The Brussels Post, 1921-5-5, Page 51 afee I-F'Wl•-h•l••i••t'•II"9' F•P•f4•!t•'1•,A3••Fd••t••Fi•d•.. .t, 4 Weekly r Half ' +4. 4. 4. Holiday Y 4. Y agreement rung t4. he + nn ' B 134 Minoan people of Brussels + V � the Weekly Half I1oliday +r i, will be observed on 4 a. '.SQ, SUTHERLAND & SONS Immo GEWERIE Oxman WM. SPENCIE CONYBYANaEll Am) ISSUER or MARRIA,GI1 ItIOIi;NSES nice lrt the oust oinee, ethyl, Se -1 WARDLAW Honor graduate of the Ontario Veterinary Oolloge. Day and, nisi(( tans. Moe opposite incur Mill, hetet. JA MES M' FAQZEAN Agent Howlck Mutual fire insurance Company Phone Turnberry Street, Brueoel3 8uc000sor to John Harris, Walton, T. T. M' RAE 'Mt B., M. C. P.. d S, C, M. 0, H., Vninge of, Brussels, Physician, Burgeon, Aocoaoheur C' Moo at residence, opposite .Maly Ille Oharoh, Wiliam street. PROUNFOQT, KILlQIIAN & COOKE Barrietors, Bo"..lcitore, Notaries Pubiio, &c. • Offioe en the SquareS, ttelt tdoor from Hamilton , GODERIoa• ONT. ,Private funds to loan at loweiit rates, W. PnOuDr0OT. 11.0. J. L, $lLLOnkN H, J, D,Corpus FARM IMPLEMENTS HAVING the Agency for the Mc - ' Cormick rind Deering Imple' p give closest i : laments. I will t prices in anything thit needed et in Farm Im- plements o3 Tractors, hall in and give your cadet, in U. 'F 0 style and you will save money. I will guarau- tee you against any reduction in prices until implement is used, and by order- ing now you will save any advance in price which is likely to take place soon. Have a few Implements on hand which will be sold at old prices. David Milne ETHEL THE Master Key THE SCRIPTURES TO Horny peraone the Scrip- t tiree criplures aro very dry and 0r3- itatetest big reading, and very difficult of correct under- etairtiing and confuses many tby the different Intel pc•etations, ac- cording to the denomination in- terested, Like party politicians they tall see it Illair own partic- ular way uhnn in reality lhet•e is only 11111. Ri(;HT way, the wary the 31a+lel• had in mind. The author of "The Master Key," like Os 13100, seems endow- ed and a L inspired mt d sal with an 1 makes ScripCure reading en plain anti interesting that yell feel like finishing it, before "you hay it ltside. Get it in the Public library yongo & 03a3400 ate„ Toronto le well known throughout @ Oanada for high-grade 0 work, �'i Aaooaatlnoy,_8teneerephy, TypOWrlt. lag and tienerelhnprovinoent (Morava, pinch personal attention given to otud- ante. (*refloated readily obtaia into to. profn, linter any time. 4 W. J. ELLIOTT, RdIAIOIRAL 6 ox t l eb Pins Tint Pool' gives the news. Witooeuoc cough is in fashion, Kest' those bicycles off the sidewalks, the road is four rods wide aud the side- walk is made to walk on, Sunday, May 29111, wtll•be observed as Canadine Go.to•Subday Sebool 1)ay. Will you heartily support the plan.?, Wingham 'District meeting will be held. in Lucknow Methodistchurch on 'Tuesday and Wednesday, May 17 and 38, We all know you can run a car, and have a cut-out, and can make a lot of noise, so try and see how smooth you can manipulate your auto through our main streets. Dr, Hamilton wag appointed Treasur- er of the Methodist church, Brussels, as 100000SOr to P. H. Gilroy removed, A. E, Hersey will succeed it, Leatherdale, who is also leaving town, as Treasurer of the Cemetery Board. HARES and rabbits have beentaken int of the Game and Fisheries Act, by the fish and garne committee of the e•i•lat a of Ontario,and hereafter they may be trapped, illed or sold all the year round. $oMa THINGS YOU SHOULD Boost Brussels. Push for Hydro. r Keep the halt holiday Clean up your premises. d �' Thursday the011 sof May, Jdne, July, August and September, sante as last year. People are naked to kindly arrange their bueineee with dein fact in view, 4' 4• e• F. H. Gilroy, D. 0. Ross, .;, Seeeetauy, titan, + 4. , 1 13113101339-±tl l'lla' i�aeU, - t• 4.4.+444.4.4..1.4.444.+4444++++ .'l tW' P l QuitborrowingTits Pon% aupport the athletic clubs. Attend church and Sunday School. London Methodist 'Conference will tweet this year in Askin street church, Londua,- May 31 -Jena 7. Delegates will be billeted in private homes for bed and breakfast, free of charge. Ladies' 1 serve dinner and supper in Aid d s dinner P P Lecture room dela church ates to be g admitted bycard received when regis- tratton is made. Refund ,of railway tares will be.made as in past years. A North Battletord paper says of a former Brusselite ;—"Jack Mooney, de- partmental merebaut, Spruce Lake, was in the city during the first part of the week. With him came, as far as Meota, his sou "Mac" who will attend school in the village. Mr. Mooney is doing well in business at the end of the steel, "Jack" knows the country like a book and more than that has faith in its pos. sibilities." Mrs. Mooney was Miss Myrtle McDonald, formerly of Cron - brook, Ont., before ber marrigge. Both Mr. and Mrs. Mooney are well remem- bered in this locality. SUMMER SCHOOLS AND CAMPS.—A Co- operation camp for teen age girls is an- nounced for Grimsby for July end to Lath ; a co-operation camp for girl lead- ers to 2 1d. ars at Port Bruce July. 3 Nor older boys 17 years or over there is the co•operatton camp at Goderich July 4 to 13. The Presbyterian 'Summer schools will be held at Alma Ladies' College, St. Thomas, July Goth to o 7,tb and at Agricultural College, Guelph, July 25th to August s, for young people, teachers and leaders. The Methodist Summer school for the district, as al- ready announced, will be held in Gode- ricb July, the i8tu to 25th. RR entaseA'rION.—The Ontario Gov- ernment has a commendable scheme for providing future generations with tim- ber, It is prepared to co-operate with townstiip Councils in creating new woods. If the township will provide the laud the government will plant it with sorest trees and take care of it in the early days of growth. 1t requires that she land should not he less than five ecres ,in extent and be located on a well travelled road,' A five acre bush is not a forest, but with five acres of good hush in every township the province would have a fairly largesupply of tim- her and what is better, a beginntog will have been made in scientific returesta- tion. Townships should lump at the chance. All they are called upon to du 3s provide the land. Fon ,sty BaU, s3LITR —James Dunfoid, wuo sold out ale furniture aid unuot tett- tug bustuess iu(Anton soiee time ago, 1las become a director In the Home Bur- ial Co„ Ltd.,'Toiooto, and goes dowd to the filly to take charge of the office. Company consists of President Mann. Vice -President ()olds, Secretary Con- nors, Treasurer Hainwell, and Direct - ere Duoford, Cove and Davies. 4 of -the men are undertakers. They intend hav- ing a home where funerals- will be con- ducted, in case 0f death in apartments where it would be inconvenient aud in some cases impossible, to bevc a funeral from. They will be located at 8486 Avenue Road bttt it is their intention to open other branches in different parts of the city later, Mr. Duntord will have charge of the oli'tee aud E. Dunford will he associated with his father, Mr. Dob - ford shipped his stuff to the city last week and be aud Mrs. Dunford went his week. Old friends wish them pros- perity in their new home, Mr. Ddoford is ti brother to E. C. Dunford, of Brus- sels and was a former townsman. '1`h4 Hattiilton and London Synod of the Presbyterian elifireh, at the opening session lu St, Andrew Church, Chat. ham, Monday of last week elected Rev, S. A. Carrier, of Greed 13eud, Huron Cutlets', Moderator to succeed Rev, Pr. Drumruoud, Hamilton. 'elhe uew Mod• rector was uclninaled by Rev, Neil Leckie of the Hamilton Presbytery, and Dr, Fletcher of Huron Presbytery. 1,ev, Nermau Lindsey, Dover Centro, Mathew Presbytery, was the eulY other nominee, Rev, Pr, Campbell Molgaa. preached theopening sermon, '(`here were' 10 the eeighborhoott of quo (Weget- ee in attendauec. Ethel Mise Jean McKay has token a pori- tion with Halls & Son, There is some talk of organizing a Junior Institute here. We would like all the gi'rla to attend the next meet• ing of the Woman's Institutewhich will he the annual meeting and will be May 19th, LaetThuisday the annual election of officers of Sunday School and Ep- worth League was held, The forme(' are :—Supt„ Andrew McKee ; Asst., Robs. McKay; and M. 5. Slemmon ; Secretary, Quest Dobson.; Treasurer, Mise Ella Pearson ; Organist, Mise Pearl Dobson ; Asst. Organist, Mimi Leila Vodden.; Peperarien, George McKee, League officers are ;—Pres„ Oeoil Bateman ; let Vice Pres., M. 5, Slemmon ; 2nd Vice,'' Miss Elle, Pear. son; 3rd Vice, Miss Pearl Dobson ; 4th Vice, Quest Dobson ; Secretary, Mies Mae Vodden Cor. -Sec., Miss Myrtle McKee ; Organist, Mise Ruby Cleaver ; Asst. -Organist, Myrtle Mc- Kee. Seaforth Seaforth News says ;—W, H. and Mrs. Willis, Wingham, spent the week end at the home of hie mother, Airs. Robb.Mr. iilis. Willi acted W s as organist on Sunday. The Seattle Poet -Intelligences' of April. 18th, gives an account of an auto accident in which Lawrence Murphy was killed and his wife prob- ably fatally •injur'ed. The late Mr, a Murphy was ormer citizeo of Sea - forth and brother of . the late Doan Murphy, of St. Oolumban. Re was to the grocery business in Seattle. G. T. R. TRAIN TIME CHANGES._. Following changes went into force on Monday on the local line of the G. T. R. Morning train will arrive 4 min- utes earlier—at 6 46 instead of 6,50— and will be a through train to Toronto arriving there at 0.15 Eveningtr in will leave Torontoat 6.10 and arrive here at 9.45, instead ofAccord- ing to present 11.05 nt information, while the service will be better to Toronto than formerly, it will not be as good to. Hamilton and points South. 11', S. Savauge read the financial statement Sunday in the Methodist church. Closing year has been a very successful' one and moat satisfactory from every standpoint. The indebted- ness has been met in full, as well as au overdraft of $200. By contribntious $6,700 was raised during the year and proapecte for (hie year are brighter than ever. Itis proposed to increase contributions to current expenses by Hardwood Slabs Parties wanting .Slabs kindly place ordersers at once as they will be de- livered in rotation of or- de.r, Phone 86 Amant Bros. ASTHMA USE - RAZ -MAN NO Smoking—No Spraying--NoSadf Just Swallow a a RAZ -MAH Is Guarantssd to restore normal breathing, atop mama gatheetnga in the bronchial tubes, ll� long nights of quiet sleep; contais me habit-forming arug. $L00 at your TBt's. Trial free at onragencies or empleton, 142 King W., Toronto. Local Agent - James Fox OWE$VER LIFETO "FRUIT -A -JIVES" /After Years of Suffering with Dos pepsia, this Fruit Medicine Gave Retie M AE ANTOiNETTE BOUCHER 537 Dorton 31., Montreal. "I am writing to tel ''you that I owe my life to Frait•a-;ices' for this remedy. relieved me when I had abandoned all hope of everrecovering my health. I suffered terribly with Dyspepsia. I had it for years and all the medicines I took, did not do me any good. I read something about `Fruit-a- tives' being good for all Stomach Troubles and Disorders of Digestion so I tried them. After finishing a relieved of the It.ase3Kire1 fesboxes, Y re Dyspepsia and my general health was restored. I thank the great fruit medicine, 'Fruit-a-tives', for this wonderful relief." Mlle ANT08NMT,E BOUCHER. 50c. a box, 6 for $2.50,ttial size 25e. At all dealers or sent postpaid by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa, Oat. one-third'in the coming" year to pro- vide a sinking fund of $900 for neces- sary Te cue and a new organ, ljftently there wits t large ttiriiottt to bid hlrn farewell prior to hie de astute for New Weettniitieter, where he and Mee. Minoan will reside, Chief arrlottg hie beehives AMAvi.tiee there were the deper•tinental stare of the P. O, Duncan pa y, and e . can liolor Cotnpnuy, the latter of whisk le carded on under the active ntauagetuetit of his eon, Stanley, Mr, Duncan wen a charter member of RA.' even Masotti() Lodge, and for years Juts held nfilee as tyles, Oranbrook 141ifvart'0(1 Sun says 1—The iranet'er Committee of the alalma iet 011 tech of Oanada (net et Toronto on Tuesday of last week to consider' the applies' tions of many rninistere far changes in their pastorate. About70 tranefere were authorized, among them being that of Rev, J. 8'. Knight, of Myer - ton, to Wesley Chinch, Calgary,, While Wesley Chutch is considered 21101 church in Oslgery, it le really the reefdentiel church of the city, Th3rough Mr, Knight's acceptance hie paetcrrttc here will terminate at the end of June, Grey Tao POST gives the news, Have you made your entry for the Field Crop Competition in 'conueelion with East Heron. Agricultural Socie- tyJatne Botz, of Kelfield, Sask., form- erly of 11319 township, bee bought a house on South street, Godet•ich, horn George Mc0reath, The price was $8,800. Atwood The work of paving the main street will commence next week. Chas.` Lucas has been awarded the mail contract for Rural route No. 8, Atwood. Mr. Gilchrist has had charge of this route for the past 8 years. Jas, Nicholson has completed his portable house and has placed it and his,new dredge on the Shearer drain which he has the contract for cleaning it out. Between sunset and sunrise Mon- day night some person or persons entered the station by means that are unknown and without authority or signing up, carefully took away 8 cases of 8 PRESENTATION TO FOR6iER ELMA BOY.—Au old-timer of-Eetevau, Sask., ex -Mayor P. 0. Duncan, was giver, a sedd off celebration recently; by the citizens of Estevan in the club rooms of the Great War Veterans. A pre- sentation was made of a gold treaded, solid ebony walking stick, suitably engraved_; the chairman of the com- mittee, D. Ballantyne, making the presentation. Mr. Duncan has lived there for 29 years, served as mayor for several terms, and ,was a member of Estevau's first School Board, conme- A COMPLETE ELECTRIC PLANT FOR THE FARM Do you want things more handy around the house and barn? Fut in Delco Light. It furnishes electric power for operating light machin- ery. It furnishes electric lights for the house and barn, It pumps and forces the water to wherever you want it, and does other useful work. Write for Catalog H. G Darroch District Agent, Listowel There's a Satisfied User Near You THE* USEFUL STORAGE BATTERY With the corning of electricity to the farm the farmer has become in- terested in the storage battery, a piece of electrical equipment which has undergone very extensive develop- ment in the last ttvo years. A. good many yearn ago engineers saw that some way wnuld'have to be developed to atone electrical energy generated by mechanical devices such as the electric generator. This neces- sity arose from the fact that there were various classes of electrical ser- vice which demanded the production of current in oonperatively email atuounts for intermittent use. One of the best examples of euch intermittent use is the electric' service demanded by the farm home. Lights are of amuse used principally at night, but there are many tithes daring the day when electric light is wanted for a few 'routes and there are many m e e !y toore cn a tithes when electric em•rent is wanted for theopet'atioi of powerapplanees, such as pantops, van= sweepers, washing machines, nhurns, ,eta, .If this electric eine ans had to be g oner- aced for etich of these uses by going and 'starting all engine and generator' it would obviously be very iuconyen.. lent, In Order to have currant avail. abllb at any tittle whether the gener tt. Morrill LATE MRS, THOS. BRYDGE6.—One by one the pioneers are passing to their reward. On Tuesday 26th ult , Sarah McCallum, relict of the late Thomas Bridges, was called Home. Shend resided w was a yerre on the farm on which she died, 4111 Con. of Morris for the past 65 years Togethee with her husband who pre- deceased her 10 years ago, she endue - ed all the hardships of pioneer life. A kind and sympathetic athetic ma Cher , neighbor and friend was Mrs. Brydgee, always ready to lend a help- ing hand to any who were in trouble. She is survived by 4 sons viz :—Abe Jerry, Arch. and J. T., all of Mortis, and 4 daughters, Mrs. Tucker, Dur- ham ; Mrs, Brandon, Hayfield.; Mrs. Graeby, Morris and Mre. Shoebottorn, Wawanosh. The funeral was held to Brandon cemetery, Thursday after- noon, Gerrity Our newspaper is holidaying this •week. Mre. G. W. Walker, who has been on the sick list is improving we are glad to say. W. H. and Mrs. Smith and Mrs. George Leech Toronto, were guests of Mrs, James Leech. Miss Pearl King, the efficient opera- tor at Central, was off work because of blood -poisoning in her finger. A much beloved and highly esteem- ed citizen passed away Sunday, April 17th in the person of Mre. James Hooey, in her 78rd year, leaving to mourn her departure, a eon and 6 daughters, her husband having pre -de- ceased her. Har kind, loving and self- eacrificing disposition won her many friends. or is running or nob the storage bat- tery is used, The storage battery is simply an electro-013emttal machine consisting of a number of jars filled with a chemical mixture called elec- trolyte,in which are suspended lead plates. When current is sent thlnngh this battery by the;generator a chenti- cal't•eacti0n takes place which stores electrical energy in the battery. When enrrea1 is wanted for the burn- ing of a light or the running of a motor, the storage battery supplies it, releasing the electrical energy stored in it while the generator was running. In his Na it is necessary only to run t y y y the generatingunit forr a 1151•131 light- ing ht- ing plant two or three tittles a week, at which times it may run for an hour or so. This combination of generating un- it, consisting of a kerosene engine and generator, with the storage battery possibler } fart r Drakes it for the farmer and his family to have electric service in his ho=ne to; anluplete and as conven- ient as that given to the city dwellers by tt central rawer station, and both the gonelvtting sults and the storage batter les have in the last few years been developed to such a high point of efficiency that they d!'livet this el- ectric service at it very law cost and. With 1110 grentee1 of dependability, Wingham JOHN MIIL'yS Y DECEASED.—The people of Wingham district were shocked on Sunday 24th ult., when they heard the news of the Budden death of John Mulvey aged 53 years, a well known and highly esteemed resident of Turnberry. Mr. Mulvey had been ill only a few days and was brought to Wingham on Saturday and an operation was performed for appendicitis with a hope of giving re- lief but he passed away at the hospi- tal early Sunday morning. Deceased was a son of the late James Mulvey, who was one of the pioneers of the Belmore district. When the late James Mulvey, moved to Wingham some years ago, the subject of this sketch took over the homestead in Turnberry, near Belmore. Mr. Mul- vey was a public spirited man and took an active interest in public af- Pasture m Rent Cattle taken by the month for the season. Plenty of water and shade. A run of 400 acres, For further particulars apply to the uodereigned. Have a quantity of first-class Timothy Seed for sale. P. Ament Phone 16 BRUSSELS eeeeeseeeeeetesseeeseeeteeae Special Prices on • p Clover& Timothy Seed s YOU can also slake beautiful light cakes and bread of wonderful whiteness and flavor with Cream of the West Flour. • Maple Leaf Milling Co., Limited Tomato, Wioalyeg, etraudoa. Halifax •••••••••••••404144,404444440.4 0064004-0-4'4 • • • Seeing • • o Shorts• $2 00 i e Bran 2 10 0 e Linseed Meal 3 75 0 o Low Grade Flour 2 75 m Royal Household s Flour 5 80 e L. Oatmealper • e cwt, 3 75 � o • S g Wa J, McCracken • • •• Phone 43 •• • • •••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • 1s •■ A n • • Believing • • • e •• • ♦ r• •rI"8P0034 ' 3(.,rh 0 See F ✓' tJ 4 ii Hence You Eve Geit of This is Accomplished with our New Gasoline Pimp VISIBLE MEASURE GUARANTEED CORRECT Cunningham's 13 Service Station FO R Ohevrolet Gray -Dort McLaughlin Repairs erg All Makes of 4"51 4 E. C. CUNNINGHAM Proprietor. 00 l 4 •f.••N......• ••••o•s•o••e •....$<.••♦.••.•6••••90oea4" In order to get the Milos out of Gasoline First Get the Gallon. fairs. He served as Councillor and Reeve in Turnberry township council, be ionMethodist and in was religion e In e t g politics a Conservative. Be was a member of the Canadian Order of Foresters and Orange Order. Mr. Mulvey was a good type of citizen and his sudden passing is deeply re- gretted. He is survived by hie Baby Chicks —and— Hatching Eggs Off my Bred-tn-lay strain of S. C. R. I. Reds. They stand up with the best of them when put to the supreme tests of the Laying Con- test. Eggs $1.00 per setting, Chicks 300 each. Book order early and not be disappointed. J No. T, DUNCAN Phone 7x Brussels widow, 4 sons and a daughter as well as his aged mother, stet ,t .d broth- er. To the bereaved will he exter[d, d n- h tt n the sincere sympathy tiro triunity. The funeral w • held •,11 Thursday afternnan to Wingham cemetery. Hatchiag 3 Barred Rocks 1 -year-old 0. A. C. Strain S. O. White Legilborfis Barron Strain Let me supply yout 10c above Market Prices. Now is the time to get rid at' yoor mongrels. Everett H©cvor5 Phone 25111 flet -, R. R. 8 =r.1.0101,11 FORDSON TRACTOR Power Farming These are the days of PROGRESS, and Power on the 1,33.3x, _ a. necessity. A Fordson Tractor means more prosperity for the wpm. ' Prosperity meansincreased induction, the salving that comet:en from the use of a machine instead of horses ; the release of 003113' tired - gory for both man and wife, The Fordson Tractor is simple in design and sturdily cotetrltM.ctl o ever' of the. best known steel. It has the necessary power toperform e y task an ordinary farmer has to do, and in addition is exceptionally economical to oper te. Call at D. at, Scott's Garage for further particulars. ger-We have a number of second -band Fords for sale. D. M. SCOTT, Brussehe AUTHORIZED FOif,D DEALER