The Brussels Post, 1921-5-26, Page 6.
7%erets iC9urfACe It aurance In
��r p�p
_.•.w_ _
tat' of the .Qiivernmont at cll. ilei ed with rid calm the taco idea that short Wltila,'bitt they should zrsvgr b<
.. r:ountry wou,d never stand it." ( prie or two rf ,hem, at any rater would: usfd w1W, wallcdiig ox working,
Even in dr4~ss shoos 1G is to be hoped
'R A� AY
Then you ilei bettor ecn'vert the i er er ocnse :
country," Was the prompt reply, "Looltl " Ih'rt w.,. do," the Minister Intoe-
upon it as your duty; RCtnomber this ruptcA hoarsely,
"Just the othez alt=
that hygiantc makes will be ad,ylrted.
tvbaaiY lowahCelotl, xpuzud-too rises
(/'�ID0 C V
RSD V���� ��G�� Ail
. 45
-•-•y'ou tiro the man to all toW, World, as you will,-
r'I -day, sir:
aro -bstd far rho boat, Too often low-
The tri. PIKE CQ,r �..ta.
`% 'rnis
Paint rd
are, not the Tt lser, wl'+a is ro�poll:bldg kerwa;l, w'}sh you. good
}reeled shoes aro .sold which do now:'
;tor this war. But ,or y quite ie:,lly fellow tlzfr linea of the feet.
our solemn, the issue Is nary before able
Let be able to ap-
t23 1S:inQ 8t, East
three-guartere'of a
words pledging your cot ntry to lieu-• plainly. us scop
trality, Germany would never have preclate the effect of your chasigetl They titaY be almost as lead for the
No preach Office Toronto
More than
„ country of scientific. production
leveed the 1*4u0 as she has done, Now attitude," I foot as the high-beeled sibous they
it is for yet, to repair the evil. I tell Lord Romsey 'touched Ills bell in are not built with straight inner, line's,
-- -
rr rrtfah to' fat
11�,,,,.e ,fro Tlrel2fthtPatnlaniiVa , i'a
�uN°' and V'ar'nish Dight
you that we, want peace, The first silence and lrls' visitor took a gxavo,hecause the feat is not properly suit-
came next deeorova leave: Ito watllcad with; Xlygionio shoes xhould also to
Crttriltlals Who Diea for
Since the Armistice This Or,
ooverturea may ,ostensibly ported.
through VVaehington, if you trIl1, but the secretary debt, the hall, ni' purchased as a factor in uwtlaPal
`These are =sacs days for all of its , P
ginization Has Continued
the muf:t come an reality' from you."; g •
Y e Tinister leaned back m has thrift; for Brood -Rita, ellocs will At-
he said bomgnlY. X have been tell! thrift
� 3 Ramsey rely ox eel- ways wc�irlonger.than' ill-fittIiig one$.
Sir William Horwood, Commissioner
at matro iolitau Police of Loudon, line
Its V�oYh O� i�[eYCy,
- __ ,_,•,,,
�. ___.-. _.._. - ..
Lord of Baine of
chair; His was the calmness of y p t
despair. cni�es m Brussels.' T Was, American Of centro, ilia first Paint 'to empire -;just
I,— h 's to elect
Issued a roll of honor of "don, boo
Iear the first time it has boe� p°s•
'. ;i
"You might its well ask me," he said chaplain To the now chuxeh there tie on silo 11 economy zn is mea n, who dl°d tot in too 1'trarld &&tile to obtain a comprehensive Moa '
simply, 'rte order our Fleet out of the the war brake mitt, I have seen sights wc,11-fitting, comfortable shoes, which 'Wax, of hat rho Canadian p°apio aehloved
Narih Sea." which I shall never forget, horrors bear the etrain equally all over the The list luoludes not only London ••d
whole shoe, &) that no ono putt wears hien, but tion who wera,ecnvlctod !u for tine morelful ark it the Itsd' Croeri
Mr, Sidney rose to his feet. the memory of which will never leave ?,
"I think" he advised "that you mie•" out tea cuickl These shoes miler all during the war, bleu statistdps of
Y Ta,e secretary nodded arynmpathetie., quickly. y partis of England and -whose re• operations, which extended until well i
had better try what you can do, Lord' ally He was trying to get off' early, permit.stunding, walking, running and cords ,were filed at Sootland Yard. i after the armistice, were presented to
Romsey. We shall gave you a if rile however, and, he'ha'd •heard a good deal quick turning 'in comfort and .afety, There are 283 names on the roll, and
Gime, We may even' extend it, w •and they wall not retain d she among them one man gained tine 'Vic- {the Tenth International Rad Crass ,
find traces of your influence. You. already about 13c is;ium, i good S Conference at Geneva. Tile'publicat . 3
have two colleagues, at least, who are' "Will ypu let one of the zervants< and appearance unless fitted Property, .torla Cross, two the Distinguished tion'Is all illuminating illustration of „
pacifists at heart, Take theta on one fetch you a taxleab?" be Suggested. It must also be remem+bered that It Conduct medal and one the Rusefan the splendid manner in which tlid "
lido ladle in a wlais er at first. Plant' i -profer to walk a little distance, i does not pay to buy cheap shoes. High Order of St, George, Fourth Class. • i �"
p 34r. Sidney re, ,ilei. ` I am quite at jiodple at home supplemented lite f
just " little seed but be careful that Y l , heeled shoes are more expensive than' The Roll of Honor, a copy of which , heroism of the Canadian Corps in the .
it t a little
e s do not expect inrpossi- bome in London-. I was 1. where, Ionce, in fact, low.heelsd onecs,'and they cast mcro to has been sent to every police stationield, find the, record l
binities, only ---remember what failure: invited ie, cal a �P A past
I have had a! peep i» repAir, This is especially true In London, is profneci by the follow- 3 labor and substantial 'donationsu is continuous i1
twill mean to you." t�mostsh yinte seting^ conversatSun withlof wooden. heels, which wear down Ing quotation from Pericles'S oration
Lord Romsey looked steadfastly a t remarkable one for a nation, largo]y
bleb stead on his stud e was ball and Your chief, a conversation whiClI will gm•ckly, frequently break orf, and are to the Athenians at the ineniorial ser-
- SYNOPSIS: e,a ctric bell w Y, his visitor, Mx. Sztin y undeveloped and of small papulation.
e Ells visitor shook his lea j, s are and there was certainly all an dwell for a long time in my memory." urpossi'ble to roplace.- Heels too high vice to these }who fell in the Polopmr. 't`il'e Canadkin Red Cross Society is
Tha stogy, written hn 1915, begins I esti p a Y g, The secretary lived seal 34x. Sid -)cause strain on the scams anti uneven iresiain ,,Tarr
ry' ' neheon- rty X wouldn't adapt that attitude, if 1 of the Teuton or the Amexivan in hisa0311ated with ills )Jritlslt Rod Cross
with Lady Anselman s lu pa „ said calmly. "You, appearance or accent. His voice was l nay wxlkod slowly to the corner of wear on both sc?.cs and uppers. ( "Even those ho conic short in other 1 Society, being founded in 1898; the .
at the Ritz Hotel, London. Among that I were you, he - d y c i s characterless his restraint almost un- the Square, Arrive$ there, he hailed, Rubber liee,s usually out woad says may redeem themselves by light i first overseas branch In the British
guests are Lord Romsey,. a Cabinet know' -why, If you are really curious ou f I a Passln'g tad b which drew up at loather beers and afford comfort in tag bravely for their country;th°y
Thamson,l about my nationality, there is no harm; natural, Relieved of has ,more im_{.once by the side of the.kenb. In step- Empire, fts primary duty .being to for -
Minister; Surgeon -Major• m tell, you that I am an American; mediate fears, the Minister was con walking. Shoes with welt soles always "lay ))lot out the evil'with tine good l nish aid to sick and wonudal during,
Chief Inspector of Field Hospitals; his. n Ing in, lie brushed the shoulder of, -
n ors• her bro-' citizen, that I have held for three soleus of a xene-ved instinct of strong, man who had paused to dight a cigar- -vbar the best and •cant be repaired. alai benefit the stats mors Uy theft -gar. By Domiufonlegislation in 1819,
ther;ee, Geraldine Coy post c4 American chaplaint curiosity. then, a naval lieutenant, and hiss Years elle t r _let me Say what' -'HAW can, I vommunioate with you,Lette He lingered for a moment bsi� Thv welt iso Strip of leather, the iu-i ,labile services than ever they injured it set a t:aw and national abject: "In Rv
i fiancee Olive Moreton; Captain. Ronald! at Brussels, Bete Y nor e:'ge of which is se-ved to the, her by their p lvate actions."
Granet, nephew of the hostess, home I have come to say:' 1 Mr,—Sldnoy?" he asked. I apologize, k tuna of peace ror war to carry on and
rm. Lieut. Con ctrl Lord Romsey hesitated. His natural, "In no way," the other replied.) "I beg your pardon," he cornnrenc- outer £rile. It usually extends one-� assiet 1a work for the improvement of
with a wounded a Y u ed— fourth of an, ,rich beyond the upper Catching i9]t !,til �02SLiil. health, the prevention of disease, anit
recehves commission on a "mystery" propensity for temporizing asserted! When I think it, advisable I stall For a single moment leis self -POS -1 of the shoe, Welt soles are frequently
ship and Major Thomson decodes a itself anal his finger left the bell. The come to see you again." session seemed to desert ]rim He, A weird Parm of fishing is practised I the millgatiou of suffering throughout
secret message from the battlefield.{other continued. 1 Are you an American or,a Ger- imitated in cheaper .shoes and --this by certain tribes of headhunters iu elle wortcl,"
looked into the cold incurious face of
You are in the unfortunate post -I man or ,whichever EIch should wi watched for in 'buying. Central'Borneo• na to the end of the. year 1919, the
<,,the man in officer's uniform -Phe was"
CHAPTER V. tion, Laid Romsey, of having failed] mat wahe coolares onset tIf already moving away, as though he Shoes with hand -turned solos are A poison which stupefies and even Canadian, Red Cress collected from Its
_I absolutely in your duty towards your: m° ' t credentials response.
can per- had seen a -ghost. His hesitation was made in fine, soft kid dress shoes and ]rills the flab., without malting; it unfit member,,; and by public subscription
Lord Ramsey, after his luncheon awn country, and having grossly and`you doubt my p a matter of seconds only, harvever, are never made for hard service. They' for food, :s made from the root of a. for war work and after -war re:lef, the
party, spent an hour at his officzal traitorously deceived a Personagethags establish myself in, eery£,-` "it wasve clumsy of me,' he con- cannot be hull -soled successfully. species of vine. Only the bark is used,'sum of nine million dollars, made up .
ireidence in 1C•hlteball and made two who has always treated you with the d'ence by repeating the conversation x3' Y and this is Beaten to ltreds with as foliorvs:—Alberta, $180,'163; Brl-
othar calls on his way home. H!s which took place .between you and the chided'. Calfskin shoes wear better than kid 1 Q
p greatest kindness. I aohii le oSee, Major Thomson touched his cap as but are not as comfortable. Suedol tish Columbia,
secretarymet him in the spacious hall; . Kaiser on the terrace of the Imperial allots Ueture ftriably !t is. thrown luta $IG8,483; Manitoba,
of his house in Portland Square a fewI if it is possible for you ; Palace at Potsdam between three and he "loved off, shoes are comfortable and wear well, the river. 1$965371; Now Brunswick, $0,0,107;
moments after he had resigned his'}} amends. „ ' four o'clock on the afternoon of April "Quite all right," he said, serenely. but ore likely to Became shirty a$en This has the effect of c:tupe€yi:tg [hc !lova Scotia, $398,166; Ontario, $3:
coat mu:d hat to the footman. i I deny every word you say, tbe' the seventh. You .gave the Kaiser a (To be continued.) soiled. gid shoes are worn by many fish, which are caught in rudely con. , 737,994; Prince Edward Island, $51,
"There is a gentleman here to see' Minister declared passionately, "and. little character sketch of your cot- '' ` people all the time, but are ,not sa stracted traps built across the river,'362', Quebec, $491,071; Saskatchewan,
you who says that he made an ap-+I refuse to hear your propostition." leagues in the Cabinet, and you treat—/Atnard'a Liniment toe Burne eta durable, and lose their shape -rather Iu a few hours as tuary as a tlipusand $1,740,404; Iukcn Territory, $31,147;
poin:ment by teloph::rte, : r:' rte an -i' Mr. Sidney's manner suddenly __ - --
naurcc,l. "His name is Sidney—the changed. He leaned forward in his quickly. However, they take a goadiflsh tvi11 Lo caught by this means, the, 0001tdatheiscL$521,Se9,1710; t'.uUa, $20,-
. L.,
Horatio Sidney, he calls chair. _ �' shine and are the most comfortable of,, larger carr , an which the paL un pre•;
Do not be foolish," he advised, n /�%- ! all shoes o nsensitive feet. Canaais-s-umably does net have much effect, Gifts to France and Europe. 1.
himselr." 4�.// x,71 l
Lord Romsey oto -,d far a m„ntont. ••Maur deet letter to a certain per, 1 shoes with leather heels and soles of; tieing speared as they rise to •the eur•l Supplies tent over,eas daring the
witbaat reply- His lips had come ti- age was dated June second. I have a pla a fine grade will, with proper care, face. I tzar totalled 341.= es c of which
gather it a hard ting°essant line. IY copy of it with me. Shall I read it easily wear two summers. Before each paUin'g expesiittuu all i 147,270 were sal p1iC.1 to he : ,,:tai units
+was a. tions i a. this was by Yui; to you, word by word?” ,, i` _ Shoes wear longer when two ,pairs sugary is taken. In the presence of in Idngland. :i 3lstatcce S.:r :+alzu :if-
tne:,ns a welcome -isitcr, "Thank you, I remember enough of t ®g- � are alternated frequently, They should the whole, tribe, a chief makes fire by ' forded to the Frerieh lv p t i`:i. par-
"I --.e no appolr.`ment, Ains!ey,"Ira g Y S g g ticularly after rile otomy drive at .
zt Lord
roared. a�leffi ( be ivenachancetodryautthorou thorough- a pkxa of rattan (palm)
he ram ece,d. I simply sa.i that 11 ,,You will listen, then, to what I, ly, ars perspiration rots the leather around a batalioci sticl: held to tbc' 11;,rch, 1918, oni to Serbia, Iidrgium,
-Wall!,! .,ie tl:e ger e man seller ire ar hate to say," the envoy proceeded, "ori Are We Fair to Our Feet? 1 of very distressing symptoms is apt,
rived in Erg:an !. You hal better bring, that letter wirl be published in The; Shoe -trees help greatly to preserve ground. SUc:nld rite rattan break be. Ritual: ,fa, anti Italy: Th@ boric of
You The boot makers cater to feminine, to follow, which medical treatment the shape when not iii use. £ore amok" ensue.+. thennrlcrualltrg i hc• Sn,fety atereeas ns an ausfl.mty
balm :, i vi t: e _ intiruei, ' and Thies to morrow mornir.'g. t
be ..r efu. th.a: re, , ..r 'nt�rrupts us. ,� . --•hat that -rill mean -y aur poI-3 vanity and not to 'health, by building: cannot remove, if due to high heels; mere !s a right and, a wrong wap; P°st.g:crud flit an linter c.r rico. If the' of the Canadian Ariny Carps
Th e ,-cur;; cnai: .r:tiidrew grid the;k'ra! ruin, your ill mean dlsgraee.!shoes which are very long and ofandthis is the case nine times out to put on sh:io;. Lacings should be rattan breaks into two parts o€ equal incgiicie.l part of the inti:,l..p,::lid
Gabe" r. for n,s•.ic h s way *n his; What use wi:I this country, blinded; ridiculous width. These shoes utas of ten• loosened to three eyelets from the; length n.h well licit ba caught, That if arla:ipment of the hrrp},role at ,rile?.rs,
Btu.. :; > the , the era=ticity, how-; at the present moment by prejudice,! be fully an inch longer than the foot, High heels and ill-fitting shoes areI vamp. This prevent:; a strain on the; the right-hrnd piece is longer than the Bushey Parlt, Itanrsg;ate, Wxh:ll, Bux.
ever, 1 i+,rr i t t:= fcatst.p and; rave fur a statesman who, without! acrd because of the flexibility of the` general causes of lack of beauty of lining and tiro hacks of the shoes. lett, all is well. r ion, and Shoriiclliee. Suppli,:,; aero �
the e h r ie iof a a -fare his desk! authority, ple•lged his Government to; toes, they are crowded and lapped motion. Grace, freedom of action, Button shoes should be completely un -- • - _.-- : issued to all the,-( boipltas, as well
wrtl; the r of a riga^ who face; a! alt alliance with Germany, who over aver each other, until the foot really: rhythm are all absent do the majority. buttoned. Ashes horn should be used' Couldn't Fool Him, la s to military Lci.ipitnl.; Ll Frann�,
dig:ti; a ,., c,::icter cf r.n hour. He his own s:,gnature—' , is made to fit into the shoe. If this) of civilized women, while the A—W to put on oxfords or um s If the! Teacher --"Now, Bobby, how much whilst two vonvvya of ^.tnhulanees'
;-eti S..r u mcmer.t with n pen- +.,gip!•' Lar,! Romsey interrupted.; shoe were forced upon young :girls the Indian and other barefoot people,, she is put on when only half unlaced do six, and four rnirtce?" - ; ivere provided and nia!ntalned li the
tl, •There is na purpose in this. What ; ,
The 1 klov. in e cupboard:' he is it you -rant? ' I as a means of punishment, we would � walk arixl run -with assurance, d�gnityi °-'unbuttoned, at is likely to cause the; Bobby (cagerlt 1 •` Iyer rs, sir.11 field.
muttere,i t.i hit,; cif gloomlly. "Even your influence in the Cabinet. You, regard the treatment a3 barbarous. and even majesty. 1P a gill refuses to back seam to rip end will invariably; Teacher—^i;ow, gut: s nfiaii, " i st valuable and highly Coro,ilatory
the greatest of us:' lie added, with a: are responsible for this war. It isi The toes cannot play an importantlwear hygienic shoes on the grounds tear the lining, Nothing will cau_•at Bobby (doubtfully)- Twelve - iihie }bark ass carried an by lite society for
anomer to fv recur of his more Ili far you to end it." part in walking, as they should } that they are ugly, can we not in turn stockings to wear out m'cre quickly i -thirteen." ;u i ant:ors•cf-war thttrughaut 3rastili•
flare i . eh., l a- . th+rn " •'Rubbishl' the other exclaimed; The small toes have two joints and; criticize her for ill -shaped shoes which E than roughness in the lining. If the, Teacher—"HOW about ten"" . tiei, and after (ht -Ir ilberatiolr 'front
Tine s cretarS•alzro& at iea pearedt Usheringhe door
hoarsely. "You are attempting tot the large toe one, and it is the mosta -,take her hobble, instead of walking, foot is forced into the shoe, the coup-) Bobby (exultautlyl- oh, you can't fomlgaa camps at, ti:e armistice, Only
the a Pp g saddle me with a responsibility Irke i s r
ilii., undesired c tilt,,-. i this, simply because my personal4 important, largest and strongest. with swing and rhythm. Certainiy� tc7 will be broken down, thus .hors-' -nix me up that ,say. i•'Ivc and live' tea suliplfos of tile, -+moils ,,,;tole pos-
"This is Mr. Sidney, sir," he an-}sympathlea have always been on the When we raise the foot from the mux standards of beauty are much die ening the life of the shoe. make tau." ,stole Cie extensive feeding and a c-,!ot-
naunred quietly' i side, of the country you are represent ground to bring it forward, -we ralsol torted if we consider such shoes A shoe's worst enemy is wet weath- -- i encs rerdprtd the tans of thousands
Fit Cab:r.?t 3linister rose in his ing" the heel and let the weight fall upon beautiful er. Rubbens should be worn in wotl j of civilians the C:cradiart Corps found
place and lie+, out las hand in his bests "It is tat a question of Your Per the great toe, To execute this move- The prevention and passible cure1w'eather as nothing ruins' leather so; Salesman—"Dcn't tall. to me that i On Its hands after capturing and Hben
offic. al style, a d: creet mixture of i Sonat sympathies," Mr. Sidney return- meat, the •grelat toe must Be placer, of the defects emnmon to most feet quickly gs to get wet, nor does any -eros. l take orders from no man:' , citing the Cauitila area, Gifts to
ler rve,chs and conlever, the
me t tale ad swiftly, "In black and white You thing,spall p i Sales Manager. 'I noticed that on
nsr changer?, however, the moment the; Y` in the shoe in such a parsiliion that it are: thin s. 'ail t•he shape of the shoe more I% -sacs: In money a:naunted to nearly
Oar wit, Closed. He withdmew Ills' Your Government to abstain can stretch itself directly forward, quickly. Wet alder should not 'he put the rot) of your Inst trip." ltve million francs, In addition to V4,-
war against Germany:' 1. the Ilio feet barefooted—
' d, which the other had made no Trow could I toll,' the statesman Narrow shoes bind the foot bones and using exercises that involve the toes, m a very 'hot place to dry, as they " . 000 cares of supplha % valued at nrnriy
attempt to I !murales and -event Eros foot action, slhmink and boccane hard and rale , Montreal has aseatned the. role of five million dollars.
r; mp• protested, "that Germany was P 2. Exercises that stretch the lar e " oilier" for Avian near Lem±.
1 am accor ng you the interview B t The Collodion Red 'Cross Society,
thinking of tearing up treaties, or They also crumple into folds the sole =should Shoes when thoroughly wet
sera desire," he said, pointing to a tendon in the :back of the leg sad, de- , :--- --- I with a fine war record, ctriried uu its
entering into a campaign of sheer and of the foot, and utterly put out of should have 19ie heals and counters
cliac?r, "but I will be glad if you will scandalous aggression?" Commission the "plantar fascia," velop the arch of the foot, such so and vamp straightened., and should bel Iloland has a plant for man112-igaud wroxit in the peered c•f past -war
vkplair the purport of your visit in , Walking barefoot on the outer border paper and allowed to dry' turrrg I lummaing gas from pwtro- adjustment. Hospital equipment iter,
1 You mado no stipulations or con- Another common evil of the ill- g stuffed with I
yes few words as possible. You will ' ditions in what you wrote," was' the of the foot or standing on the heels leum residue by dr distillation. n lien wcro returned to Canada for
`.hope, appreciate the fact that your, E fitting shoo is the enlarged joint or m a warm place f Y f ` PP
i(zxiesenrc here is a matter of grave , calm reply, You pledged your r bunion, wIllch comes from wearing and trying to raise the loos. I Shoes should, be kept clean with a -- are in civil and military hospitals. The
1 , harrassmant to me." l that your againsGovernt
Geent would never de- ,,= or stockings that are too short. 3. Correct, well-fibtad shoes. The cloth and brush, and should be oiled h, . ,ilial hut:i at Iluitey Park Hosp1L•tl
Mr. Silirey bowed. He was a taIl'ciare war against Germany. You a1 -I g y first re uiroment in a �occaslcvmlly to replace the normal e,!1 �,r�i��S�� ��4��„� were prc7ented to .the Lan'd,wa County
luded to the French entente as an un-, In buying shoes, be sure the fit well q good shoe is
scrod apparently an elderly man, dress -I natural one. You spoke eloquently of fn the instep and that the large joint ilio straight inner Border, following in leather. Vaseline ar castor oil, and Coure;ll as a hrme for delicate child.
'ad with he utmost sobriety. fie so-, the kinship of spirit between England on the inside of the foot comes at the the straight inner lines of the note I neat's-foot oil are the bust for this LAND SALT ren, and these at Taplow to the CIty
. c tea the chair without undue haste,, foot, 1 cf Birmingham for cunv,rrslcn. Into a
CZ-Ved a pair of horn -rimmed spec -•and Germany' I proper place. The 1ra11 of the foot purpose. Oil and grease which water- Bulk C2ilOt9
t Lord Romsey moved uneasily in his, showlcl come just to the bend of the The shoe should not cramp the to s,° proofs leather ales makes tree shos'a 300 -beat hospital for t!tb, euiar and
ti,,Ieq and teak same papers from his 1 TORONTO SALT WORKS
sat ..fac
P p° I chair. He had expected to find this' inside of the shoe acid not in front or especially the great toe, should be more sorvievable. Shoe polish also Crippled children. A highly i, , r
,,poi ket. " an unpleasant Interview and he Was flexible enough to allow the foot to be C. J. CLIFF - TORONTO lots rectrd of a -work ref mercy in
Sir;' he began, speaking cieliber- - beak of iL One cause of 'heels' g helps to leather,
ately but without any foreign accent, cert�a.ell I rovasem stakenhe admit- Which are run under is due to they moved freely in all directions, alai ;«-- _. • . , { llnte cf war aitrl peace.
; `rX',am here to make certain pro osals ,r fact that the foot tends to push out, should hold the heel acid instep snugly Chinese Logic.
p ted,. What I said was true enough,,
to yuu on lipil,dif;of a -person ivha At I never did believe that the Govern at the heel because of lack of room in Without cramping the foot. The arch, Near Shanghai an English sailor on
7purawnr•egtmst;:halllienameless.",merit with which I was associated; the fore part of the&hoe. shouldbetiexible. In the natural foot iVaw+aytothe foreigners'burial ground
Lord Ramsey fro:vne4. ponfierottsly w ou,d declare war against Germany.! High lee?s throw the weight of the arch is flexible and plays an im to lay a wreath on the grave of a cam -
and tapped the desk by bis side with , Even new, let me tell you that there body on the ball of the foot instead of portant part in every step, The arch � rade met a native with a pot of rice.
his thick fsrefii ^er, I isn't a soul breaking who knows hew'equaI must be built high enough
of Course," he P,tid,nbutJUr I wish vont,[ close lite real issue was. If your peo-; dtiirely destroy the action of the pow er-I 'B curio of the foot gand Must be � aro "Hallo,
eu goring with thst,led "Where
undcrytnni. £real the i]rst...that I am, pie had only chosen any other ]ire of, ful ligament balding up the longi -1 snug without being tight. The heal) "I take nut on glove—giave of my
advance. 3
leer m a `position c unieati rtltfrom { T have not came here to recrimin-,tudintei arch. The entire mechanism: sl maid came broad, coil low aa�nstxail�lit, and; flier," said the Chluanran. 1
7tIds,ages or comm ea , ate, Mr. Sidney declared. That is; of the foot is altered, and its motion Y tie t .e heel, He, ho. laughed the sailor. And
your master, whoever he may be, ort not ply mission, I am Lure to state; beclenies limited' to the heel and toe of the foot. The same principle ct whon do you expect your friend to
airy ane elge in yro a other
hen country"
d' our terms for refraining from sending movement. Girls who require a high. freedom applies to the ankles and for; come up and eat it?"
drily,evmyheine cage mrxslrt bs deliver-;ynar letters—your personal letters to` heeled shoe for comfort are really this reason law shoos arra better than' "All time sameo year flieu come lip
�„i the Kaiser ---to the English Press. suffering from same z,tructional defect high share and smeilee your flowers," replio i
An impulse of curiosity struggled I GoodG-0d emzrsnirDa yeti knohis w what of the foot and t:'hould consult an The inside of the shoe ahoull mea -'telt. !
through the gloom and apprehension, you are saying?" he exclaimed. orthopedist, Isure one inch more theist foot lc::gtii l i
H seri to silo far th s1' f fi Flinard'6 tnlmeM Relieves salde, eta
Dee W s RI ht
P s. g •
Tivo mh'ring vagineers i foie dlscusr•
lig deep nine ehafts and am bad t ;til I
Ill glowing Lorry,:; abrrut mine, ,n which
ho had worked.
"Jump into my ;gar sad 11.1 show
ycu a, regular mine'• rill the otliar.
�Iariving at the mina they ra,w the
bo!i,dog engin, revolv',tg at a tcrrif,-
tog. rate• The eugiuonl,an icae ash- -p.
Ituohinl; to'the s'leephig man they
grlod; .
"]rake tip, man! You'll 11111 Utz cage
thrtugh the roof" '
<rf hoed ltsrmsey's mamner. a gal "Perfectly," Tii w o e u nn "Why day iv this"' ih. engin°Hien
1 Perfectly, the other replied. I gh heels also cause considerab]e P S orw*ard o tsltc'd, sleepliy,
at leis visitor with knitted brows. _ -
„ qr, r, ! told you that my errand was a seri- harm because of their affect upon tlte� the foot in twalking. Many shape cicrlcsj�-'�-•��--- f "it's Tuesday, but stop theengine-
VVha aro'y you?" . he demanded„ An (1 aur one. Shall I proceed . pelvic organs, Good posture is as, do not know how to fit zhocla properly;'
6 "It is of no consequence;' was the l The Minister slowly resumed his much a mark of 'beauty as regular � and often, if they do, they gra un
aalorlass reply- t seat. From behind the electric lamp featured. With the proper carriage Scrupulous aibout selling shoe3—just
-`But it is of conacquenc 1, Laid h'i's face wise glastly white. In that the head is erect the chin in the Ito make a solo. Experience teaches'
brief pause which followed he seem- I that one must ]chow herself wbether'
Romsey {nsiyted, Y�xi have dtt' ed to be looking through the walla of chose forward, the abdomen flat anal=sheer fit woU or not. I
to.rAa f ern roclaim yourself'tcountry with whom Eng-futur Othe a IIo into
eser the ugly chapter
in the I he feet pointed ck straight
sttairght forwa d ThC For extremely sensitive feet, kids
i:*u as s yVar.. Even a st tossroii be -',newspapers, the leading articles, the woman who learns to stand land walk, shoes are preferable be calfskin. limit,
fitnes us A'1th uXJ armrest to treasbn, culmination of all the gossip and with her toes straight ahead lir turned; -women should tat wear very heavy
eAve y'o id,'i rub two deejino to re- mutterings of the last few months, a trifle in will have taken the first i calfskin. Kid is soft and allows more
Ile held-'r`9liLr ttiq baGnd` tlrivard rho ! the end of ,his political career• --a dis'- step away from fallen arches or flat; ventilation. Brown or tan shoes are
pgraceful rued ignoble endl Surely no :feet. When the ankles and feet are' more comfortah'.e than bla_k or pa -
If � {'man had, ever been placed in so pain- wean, the whole position of the body) tent leathor because they all -w -r.n.'
% ful a pe°dicament. It was treason to
fill a It was cllsbntteefui to send is thrown out of poise. With high tilatlon and evaparaetign of morstule,'
se . a ut, , , . I
ilia area away. heels, the body is tilted forward, ,and, Snod shoes re cOnfort'able and s�It.
AyrAslcolUy nu typos; all au ivim;cars a"au�n ; Germany wants peace, this viel to oflsol; this, one hands backward Many women fail to remem .c, fla:it
mot to aerltvov� uv to soo mires or tome 'tor continuocl salmis. "Sha may tat' from the Waist, causing the hollow thein• feet are taxed the rn ,t v Iii;e,
1. 91'
Aof order o s purchaif sed, or patella "sn ' have accomplished all she tv?ished tot Beek and the forward thrust of the doing house -nark, conaegr=ti,ly thor
- o rotialed. 1have acenmple,oe7. by this war, and abdomen. Unless the hip joints tire, often wear fhcas which are tro s:tas-
1toNloorpxhard a "your, own n of a 'she is still as <"rong as ever from a truly placed in the eorketn of the ' by for dress Use, on their ten t fif.
.arty eel to clty repramrttatfro fol- inihtary I;'iiTif rf View, 'fiat she Warta pt'I ' Latins and the spinal Column teen -mile Journey which that] ri'.'.ct :.•3r,iton. errs largo steak ury aye on ,peace. T nrc,l say na more than that.' flexibly held, the cadre body is tl."nwn' they do their day's wark, I.rtflc in-
. , 1 ord ILanit ry shriek his hratl,
nreslrey+'u U$6d Car Market ,,1 ion if 1 h i bilc influence, wbieh out of plumb and the internal a'ii„ cni jury can lie done to the foot• by-vc,.ir-
ilpf" "fohge Street - 7earauta " 1 1 "'t '° , d are thrown out of r-,rf'a A t, ' ing t:hr.c, with high lt�x'a. for a ver •
, "Ah, g'wun," he replied disgustedly
;settling himself hoick in h'.: 'hair.
` "She won't lie up tilt Friday.*'
Weary W,1MV.J,
"Fill you tbluk Of me when 1'ni
. game?" a^..'sired-the lovnlern Youth, wbo
seemed unable to ,.ear 111111FAt away ;
i from her presence;
I "Oil, yea," answered lhz: fair Ono,
as she i,urpressad a yawn 'Neat I�,
!f you ever ghee me an opportunity:'
.% _
Tho hearts of se{entary Workers are
apt to baceme, very paft and fl;ibhy.
For transporting American mi,liera
i z o ' + ince it Brithsh s s_ -cls, tits
t.,',.(l- ercw- , owes ]Britain $;ti,.;
I ::50,000.
i Bibles to fh,•tj llunlber t( over.,;00,�
, 040,060 and in 5128 diffarant lang,^eages
i :.vo btaii dl,%tributcd 1•;r the British
a:. -,I h arogn Bible Gorit'
I h.l,a.. t, a .(Ivan, i lent a ma -.I p,,. lin, tarn b - a