The Brussels Post, 1928-2-22, Page 1114.-1." • !'fdfl' :W.HINT,IW'HH'•Mw.'K 41,C1i-.H$,110.MjHW.00.474,w+fdN7H-ok,44NS.0Nj,,+l
w,w.HP:Hk.",fir.!P? •+.=Pa, ._.i_i7i'!K:,+ :;7.`"it:•a _ 4_ 1k1i+4:;=1tMaH:,ti
VOL, 56 NO, 3
2.00 /ler annum in advance
The Surrounding District
Mrs, Bert elm Lin was t3. reee11t visit.
ol'i11 Louden.
Miss 91, J39.1v's Wee a weekend 818 -
it 01 al (1(•r heule natal' k;lhrL
Tale Augl eau Guilt( held a suootas
fat Bale of home. wade baking, on Sale
utility after/men.
Alias Martha Keine, of 0melte, is 148-
Risting in the care of etre. Booth, who
still (mullein's in delicate health,
leans ltasinaueeen rettu'nsd to Lon•
don, (t1( elonday, [dint' n few days'
visit with his tnalller
n et he ttta > ees )1' the Mi 1s'o
U d t 1 1 ( !t 1, t n
Baud, a splendid eal'eI Iola tPa (vas
set'vetl in the sehoolleemi el' the Unit•
rd 011urch, MI'I'uestlay evening. The
ptocemis were $123 0(1.
LMie>7 A4eIio1' i+ltuhel•s i4 ,pending a
f, w dap. with 11.0111.- and 111(8. 1Var-
t Ick, 2m1
There tette a real oltetime blizzard
lime, nu Mneday, the wnrsi day by
lar. this l\•ietete
lr. 13ieek'shiPpr•(1 n cat of 11mt;a and
1vv,,Cot aofeat tie to Tot ont0 and he
(peat the week—em it Tot rntn,
Mr, Jamieson(, or Toruei' , 511011111e
Wer I:•rmi bete 111,4 tock t barge of the
*elv(e"in the 1)re,llyt"1((11 Church,
1111 S1044111y.
Morris & Grey
Farmers' Club
Will have a ear of'
Standard Re -cleaned
about Feb. 28th
and a car of
5X B. C. Shingles
some time in March
See us about your Fertilizer
and Harness requirements
for Spring.
Phone 46
St. Savid's Church
Rev. Maurice F. Oldham.
first Sunday inLent - February 26th
2,—S. S. and Bible Class
8 p.m.—Holy Communion Service
Preacher—Rev. J. H, Ross
Rector of St Paul's Church, Palmerston
Lenten Services held every Wednesday
evening at 7.30
Quite few around here are laid up
with colds, this week,
The regular meeting of the W. M.
:t( was held in the United Church, on
41I''11'1y al't('11(110(1 at 2 3(1 o'clo,•k,
el re. 190, JOmni on and Mrs, Oh as,
Turvey soled tts (l( (888es,
Into. Schnook Inas pu*cllaeetl the 30.
more 1,0'01 of Oh1'is. Fischer, being
North part lot 11, Con, 11, Gley, mid
will g''1. pniees,i(44 on March 150h.
The farm lee leen occupied by Chris,
Leon11( vl 'm' h P Fleet u 1, 1 Ih t.1( L grar.
3'1(9* Ila Mae Mee 4F sinning frieilds
in London.
Miss Verena °lark visited with Miss
Elle eleGuire. recently,
elowru'd Wilkinson has rented his
Nein end is holding an auction Bale,
LeWlR +;t1'u'(( 34' 11348 pnrcla8e(1
An avow Jalnie.nn'8 ('ah'nt in 1V14ww1•
11(t's, Haive.y Witten», of Ingersoll,
emelt rt few day' 1V1 di sister, Mrs.
Win. Dunbar, and other relatives
The eegulo• meeting of 13elgrnve
Women'. Institute was held rill 'I'M'S-
day efterneon, at the home of Mete
31. A. Wheelie', 1414. John Anderson
being the assisting hostess The top-
hi wan in nha1ge of Mts. Wm, Brydt;-
ea. Mire Jae. ?COMP love a (ead(hg.
The eneh"1 and dance held in the
Fort -stets' 11,4(1 under the auspices of
111e beehives nem chew n spry IargP
crowd, (nueidel ing the very- wet
night. The pr(zee were captnl•ed by
0. Nellieey and Miss Jett Geddes.
After lunch wee seeve(1 by Belgrave
`Vn a t'1,//Mil.lie i env' 1 t
It1 1 3 , IF 11 g etas was
enjoyed by these present. M(9(0 wits
suppled by local talent. Peoeeeds
will be need to keep the village lights
burning brightly,
On Friday afternoon the women
of this section will observe the week
of Prayer at Knox United Chervil at
2.30. A11 ladies are invited to at-
tend. •
The Belgrave Farmer's Club will
hold an oyster supper in tbe For.
ester's Hall, Belgrave, on Friday,
Feb. 24th, from 6 to 8 p.m. A,pro-
minent speaker from the head uilice
will be present and deliver an ad-
dress. Everybody come and enjoy In
social evening. Admission 40 cents.
The week -end storm tied up things
amen. -
George Clark spent the week -end in
Stratford visiting his brothr, Wes-
John and Mrs. Watt entertained a
few friends front Id.arloce, Monday
evening of last week.
Mrs. Win. Devereaux, of Seafotth,
was a recent visitor at the home of
Mrs. John McDoualn,
-V, George Jai:keen, of Walton, hoe (eft
on a business trip to Peovo8t. Sask.
' He expects to be away about three
I weeks.
Willis and Mrs, .Dundee, Con. 12,
i McKillop, entertainedquite r4 number-
; of friends to progressive euchre and it
1 dance, on Tuesday evening of least
1 week.
BankingA • 0
Y®fit 1li Appreciate
.Ample resources for loan purposes and a satisfactory
depository for your funds —
Cgre and promptness in looking after your collections
through our 300 branches —
Courteous and agreeable service from our staff —
The same sound, constructive business principles
that have given this Bank almost a century of
steady growth --
All these features ensure a banking service that
earns the high appreciation of our customers.
Our Branch near you will
welcome your Account
capital $10,.00,000 Reserve '$20,00.0.000•
Resources $250,000.000
New Advertisements
3.013,418-144,10 (iron
F'or 8814—C'1, David 011
Dog lost -John Howard
!0088 ,Gritynd-L, 1'r810
Polon rel' *41110--(fn11 Stewart.
Alraltn tv8ntiA Welter !tope
Boar for ger vice- John Reenter
14itelien for Mlle-llobert [poking
emotion )41114-Floward Wilkinson
AaeGlnn Bele-Robert Scott estl,to
Nile of horses -Alex. RtnDonrlld
r'nr of Henmeh tio- Wnrrners (lid)
Logs (ra111e' --t tb an 1.,1111110,' (18.
Annna1 S080ealent-Ther Shindard Bank
)Yreeting-Brtl1.ela T01ep)lone System
Alarm cloaks -J.11 Wendt
The New 44ur-Bort Mnhlty re
Gold ('11,11-43lI#n'a Ding Store
Scotch Fn^Int-Melville ('b. Ladies' Aid
A080(,40 Halo -T.19. ,Inek,4on
We Bpen)allzo-Retnn(er's Grocery
O1( Friday evening, Feb. 17111, Jnr.
n .
B 1(nPi entertained itis l'iwlde and
r elt't(ve8. levet-teem testifie1 that
they enjoyed the (lance.
,lnhn line, who hr'4 been visiting
with his mother anti (n( -Abet, ('0(t
17, Grey, hag left for his home in Eel
mouton, Alta. 3'i' 'lisee ie 811p10yed
in the Oustenu office in 11)14t city,
Fred 1014 Mee Sem lett moored to
London, on ,`+nturdn.vto n1te,0 the
funeral tri' 4117 1011 9VIn, Sr,u(Ptt, Who
died quite Rn.14Pnly, 'I'hs derentied
Was an (nein of 111 ,r'ndett,
Mies Mee geret, I'urharuln pegged
(way at, her hem' on the 16th Con.,
(3,'ey'l'Wp , nn S1'pdne8dav evening of
lam. week. following 0(1 111 nese of oav-
era) wpPk8 Al0)014,11 in --her 7310
year. ',Vise Beehnnn.n had been very
active in her borne until the t(0le 01
het' Milieu) and had lived alntl8 since
the death of he, hr'n(hei', .1 ,41111, 8(11r1s
four years ago. She is Survived by
one brothel., Andrew Buchanan, of
c •1
Con. 10,Grev, who n t p Kt .r P11P'
0w t,h t
Hospital wp elhis sister died. The
Funeral wog held on 5 turd( from
her Kite home. The servile( were
conducted by Rev. W. J. Maines:
Players, Pianos
Tuned and Repaired
Satisfaction assured
J. Ca Blackstone
Orders taken by.
Walker & Black
'Mitchell; Pessie Miller; Annie Y,rod-
ie. In this connection 11 may net be
amiss to mention that hesuhe3 heieg
a day school, on week days, on Sun-
- days for malty years, all tis"1 ig:1 1110
su»1mer nlon hs, a Sahli::.. S,.hooi
was conducted las, M(•Nait being
the Su1rrintendent, Also the (-
tion asknolvledgcs its i()((.( tedeess
to Rev. D. 13. McRae who, heli
prayer meeting on Wednesday rven
ine's in the school house, for 1.1.
tram) of years. This he (ria, 910
chinking of the sacrifice of his own
colnlart that hewas(laking, buton
ly for the good of his people.
Farmer I'esident Passes Away --
There passed peacefully away at i0:
home on Feb. 14th, a most highly
respee.tuci resi'len-t of Preston, !n th4
person of Imbert 1,. Scott, in his
year. He wasrose'
t format
dent n
t of Grey TovniiP, living on
the 14th 1 eon, but has resided in
Preston for over .forty years. Be'
sides his sorrowing widow, who be-
fore her marriage was Mary Mc-
Innes, he leaves to mourn one clue-
ghter, Mrs. W. A. Kirkpatrick, of
Terrace, 33. C.; and three sons, Jus,
A. Scott, of Topper, B. 0, • 1?usscl
A. Scott, Houlton, Maine, and Oliver
C. Scott, of Seattle. One brother,
John Scott, of Woodstock, and one
sister, Mrs. William Agnes, near Cal-
gary, also survive. Mrs. Henry Gor-
salitz and Mrs. Harry, ILeys, neiees
of deceased, attended the funeral.
Cars have been running between
here and Wingham and Wroaxeter.
Robert Shaw is at presort visiting
friends at Toronto and Oherrywood,
Mrs., C'Vm. Duff is on the sick net.
Her many friends wish her a speedy
Alex. Mowbray has purchased a
Stat' coach and Alvin Smith a Ford
touring car.
Quite a few from here went to
Wingheiu to see the play-off hockey
game between Kincardine and Ripley,
There was a good turnnue to the
Young People's social held in the
United Church. All preemie had a
gond evening's fan and lunch was
served at the close.
Miss Stella Turvey, of London, vis.
(ted at het home on the 2nd line, re-
V. A. Clegg, of Pontiac Mich,, of
the General Motor's staff, spent the
week -end in this vicinity.
Miss Annie McLauchlan, North
Boundary, Morels, was a visitor with
with !148008 on the 17111 Concession
of Grey, fora few days.
A special meeting of the Farmers'
Olub '.vi11 be held in the Grand
Theatre, at Brussels, on Saturday aft-
ernoon of Ibis week. A(1 members
are asked to attend.
William Kellington is holding an
auction Bale of farm 8t08(4 a11(1 imple-
ments, today (Thursday), at Lot 21,
Oen, 5. The farm has been sold
to Ernest Smith, Oth line.
The 100.acre farm of the late Robt.
Scott has been sold by the executor to
H. O. Walker, of Brussels, Possess-
ion will be given i1( March. The farm
stock, implements, etc, will be niirt'ed
for sale by auction, 00 February 29th.
A full list is published in this issue.
DIED AT Le eoaoii.--Langdon lost a
well-known citizen who had been
prominently i erLiNe
d with the e b1(
and s0o(al life of the commun-
ity, on Monday, Jan. 80th, Death
was the e u 'e
salt of hear 1,•
nm ilea 'one
c tl
and for eeveral days little hope had
been held out for his recovery.
Ohristophee John Bone was been on
February 22nd, 1864, near Bluevale,
Ont„ cohere he lade hie home un-
111 twenty-thiee years ago, In
1887, 1113,Moved to Ohlcags?!.
o work at
his trade as a carpenter, In the same
year, he was married 1,e London, Ont.,
to Miss Ida Ann Bell, the widow who
survives, Moving from Chicago to
La Grange, I11,, Mr. Bone accepted
the management of a large farm and
continued in that position until 1904,
when the tinnily went to lea1gd011 to
85101181 their permanent home. For
several years, tike 'deceased followed.
the carpenter trade, but iatei. engaged
in well drilling which business the coo -
chided until 1917, when he purchased
a farm N0rth•Iilaet 0f Langdon, On
account of failing health, (however, it
became necessary for 11(011 to disp098
Of the farm a short time later and fin-
ally retire from active work, Of re-
eine weeks, he had been in a helpless
condition with rheumatism and heart
complications, Doting the many
years that Mr. Bone resided in Lang-
don, he took a particular interest in
the work of several fraternal organ-
izati0118 and at the time of this death,
he held tliemberehip in the Masonic
and the Woodmen Lodges, the latter
of which he had served at various
times in an ofl3ciKI capacity. Surely -
Mg members of the imMediate family
are the widow, three daughters and
one son as follows t Mrs. Gladys
Wi11 Spence 8440,1de(1 an Insurance
rnret ing at. Guelph. last Friday
The McKee ilnetion sale Was a lig
success. Gond pr(7e8 Were realized.
Nies Donelda McD maid, of Breese's,
.wag a vi8itoe in the village. last Fri-
A cable 1118888(417 has been received
frov England stating that Mrs. 7no.
Purvis, until recently it well-knnwn
resident of Oma, 0. Grey Twp., had
passed away from pn*umnnia, on Feb-
ruary 16th. Last Fall, Mr. and Mrs.
Purvie left fora visit with old friends
in E•tgland and the news carne with a
great shock to the family of two
daughters and three sons, all residing
in this' Inral(ty. Interment will be
made the Old Onunty.
ItasTlTuTit —The Women's Instil ute
purposes making Imp a class to take up
one of the three two weeks' courses
put on in connection with ..Women's
Institutes: Home -nursing, Domestic
Science o' Dress.making. Any per-
son wishing 1,1.1111E0 advantage of this
and join the class, please leave your
name with Mrs. $1, Kreuter or Mrs,
Corr, at the Library and state which
of the three you prefer. Apnlicatinn
will be made 8.s soon as there are
ennegh narne8 In make rip n class. so
please sign np as anon as possible.
Mrs. Parkes, Lot 15, Con, 2, is hold-
ing a clearing anetinn sale of ferule,
fart) stock and implements, 011 Peking
of this week. Full list in this ssue.
There will be a speoial meet(ne of
the members of the Farmers' Olub
will be held in the Grand Theatre, at
Brussels, on Saturday afternoon of
this week.
Miss Olive Onoper, R. N, entertain-
ed about 50 of her friends to a Valen-
tine nrngreeeive euchre and dance,
last Wednesday evening, All report
a splendid time.
L10(t week, Robert: Tacking had the
frame ilnnee which he recently
bought from Allan OPnleton, at 0rtali-
brook, moved to 1118 term nn the 12111
Unto, The work Wa8 done by R. Bren-
nan, of Dublin.
The committee in ehnl'ge of the is-
anieg of invita(•.in118 10 the Re -Union
rot, Fnitoo's echonl a118 having a hest'
Hine gather ing the eddt'eaeee of tile.
Old Boys and (4(1(5. Nearly 8(0 nam-
es have leen aer(n'ed nirendy
,,, Dul'ing the 70 years of school life
at Fulton's school! ool, thirty-eight istY- t8111
tea -
ethers have left their influence on the
youg minds of the section. Of this
mber, only four of them have re-
mained any length of time. Miss
King taught four years, two terms;
1(4r. Bowenman for five consemitive„
years; John Stewart, four years, two'
terms, Miss Forrest, seven and it half
years. Needless to say thee'. four
seem to have left a much deeper im-
pression on the minds of the people
than the others, who remained, most
of them for two years, and many 111
the early days, for one year only,
Miss Telfer taught three years and
% at three different times. There
Mems to have been many ups and
downs in salaries, and vary from
$150 for 111/2 months ?p $1050 for
10 months. The following is the list
of teachers of S. S. No. 8, Grcy:•--
Mr. Arnott; Chas, McLennan; Wm,
Campbell; Allan McDonald; Agnes
Mulholland; Catherine King; Eliza
Hudson; James Mowbray, Catherine
King; Thos! Cottle; 'Sarah Living-
ston; Karate Cowan; John Shannon;
John Coyne; Walter Baker; Jos. P.
Coombes; C. Bowerman; John 33.
Stewart Geo, E. Wilson; John 13.
Stewart; Colennan McIntosh; A. W.
Wynn; Isabel Simpson; Meilen, G9-
lespie; A. J. Edwards; Agnea Smll-
lie. Louise Rendall; Teresa Switzer;
Kate Telfer; Olive McGillivray; Lit.
sie Wilton; Kate Telles; Bessie Mos-
es; Alice J. Forrest;' Kate 'I'ra1£er;
Wilbur Turnbull; Alice J, Forrest;
Bessie Tough; Elva Matthews; Allie
Will be held in the
Lecture Room of
Melville Presbyterian
Church, Brussels
Under the auspices of the
Ladies' Aid Society
Monday E 'ij, Feb. 20
A good program is being
Admission 25c and 15c
Mtittnt,jey 1011 'Miss len h5. Bone, 1e
s (i(lg (u ('11(700* ; Mts. l,. e.h Taylor,
a ' 1 Doti Me Miele, end Cecil 13nne,
Clerk of Ce .04 tel i 1vitlier County.
Brte, a ynul ge1n."P, diet! (n 1rtt,;;rion,
t 12 years atm. l'lvn 111,,1ln•1, (.1' the
('('creased, Henry and 'i'L'an,35, reside!
near 131'ttsselc, Ont elr, ve'." for the
neren8ed were conducteds-
ing afLeemtn) itt 2 „'('1011(, by Itev. A.
le. I3e.nry, at the )l,' le die Episcopal
Church. the eel vices ret t }s" };I itve t)e-
ing (10n4uc(Pd by the ell -lei -is of Leh -
:until Masonic Lodge. Wm. Steven -
.on, N(ehola, feautache, J. 1). Ain ne,
(':. A, Pennock, Jos. Power and Gus
seeved an
A joint Menuoriai service was held
in Sc. Alban's 011010(1, alt Sunday ev-
ening, for the (141e British general,
Earl Hoeg. Rev. 0. C. Keine pr'eech-
Pd and Rev, NV. J, West renin the
lessons. The service was in charge of
]Lev. N1, F. Oldhetln, Mrs. hl. G.
Ooghlin sang a very 8ultahle 8010 en-
titled "The City leour-Square,'
The Council met on February 14th,
with till the members present. Min-
utes of last meet!
approved on motion or Councillors
Campbell and Reid,
A -representative of the Ingot Iron
Oo. waited on the Council, (11 refer•
ence to the sale of culverts and road
machinery. Regarding the purchee-
(ng of additional toad graders, this
matter was laid over until the March
Moved by Kerr and seconded by
Campbell that J. Gillespie be appoint-
ed to attend the annual conference of
County and Township Road Superin-
tendents, in Toronto, on February
20th and 21st•
Auditors Oampbell and Thompson
presented their report of receipts and
expenditures file the last year, show.
receipts of $39,484 255 with an expend-
iture of $88,648 00, leaving a halanee
at the end of the year of;$841..16 The
report was adopted or. motion of
Thompson and Campbell,
A further extension of time was
given the Collector, until Niarch lst
for completion of hie duties, being ex-
pected that by that date all the avail-
able taxes will be ae0onn1Pd fn1'.
A by-law to provide for expenditure
on the township toads for the current
year was read and passed.
The following eccount0 were paid
The Winghnnh Advance -Times, bal-
lots and mmninnt(on b(In8 *18.(10 ;
the Standard office, advert(st fig drain
contracts $2;00 ; W. H, Campbell,
auditor. $12201 F. Thompson, arid.
4101, $12 00 ; Corporation of Blyth,
hall rent Div Court $2000; .le. And-
Pr8011, salary as Treasurer 8120.00,
postage 810.00 ; 3, Scott, work on
Harrison's hill, Cote $, $8.00 ; H,
Black, work at pit and dt'awing tile
$1050; 3, Vincent, patrolman, $100;
1, Stonehouse, patrolman, 8550: 3,
Gillespie, road superintendent, $24.-
A new tic(' siren has been placed on
the hos*' tr wary at Gn0Prirh.
(•loderieh Fair lies at the point of
cath e
death, so the Star says, The Society
owes some 81,250 with no visible as-
West Wawannsh Mutual Fire In-
eurauee Oo. lits had a very satiafaat•-
ory year, having over $50,000 on han(1
Robert ()Owen, East of Fordwich,
hes sold his 100•ncre fart» on the 7th
Concession of Minto Township t0
Wm. Clyne,
The trustees of the (lnlnleaville
United Church have received it gift of
81,000 frons the estate of the late J.
R. Holmes.
Patrick Kearney, an old resident of
West Wawtniosh, has passed away in
his 72nd year. A grown up family
Death has removed James Stevens,
well-known Clinton resident, who
passed away soddenly in his 91st
year, from hent failure. Ile hod
been ill about two weeks previolsly.
A. i3. and Mrs. Milner, of Brawn-.
ton, announce the engagement of
their only daughter, Doris Mildred,
to Charles Ed Ward IBard, of London,
Ont., son of .1. S. and Mrs, hard, of
Wingham, the marriage to take place
in April.
Stratford is planning to elect a 6 -
story hotel building, at an estimated
cost of $250,000.
Harry Engler, of Monk ton, is cit
present preparing far the erection of a
barn !n 1118 place of the one destroyed
by fire, feet Fall
We Specialize
lel THE
Best Teas
and Coffee
One Trial will Convince You
The Flavor Is Lasting.
Beginning Saturday,
Feb. 25, and for the fol-
lowing two weeks we
will give a 10 per cent
discount on all China
and Crockery.
Ennke elf'9 s
'4..� n ll
•1r ✓,f 4' + •1f f1f • f Y
The Budget .Speech of Mr
• Thomas McMillan, M. P. for
South Huron, is 'held o'er
lentil next weak.
• 4'++':'+.+ />
4 9$4* + tt8
901110 niterr4ti(ns will (11ve l8re0ut-
ne(1n7t(odrt(-int( 1441 1.44(4(1 pen pl4, 'l`i're.
building in rep01'1.ed 10 he 111 Orat'-clans
cordo Linn,
Personal Paragraphs
311 Nea(',. 3( 1(t ('t1, l Elgin, is 43.4ilr
al. tri+' 11010,• 1,1' l+"1 vn1' in 183rd.
th Dnu,•1 3 1111),,• "nt 4%'8'.44 vir9it-
nr 1�r1((ay.
14N, .1, A. eleteengliten mr.d T. T.
rlert,te Wore in '("•,1,•1111', last 1'ln*re-
ti 1-'11:141(11i,' f' Ip (:111(1(41 1', has
b. -en visiting hot 4,110 (,ter. 311'- (1(1,47
A. 1S'. 1(.,'4,et mi OP'
Jos. 1'11'1* of (ltenbo,0, 31,10.,
wee 1" 13rns,•ele -hitt; 111„ ,:Pr.
loll, 4110.•. ,:£ 1 . *,''', Miss Ar.oie
Iln'''i. (rho .int" p'. -•.en nwlry.
'411,1 M2.. !loll:tiger and son,
13111'1, ;1(d 1r"I d..(ah.,'1', K11111Pen,
''i' I.'",•},1(r, ,'4..•.1. n• v%�(ri ;vitln
their 433,11 -it:, , 1!,. Pen b411it..:8r11.
11 a•:14(73('s Ftweot 111,43 11e1.11 an -
ed tie
r (v ,•I
R 11 11i nntr's
1 'P'k'pin 0e 13 ,,d 1" -u7r' "tt Jr;r sea
U. 1m , Y11r
i ingtwtPk. 31 10pv,ret1(casieterof
31 rR, 31111, Lnq p,
Archie Stewart, of 'l'nrnnte, wee
linnet for a few dove during the peat
( w"t'k. He (n Pner(pC the Drug elo- .
pn,rhnpnt of the T. E,atnn the
elanfeeder ()epartlnen(. We wish ArchiP S1191(1118/11101a quirk promotion.
8 Mrs. Bert McIntyre and Miss Betty
are visiting in Listowel.
Miss Laura Bryans, of 're -onto, is
1 visiting with her sinter, Nlrs. Dan.
Mrs. T. Whitfield, of Atwood, is
vielting with her daughter, Mrs. 11-
0. Walker.
Mrs. M. Little, of Atwood, spent
the week enol with her con, n, Mine
it1:. Robinson.
Miss Lottie Champion is snenr(ing
a couple of weeks in Termite com-
bining hueiness and pleasure.
William Pawson left on Newby
morning for St. Clements :vhnrr be
has accepted a position in a saw mill.
Mrs. G. McDowell returned lad
week from Wroxeter after wn'ting
on a patient for the last three
Kars. McGuire is at Gerrie Where
She dlivers an address tonight at a
"Mother and Daughter" bemire,: 3.1
the United Church.
Mr .and Mrs. Knox and two child-
ren, of L(meriek, Sask.. came east
to attend the funeral of thele mem-
hn,'the late Miss Budd.
R.W. Connor, who 11x8 hu" CPrrl(t-
ing the wet
in end aro-:n-I Brus-
eels and Walton left on Me- lav for
his home in Strathrona, Alberta
Everett and David Walker, of Re-
gina, were visitors for. a few detys
I with their parents, Smell. and Mu'e
Waliter. These two gentleme 1 were
East to attend the convention, and
opening of the new head melee of the
London Life at London 'est week.
Old friends were glad to see chem,
Church Notes 1
United Church
The platform in the Sunday Sc1103
room 1108 leen 101880 about, a furl(
, As it, lens ht fore, thnee at the bank
conkd not gee the little tots when the
Ilatter were On the piatfotre. Thi
impulvernent (e due t0 the ir(teres
I and gr.'tl('r08(ly of one family and is
• much appreciated by all.
Y.'P. S —The Young Peoples tweet-
ing, o1 Tuesday evening, took the
form of 44 Valentine Social, given
I30(ntly by the Y. P, S, and the Sun-
day School, The program was pre-
, paved by a special committee and was
ably presided over by Mrs. Parker,
Nurnberg were as follows t piano Bolo,
Mies Alice Pope ; reading, Mrs. Robt,
Strachan ; vocal solo and later, a hat,
mimics solo, Miss tells Rands ; piano
solo, Miss Sadie Pierce, also one by
Bert Lott. There was some good
community singing led by Mrs. (Rev,)
Barker. who also gave a short sketch
on St. Valentine, An interesting
feature of the evening was the baby
contest. About twenty-five photos
of babiesand children were arranged
around the room, Practically all
those represented were present, but
the trick was to guess who they were.
This Was 1101 as easy as it might ap-
pear, for smile. pictures (enresented
the early days of photography and
styles of chess have changed slightly.
even for babies. Before the names
were merle known, the players were
asked to indicate their choice of the
best -looking baby. They 8(11(88 No.
14, which proved to be Miss Helen
Seeker, After enjoying themselves
tar some time in the nut sery, the
menpany was divided into groups, ac-
cording to whether they had a "hard
heart" or "etveet heart," ern, and
a light lunch was served. A "Valen-
tine" vintage )17(1,0 made end more than
$S 00 Was realized,
S'tbbath morning, Rev. A, W.Bark.
et• took as the enbjeat of his discnnrse
()heist, I he Destroyer of Death,"
founding his remarks on the foll„w-
ing Scriptlive passnges : Matt, 25: 7--
-18 ; John 5 : 25-27 ; John 11 : 18-
25 ; John 14 : 1-3, 15-18, 25,27. We
tore all facing the last adreetule :
death. Life and Beeth are mysteries.
The silvery locks and faltering steps
11018 evidences of this fleeting life and
approaching death. It is a certain
fact that we all trust die ; ceitain as
to the wander of these bodies of ours
to the spiritual, but not certain as to
the time. Thele is nothing so set•io118
as when weo1 a
c n to the dins ( day
of life. It is a solemn step which we
sotnPtules seer( to faiget. With
faith in God, we need not fear to
fact this fact of I
edeath. t 1'11818 is a
great need of gladness over against
enrro1, This gladnes8 we have in the
knowledge of God, Christ lives to-
day and we need need not fear. In
shite of our despair, there is a great
hope ; in spite of bereavement, there
is the note of comfort. In our need,
we have a note of victory. We can
face the last• ('she of life with an
abounding faith in Christ as the de.
Btt'oyer of death. 'IVe have the oon-
solation of God's prnvidences and
of God's Wood. These 0on801atioes
grow sweeter as we near the end of
the way. We need the consolation
of God's presence in the hon' of death.
This presence is assured 0e if we put
lux trust in Hien. Jesus 11148 gone he.
fore and we need have no fear, The
apostles, the martyrs and 001' loved
ones (til witness to the keeping pewee
of Christi in this life and His destroy.
(ng power over death. "We know
that if our earthly horse of this tab-
ernacle .were dissolved we have a
building of God, an 1101188 not made
with hands, eternal in the heavens."
Other Church Notes
The Continuing Methodists of Tor.
oat) have ntlrl.`haSed a church home
for $17,000, on Cowan avenue and
planned Where it open on the second
Sunday in Febinary, They have
been holding their services in Wean•
urn avenue Public School, In March
1927, a call was extended to and ac-
cepted by Rev, Mansell Maguire.
The new church just et uir d ill
Brussels Continuation BOW
1 Agnes Davison,.,. 88.1
2 Jean Caldwell 81,2
Catharine Walker 79
4 Ben Yolleek 77
5 Lennard Walker 73
6 Viola ona
Fox 1' x
7 Helm) Whtttield 05,3
8 Jack Hamilton 63.7
9 DO
unlaeer '
H (n1(>way
10 NI'4bel Bewley .01,5
11 Alberta McMurray 58.4
12 Fred Glassier 57.5
13 Allan McOracken 55.8
14 Florence Gamwage 53 1
15 Joe Querin 45.8
1 Olara McCall 78,1
2 Kenneth Jackson 75.3
8 James Johnston 73.5
4 Helen Armstrong 73.4
5 Doris Gill 71
6 James Turnbull 79,7
7 Ruth 51(a(hen 00,6
8 Margaret Downing 67.5
0 George Kirkby 07,4
10 Pmylene Steles 04 .4.
11 Laura Manning 61
12 ,lack Sanders..., ..... . .. . .. 57,1
18 Dorothy Frankliu ,,, .....,57
14 Dnreen Bekrniei' 55,7
1 Helen McNabb 8$ 5
2Helen Baelcer....:07
8 Oar( Hemingway 62 8
4 Margaret Smith02'
5 Beryl Gill. ...... .,,,.,,,.,,50.0
0 Velum Jordon68.1
'1 Alvin Logan 50 7
8 Harvey 13rya11s ........ ,56.5.
0 Mary Ritchie.......„.. .. .. 56 1
10 'Viola Winton.. „ „ . , .......,49 S
11 Hattie MoCall 488
12 Margaret Strechan 47.4
13 Rassel Shnldice , 46 0
14 Finlay Semis ...... 40 2,'
15 Marie H11ether 40 /
16 Dorothy Fear....,,,,811 8