The Brussels Post, 1921-6-2, Page 4ig russets at
THURSDAY,' JUNE, x, 1901
iiflOST for Brussels.
el,o0o apiece to the Dominion S
tors for t 6at session atOttawa le
bigpay for little work. 'rhiecountry is
Sorely amity when it subnrlta to such a
condition or affairs,
Ir you don't own a typewriter take
sufficient time and pains with your
cbiography to put It outside of the
Chinese puzzle class 10 the recipient of
yeinr epistle. There are some notorious'
ly careless scriber. Brace up.
GXT al:u i. v1cx schemes don't am
pear to be long lived and nearly every
week some mushroom, greatly boosted
company goes to an early grave but not
without being wept over. The trouble
is the uuhung schemer seeks new pas'
tures to ply their cunning.
WHAT sort of a neighbor are you ? The
Good Book says.: --"A man that has
friends must show himself friendly,"
and we guess 00 one can successfully
dispute the correctness of the state-
ment. A goad neighbor is worth more
than tongue can tell but there should be
reciprocity as ,a jug•bandled neighbor-
liness don't weigh re ounces to the
THIS is a strenuous month for pupils
at scbooI, rounding up for nearby exam-
inations but if a steady studying term
has marked their course rather than an
Occasional eram or splurge the coming
test need cause them little alarm A
cool head and steady nerve, with both
necessary exercise and regular hours for
sleep and rest are worth possessing in
examination periods and will help solve
more than one knotty question. We
hope a large majority of the pupils who
write at exams will pass with flying
colors. These preparatory clays are big
counters in getting ready.
Standing Meld Crop
Boron A
gricultoral Hoole
fere awadN of $9 eater hfok boat Ave
mores of White Oats „td one sere of
I rn for whiult arises n fn11owN will
hagiven :-ls, 0p 011 2nd. 011 100,
#I' 90 ; 4th, $400 ; 6th, $8 00; •
0111, 50.00;
70h, $4 A0,
Corn roust be Dent va, fety,
Cun,petitors limited to members.
Entry fee la
persons may an er one or both eon.
There is no time to spare in making
entries. se entries for Oats close June
4th and for Corn June 10th
Menke may be obtained fromboom.
tory. Judginif b' Government armorer. r
Cali or write If outer information is
Phone 86 secretary, Brussels.
past 7 years and is badly in net d of such
a re -adjustment as will establish confi-
dence in the destiny of our fair Dom-
inion and that will send it bounding
forward. We have a land worth cheer-
ing for and our political life should be
based on principles that will stand the
closest scrutiny and appeal to the integ•
rity and honor of time Hien.
Rev. and Mrs. Jt Pr McLeod
Kindly Remembered by
Wyoming- Charge.
The Wyoming correspondent to the
Petrolia Advertiser -Topic of May
19th,speaks of Rev. and 'Mrs, Mo-
Leod's removal from chat place as
Rev. J. P. McLeod preached his
farewell sermon to a Targe audience on
Sabbath morning, The church was
tastefully decorated with flowers for
the occasion. At the close of the ser-
vice Mrs. MeLend was presented with
a life member's certificate of the W.
ALP. from the ladies of the congre-
gation, also an address which was
read by Mrs. Hunter after which Mise
Dawson presented her with a mission
pin which was also a gift from the
ladies of the church. The following
is the address.
Nowis approaching a hi the season when
Mee. J. P. McLeod
a roc n
the average preacher, or other public
speaker, should abbreviate his remarks
and perhaps in addition to condensing
put extra pep. into his theme And the
time also draweth near when the audi-
tors should cultivate more tban usual the
bearing ear and decide on a regularity
of attendance that wilt encourage and
possibly inspire the occupant of the pul-
pit or platform. Have you a good
memory? Can you remember the text
or the leading thoughts advanced so as
to reproduce when you get home ? If
you can't, take a few notes to assist and I an excellent set mon from this [ext,
with closer concentration great improve-, ar'e "Comeheaunto er all yeand that
will labor and
I give
ment may be made, testvy laden " Ed. Fletcher sang wyouith
much feeling that old familiar hymn
Tutsis the season of the year when There were Ninety and Nine." The ,
many a greenhorn wants to go swim- Man also rendered special mesio,
ming or boatingwithout possessing the many at the loss o i r. ant are befog
F t; !made the loss of lir, and Mrs, Mc -
art of the former or acquaintance with i Lend from our midst.
the latter. If they were wise they would i PRESENTATION OF PARLOR ELECTRIC
be governed by considerable caution and ILAMP
perhaps the old rhyme, 'Mother may I The manse was visited by the young
go out to swim ?" and stay ashore. But pantie of South Plympton, the outside
idea for both sexes to acquire congregation with Wyoming, who,
it is a
goodafter reading an address, presented
the facility to swim, and dive but most the host and hostess with a fine par -
people will find this much more easily for Electric Lamp. Address was as
accomplished if the practice is done in hdlows'-
the days of boyhood and girlhood, under DEAR FRIEND). -We, the young
people of yorr South Plympton Com
the care of an adult or other capable in. gregetion, embrace this opportunity
dividual, The parent who is always of endeavoring to express our high up -
ready to chastise iohnoy when be comes preeiatinn and regard for you and our
home with his shirt on inside out, or deep regret that your sojourn among
owntng a badly sunburned back is short us is sn soon to end. During the
years you have spent among ns we
in good sense and also the science of un- have found you to be true la iends,
deretanding the make-up of the average always ready to help in time of need,
lad. A boy watts to "du" things and
always ready to sywpathise with the
should be snconra red in what may be lips and sorrows the successes and
i Y failures of each and every one of us
educational, healthful and also worth and words fail us when we try to ex -
while in life's fury program. Press our gratitude for your spiritual
service to us, a service the value of
which we cannot fully realize, which
we can never hope to repay and the
fnll reward for which you will receive
only when you hear the Master's
voice saying "Well done thou gond
and faithful servant," We trust that
the influence for, good of your person-
alities upon ue will be a lasting one
and we feel assured that it will be if
we faithfully endeavor to follow the
path in which you have directed us
and to imitate the high and noble
example which you have given us.
We ate sincerely interested in your
plans for the future and we heartily
wish you many happy and successful
years in your new portion of the
Lord's vineyard. We beg of you to
accept this memento of our esteem for
you not hecauee of its intrinsic value
but merely as a small toktn of it large
measure of true remembrance, Sign-
ed in behalf of the South Plympton
choir and Young People's Society,
EXPRESS '1'HEAleuevite
On the evening of May 13th a large
representation from the South Plymp-
ton ennglegtition viaited the manse
and enjnyed a happy time mingled
with the regret of parting with the
pastor and his lady, Following ad-
dress was rend and a purse of money
was presented as a specially interest.
Ong part of the program :-
Owen FRIENDS -It le with feelings
of deep and sincere regret that we,
the member's and adherents of South
Plympton congregation have as-
sembled this evening to ehlnw our ap-
preciation of your services and hid
yon farewell. As we take a retrospec-
tive glance over your four years of
service among tie we are impressed
withthe fact that they have been un-
usually 8trentun a years in the wnrk
of the minletry. Morever we realize
that se a congregation we have been
DEAR FRIEND 1-011r associations
together for the past 4 years hoe been
very pleasant and 9)055 as we are'
about to part, the ladies of the con-
gregation through the Women's Mis-
sionary Society desire to give a tan-
gible expression to this feeling of
utility and we ask youto accept this
Life Member's Certificate and this pin.
Wishing you and Mr. McLeod God-
speed and many blessings in your new
home. Signed on behalf of the ladies
of the congregation by
B. Rose Hunter and M, .Dawson.
In the evening the church wart again
filled and the retiring pastor preached
THIS part of the Province has taken
hold, of Base Ball with great zest this
season and numerous managements
have corglled an outfit of players from
near and far in the hope of pennant
winning. It is natural for every town,
bitten by the hug, to aspire to lead the
schedule but for real downright fun the
more local the talent is the more likely
to secure a wider interest and develop
the future diamond dusters. To select
today the winning nine in North Wel-
lington League for set would be
simply a guess amidst the host now
in the field, many of them splendid
teams. Brussels has a lively.bunch who
are worthy of enthusiastic rapport both
in good words and financial backing to
aid the Club In keeping the wolf from
the door. The management should be
business -like and also careful to avoid
unueoesaary expense and thereby per-
chance run into debt.
1T is said Premier Drury, Hon, Mr,
Crerar and Secretary Morrison of the
U. R, 0, are to tour the country and sow
seed that is (loped Wi11 bring them a
political harvest at the next election.
They may `represent the three Graces
surd will no doubt be cordially received
in many quarters as compared with some
Of the "disgraces.' who have sometimes
had a band .in the manlpulating 0f
Canadian politics but they need not be
surprised If everyone don't fall down
and worship them, ''this Dominion has
had a peculiar experience during the
exceedingly 1'ot'ttinate in tiering ti
pastor 00 eflinient during•'this 2rltleal
time_, in the history of the 0llulolb
The Fireweed Moveruent eawpaigu
wag a burden irupnead un the ternietry
far greater than we matt possibly corn,
pr'ehend but in your Capable arid .efll-
eient Manner Yon elrouiderell the
t e ram .sign
•das mond1
ur eh audat h
burdenP i,
WAS conducted t
n a highly F r
oleos, Theo too, diming your ministry
among ire, o(u: Ohprelr ,leached the
half aentury OrlOk in its history, it
was felt by all' that snruethirig fitting
should be clone to honor that particu-
lar atlnivereary. The brilliant sneeees
that Orovued the ell' 00111.5 oats of the co.
mICtee in charge was due largely to
yam, competent leadership as well FM
to the splendid manner in which you
gave your time, your talents lend yous
energy to the work. The Communion
held at that time will long be remam-
bered by those whose joy it was to
participate, se a deeply intpressive
service highly ereditable, indeed, to
you. Through ,your Conscientious,
painstaking efforts the congregation
has become stronger, the Young
People's Society, which has proved an
unqualified Burmese, was organized, ..
ant the Sunday School hoe made
great advances, In fact, our Church,
in all branches nt its work, has moved
forward wonderfully during the years
of your ministration, We pray that
it will continue to advance although
you will not be here to direct. We
feel that the congregation to which
you are going is fortunate indeed In
choosing a pastor so capable, con-
seientious and efficient. Mrs, McLeod
too, has given freely of her talepts,
and we all regret that her beautiful
voice will no longer be lifted in praise
at our services. In leaving us, you
both carry with you the very best
wishes of us all, and -we it ust that
health, happiness and success will at-
tend you in your new fleld of labor.
We ask yon to accept this small gift,
hoping it will convey to you both
some rneIF0Ve of the high esteem in
which you are held. We shall hope
that you will frequently find it con-
venient to return to ue and we will al-
ways he pleased to extend a very
cordial welcome to you. Signed on
behalf of South Plympton congrega-
A. G. Minielly, John McEwen, John
McDougall, James Gillatly, P, J. Mc-
Ewen, Jas. McLean, W. J. Scoffdn,
Wyoming Presbyterians were de-
termined not to be not done in the
matter of expressing their sentiments
to Rev. and Mrs MbL
nd before they
left for Brussels; chair new charge.
Hence Monday evening, 19th ult.,
there was a call made on the manse
folk and a fat pocket -hook was passed
into the pastor's baud after the an-
nexed address had been read' -
To Rev. J. P. McLeod and wife,
We, the members and adherents of
Wyoming Presbyterian church, gath-
er tonight to say Good-bye. •For four
years you have been with us in -labors
moat abundant. We believe that as
Pastor you have endeavored to preach
the Word nf, God faithfully. We
have listened with interest and
[Hoch profit and some without doubt
will date the rormnencement of their
spiritual life from your ministry.
lou have been faithful in your pas-
toral visitation, considering your wide
field of labor and the ninny other
duties resting upon you. You have
kept an oversight of our Guilds and
Synday Schools as far as your other
work would permit and you have been
true to all the other interests of the
church. Specially would we mention
your earnest effort Int` the National
Campaign, in which through your en•
thusiasm yon stirred u8 -to greater
liberality and deeper interest in the
work of God. As a citizen you have
Popular Stallions
A. F. EMBURY & 80N,
Aronday-Will leave his own stable and go
East to OliphantSnnbh's for noon ; than East
1y miins, than South t3Q miles, Shen West to
Ails Rrehop's for right.
Tuesday- West to gravel road, then via
Brussels to Robert Nichoi's, 6th line, Morton,
for noon; then East to gravel road, then South
to John Shortreed'a, Om Line. Morris, for
Wednesday -North to R. Beit'a for noon ;
then north to Newt ooeh gravel road to John
Wlghtman's for night.
North in t ra a 10 John
Thureda - N b y Be v o
y g
Net 'n for noon •then home for ni ht.
N y g
Friday -North to L. Jewftt's for noon 1 then
via Centre Sideroad to Gordon Hall's, Blue•
vale, for night.
Saturday -Home for night where he will
remain till Monday morning,
Monday will leave Mg own stable, 81.6_Lot 20
8. Con. 6, Morris and g0 wan0 toT7lchol's
for noon • thou West and North byy nen ire
night. l;0 6th ling to A,,B. Memoirs for
Tuesday South Pi miles to 711 Con„ then ii
miles to bents Bollinger's for noon • than to
his own stable where he will remain 1111 There -
day morning.
Thursday East to gravel road then Bontlt ix
miles to 14th Con., Grey then East to Rob..
Coohrane's for noon ; then Haat to Arth'tr
Hairs for night.
Friday North to 12th Con., Grey, then West
to Dan Huother's for noon, then to his own
stable for night.
Snturdnny North to 6th Con , then to Oenttel
Hotel stables, Brussets• for afternoon ; then Io
his own Marble where he will remain until
following Monday morning,
Monday -Will leave his nein stable and pro -
treed North to John Cochrane's for noon ; then
West to J. McBurney's, Con. 10, E, Wewanoeh,
for night.
Taenday-Wont and Routh to T. Robinson's,
Con. 9, tor noon ; then to C. Darnln'e, Con. 9,
for night.
Wetlneeday-Tc W, Rutherford') for noon 1
then North and East to 10th 4o James
Berber's, West Wntvanoah, forr night.
Thuradny--Finer along Con. 10, to H, IrwhPe, ,
for nasi ; theut$ hla own amble where 1101
WTI rernnfn until , alur8ay morning,
Saturday -SWIM toCon. 0, East Wswnennh
then West to w, Soott'e, far noon ,• then Wont
and North to Con. (i then East to his own
stable where he will remain until Monday
Fl are
and Overture,
F �•`For
... i-
V, .the
• i J
r r
it 11111111111111 1 1.1F
f r ilin,11, Bride
showing a large assortment of Silver Generates. and Pie
with Pyrex Giese Linings, Baking Diehee, Flower. Bee.
flaks 13itskete, Butter'i`ntis in Silver and Out Glare, Sugar
Mttrineladee, Spoon Ti ays, Salad Bowls and Berry,Bowie,.
Glasses, etc, See our line,
ar Yeaf fancy Black Parlor Clocks Pri Special
Diamond Rings
Our Diamond Ringo are epee-
cal value, Pekin $125, $$40,,
$50, $75 and $100, Call, and
see the new style.
Wedding Rings
We carry a complete stock, all
sizes, iu the new style, either
fancy or plain. Get the Wed•'
ding Ring here.
^ I
Thq 2
The Kodak
read about.
1 , 'l;' phic, It
c Autographic Kodak Jr.
of the season, The' one yon'se
Its a Kodak and its Autogra-
takee picturesahnost Post Card
d TwedlpriFe 'list Kodak Anas-
sharpness of detail tight to the
Come in and see it,
gives a
1 ;l edge of the
filled your place in the public weal of logy was taken at Queen's University,
the community, taking always a defin-
ite stand, and giving np uncertain
sound as to what youbelieve was to
the best interests of the community
and the and of thecountry.
d You
have entered with us' into .many of
our social pleasures and enjnyed your-
self ; you have come iutit our sick
rooms and given good cheer, Godly
advice, and faithful prayers ; you
have laid away some of our friends in
their leer resting place, and your kind
words of comfort and warm hand-
shake has meant more to ns than
words can express. In all this toil and
labor of love Mrs. McLeod has nobly
and well done her part, in social life,
in church association, in helping in
song and praise, in a word we feel
10)4 in you both we !have not had
simply pastor and wife but true citi-
zens, good neighbors, cheerful com-
panions and real friends. We ask
you to accept this purse, not for its
Mere value but as a token of our well
wishes for you both. While we would
gladly held you, if we could, we sin-
cerely pray God's blessing upon you
in your new field of labor and for all
coming years. Signed in behalf of
the congregation
R. Rae and John Richardson,
in reply to these kind words and
generous gifts Rev. Mr. McLeod
made warm hearted replies for Mrs.
McLeod and himself reciprocating the
good fellowship and the hearty wishes
expressed and hoping an eaily settle-
ment of a new pastor will take place
and (cod's abundant blessing poured
upon both cougregations.
Rev, Mr. McLeod wits born at Ken-
sington, Prince Edward Island. In
his boyhood his parental home was
shifted to Virden, Manitoba, and
later located at Lanigan, Sask. After
Matriculation at Manitoba University
an Arts course, followed by Theo -
Kingston. During hie strident days
a busy time was spent in Mission fields
in the West and East and much en-
joyed Summers they proved to be.
Wyoming's c Il was accepted as the
Hist charge, taking induction. lace
May 16, 1917, 4 ears from dateof or-
dination Mt'. McLeod preached his
farewell sermon. Mre. McLeod was
Miss Keitha Moore, before her mar-
riage, her home being Plainsville,
Hastings Co., Out., the happy event
taking place December 1915. A baby
daughter born to the manse did not
aurvive. Mrs. McLeod has a record
for faithful service and royal support-
er to her husband. She has takers her
part also as a competent vocalist.
Rev. Mr. McLeod was Moderator of
the Sarnia Presbytery when he ac-
cepted the call to Bruges's. THE
POST, representing Brussels and com-
matter of the estate of Joh n Smith,
late of the Village of Br Is, In
the County of Huron, Gentleman,
Notice is hereby given pursuant to "The Re.
vaned Statutes of Ontario, Chapter 121 section
68," that all creditors and others having claims
ngninet the estate 0f the Bald John Smith,
who died on or about the 27th day of February,
A.D. 1921, are required on or before the 4th day
of Jane, A. D. 1021, to send by post prepaid or
deliver to the undersigned Executors of the
last will and testament of the deceased, their
Christian and surnamesaddressee and de-
serlptlone, the fell partieularsot their claim;
the statement of their accounts and the nature
of the securities (if any) held by them.
And farther take notice that after such Last
mentioned date the Exeontors will proceed to
distribute the assets of the deceased amongst
the parties entitled thereto, having regard
only to .the claim of which they shall have
notice, and the said Executors will not be
liable for the said aasete or any part thereof to
shy person or perilous, of whose claim notl°e
shall not have been received by them at the
time of amok distribution,
Dated this 19th day of May, A. D. 1921.
ALEX. STE WA R, Bronnels,
47.8 Executors of the eetale,
Sit ease
Sixty years f leadership -of giving good value, heaping satisfaction
and real service! That's why the Gilson name wins respect and
confidence from coast to coast. That's why we are proud to sell
this dependable farm equipment,
All Slses
Coats Ing r `l
Nothin "The Wonderful Gilson" stood) supreme.
More Gilson Silo Villas were sold in Canada
The ramous Gilson "Goes Like Sixtyy" En- last year than any other make. It is guar -
gine --any size tor any purpose --can be pur- °ntced to be the tightest running blower-
chuxd an the easy payment plan. Let it Mutter made,
pay for Itself. Its economy Sod depend.
Ho independent -get a Gilson Silo Piller end
ability hove made it the biggest selling en. 611 your own silo -with your own engine,
gine in Canada. Let tis demonstrate on 4 h.p. or larger -at the proper time, wkea
year farm. your corn stns the greatest f ceding vntue.
The H to Sylo insures
sweet, fresh, succulent en-
silage down to the last
forkful. It is built to last
indefinitely, Exel us iv
patented features of de-
sign and construction
explain why the Ilylo is
chosen by the discrimin-
ating former. Pays for
itself in the forst season.
Theo year after year pnys
000 per cent. profit an
your inveetacut. Can
YOU beat itt
Use Manure
1) 'l'lle bhe estt Maest nuresSpr You have
the Gilson. Why? It has a wide spread.
It is low down, It has light draft. It will
take a real load, 1t 1s free front clutches,
gears and all complicated puts.
Cell and nee our neereet dealer, mune below. He will sere and make, you money on
the equipment Illustrated and on Gilson Threshers, Disie-Ase Tr7ptore, Wood Sows,
Grlederq Pump Jacks, Belting, ote, Write for Catalog.
Made in Canada and Gearaateed by
Call end Seo Nearest Dealer
••••••••••••••••*• 44•04 X100. ••N•••.••♦•�•Wp••••
Rye -Opened
WISH to announce to the public of this
oso community that I. and now iu a piti on t
accept orders for Eavetroughing, Furnace
Work and all kinds' of Repair Work,
Our motto will be "SERVICE."
Your patronage is solicited.
Cent: l 'tclleller,
I :
• Hardware Dealer , = Brussels
••••••••••••••••••••••e••o ••••••••••••••••••4•••••t•• ,
munity, bide Mr. and Mrs. McLeod,
welcome to this locality and wishes
them a pastorate of comfort, hap-
piness and prosperity.
BUll for Service
The undersigned will keep for service, ou 834
Lot 80, Con, 2, Morrie township, the thoro'•bred
Short Horn Ball, Gainford of Belem, No.
90418.. Sired by Gainford Marquis (1088901 ;
Dam Mildred 711 by Royal Sailor (18929), Ped-
lgree may be seen on application. Terme-
$10,00 for thoro'-bred° payable at time of sea,
viae with prlvilege to return, Grade cow° not
House for Sale
The properly of the late Mre, Procter, cor-
ner of Alexander and Flora street, Brussels, is
offered for eels, Good frame bowie and Ya acre
of land, Possession may be had on October let
For farther particulars apply to.
Phone 1011 R. R. No, 4, Brussels,
Hill View Farm
Breeder of Large English Berkshires
Young stook for sale, either sex.
For further particulars write or phone. •
Brussels Central- ' Walton P. 0,
Phone 6010 R. R. 8
••••••r, 1.••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
• The Seaforth Creamery
ream wanted
Send your Cream to the. Creamery thoroughly
established and that gives you Prompt Service and •
Satisfactory Results.
We solicit your patronage knowing that we can
gi'Pe you thorough satisfaction.
We will gather your Cream, weigh, sample and teat
it honestly, using the scale test to weigh Cream sam-
ples and pay you the highest market prices every two
weeks. Cheques payable at par at Bank of Nova Scotia.
For further particulars see our Agent, MR. T. C.
McCALL, Phone 231o, Brussels, or write to
The Seaforth Creamery Co.
i'•• • i•••••••
Students May Enter Any Time
We give thorough Courses; have Experienced Instructors
who give individual attention to pupils. Our graduates are
meeting with success. We are training Soldiers under
Soldiers' Civil Ee-establishment Commission.
Address tho College for Free Catalogue, to either
Stratford or Wingtarn
• NN•••••et•••••••••••it•0•••••SSS*
Cream Wanted
111111111/11111111.1 11/1111111111111111:111111111 1111MIIMMI•811111
Ship your Cream
Direct to the
Brussels Creamery
Prompt Service Satisfactory Returns
We furnish you with Cans and Pay all Ex-
press Charges, Issue Cheques for the pay-
ment of your Cream twice each month, pay-
able at par at your Bank.
Give the Brussels Factory one trial and you
will not want to discontinue,
BrusseIsCrarnery Pr
Stewarpt Bron