The Brussels Post, 1928-11-7, Page 1r
VOL, 57 NO, 2 i
+ .y
9$2,00 per annum in advance
The Surrounding District
The Box Soda.' of Jamestown on
Whiny night passed Of very MIMS--
folly, every rine apparently having a
pleasant mid enjoyable time. The
program was A 1. Harvey McGee
excelled himself mid was thoroughly
enjoyed. No need of going to the
pity for a. comedian if you can pro-
cure Mr, McGee. Special mention
must be made of ale, Barwick's violin
selections which were very fine, Dug -
al Stem:Ilan sang in his usual good
style touch as always to the enjoy-
ment:of evet pure, Then to the sur-
prise of all peeeent six old 'xipa got
up and sang, Poor old tramps, one
was pretty feeble, shaking badly hut
managed to ping on. Three Ptun pki n
heads sat on the top of the piano and
although remaining inert), smiled their
approval. After all the men had to
call upon the ladies to eccom pun y
them on the piano and diet so nicely
that the men had to confess that it
would have been 8 failure without
['Gordon 'Snell, of Hullett, had his
hand almost severed while operating
a circular saw, The hand became
caught in the machinery he was opei-
Flax mill proprietors have had quite
a serious time harvesting there crops
this year, but at last, they have got
their crops off the land and are now
busily engaged working it up at their
nail's here. Some of the fields at mind
here have water on them two or three
feet deep, which is something unusual
for ibis time of the year, and °epee-
quently, the farmers are finding it
herd to get their fall ploughing done,
Presbyterian Church Services Sun-
day Noy. llth.-10 55 a.m. Thanksgiv-
ing Servine. Come early in order to
observe two minutes silence at 11 a.m.
7.30 p. m. Missionery Service and
Thanksgiving offering for Missions.
Mrs, Hy, Smalldon and Edith Le -
turned home after enjoying a trip to
Winnipeg. Mimai and Carberry and
other points seeing friends and relat-
ives, They also met the Porter boot.
hers at a fowl supper at a little place
named Oar in Manitoba.
The following is the report of S. 8.
No.7, Grey:— Examined in WE, Read.,
Spell., Arith , Gram., Genie. and
Comp. :—Sr. IV. Maldwyn Williams
SS, George Eicher SO, Jr. IV. Dat'.'..
thy Bristlier 83, Mary McDonald 82,
Gertie Pride 77, Roma Cameron 51.
Sr. III. Alice Locking 77, Jo. III. Mary
linether 02, Glen Huether 82, Muriel
McDonald 73, Willie Zeiler 67, Mae
111 In tosh 66, Jim Cameron 58, Maurice
Cameron 41, lind., Doris Long 80 Win-
ston Maetehern 74, Stanley Oarnpbell
72, Edith Osborn 69, Matt Fischer 67
Vida Cameron 55, 1st. Kenneth Mc-
Donald 74, Velma Fischer '71, Elavold
Brother 60, 13erl ram Centerline 61.
14. Excellent—Je:1r Gordon, Nora De -
meeting, Charlie Fischer, Ivor Willi-
Alive J Forte -et, reerher.
Miss Leona Noble returned from
Hanover to spend a few days 'with
her parents.
We are all sorry to hear that Mrs.
John Gorsalitz is in poor health being
under the doctor's care, We hope
she will soon be around again.
Mrs. R. Barnes, of Galt, is spend-
ing a couple of weeks with her sister
Mrs. J. J. Gorsalitz, who is seriously
Miss Edith Gorsalitz, who was at-
tending Business University in Flipt
Mich., was called home on account of
the illness of her mother.
About 100 of their friends gather'
ed at the home of V. and Mee. Os-
borne, on Friday evening and had a
very pleasant evening in. card play-
ing and dancing,
Misses Daisy and Elva Stocks
spent the week end in London.
Mrs. Armstrong, of London, was a
visitor in the village on Saturday.
'Jno. Black, Ayr, was a recent
visitor at the home of his brothel',
Robert 131ack.
Neil and Mrs. White attended the
funeral of the former's sister in
Guelph on Tuesday.
Wm. Robinson, Roy and Misses
Muriel and Mabel Robinson, Clinton
spent Sunday at the home of D. Ro-
Pupils of the Continuation School
with a number o ftheir friends, en-
joyed a Hallowe'en party in the
Town. Hall Friday evening.
Jno. Davidson and Miss M. David-
son, accompanied Gavin and Mrs.
Davidson, on their return to Oshawa
where they will visit for some time.
Anniversary services were held in
the United Church on Sunday and
were marked by large congregations
excellent sermons, good music and
generous contributions. The Rev.
D. G. Paton, B.A, B.D, of Tees -
water, was in charge. His morning
theme wa staken from Acts 2:42 and
in the evening from 2 Chron. 29:28.
The residence owned and occupied
by D. Kaake was badly gutted by
fire Monday noon. As no one had
been iv the house for several hours,
the origin of the fire is unknown,
but is believed to be the remit of
over -heated pipes and had been
smouldering for some thne before
the fire was noticed.
Mrs. Wm. Wilson passed away at
her home here on Sunday night, af-
ter an illness of several weeks. De-
ceased who was well advanced in
years was a native of Scotland, com-
ing to Canada when a young wo-
man. For a number of years, she
lived at Behnore where her husband
was. engaged in the general mercban-
clise business. Retiring they moved
to this place, Where Mr. Wilson died
22 years ago. Mrs. Wilson was a
life-long member of the Presbyterian
church, and later of the United
Church. She was most faithful in
her duties in the different organiza-
tions of the church and her demise
will be sincerely regretted. She Is
survived by a sister in Scotland and
a brother at Edmonton. A funeral
service will be held in the United
church, Wednesday afternoon, after
which interment will be made in thc
Wroxeter cemetery.
The following is the report nf S. S.
Nn. 10, hinrris, for September and
October:—Sr.IV—Helen Hcluniet 70 5,
Donald Robertson 58, George Johns-
ton 567, Glen Ecktnier 40. Jr IV—
Stewat 1 MacLennan 88*"*. Clinton
Irwin 70, Charles Johnston 42, Howard
Vanramp 38.0. Sr,III—Stattley Mus -
tat ti 72, Jnyne -Hagar 60,
thy Weight 77,3, Genrge Ross**. Jr.
Il—Isabell Mum tted 84, Geldora Den-
nis 68 0, Janet Stokes 64, Olive Edgar
Nov. 9th
Be sure to read our
It tells a lot about the Extra Values
we offer during November.
A copy has been sent
you by mail.
New Advertisements
Pen lost—Mary IA eInloeb
Icor sale—Geo, W,Jtlithtt
blare lost—Pilot-le 86.1,
November Braying Bulletins-Elng Bros,
Stook•reaueing prleea—E. A. Monter
One Cent Sale—E, R. Smith
Dr. flees' Stook TOnlop—Allon'a Drug Store
Drain tondere—Twp, of NeKlIlop
Silver Tea—Ladles United Church
A nnlversery—Etliel United Cbarolt
ear of coal—.1. H. Pear
Perm for sele—D. E. Campbell
50. 1—Lent' Mustard, Ruby Dennis,
Ileen Riley, Jr, Pr,—Oliaties
'I'hoee marked with an asterisk * wet e
absent for one or more examinatinn,
No. on roll 20. Average attendance 18 3
Mite McLeod, Teacher.
Following i the report of S. el, No.
9, for the months of September and
Ontobee. Those marked with an as-
terish mined extuninations :.—Si'. IV
—*Tom Kirkby 523. Jo. IV-01111(nd
Pease 71.9. Sr, III—Isabel Alcock
88.1, Mae Short reed 80, 'Beacham Al-
cock 60. Jr. IH—Addie Bell 70.5. Sr.
II—Lloyd Alcock 72.0, %Vette!, Bent-
ley 71.2, Lloyd Pease 67.4. Jr. 11 (a)—
Ruth Alcock 79.4 ; (h) Jack Bryans
96.4, Walter Bewley 87.2, Bob Kirkby
84 4. Margaret Bell 81 6, Stewart Mc-
Ottli 75.6, Allan Searle '716, Pr.—Eric
Alcock, Fair. J. ISABEL RITCHIE,
The following is the report of S. S.
No, 4 Morris for October. Pupils were
examined in Arithmetic, Literature,
Recitation, Spelling, Compord tier],
Geography and History. Pupils mark-
ed' missed one examination. Number
of school days 21. Number of pupils 21.
Average attendance 18, Total 100 per
cent. Pass 60 per cent. Jr. IV. Dave
Miller 91 (19 days), Mac Scott 45 (19
days'). Howard Sirnth 41 (18 days),
*****, Gordon Nichol 84(9 days) "s".**,
Sr. II. Adah Grasby 75 (19 days) Jr. II
Clara Smith 87 (21 days), Bill Harman
66 (20 days), Glenn Ni ihol 69 (16 days)"
Janie Bernard 58 (16 days)**, Sr,I,
Eleanor Nichol 95 (19 days), Jim Davis
90 (20 days), Frank McCutcheon 40(21
days)", Tom Bernard 25 (16 days)**
Sr. Pr. Kenneth, Spier 79 (19 days),
Bruce Smith '78(20 days). Jr. Pr, Jack
Speir 90 (19 days), Mona Miller 88 (20
days). John Harman '76(20 days), Geo.
McOutcheon 21 (21 clays).
Winona A. Frain, Teacher.
The meeting of the Ladies' Guild and
W. A. was held at the borne of Mrs.
W. Anderson, last Wednesday. The
attendance was good and much busin-
ese was done, principally in connec-
tion with the Bazaar,
Armistice Day in Walton will be
commemorated in St. George's church
at the regular service at 3 p. m. Rev.
P. W. Schafeter, of Wingham, will be
the preacher. Sunday School at 2 p.
in- as usual. Rev. Me. Schaefter is
now well known by the Walton chu-
rch congregation as a preacher of ex-
ceptional ernestness and ability,
The ladies of St, George'schura are
very busy working for their annual
Bazaar which is to be held on Wed-
nesday, December the 2th, This Ano-
ual Bazaar is eagerly looked forward
to by a large number of people. The
attendance at 11 steadily increases each
yeav; though last year the weather
was so atom), it had to be postponed.
Prospects for a good day are brighter
this )(earthen ever,
The death occured at Ile home of
her snit, Robert Dennison, Jacob St.,
Monday morning, of Martha Attu Ing-
ram, widow of William Dennison, of
Walton, Ont., who predeceased her
by 12 years. Mrs. Dennison,
who was in her 76th year, was born in
oKillop township, where she resided
until going to Prost:on four years
ago She is survived by eight child-
ren. Wiflilttn, of Calgary, Alex., Tor-
onto ; James and Robert, of Preston ;
Edward, Weston ; Alfred, of Water-
loo; Mrs, R. A. Robinson, of Regina ;
Aire. H. M. Oook, of l'oronto ; and one
one sister, Mrs. Harper, of &halters
Corner. The funeral will be held
front the home of her son Robert Den-
nienneeJacob street, at 11 o'clock 'Wed-
nesday morning, where short private
service will be held, thence to the
Walton United Church at 2 30 o'clock,
Interment in Brussels ()meter 3/,
Frank and Mrs, liackwell have been
visiting relatives in nut Huron, Ool-
umbiaville, Lapeer, Birmingham and
Mise Hyaline Ellacott 0th con, has
returned home after spending the
past week with her friend Mrs. Norm-
an Walker of Turnberry.
Thursday evening of last week about
150 Mende and neighbors gathered at
the home of Wm. and Mrs, Ward, 6th
con„ to say farewell berme their de-
parture for their new home and also
to present them each with chain tte a
slight token of the high esteem in
which they are held in the commun-
ity. The following addveas was read
by Mrs. Wne, Gorsalitz while Robert
and efts; Dockett and Mrs. Jos. Sav-
age made the presentations
We, your friends and neighbor's,
have gathered here this evening to
spend a social hour with you, Naving
heard with regret that you were
about, to remove from our 'Melee ae
yon haveproved to be kind and ob-
tieing neighbors, eves ready to lend a
helping bend in the eirne of need, We
ask you to accept these Chairs as a
small token cif remembrance and we
tenet that (hey will remind von of the
friends you left behind, Signed on
behalf of your Mende mid neighbors.
Mr, Ward made a suitable reply in a
few well chosen worde, thanking one
and all for their kindness, ancl wenn,
ing them that they would always hold
a warm spot in their hearts for the
A Silver Tea and sale of
Home-made Baking, Vege-
tables and Candy will be
held in the Public Library
Saturday Nov. illth
by Group 4 of the Ladies'
Aid of Brussels United
frieeds they left behind. The re-
maincler of the evening was spent in
social chat, musk and dancing until
the wee Bina' hour of the morning
when all left. for their !unites wishing
Mr, and Mrs. Ward long life and hap-
School report of 3, S. No. 8, Grey,
for month of October :—Number on
roll 9; average attendance 8 Sr. IV
—Laura Grainger 77,, Isabel MeTag-
gart 75, Ross McTaggart '70, Ruth
Brown 64, Elwood McTaggart 61. Wil-
lie MeTaggart 60. Jr, IV—Lawrence
Jacklin 59 Jr. 111—Auto McTaggart
69. Jr. II—Mildred Jacklin 79.
Report for S. S. No, 9, Grey, for
September and October. Pupils were
examined in Geography, Spelling,
History, Arithmetic and Reading :—
Class V—Lundy McKay 87 5. Jr, IV
—Madalon Speiran 88, Jennie McKay
82, Cynthia Meehan 80, Howard Mc-
Naught 76. Jeanie Ham ison 69, Heitie
Huffman 66, Russel Gole 65. Oecil
Machan 59 Sr, III—Dorothy Mann
86, Lillian Harrison 81, Marshall Har-
rison 81, Lindsay McKay 80 6, Myrtle
Gole '78, Cecil Robinson 60, Leonard
Meehan 68 Jr. II—Louis Harrison
76, Everett Robinson 66, Llnyd Mach-
an 58 Olaes I—Erma Huffman 95,
Wiling. Harrison 82, Bettie Meehan 79,
Isaac Gole 58 Primer—Charlie Har-
rison. Steele Livingstone, Stirling
Hood, Lloyd Hond.
HELEN J. ROY, Teacher.
A meeting of those interested in the
new hall will he held next Tuesday
evening, Nov. 18th, to make arrange-
ments Inc the official opening of the
new hall, A full attendance is re-
Service next Sunday: -1 80—Sunday
School; 2 30 p.m.—Memorial and Tha-
nksgiving Service ; 7.80 p.m.—Young
People's Society.
Rev. Be J. Fowler of Brussels prea-
ched ir, the Presbyterian Church last
Sunday. His message was tir ly and
much appreciated.
Wesley McNeil, who has been in the
Bank of Onvomerce et Palmerston, has
)leen moved to Moorefield, and has
now been promoted to ledger, Wesley
is one of Ihnowel's Nosiness College
Stmlents. and has secnred his Diploma
in the Sect ere vial (ban ss.
Bert Lake has moved to his home
above the bake shop.
W. Zeigler has enlarged his store
In preparation „for the Christmas
A successful Bazaar was held on
Saturday last under the auspices of
the Presbyterian church.
D. and Mrs. Cole, George and Mrs.
Hell and Winnifred, of Flint, Mich.,
aro spending a week with friends
A successful sale was held on Sat-
urday last at the home of Hugh
Addy, village east, when the house-
hold effects were disposed of with
Auctioneer Scott in charge.
Chris. and Mrs. Rayner(' were a -
evaded the prize offered by the Vil-
lage Trustees for the best kept re-
sidence in the village. Mr. and Mrs.
Baynard give a great deal of their.
time to beautifying their "home
acres" and itis hoped that they will
Item to get a good many more awards
in the years to come.
Anniversary services will be held
on Sundacnext in the United churth
when Rev. A. W. Barker, of Brussels
will be the speeial preadher. Special
music will be provided by the choir,
assisted by Mrs. (Rev.) Barker in
the morning and in the evening by
the Ladies' Trio of the Brussels Unit
ed Church. The annual Hot Fowl
Supper will be held on Monday night.
School Report—The following Is
the report of S. &No. 11 Grey, for
the months of Sept. and Oct. Senior
Room—Examined in Spell., Arith„
History, Grammar and Geography—
Sr. IV — Gordon Sleightholm 82;
Margaret Lawless 80; Myrtle Wilson
79*; Kenneth Kreuter 79; Della 1Vic-
lnnes 78; Jim McNiel 72; Tom San-
ders 68, Jr. IV—Doreen Lawless 80
Orme Gill 79; Stuart McInnes 78;
Allan Franklin '77; tee Allan Ward,
law '75; Clair Mickel 66; Lindsay
Bain 62; Velma Tittemilton 52. Sr,
3—Edith Kreuter 84; Nelson Sleigh
holm '72. Jr. III—Jean Franklin 87
Annie Franklin 83; Bryan Ames 81;
Roger LaSauce 78: Alex McNeil '75;
Marjorie Brown 72; Stuart Henry
68*; Lorne Desjardine 68. Junior
Room—Examined on M, Work; Geog
Comp., Spelling and Arithmetic'
Sr. II—Bertha Earl '78; Ada Ward -
law 77; Ross Cunningham 74; Stuart
Brown 'TO. Jr. II—Nora Henry 91;
Estelle Cunningham 86; Helen Cu -
roe 84; Ruby Gilkinson 81; Arnold
, Earl 80; Dorothy Bain 74; Ruby
Gill 78; Willard Mickel 62; Dorothy
Ethel United Church
Sunday, Nov. 11
Services 11 a. m. and 7.30 p.m.
Rev. A. W. Barker, Brussels,
in charge
Special Music 17 the Choir misted
by Mr, Rev. Baler and the Lae;
Trio of Brussels United Church.
Monday, Nov. 12th
Hot Fowl Supper
Supper served 6 to 8,30
Good program consisting of SoloY,
Duets, Trios, Readings and bistro.
mentals by Listowel. Ripley and
local talent,
5.Piece Orchestra in attendance.
You have heard the rest
Now hear the best I
Admission 50 and 25 cents
D. M. Guest, Mrs. J, King,
Pastor, Pres, Ladies' Aid.
Krauter 55; Allison Sleightholm 48;
Sbanley Wilson 45. Jr. lst—Ex-
amined in M. Work, Comp, Spelling,
Arithmetic — Betty Dunbar 80;
Clarence Styles '79; Charlotte San-
ders 77; Jack Dunbar 70; Helen Des
Jardine 65; Allan Hamilton 30.
Primer—M order o fmerit—Donald
McNeil, Louise Styles; Douglas Bain;
Olive Sanders. Misses D. Stevens
and E. Fear, Teachers.
The foundation has been completed
for Jas, McMillian's new barn at Port
One of Exeter's foremoet citizens
passed away Wednesday shortly be-
fore 11000 10 the pet son of J. S. Har-
vey, whose illness had extended over
several months, In his passing Exeter
loses one who tor many years has sho-
wn a deep interest in everything that
pertained to its welfare,
Bert Cobb, Goderich tpwnship met
with a painful and unfortunate accid-
ent last week when he had an arm
broken while at work filling a silo. He
was feeding corn into the cutter when
a large sheaf was thrown down across
his outstretched arm, breaking the
large bone.
After having suffered one or more
paralytin smolt re, e ea* h came peaceful-
ty on Thursday to Mrs. Andtew Bro-
wn, a highly tespeo`ad resident of
Ford wieh, in her 83rd year, The fun -
neral services on Saturday were con-
ducted by Revs. Pritchard of Moles-
worth and Chandler, of Fordwich,
There passed away in fuvnberry. on
Monday, one of its oldest residents,
Alexander Van Alstyne, 1,, his 82m1
year, Born at Picton, Outarm, he
ettine lo Turnberry itt his early years,
and has lived here since. For a long
time he had been in very poor health
so the end came as a happy release.
He is survived by his widow, and a
daughter, Mrs. J. Rad ford of Turn -
The W. M. S. of Knox United
Church will hold their autumn
Thank -offering meeting on Wednes-
day, Nov. 14th, at 2 o'clock. Aire.
(Rev.) Weir, of Blyth, will address
the meeting. All ladies of the con-
gregation are invited to attend.
The Presbyterian Choir are arrang
ing a social to be held in the school
room of the church on Monday even-
ing, Nov. 12th.
The Young People of Knox Pres-
byteriaan Church are going to
Monkton on Friday evening Nov. 9
to present the play "Aunt Susan's
Thos. A. White, of Toronto, his
daughter, Mrs, J. J. Ross, of Detroit
and Miss Mary Stenhouse of Hes-
paler, were recent visitors at the
home of their aunt, Mrs, F. B. Scott.
The regular service in Knox Pres-
byterian church will commence ten
minutes to eleven next Sabbath in
order to observe the two minutes of
silence. Mr. Jno. R. Greig will con-
duct special Thanksgiving eservice,
Stratfot 11 Hotted of Trade approves
of plans for erecting a new hotel in
(11151 01(3'.
iuteJohnston who disposed of
his farm near Britton to his son has
purchased the property on Main stre-
et in Atwood front £slre, Arehne Peeb-
The antral banquet, of the Perth
Demirel/ Layman's Association was
held in Sr. Pants Church, Stratford,
and more than 100 members attended,
October the 31st was the last, day of
loyal serivice 101)18 ere ployeee formed-
. master P. O. Heels, who is retiring on
a peahen snot. 20 years of employment
by the Grand Tetnik and Oanadian
Notional rail waye,
The Atwood Hunt Club held their
meeting err Pehlke/ evening at the
home of Chits. Vallance, They left on
the third of November, for the French
River whets(' they will spend a 'couple
of weeks,
New York, Nov. 7 (Wednesday)
—Dhe New York Sun, which support
ed Hoover for President, and Frank-
lin D. Roosevelt, Democrat, for Gov-
ernor, claims the election of Hoover
by more than 300 electoral votes.
The Chicago Tribune, in its early
edition today, said Herbert Hoover,
Republican, has been elected Presi-
dent, and on the basis of incomplete,
returns, gave him 340 electoral votes
to 114 for Smith, with 77 classed as
Personal Paragraphs 1
Mac Ferguson, of Toronto is home
for a few days.
J oh riEweir was a visitor in Toronto
.Thrausoti spent the
11. YolIeck fttuhe week -end with
his family in Tot mom
Mee, 13. C, Cunningham spent the
week -end with 'Permit. friends.
Miss Edith Willis, 13 N. left this
week for Roc:hest el, N. Y., to resume
itt hese visiting with her sister, 'Mrs.
Wm rot of Luck now,
Allan Lamont.
Geo. and Mrs. Mantras and son.
Brian, of London, spent the week -end
with friends in town,
Pro v. Consteble WhitesitiFe MS in
town lest Thursday looking up snore
of the Hallowe'en doings.
Mrs. (Dr.) Seott, and daughter, of
Bobcavgeon, ste guests with her par-
ents, Jae, and Al VS BOWIllall.
Joshua Bateman, of Toiontn, spent
the week.end with his brother, John
Bateman, and ether. ft lends in town,
Elmer and Mos Ewan and children,
of Toronto, spent the week -end at the
home of the former's mother, Mrs, D.
Russel and Mrs, Leurrox, of Detroit,
spent the week -end at the home of the
latter's Mother, Mrs. Annie Messsr,
Flora street.
MissiMand Bryans is having an en-
forced holiday from corresponding
with her friends on account of a fellon
on one of her fingers.
Mise Jean Mitchell has returned to
her home, Gvehton's Survey, after
spending the past two months with
frieeds In Saskatchewan.
Jos, and Mrs. Hunter, of Detroit,
spent last week with 4rossele friends,
making their hettrIgnarters at the
home of Mrs. J. E. Smith.
Jos, and Mee, Hunter, of Detvnit, ac-
companied by Mrs. Jim. E. Smith and
Miss Mary Ross, spent a couple of
days in Toronto last week,
Last Sunday Jos. and Mrs. Hunter
of De(roit, aconmpanied by Mrs. J. E.
Smith, Mrs. (Dr ) MeNatigh ton and
. D, C. were visiting Kincar-
inCline Scott, who has been a Stan-
dard Bank Inspector in the West and
stationed at Calgtoy, has been moved
toRegina. Mrs. Sentt ancl Jim will be
moving shortly to their new home,
Dr. Harold Hoag, of Poi onto, 1 e.
oeived a telegrnm nn Sathrdey, Nov,
Std, Hutt his father was Vet y ill in
Monett Jaw Geneva; Tempted and on
IVIonday morning received further
word that he had pegged away,
Di'. Hoag left on Monday night Inc
Moose Jaw to attend the funeral.
Fmther particulars later.
W, and Mrs, Stewart of Fergus
spent the week -end at the home of
N. F, and Mrs, Gerry, Will Stewart
is a son of Mrs. W. E. Stewart, and
brother to elm, Gerry, Mee, ewitrt
Was Miss Ada Mainorize and an em-
ployee of "The Poet," We ere always
glad to welcome former Citizens back
to town,
Church Notes
Melville Church
Next Sunday being Artnistiee the
HP) PICO al. Melanie C111111.11 Will COM-
laience at 111 05 so that the I wo min-
utes of silence may be tibeervrd during
the set vice.
The annual Thee k egi vi ng Ent el (Ilin.
III P111. Will he gi pen by the Little Stars
Mission Band of Melville Presbyterian
Church on Friday evening at 8 o'clock.
The pvogi um will be of a musical nat-
ure and trill consist largly of a Musical
recital given by the pupil. of MI's. Wr
O. King together with recitations and
eatlinge by the mewls -is of the ails-
ston Band. alisti j Jean Ferguson and
Miss Wiltna Hannah It 05 ll also give
selections (burble the evenitig. A
Silver Oolleetinn hi aid of the Missinn
Hand will be taken at the door. A,
good lime is akSilred to all.
Th e regular monthly meeting of
the Wornetes Missionary Society of
Melville Church was held last Friday
efterboon, Aire, Strachan presided
end was assisted ir, tliP opening exer-
cises by MVP Rein. Thomson and
Mrs. A. H. Macdonald; The work
being done by the Presbytet ian
Church among the Jews, Persians and
Hungarians, itt °amide, was the topic
taken front the Study "The Royal
Road," and was very ably given by
Mrs. J. Wilton. Mrs. H. Walker gave
the review of Missions and Miss Jamie-
son a very interesting report. of Dr.
O'Hara's address which she had rec-
ently beard at Seaforth. There was
11 large attendance at the meeting
which was closed by MVP, Hobt. Oliver
leading in prayer.
"Happy is that people whose God
ie the Lord" was the text taken by
the pastor, Rev. F. (4. Fowlet in Mel-
ville Chutch last Sabbath morning.
Happiness is the quest of every
man. Intercourse with God brings
with it satisfaetion and happiness.
Christ has taught us what it means to
have communiation with God, This
enabled Christ to pass throngh all
his trials without losing the sense of
happiness. The people who at., happy
are the people who have interccurse
with God, To have happiness we must
be active, seeking the things that are
worth while and seeking after
God, In Christ we have a
eyelet ion of what God in it, his great
heart of love and beam y of life. Prac-
lice of the power and presence ef God
pi ()duces happiness.
At the evening service Rev Mr. Wil-
liams, of Oven ,'ok, preached from
Luke 9:6(1 to 112. I,t t he pat able of
a hich the tent is a part We have an
account of three men who (untie to Jes-
us. The first said "Lord I will follow
thee whithersoevei h,u gnest", The
second to whom Jesus said "follow
me," merle answer "Let me go home
end bury my father" The !hied to
whom ;Testis strid "follow nit-" said "1
will follow thee but first let the go
hid l'aVeWell tO 1 1,'/t, which are at
!mine et tuy htmee." in this parable
Christ, teaches 111 Thei e must be an
unconditional surrender to Christ. (2)
the condition of ti, i (Inlet is absolute
obedience, 1111 The f,,11,.ning 1111.1 be
allele beetled. No 111411 putting his
hand to the and looking hark
is worthy of the kingdom 'We must
rfvetNlisetttwhairlittlIl'hilgi"'or'tlnitka hi;iiPiri'szte.
St. John's Church
At mist iee Day a ill Ile eomemoritted
next Sunday it, SI. John's Church in
the morning when the !veinal. mottl-
ing servire ,'.ill N(111111(.1., ,sl 1(1.45111-
'(P110 of 11.00 o'clot.k. This ie to en -
'bit the Corgi eget 1(,11 to be pelted 111
the °Introit and the service begun
when the two tninni es «ile1,Ve at
ell o'clock is otee reed. Rev. F. W.
Schein er of Wingliato will be n10401 -
E4' at both tnot fling evotting serv-
ices and at Walton Church in Ow aft-
ernotm. Sunday e(dlOols be at veg.
itlit 1101111( of Ilia. tn. in Ell ((seek and
2 p. n), itt lValton. Everybody wel-
come, but remember the servire be-
gins at 10.45 a. in..
United Church
Sunday Nov. 4111 was the world's
temperance Sunday. A peograin
along temperance lines was given in
nes: ti‘e 11 it es (8 1 Cmlintii bl 1. iteli t leer: sr) soi tai st eonf.
musinal ntitri hers, also a lessen taught
Irotitled Censtruction and Destruction.
--The S. S. Selmain temperance camp.
sign under the d ireetion of the Wote-
ans Christian Temper !Mee Union and
the editors of the Montreal Witness
will begin on Nov, 18th. The conrse
consists ef 12 lessons to rut; one a
week in the Northern leiseps,siejoritge1r4_:7
will be followed immediately after by
7ereitrteetti 1:11xntiv,in)
it,itinatioit,i, 13 yeare, over
$1,000 will be given in prizeincluding
a few Provincial and National cash
pi izes,
Wo are glad to report that Mre,
L. Kerr is making fair recovery at
the Wellesley Hospital, Toronto,
whore she has been since Sept, 2nd.
Mrs. Herr is now able to sit tm ab
dill event times of the day and can
walk with the assistance of nurses.
We helm to have her home after the
Thanksgiving holidays,
?Tows wa e reeeived of the sudden
passing of John Ryan was well known
in Ripley where 1,e lived a number oe
yeare ago. He was a Armen -law of
Mrs. Malcolm effetely of
Rev. A, Brant Thorium 13 1).. rooter
0( 31, Thomas Anglican Ohm eh, Owen
Sound, has been terinsfered to the
Church of the Merreieh, Kincerdine,
nceoeding to annommement meat by
His Grace (be At Ablation of Huron.
1 Mr, Thomas is a graduate of Huron