The Brussels Post, 1928-12-19, Page 8WEDNESDAY, DEC. 19th, 1928. vilegalieteLewd"ti etelett tc tQigt4t ,letetP,,tF,tatenetsrelCaCtet6tet;sMatetaNtateatniatatatetatelVele a ICHRIyGT 's Ia Urge Holiday Display y Here 1111 'PING 111HE CHRISTMAS SEASON affords our d customers an opportunity to see and inspect the large variety and quality of merchandise we carry suitable for Gifts at this season. You will find here things which you might expect to find only in the larger centres. Some of the KODAKS • SNAPS SHOT ALBUMS �d LEATHER HAND BAGS and SHOPPING BAGS LEATHER NOVELTIES SUCH as KEY RETAINERS BILL FOLDS • SHOPPING LISTS • COAT HANGERS &c. 4o GIFT CASES OF TOILET PREPARATIONS These are becoming more popular every year, and there are some beautiful combina- tion packages this time. LIMOGES CHINA FANCY CHINA PERFUMES WORK BASKETS FLASH LIGHTS TOILET PIECES IN PEARL, AMBER, IVORY TORTOISE SHELL and EBONY many Lines are CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS HOLLY BOXES CHRISTMAS CARDS CHRISTMAS TAGS AND SEALS WHITE & COLORED TISSUE PAPER RIBBOZENE & TINSEL CORD BOXED STATIONERY CORRESPONDENCE CARDS FOUNTAN PEN & PENCIL SETTS MUSIC CASES MOUTH ORGANS SERVING TRAYS FRESH CHRISTMAS BOXES OF CHOCOLATES DUTCH SILVER CANDLE— STICKS AND OTHER PIECES FANCY COLORED CANDLES NEW BOOKS REPRINTS BIBLES & HYMN BOOKS For the Children Boys' Books, Girls' hooks, Annuals—Chatterbox, Chums, Girls' Own Annual, Boys' Own Annual, Picture Books, Blocks, Games, Toys, Dolls, Doll Car- riages, Kiddie Kars, and numerous other lines. F. R. SMITH Brussels United Church REV. A. W, BARKER. 8. D. MINISTER Sunday, Dec. 23rd Christmas Services 11 a.m,—Public Worship. Subject : "The Lamps of Gold" Duet—"Hark, Hark, My Soul," Nevin Sok—"The Gift' Clunr—"O, Little Town of Bethlehem" —Wilson 3 p.m.—Sunday School and Bible Classes. 7 p.m.—Public Worship. Theme : "The Pilgrim's Star" Choir—"Ilii Song and The Star' i —Gabriel 11 "From Lands Afar"—Holton Male Voices, LOST Between Wingham and Ethel, on Sunday, one tire chain, new, oeWll finder please notify Geo. gA. Dunbar, Ethel. 274 IA STRAYED From the Undersigned, 2 colt:, one sorrel and bay. Any information thankfully received. Baxter Stevenson, Phone 42-26. 27-1. a A Go '�' �5 jtp\ :� Store Druggist and stationer "a h,3d-oinm:..,.:io.a, , .G.�Jm _,u•o.e�'1.ua..,v.cru'!�(o,�J%eu9,titn- ,a<olY�e.vlo. -, ,-a�teed`doP t :o,�'•.,,-y-y Local News Items 1 Will Held Dance, Not So Good This year. A Dane•.. will he held in the Tewa When Tax Collector McDowell de a Hall on Friday evening, Dec, 28th. closed his hook: on Friday evening poultry man n of Brussels, made 11•ist he found that nearly 8700 was big sweep of prizes at the Winter Brussels Nominations. , st'ii unpaid as compared with some 1.(,r at Guelph last week, and if he �. nr ripal noai..ation- ::r, , ri will la won one third prize he would dutt'(1 for Monday evening., } ] ] 1 ANYONE Requiring a butcher for pigs or cattle, phone 25-13 Sylv- ester Osborne. 27-1. 10 Pure Bred Yorkshire Pigs for sale, 5 weeks old, W. J. Grant, Phone 226. 27-1 HOUSE FOR SALE—House and lot on Turnberry street. Apply to Miss Mary Davidson, Box 38 Brussels, P.O., or on the premises. 27-tt. STRAW WANTED in exchange for Honey or part pay for. Endless Chain pully, just the thing to pull up your auto for repairs or to save the tires. Gasoline engine 1?z h.p., guaranteed satisfactory. G. A. Deadman. 27-2 10 Head of Durhama rising two years old, good quality, also 7 spring calves, for sale. Jas. Cummings, R. R. 3, Brussels. Phone 4923 or 2626. Real Winter. The snow -man is keeping up the good work and a regular Western snow storm is on the program today (Wednesday) . Look Out For Fake Canvassers, Fake canvassers for newspapers, magazines and periodicals are oper- ating in different parts of the coun- try and one has been arrested in Oshawa. People should be careful when dealing with entire stranger's especially when they are selling magazines or securities. Made a Sweep at Guelph. Walter Rose, the well-known it, I '110 est yeur. ant extra 5 ; his t: 016 a ar c ec to t lose ill lineal}. 81st. :1s to candidates for nett I have taken 1111 the pl'rZe0 lit n :.i,. He made three entries in year'.; council there is much doubt. A Western Blizzard? ch c i r ; and won 10 firsts, 10 I,• .1fte•r an all -day rain on Mandag q.conds and a thirds with his single Installing Two More Pumps. ,',thee changed and the snow- c•wnbe w•]tite I ,•;.]lams bred -to -lay. Chas, Polar r installing two more I Hann ,stinted in agan after a lay off, In the egg class he won 5 firsts, .d Mill pumps at his gasoline statlorn and on Tu,r; rl,5 wurnin n ;r• makin s.„bad:- and 1 third. Mr, Rose t and ,t i'oilnr, and w.,1 alio h,,ry good job of it. Roads were preparing, for a big season next sell the Shell production. I get :o teal that in another day Spring, • Christmas Holidays, yr so it would have stopped the Christmas Warnin The public awl continuation 1 hri toss buyer from motoring into g• school will (dose fru. the Christmas I town, with the mild trcuthe. A warning is issued by the Cana - holidays on Friday of this week, ' Come and see BigSanta Claus Particle di1111 Fire Underwriters' Association Der. 2lst, and will re -open for the to all who have to do with Christ - new term on Thursday, January 2rd. Next Saturday afternoon, D'c. Inas decorations, the advice being 2as • , 2nd, Sardis will pay a visit to follows: Displays of draperies, seen_ Held Dance. j Brussels and a parade will start from cry, artical snow and sueih decora. The dance held at the Town Hall • the Public School at 2.30 headed by tions, and the lighting arrange - last Friday evening was not a very the Mount Forest Pipe Band, and menta in connection -therewith, add successful one and a small crowd - when the Main street is reached, very considerably to the ordinary was present, but some of the knots 1 there will be a big Christmas tree, risks of fire. Should en accident of in the floor was kicked off, so it' decorated with colored lights, and the kind occur in a crowded store or is reported. The Towne Orchestra 1 Santa will distribute gifts to the meeting the rapid spread of fire in from Wroxeter supplied the music. ; children in Brussels, Grey and such inflammable materials would ' Morris, All the pupils both in town be almost certain to occasion a panic Travel Talk. and rural sections are asked to be with risks to life and limb. See that On Thursday evening, Dec. 27th, at the school at 1 o'clock. With inflammable material is clear of and Miss Mabel Zimmer, a former Brus- the very special holiday displays in not hung over heating and lighting sel4te, will give an illustrated travel the stores and windows it will be devices. See that your electric cir- talk, in the Town Hall, under the worth while to come miles to see cults are properly fused and not ov- auspices of Group 3 of the Ladies and shop in Brlssels. The stores are erloaded by the addition of tempor- Aid of the United Church. 87 views now open every-ggvoning from now ary lights. will be shown during the course of ' ,until Christmas, and tree will be Minor Locals. the talk. Ilit up Wednesday evening. The last "awful week. Annual Christmas Concert I A Real Attraction for Christmas. Christmas will soon be here. The Little Stars Mission Band of 1 Practically the same combination Out with the snow shovels again. Melville Church is giving its Annual , that gave the motion picture world Which do you prefer --rain or Christmas Concert in the Lecture ! "It” was broupiht together again to snow? Room of the Church on Thursday ' make the new romantic -comedy "Red Have you got your Christmas evening December 20th at 8 O'clock, I Flair," with Clara Bow as the star, tree yet? An excellent program has poen ; Red Hair," which show at the Council closed up its business on arranged composed of pleasing num- the Grand Theatre next Monday and Saturday. hers by the younger members, and Tuesday (Christmas Day) is taken Come to Brussels on Saturday a Pagacnt entitled, "To A11 People," from the book by Elinor Glyn, the for the Christmas tree. by the older members. A silver of - author of. "It." The adaptation of From the rattle of the coal shutes fering will he taken, the story for the screen was made business in that ]hie must be revived. by Percy Health and Lloyd Cor- 4 Merry Christmas to our Readers. Special Prayers and Sermons Will Ligan, the latter being responsible Municipal elections will be next Be Given for the script of "It," 111111 the con- on the program. In accordance with a decision tenuity is credited to Agnes Leahy. Ontario's proposed 5 cents per reached at the: triennial meeting of Clarence Badger, who clireeed "It" gallon tax on gasoline does not ap- General Council in Winnipeg last 41110 who is known as one of Para- ply to fuel for airplanes. Owners of fall, on Sunday, December 22, the mount's ace directors, was behind other gas consumers Which do not Sabbath day immediately preceding the camera while "Red Hair" was 11011 the roads such as farm tractors, Christmas, is to be observed in all being filmed. Clara Bow is a muni- motorboats, stationery engines, are United Churches a Good Will Sun -cunt in her latest picture, "Red also entitled to rebates. day, according to announcement. Hair," and she manages to carry on For quality and quantity that Details of the arrangements for three flirtations simultaneously, Here Family Herald and Weekly Star, ]narking the occasion have not she depicts the latest methods of Montreal, is the prudent farmer's yet been finally arranged, but "gold-diggers" with all the charm first choice. At $1 a year or throe special prayers and sermons dealing , and personality possible. The happy years for $2 it is a marvel of value, with peace and good will among , ending proves the "digging" process and all members of the family get men and between nations will . be, needy t hamper - an artist when she a wealth of reading of marvelous lectures of the services, i meets something worthwhile; interest. THE BRUSSELS POST 8 # 4` A St g g j g 8with 8' g # SI 4; 1 Ao 8 R g Jit - - regular transact Q i p r nag, -T ��.� sly IN MAKING Bank of an organization cy of its Canada, the mand, `THE OF THE Bank � Collections your collections through The.- of Commerce, you enlist the efforts which extends the effrcien- courteous service into every part of Thus can you be assured of making collections Locally or at distant points, courtesy due those with whom you business and the efficiency you de- CANADIAN BANK COMMERCE11 'th which ,e•arnetyanlelcd STANDARD BANK OF' CANADA Coming To The Grand. Rush Has Started December The Christmas rush haas started > 1 -09 --Kit Carson, at the Post Office, Mail your 24-25—Clara Bow in "Red Hair". , parcels early. 28-29—"The Dove" 31.Jan 1 — ".Something Always Rural School Meetings. Happens" I The annual Rural School meeting:a to elect Trustees is held on Wed. nesday, Dec. 26th. This meeting i; called by Statute. i Mother Passes Away. The auction sale season got away MIs. McGuire is in Wingtham at - in good time this year. tending the funeral of her mother, 1 There's a nip in the air these Mrs. ripe oldnkin, age. who oreapatic awayatat a will morning. The 6th of December was the be given next week, 13th anniversary of the organize- 1 A New Stamp. tion of the 161st battalion. Anew ten -cent postage Orange Grand Lodge of On- tp ge stamp has tario West will meet in Windsor on ! been issued, and is already in use. the second Wednesday in March, i The stamp is oblong', of the sane 1929. Sessions will be held in the 1 size as the larger stamps of the Confederation issue. It is in green coloring and bears an engraving of the well-known painting. "The Ice Crowned Monarch of the Rockies," by the Canadian painter, Frederick M. Bellsntith. Christmas Entertainment. On Tuesday evening 13th irtst, the annual Sunday School Christ Minor Locals. The last month of 1928. Only 4 Shopping days left. Stores are open each evening. Masonic Temple. Passed Away 1n Toronto. After suffering from a stroke for the last two years, Mrs. William Ainlay passed away Saturday morn- ing last at her hone 51 Margueretta Street, Toronto. Deceased was born in Haysville 76 years ago being a daughter of the late Jame. 'Inas program was presented at the Laird. When a young girl the family I moved to Brussels, and on Dec. 1 United Church. The little tots were 12th, 1875, Cytnanthia Jane Laird : delightful, wth their lisping of songs was united in marriage to William I ttnd recitations and their entire lack Anilay, who died 6 years ago, The i of self consciousness. The eontribu- fanmily resided in Brussels until 23 1 tions of the Intermediate grades years ago when they moved to i were also good and showed great Toronto. Deceased is survived by promise of still better later on. Am - her two sons, William L., of Niagara ' ong the senior numbers were, a Men's Falls, and Roy V., of Toronto, who 1 Chorus, and a play by the girls of has cared for his mother through all 1 Mrs. Rose's class. This was an ex - her sickness. The late Mrs. Ainley , ceptionally fine bit of amaturo act - is also survived by her step -mother, 1 ing. An impressive pantomime by Mrs. James Laird in Detroit, and 7 I the young ladies of Mrs. Parker's brothers, S. W. Laird in Lacombe, elass brought this part of the pro - Alta., J. A., of Desbarats, Algoma; 1 grammeto a fitting class. Thn S. H. James, J. W., and Harry all canthe presentation of prizes by of Detroit, and Hilton in St. 1is the Chairman, Rev. A. W. Barker. Thomas; and three sisters, Mrs. I These Included awards to the S.S. Constable, London; bIrs, llcldoo, ,,'•lass memorizing the largest number Detroit; and Mrs. Calder of Beaver - 10f of Scripture verses during the year; ton. A service was held at the . prizes to the three S. S. scholars home in Toronto on Sunday even- attending' the greatest number of ing, and was conducted by Rev, ll, ,.Sunday morning services; three. to Hanna, an old Morris Township, ; the most faithful S. S. attendance, boy, and the body was brought to , and three to the individuals memo - Brussels on Monday for burial. ;A rizing the greatest number of Bible Service cis held in Melville Church i verses. Santa Claus tumbled in at and was this ,point and made all the boys and and the servile wan ro::ciurtll heb. ' 1There was a Christman Rev. Mr. Fowler, panto' of the. .girls happy. church. Interment w•as Mildr in the 1 trey dreorated Wit, ,t contributions sn y family plot in L'rusrel:• cenu';,,l,y.,•members el the school, to The pallbearers were: A.C. Pneker, to meetly children in Hamilton, the L. 1'rkmic:r, J. Wilton, N. F. Gerry, senior classes contributing money. y, J. Olver and K. Ferguson. Among The children were encouraged the relatives who attended the 1 endorse notes with their gifts, thus w; ere her two son; sad 5. ' adding a personal touch. The crow0 1-1. Jl - was an unusirlly large one and very DDe ItJ. W. and , Jan Laird tell of nnprvcintive. Those in chiirge of two daughters,, and rbsJrnet Amisy and Oie program are to be commended Mr and,( ofMHearns and on its successful performance. Mrs. Copland, all of Harristoi. file family feel very grateful to Dr. Wm. Graham. now of 'Toronto, and a former well known doctor in Brussels for his many culls on their mother, during Iter long illness. The bereaved have the symapthy of a large circle of friends in Brussel,. Built on the confidence of rte subscribers, the Fancily Herald and Weekly Star, Montreal, stands su- preme today among farm papers, while its Magazine Section is easilp at the head of the list. Allen's Drug Store As Christmas is now not far off we would suggest the following in helping to solve your Christmas Gifts: "The Warwick" Gift worth while. Each gift daintily boxed for pre- sentation. Booklets are now being mailed. Bay Bream Toiletries We have a complete line of these Toiletries, boxed in Christmas Packages. See the Yardley Old English Lavender Gift Line. Excellent gifts may be secured from these, fancy China New designs are now in stock. Many beautiful pat- terns to choose from. Complete Zine Christmas Booklets, Cards, Seals, Tags, &c. Alien's Drug Store Exclusive Agent for NyaI and Penslar Remedies Druggist and Stationer Successor to James Fox Holiday Hours at P.O. The usual holiday hours will be observed at the Post Office on Christmas day. Season's Warning. In a seasonable letter, the Cana- dian Fire Underwriters' Association remind the town authorities that with the cormtencement of cold weather, lack of attention to fire extinguish- ing apparatus night result in great and unnecessary loss, should fire oc- cur under such circumstances. It is urged that proper precautions be taken to have all fire fighting ap- pliances in order, with special regard to fire hydrants to prevent their freezing and to have them always accessible to the firemen. "Kit Carson" at Grand This Week. Forty years of thrills condensed into loss than two hours of enter- tainment!" It sounds intposible, but Fred Thomson has done it in 11]s new Paramount picture, "Kit Car: on," which opens Friday evening at the Grand 'theatre. Carson engaged in so many Indian fights, (lid so many seemingly impossible feats, traveled so far in hostile territory, that many modern historians have described hint an incrediable. The wildest im- aginings of. a scenario writer could not improve upon the story of the facts, Mr. Thomson selected them and arranged them into a swiftly moving drama of the west that will stand out for some time as one of 'the big achievements of his career as a star. Some of the scutes of the picture were mode on the actual locale of some of Carson's thrilling exploits. All the Indians in the film were familiar with his name and the older ones remembered him as an `1 .mom's w 9. P CJ, C6 Indian agent in his later years. One of the charming romances of the famous scout's career—his courtship and marriage to a beautiful Spanish girl—is threaded into the story. The girl's role is portrayed by Nora Lane, who created something of a sensation in "Jesse James" and "The Pioneer Scout." William Courtright, veteran of 'the stage and screen, furnishes many of the laughs in camp and on the trail' which relieve the tender moments of the story. It is a sweeping drama on a spectacular background of mountain country, It is a real western, but a western with a poignant human story about a man, who was as much of a national hero in his time as Lindbergh is in ours. DID AINLAY.—In Toronto, on Snturdny, Deoom- bar 16th, 1528, (ty Iannthtn ,inns Laird, wife of the late William Ainley, aged iii years and 6 ninths. M I80UN0111 –lis w•„setrr, on December 113111, la a. Milton hidinnti,on, aged 84 years, HIIPMIBR In "atilt Ste llnrle, Mich on Pre. 1011,, 1018, Ada Paulin, wife of John Hupfer, former residents of Wroxeter. Ethel Delco Lighting System for Sale 1150 Watts 1 110 Volta. Almost now, with poles, wire and all equipment Inc farther parlicnlars sooty to nR. A. 18. MOIDIASTRR, Secretary Village Trtp.lee Board, Ethel. Teacher Wanted Teacher wanted for 0.11,5, No, One, Turn - berry. 2n0 Class (1811.01014e. Protestant, Pend ts-timoninis, stating exporienne and sntary expocted� nntlr. eennnenoe January 8rt1, r0?0, A. DOUGLAS. San„ 20.2 Bluevale R, R,1 ur Sincere W tshg' That all may enjoy this ----the Best of all Seasons----"Chrastrnas" KING BROS. Not Many Shopping days left but still there is ample time to make purchases of real- ly fine Gifts from our excellent stock. Something for every member of the family: Coipe in and see our fine dis- play of Christmas Gifts. Open Evenings till 10 o'clock. KING BROS. - WINGHAM 4Ja,46.• 6A5. cWIAA.CJs' olWl• caste J c / `e.9JA.e5614 06-14406aJc �tiJc yiy,