The Brussels Post, 1927-12-28, Page 5fHE t; 6 oncton" Coid Weather Boot cA comfort for work, walk or sport in winter weather, Cold and wet proof, Felt - lined upper; heavy rubber sole and solid heel. Made in 9 and 7 inch heights for men, and 6 and 5 inch for boys. stir: q ;' LTJ (au uata co woo The "Moncton" is ons of the several excellent styles of "Northern" footwear we take pride in stiowing patrons 25 Fi Ea A. Ciamm go, Brussels s I Christmas Services were conducted in Melville church last Sabbath by Church Notes the peter, Rev, F. G. Fowler. The. morning t'xe text was Luke ... "Because it 7 � thee was no room for him in the. St. John's Church On Sunday morning, 111ies Mntj.ry Campbell sang n beautiful Christmas solo in Se, John's Church. and the choir sang appropriate utitheme, morning and evening, The Christmas Entertainment put on by the children and young folk on Wednesday evening, was well atten- ded and enjoyed by all. The pro- gram of about 40 numbers. Finished with a snappy play by 3 of the lar- ger boys, Jhn, George and Joe Smith. A feature of the evening was the pre sentatton of an oak rocker to Miss Miss Marguerite Little, who is now Mrs. Rae Crawford; from the ne m- bers of the choir. The address was read by Miss Marjorie Campbell:— Dear Mrs. Crawford:—We, the choir members of St. John's Chtn•eh, Brus- sels, of which you were so long, and so faithful a member, wish to take this opportunity of expressing to you, our best wishes for your mar- ried life. We 111.0 sorry that distance prevents your attendance more often at the church you love so well. We miss your cheerful face and sweet voice from the choir whore you wor- shipped so regularly with us, and, though we ought to now call you Mesa Crawford, you will elways live in our memories and affections a1 Marguerite. Wer ask you to a.'cept this rocking chair a.'. a souvenir frons your fellow members of the came, with the heartiest of good wishes and God's blessing on your future. Signed on behalf of the choir, Evelyn Chapman, Marjorie Campbell, San- ta Claus turned up in great style and amused the audience and distri- buted presents. to all. "Santa's" name was changed for the occasion to "Sandy". The names of the little performers follows:—'Marjorie Kerr, Lorne Bryans, Kathleen Gooier, Rus- sell Bryans, Mary Nichol, Lorne Mc - Cawley, Buster Stiles, Louise Stiles, Alice Stiles, ,Joe Stiles, Billy Cole- man, Kenneth Coleman, Alfie Nichol, Ton Gamage, Marguerite Bryans, Weenie Bryan, Mina Bryan, Margaret Nichol, Marion McCawley, Mervin McCawley, Archie Holmes, Howard Smith, Mildred Whittard, Earl Whit- tard, Lorne Kerr, Bruce Smith. Great credit is due to Mrs. Coleman and Miss Florence Garage for the way in which the children took their parts. Melville Church, The sacrament of the Lord's Sup- per will be dispensed next Sabbath at the morning service., Preparatory services will be conducted by Rev. F. Lewin of the Anglican church on Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock. inn." .Chest Bethlehem was born in amiid the bustle of trading; thele• • was no f ' Hi i th i 1 Ile was placed in the stable. The innn has long since disappeared but the stable remains to tilts day. We learn from 'this that where Christ is we have so ethingtpernuulont. often crowd Christ out of our homes. We have time for everything but - family worship and the Study of the Bib' In our churches we crowd out Christ by our many organizations. In our individual lives we crowd out Christ because we have too many other interests. We must not give the seeking of pleasure, the accumu- lation of wealth or any of these other interests the chief place in our lives but we must make the Glory of God our chief aim. If we have room for Christ in our lives we will have room for pleasure, for business, etc. At the evening service the text was Luke 2:14 "Glory to God in the Highest and on Earth peace and goodwill to men." The angels which •appeared to men in old testament times were messengers from God us- ually sent at times of great crisis. The glad tidings were revealed to the shepherds because they were in such close touch with God. Their mes- sage was a prophetic one. It pro- phesied peace on earth and goodwill to men. This prophesy has not been altogether fulfilled because we have not used this religion of Christ. The commercial spirit has prevented the fulfillment of this prophecy. The gospel of Jesus Christ can do more to bring peace than all the armam- ents of the nations. Much credit is duo the choir for their fine redition of the difeerent aruelee' numbers under the dizecaoai of Lorne Ecicmire. The musical pro - gran in the morning' consisted of three chorus numbers and a solo by 14'Iiss Wilma Galbraith. Wilma is a gifted singer with a bright future before her. In the evening the choir sang as a prelude to the service "Holy Night," Franz Gruber. TI1is was sung by the choir in the choir rooan unaccom- panied which gave it a fine effect. The fine Christmas hymn "0, Come all ye faithful," by Diverse was done as a processional. The chorus num- bers were as follows, "I will praise Thee," by Max Spicker, "Noel," by Reta Bowers, "Singing of Him," by Willson. After the sermon Mr. Eck - mire sang "Arise, shine for they light is come, which was much enjoyed, 0 Entertainments in Brussels and Grey and Morris were well featured last week. militlapepoillopparinsmessmaktiormniscalel )eller >) tr,re, There is magic in that word "Homme" which never can be forgotten. Did you ever stop to think how few homes would be secured unless someone saved money? We invite your Savings Account and will arrange to accept deposits by mail when required. 'I, sc ESTABLISHED 1832 Capital $10,000,000 Reserve $19,500,000 Resources $245,000,000 ERUSSELS POST Robert and Mrs. Black spout Christmas in Winghaln 4 the }bare of Iia ie poll George. Rev. Alex Sohl 'on, Guelph is spending a week with his parent., D. 1). and Mr. a rude•rson, Austin and Mr_,. iIaitiu and little daughter, Toronto are hohdriy visit. ors with Jun. and Mr,-. Dougles. t churrtl ,«rib,• nud lsaner'• vicar.. 1'h I atuar r I Ifl i ,r cif hylnn.y, were hci 1 111 the. i oiled Church, Sunday E!v4nh _'. airs. C. Ile a ou•e and litlle ran, of Toronto eel Ite.ii a t W h%i.,, titi lr•et'- ham are ei at aur th.,ar ;.(are et , and M4.. W) Lt>. 4 rrurut ind Mrs. Brand of Lan- ,fun aiel Mea Ruth Stecke, of Strat- ford Normal were (hr i ttnr. vieitur.e with I't.:eel Aire. Steele'. An enjoyable iertlr.'- ' petty was head at the hon. of Mae, John (ailr- ann . r. on Wntin,,Any last, w t,e r1 she c l e uated ar i 35th biitlldlty. 011r tearhu_s, N. Garrett and alls- :es MeK zie, Howe and Roes, are spending the. Christina, vacation lit their holies in Clinton, Mapleton, Ethel and Gerrie. Dr. Frank Allan, Rocheeter.Minn., Mar. Allan J)ri ii and Idles Jeanette of Queen's University are ,pe.nd:ng the holiday ee ,a;, m with their Parents, George a I and Mrs. Allan A inoneet tin 1, a, 1 r hum" for the (hr.,tulis vacation were, 11i • Pisa Reefer, a Sudhurr a Beatrice Howe I elanington, Iona 1.'ar V 1- got, Ilowick, Ann Munro. St. Cather - Ines, Kathleen Armstrong, Mt. 111 - gin, Eleanor Douglas, Turnberry, Berths Smith and Witt, Rae Mild- may and Jno. Edgar, Salem, 0 le Text ILq e c ul r-�t I Change If i Attic int. a comfortable den pais., count, play- room nr extra sleeping quarters by erect- ing ceilings and partitions of Gyproc. Gyproe will make your attic fire-resistant, warns in• winter and cool in summer. Writ(' for freo 6 okl t—"My Rome." Itaill tell you how (ylrae rt„ -beam Gypsum Lwidntiou • 6ltea1hingawl will rn1ucu your fuel bio . from 20 to 40%. 113 T115 ONTARIO GYPSUM CO., LIMITED, PARIS, CANA )Fireproof Wallboard For Sale By Wilton & Brussels, S 1S , O sit. ETHEL Mrs, Hugh McKay is able to be up again after her recent illness, Miss Ida Bremner event a few day at her home. Harold Love of Toronto spent th week -end at his home. Miss Ruby Grainger is assisting i Andrew S. Bain's store. August Eckmir•e is emprovin slowle and able to sit up for a while Roy Hall lost a valuable wowlt horse one day last week. Percy Lawless was helping i Zeigler's store during the Christina Mrs. •Coates is helping Mrs. It Wilbee for a few weeks. P. N. and Mrs. Currie and fennil spent Christmas in Guelph. Albert Iirauter of Listowel is his home here for the holiday. Mies Jean Sanders of Tavistock i spending the vacation at her horn here. Mleses Edna ani, Rhea McLelland are spending the holidays at theft home here. Rev. D. M. and Mrs, Guest and Jimmy are spending a few days in Kincardine. Miss Francis Coultes is spending a couple of weeks. with Mrs. Watson Brown, Con. 2, Grey. Jack and Mrs. Slemmon of Proston are holidaying with the former•'s par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Sleiniuon. Mrs. Ralph is home from Keewatin, Man., to spend a while -with her sis- ters, Mrs. J. King and Mrs. A. Eck - nitre. Toe Nicholson delivered his Christ- mas mail fofora couple of clays last week by car and reported the roads very good. Mr .and Mrs Carman Richards of Banff, Alberta, are spending a while with Mrs. Richards :parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Ecicmire. W. C. and Mrs. Bisbee and Carman of Blyth were welcome visitors at the annual school concert. Mr. Bisbee also gave a pleasing address. New Years Social:—The ladies Aid and Sunday School are holding a New Year's Social on Monday even- ing in the Presbyterian church. Ev- erybody welcome. Admission 15c and 10c. Go to the Entertainment and Soc- ial under the auspices o fthe Ethel United Church Sunday School on Friday evening', Dec. 301b, at 8.15. Program and refreshments. George Dunbar believes in keeping things moving and after a few months rest :from store keeping, he is stocking up with a line of goods again and is already doing business, Business as usual in our village. A heavy Christmas trade was well attended to by ;the local unerchants. Now that the excitement of Christ- mas is over we will have to diecues municipal elections. It is too late to offer any eng- stions for Christmas buying lea experience has taught us this rule. Buy a man something to eat and 1a girl omethirlg to wear. Start the New Year right by going to church next Sunday, Jan, 1.t. You will be welcome at the United Church itt 7 pun. Special New Year Message and good 01suic. Come. Watch for the announcement• of the annual meeting of the Ethel Pub• lie library and then make sure you are there. A new order blas been ent in for new books and these will be ready for use early in the new year. The past year has been a surc- ssful one and the new year can be btter if everyone realizes the lib- rory is an asset to the village and is willing to help support it. rush. A very successful school concert was held in the Township Hall on • Friday, December 16, by the pupils of the Ethel public school. A splen- did program was given colsieting oofsongs, music, recitations, drills, chor- uses, dialogues and pantomimes and every number was well rendered. Mucha credit is due then teachers, 'Ms- ' see Pear and Fraser for the way tho . program wes carried) out. Rev. D. M. Guest acted as chairman aan.d Santa Claus brought the evening program to a close.` John Anios s11e11t a 'velar h erappy Christmas at the home of limas sister here. Mr. Ames is one of those cheerful men who makes you .Fool hotter just to be in his company, Al- ; though suffering very pouch the last couple of years he is still jolly and this year was remembered by a host of Mende far and near who sent groetings, messages and gifts. Hero's wishing him many more happy Christmas Seasons. Mrs. McMaster and Joan and holi- daying in Walkerton Mies Ella Hansuld is spending the week at her home here. s Miss Myrtle Dunbar of Toronto is spending the vacation here. e Clifford Dunbar of Detroit is spending' a while at his home here. n Mrs. Thos. Doherty spent a few dalcs in Stratford with her parents, g Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Cole: Mrs. Gordon Haste and two rlrtld- ren of Wingham spent the holiday at the hone of 13. F. and Mrs. Carr. n During the winter months the store s of Leitch & Zeigler will close at 6.30 , p.m, every night excepting Wednes- day and Saturday. y The hunters of our village may be FOOS these fine days going off with at hound and gun and many a home is serving rabbit pie. a Christmas was celebrated on Mon- o day at the home of Robert and Mrs, Bremner when they had a pleasant time with their family, James and r Mrs. Bremner and Billy and Russo/ and Mrs. Dilworth and family. There was a good attendance at the special Christmas Service at the United Church on Sunday last. The choir rendered two appropriate an- thems and the pastor spoke on the subject "Journeying to Bethlehem" Jos. Ames has taken over the .nail and bus service from James McLel- land and commenced his new job on Monday inorning. Mr. McLelland has served the public well for several years and we wish his successor much success. ETHEL PUi3LIC SCHOOL Samoa. Roonc Following is the report of Ethel Public School for the months of Nov- ember and December, 5irre CLAss— Exawiued i0 Geog., Botany, Memory Work, Algebra, Lite, Art, Latin, French tend Ooinp.—Muriel Michel 885 ; Ildna Franklin 82.8 ; Calvin Krauter 76 6 SR IV—Examined in Spell., Lit., Arith„ Geog., leist, and Comp.—Margaret Lawless 684, 1R, IV—Kenneth Kreuter 75 4 ; Gordon Sleigheholui 72 8 ; Della all ciuuis 71 ; J m McNeil 67 5 ; Tom Saunders 66 3 ; Myde Wilson 65,1, SR, III—Lee Allan Wardlaw 72 7 ; 'Stunt 1 1410lnuis 71; Orme Gill 70 7 ; Doreen Lawless 68; Clair Michel 674; Lindsay Bain 42,0, JR III—Edith Kreuter 781; Nelson Sleightholm 61.7. E. FEAR, Teacher, JIIN'IOR Bois/ Examinees Spell., Geog., Ai'ith„ Mem. Work, Lit. and Read, SR II— Lorne Desjardine 70 ; Annie Franklin 60; Mallory Brown 68; Alex. Mc. Nell 61 Smarr Henry 68 ; *Bryan Antes. JR. II—Jean Franklin 80 ; Boss Cunninebam 67; Beretta Earl 58; Ada Wardlaw 57 ; :atnart 131090ta b4. I—ldxamined in Spell., teeth. and Reading.—Helen Corrie 90 ; Dor. i othy Bain 04 : Ruby (dill 92.6 ; Dor'- ethy Kanner 92 5 ; Dorothy Kreuter 92 ; (Nora Henry, Arnold Hatt 91 5) ; Ruby Giticitteon 87 • Allison Sleight. helm 86 ; Willard liiehel 69 ; Stanley Wilson 65. Sit Pee --Helen DesjiN•d- itre, Ruin Franklin, leetetle Grinning ham, Charlotte Sanders excellent, Betty Dunbar, Jack Dunbar', Bertram De mete good. JR Pa --Allan liamilten Titre. le. 11. 1' ISAwlcra, Teacher. WROXETER Jno. Henneberg is a London visit- or. T. t. Dickson is spending a week with his son In Toronto. Miss Cassie Harris is visiting lien sister, Miss M. Harris, Misses Jean and iddith 1iiarls, re- turned to Toronto on Tua: days. George and Mie. Dorothy Brown are guests of relatives in Toronto. bus. George McIntosh, Stratford., is visiting her father, Jno. Davidson. Lawrie and Hazel Van Velsor wore home froth 0.slutwa over the holiday. Kenneth Gibson, Hamilton, spent Christmas with his parents, 'rhos. and Mrs. Gibson. St David's Church HENFRYN RECTOR Rev. Maurice P, Oldham. NBIv Years Bay — don, i t, 1928 2 p,)rm.—;. 8. and Bible Class 3 p,ln.—Evening Prayer Serbice, WALTON bliss Ilelde Stewart is at present visiting with Mrs. Perdue. W. J. and Mrs. Maines spent Mon- day with Mr. Main's parent: in Blyth. Miss Ruby Young, of Egniondville, is holidaying with T. and Mrs. Young. William and Mrs. Radford of Clin- ton, are visiting• their son, W. E. Radford. Mr. McCrutcheon, of Toronto is at present visiting her sister, Mrs. William Sholdice. Miss Annie Simpson of Hamilton is visiting her sisters, Misses Janet an:', Rose Simpson. Miss Mary Dickson of Stratford, Business College, is spending the holidays with her parents here. James Mose spent Christmas with his son, Tom, in Toronto, Ethel and Luella Mose accompanied him. P. B. and Mrs, Gardiner and daughter, Vera, spent Monday day with Peter and Mrs. Gardiner, of Blyth. Miss Alice Hoy, of Toronto, is spending the holiday with her par- ents, Richard and Mrs. Hoy. Wallace Sholdice of the staff of the Bank of Commerce, Niagara Palls, spent the week -end at his home here. .George L. and Mrs. Dickson and children Mary and Clete spent Mon- day with Mrs. Dickson's mother of Blyth. Joseph and Mrs. Davidson and baby, of London are visiting Mrs. Davidson's parents, Joseph and Mrs, Bennett. Ritchie Drager, of Preston, and Miss Hazel Drager, of Detroit, are spending Christmas with their moth- er, Mrs. Charles Drager. The Christmas services in Duff's United Church, Walton, were well at- tended. Special music was prepared by the choir and Mrs. Colin Fing- land sang "The Holy City." The Young People's service in the even- ing was aleo well attended. Miss Isabel Ritchie presided and Rev. W. J. Maines took charge of the discus- sion period. Wilfred Shortreet is rapidly im-' prov}ng after having an operation for appendicitis. pp rs. Miss Marguerite Hoy, of McGaw, is at present visiting her cousin, Miss Laura Hay. Miss Mary Shortreed, who has been off duty on account of illness is back at work again. WEDNESDAY, BRC, 28, 1027 Clarence Bennett, Walter Eaton and George Stewart, of Winthrop, motored to Toronto recently. A number from this vicinity at - 1 tended the funeral of the late John Boyd, MtKillpp on Sonaey leer 25, i John I urhanan is in 3.4.1110n with his father, who underwent an opera. Lion in Si. Ju 'hp ., 11.0. pltal recent- ly. rt- ly. -Miss Mary 9lel/oriald, of Detroit, is at present visiting her pareaat,e, John and tlr::. AtIRRI:4 1, of the t:Ifu�,e. 11.:y Carter, r, w ur i.. att telieg tl ,rr 11 11 aliten 1s spending. Iasi hant:Aye with 144 per.411', Jos. and dlrs, (.,surer. '111,, arutu ll meeting ur 1.10 roam.. ]s,r Iif Iii School ,1.4011011 will b.) held in th • Public School, 11'alton, on 41 J dria-a;d ty, December 28. Mies Winlil'reel Drager, who is at- tending the collegiate Institute he I'ur•t Kirin, i- spending the 3 uli keys with her mother, Mrs. Charles Ding - The Winthrop Glee Club met at the hone of Mr:,. Janos S.npson last sveek and spent tui. evening in play- ing progressive euchre. The first prize, a hall' dozen : herbet glasses, WRS won 011 bY Miss Almr a Shannon. n. The consolation a pair of salt and pepper dli tern, went to Mrs, John 1e thick• After games a dainty lunch was served by the hostess. • The death occurred from typhoid fever, which he had contracted from his son, William, who had been on a visit to the West, on Friday, follow- ing an illness of three weeks, of John Boyd, a well-known and highly es- teemed farmer in McKillop. The de - e steed, who was born in that town - hip in 1875, was the third son of the late Anthony Boyd. He was mar- ries 27 years ago to Isabella Leeming who survives him, ,with his two sons, John and William. The funeral took place on Sunday afternoon from his late residence, on the 11th concession of McKillop, interment being made in the Maitlandbank cemetery, Mr. Boyd was a valued member of Cavan United Church, Winthrop. The ser- vice was conducted by Rev. W. Mains of Walton, the pallbearers being R. Boyd, C. Hillen, W. Manley, Peter McLachlan, W. Leeming and Lorne E1]iott. The Christmas tree and entertain- ment held in the schoolroom of Duff's United Church on Friday evening, Dec. 23, under the auspices of the Sunday School was very well attend- ' ed. The proceeds amounted to 330.- 05. After an excellent program was given Santa Claus came and undeck- ed the tree. The program was ae follows: Chairman's address; eborus by school, "Welcome Song"; recita- tions, Jack Drager, Helen Smalldon, James Murray; an acrostic, by three small boys; recitations, Mary Buch- anan, Jack McGavin; instrumental by Alvin McDonald; (`Star Rays," ex- ercise; recitations, Cleta Dickson, Jean McDonald; motion song, by Norma Stein; recitation, by 1311 Turnbull; a dialogue, "A Christmas Lesson" ; recitations, Stewart Hum- jrhries, William Farquharson, llelen Turnbull; chorus by school, "Christ- mas Time"; recitation, Edith Ennie, Jack Murray; song, by Lena Drag- er, "Christmas Dolls"; recitations, Joan Murray, Mary Ennis; dialogue, "The Plan That Failed"; reeitations, Melvin Shannon, Anna Ennis; ad- dress, Rev. W. J, Maines; recitation, by Harvey Bryans; song, "Mikey Mc - Gin," Alvin McDonald; recitation, by Margaret Murray; Christmas Bells, motion exercise; rectiations, Isabel Farquharson, Jack Bryans, Mary Humphries, Grace Manning, Ivan Shannon, solo, Miss Vera Gardiner; recitations, Stewart Bryans, Bobby Kirkby; hymn pantomime; recita- tions, Jack Turnbull, Kathleen Far- quharson; chorus, by school, "San- ta Claus"; recitations, Jack Drager, Willie Farquharson. The tree was then unloaded and the entertainment brought to a c]o.:e by singing two verses of "All Hail the Power of Je- sus Name." awe° CAR OF 'FO ARRRE THIS WEEK H. FEAR Phone: -S t:j Js 11I WALTON l'Ii131.7f St;llOO] areee it 11,4 ,11 12,4.051 Veelexernineii in Hist , Litt„ 1'r:, All, , 114.1_, ( g.. 5, a, (:omit •-- Jae ge$maild. n 7:1; 11:11,,,,,,d Squat- : N;t11,1•"111(5 74 1iL..hnude Shaw MI ; Mary Belie al l•'nit:u I V— its itrrfne•d nu •.o, ;i.:els— it iifred shin treed 8l±; Janina e le eeey 82 ; llur;nln Daae,: 70: 1.4011'h q,aiuu'- eoo (13 ; `Jim ,4b•(itll 71; if,.rva 4t"ias 60 ; lichen Stei. SO I'.i. h Bene. 58 ; '"liana l 21.. 1,a 51 , 1t11e1 0,eeimu 411 Ruth .Ifo' inn; l'i, Pout I I (WR ).—Jea11 nier'ray 79 ; Botulism, Hatniltou 78 ; (:halve `itnnitdo 1 69 I (*tare Marnriug 53 41'001Jnrrlan 46. GHAH. S. SELLERS. L1 na. Teacher, Jninon It owe Examined in all subjects. Foam III (JR.) —Heleu Smalldon 85 ; Gordan Shortreed 61 ; Marl 140y 50 : Norma Steles 58. llelen b'arqu- hare0n 58 ; Kenneth Murray 55 ; Gordon Ryan 54 ; Margaret Murray 50 ; Mildred Hcerle 48, Foam of l (Set )—Lena Drager l7 ; Allen McCall.74 ; Willie Ferquhareon 61 ; Anna Ennis 81 ; Jean Badley 80 ; Mary Buchanan 51 • Jaek McGewin 51. FORM II (I R,)—Jack Drager SI; Jack Murray 80 ; Maiy Humphries 79; Ruth Hoerle 67 ; Dorothy Marra"' 68 ; Everett Lowrie 00. PORK I -- Kenneth Sohier, Jack Smalldnu. SR, PR.—Excellent—A.ndreiv Sloan, Stew- art Humphries, Kathleen Farquhar- son. DORA HOLMES, Teacher. McKILLOP reSpOo.HrtOoOf1.SR. E5P,OINn-. F9,olMlocRnilg pi,e tfo Cie Christmas examinations. SR. IV—Eldet McPherson 85 ; Evelyn Mc- Pherson 82 ; Della Thornton 74 ; Dune McNichol 66. JR 11T—iters ;McNichol 00. Sit III—(rharlie Munn 76 Sit II—Lorna McNichol 81 ; Kenneth Thornton 78; Agnea Dundas 74 Jet II—Ralph MrNirhol77 SR. , SR I --Hazel McPherson 89 ; Mildred McNichol 76 ; Irene Leonhardt 72 ; 72; **Mary Munn 41. .JR I—Lillian Wilson absent. SR. PR — Elsie Den- nis n nis 84, JR PRo•enle Dennis. EImA—NlL. rR$za, Teacher, Minor Locals. Schools re -open Wednesday, Jan. 4th. Christmas day was a delightful one. Smaller dollar bilis are shortly to be issued in the United States. Ap- parently the authorities are going to make the size of the bills more closely conform with the amount of goods that can be purchased with them. William Haines, a football hero in. "Brown of Harvard," has turned to baseball in his latest role, in "Slide, l Kelly, Slide," coming next Monday to the Grano Theatre. It is a vivid story of big league baseball, witch of it Mined during the World Series, with famous Ibali players and noted screen players in the cast. Sally O'Neil plays the heroine in the new play. COURT OF REVISION Judge Lewis wiII hbid a Court of Revision on the Voters' List of Fri- day afternoon, Dec. 30th at 2 p. m. for the Township of Grey. J. H. FEAR, Clerk IN grateful appreciation of your good will and support during; this; and 'preceding years, we desire tel extend our sincere thanks, also for your liberal patronage durin;• theChristnlss season just closed which has been by far the; best we have yet experienced. We trust the New Year may be to you all a very Happy, Healthful and Prosperous one. J. R. VVENDT JEWELER WROXETER