The Brussels Post, 1921-2-17, Page 4i r asocl 'Post
dIl L i
lP3RTARX 17, IiNt
Ptuoi "Aeco0ota for Qnta•tu show a
tcda t.m mttl aidollars far pa t yr
r s
1)0 ,1nei{.
1ltSUNtol7 Cabinet-nliacyes are tient
tit Mind ran politicians predict, with the
possibility of a forced glitei'al electlou.
lduvait DE Commons convened on
Monday. Wonder if the members will
Work-oa the Dtvlight Sitting principle
or just bump along on a bare half day
system ?
$fiovI4CIAL Horticultural Convention
is after the big seller of bogus nursery
Wolk. bulb., &c , and asks the govern
meat to "whack it to them." 'Phis is
along the proper lice and will make the
greedy dealer take notice.
MD the "machine" in West Peter -
hero" elip a c, g se +ender. The crack
of the p sty le h r :: to ...tiger any terror
for tiny en b 1 pe L. nner es In days
gone hi. It ie Doe of the signs of the
times and the parties who used
to count no es pr'or to election day will
likely have a chance to revise their
figures the dey after the voting.
Hoy. bra Roeeo, Miuister of Labor, I
in the Diury Cabinet-, is credited with
saying that the broadenlug out idea ot
the Premier would be most iikely to end
in 11 itteu&ng out. Hon. Drury thinks
the taller will eventuate if they don't do
the former. Se we supp,ie it is a ques-
tion tit d)(Ot) d ff-ring, Time will
prove which has. the ro cert idea.
Snto'rs has won in South Africa and
the secessionists have been thwarted in
their dent:e to raise a ruction with Great 1
Britian. 1' was a good move when John
f0ult decided not to exact the last pound
tit flesh from South African leaders ot
the rebellion. The policy of exaction
often falls short of its mark but in some
cares full Justice must be demanded as
leniency would be called weakness.
'Cesxmuch vexed question of "mixed
marriages" has bad 'a pronouncement
from tate Privy Council which rather
gives:, back eye In any divine right to
perform the ceremony. Finding is
that a Protestant clergyman eau legally
solemn'z: marriages between Protest-
ant and Roman Catholic and that the
authority has nothing whatever to do
with the rel:giaue beliet of those inter-
Some self-addressed envelopes with
"Burwash Farm" on them should be
passed over to the impudent young
gents wiio snatch purses and waylay
those unable to defend themselves, rath-
er than earn an honest living by honest
labor. Good advice and sugar coated
st-nff may be alt right to feed people on
who make blunders but the fellows who
go round with bludgeons will under-
stand a eat-and•g-tails better.
WE like the vim of Thos. A. Edison,
the well known electric wizard, who
reached his 74'h birthday las: week,
When asked if he did not intend to re-
tire f,om his activities said he purposed
gritting when the doctors gave him op.
We guess the o'd saying "A person is
just a; old as tb ey feel" bas something
in it all right. Some people are old at
40 and others are quiteyouag at 8o, even
if the body may sometimes have a job
to keep tip WI Lb the spirit. Keep busy
and keep young.
IF the blue ruinites could have a puck-
trine string put round their necks and
pulled tight enough to make them gasp
when they are everlastingly talking of
"insurrection likely to hreak out in
India" aid "India was galling under
British rule, &c,." one big cause for the
creation of a good share of the uorest
wouel bo removers, Somebatly, with a
little hammer, should be engaged to
tour the world and smash the blue
goggles worn by scores of folk. The
Priuce of Wales would do more good in
India in 54 hours than the calamity
howtets in moo years. Throw away
your blue spex end smile.
AJ.r speechifying done by M. P.
P.'s. who are evidently playing for the
liquor vote, will never alter the
common sense truth "Whosoever is de-
ceived thereby is not wise." The traffic
is a killer to trade and commerce, to
morality and good citizenship` vend the
man who argues for a return of old con-
e duions is nu enemy to the home anal
country. Some fellows get up on the
house top and cry, "0 f look at the rum -
running and violations of law 1" Well
look at them. Who are the violators
not the temperance people but the very
crowd' that is hacking the gang now cry-
ing about the "coercion" and "cutting
off the poor niau's beer," Iva no credit,
in ,this loth century, to any constltu-
envy to Neve a member who is not wean-
ed subbing for tire bottle, and the elect-
ors •ehotild say, g0 very pronouneedly 1
Total Prohibition is the ultimate cure .
and the sonnet tate lovers of the cause '
stiffen their backbone fntheir demand
the better for the Tontiuion of Canada,
IS Tenor' le then pin4sed• at the eta$
tImi tic t
hiiikdisplayed by
t the'
qua, ' to tuudC
e•1 I tit r
h 9 7t8 n all.
r d s
County town rand it Weald be a good
prig!;, we believe, if Brussels and ether
t i.vas aid yttaeee t »e <i letf from theft
bulk Notwithstanding neatly
a rebuff.
trial shot"ff ilero:i's tap tat froln
lievrng a ltl a i'trnwn transition tato a
full fledged city, the pet,p'e ereitietie tet
""saw wtttl" apd tleYetva to Will,
just now it is a Flax harvester they nre.
pdabing, and we hop•- it end o'b r em,
tart,otic euterprets will brat buil as web
as blossoms, What ab •ot lieu s.,k get.
ting a move on ?
Campaign Against Scrub bulls
A. G. Fernery, .0f Qakville, County
director of the U. F. 0. in Balton, at-
tended a meeting In the office of the
Department of AgtleuIi010, Clinton
Inc the purpose of nrgauizieg South.
Guyon in s canpajgn egtihtet. scrub
and grade bulls, Committees were,
appointed in melt of 1110 five town-
ships and meetings ttre Joel lig arranged
for the netts fetus a if (1. Pi eke,.
Belgrave, 1'tr, 0nitwit, Heaton h, turd
0. F. McKenzie B, H. A , Cetkvillr,
were present and urn to take an active
part in the campaign. Alessts. Black
and Procter are County ditectore of
tJiaIf. Ir. Q. In this Comity, It le.
hop)(1 fn hate the, Mouth !tiding
4' I..1 � ani. 5'
h u ,ciut.lullest th
Ulfq U u tt
01ltd. %till Ata Illgtht wt 1116 olhtrt tri 1•
Inge lu the Cyan ty.
Last year there were 2,$71,00
poundof butter produced Il 1rineo fd
ward Island, havng a value of $1,000,-
000. Sixty-five per cent of illi; )utter
was sold In Newfoundland,
Neuritis, Sciatica, Neuralgia.
Have brought good
health to half-aemi.ddon
A healthful, money-savlagremedy, .
well known for fifteen years, pre-
scribed by doctors, sold by drug-
gists, $1.00 a box, Ask our agents
or write for a free trial package.
Templetons,142 1Cing W., Toronto
Loons Agent - Aimee Fox
404+1+144444400 '"4"t"r„r"ra4 1141st r+44 tt*tfit ititt4r41ro.o4+++4 r* +00
ioing Dut
iGiving Up
1 hereby olret' for sale at picots
that, will suit all, my ±
stock of e-
- Men's fleece Underwear
Boys' !!secs Underwear
Men's Work Shirts and Socks
Men's and Women's Shoes
Flannelette White and Striped
Men's Overalls
Sale to
commenceFeb, 0th'
+ Te "t s—Cash ot Eggs.
"1" t u lIt
H. L. Stewart
++.4-++++++++++++++ ++++++++
Am offering for the next 3 +
weeks a large quantity of +
a 'f•
AT 008T.
Other goods at Greatly
Reduced Prices to clear. +
+ 4.—$.+ ,+✓,•A++++.t.+,b,'
NIT by unit, and feature by feat-
ure, a comparison shows the Gray -
Dort to be bigger or stronger or better
than other light cars. The motor is
bigger, with cooling system to snatch;
40 -pound crankshaft; three-ring pistons;
Westinghouse starting and lighting;
big axles; long springs; deep uphol-
stery; hand -tailored top; side curtains
opening with the doors; Thermoid
brake -linings. Any man who will take the
trouble to measure and weigh and test the
units of light cars will be able to see and feel
the value which is in the Gray -Dort.
This value has made sales so rapid that
you should see the Gray -Dort dealer at once to
be sure of securing your car.
Brussels, Ont.
For ilale or Ran
n +d
td 1r
dfelle l y new . ten norm OI o a
cropping coma.
„ u i or 1
• as 1 1 1 good I g
iraglloa li w. 6 „
flea, being hot 80, Can. B, 1 t :Minn et ye,
Aply0B1S0l1ON label P.
matter of tho catato of Btlx1Reth
A. Procter, late of the V,liap'o of
Prdettehr Jo the County of Huron,
Widow, docoapod.
vfaedlitetntesof Obntario ithatnall'o "The Re.
and others having 0111 08 against the estate of
thesaid Elizabeth A. Proeler, wha° died on er
oboist the 2Qth day of danoary, A. D. 1031. are
required on or berere the 20h day of Feb.
reary, A. D.1021, to send by peat prepaid. qr
deliver to arm Thaell Brussels 1;. p., the He.
catch Short Horne
.r H t Bela a rale, finnt . Short .11.0rii u for (. GDta G7
t,•r taw hl
.and .Uoi, l 8 1
fart , y
tiMI '
AMOa til
Phone blaleeweI'th 10, 11.2, Miaowed,
Angus Fur is for Safe
A tear eltoloo Angus Balla for aelc from 0 to
10 menthe old 11 lo ed le sell. t'nll and deo
them. 0 M, I.UA1tDIFr,
_. Phoao d:8 1.o1111, Can 10, Grey.
For Sale
n n n
rya h e 1101140ood 1OPO MOM wt loft Is a Dour
at epee. hoose lilidProperty
10 01 stable, koef Orem at Dano Property )ognta4 in Village of (!run•
router of the last will .and 100011tent or anld toot, iatolly owned hw blrs+ 05.11rpwu,
deemed, their Christian and surnames, 111' further,s, t aaeu•i eau v to
I ulars o
full t
their 0101 5 de,erie, 1 statement o a .
x • •Dante
andrhenat the thsect its hats accounts
and the astute ot the securities (1C aur) hold
by theta,
And fucker take notice that titter snob last
mentioned dote the said Exeontoc w111
to nitrite the110565(0Ale of thedeemed
among the nitrites1018entitled1theretoe shall tving re-
bmudevo only to the d the e s which ec shall swan
have notice', rand the raid Executor will
not be liable for the said assets or any part
thereof to any porspn or persona of whose
claim notice shall not have been received by
hint at the time of ranch distribution,
Dated this 0th dayof February, A. D.1021.
80,8 Exeoalor of the estate.
Bottled Tenders, addressed to the Postmaster
General, will be received at Ottawa until noon,
on Friday, the 4th March. 1021, for rho convey
once or His Majesty's Mails, en a proposed Con,
tract for four years, six times per week, over
Brussels No. 8 Rural Mail Route, from the
Postmaster General's Pleasure.
Printed notices containing further informs- 1
(Ion as may be neem conditions
blank formsouf sTeControct
nder may
be obtained at the Post Offices of Brussels,
Watton, Belgrave, Bluevale, Ethel and at the
oillee of the Post Office Inspector.
Yost office Inspector's Office, London, Ont., i
21st Jan., 1021.
82.8 Post Office Inspector.
.-.- a1liF1.'P- CAMERON,
a• W4 CA AMEltI 2i,,
1Bxee dovd, Urnnbrook.
Bull for Service
The undersigned will keep for service, on 83.4
Lot 80, Con: 2, Morrie township, the thoro',.brect
Short, ktcrn .130, Gainford of. Salem, No,
80418:= 1lred byGainford Marquis (t100800) ;
Dmn Mildred VII by Royal Bailor (110080), Bed•
agree may beseen on applieattan. Terme-
010 00 for plaro'-brede payable et time of ser.
vice with privilege to return. Grade cows not
Bush for Sale
Standing bash, consisting of soft maple, ash
and blrob for sale, Lot 1, Con, 0, grey town -
iship, will be sold by the. mire. For further
particulars see the undersigned,
'1'110'1 PIERCE,
Phone 6810 Nortlt (:Trevor Road,
The Hill View Farm
Breeder of Large. English Berkshires
Young stook for. Bale, either
For further particulars write or phone.
BreeseleCentral— Walton P. 0.
Phone 8010 R. ti. 8
4+tlt+•4•e lefiei+ 4+•+.44++4-e+4.+4444—eeefe4 ++++++•t•G+$ 4.4.4o+Oe
The Seaforth Creamery
Bream Wante
Send your Cream to the Creamery thoroughly
established and that gives you Prompt Service and
Satisfactory Results.
We solicit your patronage knowing that we can
give you thorough satisfaction.
We will gather your Cream, weigh, sample and teat
• it honestly, using the scale test to weigh Cream sam-
pies and pay you the highest market prices every two
weeks. Cheques payable at par at Bank of Nova Scotia.
For further particulars see our Agent, MR. T. C.
McCALL, Phone 2310, Brussels, or write to
• The Seaforth Creamery Co.
•I-x444.4+oi•R3•4,;"P•PFO1+4.04?•441?-3+4*•i10+e,'•e+fl?1,';', o i,444.44,1;
Cream Wanted
Ship your Cream
Direct to the
Brussels Creamery
Prompt Service Satisfactt, ry Rett rem
We furnish you with Cans and Pay all Ex•
press Charges. Issue Cheques for tl:e pay-
ment of your Cream twice each month, pay•
able at par at your Bank.
Give' the Brussels Factory one trial a nd
will not want to discontinue.
Brussels Crmry stuPiurt
••••••••••••••••••G,•••••4D••.• •••h•••,, n•m40sb4 i?!•"!•,'.Viae
Students May Enter Any. Throe
• We give thorough Courses ; have Experienced Instructors
• who give individual Rtteution to pupils. Our graduates. are
i meeting with success. We are training Soldiers under"
Soldiers' Civil Ile-establ aliment CoLlmission.
e Address tho Oollotro for Fro° Oatal0gUo1 to olthor
s Stratford or Wirigharit
I o K"ii••N1$ $$4.•••••••0044 4 e444i4AA4.94440!* ?x?0#4####k