlers of all kinds should have no recognition ley the law of the laud. The sooner people is 4+,1444+4'a'.t,+'++++'444 What Amax Your l'4::.:: 1 POULTYII 1 IWILL 1n1ay the highuet now - ket In ice foe all the Poultry YOU Have to sellstud dell at your place for theta, I M. Volieek Phone ag BltubsELs + Ir is suggested that eve'v 113u ;teipali- y should have what u; kuowo ss au ald- e'uI Mnn,elpit It o. -cc, Why not eu• large the lob by p'acu'g every man and wornau is lh- hoe ftp ? The best way to boost is to Iia .st ALkaa'eA's expernuental slyprneut of 36 heed of b et cattle to Sto'land last June 11 d no. p 7n on' p , that'' y. Aver• age cost per head was Blies whine pits• coeds of sale per head wab les. th.un $1 Sq Light weight steers sold at better figures than the heavy cattle. APPEARANCE.; indicate some of the siandard bearers in the coining election for the Commons w.l' have a tucks road to travel, with gg chances to too of hav- ing their tire punctured long before they have an opportunity of tasting their optics on Parliament hill. ludating ofteu accompanies the campaign so they may be able to borrow wind. SUNFLowsas a foot in diameter, to foot stalk and 18 inch leaves seems to bead the "fodder" list this Fall. A sur- veyor's ohein will soon be required to tape up the core stories unless jack Frost puts a pinch on the glowing an- nouncements. You would almost imagine some reports were being given of robber plants, but perhaps the "rub ber" may be located somewhere else. Softs of the alleged confessions, some - tants secured by extortion and threats on the part of officious law-combers, don't appear to hold their color very well and rattler fade in the light of a close- dttiog cross examination. THE POST is averse to au inquisitory corralling of a person by a glib -tongued, semiofficial looking for notoriety. It's often time and money thrown away in the final analysis. Cranbrook 9INSTANTLY 1ILLED.—She Stratford eacou of Tuesday of last week says of the fatal accident too. W. Carter, son-in-law of Chas. and airs. Alderson of this place I—A. distressing fatal an learn practical honesty the better and a cident occurred this morning about wheel of fortune or such devices will i 7,30 o'clock, when John W. Carter, never fusee an thin, but a bogus part owner of the Maple Grove Cheese Y 4 g Factory, T'p. of Downie, was instant - brand, ly killed by being hit by the Satnits train, two miles West of Sttatford at Loos, as if a ate ladder will almost be Dunseitb's corner. He was driving a P"motor truck, Oiled with butter boxes, necessary to nail this year's tax rate along the road, which eoust.itutes the statement on the wall in many a corpora- line between Concessions 2 and 3 of tion. Suppose the Tax Collector's Downie, and was on his way home but a from Stratford, when the truck stall - notice will serve the same purpose, ed on the track and was smashed to good share of the bot stuff always on tab splinters by the oncoming train. Ins- et taxpaying season could be worked off mediately after the accident occurred, Dr. J, P. Rankin, Stratford was sent by earlier aequaintauce with the official for. Thr body was found to be badly annonneemeats, mangled, the skull being broken show- ing that death had been insteu- i taueous. The body was found about MANAGER. SAvtss, o1 the Weekly Press : 130 feet from the (tack, where it had Association, states there are now 500 ' been thrown by the tremendous memt•ers on the roll and prospects goud l impart of the collis103). Practically for increases. Past .few years have not nothing was left of lite car. The beep very easy sailing for newspapers +. body was' brought to Cireeuwvnd az and man of them now rest from their V ivian's Tudertakfng Parlors, here. y The train left Thorndale, four minutes labors, even if their works do not follow i late, and at Moog the time of the ac - them. Better conditions are on ahead cident wnt-1 gniug at a good speed in p an endeavor to retake up for list time. we bo e. t The engineer of the train was A. x11 i Hay, and the conductor, G. Bender. he tsuin Wrest the necessity and desirability', continued Shortly nn itsejn 1rn yl1„ tTornriaa. Of massing the forces of Christendom I It seems to he It disputable questiau for a gigantic forward posh, the opposi- 1 as to whether the car stalled on the tion threatened to Church Genion by ' track, before the approaching treiu, or some of the Eastern Presbyterian bretb- i wbether 1lfr,t;Carter, had endeavo pd. i 10 et 101088 311E tt'ack beful'e the ren, after all the consideration and dis- train arrived, A fanner, whn witnes- cussion of thepast, marks x trifle of a'-; sed the accident, declares this latter tempts at insurrection. It don't stoke 1 to be the ease. An inquest was open - us Ise a movement likely to do mach . ed this evettiug at Mapiegrove Cheese Ran - more (Tau cause the unsettlin of condi- ,, Factory. at 7 p. ut., with Coroner Ran- kin presiding tonight, A jury was tions and plans fornarrying 00 the cam- imp13nelled this morning 3(131 the re- paigns expected. Pro bona publico, mains viewed in the undertaking par- _,�„^� lors 01 Greenwood & Vivian. The following cotnpose the jury, whn wilt Como to the desih of Lieutenant- , meet tonight at the preliminary in - Governor Clarke n new appointment bas quest t ldegars, Sate, King, Geo, Gihhs, Imbert Baxter, Geo, Pike, Gen, Aitch - been made oy piecing Ltent.-Col. H. Cocksbutt, Brantford, in the big house in Toronto. Appoio'ee was born in Brnnlford s3 years ago, bas been Mayor sud is a defeated Conserva- tive candidate. He is President of the Cockshnt Plow Co. and holds other im portant posts. Organised ersth Balta- 1loa during the great war but did not see Active service. Wmt'u party in the Dominion Elec- tion corning contest Is to represent the ranee of Canadian Prohibitiou in the 'lest sense of carrying out the oft ex- pressed conviction of the electorate ? Nobotly yet appears to have acercely given the question a nod of recognitioo. Temperance folk sbould, see there is no tiefaultiug es "a birdin the band is Worth 2 in the bosh rw Lady voters hboultl check up delinquent nominees anti do it now, Penn, Robert Atebison, Tom Noyes, Fred Dunseltb Fraser Gibb The lata SIr. Carter had, with his brother, H. Carter, ennducted the Mapie Grove Cheese Factory for a eonsidennble number of years, He wits widely known throughout the district in which he lived and in Stratford, His untimely and tragic death witibedeep- ly regretted by all with whom he came fit contact. Besides his wife, the late Dir. Carter leaves six children 1 Mur- iel, Robert, Clifford, 1felvin, Harry and William. He was 37 years of age. Bumper crop of corn at Cromarty locality, Monkton betel has been bought by Peter Schroeder, Stratford. 100 students at Stratford Normal School, 25 are males, an 11nn8nal 00- etrr(etlee, $10 and costs was imposed on Ft•ed. Taylor, l'idbbeet township,101 driving a car while dunk, Barrister 'Tbomson, Dfitebeil, and .la, B. Proudlove, Toronto, have farm- ed partuerellip is former place, Ta ionto Wren* Takes Big Task Varlet' title headiyg, lu:ct'ulpanied by aum3 httt 131313x,I the Culo w tug e t- tittle apoH31A d in 10 lay'sZoom() Globe otSept,5111, .unutrn,ng D. Wren, B. II., it fo'ule'r. Well known McLlsodlst pitst01, of Brussels 1 - Leaders of irulilstry fn the vols tiny wire., sten who served their fellowmen in every rrttnstetion of busilteas, "SuOepes ao Cha Oknueoll @hoar(1 1103 he lllett.utill by monetary contribu- tion," continued Ilse preneher, ".0on- REV. D. WREN, 13. D. The greatest architect of a down- town Church was slanted Wren, foe he built the greatest downtown church in the 111111sh Empire—St, Paul's i Cathedral, London. Toronto has Re- quired a new dnwntow's preacher of the same name, Rev. 'David Ween, who has set llttnself the task of re- building the historic Elm Stteet Meth, odist. Church and making it the great- est reatest 110 IVO WW1) Clause in 1'ot'Onto, 'rhe rehnilding work was begun in real earnest yesterday, and last even- ing the new pastor delivered a stirring message to a large congregation, 3 i a GIFTED PREACHER Mr, Wren is a preireher with the vision, the message of a prophet anti the gift of stirring ortttnty. In hie sermon last evening he set before his congregation the gnestinn t "What would happen if 50,000 nope in Toronto began to serve the Lord ?" He said that a new word had been coined in the twentieth century—the wird "Seav'ce." Ther e. was a time when talent and goodness walked in separate paths, but they had now been brought together. Siateamanship ennld no longer be the title of men wile lived by patronage, but was the crowning title, of men who set red their counts y 'for the public good. gregatioual standing should be meas• erred by the number of communicants who are willing to serve. If 50,000 men in Toronto began to serve the the Lnt•d we would have a Church trausfg},ured and a community lrlurs- fnrmed. The test of today is the teat of service and the final test of charac- ter is a man's relationship to God. Any tell3iou is better then/3010131011 at all, but the highest religion is that 3vhleh produces the beet type of man, that sets the standard of the elan Christ Jesus' fpr men to live up to." MODERN NE1D6 Me. iVlen went on to say that the eritirisul against the Church te.day was that it did not dietnrb men, that the multitude was uninfluenced. Men were asking "Where is the Christ ?" The man ou the street wants to tee Christianity in action. They want to see the Christ reproduced in the lives of Christians, in business, domestic and social affairs. Can we make men ask. "Mat went ye out for to see 7" Before there can he any revivals there must be a heightening of the life and the glorification of the saints. ♦Ve must have Olen of holy aspirations, who have a flash of the Dirite ideal to catty out the purpose and program of God in their daily lives. Chatty tatter from S. N. Scott, Now of London, DEAR FRtw.. n Roots :— I have been intending for scene time to drop you a line expresslug toy ap- preciatiuu of your references to otlr school successes and also of your weekly letter labelled TRE BACSSTLs POST. 'We art- still eo lunch more Brus.elites titan L'nttionets' ur any- others' that our chief Interest in news yet eentere 1n the tillage' of Maples, You may transplant a man bodily with his poeseeasiun3, 1n a tiny hot the pi ()eves of 3) tnsferiil g hse effert1nns and i1tet•eet'r 1+ a Chi g uf-•,,.wtb, mast he gradually ate 11,pii-l,et1. Yon are perhaps aware that I spent the gteatl'l plot of thoi holidays play- ing at 3.'ldiering oil t`tri?l.g li.'lghts. 14—meted upon the con,,.. solely for the physical Jle relia+ tli,st teloht be detived wad I Ifni certainly well pleas- ed with the restate. In .Kite of the excessive heat of the fleet two weeks 1 never u•as erupt•ye(1 at anything that WAS ae rnndncive to physical well being. We Tori just the ,111',' nlixtnre of stodyooleeturel tend 1.2,:"1 Ci -e 10 develop healthy ,tppelitr tut food, play cud sleep. Our Immo at a. In) to 4 p. to 3 terabits tic to tied re- creation in tenni., 1.;1.i13:11, 111.1"ling etc, We itad earn ST edneeday and Saturday afternoons (.tf thus furn11.h- fog the arra5ir.n for In 1115 plenies to Springbank told PI,11 Stanley, If you kpew of anyone etltr.•tii Olson nerves lass of appetite or beet Ionia, you ran use my [mute im a+•uriOg them of a permanent envie if they pot in ,six weeks "103 ming fonts'- ttgill a rifle neer the sh0u'der sandal the breezes at Ceiling 13e:ghts. There were fifty -lusty Outarin teach- ers rib High and Ptih;ie Subs -14 tong- ing in ogee from t + eta y 3111 eixty-to u years. The 3131331 ly gent !emelt sperm ti to derive ire mewl, hrnrtil as any, One titan its the neighborhood ,od t s•xty who has charge ,'f one of ()mashie hest High School., told me, a few doe's lee - tore the emu tie Mo...a, that hr felt twenty year,: emieso 1. We f.'nnd .it a bit etraug„ at fir.1 being Calked to in a langnnge nod treseoe+ we would scarcely date use tl+tvailt tial. most re- ralitean1t eeiseo1 lilts 1 tltitsk many teaching will go bark to their schools this September w»h a greet deal aloes e, with the re)nat'ks, "Its absolutely simple" "Perfectly obvious" "Nothing could be easier," Even the prover- bial 'log' off which it is supposed to be so easy to fall was rolled about quite promiscuously. One of the most pleasing features was our &senciotinll with the officers and N. C. 0 'e of the Royal Canadian Regiment, under whose supervision the comr:e was marled on. Every- thing that could be done to contribute fta to our comfort, enjoyment andwoes-effected- riency woes -effected by them. Crit- icisms and suggestions were invited. and when deemed advisable, acted upon. On and off the parade ground it was a seal pleasure to be associated with them, The mutual pleasure of our -relationship. during the six weeks found expression in a banquet at W ong's Cafe a few nights before the wino up at which the Officers, Instr te' tors, Examining Board and N. C. O,'s were our [attests. -Yon may have uodced write-ups in the London papers which gave some indication of ale gond fellowship, wit and humour that the nceasion brought forth. $nine real talent was unearthed.(.V e were unanimous in wishing Gnat1331 advanced course could be arranged foe next Lear. It is only now as the hour for re• n35Pning of school approaches that I realize that I have severed connections with Brncsels. I ft contently find my- self making plans for work in the same mureuildings and under the seine eonttilinns ne I have beets doing for ten years past. When it gets this time of the Summer you find yourself if a teacher, lookilig fnrward to greets ing tamiliarfoxes. This year, for toe, It. army will bo an ary or strange feces, But thele is this comforting thought that in the mass children are vero. trowels the same the world over and I shall doubtless meet agent manly that I have known under different nausea. Nevertheless I shall by still greatly pleased 1n flee a large Attendance at 13. C, S. and shall peruse this monthly po rerts with as 515311311 interest as of yore. I sincerely hope the new staff and the students may have a success ful happy Beholdyear. I hear that Tootle is still as popular a. early in the season, especially Th nridays. Greatly enj,lyed the account of yntlr 'Western trip and was Amoy when it ended—whirls is sumoI am eure thanyou can truthfully any of -this lengthy mote patiemre and 1.y tnll:311ii 1..01. 51(1 Anytime you are in Lnndnn be 5(110 the 'dullard. es a test!) ' 1 their own you find time to look me up at the experielnees this Sotnmwr. le was a31,iless von pa.tp nn the weekly very atuueing :what h"nntiet. could edition of Hot—Seta—St POST. Best re. gards to Nits. hen and to the party named in the mitigation, from Mrs, Scott and Ytnitsnit' ncetrtp, 3 Sco'rr Colliugwood, Aug. 31e1, 11121, be made by really mtr,hgr'ut mea of mature yeal1. 1 3h,.lrghl 11113(17 l imee what idols might base- been shattered and what ynnthfdl dee: es for revenge gati1Red ifail the pupils in the fifty - tour schools rnnll hay*• been rented about the parade ground during drill hours. 3f13ny of us felt that rip were getting our own brink oath il.lrties when the vnrinus inattnrtnte would meeface or conclude their. explanations s 2nd crop raspberries at 6fitchell. 10 prizes captured at Toronto Fair by R. Mott, 11iteIsol1, for fantail pig- eons. 4'Stricter Observance pf Hotel Regulations Will be Required Board of License.' Corimis fa0. cN s G ails Attention n t ONeed of,O bs e r vance of Simple Rules for Ciiinfort andSecurity of the ,Public—Hotel Resisters, Cold Water, Locks on i:1oors, Candles 1 in Rooms, Essential, Stricter observance of the Standard Hotel Regulations is urged in a elrcu- lar addressed to license inspectors and stalidards hotel, licensees by the Hoard Of License Commissioners for Ontario. Particular attention is called regulat- ion 7, This section refers t6 registers and it is pointed out that that Is an es- sentlal feature in a motel and. might be required in court to prove a person's whereabouts. The circular continues as follow11 Reg. 7 re pure cold drinking water, an ordinary accontodetlou indicative of thoughtfulness for guests. In case of municipal waterworks,..a tap etc. con- veniently placed would be satisfactory. Reg. 9. re secure inner bolt on doors front guests roost, etc. This is impor- tant. Complaints have come front wo- men of insecurity from neglect of this and men also have reasons sometimes to be uneasy. Posting of Rates Reg, 10, re posting of rates on Inn- er side of all main and guests room doors. This recognizes right of guests to known precisely the scale on which he is charged. It is good hotel usage and inexpensive; Compliances can be made by means of neatly written type- written or printed cards, tacked to the lnnerside of door. Reg, f2, portion re candle in bed- room. An instance has been cited py a travellor, of a small town where electric supply ceases at midnight where he had in order to catch an early morning halo to rise and dress in the dark and with difficulty grope his way out of the hotel Other conditions Inas arise such as sud den sickness. Where lighting service is efficient and interruptions, rare, it would suffice if hotel had candles con- ventient for distribution in case of need always havingthought for epecial cas- es, The example cited could have been avoided by ordinary care. Regulations -`Binding. In closing the circulars read as foil - Rheumatism? Or Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago? The remedy is simple, inexpen. sive, easily taken and harmless, Templeton's Rheumatic Capsules Your druggist will supply your Write for free trial to Temple - totes, 56 Colborne St., Toronto.. Sold by Jas. roe, ovist The regulations are binding but ,the hoard calls attention to those which it llas reason to think have been Most I neglected,'Attention to these is inslst ed upon. Net one is onerous, all are simply good hotel usage, and neglig- ence cannot butbe taken as indicating poor management. Complaints have been made of ex- cessive rate charges, accompanying poor servlce' and accommodation. In view of the declining cost of articles of food and other hotel necessaries, im- l:provenlent herein is looked for and in- ' spectors are -asked to be observant on (h t ese points and make due report to `r the Board. if a hotel does.not enjoy the good will of reasonable symptom. In- efficient or shabby servlet does not comport with high charges. This circular is sent to inspectors and to Standard licenses. Licenses who have been negligent may sive themselves and Inspectors trouble by immediately making up for such. The circular also requests a report upon hotels which fail to comply with the regulations, particularly those men- tioned, it being in contemplation to concell licenses where non-comptiallce sontitmes, Chautauqua in Alaska, n 1920 there were 8,581 Chautau' quas held on this continent, 891 of rfr them being in Canada alone; 1,463,- 750 different people attended the Can- adian Chautauqua programs, while 'over trine nt11110n attended 111 the United States: Cdhautauquas Ire now conttucl- edin all I:n ist-spCaking comrades ex - sept South Africa, lhey,arafield hi Al- aska lout also in New Zealand, 'being probably the biggest success in any part Of the world in the latter place. Auctiarl, ,,,,4444.4 /1:Ut11ti10'1tdId15 01 PAI4(r81rork, Tat: 1 t 1 Mr itTe, k0IINIRn)te, Sen. -14. teWltlk- ar, All aIu00Hr, bps b- toL' estrtroted bathe Mt - dons pull tcsall by PublicAuution at zv;y.l:ntn 33 ase ,-ou 1, steeds, on Wednesday, (151 5th, et-1.uoli,ek Attu c. the foltowhla valuable trap, sty ,—c heavy draft horse 0 ;ones old, 1 hooey 1, eft west* 0 years old. tltasy drat; 21221'22, 1 W8 Old, t heavy draft alis rlYhtg s ye,„ x, t 3)0135 )1)11'l'3 horse 11 years old, I cow s0p(,0' 31 t0 N Oy6 one its, 1 cow supposed to sews Afar. 18, 1005 supposed 30 salve Mar. 20, 1 cow s,ppoatd.tr, entre Ater, 20, 1 farrow pow nullJul., 5 helrn)8 ri.,ina 2 sears, 2 ettot•a risln4 2ri is 13 -piing °elves. 11401V due to Carrow ;901 7 1 so (Vt (('333 1i 1,111 et foot ready 10 Wean, Ito Y ,rit hug 14 months -old, a 11lz, "find 2 n.z spring pullets, 2lleeao lent gander, Nns+eyHscrim binder, truck, ,heaf- , 5,1 a trod I•('nr, luau nosy,.. Deer Log mower 51.42, eat a• w, Alassoy•rlersis 15-nisedrlll new, ymitv,h,tone plow pow, lileury No. 21 8iogle pods, due harrow, loft, hey Ta(tH nearly new, 1.514--16 21,223022 a, tut 7,ip solt•ar, ltou111cr, wag. Il end box, aft of slelehs. cutternew, top buggy d16 Huy rack 'n3w, tanning W111,204003 lead, 3,,h.1'b.,r,, W 111w, 2 turnip pulpors (I nowt set 2.'W In Reales new, London gnu en - gnu 0 ht I ,0, uiat,ut1 cream eeparetor nearly nen et d.•3We Immo* brass mounted nearly now, set plow hx nt,sa, vet of 31531)e. Barnes( xi d numerous Other articles ; 4139 ltuo oats, 'Oebux, barky. 10 hoe, tlaektvhe83. le tons of timothy bey, 2 tons clover hay, 4lona tweet davit• hey, 10 t WIN Dat hay, 114 acres fodder corn, 1 acre mang 4ds,e sores turnips, I Jewel ratan hector, 1 2•burner all stove, 1 1(03251 Jen rl 11251•.)1'(51315 new, 1 eomplet0 bedroom salts, iron 1551 and 222221h,g3 double bed. 0kit. rhea Hems. Onto, churn. largo kitohsn table, 1'1,0,0134 look stays, Oemall bedroom and par- lor titbits -• we.h,tauds, kilehen cupboard, 2 bedroom toilet orae, number of lamps, quantity f 2441es, ,..,'un, e, Hnd other household Artie. Ire. na,c allI cot reserve as 4110 prop/ /atop has sold Al- feria. 'f•ernis—runts of 4550 aid render rnelt) user (51201 amount 12 months er'dttplvea en tarnishing apprpved joint Lutea. 8 p('1 1erlt t,tt 10r rlph 021 credit a- mHunta, F. 33. kissTlg, Proprietor. p R —sale will positively start at) o'clock as there l0 a lot arsenals t0 bedpan, Just Received A New Stock of ii: 'r fail :looks :»:M'saS l :d:: t• est totee3x:ee.. . -;-to.; , .: t3-itati»::'r,:rlc7r_li LaahsI»: +lit:f'a'it-_':tt_M-i!ea:ti _.-:_1`rstsieeseo.., esea-.-..aetta»_oat-:a_'aataaatte `i_'ll Very Best Goods and Most Reasonable in Price. See them before you order. SAVE - MONEY - BY - CALLING Joe Schwadron Win ea h Winnipeg Beach, 50 miles from Winnipeg, is an ideal summer resort. Thousands of Winnipeg folks and folks from Central Canada spend their summer, vacation • there, The piehie g1'oltnds are ideal, sheltered no they arc with beautiful trees, and equipj(td with tables frit serving mettle,with slot and coli water. Availabe , at all times. The grounds are taia out in such a man- ner as to be :able to take care of every ontdoee gable, with roped eh' ribatttes for loot races, baseball dig. Rrinnipeg Beach, Manitoba, mond, etc, The Beach is one of tate hest and safest In North Western Canaria: commodious and modernly equipped bath -houses, operated by canrtcous attebdants; row•l nuts, cantles, atld motor boats 3.3'33 for hire at moon,. able priers. Tier t'afe and liinJlress Hotel is Ibis year tn.der the manage Meta of kir, G. SU Trnylnr, formerly of the lintel Chnnlbet•lain of Old Point ('ontfort, lrirgtilin, anti he is prepared to eater to p131111)3 of any ?Izc and submit menues for approval upon request. Attractions of the beach are, Giant Roller Coaster, The Electric 1'arrouselle, Pony, Uonkey and Goat Trask in charge of capable attend- ants for the amusement of children; pit'ture theatre showing fleet run Chris, at popular prices, while the refreshment booth are stocked with the vory beat in soft drinks confer- Uont+ry; eta„ aid soltl at • Winnipeg prices. t