The Brussels Post, 1928-10-3, Page 5ttl
10.,„..gee •
Open for Business
xeter Cilor
Will open fur business
and will be ready to ani the &arm& of all customers
Those from a distance of to to 15 miles are
kindly askpd to arrange a date.
. Gibson. Lumber and Cider Mills
Phones 30 or 28 2
Ito Hose Service
Extends to you an invitation to call
and inspect our
Full line of Used Cars Land
Sieberling and Goodyear Tires cod
Castrol Motor and Tractor Oils
Enarco Motor Oil 4-4ruDEAT
U. S. L. and Exide Batteries
Aceteylene Welding and Repairing done at reason-
able Prices. Also full line of Accessories.
Anders n's Garage
F xe
Are proving to be the most
8 Profitable and Interesting
Live Stock for Farmers
Our increase this year was 4.8 pups per pair.
All are raised, 50 pairs of Foxes require no more
skill nor care than 10 dairy cows,
I have for sale at moderate prices some of the
finest Silver Black Foxes In the Province, all re-
gistered, pedigreed stock, Co-operation given
to new ranchers buying foxes, as to care and
North Huron Silver Black
Fox Ranch
Lot 5, Con, 14., Grey R. R. 2, Brussels
... . ... .... ..
October 9 fSkr 10
"Extra Special"
Non. John B. Martin and Col. U. C. Coombe
Will Unveil the
New Memorial Gates
Erected in meinory of the Boys of Turnberry who gave their
lives in the World War,
Dominion Government Agricultural Exhibit
This Exhibit has been secured, at great expense to the
Government and is most instructive to all those ‘vho are in- !
terested in Agriculture and its results.
Horseshoe Pitching Strong Team Pulling
Hurdle Races Boys' Judging
Over $1200 in Prizes Wingham Band in Attendance
Make it appoint to come ! Bring Your Exhibits I
- ..
WHAT A RELIEF ! "And have yet had anything back
"You don't look well." front him?"
"No, I have just been unconseous "Yes, my daughter."
for eight hours."
14Heavensi What was wrong?"
"Nothing—I was just asleep."
Very Ungrateful
"Immediately after he married my
daughter the bounder touched me for
five hundred," in.
Lady -Visitor; I see they've got the
police here.
1 Dear Old Souli Fin not surprised
dear; I overheard some one speak-
ing about stealing runs as we carne
teereeltrieleleetteleleerieere 4-Heirte +leis+ le+
ri!PIS /Itd 1
! 4.
4. Good wages. +
; + +
Ideal 1Vorkillti C011tiiiinliS.
Elmira Dubber ribtory
E 1.. 11,11RA,
J11. 171 J 2i. LI
v•:,- the yout:g nro, who or.
rh•red oort.7,I,J heal,.: the ,,vaiter
brought him porridge and 7'!' 1779 for
a hreukta.,-1 orrh.r?
0 0 0 0
And what W74S ti Preacher doing
111./7:1! 171 a hotel collar?
\1,l WOIllillet the g1nt9!(17718S or the
'SgrA Lave a fit if they saw their
grand-dauglitors ;performing at the
School sports now?
When the pullets begin to show
signs of sexual development by the
reddening of the combs, it is high
time that thought be given to their
winter quarters.
The houses should have been all
thoroughly cleaned and disinfected
and thrown open fee the sun and
air. Leaking roofs and broken
n,low pant*: should be attended to
before the pullet, are put into the
When the pullets are put into
winter quarters the houses should
be kept wide- open for as lone: a
period ta., weather will permit, as
nothing. is more conducive to fall
colds than taking pullets off free
range and confining them to a stuf-
fy house. They should be fed he-
avily on green feed and sparingly
on grain until they become accust-
omed to confinement. Keep then;
active by feeding the grain spar-
ingly in a deep litter. A week to ten
days after confinement a purgative
of Epsom salts (about one-half po-
und to 100 birds) helps greatly to
keep the birds in health. The cha•
rations to winter confinement and
heavy feeding should be made as
gradual as possible.
Her mother—"Now, Willard, you
may come to see Mary Frances; but
remember—the lights go out at 10.".
Willard—"Yes, ma'am, I'll be there
at 10."
ee 4 -
Elaine: Are you making any pro-
gress in your new job?
Vienne; Heavens, no! The boss
hasn't complimented me on any-
thing but my work.
The late 'Bob' Taylor, who was
called the 'pardoning governor,' told
the following story of an old colored
woman who came to him while he was
Governor of Tennessee:
"Marse Goveneh, I want my Sam
Pandoned,' she said. 'Where Is he,
auntie?' In de penitentiary.' What
for?' Stealin' a ham' 'Did he steal
it?"Yes, sah, he suah did he steal
sah, he suah did,' Is he a
good nigger, aunte?" 'Lawsy, no sub.!
He's a pow'ful worthless niggeh.'Then
why do you want him pardoned?'
'Cause, you' Honoh, we's plumb out
of }lain ag'in'."
The Irish Free State will revise
its income tax.
The apple blossom is the most at-
tractive fruit blossom for photogra-
phic purposes.
W anted
We have a number of open-
ings in our Knitting and
Sweater Finishing Depart-
ments for capable young
women, Excellent working
conditions ; light, clean,
modern mill, pleasant sur-
roundings, Reasona b 1 e
board and lodging available
in our town. Those seeking
permanent employment ()Il-
ly need apply. If possible,
apply in person to
The P -K Milis, listowel
Listowel, Ontario
Coal - Coke
and Pochantos
Expected this week
J. H. Fear
Phone. 22-11
reeerrellieri Pee i ...9.
1,111.• :II'. !I, 17 ,f1
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and •
y L.; . 'I, 1
, 1:114, ;'17),1.
el. and this a:
. 1.1 :
y:•I ih 1.417711,1 111 .
(." 7;
of a HHI, Cortr,1•11, 0
'And what u 71e 17 7.
lo -day, Ibis ' , I
flowTs. f'1. ;CO. ,
lablI14:11) i•7111 „ 1I1:1,17
I‘V.1ria ;.,V111,1:.•
Naturally on, ;h. tit of 1.:7y
Years 017 11;'I; '-71 It $01.
gpsts cowmen,' .,71 he p -
pie that, ktliereos ender tle.
atlon any Dm, rq intro:tan IrionalLy
could retain his stains, and atc,rnt.,:,
hr,rn in could register as
British subjects, no: one 7 lecied to
remain under Tor but r,ver 1 1,-
•1 I:1r e utitictle-: of rau-
"The Phoenix is risit7 '.t. from her
ashes. Time must needs he the beSt
ally of all who seek the welfare of
the long-sufferins iAand ; for the neg-
lect of centuries ,';6171111 b'' quickly re-
paired. Education, dr volopment, res-
toration must be gradual. No sensa-
tional cha:nges or triumphs can he in-
dicated; but a slow and patient at-
tempt to revive the moribund indus-
tries, to awaken initiative in a people
far behind the march of modern cona-
tnercial activity, to supply up-to-date
facilities, without trying to Impose
Western conditions on an Oriental
"The Cypriot is essentially an agri-
culturist, and does not take kindly to
many other occupations. There are a
few chiefaes (large farms), but the
majority of proprietors or tenants are
farming their own lands on a small
scale. Like all tillers of the soil, they
are intensely conservative, and can
only gradually be persuaded to adopt
scientific methods and modern mach-
inery. The increased circulation of
the Agricultural Journal, published
quarterly under Government auspices
In English, Greek and Turkish, Indi-
cates a growing desire for knowledge.
Horse or ox drawn ploughs are be-
ginning to supersede the antiquated
type, and the prevention of disease
and Insect pests to be given atten-
tion. Experts are ready to advise on
every subject, and the will to learn
seems to be developing.
"One nightmare of modern civiliz-
ation is happily absent. There Is no
labor problem. Factories are few,
and such a thing as a factory system
is unknown. Conditions are Oriental,
In some respects almost patriarehal.
Few of the country people possess
clooke, and the generally accepted
hours of work in the mines and other
Industries are from sunrise to sun-
dOwn. Education is In the hands of
various religious bodies, under Gov-
ernment supervieion; but epeeial
grants are made for the tFaellinv of
"The local dialects is a corrupt
form of modern Greek. The Moslems
speak archaic Osmanli Turkish, Ire,.
from Persian or Arable words, but
most Of them know Greek also.
French is usually undersrood by the
more educated classes. Knowl,,d,., of
English is spreading, and in all but
the most remote districts each NAM, ge
boasts at least one person Wilo, .an
read and write lanLuage of thr:
'New roads have be -17 Marie, new
buildings emotr.d, water supplies Itn-
proved. Most important or all, the
public health has not 1,e,r, ;,eeleetd.
The visit of a il.r.p..11 ti';, ro the Brit-
ish HyL.ione Cmucil in
was a great ev,ht, aol wet,
largely attrmded, at
ma was utilis-d i77us7.;it,. pli.-
wtntion of disease. A Chill EV‘Ifare
Society Is doing nue work for th.•
ones. Not altogether an unworthy
record! And we Wolk 'not
of the future!' "
Prince's Ranch Eleetrilled.
The ranch of H. R.11, prinee 01
Wales has been eleetritn.d, Two !avg..
individual electric plants, of the type
used by thousands of Canadian farm-
ers, were installed recently on the
E. P, Ranch, completely electrifying
the many buildings which form a
small city on the farmstead. Two
electric residence water systems were
also Installed to supply drInktng
water, 80 that kerosene lamps and
water from a pump are as rare at
the ranch house as they are In the
prince's home In London.
Putting in Cement Fitiote,
Angus Campbell has beea putting
in cement Ilea in the fire hall. The
old board door bad served its day.
WEDNESDAY wroiwit ard,'102S
r 6th
This is Your Big Chance before the
Cold Weather comes.
Bring 'us your Eggs, Poultry and Cream
We want to get acquainted
Bernie & McLeod
Has a Double Purnp.
Robt, Patrick has had a double
pump erected at his gasoline station
so that he will handle rSupertest and
also high test gasoline,
Preparing For Change.
Members of the Bank of Com-
merce, Wingham, have been corning
down to Brussels each evening, get-
ting the staff of the Standard Bank
accustomed to their style of bank
work, so that when the change is
made at the end of the month, eve-
rything will be working smoothly.
Old Age Pensions.
A new branch hi one of the de-
partme.nte will probably be organized
by the Ontario Government, when
the times comes, to handle payments
under the old -age pensions plan.
Manitoba, where the legislation is
now coperative, has created a branch
of the Workmen's Compensation
Board for this purpose, but there Is
reason to believe that course will
not be followed in this province.
The Compensation Board here, no-
minally under the Attorney -Gene-
ral's department, is a self-contained
.organization, with it's business inc-
reasing annually, and at the present
,time is considered to have plenty of
,work without taking in more territ-
- ory.
Checked Corn Borer.
thousand blank forms are being tient
out, according to James Farrington,
assistant to the deputy minister, in
anticipation in history. For a resid-
ent hunter, the deer license is $4.
Non-residente must pay $4 1, but in
so doing are entitled to kill 1 moose
in addition to one deer.
Although the dreaded corn borer
has not vet been entirely killed out te++++++++1•+++++++++++++++
in. this district, his depredations this T I 4.
, season have • been far less marked + Free Board +
,than last year, and the strenuous of. t
! .
forts oits co els i str ntIymaleherehaxT
Farmers also report that it looks .1; A limited number of openings ÷
• likely that, with continued watch- + 711',I available to ambitlous I
fulness, the destruction by this peet
may nevee erea
r again bn gt. See i -.I..1(rVinrrgl wri:Oir:.katttoe.nralibrtigainherrl::ri'nf'. 1..1:.
Government einnouncerneettre-corn * exchange for work in spare 3 .„
borer on another page, e. hour. Write immediately if .1,
j" you wish to take advantage of
Sending Out Licenses. i ..ri 1.10,.; exceptional opportunity. +
The Ontario department Of game 4:
and fisheries is busy three! 'lig' * Central Rosiness College ++
mailing out the regular fall supply +
Stratford, Ont.
of deer and moose ')(;87l7,74',to issur r:1 +
in all seetione of the. Provinert. Fifty eet..e.Hetee+++++++.7.e.++++4.4.4..e.a:
The Mightiest Spectacle of Modern Times
Grand Theatre, Brussels
One day only
et. 13th
Matinee and Evening
The Greatest Aviation
Spectacle ever filmed
combined with an in-
tense story of love and
With a Great All-Star Cast including
Clara Bow Charles Rogers
Richard Allen
Euery woman who has ever loved will see the
reflection of h'er own heart throbs in this
Great Drama,
The heroes of the air --Laughing at danger