The Brussels Post, 1921-6-16, Page 4Or,b frasseto `east Tt,URSDAY,. )tjt,l lA tear Oita Cenunanity Builder. DID yeti give yosu' bonest age to the census 'enameretor when he caller!? Some people say the q`iestions naked are impertinent but the (play ng should not be taken too seriously, TALK .abent harfl times may be vers real to some folk bot there appears to be plenty of motes when people ''loosen up." j mIlilon dollars were wagered at the Woodbine, Toronto, the last day of the races, Fludmt.e.. along the Hydro service, dear Mr. Beck and earn the everlasting grati- tude of a lopg expectant public, who might eel' sing "This is the way I long sought and mourned because I ,found it not." We hope the command has been, given "Send out thy Ugh. " Hydro has its limitations, of course, but it would be a great stride forward nevertheless, Oris of the signs of the times la, the willingness of the churches to show greater liberality Lowest] retired mini- sters of the various churches for services well reodered in the bygoues- Mission- ary zeal is also very apparent by the marked generosity of the membership to the great missionary entei prises of the churches. It is a goon indicatiou and augurs well for coming days. THE almost illimitable acreage of Northern Coterie, thousands of acres of it A r fauning lands, is a loud call to the Provincial Government to deal gen- erously, yet carefully but optimistically with it. Wonderful progress is no'ice- able in the past so years and yet the fringe hos scarcely been touched- Boost Northern Coterie should be the' slogan. IF "a man is as young as he feels" the passing years don't come into the count and the Art of "growing old gracefully" might be studied with good effect. 2 noticeable examples are R 13. Angus. Montreal, oe years of age, still an active member of the Board of Trade. Adam Brown, lately superannuated as Post master at Hamiltou, at q5 years takes part In the installation of his successor Both these men are alert and interested in public affAirs, Let as keep youthful even if the family register tells us we are "getting along in life." GARFIELD'S execution at Woodstock, for cool, deliberate murder, should be a loud call to young men to cut out a dis solute life and make the world the bet- ter of living. L:arning a trade and he - coming an adept at it, is well worth while as the day is not far distant when it will prove of very real value. The world does not owe any man a living but he owes 0 to the world to render first-class service to his day and genera- tion. A lazy, shiftless. don't care life can only have one epitaph—Wasted. 1t isa sad reflection in Canada to read the story of young men direlicts of this year. Trip to Burmuda One of Motherwell's former girls, Mrs. H. 0. Durham, of Toronto, sends the following interesting account of the trip taken by her and her husband to the island of Bermuda to St. Marys Journal -Argus :— DEAR SIR — When our reservations had been made for return passage to Bermuda, and I realized we were about to start, I sort of wondered, after having been favored with the lovely Winter that was just about over, and the joyful calls ofthe robin and blackbirds were again to be beard, why we should be leaving home at this glad time of the year, but satisfied myself with the thought that a little change of scene now and then renews life in the beet of men. On the evening of the 17th of March we left Toronto by sleeper and awoke next morning to find the genes green on the banks of the beautiful Hudson river while wending our way into New York. As we neared, tin apart- ment houses became more in number and higher, and with the begrirnmed pillows and bedding hanging out, of the windows for air, and washings hung high across the streets and on fire escapee, we got a little in- sight into the manner in which the multitudes in very large cities have t0 exist. Soon we entered a long, dark tunnel, From which we emerged at. the Grand Cen- tral Station, in the heart of the city, and were at once impressed with the ease in which passengers were able to alight froth the train on the level. The platfot rue are situated so that the train steps are fully coneealed from the public. We just had to walk a little way to the taxi cab exit and take out turn in getting into one of the continual stream of "White land }Macke," in whieh we were rushed to the Pennsylvania Rotel, dodging in and out of what seemed Le us a seat.h- ing !mass of` humanity and motets. Everybody seemed to be running, yet to our suepriee we dill not see one ac- cident. Ms'. Durham's mother and brother, Dr, Jas. R. Durham, of Warr - Vet, Pa.,met u After t luncheon s at the hotel. we had a swell motor trim oil which we saw the wild and excited faces and heard the high pitched voices of the. notorious Wall Street Curb'gpmblers, who blocked the Street from side to side, making an awful te4080e••iN*•011009w•0t 0r1•r • 3 thwer 'rices... . p i•I • r ••e • • • • Royal Household F1 Flour $S 60 0 • • 0 • Bran 1 90 Shorts 2 00 Oatmeal per cwt. 3 75 Mangold Seed lb. 60 i• • Woodhouse's Invigorator• • Per Poultry and other Live •Stock is the very thing • • needed, 0 Fresh Garden Seeds. 0• • • •Wr Jt McCracken3 • • picture in our minds, of the foolish nese of some men ; Broadway, on which every known automobile 0o. bas a place 50 business ; some of the big stores and prominent buildings, and lastly, out Riverside Drive, by the Grant Monument and Columbia. University. But She very best reel - dance that we saw did not appeal to me, as they nearly all look like great apartment houses—no beautiful arehi- tecture like that in Tpronto and in Los Angeles. Evidently the owners do slot bother much about outside ap- pealance. as they only live in. New York a short dose hi Autumn, and then to warmer climates for Winter, and later to their c0untey estates, On March 10th, we set sail Lot Ber- muda and had a glorious 8 hour trip aoross the briny deep. Weather was ideal and we did not see one person i11 on board. We were roused by the steward about 0 80 Lhe last morning, just as rhe pilot was being taken 011 to guide us through the socks and narrow eliannels, as we neared St, David's Lixht. at the extreme North Rost of the Island, so that we might enjoy the beautiful natural scenery, studded with snow white homes, dur- ing the lain 2 liners of the trip, as we passed along by St. George, through the Narrows, in and nut atnongswt su,aller islands, similar to those in the Nnrth Channel, as we skirted the shore all the way down to Hamilton. Upon arrival on shore, we hired a cerclage, he which we were driven back iu the direction we had come, a distaare of about 7 miles, midst oleanders all in bloom on either side, over a portion of the splendid roads of dazzling white that were made and sawed through the coral hills, some hundreds of years by convicts, to out quarters in "Seaward," on the beach at Bailey's Bay. Bermuda is just a coral mountain in the sea, about 15,000 feet in height, and this beautiful semi -tropical little Paradine in which we ate rusticating is on the top. There are SOo islands and rocky projections, on which there are only abont10,000 acres of land al- together, and the most hnpor.tent islands ate ell joined by bridges and a canseway. It is in shape about like unto the bony part of a roan's arm and hand, and St. George is situated at the top, Hamilton on the thumb, and we are located somewhere on the wrist. The distance (torn end to end is only about 25 miles. Old time cat- riages, driven mostly by colored people, bicycles and the stage that runs from post to post at intervals are the only inland manner of convey- ance. The houses are all built of coral. When a person wants to make a home, he just saws the shingles for the roof and the blocks for the walls out of a hole in his lot that he finds mist suite le fora cistern, and builds bis house, which is a very great ad- vautage in these days of high cost. The coral formation of this 'eland is very porous, therefore wherever there is either a low spot or a grotto, the salt water appears and rises and frills with the tide. The coustant wearing of the water ie certain utdetgrountl passages hes formed some very world - et fill caves. hung with stalacitites so grand and marvellous in form and dainty shepinge that one can only look on with admiration beyond words, while going frotn room to room on pontoon bridges and think- ing of the welds of the Psalmist: "The firmament sheweth His handi- works." After one has seen these caves and taken ,incise to the seeping of the salt water though the coral rocks. he can readily see why rain water is the only fresh water to be lead for nee in the homes, It is con- tained in splendid cement cisterns and because of the absence of smoke itis as clear as spring water and is most wholesome. We have had many lovely drives midst natural beauty ht netive red cedar and coral rocks, fields of Easter lilies and fresh vegetablee and beart11ful homes, each one of the latter an individual picture of snow white loveliness, set hock from the road in most. remits, midst cedar and various other trees, emonget which are to he Been, huge obber trees, the pride of Italia, now covered with to lilac -like sweet scented blossom, after whicb follows the berry that is 9" solei fawn ed for use in Airings of beads ; cnye] poinciana and Christmas poinsetta Moth looking lovely in the calm of their Summer rest —1 he latter still tipped with ecarlrt ; calabash ; an occasional orange I,ee ; monkey puzzle ; sago and date palms and the graciou'r cand.•labra caotns. i3elfuti- ful hibiscus in red and pink, roses iri Manny shades, hooey -suckle, Matter lilies, begonias, geraniums and all aorta of annuals are in bloom in the beds and timeline, and meet every kitchen garden hes a patch rif banana plante a,,,1 a few paw -paw [reel, We have had bana.ta8 every day in some shape lir foal, and paw -pew salad several tinme from "Seaward" gat den > 1 •r' and ripe native fresh slaw lei tee also I tornatoes. We have also had some giorione teethe atuongst the rocks theringh the wilds anti over the hills, without bate of snakes --there never has heel' elle seers, if there eves' were any, it is thntight that they mnsthave been all eel 511 up by the quantities of wilts hogs thus were found when it was discovered by Sir George 'Somers and patty, when whip-wreeked on the !eland lit 1000. Yegetableewin to be the ,thief ex' part, and es•frost !s uukuown, the crops are cnhtlutu'ue and of it splendid quell—tlutist Atltained itonl Mother Netnee'a woudesful kinduese in providing thea, isolated people with an abundance of seaweed for the fertilizing of their little fol We New potatoes, beets, ctu'ints and parsley iii into are naavbeings ;Med toNew York and are bringing high prim. Last week Dr. Umbel') was called to see a little colored boy who had his knee cut to the hole in a bicycle sect:. dent, Mrs. Durham antl I went with hien, away over the hills (torn the na.in road to the little cabin, and I roust say that as We gazed 00 the little dark fevered face on the gnow- wbite bed and his kindly -looking mother looking on, we felt const grate. ful for this, another impression of the haven of rest that these ,dark•skinned people Have found in Berniutitt. We stepped out, of the becilboin while the doctor was dressing the wound, and were shown into the little pallor in which the bare finer, the plain wooden chairs and the little centre table wete spotlessly cleat) -the latter with a number of good books and a diction- ary, all of which had evidently been very much in use. Inthe fee corner of the room was an old Morgenroth and Loebbler piano, the keys of which were uneven and yellow with age, and some music on a little Bland, yet these people are such lovers of music that no (natter how ancient the in- strument, they are able to while away the evening hours in bringing out satisfying accompaniments to their hymns and ditties. As we Look oar leave, I said in farewell greeting fn the mother "1 am quite sure that with gond care your tiny will soon he well." She answered sweetly in a low voice, "I am trusting." Her• fervent tenet hue brought its reward—the fever has gone frttin the little body and the wound that looked so angry is gel ting web. About two -third of the papula- tion of the Brrnudas is of colored people and seemingly moat law abid- ing, respeclfnl to the white people and respected. Everyone streaks to theta at meeting on the highways and are always answered nicely and in a cheeeful voice, "!slot t ing Sir," or "Morning Mnarn." There seems to be veru little poverty amongst theta and they are till well dressed, es pe cial - ly t • rhildle ell, tUePoor- tax heing the only tax on property, citizens are not eves -burdened with taxes: In conclusion, ran we wonder at people souring from far and near, some for a vtteatiotl, and °theca to spend an evening of life, "far from the maddening crowd," where the honk of the automobile, the gong and rattle of the street car and the shriek of the factory whistle are never heard, to disturb their morning slumbers, to this place of antiquated quiet in which the cardinal in his beautifully hued plumage, amongst iris many bird calls, is often heard calling—'Don't hurry I Don't worry I"i - Ynnrs truly, ANN A. DURHAM Hotel Frascati, Bermuda, Apri112, 1021. STOP THE PAIN Headache, Neuralgia, Rheumatic, Back - the, Sciatic and Ovarian Pains. One rtwo DR. MILES' ANTI -PAIN PILLS, ad the pain le gone. Guaranteed Safe nd Sure. Price 30c. Sold in Bt assets by James flax. Huron Co, Breeders' Association The Annual Meeting of the Huron County Rreedere' Aancalntion will be he'd in the Town Hall, Winghmn, on Saturday, June Ietb, at 2 p. m, Prof. G. E. Day. Secretary of the Canadian Shorthorn Association, will be present and give an address It la also hoped to have H, D. Smith, of the Canadian Hereford Association, present Members and all In- terestedin pure bred cattle are invited to attend. 8. B. STOTHERS, Seorotay Huron Breeders' Association. Auction Sale n F Hotel Property, furniture and Furnishings Inorder to wind lip the estate of the late Alice James there will be offered for sale by Public Auction, by F. S. Soott, Auctioneer, on Wednesday, the 22nd day of June, 1921 of the hour ct 2 o'clock in the alto, noon, on the premises, that vatuabh property known as the American Hotel, In the y£llag° of Brussele, in the County of Buren. The iroperty will he offered ase running :concern, ncluding the Fnrnitare and Farnishinga as it hen been run. Thla has always been the lend - fag Commercial Hotel in the plane, doing a good paying business:. whether lis a Tomperen- oa or n Licensed Hotel The' a is no tetter Hotelstand to the County and there is gond meney for a. gond nen it properly run Terme made known on dsy of sale. For timber psrttnalare apply to John Bateamn, on the prenti.es, or to the undersigned. J. A. MCNsuoeToit, F. 8. z+nnrr, Exeoulorsof the estate ofthe late Alice James, AUCTION SA LB OF HOUSEHOLD EF- FaOTa, Honab, ()0W, &a.—D. M. Beett, Anotloneer, hue been Instructed by 'the Ex. writers of the estate of the late Henry Jack, Nen to sell by Potpie Auction at 1,45 Lot 18, Coni 8, mortis, on Wednesdny, June and, at ,y. n meek, the following property :-1 large Meek driver, 1 now newly freshened, 1. calf, 60 Barred Rock hens, 1 Barred Rook roonttr lotus bred) 1 WyMatte 'ooeter(pure bred), 40 young chickens, rubber tired burley, mater, net single harnes, robe, blanket, fonr•pieee parlor Rune, Wilton parlor rug, eerier Whet - not, large parlor Lamp. pear parlor ehentle curtntns, peeler table, large leather rocker. dining room hanging lamp, diningroomcloak, three pose bedroom suit, two-pleee hedrootn 1 suite, Ionnpe, mattress, woven wire bed spring, 4 quilts, white toilet art, colored toilet set,k+tehpo nupboard, kitchen hanging lamp, 0 ktchnu Attire, 5 palre our tains, churn milk nun. 40 sealers of preserved end canned fruit, 24 mnptynestent, Horne alshes, number or sap buckets, Pei:Wage insehlne, •larke mail box, oroteeeut saw, irrindetone and other lir' tietos too nnineronsto mention. 5nlatvithent , reserve 11 ardor t windup u n i the °state.' All a 55 08 anti nutteremit ' '• oyos thet mount 8 months credit taco on an toyed pint notes. 4 g p 9 per sent pot ammo riP for can on credit amn2(0 RENNO JAC'R80N, HENRY FEAR, Roan, MCDONALD. Exeoutora Henry Jsoitsmi Rotate, Real Bargains AT-----. HALLS & SON" STORE ETHEL This Week we offer Silks, regular value $3.25, Special Sale price $2 59 All other lines of Silks at Bargain Prices. Prints of No. r quality 25 Towels and Cottons all at New Low Prices. Window Hangings, new stock, at New Low Prices. Bargains in Men's Suits and Young Men's Suits —regular prices up to $6o oo, Special New Low Prices from ,.. 23 95' to 42 95. Youths' Suits from. ,,, 8 98 to 15 00 Men's Hats and Caps reduced to Low Level Prices. 15 doz. Men's Silk Ties, regular 75e, Loo, 1.25 and 1.5o, Special Prices .59, .79, .98 1 19 Men's Fancy Dress Shirts, reg. 2.25, Special el 79 Men's Balbriggan, reg. 75c and i.00, now 69 Good line Men's Trousers retail at .., 3 75 Men's Blue & White Striped Overalls $ r.5o to 2 00 Men's Work Shirts ... $1.i5 to 1 50 in Fact Ail Prices at our store are now,pre.War Prices and our Grocery Department is full'of Great Bargains as is also otir Shoe Department. With every purchase of $5 oo in cash we will give a goodPECAL Four Sutinged Broom Soliciting a share of your patronage. HaUs & Son' the We pay the highest price for Eggs. TagPo''r Wotnot LitsTosEE— Additional indust ien, Pupils txcel at exams. Children kept off highways Greater care ht auto drivers Livery resident boost Brussels Earlier closing Satu'dav nights, Subscribers iu arrears paying up. 13t:08. MAIL CONTRACT Sealed tenders, addressed to the Postmaster General, will be rt°eiyed et Ottawa until noon on Feliay, the lot of July, 1941, for the conveysnoe of Hie Majesty's Stolle, on n pro. posed Contract fol four yams, six times per week over Welton No. 2, neral Mail Route from the Fostmoster General's Pleaenro. Printed motives containing further informa- tion as to ere d,tio,e of proposed Contract nifty be neon and blank forme of Tender may be obtained at the Poet Offices of Welton, inns - eels, Blyth and at the oinee of the Post Otaoe Inspector. Post Office Inspeotor's Ofiloe, London, May 20th, 1021. CHAS, E. H. FISHER, Post Office Inspector, • • • • ••• • • • • P94•••••••••••••••••••••••1 +, ",•+4Ilt,4,44•40•'*44$9444 re • `iso .^ Y • 9 s Y Remopened •• • • • this is IWISH to announce to the public of comihuility that •I am now in a position to accept orders .for Eavetroughing, Furnace Work and all kinds of Repair Work, Our motto will be„"SERVICE. Your patronage is solicited. Geo. R. Weller, Hardware Dealer _ Brussels • • • • •• • • 0 • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • ••••••••••••e•••••••+•••s••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Pure Dred Duroc Jerseys House for Sale The property of the late Eire, Procter, cot, ner of Alexander mieFlore street, Bra: ants, 1a °flared for sale. Good. frame 'mune and +/. acre FOR SALE l of laud Poasessien may be bed on October 151 Fur further pe, tlnalara apply to. WM. TH01011, Phone 1011 It, R. No, 4, Brussels, Rev° n few choice young Pigs for Pale, of either sex Sire, Pioneer Hletorle Prtncipel 14060 ; grand etre, Muer, Cols. Principe' 2nd, Ion, gBrand'cbampion et the Cnoadtan Nation,. Exhl at biticn in 1910 and 19-0'A leo one litter" by Tannie'e Joe Orion Jr. 18500, Imp These are bred from some of the best blood- ed Dur°ns in the United States at the present tine Registered pedlgrees will be furnished in the names of all purehasere - GARRY J. WILSON, Phone 218 R. It, n, Brnesele. Hill View Farm JAS. A. REA Breeder of Large English Berkshires Young stook for sale, either sex. - For further partioalars write or phone. Brnenets Central— Walton P. 0. Phone 5010. R. R. 8 3044-00•. F4+V4•d'••t-0+•+•+•'F•fi •mQi'01'0 •'e••l••44.1••-h•+• l'O+ The Seaforth Creamery eream Wanted Bull for Service •• • t Theigned w n1 keep for service, on SX• (les Lnt.00, Con. 2. Morris townshln, the thorochre •l Shr.rt Hun Bull, Gninterd of Salem, No. • —08410 aired by Monfort] Marquis t1e08001 ; 'F Dam Mildred WI by Royal Sailor 089592 Ped- • ieree mey be seen on application. Terms— + 510.00 for thorn -brads payable at time of nor- 6 vine with privilege to return. Grade mews not 4• allowed. THOS. PIERCE, + Proprietor • k • 'E Popular Stallions ALBERTA BESIGUR THOS. VODDEN, Prop. Monday—Will leave his own stable and go to Milton Lowe's, 855 Con, Grey, for noon; then hack so hie own stable where he will re - mein until Wednesday. Wednesday — To Wm. Hamilton's, Lob 7, Con. 2, Grey, for noon ; then home for tight. Thursday—.,....To John Alexander's, Lot 29, Con.': Grey, for noon; then home for night. , Friday—To Chester Paker'e, Lot ISO, Con 0, ' Grey, for noon • then home where he will re- main until Mour'lay morning. 40.4 BACKED BY SIXTY YEARS' EXPERIENCE( DOMINANT IN QUAL- ITY AND SERVICE( Sixty years of leadership --of giving good value, heaping satisfaction and real service! That's why the Gilson name wins respect and confidence from coast to coast. That's why we are proud to sell this dependable farm equipment: THE GiLSON ENGINE WONDERFULGILSON" The famous Gilson "Goes Like Sixty" 1;n- gine—any size for any purpose --can ba pur- chased on the easy payment plan. Let it paY [or itself. Its economy and depend- ability !rave made it the biggest selling en- gine in Canada. Let us demonstrate on your farm. HYLO SYLO The Byte Syle insures sweet. fresh. succulent en- silage down to the last forkful. It is built to lest indefinitely. 15, el us i v e patented features of de- sign end construction explain why the Byte is choses by the discrimin- ating fanner. Paye for itself in the first season, 'Arco year after year. pays 100 ..per cent. 'prat on your investment: Can you beat it? "'rhe Wonderful Gilson" stands supreme, More Gilson Silo Fillers weresold in Canada last year loan any other make. It is guar- anteed to he the lightest running blower - cutter made. Be independent—get a Gilson Sao Piller nod fill your own silo—with .your own engine, 4 l,,p. or larger—lit the proper time, when your corn Inas the greatest feeding value. THE,GILSON SPREADER Manure is the best fertilizer. You have it. Use ItI The best Manure Spreader made is the Gilson. Why? It has a wide serene'. It is low clown. It has light draft. It will take a real load. It is free front clutches, gears Osd ell complicated parts. Can and atm our nearest dealer, name b Tbw, lin will save and make you money on the a uipment Illustrated end on Gilson Threshers, Disio-Aso Tractors, Wood Saws, Grinders, Pt0np Jacks, Belling, etc, Write for Catalog. w Mode n, Canada and Guaranteed G Y cd Y GILSON MFG. CO. Limited . - - GUELPH, LPH ONT. Call end Seo Nearest Dealer EARL ROTHWELL, BRUSSELLS, ONT. Send your Cream to the, Creamery thoroughly established and that gives you Prompt Service and Satisfactory Results. We solicit your patronage knowing that we can give you thorough satisfaction. We will gather your Cream, weigh, sample and test it honestly, using the scale test to weigh Cream sam- ples and pay you the highest market prices every „two weeks. Cheques payable at par at Bank of Nova Scotia. For further particulars see our Agent, MR. T. C. McCALL, Phone 2310, Brussels, or write to The Seaforth Creamery Co. SEAFORTH, ONT. +0+•4-04,0F•-P•+*+®4•H+4d•a`• +•+•i••4 •. •4.404 •'i4M•••i• 4o 6••••••••••••••••••0000••• N••4.4M•i•••••••4•044401►a e Students May Enter Any Time • 3 P • •O t •• t o a a S t • 0 A c • 6 • •p41414444404444110444N••0.0 n A A•e.400••a A. n 4 a s *60000.0 We give ,thorough Courses ; have Experienced Instructors who give individual attention to pupils. Our Aracluates are meeting with success. We are training Soldiers ander Soldiers' Civil Be -establishment Commission. Address tho Collage for.FrooCataloguo, to oithor Stratford or Wingharn Cream Wanted Ship your Cream Direct to the Brussels Creamery Prompt Service Satisfactory Returns We furnish you with Cans and Pay all Ex - 'press Charges. Issue Cheques for the pay- ment of your Cream twice each month, pay- able at par at your Bank. Give the Brussels Factory one trial and you will not want to discontinue. Cmmeryto artBron Stewart llrussels Pvol~<r p