The Brussels Post, 1928-8-22, Page 1VOL. 57 NO, I0
2,00 Per annum in advance
BGref.esBiel« e0t....s..d.ese+trtw$r'tseef$oceee;jzest g«We. 0.1e4.4+4+1.-1+44:4414Feteulele
The Surrounding District
Jack l,tlgae was a Toronto visitor,
last weep
Nies, Thos, Walker ie the guest of
i'r•l etive' in Lefelon,
A. and Mrs, Weal' ing were Sunday
visitors in (Guelph.
Fred Hawley and family spent Sun -
clay itr Ki(eltetter,
\VIn, and Jirs. McLean and IL and
bit•.. Patterson split Snuday in Bay.
Mrs. Jno. Simmons, Brussels, spear
Saturday with \Vw. and Mrs, Palter -
se l),
Dantean McKercher, Hnwiok, has
returned front a two months' trip tp.
Mrs Bevinglon, Cleveland, is a
visite(' at the home of her sister, Mrs.
.A, Munro.
Robt, and Mrs, Barnard, London,
attended the funeral of the late eller.
Jno. Adams.
Miss Hazel Van Velenr, Oshawa, is
epending a two weeks' vacation with
her parnote here.
Mise Perne Bennett, Turnbery, has
gone to Toronto, where she has ac-
cepted a poeition.
W. E and Mr's, Van Velum attend-
ed the funeral of the latter's father in
Vienna, last week.
Gavin and Mrs. Davidson and Les-
lie and•Mrs. McLaughlin, of Oshawa,
were recent visitor's here.
Rev, A. D. and Mrs. Ar'mstr'ong,
Lender', were visitors in the village,
last week, having Dome to conduct the
funeral service of the late Mrs. Jno.
r �
* Harold Skinner's
Blue Water Boys
Wingham Arena
Every Thursday Night
++• ++++++++++++++++++++++++
W. 1---7'he monthly' meeting of the
Women's Institute will heheld at the
holm: of Alla. II, AVallee, cel Thui
clay, Aug. ;10 1 at :3 n'clor)t, when an
ed(1100N 011 "1'ee1.11 Hygiene" will be
tit- Dr. C. C. il4/111.11,,;1', e 1' iii a.
gels, 'rhe Boll call will he tuleavele,l
by "Vaeationn Mugge-them," Men(•
hers are requested to bear in mind 1he
Sunshine ling, which will he closed
that day.
The Ward lte•Uninn wag held at the
home of Nelson and Aire, \Vard, I2eh
line, Last Zaire, on Monday of last
week, with an attendance of 50 rel-
atives from points including Brant-
ford, Wondetock, Moum'ieff, Meth -
sada and West Mnnktnn, After din-
ner, there was a splendid program of
instrumental music, recitations,
speeches and community singing. A
baseball match between country cous-
ins and city cousins was played, while
the smaller children were entertained
by a grab bag well filled with presents
whish were very much enjoyed,
Robert Ward, aged 86 years, was the
oldest one present, while Marie Ward,
7 weeks. was the youngest. After a
splendid supper with an abundance of
ice cream and lemonade, all departed
for their homes thanking Mr. and
Mrs, Ward for the splendid day's en•
Mrs. Wm. Woods is visiting friends
in Clinton,
Peter B. and Mrs. Gardiner visited
relatives in Ueborne.
Nelson and Mre, Fulton and Hugh
Fulton spent the weekend in Strat-
Alexander Mitchell and John Bach.
anau were in Toronto on business, re-
Mrs. Peter Kerr, nf'Torontn, has re-,
turned home after visiting relatives
to Walton.
H. and Mrs. Mitchell and Mise 011ie,
of Ripley, were recent guests of Geo.
and Mre. McTaggart.
Mrs. Fred Miller spent a couple of
days visiting at the home of Jno, and
Mrs. Benneweie, of Brodhagen.
Mies Winnifr'ed Drager, who bas
been in London for some time, is at
present visiting her mother, Mrs. C.
Mrs. Jos. Johnston and granddaugh.
er, Ione, of Blyth, spent a couple of
days with Mrs, Johnston's daughter I
Mre, Fingiand Net week,
New Advertkrenrentr
ttuggy for sale Prank Wnud:
h'a,wN fon. Hole -Lean, egtil loon,
Selma epi ning 1. 1( Smith
Shoo Yo, ant 13 Pratt
ilowneru wonted -5.1 ra Pops
A II for 86e --A Per Drug store
Farre for Hale-1"rook Gress
Pigs for sate-4hasler Baker
fatten ,mei Firma; Its at Clinl en
Nhenp for sal o -•Cameron tbeh rano
Young People-tdatowel Buslrreoe (;allege
Hugh le'ultol, who -Ales been visi1111
relatives in Shakespeare, Sten troy
and Niagara halls, hag returnee( to hi
Mre, 'Debited ICPIis aril ane. Mervin
who have been visiting relatives in
t =€ Now that the ._
this vicinity end other pelts, left fo
their home in Reward, Sask., las
J. W. and Mrs. Swain and (laltgl
tees, Misses Ina and Betty, who lav
been spending their vacation wit(
Mrs. Nelson Fulton, have returned t
their house in New Toronto,
Hugh and Mrs. Shannon, Mrs. Wm.
Hupmhries were in Stratford recent-
John and Mrs. Morrison of Toronto
were visiting friends in Walton last
Mrs. D. Corbett, of Straftord, has
been visiting her sister, Mrs. John
..Dr. C. E. Toll, Dentist, will be in
Walton .every Wednesday afternoon
from 2.30 'co 8 p.m. 2T
Barrister Wm. Ret, of Edmonton
is spending a week at the home of
his mother in the villave.
Miss Marjorie Reid is at present
visiting her aunt Miss L. Campbell
on the fourth concession of McKillop.
Miss Edith Deadman, who ,for..
merly 'caught school in Walton is at
present visiting Miss Annie John-
Miss Alice Hoy, of Toronto arriv-
ed home on Saturday and intends go-
ing to the West with her mother in
the near future.
Mrs. Robert J. Naylor and daugh-
ter Lois, of New York and Rochester.
are at present visiting Mrs. Naylor's
rnother, Mrs. William Hackwell, of
Neil and Mrs. Sterling of Saginaw,
Mich„ .Thos. and Mrs. Johnston and
George and Mrs. Cavanagh, of Yale,
Mich., visited their cousins, the John-
ston's in Walton and vicinity.
J. W. and Mrs. McTaggart. of
Brandon, Man„ Donald and Mrs. Mc-
Taggart and Robert, of Grey, visited:
their cousins, George and 'Mrs. Mc-
Tagagrt, of Walton.
Miss Hazel Drager, of Detroit, is
Threshing Season
(; iti is on you will ;r
• want a
"4* Choice
Roast ":
' I
Conanaencing Wednesday, Aug. 15th, Special Prices on all
lines will be given in order to clear out the balance of
our Summer Merchandise.
Ginghanis and Prints
Wide widths, regular to 35c per yard
for 24c
Ladies' Silk Hosiery
$1.50 line pure silk, full fash'd 1.20
x.85 line pure silk, full fash'd 1.50
x.00 and 1.25 lines for .85
Hand and Tea Toweling
All lines at discount of 20 p c
House Dresses
All lines, short and long sleeve, reg.
from $1,00 to 3.75 20 p c off
Silks, Flat Crepes and
. all Dress Goods
Discount will be given of
20 p c
Auto Rugs
9 Wool Rugs, regular $5.00 for
Men's Overalls & Sinocks
Regular $2,5o for 2.15
Regular 2.25 for , 1.95
Men's 'Work Shirts
Regular $1.65 for
Regular 1.35 for
Men's Fine Shirts
Alt lines, separate and collars at-
tached, discount of 20 p c
Men's Suits
Regular to $32,00, including Plain
Grey and Navy Blue, at 24.50
20 p c discount on all other lines,
Men's Trousers
Iu Sunlnler and Fall weights
20 p p discount
Curtain Materials
All yardage material and made-up
Curtains 20 pc discount,
These are just a few of the many lines and in order to stimulate business
during the Harvest season we offer Special Prices on all lines. Give us a Call
and compare prices whether-you'wish to buy or not. '
Phone 61
'3� f
,r Baeker Bros.
" Phones -Shop 6
House 71 or 23x
Our Motto :
Quality and Service
at present visiting her mother, Mrs.
Charles Drager.
Wm. and Mrs. Grainger motored to
Stratford, on Sunday,
R. J. and Mrs. Pearson and family
visited at Geo. Br'own's, Molesworth,
on Sunday,
3, G. and Mrs. Faille and Miss Kay
Pailis are visitors at Mrs. Hector Mc-
Qnat'rie's faun.
Mise Lila McCracken has returned
to her home after spending a month
with Mrs. H. Muir, Con. 2.
Roe's United Church is preparing
fora big fowl supper to be held on
Monday evening, Sept. 171h.
Mrs. Stanley Wheeler and Masters
Lloyd and Glen were visiting friends
at Gerrie, during the past week,
D. L, an(1 Mrs. Strachan and daugh-
ters, are spending a few days at the
home of Crawford Strachan, 3rd line,
Mies Wilma Lowe is spending her
bolidirye visiting friends in St, Thom-
L A. Wright and H J. Mabee, of
Vulcan, Have joined Mrs, Mabee and
Mrs. Wright, who are spending the
Summer at the }Rector McQuaerie
A. and Mrs. Yuill and Mrs, IT,
'i'.Lemont attended the funet al of their
entrain. the late Olnletcipher Lurch, at
Palmerston, on Thntaday of last
Mrs, Bella Logan and daughter,
Mre, Chester Rnwdp and IleenP, of
Ottawa, are guests 01 Dick and Mre.
Robinson. 14th Con. The fortuer is
an aunt ni' Mrs, 1tobineen.
If Don't forget to go to church, next
Sunclay, Special Ohildren's Service,
at Roe's Church, at 10.30 a, m. ; :Ruh -
;lent, "Running Life's Rare," The
Children are preparing snechal Music.
Regular services will ke held on
Sunday next on the Ethel Circuit
United churches with services at
Roe's 10,30; Union 8 p.m.; and Ethel
7.30. . Special -Children's Day Pro-
gram. Junior choirs and appropriate
musical numbers. The pastor, Rev,
D, M, Guest will preach on the sub-
ject "Running Life's Dace." Every-
body come.
Misses Treacy, at 'Peron to, were vis-
itors with Ernest and Mrs, Snaith,
las. Newsornbe and daughter, of
Newark, N. J., are holidaying with
Mies Mildred Passmore is spendiug
her vacation at her sister's home in
Street villa.
Basil Wallace, of Newark, N,
has been spending some time in these
parts visiting his mother, Mrs, Ellen
Wallace, and other relatives.
The Acton Free Press refers 1211 the
death of a cousin of the Michie family
of this township "011 Wednesday,
Aug, 8111, there ditfd at, the home of
her niede, Mrs. J. 0. McDonald, Spey.
side, Elizabeth Michie.. Deceased was
the eldest danghtet of (Inc late Robt.
and Christina Michie, of Esquesing
'.Twp., and was born in Esgnesing and
spent her lifetime in the neighbor-
hood in which she was horn, She
was of (a very kind and and quiet dis-
position, always ready and willing in
lend a helping hand in (intoe of sick -
Mere and tenable. She was a member
of Boston Church, Illsgnesing, and up
uSitit recent yenta was a repute!' at-
tendant She was also a member of
of the Ladies' Aid and Missionaryciety of the ehureh, Dereaeed had
been in failing heel t11 for the past lief)
genre nt''tyhre, The funeral took place
on Friday, Aug .10611, to I3nstonl cem-
etery and Was largely attended, The
pall -beaters were her six nnnshns, \Vm,
ftartolcl, and Thos. Miehie, lir,queehtg t
0, A. Michie, I3espelee • Malnnlm
Michie, Acton, anti Geo, Minnie, Nazis.
agaweya, The funeral service was
conducted by Rev. Mr. Baxter, of the
Baptist Church, Acton, Resides et
large number of Mende and relatives
who remain to mourn iter loss. there
Oen survive two sisters, Mrs, Bell, of
Speyside, and Mrs, C. Cameron, of
Band Tattoo
Monday, Sept.3
at 8 p, m,
7- Sev,en Bands - 7
Clinton Clinton Pipers
Stratford Mitchell Goderieh
Kitdhener and Waterloo
Fireworks Display similar
to Old Home Week, 1925
Unveiling of Cairn to Clinton's
Pioneers will take place
at 7,30 p. m.
Adults 50e. Children 25e
Mrs. McLean, Wiogharn, arid Mrs,
Brooke, 'Toronto, were recent visitors
with Mrs, John McGill.
Robb. and Mrs. Oantelon and Thos.
Ramsay, of Granton, spent Sunday
with 0, H. Russell, 5th line,
Ed. and Mrs. Hawkins, and Miss
Margaret, of Toronto, were week -end
Msitors at the home of Ernest and
vire. Smith, 6th line.
Misses Edith and Laura Wagborne,
of Toronto, spent their vacations at
the home of Jno. and Mrs. McArter,
6th line, and other relatives.
Little Mao 1Riutoul, five -Year-old
sou of Jno. and Mrs. Rintoul, 3rd line,
Morris, had the misfortune to have
his leg broken, He was taken to
Winghanl Hospital,- where medical
treatment was given, bet it will be
some time before the lad will be able
run about again.
Olttf. Dunbar, nt• Detroit, was a
Sunday visitor at Ethel.
Some of one young teen are going to
look the \Vest over, this Fall. e
Stewart Ferguson, of Goderieh, is
spending a few days with his aunt,
Mrs. Geo. Dunbar,
Palmer and Mrs, Somerville were
week -cud visitors at the home of the
former's sister in London.
\V, L and Mrs. Ste nhetienn, Airs.
;Inn, Kran ter and Miss Evelyn, Nnrrri-
an and Ross Stephenson( spent. sun.
d,ay. Aug. 12th, in Stratftn'd with Jno.
and t\ll's Rinhir'deon, Mrs, Rlehl n'd-
snn has just t'ecel,tly returned from
trip to Scotland, where she spent two
menthe visiting relatives,
W. L -The Women's Institute will
meet o1 Thursday afternoon of IIPxt
week, Aug, 311th, at 23(l p. 111. at the
horse of Mrs, Joe Antes, We will
have a visit from members of the
Molesworth Branch who will provide
the program. All the ladles of the
0nlnnlunity etre invited to (attend )hirer
Inw+tit, e'
Go to Church on Sunday -A sper-
iai Children's Service will be held in
the 'United church at 7,30. Special H
music will be provi ed by a children's P
choir. The pastor will speak on the f
subject "Running Life's Race", a
Everybody cone. Opening service
after vacation,•
• n
Fellewiltg the wend custom The
11 ;f nnnu..l holiday n •:ct
i week. (Jthre will be open for reeeiv-
in„; eubee'iptinne, etc. ('nrresnor-
dent :fee requested to send in their
budget of news so that it will bn pul,•
0,11.A tane following week.
Personal Paragraphs I
Mrs 010040, ut Faex, is renewing
old f, iend"hipx 111 town,
George Hawking is the relieving tell -
ex at the Standard
Mrs. Jno. Sintrneue has been visit-
ing P o
tg 1 inti es In \Vrnxeter,
S. T. Pluto has been confined to his
bed with an attack of lumbago.
Misses Lyle. sad Dorothy Rutledge
were at Bayfield, nn Sunday.
Fred and Mrs. Stcphensnn spent
Sunday at Stratford with friends,
b'Jrg. J. L. Kett' and Mary Helen are
spending a week at Wasaga Beach
Rohr. Thuell, of Palmerston, in
a business trip to Brussels, last we
Mrs, Coates, of Ethel, ie the gu
of A. A. Lamont and Mies 1\1
John and Mrs. Ferguson are spend-
ing two weeks at the lakeshore at
Miss blergaret Brown. of Blyth,
was a visitor, last week, with Mrs.
W. A, Birtles,
George H, and Mrs Sarnia and Faid•
lay are holidaying at Toronto and
p eta,
Mrs H. L. Jackson spent a few days
in Landon, last week, with her son,
Lloyd 0. Jackson.
Mise Betty Walker, of thew Ha
burg, is visiting with her gt•andp
encs, 1) and Mr's. Walker,
Jas, Newcombe, Newark, N. J., a
Robs. Newcombe. Blyth, visited th
uncle, Jas. Williamson, town,
=Master Mack Stephenson has are
ed heels atter his visit with his gran
parents, Geo, and Mrs, Riley, at Co
Mrs. S. Carter fell from the top
the step ladder and is confined to h
bed. Fortunately, no bones we
Miss Margaret Ritchie and Mt
Grace Greer, of Ottawa, were visirn
for a few days last week with Mi
Grace Stewart.
hire, M. Yolleck and family Left n
Monday fee Toronto where they wi
make their hnme,0Their address wi
be 821 Euclid ave,
Grunge and Mrs. Edwards and Mas
er Brian, of London, were week -en
visitors with the former's parents,
and Mrs. Edwards
A. W. L and Mre. Gilpin return°
t0 St. Louis, o Thursday last, as th
J. L. KERR, Proprietor
I Church Notes
United Church
large eun;r •grt("r,s ,)tended the
Yet vie,. a ut1 Hncalrty, rs(reeuaitp in Thu
morning, when the rhuri'li was well
tilled, "T'h(' (hatr.eter of Joh ; a
modern view" was (110 eul'ject ti the
wot'trii(g sermon. Ot (;0lbert, of
solNewo wikr1t (1115 wellded I reloir l,eived.d Mre
[Rev.' ,Alin taught a very' large class
of men and women at 10 30 o'clock.
Rev. Mr. Barker, the pastor, at3.end-
ed (ire weeping sNrvtee ni,(•pecledly
Inti elntdur,ced the opening exercises,
It was a pipagnr a to have Niru present,
14lrs. Backe(' was also 111 Ole (tongre-
gation. Rev. Me. Allin's disennrse
WIVE 011 "The Blessing of the Lord.
which is without Sorrow" : Prov 10:
22. Mr's. Denman and Mts. Procter
furnished a vety pleasing duet,
Melville Cltur06
The 5F1'01.4.4 ill Ilrtville Church.
next Sabbath, will be in charge of
Rev, John Pollock, of Whitechurch,
The set vices in Melville Church, last
Sabbath, were in charge of Rev, las.
Foote, of Exeter. His text. on firth -
morning, was Nehemiah 1 • 3
and 4, "And they said unto rue, "The
ade remnants that are left of the captiv -
ek. ttv there in the province are in great
est affliction and reproach : the wall of
ary Jerusalem also 18 broken down and
the gates thereof are burned with
fire." And it came to pass that when
I heard these things, I sat down and
wept." Nehemiah's family had been
brought up in captivity and when the
Children of Israel returned from cap-
tivity to Jerusalem, they remained be-
hind, Nehemiah quickly rose to a
position of great wealth and power.
The Persian emperor 1 eeognized the
worth of a man whom neither' wealth
nor position could make to change his
character.. To this wan came a dep-
in- citation from Jerusalem who told hint
at, how Jerusalem was broken down and
not only this but the church was fall-
nd ing into disuse and decay. Nehemiah
eir might have refused to have anything
to do with it, but because of his love
iv --for the church, he e'quiled into the
: matter and when he learned that all
, that had been told him was true, he
sat down and wept. l;:ealizil,g what
of r it meant to the molal and spiritual
el• ; welfare of the people to have this
re . little church at Jerusalem, Nehemiah
• sacrificed his position and his wealth
ss hind event to Jelin:Mem to help re -
re build it, We owe our privileges to-
es day to the Netter/dabs who have stood
for righteousness and our greatest
0 need to -day is for Nehemiah!. who Wilk
11 ' strand for iigltterittenees and protect
11 • nue ehnreh and our Subbed), throw- '
ing orf their Stunlay gnlf and other
t- 1 tri voltties o1' our day. At the even -
ti lug service, li'-v. Mr. Footr's text was
(G• i Hebrews 12: I, "Wherefore seeing
we are compassed about with so great
d ' a 0101111 of witnesses, let un ren with
P pat(eure the ca:e ,hat is set before
(1 ns," in the mind of Paul Is the pict-
1110 01' the Roman atnp1ith0111)8 with
A the miners with eyes fixed on the
'P etnpero' nod cnnsri„us of the mutt-
h hods of witnesses inter•este(1 int tile'
race. Paul then thinks of the earth
11 : ns a great 11mphitheatre with . the
Christians 05 lllllnet'a and with their
n eyes fixed upon God and ennscions of
(1 ' a cloud nl�' witnesses. These wit-
,,essee are the firing but not the
, ing oily. They include all t11115e who
• have passed on and are tent dead but
living and conscious of our existence
I and interested in our welfare and able
10 help ns. This is the teaching of
i Christ, it is (iheur,i to h,;lieve that
• the dead do not live anti with the
eye of faith we can see the inuumee-
eble host of the depart id en vent ped
npn0 the 11i115 of Ginty. As we^ think
j of the great leaders of men who have
passed on, it 0 impossible to thitllk of
them as dead, but we errii.nt .Ielp.
thinking of them as living and inter-
ested in us and helping us. When we
come to the end of life, we do not go
nut alone but surrounded by a great
cloud of witnesses. Our great bope•
to -day is in Christ, in Nis death, Hie
conquering of death and in His Power
to give us entrance into the Father's
formers father. J. J. Gilpin, ehnwe
1(11)01 itnpt'lVetnrtl 1,
Angie,, Evat Ma0raaken, Flnreue
1311ch,rlau and Truth Strachan ar
spending a few days in Detroit wit
Ward and Mrs. Buchanan.
Reeve A, C. 13aeker, John Logo
and 0. H, Walker ttrrnrnpanied D. ,11
Scott to Ottawa overtheweek-end t
see 140108 prnperty.tley ate iutereste
Alis 1(1arie'u \Video, of Windsor
daogbter of lied \\'ils,v,. an 1,1,1 Brus
selite, 0 the guest of her rennins
Misses ll1leldll McDonald and Mune
Br ot.hcI'e,
Matt.. and Mrs. \Vtl1i010501/ an
avoid and Doris, of Toronto, motor
11 up to spend a few days with the
Denet's father, James Williamson
nd other relatives.
Miss Leta smith, of LTxbritlge ; Miss
farjnrie'Paylor and Dr, 0. S, (Gilbert,
f Newmarket, and Duncan Murray,
f Listowel, spent the week -end at
the home of T. 0, and Airs. McCall.
W. H, Willis, of Wingham, was
calling nal 13., F. Downing and other
old friends, last Thursday. It is 39
peers this month when Air. Willis op-
ened up a boot and shoe store in Brus-
W. A, Riffles, of Toronto, spent the
week -end at the home of Samuel Wil-
ton, Elizabeth street, where Mrs.
Stales and son have been spending
their vacation. He was accompanied
by his brother, 3, J, Birtles, also of
tha Queen Ulty.
J. A, and Aire, Thomson and damgh•
r, Lois, of Toronto, hem's weok•end
Kers at the halite of Reit. Them -
n. A. K. Zepfe, of the Royal Benk
atf, Toronto, also 'pent: a day at1 the
ee Moore, where Mrs Z•Ipfe and
Idren have been spendiug their
\Van. Rae, barrister', at Edmonton, '
ve 7`t1r Pns'r a call, on Tuesday,
Rea reports excellent crops which
II al,l'pass last year's output, Mr.
a had been visiting his sou, who is
ending Northwestern -University
Chicago, and they motored over to
tt to Ontario.
• B, Macdonald, barrister, of Van-
uver, 13. O., end a former well -
own oitizell of Brussels, wile hailing
01(1 friends in town, Inst '191nrerlav,
motored nit 100111 Torun( o with his
sisters and they were walling 011
nag in Ashfield, (Gnderioll and nth -
obits. "Mac" looks as if B. 0,
Pas With hire,
Edward Grundy, of Miami, Fla.,
as here, tact week, calling nn all
lids and relatives. It is a gond
ny years since he left Brussels,
had,been nn a sad m15,10 t, His
, a young married man, had been
wned while frying to save a um -
1 wile was being carried out by
body back toGClevenntlelanddtolbe bihrt
beside the mother.
Elmo. Township Pioneer Answers
Last Call. - Trowbridge district;
mourns the passing of its oldest resi-
dent in the person of Mrs. Catharine
Collins, who died July 25th at the
advanced age of 92 years. Only for
nine days previous had Mrs. Collins
been confined to bed by falling and
breaking her hip, whi,rh was cause of
death. She had maintained all her
faculties in a marked degree in spite
of her age. Mrs. Collins was the se-
cond eldest of a family of ten child-
ren, the daughter of James and Each -
el Griffin. She was born in the year
1830 in County of Limerick, Ireland,
and in 1846 came with her parents
to Canada, settling on the 4th lino of sae
Mina near Trowbridge. On Marsh 1)l11
31st, 1858, site was married to Daniel
M. Collins, who predeceased her in glt
1010. In 1896 they moved to the Mr
village of Trowbridge to spend the I wi
remainder of their lives. A family . Re
of 7 children, 8 sons and 4 daughters ' ata
were 11011 to this union: 3±1(8, S. i tat.
Simpson, Vancouver, 13,0„ Frank, of via'
Grey Township; Mrs, John Vines;
Martha, ,deaconess of Indiana; Wes- ion
ley, of Eugene, Oregoh;- Fred of Inn
Vancouver I;, 0, (deceased) ; and'Miss Iia
Ida. at home. Mrs. Collins had 17 two
grand -children and 21 great -grand- I fete
children, Ono brother snrvivos, er p
Henry Grillin aged 22 et San Jose, 1 age
Califoin(a,,The Italy life she lived and j
the example she set and prayers in I' R
Alone and church and community and Erie
testimony has proven a channel to the , ma
path that leaden unto righteousness, 11Te
Six Grandsons were pallbearers: j'av, i deo
and Alex. Collins and Elva, Thomas, 1 mai
Glen and Carl Vines. >"tt,heral was the
very largely attended from ''Xow- the
bridge United Chureh, led
Mrs, E Garton is in Owen Sound
viebhng het' iieter,
Miss Oarrie Hingston is away on a
shot t vacation.
1 • Clcyne Thuell, of Port Herod, is
spending 1)1s holidays in and around
George Phippen, of Wingbnm, was
ending on fid friends in town, on.
rs: Chas, 13e11, of Vit. (111(4
heti 110(01, Mts. W. J. Pineter, one•
day hast week,
Oeeil Collets, Niagara halls, was a
visitor al the hone of Airs. 'Sperling
over the weekend.
(Geo, Cheeky sol Jiteit Wilkinson, of
Guelph, visited friends here, on gat•
urday and Stnlds,y.
Dr, mend Mrs, 0 0. Ramage have re.
turned from n holiday trip to the
Rnwsn (I a Lakes di't) Ira,
L. N Prooter, of London, has been
spending a few days at the home of-
bis parents, W. J, and Mrs. Proed.r•r.
Mn', McDermid, of ii'nrristnn, gave
'rrir, POST a friendly eal1, on Tuesday,
'Phe V151 (01' was accent ftfen(1 of the.
late Editor' venter ego and was a form,
et' well'Itnnwn.fartnee of Howink.'.
L. P. and Mrs, Alletl and Geo, 11,
and Mrs. Allen, all of Bnfbaln, were•
visitors in Brussels, last 'Phureday.
Mire, (Geo, Alien is a native of Brus":
Rog, being a daughter of Reuben.
Watson, bet left here as a child. The.
visitors were much impressed by,'
their visit up in Huron County.