The Brussels Post, 1928-10-31, Page 2'WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 31, 192.4 Tun White_ae Benin Station Extends to you an invitation to Call and inspect our ly Full thie of Used Oars G"Pularanteoa AR.� $Heber ii ig and Goody t=ar Tires t,4rl«atl.eae tl Oasts•& Motor and Tractor Oils 1� Motor -•.- WAP: F) liar" Mot` rGi'l TOREAT U.' S. L. and Eacide Batteries Aceteylene Welding and Repairing dente at reason- able Prices. Also full line of Accessories. Sunday School Lesson BY CHARLES G. TRUNMEULL (Editor of The Sunday School Times) World's Temperance Sunday. (Christian duty. Good Christians , are good citizens, always and every - Sunday, Nov. Romans 13:1-14. 1 where. They are law -breakers. "Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers," says the Holy Spirit throug Paul. The passage clearly shows that these "higher powers" are net heavenly powers, but earthly aad human, the Governments. The rea- son is at once given: "For there is no power but of God; the powers that be are ordained of God." This Shows that even when human Gever- nments are corrupt they are in thole position of power under God; they could not he where they are but for in vain: for he is the minister of God, a revenger 'co execute wrath upon him that doeth evil." The honest payment of Government therefore all Governments, whether i taxes is a Christian duty, here en - good or bad, are but carrying out the j joined: "For for this cause pay 70 God -ordained principle of rule; law tribute also, for they are God's tnt- rather then lawlessness; authority in- nisters." stead of anarchy. The payment of debts is a Chris t- 'Bbe Lord Jesus Christ laid down tan duty: "Owe no man anything." the same principle when He command- But just here a certain debt is a eel: "Render, therefore, unto Caesar duty, as we read on, "but to love the things which be Caesar's, and unto God the things which be God's" (Luke 20:25.) Golden Text. Love worketh no ill to his neigh- . bort therefore love is the fulfilling of the law. (Rom. 13:10.) There is enough, and more than i enough, in this single brief chapter to keep every true Christian today from the use of alcholic beverages. 1 If one lives in a Province or State or country where prohibition is `-hs law, or where local option has d decided I ' k traffic the fist agamst the half of the chapter leaves no alter- native for the Christian but obedience to the law. If one lives in "wet" territory, wherever it may be, the second (half of the chapter enjoins abstinence, not by the compulsion of law, but by the compulsion of love. And the conclusion of the chapter is inescapably plain for all Christians, no matter what the laws of their local Governments may be: "Let us walk honestly, as in the day; not in rioting and drunkness." Obedinence to human law is a THE BRUSSELS POST Teby '" o! For the Yo;. 'Ig ,,ori+ 6,; Th:, 01,1 -titre st.tge coeds ndli run twice limey" from i the new, Poral York h0te1. Toronto, to tilt' new hny,l 'S'ort colt eUtIrse. which le under vollsl ,.,,H;,501,1 in Ow twaa0 Cul Humber Galley area The ('0 It e.,: It tr, -list di to 1111 txreral Sir ]l,. sty Pellaut. t X.lt h+'.\LO.. and will be used for !'t .- v. :,, n _ of the ' to t,lian Pacific hl .I, ley, wlio will call after the approval fashion o a - 5,-/. .w.v? at isae 01,,1 .,ii11 for the r resliment or .t1.0 ;Ind beast. The route will be via the J.a1.,^•there tier ttsm; sI, Su:u esirle and tee .1 umber poll tevard, We hear mueli today abou'c the un - righteousness and cruelty of capital punishment; there is superfical and sentimental talk about abolishing it in the interests of humanity and in I regard for our fellows. All such mis- taken appeals overlook the fact that God ordained capital punishmentFollowing the recent convention of j early in human history ,and reaffirm- tihe Canadian Good Roads Association I in Regina, it is now possible to indi- ed it for the present church age in :este in some measure, the tangible the chapter. He ordained it immedia- 'results of that gathering. In many tely after the flood, when He commit- respects this was the most important convention ever held by this associ- ted government fnto'che hands of men, atter. requiring men to be responsible for their fellow -men: "Whose sheddech Crossing Fund man's blood by man shall his blooB. Among other things which have be shed" (Gen, 11:0). That divine been agitating. officals interested '.n the good roads movement for the command has never been revoked last few years has been the aciminis, through all the Scriptures and through tragion of the grade crossing fund• oads Convention Is Important set all the centuries. It is reaffirmed in from the federal government 7 ilio h told that the fund was instituted in 1909 and a human ruler "beareth not the swordb A great deal of time taken up with discussions on the building and maintenance of earth and gravel roads. The representatives of tete western provinces were particulaely interested in this subject. For in- stance, the province of Manitoba sent to Regina every one of its dis- trict engineers so 'chat they might gain by the information and advice of these who had had experience in similar road building problems in other provinces and in the United this lesson when we are yearly grant of $200,000 has been God's permission. and in a large seise His ordaining. That is, the universe is all subject to government, and SiIverck Are proving to be the most Profitable and Interesting Foxes Live Stock for Farmers Our increase this year was 4,8 pups per pair, All are raised, 50 pairs of Foxes require no more skill nor care than 10 dairy cows. 1 have for sale at moderate prices some of the finest Silver Black Foxes In the Province, all re- gistered, pedigreed stock, Co-operation given to new ranchers buying foxes, as to care and treatment. North Huron Silver Black Fox Ranch GEO. BLAKE, Prop. Lot 5, Con. 14-, Grey R. R. 2, Brussels one another." Every Christian is in debt, and ought to be in debt, to his fellow -men in the obligations of love. Thus he will keep the whole law. "For he that loveth another hath fulfilled the law." And as we read that "love work- etth no ill to his neighbor," we 5se the duty and privilege of refraining from alcoholic drinks, which certain- ly have worked untold ill to our nei- ghbors. "rulers This lesson tells us that are not a terror to good -works, hut to the evil." The Sunday School Times publishes an anecdote illustra- ting this verse: "An Irishman was being tried in a Kansas town. His was a petty offenes. The Judge ask- ed hire if there was any one prese'tt who could vouch for his character. "To be sure, your Honor, there's the Sheriff." The Sheriff looked amaz- ed. 'Your Honor,' Ise declared, `I do not even know the man.' Your Honor,' came back the Irishman as quick as a flash. 'I've lived in this county for more than twelve years, and 'che Sheriff doen't know me yet. Isn't that a character for you?" The best part of this lesson chapter us til^ 'f 1 1 Heretofore this grant has been de- _ �r, voted purely towards the building Ore of subwa ye or overhead structures The' re i• t -,',1.'t• •1 1 1 'r It tr 3 „Duchc if ' '+ 1 111!1"r, h- at dangerous places. For some 'emus ed at 5 lydehua..:,.:_'.1r.i. by ries• past the association has asked for Royal H}7•1,1,, -,S,; tic• 1 c h: - s of an extension of this fund towards Yorlc. .l.11. t'uy 5111;'' 15:a of Puree partial elimination. At the Regina end other notables s ,ve Present. The vee4sel is of : I,•I,'u t,:51..1., and convention, Hon. T. C. Norris, for- is the fourth curl t'.. of the'•Dnch- mer prime minister of Manitoba and ere' yeartette of stctlnl.itips built a member of the good roads esece for til,• .•-crvice of the St. Lawrence ciation, who is now one of the mem• route. hers of the board of railway con• T^,t•o h1,n.h•ed Chinchilla rabbits missioners of Canada, stated 'chat aec•1mp'1nad by a ton of sPecinl where such crossings are relieved fares far theft' tivrlve thousand mile w 2ea- from a substantial volume of high- land wore recently handledbyby the made for the elimination • o ova v crossings. ,tl s:ere an is its closing verse. It gives way traffic, a proper construction to the expense of such highway diver- sion may be made from the railway grade crossing fund. Mr. Norris in- timated further that such a contri- i':,::,,:e n Pacific Express Company. little animals were bred In Lincolnshire and are to serve as a nucleus of a rabbit fur farm in Auckland. As rabbits are regarded 00 a pest in the Antipodes special the railway commissioner Y. button would be made in cases arrangeents Lad to he made to where a complete elimination of allow themmto anter the such crossings was not possible in George Jihavlec, son of the Fin - every instance. The declaration or ante diaster of Czecho-Slovakia, • r was felt is the latest addition to Alberta's list of notable Partners, led by to be - complete vindication of the 77121:, the Prince of Wales whose object for which the highway oft- D. Y, ranch is only one royal de- cials have been contending for some mesne among hat of the Duke several, of Sutherland. Young Jihavlec, who is only 22 years of age, has settled near Leth- bridge, where he is gaining farm experience on the farm of C. R. Daniel before launching out for himself. years. Notable contributions were made LO the convention by Patrick Philip deputy minister of highways for British Columbia and J. B. Bickwell, registrar of vehicles for Ontario, on the regulation and control of com- mercial vehicles. In Ontario, where the commercial vehicle traffic it', most dense, Mr. Bickwell pointed out how violators of the traffic regula- tions are punished. FEDERAL ROAD AID The subject of the responsibility of the government of Canada with I' secret of everything; how to be good references to further federal aid for laws the building of interprovincial high h to obey human hoev of how tut ways was stressed in a paper pre. hotiv of lose toward all. "But l n. P. C. Black of ye on the Lord esus •• , • make not provision for the flesh, to Nova Scotia, past president of the he discussion of this we n the lusts 'cnorerovisionThe forawn in- paperaw'as led by the Hon. O. L, Mc - n ng i make no P sting is that "they that are Chrilic's Pherson, minister of highways of. 1•• have crucified theflesh with the af- biota and president of teconassence factions and lusts." (Gal. 5i21) was expressed in - the proposition that further aid from the dominion Germany is said to have practical; government is required, particularly ly no war veteran problem, as two in the newer provinces to permit }'.at rent, of the emnloyeas od ovet'y industry must be partially disabled tilt'• completion of reads projects m rn� . mm J Chritit and pared by the Ho There are a great many ways to do a job of printing ; but quality printing is only done one way—THE BEST. We do printing of all kinds) and *no matter what your needs may be, from name card to booklet, we do it the quality way. S,—We also do it in a way to save you money, 7 he Post Publishing .Rouse commenced under the former gr'a'ft 1 six -service men, held the which Ottawa made. Berlin, Germany, recently first international oWilliam Findlay, a director of the office equipment ti ossoeiatloit, urged that the a:esocta• show. times fact finding committee. be em - The coni production in Britain powered to collect information end last year was 252 million tone, the bring forth recommendations con - quantity over all Europe,outside corning a system of uniform road Britain was 344 million. signs throughout Canada and aslo a The fastest fish, the Florida tat, system of uniform traffic control. pen, covers 30 miles in an hour. This recommendation met with the Phonograph records are now being approval of the association and the made of celluloid. They are thin an fact finding committee was instruct - water and may be twisted and ed 'w matte a study of this situation, roiled up without injury. The object o:E this project is to urge There are 44,000 factories in Japet on those who make the laws and and the number of men and women establish practices in connection with working in organteed industry has the use of highways to standardize grown from 25,000 to 1,611,000 iii their regulations to the greater ex - 80 years. tent possible, The We finding corn - Because long distances to markets tnittee will also investigate the ef- make the strike unmarketable, many feat on various typos of toads and • farmers of A reaping m nt of traffic of t e thelia corn by ears, speed, duetrla1 o*seeragi ,.,....,, ^^- Thirty-five visits and departures of Canadian Pacific steamships will be made in and out of the Port of Saint John during the coming win- ter season, between December lst and April 26th, it is officially an- nounced. This represents an in- crease of three over the previous season. The two new "Duchess" class steamers, the "Duchess of Richmond" and the "Duchess of York," make their first appearance on the sailing list, the former be- ing due in New Brunswick on March 23rd and the latter on March 30th. ter=—'seetteetS—""e'settereeStemete.Cretesteeee=4"itee"", 'see LIGHTNING SY 4 I Y J nis/eab/r�r q" IC ffN1T CCUGGnS • FAMILY SIZE 75: pW , + 'I fTalAL a1 F C Il q PFR .OTTLC �` .�t .,pn pr) ��'ly�,gm }� ',.c �. A H tl�"17Jet� .^i°]f'fr I Fiicpt� ju Sy1 up States. Among other notable con- tribution.. to this :subject was that of .lune Sinton, chief engineer of the northern department of Ontario, which department has charge of At the highway building in Omura), north of Washago, Counties Lead. In the convention, discussions are' cnco iraged and no arbitrary comae - stens are sought, the object being to bring out the fullest co-operation of opinion. As an example of thus, the; address of S. I,. Squire, chairmen of the executive, on the subject of "Urban Responsibility for Road improvement" brought forth some- virgerous protests. Controller Gib- bons and Works Commissioner Hale ris of Toronto, both pointed out that Toronto had spent three or four The promotion of two of Can- ada's best known hotelmen to im- portant posts in the service of the Canadian Pacific Railway has been entranced by the hotel department of the company. B. A. Neale, man- ager of the Chateau T'ront.enac at Quebec, has been appointed man. ager of the now 1,200 -room sky-. scraper hotel in Toronto, the Royal York, which will be opened to the public next summer. His place in the great hotelory at Quebec will he. taken by John Johnston who has been assistant manager at the Cha- teau for 001510 time. The distribution 05 dividend money every three or six months to shareholders of industrial and. eominarciaf enterprises in Canada runs into many millions of dollars a year, The money goes to an army of people throughout the country, many of whom depend on it for their lining and it bas mach to do with the continued prosperity of Canada. About 88 companies are listed on the 'Toronto Stock Ex- change, a small part of the total number of those making regular dividend diebstrsements 151 Canada, but for the tiufrd quarter of this year these 88 companies distribob ed in dividends over twenty mil - Doe dollars, of which the Canadian Pacific alone accounted for $7,- 500,000. Thls was by far the longest d1P,tribution by any one companY, the next largest being $081,605. The number who regularly benefit by these distributions of profits is increasing every year, thus show- ing a more general tendency on the part of the Canadians to in- ustralla are pavements s in cutting off merely 'she weights and at different rates of vest their andstocks We trillion dollars in road improvement in York county while at the stone 'tine, the city hes spent - an equal amount inside its own borders so that testillc might cross the city on through highways. Mr. Squire, had eoteuded that in many cases rul'at sections had been snaking the invest- ' meant in highway building, while the cities and larger towns had been cutting the interest coupons. He had further contented 'chat :curing ' the last five years, the cities and towns had contributed toward rural highway development less than one 'quarter of a mill on the rural sys- item, while the rural sections had 'contributed 5.24 mills, an amount which he calculated as nearly 23. times as much as urban centres, own®>.10).m., Keep an eye on your "Spare" HAT'S the good of a "spare" if it won't take you home when you need if? Just because it hasn't been on the road much is no guarantee that it is fit for work. The rain may have run inside and rusted the rim. The dust may have crept M. The tire may have picked sup nail ends or flints when you used it last, and a few more miles will force them through the casing. It may not be inflated up to its correct running pressure. Drop in for a free inspection of your tires, in- cluding the spare. You are never far away from a O. 0 DEALER IRE E Ingham BRUSSELS T 131 rR'i• ��.j tali Is usually one done in a hurry, by a cut-rate printer, who was not able to submit a proof to the buyer of the printing. The price at which the job was done necessitated quick wort: and the minimum attention to detail. The customer uses the printed matter much against his will, and possibly to his detriment so fat' as his customers are concerned, all because the printing was done by a printer at a distance, and that, the job was not checked before printing. silt on r E :9 Your home printer will always gladly submit proofs of all work 80 that it may be carefully checked for errors and alt- ered for appeartlnee if deemed advisable, while any desired additions or deductions may be freely made. This results in a satisfactory job of printing, and pleases all concerned, Bee that all your printing bears the imprint of your local punter. The Post Publishing Nouse, 'Brussels