The Brussels Post, 1921-5-26, Page 5•
&PIMPS 0103120100
Mee In the Post OOlee, Ethel. tta•l
graduate end night collOntario
Moe oppo3ite
AIMS Min, lithe',
Agent Howick Mutual Fire Insurance Company
Phone 43 Tardberry Street, Brussels
Successor re John Harris, Walton,
T. T. M' RAE
M. B.. M. O. es, S. D.
I8, 0. H,, Village of Brussels,
Physiolan, Surgeon, Aoeenehem.
C' Mea et residence, opposite Hely rile Church,
William street.
H,AVING the Agency for the Mc-
Cormick and Deering Imple-
piements I will give closest
prices In anything needed in Farm Im-
plements or Tractors, CaII In and
give your order in U, F, 0. style and
you will save money. I will guaran-
tee you against any reduction in prices
until implement is used, and by order-
ing now you will save any advance in
price which is likely to take place
Have'a few Implements on hand
which will be sold at old prices.
David Milne
Cattle taken by the month for the
season. Plenty of water and
shade. A run of 400 acres. Nor
further particulars apply to the
Have a quantity of first-class
Timothy Seed for sale.
P. Ament
Yong. & Ohsrroe is*o,, Toronto
11 well known throughout
Canada for high-grade
A000untaney,tStenography, Typewrit.
lug and General Improvement (Morsels.
Much personal attention given to stud.
ells, Graduustes 11adlly Obtato apt.
, yon n oar, writ.
day Cor proepeotuo, Entsr any time,
L'erezzutereleY v2' zra`ee a`eg
rani Nebn tents
GET ready for the Census Epumerator,
Musses have been taking their place
on the Spring program,
THE POST'l'elephones are Nos, el and
32, Do you take the hint ?
'l'HANxs are due to a number of sub.
scribers for remittances to TUE Poor
'PLOWING gardens was a large part of
the program among the teamsters last
TURNBERRV street has been improved
by some levelling up with fine screened
SAVE money by reading the advts,
THE POST is a better medium m than ever
for reaching the ear of the public.
R. J. MCLAUCILLIN is meeting with
good r`asult3 in canary rearing, One of
his pair is caring for 6 birdhogs from 6
eggs, and of a valuable variety.
A 1s'knovn as tbe TOM om Sn1da
properly, Mill street, West, has been
purchased by W, F. Stratton, He will
probably improve it and *add to its
THE well located and comfortable
residence of R. Leatherdale, corner
'rurnberry and William streets, Brussels,
has been purchased by F. Burchill. of
town. Mr. Leatherdale and family re-
sided there for the past 20 odd years and
only sold on account of removing to
5,114.—During the past year Mrs,
Lowry, Librarian at Brussels Public
Library. issued no less than 5114 books.
It is a good sign, particularly if the les-
sons from the volumns have given new
and helpful ideas and ideals which have
been worked out into the warp and
woof of life. Our Public Library is a
valcable asset and should be better
SPECKLED trout fishing season opened
on May and. Not over to pounds in
weight or 3o fish in number may be
caught in one day, No one shall fish for
or take speckled trout otherwise than
angling. No one shall fish for, catch or
kill any speckled trout from the 15th day
of September in each year to the 3oth
day of April next following,
both h
inclusive. ct usiva. Offenders of the above re
w positivelybe prosecuted.
Petroila business men are adopting
the cash system more and more, and the
monthly system of accounts. In a town
it is perhaps impossible to run business
generally on the cash basis, but 3t sbould
not be. Some businesses, however, are
run on cash, and are successful. All
,ports are cash ; tobacco,_ ice cream,
candy, pool and similar things are cash.
Why pay cash for some things and ask
credit on otbers 1 It would be better
for all if cash wss the only system.
Businesses who give credit, however,
ere now adopting the monthly settle-
meat plan and find it works. The day
for the long credit is gone.
See the Sum* School Masson Notes
op another page,
General Assembly of the Presbyterlail
church opens in Toronto the first week
of June. Chinch Union will be one of
the live issues an the preprint.
Do you break the law by riding your
bicyclaon the sidewalk ? If you do you
better stop It or be asked to see the
eethorities why you violate the by lase,
KINCARDINE Reporter, owned -by J. 1,
Hunter, has installed an up-to•dete type-
setting .machine --a three -magazine In.
tertype. Reporter also bad electric
power installed recently putting the
office in first class condition.
cowrie Tale WAY,—
School exams.
The street oil,
Garden Parties.
Big straw hats,
Tumble ie H, C. L.
THE Temperance Executive of Huron
Co. met at Clinton Wednesday of last
week. A County Convention will be
held at an early date and a program of
law enforcement entered upon that will
show tbe authorities are determined to
carry out the behests of the big majority
given on April 18th in Huron Co. Law•
breakers may accept this as a hint,
IMPROVEMENTS.—P. Ament has had
cement walks and platforms put in at
the Terrace, much improving eon-
ditions.—A quantity of earth has been
hauled by
Nesbit Ha 11COn in forming
m mn
upgrounds the g u nd
s about his bungalusv —
Verandahs are being • built by Alex.
Forsyth at his home Queen street P.
Scott is having a verandah put up at his
residence to replace the old one.—Wm.
McCracken is putting up a garage at his
home, Princess street,
FILER OF THE LAN ? j'his is a live sub•
ject in town, during the past week or so,
over searches, fines and Magistrate's
cases and THE Pow bas been asked to
state the wording of the Act. Sections
64 and 65 of the Ontario Temperance
Act say :-64 —(1) Every inspector and
Provincial officer appointed under this
Act and every policeman or constable
shall be deemed to be within the provi-
sions of this Act and it shall be bis duty
to carryout and enforce the same and,
when any information is given to any
such inspector, policeman or constable
that there is cause to suspect that some
person is violating auy of the .provisions
of this Act, it shall be bis duty to make
diligent inguiryiuto the truth of such in-
formation and to enter complaint, in his
own name, of such violation before the
proper magistrate, without communicat-
ing the name of the person giving suob
information. (2) Every inspector,
policeman or constable neglecting or re•
fusing to carry out and enforce this Act
shall incur a penalty of 5o and
p y $ maybe
summarily, dismissed from office, 5.—
Where any ipformation Is given to any
officer, policeman, constable, or inspec-
tor that there r is cause to suspect that
somecontravenin is erson
p g any of tbe
provisions of this it shall be his
duty to make diligent enquiry into the
truth of such information, and to enter
complaint of such contravention before
the proper Court, without communicat-
ing the name ot the person giving such
information ; and it shall be the duty of
the Crown Attorney within the county
in which the offeuce is committed to at
tend to the prosecution of all cases com-
mitted to him by an inspector or officer
appointed under this Act by the
Lieutenant.Governor or by any officer
appoiuted by the council of a munici•
pality under section 12o and the council
appointing such officer shall be respon-,
sole for the payment of the proper fees
Years Of Suffering Ended
By °Fruft•a-lhes°
112 IiAzes Sts, ST. Josue,
"It is with pleasure that I write to
tell you of the great benefit X received
from the use of your medlcitie
"Frail-a-Lives",':made from fruit
juices. t was a great sufferer for
Many years from Nervous Headaches
and Constipation. I tried everything,
consulted doctors; but nothing
seemed to help me until. Y tried
"Fruit -a -Lives",
After taking several boxes, X was
completely relieved of these troubles
and have been unusually well over
sinoe". Miss ANNIE WARD.
00o. a box, 0 for $3.60, trial size, 25o.
At all dealers or sent postpaid by
Fruit -a fives Limited, Ottawa,
of the Crown Attorney when so employ.
ed by such officer.
Geoffrey Holt, M. A., sailed for
Europe. He is going to Switzerland
to take a special course of studies. This
nun man is sont
aof be
Judge Holt, formerly GodericU.
"Use your motor cars for bunging
other people to church," said an ener-
getic pastor in one of bis churches.
You'll be doing yaur neighbor a good
turn, and giving your car the church
In recognition of his services to the
Christian church through his well-
known work of an evangelist, Rev. H.
T. Crossley had the degree of Doctor of
Divinity conferred upon him by Wesley
College, Winnipeg.
Rev. Mr. Bradley, pastor of Knox
cbutch, Teeswater, has been granted
three months' leave of absence by his
'congregation owing to ill -health. Pul.
pit will he supplied by Rev. Alex,
Stewart, formerly of Mornington.
THE Pon received 2 dandy pine cones
from St. Petersburg, Florida, forwarded
by Nurse Lunn, who bas been spending
the Winter there. One of them measur-
ed 15 x r7 inches and the other 14 x r7;t.
They came through by mail all right.
Synod of Huron amends canon laws to
provide for interdenominational
exchange but theysat, with emphasis,
ontbe admission of omen to seats
the Synod, despite the stalwart. cham-
pioning of lobn Ransford, of Clinton.
latter was not guessing when he de-
clared in the
course of a fewrs
y a this
would become a fact.
Clinton News -Record says :—"Willis
C. Cooper and W. R. Chowen are two USE
illtitsRN3a# W11'lt Ale tfMkitstt.A. ,-,
Wednesdayevening pith inst., a
special meeting of Western Star Lodge, '
I. 0 0.. F., No, s4e, Brussels, was held
with Noble Grand Deunesou in the
shalt. The object of the session waste t
officially say Good•bye to R. Leather.
dale, who vas been a member for tuapy I
years au:1 offioielly perforated his dile
with neatness and despatch. After the,
following address was read by F, S,,
Scott, one of the oldest members of the
lodge, a fine =bristle was handed Bro.
Leatherdale by D. D. G. M. Wilton 1—
R. LErerttaanALE,-- 4
With deep regret we come to the time
when we know our meeting together
regularly as brothers in Western Star
Lodge room most tertninate. You have
been on our membership roll for many a
yam', as your Veteran's Medal will prove
and your interest in the lodge and your
zeal in the work has ever been of
that cordial, brotherly, prectioal charac-
ter that will cause you to be very much
missed by us. We trust you will sgon
became acquainted with many good
3 -linker's in Winnipeg and will continue
to manifest deep interest in the Order,
As a farwell reminder of No. 140, we
ask you to accept this umbrella and we
trustas you use it pleasant recollections
of the past 40 years will come trooping
up, Our best wishes as a Lodge and
individuals aecompacy yon and yours
t wish is that when you
have lived out
v d our u talismanic smanic tri
motto—Friendship, Love and Truth—
that we may meet the Divine Grand
Master in the Grand Lodge above to
part no more.
Yours in F, L. & T.,
M BLACK, Rec.-Sec.
Western Star Lodge,No. 144 10. 0.
F., Brussels, Ont, May u, 1925.
Mr, Leatherdale made a brief, suitable
reply in which he stated he was leaving
his membership in the lodge here and
would never forget the good times spent
in Western Star. Short complimentary
remarks were made by numerous breth-
ren who regretted the going away,
praised the faithfulness, of many years
and wished all kinds of good things to
the departing brother,
Lutz Society Orchestra is again pro-
viding the music at the Godericb
Amusement Oo.'e pavillion this Sum-
Sunset Hotel is being completely re-
decorated inside for the season, and
outside also the painter's brush is in
• Historic landmarks of the town has
been demoliehed in the tearing down
of the old Grabbe house on Elgin
avenue by Mr. &undry.
L. D. S. (Mason, Knox church's mts-
sionaryin India, is at present visiting
congregations aCo
t na in
the re
g Presbytery,
g ,
y y
making Godericb his headquarters.
young Clinton boys who r have ms.isuccess-
fully�14 RAZ -MAIN
passed their ist year's exams. in
NO Smoking—No Sjnyin.—Na Sniff
Just Swallow fi Capsule
the School of Practicer Science, Toron-
to. s Mr. Chowen, owing to the fact that
his studies were broken into by the war,
has some conditions to meat before
starting on his 2nd year, but he will
probably find them quite possible to
meet. Congratulations and good wishes
for future success, are extended the
students." The former is a'son of A. T.
and Mrs. Cooper, known to numerous
Brusselites, and latter is a brother to G.
T. R. agent Chowen, of Brussels.
RAZ -MAH h Guaranteed
to restore normal breathing,!thpmamamn
gatherings in the bronchial tubm, give
long nights of quiet sleep; contains ae
habit-forming drug. $1.00 at your drat.
gist's. Trial free at onr agencies or
Teapletons, 142 Bing W., Tomato.
Local Agent - James Sox
RT An Uncommonly Good L nvestment
Built in Canada by skilled Canadian
Workers and Canadian Capital
sccess+-ta.sromaa- -sem--»ss•c.N.. .......... .
To -day, with many good cars on the market, the Gra;'-Dort stands out as
an exceptional car and an uncommonly desirable investment for you.
You can buy all the good qualities of the Gray -Dort in othot' cars if you
are willing to pay the price.
But in no other car at anywhere near the Grtl --1? i i I: if _a can you secure
the complete combination of desirable features which makes the Gray -Dort
the biggest bargain in the motor car field.
Gray -Dort value has created a wide demand for this r;ir. lint Gray -Dort
dealers are able to make ahnost immediate deliveries to a few oh hers, See
your dealer to -day.
Sami. Carter Brussels
Chatham, Ont.
tl G N,
Persuasion ` aitl c?
ihey look /0 7orcet
HE was so proud
NJ of her first cake.
It was so light 'so'
But her young bro-
thers had an eye on it,
too, and ;
You've simply got to
hide the cakes and
bread when they're
made from Cream of
the West Flour.
Maple Leaf Milling Co„
Toronto, Winnipeg
Brandon. Halifax
Contract for the erection of the Ray, Mr, McGibbon and ex -Reeve
Golf club house has been let to B. C. Harding attended Wiugham District
Munnings and work is to start at meeting, in the Methodist church
once. The clubhouse is to be finished -Lucknow, last week, They will also
by the middle of June, go to Conference, London next week.
Oliver Johnston, who has been at
Owen Sound, inspecting the construc-
tion of some work on the pier there,
has returned to town to look after
work to be done at the harbor this
W. S. 'Holmes, Port Arthur, is at
present visiting his son, Ii. V. Holmes,
manager of the Bank of Hamilton,
Arnprior bas a base -ball league of
four teams. W. J. Sharpin, formerly
of Gorrie, has been appointed chief
umpire for the league.
Rev. J. 0. Robertson, D. D., Toron-
to, General Secretary of the Young
People's Work in the Presbyterian
Church in Canada, spoke in the Pres-
byterian Church church here Sunday.
The many friends of Mrs, (Rev,) G.
J. Kerr, Bothwell, formerlyof Gorrie,
will be
sorry to learn of the death of
her mother, Mrs. Will, am Weekes,
which occured at the family residence,
near Glencoe, May 14th, Mrs, Week-
es was in her 88th year.
Fred, Johnston, baker and oonfec,
tioner, has put on a new motor truck.
Dr. Handier has had a hedge plant-
ed around his home and when full
grown will take the place of the board
William Harland, one of Clinton's
esteemed residents, passed another
milestone completing his eight -first
Rev. D. N. McOawus was appointed
a member of the Stationing:commit-
tee of London Methodist Conference,
with Rev. J. F. Reycraft, alternate.
Miss Christian, who has been stay-
ing with her sister, Mrs, (De,) Gaudier
for several weeks, left for Toronto and
sails for Scotland shortly, She will be
absent most t
s of the Summer.
The newn'
uniforms 1 •
t for the Senior
base ball team have arrived and will
certainly set off the local 9. They are
of a grey color with black trimmings
and the shirt has a large "0" on it as
also the cap.
The Economical Car
EVEN if the Ford Oar cost six or seven hundred dollars more than
it does—the Ford Oar would:still,be the:economical car to buy
—because,of,its great durability,
—the low cost of operation,
—and the low cost of repairs, the charges for which are fixed
by the Company in over 3,000 Ford Dealer and Service Stations in
The low first coat of a Ford Oar, the light consumption of fuel and
oil, the fixed cost of repairs and genuine Ford parts
—makes the Ford Oar, without exception, the most econom-
ical car to buy and drive.
—the car, in fact, which the man of moderate means can
afford to buy and operate.
D. M. SCOTT, Brussels
All Investment opportunity
Province of Ontario
Due May 2nd, 1936
Interest payable semi-annually.
This issue has been enthusiastically received
and anyone with $500 oi+¢upwards to invest can
make no mistake by placing their funds in bonds
of Canada's wealthiest Province.
Price 9150 and interest, yielding D,D,5 per cent