The Brussels Post, 1927-12-28, Page 1VOL. 56 VO, 28 t'2.o0 bier all.111 11. ill advance
1KU.sS. Ls. ONT rO, IVJ DNr.;,xDE1Y. DIECE.1JE1',R z . ig27
L. KERR, Proptiotor.
jr:4ilRrsitHRR1a.4 �+TMSH.H�Hia»HWrtar++4Hb+HN+.aatHa+4Ridar.Rhaa.Y i«++,+aa4+3z+C+RiG+aOa✓aHaHRaaHRr0«aHaoa«i,«+4<*4
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RHItr4F'+_ 11.41 Baia}; ,,+.t 1',i'• 11. efferr-r
'a Health, a and Pr Mis erity e Yours throuout 11928
IR+1H+41R 14H+1 01.4111 V11-T+f t4 f f«4+fe+IHf11/'1!' 4+R111 T+1++ Hr+RF+,•«w+1 1 41e+ePIfH,Iµ,+,-4,•I«4+,4
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The Surrounding District
lite I-., 4.R +±s 1 .,:e4H±':R`.'RNad+RR:RlR='11:41 R 1!''Ri''i+!Mi :'Q+: 1H,+Htr p,t1 . \Oasis; 10. 41,4
A happy New Year Lo all -nuc road•
An election will be held next /lott-
dtty for the Diuninip'il 0011 nett.
Miss Gear ode Payne art i wed home
frolnToronto for her Christmas din-
Mies M1Targneet Hayden had her ton-
sils ;removed at Listowel Memorial
Hospital, one clay list week.
Bill .Balfour is able to he out again,-
gain;atter hie recent operation and. three
(veelce in the. hoepital.
Election Cards
o the Electors of Grey. -
Ladies and Gentlemen: -At the
eguest of a large number of people
have decided to enter the field as
candidate for the Reeveship of
lrey for 1928, and ask the favor of
our rapport. If elected it will be
1y endeavor to discharge the duties
1 the responsible office to the best
my ability, I will not be able to
e meet, of you ('personally but hope
ru will remember ole on election
ty. Wishing you the compliments
f the season. I am, yours truly,
To the Electors of Grey.
Ladies and Gentlemen; --T am.
again a candidate for the Reeve's
chair and solicit your .vote and in-
fluence next Monday. My opposition
are trying to show a shortage in the
accounts but this is the standing: -
Due from Department of Highways,
grant, $0,250.00; due from Elma.
township, $1,000.00; uncollected
taxes, $2,000.00; making a total of
$9250.00. Owing to Standard Bank
80000.00, whish leaves a credit bal-
ance to the township of $3250.00.
Thanking you for past favors an.1
wishing you the compliments of the
season, I remain yours respectfully,
To the Electors of Grey.
Ladies and Gentlemen: -As 1 am
in the field for Deputy Reeve of the
Township of Grey, I solicit your' vote
and influence on Monday next.
if elected I will do my duty to the
best of my ability.
Wishing you the compliments of
the season.
To the Electors of Grey.
Ladies and Gentlemen: I jlavo
been nominated for a seat at the
Council Board of Grey ,Township :for
this year and solicit your vote and in-
fluence. If elected will' do my hest
to advance the interests of the peo-
eople generally. 1 Wishing you the cam-
plilnnts of the season, Yours truly,
To the Electors of McKillop.
Ladies and Gentlemen -Your vote
and influence is respectfully solicited
in my re-election as Reeve of Mc-
Killop for 1028. In so doing you
may possibly bring the honor of
Warclenahip to McKillop.
Wishing you all the compliments
of the season. Yours truly,
Miss Lydia :Heise le spending a few
days with her 5is1er, Mrs. Oscar
1lnel]n, al Ooliesnigo.
Uro to Ethel U0) 111 Sunday Srhuol
c0uoeh•t and 50(1 (1, (111 Friday averring,
;'Dee, 80th, at 8 15 sltu -p, Program
and hunch. Everybody wel(.(ane
{ Onnle one. cone all 1
:Che congregation oI' the Dillon Uri -
I Led Oho, eh eontrihuted ('Beit' Chris
1111115 cheer to their 9115tor and his
wife, what they presented them with
two big fat (1111.115. Mr. turd Airs,
I Guest express thele thanks for this
f kind relnen]brallee,
\VILI, nr8 AN IILIECTrIN -The elect-
' oes will Il t1(.+ a full bilin, t0 mark, nn
Monday nest. 'Thus.• who qualified
are : Re4ve-J uo. McNabb an(1 Hart y
IKeys. Deputy Reeve -.0 Heeling --
I way (1ld Fred 10 weird, Oouncil-J.
i McKay, S. eleQluor•ie, R. L. McDon-
I all and It Collins,
NOMINATION -1027 numinat.i ti saw
a big list of candiclatee nominated for
the coming Municipal election mud
following the time limit, speeches
were 111101(1 with regard to the Munic-
ipal work of the ltd year. Throes
nominated were : Reeve -J. McNabb,
H. S. Keys, l3,. Livingstone, Frank
Collins, R. L. \'torn)' Deputy
Re. ve-O. Hemingway. F Rowland.
Onuneil-3. 0. lieKity, R. L. McDon-
ald, A. MaDurlald, I] 0. 0ollio8 and
S. elcOnarrie.
Sc11ool, Retent'r -Following is the
report 1'l S. 8. No, 5. Grey. 'i'hose
lnarl(PQ with an 1 were absent tor
one examination„ Sit. IV- Willie
Reirnee 78 ; *Gladys Luras 50. SR.
Ill -Hart y Holmes 72 ; Der] Lucas
52, II -Archie Campbell O8; Mild-
red Holmes 84 ; Clarence Lucas 78 ;
Mildred Beiroes 08 I -Leslie Holmes
07 ; Albert Careen 89 : Flaw/ hnces
77 ; Alex. Limits 57. Pet -Mary
Holmes, Billy Holmes.
M, CAMPBELL, Teacher.
A. very successful concert and
Oheictrnas Tiee was held i11 Union
Union United Church, on Wednes-
day evening last, when the Pubiic
School nupile under the very capable
leadership of the fe:-teller, Mies Della
Livery, jnined with the Sunday
School and a crowded ell moll listened
attentively to one elf, the beet pro-
grame 1(011'(1 in the allure!) for C11COIP
time. Rev, D. M. Guest acted as
Chairmen and after the program,
Santa Clava arrived to add to the fun
and bring the entertainment to a
Will be at the American
Hotel, Brussels, on and
after December 28th, to
purchase all kinds of
grain for`which highest
t[}rypprices �w�illlll be paid. p/y; �11��p[
Ra :Y- R �• 1, C 8 3
fter hrLitms
Nara' a
Boys' Overcoats, from 4 to 6 years, regular
$165ofor.. 4.75
These are First Quality
Ali lines of Rubbers at Reduced Prices
A few Men's Overcoats, regular $32.00, for26.50
Good Value
Just to keep business going and to give the public a
real bargain T will just cut the price to $35 5 ° 00
Regular 40.00 and $45.00
People will buyfrom the pedier and when the suit is
made it is only worth $5.00, Stamped "all wool."
"All cotton" would be right.
Ferguson' - Brussels
1)VA11 accounts not paid by Jan. 1st will be placed into
other hands for collection. Last chance.
Beside the stream of time
The Old Year's leaves are falling,
But list and you will hear
Auld friends, new joys recalling.
444404444 444444.1,44 4,4 ;al, ;., I,«+ tofeet4i4+4.14+«.Hi f44 44.e411144
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New Aaverileementa
Legs Watt rel -Jahn Dial. nnid
Auothm NRI( -Ch iter .A 351735
Cow+ tar ante -W a b,y e'en ria
A nntntl Meeting -Purim Prolan,n
'Joncert-Ethel United Nurday retool
Greetings -J it- Wendt
Neaten -Flinn Centre (`emettry
Grant u'tn,ted-R Trntoh
Pa'WIy zed -Canaille ti Herb Gardena
Gray Eleetl n (`ands
Thanks -Alien's Drug Store
New Sento-la 1.. Smith .
Lust -0. whitlialn
i8srty ntui+tng-Lertoh 8c Zeigler
('lesrlug prlCes-It. W. Irerguson
('Rr. of (•oke -.i, 51 Peer
ltunrh of puts -Gilbert eloonllurn
(`otter for sale --Alex Dunbar
For. sale -R. w, W hit5Rld
Inst -O Whitfield
Best Wishes -ging Pros.
Ben Haydeo hall arrived home
again, awe spending a few days in
Detroit. lien 11(115 unable to get a job
and reports things very sleek in the
big city.
Don't forget, the New Year's social,
in the Piesbyterian 0hmels, Ethel,
tlext Monday evening, under the 5.1.18-
9)0es et the Unties' Aid and Sunday
School. Everybody welcome, Ad-
mission foe and 10c,
DIED IN t)AL(IAICY -We are sotl'y,
11115 week, to have to report the death
of Neil •Ottmpbell eincDonald, which
encurrl'.d i(1 the hospital at Calgary,
Alberta, on Friday last, following an
operatirrl for (1'pendiciti5 which -was
perfoirnecl on the Mo,(lay previous,
Deceased was the youngest 5011 01 the
late Donald M5eDnnald and of Mrs,
Jane MacDonald, of the 2011 Con. of
Grey Township, and wits 38 years old.
Mr, MacDouald had been in the West
for the past 15 years, being in the
employ of the 11(11110 (1151(1 Company
of Calgary. Besides his another, he
1 is survived by two sisters and six
hrnthets, viz • Mrs, W. A, Elliot,
Pilot Mound, bfan, ; Mrs Ohas. Ham
sold, Ethel ; Alex„ at home, and Wil-
liam, John. Arch„ Donald and Hugh,
in the West, The remains were
brought home for interment, arriving
here, on Tuesday, and the funeral MS
held 00 Wednesday afternoon, ser-
viee being conducted by Rev. D. 6L
Guest. of Ethel. 131, 151 W11.8 made in
Br 11881le cemetery,
STltuvesxns-SrrrnnN. - A quiet
welding was solentaiepd in Toronto,
an \Vcdrlesday evening. Dec, 21st, by 1
Rev, A, D. Rohh, when Mabel E.
Speiran; daughter of Geo, E, and Mrs,
Speiran, Grey, 11505035 the bride of '
Wrn. B. Struthers, of West lvlonktotl.
The bride wore a frock of Ionise taf-
feta find raveled n, htgnet of Debella '
roses. The bride's only Ill 1011d/1311
was MI's. Fred Beaver, of 'Toronto,
weitring a frock of blue taffeta and
catrving a boquet of Ophelia roses,
During the Whiter months
our store will close at 6.30,
every evening excepting
Wednesday and Saturday,
commencing next week+
Leitch & Zeigler
Saoc4.! Look!
Concert and
Social Evening
Under auspices of
Ethel United
Sunday School
Will be held la the Base-
ment of the Church
9q 1
i d E Dec. 3 th
�0 �
at 8.15 sharp
Good Program
c...iging 01 Choruses, -Recitations,
Music, Drills and Dialogues,
Lunch will be served
Tlie public a a'<linlly invited to attend
Colne ea bring some one with you
Remember the date --Dee, 800
Admission 25 and 10 cents
..,.w....,..1'05...,,..,. .,
g'1.01110 was assisted by F,•ei', JOHN R. GRANT. PIONEER
Beaver, After the ceremony, the
iutppy couple enjoyed a dinner dance
at the 1iag Edward Ivilih their
fl'ienee, Mr. and 51,-s. Struthers re -
Dueled to theft home in Weal Monlc
1011, ori tlttturday, Dec. 24th. The
bride travelled in a Mack 1(111 in dress,
a l+'rellah Broadtail coat of black and
ea bits trimmed email fie (1(111 511008 to
match. Their ready friends wish
d^betn the very hest, for a Imo anti
1 icrcpnloua life,
I(rneem 9N 1+)AGLE -Last week,
Will, 011,1dif1, 71,1 Con,, killed an eagle
111 his (11111'. Be had noticed that it
fleck of between 30 and 41) pigeons
were rapidly dem peeing and one clay
slaw Mr, Eagle flying away with one,
Thou night, 611, theimit went into the
been with the lantelu mod the eagle
flew at hint, catching hint by the
lyrist anti the leg. Ho Burgh(' him riff
and the next eight, he killed 11i10.
He 18110W having the 11x1 tnnnnred,
SCHooe. CoNCWAT -The sc1o01 0011.
eel) of S. S No. S. Grey, wide), was
held on l0-iday evening, Dec, loth,
was one 1'l' the moat wonderful events
of the 55135011. The children and the
teacher deserve great credit for the
eeeell"nt. talent (lispinyed. The well.
chosen piogr11rn nu' 1'n by the 9119115
was very pleasing, in fact, we may
mention three or four numbers in
p'tt'tieniar tusontatallding attractions:
the BlnewatPr Orchestra, Hig1,1enti
Fling, Snow Shovel. Brigade and lost,
but not, least. 91(118 the tableau,
"7'b e Chi i strints M.e8850 gers," 13100 p-
anied by "Holy Night." It was a
5eene long to be remembered 1(11d
broright out the true meaning of
Christmas and the Christmas Christ.
Ed, Fulton made a very capable
Chairman and presided over the
following program : Welcome, by
Mildred Janlclin ; chortle, the school ;
recitation, Llttvrenee Jeeklin 1 month
organ selection, EIwo"Il Meleggnrt';
dialogue, "'Trouble in Santa Claus
Land ; recitation, "The Lookout
Man" • lii5h1nnd Fling ; Stocking
Drill, by boys ; violin seleetio , err.
art Evans ; dlalogoe. "Do your
011r'istituts Shopping eelrly" ; rntlsieal
number, by the Rlaewatst Otehestra ;
ven14(11nm Laura (*,Unger • mouth
()matt selection, Ross McTnlrgrlr't.
renitatinn, Stuart Evans ; dialogue,
"Why we have Christmas,"; song,
Laura Granger ; "0111 Mettle," by the
gil Is : dialogue, "\Vhat hi.05.111P of the
False 'teeth," • song, "Snow Shrivel
Brigade,' • "Ohristmas Arcnstie"
tahlean, 1•enta Ohmic and his 51es.
sengers" ; National Anthem.
No election this year. •Ootntoil was
returned by acclamation,
Old friends regret to tenni of the
death of Richard P,0eler, 41I1 line,
Miss Mildred Passmore, who is
teaching at Crunlalbie, -is home for
the Christmas holidays.
A very social afternoon wee spent
in the schoolroom of S. S. No. 10,
Morrie, on Thursdlly afternoon, when
the parents assembled to wil.ness the
program and Ohristinae Tree given
by the pupils. The sahonlrontll was
beau1ifnlly decorated in red mai
green. The program was fully enjoy-
ed by all. Teacher and pupils are to
be congratulated.
Smoot, REPottyr-Following 18 the
r'epor't of S. S. No. 1, Morris, for the
months of Nevem i a and December,
Names appear in order of meta, An
(18tetick indicates that a student has
J;lined one more or exlltxld, VIII
OLAss-*Margaret Johllstn0 81 ; Ros•
ells Ounninghnrn 72 tilt IV -Jessie
Richmond 79, Jus °III -Mary Fear
70 ; Roberta Laidlaw 04 ; Isabell Oun-
ningham 48 : Doris Rogerson 44 I-
*Jin]tuie Laidlaw 95, Pit, -Mabe1
Feat' 98 ; Miriam Rogerson 50, NUM -
her on the roll 10, average attendance
• V. 7, Moms/sox, Teacher,
Procter, 4th line, passed'away on Sun-
day after a brief itinees, following a
stroke, on Friday. He was in)bis t)5(1
year, He was a• staunch Conserv-
ative, having been appointed Presi-
dent of North Huron Conservative
Association, last Fall. He was also a
member of the Anglican Church and
toe many year's was Secretary of this
echnol section, Per some. years, he
wee President of the 13eussele, Grey
and Mortis P51091hone Co, The late
Mr. Procter is susviyed by his widow,
two sons, Itieltard and Robert, both
at borne, and one benthee, Abraham,
of Mor'He Twp. The torrent/ was
held on Tuesday afterlieml at 280
o'clock, to Brandon catnap' y. . '
SSo11ont Retronse .-Following Is the,
repo t of S. 8. Nr'. 10, Morris, for rho
Fall term, Pupils were examined in
all subjects. Those marked " missed
one or more exnlninatins. Hon. 75
per cent, Pass 00, Sit, IV -"Tinley
\Vrigltt74; *Clayton Dennis 71. 7R,
IV -:jean Wheeler 70; Donald li,nh-
ertson 09 ; Gentle Johnston 08 ,
*Glen Eekmier 58 ; Helen Ecktnier
00. 1111 --*Clinton Irwin SO; Howard
V,tnenmp78; *Stewart McLennan 71 ;
Ronald Vatican* 08; 011nrlee John-
stun 57) "Joyee Edgar 88 ; Stanley
Came West in 1874 and V'Jan Promin-
ent in Insurance and Fraternal
The Winnipeg Free Press of Dee.
19th .had. the following obi miry of
the Mite J,' R. Grant, of w hi: }1 refer-
f e -
' once was mule in The Post lest week.
On, of the best 10(311at( of the Scot-
tish -Canal nn citizens of Winnipet,
• one who had been engaged iu life in-
surarce an:.i. loan company work in
Winnipeg and the west foe r. period
of almost 50 years, John Robert
Grant, <lied Saturday tit.> re.hdeshee
90 Home tteet, age 83 years. M''.
Grant was prominent 1n D a.;on,r are!
Stot.tish circles; in St. Andrew's sor-
I lett', in Knox ehurcIh and in the As•
I sinboine Bowling ciub circle,. Ileum
• followed a period of ill -health cover-
ing the past few years, sojourns in
I California each season for the peek
15 yearsdoing much to prolong his.
AIr. Grant was born July 1 18 .14,
in the county of Huron, Ont., -w1'
miles from the town of Clinton. He
Wee the son of Peter Grant and Tea-
' belle McKenzie, and was the young-
est but one of a family of 11- ch:I'I-
His great-grandfather, born in t'e
city of Inverness, Scotland, fought-
oughtin the Irish robellion of the eight-
eenth echnt•ary, and also at the Battle
of Culloden Moor, for "Prinee Char-
lie." Shortly after the defeat of th
prince's forces, Mr. Grant sailed with
his wife for Canada, settling near 3101
town of Pietuu, N.S. Although born
100 years ]before the battle of Wat-
erloo, he died in .Nova Scotia, a Can -
when, in 1700, and /ds branch of
Clan Grant have been Canadians Tor
over 200 years,
Reached Winnipeg in 1874, •
111r. Grant came to Winnipeg then
Fart Ger y, in 157.1 from I3russele,
Ont., where he had been Postmaster
for many years and also ,conducted s.
drug store, selling out to John Dille ,
ton. For many years 1113 was iu and
out' of Winnipeg, engaged in in: ur- ,
anee work, but took, up his perman-
ent.residence in this city in 1880 as
western inspector of the London &
Canadian Loan company, and at the
termination of his engagement with
them, became the manager of the
Federal Life Insurance & Loan com-
pany in the west, with Winnipeg his
headquarters. This position he held
for almost 20 years, when he retired.
Two years later he entered the
field of railway building en California
told also was a stockholder and die-
ector of an oil producing company 1
in California, in both of which the ;
made a success.
Mr. Grant was a member of the
Masonic order, being particularly in-
terested in the Scottosh Rite. He
passed through all the offices of the
Masonic lodge. He was a past pres-
ident of thea Manitoba Historical and
Scientific society, and ileo was n
lxast president of St. Anlrew's sos- i
iety, He was a liberal contributor
to the Children's Home, the Old ,
Folk's Honkie and the General hospital
of which he was for a. time ono of
the governor's,
Lawn Bowling •
Mr, Grant was well known as a i
1.11`O;nine ht in )Ih"a 1'r Over
4,1 years 1.. V," :Ted a.;
urda De, r u 571
Home et_se3. u 1 ,1; use.... al'
Bros.. ,.,
erieket'::1 ;cid -7 . : )ow>' -I', having
been . , enee e of A h hr1>lc•
club 111•`1 the wi81:1 e , many troph-
ies. lis i.•1' ,1_' it h `1 t1•1
player, ((1(1 when 70 years of age
entered a e h mono,. ,.1 in Cali-
fornia wit!? 1,0.;0 members, reguir-
i*ha eo c t,) 1 pl .c"'1, winning
the first e cal aid' " ted cue.
fl pee-, .• a 1; in.t.
1'br the 1:1st 111 or 20 yes.,: 1e b'i
made the rU 1)Ir:: Hub i1. Los •\m".
ea n U ;,
clss hi- wieter headquarters.
Surviving is his deught J -: ie
AI. Great. living at the (Smelly home
in tit- Hey; arae 1 .roe chip 50 of his
wife Move her (marriage to ',lr.
Grant, A 11 hay, Vo111111pee:: Salem
AI. Kay, p0 to 11 t.•r et Stratford and
Mrs, W. H. Keri•, nr' 1311 0113.
Three Grand children, At, hie and
Helen Kay of S.ratford and I. Leslie
herr, editor 0; Tt io.,t 0,1•tia-
eels. One great-grandchild. 3htry
Helen Kerr of Dr:resets, Two !bro-
thers Peter (runt of Clevelnnd and
Simeon Grant of \\ laxi'ter.
Mr. Grant joined Knox cltm'ca,
Won teeg i+.' 1873,and hal :.sen the
congregation occupy tiv,' edifices
dulinl his long 1 No n:hlp. He
W11.5 particularly lute ranted in the
choir of the church, and (rid much
to advance their interests.
I The funeral was held on Tuesday
afternoon at 3 o'clock in Knox
United C num , and was conducted
by Rev, F. Il. DuVal, D.D., and Iit:v,
Prof. Kerr, D.D.
A short private service was con-
, ducted by 12.1v. Professor berr at the
; hones. T110 pallbearers were; -
Me .rs, Harold Morden, Alex Brown.
Dr, Ahhil(lejohn, J. T. Hey, Wm.
Armstron • and C. 11. Brown. At
the chtueil service, AIr. Grant';
favorite hymn- Were sent
"Rock of Ag.'s" and "Thy Will bre
i Done." A quartets was sung a' -so'
A solo, "My Ain Countree" by t1:+
1 choir leader, W. Davidson P1ou1p-
son. Butt Will in the family plot,
St. John's cemetery, conducted by
Dean Matthewson, of St. Jo`hn's
The flower: were beautiful on the
casket and lir. Grant's sick room
was full of flowers from the tine: ten
was taken ill first last slimmer until
n u 1
111 pa5,ing away, he was consci000
up 01101 an hoar and a half of his
(1 eats.
Mustard, SR Il -*Russel Dennis 52.
Jit II-*GPi ip a Rnes 82; 90o•ntly
Wright 75; Lloyd Dark 0.4 I --Janet
Stokes, olive Edgar, Mabel! Mustard
excellent. Goldnin Dennis gond, Ruby
Dennis fair. PR -Peer Riley, Roy
Dark fair, No, on roll 25, average at,
teedance 18 ,Perfect, alttenciance-
000111d fin beettenll
Miss Pearl Jacklin, Toronto was
a week -end visitor at the home of
her parents, R. and Mr,. I teslin.
Will McDonald, Detroit ie ,pending
a few days at
li at the home of his broth-
er, P, McDonald,. - ' 1 eesi .
to tot c )1
erso t an
Harold and Mrs. Sand r d
1•,113' of Toronto ate t1 ,:r Chri-tn1a,e
goose at the home of Wm, a11a iris,.
Miss Mary Livingstone, Toronto is
spouting a few, days at the homo of
her isikiter, Mrs. II, Yuill,of 8th con-
E\, very titiguo program was pre-
sented to all appreciative aurlionte
Wednesday evefling of last week at
S. S. No. 5, drills, dialogues, rho),
11101 and rec'tiatiorls were ('til well
rendered. bliss Burnett end pupils
and the young peopp'':e of the seetiell
are to be congl'atnlat(1d. P. II, Mc-
Arthur was chairman.
Personal Paragraphs
Eugeue Dobie was a visitor at his
hone .1 Auburn.
Miss Jetul ele.eer', et Toouta, wa8
11(1015 fur Chriettens,
Will. Stranhan, 13. A. of ',reroute,
was 1101115 for Ohristmne,
Miss Gertrude Roes, 'Toronto, is
home foe the holidays.'
Miss Lilly Gmy was a Chtistrnas
visitor ether home in Mitchell.
Miss Elsie Smith Le:teller ah Bark's
Falls, is home for the holidays,
( A1i58 Mary \Valk('\, of Toronto, has
been visiting at her home here,
1)r. Vernon Ross, of London, s}i`en1
Ohcist11`ts at the parental Thome,
ltiss ifatt.17ilos, To, On( (•, 995nt,
the holidays at 011 parental Hume.
Danny Dox spent Oh,'iettnns Day at
01P'parentat home in Palmeret.on.
hliltnn L'tke, of Feigns, was a visit-
or at the pimenta/ home, last week.
George Edwards, B• A., of Leedom
` is n 1h01 1111y visitor with his parents,
Mies Edna McCall, who teanhes 1't
NeWmnt'lcet. is Home for the holidays.
N 17". and ,1'1(8. Gaily spent Monday
1 with W. '17. and Alis, Stewart, at
1‘11ss'1C. Willie, R. N , of Micheal Pr,
N. Y., is home for the Ohrietnlas boll -
James and P'raok ()aver, of Detroit,
,pent Chi let nuts at their borne,/
Wilbur 13alcer and family, of I'1.es1,--
oil, were O1u'ientro. viaitnt'1 11) town.
Stanley Hall, of Tin onto Univers-
ity, is home for the Chrintrnas /tori.
1V. A. teem and 5130)5, .deCnraly-
told Jack, (55(13 0111'1,1111M. vieitOrs tie
Will. Mrpt:well, Principal of an.,
Springfield School, is home for the
1.01idrty s.
'toughie Walker, of Buffalo, wise a
visitor at the parental 1lerue for
01oyns 7'httoll, of Windier, WAS re-
n1wing old tsvoiteihlta11eee in town, me
0. and Mrs, Onntlinghrcln and Mies
Evelyn were Ohl'istnias visitors at
Palmars' on.
Miss Hat tie Downing, of Toronto, is
speeding the CI, lei rims holidays at
her home.
Brune and Mrs Hayden. of London,
w5ri. gl1P+t5 111 the 1101110 of Wm. and
; Mrs. l aldle1.
Miss L etre Alined, who is teaching
• edged 8181..11X Link"tit, is home for
the hnlidtly5,
Leslie Lowry, of Toronto. spent
Christmas with hie pltteni1, GPO, and
' AT P114. add (1,.,111101 Stewart, of
Tnrnntn, wAre h,iliday visilur" at the
p',rPnlal Inoue.
George Buchanan, of Essex High -
seine l slrff, le ht holiday visitor at
his home here.
Miss Mae Skelton, whn is attending
, Viet orbs College at Toronto, is hotne
for the holidays,
Mr. Hanson, drugeiet, spent Christ-
ina- at I he home of J. N. and Mrs,.
Allen, Wroxeter.
:Miss Belle Walker left no Saturday.
for Flint, Mieh., where she (xpects 1151,
star far the Winter.
1V. 91. rand alt's. Sinclair spent
Christmas with their daughter, Mrs..
Clerk. at Hamilton.
O'd friends are seriy to learn that
Divehi Beagles, is (1110asly 111 at ills,
home an Alpert street.
"Dias 11utehisn11, of Toronto, was tm
Clrietmas visitor with her sister,
1115. Erri Cunningham.
Mist= B. Penfsilt?, Principal nf'the
0oltinn111ioe Seined. spent Cin istunes
11! her herrn. in Guelph.
Mra. tV, F. Stewart 5pe
at the
Christman hnlirlly with her son, TV,
H Sten•81•1/, at. Fergu=.
F.. P Smith, of the Standard Bank
staff, npnnt the Chrishtwtstde with
his parents in Midland.
R 8. MnFnddi•n, et Tin onto, was ie
0111.1501AR visitor With his uncle and
aunt, 1) and Mrs. Walker.
Miss lie ('lt•:ni11g1111m, of TVingbamr
Hospital etn(1'. was a visitor at bei'
home here. t l' Friday Bust.
Mise Lizzie Thoroton spent Christ -
nine W1111 het' per50rs, Martin and
AJra, Th mitten, At, HPufi•yn,
„shines 1iellant.yn5, whn is teaching
A01 -10n1 at Never. Mnakoka, ie home
for the holidays.
• miss Jeal( Walker, of New York,
was h"m5 for ()brig nos with hpr par-
' ente, Thea. and ),1's, Walker.
Harry B. Allen was a Christtnes
Dee/ vis)lnr with his pnrSnts, Jnriee
and Mrs. Allen, at W'r• x5ter,
Miss Rea Rntle/M.P, Of Cargill, wawa
Cltristmns V191 tor et the benne of her
patenie, Peter and Mrs Rutledge.
f{.'nneih Ashrnn, of (115 Puh1irs
$e1)001 atnif, 111 unending his holidays
at the parental home rent' Gerrie.
Behr. Henderson hos been under
the (lnetrr''s PAPP. 1)118 week. 'Iiia
friends hope 311 hent of hi* recovery.
'\1ia5 Kate Rn=sa11• (+,'Wham's Sur-
v5y, i8 vi8it11E With her'ramie and'
aunt. Ses. and Mr.. Long, Grey Top.
3 A. W. L. end Mra. Gilpit,, of St.
Louis, 6171 , were Christmas nisi tors
with the farmer's father, J. J. Gilpin.
Edrar F Lowry, of Toronto, is-
8pnndi";r his ('ini5101s° vat -Minn with
his 1111(511ta, 1h, (4.'1018 Mrs. Lowry, of
1 091(11.
Vane and Mr.. Sanderson, of
Winglstn, cases Christntaa vieifnl'e
with the latter's 10(thee, Mrs. rots
1'1111ld AfeNPil, of Flint, Afich., and
it former resident of I' he 14th Con. 'of
Grey, is spending a few days with old
frierrcls in town,
Mrs. (Rev.) F. G. Fowler, Mies
Neney Jane and Master ,Tcbn are
Christmas yisitnrs et New Carlyle,,.
Teti., with relatives.
T -ferry and Mee. Kirkby and Miss
1lienbell, of London, n.nd IUiss Mnr-
i5) Alrl)oeeld, of St, 'Timmer, were
iu )111 y visitors with Joseph and Mrs.
A. D. and 11171, Li/ m„1'e, Miss Teabe1
end Mnsl Pr Dennie, of 81. Marge, and
.1 L. and 9119. Letnnnt, of I(incard-
tnp, 511nn1Christman with A. A. end
Miss Lnmonr, of Inwn. -
arra, H H. Sn1115,10 mud Mester
Billy, of Mnnnt (lope, wore hnlidily
r;vitnlee wl)h (hP Fermin -4 mother,
Mrs 7,10 W"1110 'ID'. Sullivan 'was.'
np for Christ 111115 Day, -
Mrs Zepfe, of To•nntn, arrived list
Brllaaels, last cveelt, tn spool Christe
nuns with her sister. 7t1,' R Tllntnanyn.
end ten,' mnther. 1(Pn 0.514 9159.(15.17 Up
115A1' that 0115 is recovering nicely front
her nparatinn, -
Wise :taunt Brown, of Toronto...
sllent.Ohristtnnn with her tnnt'her and t
other friends Miss 'Janet, whn 'was •
nngaved in the Tirane]) office of the '«'
(1. Frills Matey lt,xrhnnge in Strut.
ford, hop hren Promoted In the befell
&nee ie 'Toronto. We wish her sno..-