The Brussels Post, 1927-12-14, Page 11
VOL, 56 NO, 2 2.00 her annum in advance
We Need the Money - You Need the Goods
Discount of 10 per cent
Will be given on all lines of Sweater Coats, Heavy
Rubbers, Mackinaw Sox and Horse Blankets.
Christmas China - Handkerchiefs - Chia
Fulilile Fresh Fruits, Nuts and Preis
at Lowest
Prices of for Christmas Baking;
Headquarters for Oranges, Grapes and Dads
'lry,•LS�y �� ,per !. ;��' 1 a W"YE,/� oh.a1d
Phone 846
New Advertatenrents
V-6 444444444+.1 ,v+04^,. f iH HHAXHr a4KMAi1,AH.... r4.: 1- hr 14,iHi4.4 i i4'.141:
The Surrounding District ;
tato !.«S a A . , .,! fe 4S4s4,4,,rte± t5s4 6 :"<». 4.4 , Y 4+401p>,eV,,. e.;.,,-ittl rel):I•eKa;elt
Arnold Edgar was a St al ford visit-
nr 1)115 ss
'J')is. and Mrs, iioperoft spent. Wed-
nesday with Clifford relatives,
011va1 Moffett, Lurk no w, visited
his grand -father, Jthi, Davidson, on
Earl Hall nod f•ritie, nee Hies Cupp
(r of
Ford irhave returned frontnt
'heir wedding trip,
Mr.. S. A. Snell has returned from
to visit with her daughter, Mr's. B.
\Watson, Pil nit is.
0 ---
Tans, C. Wilson took i0. the Fair at
Guelph, last week,
Mts. 0. Pttyu and NUM( Gertrude
are visiting in Toronto.
Mrs. B. t.• Chokes ant} Janet visited
with friend. recently.
\Ve at e glad to het.' th it. Alex, Me•
Donald iia imps oving alto his recent
tnntnt' aceidenit.
1.'he f:tntily of W. 11. Writ: h l: has re-
etormed ninety atter 11i. their recent
siege of sy(.kuess.
Jane's and 11rs. Van Camp attend-
ed the funeral of the forxner's aunt,
ttt.Belgtave, last week.
0. Elliott had a snloeaful wood bee,
last week, and treated his friends to 0
donee, on F,iday evening. A splend-
id tittle ova•' enjoyed by all.
'Phos. Burke and family put pose
moving to the Roos facto, 2nd Cnn.,
Morris, We are sorry to sen Nr.
Burke and family leave the neighbor.
Many friends of MIs. Carman Mel: -
wits (Fern Onkmier) :We pleased to
know that she and Mr. Richards are
rowing to London to live. They leave'
been living at Banff.
e George Roberl.son shipped 0 ecu' of
' hugs and a cote of (tattle Dam) Ma -
Naught station, on Saturday.
4,onrtie(fS(hnnl will hold its an-
innal C etist'nee PI a and reneerh on
1 Tuesday uesday evenwg, 211111 Wm, A good
rung -ratan has: h„e11 prepared. See
sive. it, this ie',Il1'.
C'oulc 11, the annual meeting of
Aloncub fi Fanners' Club, on Satur-
di'y, Dec. 17th at 2 o'clock p. to.. and
bear't.he delegate's repo/ 1 of the an-
nual U. F. O„ held In Toronto, last
hristtnas Tree
and Concert
will be held in
her ezer Church
NTC\\ N)
�1Hee 22
at 8 o'clock
Program will consist of Drilla,
Songs, Dialogues, Ota.
Admission 25c and 15c
h i s t4 m . s
Ethel Public ban'
will be held in the
friday [v'cg,, Sec. lith
at' 8 o'clock
Splendi+cl Program. of Drills,
Dialogues, Choruses, Rec-
itations, etc.
Admission 25c. Children Free
W. M, S -'the B(dgrave branch of
the \V, Ai, S. 1f the Presbyterian
Ohm eh 114 (',nada, held its annual
meeting, on 'Thursday, Dec. 1.t, in
the ,'lunch. The 01tendanne was fait
and the election of uflhar't 9 resulted in
Idle officials of 10:11 being ret 0coed to
office fur the ensuing year and are as
follows : President, Airs. Porterfield ;
1.1 \'ice -President, Mts. Toy for ; 2nd
Vic,••President. Mrs, I), Dunbar ;
14111 P1 ,i'v, Ales. Gear 'IS ensu ret',
Mrs. Andersen ; Expense Fund Treas-
urer, Moi \ti. Geddes`; Organist,
Mts. sem:cire.11 ; Supply Secretary,
Airs, ILtnbire. 1'he report. of the
year'' work (10.4 very 50llaft0C.tor y 111
every 1espied to all concer1,ed. The
enthusiasm and interest itt the walk
Is increasing as 19 evidenced in the ¢� '� 'i
in -
Roe's United Church
giiith g �et1c
leg ( 111 22
A. Splendid program of Dial-
ogues, Recitations, Instrum-
ental Music and Solos
will be givent
Admission 25c.
and Concert
Will be geld in
Moncrieff School
(S. S. No. 9, Grey)
Tuesday Ev'g, Dec. 20
At 8 O'clock.
Good Program of Plays, Songs,
Highland Dancing, Or-
chestra, rte.
Admission 25c Children Free
th,ltinnaono eet , 1.1"ooh
r l 11 tion.. I nor 11 1'tt I Potato r0'11r-1,1
• i
r h -I rl, e a er l' hlnn tt rttb, 1
Chri,1041i 410114,4^1-- f4:110101-7., 0 1 'erns!,
i 11
0, ,m ri Ia t thin,,,, of Coen•
more r
• For „Ie t), 14411f intlat
Homo, a1 n tat P t .1 - li 01,110, nryaas
Hermit [trav el tl .. 1, n(lual
Pigs tor ie to -.1 P,
Vow 1'or •nln-P,l w' a Iaakar
t nr.;,1-1411irs plod np 5l'•5-181•
t n • nnnuid
'teduuee ntier•_-'...0raw 5. 1:a1n
Cartels.., display-- I'' 11 smilh
• (tardy, 1nr1 rlaneinu--'Nnmen's Lee mute
tlta.aey•Rsrrls a41'ney-,lox l',uaeoll
Kntertain meat -•Ko ax ('huroh, Crsnlrronk
ate a+ Levi le.--91I•s lItp »ion•
L(toale'-King Bros,
For the Christmas trade
commencing Monday,
Dec. 19th, and until
3 Brussels Chamber
of Commerce
crease in voluntary givings, The An.
&Pty, this yew, with 'e 111'1nbe1'sh1p
f t 1 1
n I a iota twenty, wets p,1 '1lget iti w-
ing able to raise the amount of 1)1120, .
' besides a hale of clothing and a bar -
lel of supplies to (Hiss Ratte's bony.,
Owing to the t' .opening seri, bate 111
Hlhel, there will b1, 00 service ill
1 Oran brook Presbyterian Church, next
I Don't forget tete an nn al 011risttuas
enteldolonion1. al' T(nox OIIut•rh, nn
Wednesday, nee. 2181. A progrnnt
of dialogues, monologues, drills etc,
will be presented,
Council will ineet on Thursday to
close up the year's wet k.
hlariy school (WWII en were absent
last Thursday, on neeount of the
Mrs. Roderick McKay and Mrs,
Itar,,ry Wells have returned hntle
front a week's visit at Mansfield and
John A, Bryan9, of Fnrdwieh, and
a former well-known resident of this
township, was elected Master of the
F,n'dwich L. 0 h , latst. week.
Friday evening of this week is the
date of the Christina, 'Prep and eon -
net t. to 110 held in Poltun's Sehnni S.
S , n e
S. Nt , n d u n sed
8 Ir rli
A m i. r
The annual" 1 ''a 9" 1 P ei P
1 1 r 1 utt Christmas cost 11 11 r•
t,unrnent will be held 'et Roe's United
eel Chinch, ew Thursday evening, Der.
22,,d. A big program is being pt•e-
11N(4-tt9ElIRxT-Gentgc Ys and 81 rs.
Speitan au:nom:eft the engagement of
their daugther, Mabel Elizabeth. to
William B'Izi1 Struthers, only son of
7. and Mrs. Struthers, of Alnolo on,
tine marriage to"t:ake plica 111 'I'n 1(111 to
Among the many exhibitors from
the West at the recent Royal Winter
Fair, at, Toronto, we noire t hat John
Ross. of Holland, Man„ exhibited a
tivo-year-1'111 geltiing, which captured
first place in drafters. This gelding
WAS entered at the International
Livestock Exposition held at 0,h1e-
agt1, last week, and won second (dear,
01 his return to Winnipeg, this art.
11011 was 1101d at. a handsome tigutr.
At these big tales, the eon:petition be•
co11r•sincreasingly keruee each year
and only the animals which approach
petfec11,0 have any chance whatever.
So Mr, Ross' Many old friends in
Grey Twp will eon:;ratulate hien on
snar.Pas. He is n I the 100117 e o'
his u
farmers who bare done well 111
the Westet'tt country.
\\-ELDIW(i - A quiet, lint seely
wedding was solemniy,=d at the United
Ohurah parsoltttge, Mansfield, Ont.,
Mulnlu• Township, nn November
801.11, whim Laurelle'Iaiz:beth, fourth
(laughter te1 of Roderick 3 Mrs. M
Kav 4,1, Con., Grey, became the
bride of Thomas Beaton, of Mens(ie)d.
The brute was becomingly gowned in
mother goose flit• silk crepe with cut
r0KP9 and ornaments and shoes and
stockings, hat and cont 110 match.
She ra+'fled a bisque' of (lal1f n'nia• r,,s-
es, lity•nl'-the-valley and maiden hair
fern. 'The o'aple (vas ,tttended by
t11e hride'e twin sister, Airs, 11 \yetis,
of Wingbatn, and the groom's twin
brother, 11nhsrt Beaton, of Alliston,
as best rnn.n. After the ceremony,
they motored home, where a dainty
wedding supper was prepared hy the
sister of the groom - and was gt'natly
enjoyed. After supper, Mr. Beacon's
Mends presented them with it lovely
shower, of good gifts and an enjoy-
able evening was spent until the
small hours of the mnr11ng•, when till
departed wishing Mr. told Mrs. Beat -
hI istmaspy
top9 ialYip�p�p
Knox Church
/. Will be held
Wednesday, Hee. 21st
Good Program
Consisting of Dialogues
Monologues, Drills, etc.
Con)meneing sharp at 8 p.m..
Admission 25e Children free
on many happy years of wedded life,
Tl,ey will reside on the groorn's fine
farm, Rh Concession Mutilate Twp.
\Vediosday- last day for paying
your tl,xes,
i out,, ht will conclude its 1027 busi•
noes, o1, 'J'hut sday.
Clarence Hollinger spent a few days
in Detroit, 1eee1117.
Miss Mite Hollinger spent a couple
of clays at Stratford.
Bible Society collectors have been
out o1, their aulna.l collection.
Harvey and Mrs. B.irties spent 0
couple of days i1, Ki!eheuer, recent-
ecent•lySchools were not crowded last 1
Thu1sday, oa account of the blizzard
that raged.
"I"„nere. Bolger, 8th line, on the gory- ;
el, had the top of his svittlwill dam-
aged bye the windstorm, lust week.
William Clarke, wan 01derwent an i
operation in 1110 List 11',(' oI hospital,
0 law weeks ago, is improving, we
are glad 10 repot 1.
The annual Christmas Tree 111,11 e1,- i
ter>ainmentwill be held in Ebenezer
(111 ,w1totr m) Cbut eh, o❑ Thul•Ktlay
evening, I et 221,d. A fine program .
Int. born prepared.
('ARD) oF THANKS. - Sits, Robert
Scot 1 tell Puri o' M,
t 1 t the fit live Mot- t
family, I
is,desire to 1 i' friends.
thunk al their x
1,,i ,l I m•. 'n ''n
and t I r 9 for the sincere kind.;
nese and syllipallly sbnwu them 11111 •
ing the tII;MSS and death of husband 1
mini father.
choir of the Presbyterian Church,
llly1h, assembled at the home of Miss ,
Lowe Het•tnigher, an Tuesday even-
ing of last week, for the purpose of
expressing their esteem 10 one of its
number, Miss Est hex Shortreed, print
to het' Ulan iage. The present1Lion of
a fell t'glass Slletbel set was mode by
John Cloning and the following ad-
dress read by Mrs. Aaron Bennett.
Arte1' the presentation a very enjoY-
ttble, evening was spent, concludir•;t
with all joining hands and singing
"Auld L141g Syne." Following is the
address : It is with pletwttre we meet
here to -night. to da horror to you end
to coIgratullue you tut the coming
happy eve0t. We cannot allots yell
to sever scion' call ueetiln 911th the
choir. with( 111, i1, 91010 tangible way,
showing ow, sport -elm ion for the val-
uable service you have rendered the
choir, Since the oegallizati00 of the
choir. you have been faithful i1, yotn
attendance and most acePptably rend
erect your service-•, taking your full
11 ere in the work ehcrrfully. Need•
less to say you will he greatly missed
We wish you bon voyage and pray
thatin your new home you will be
abundantly blessed. We would Mea-
ly ask yon to 0011pt Ibis bawl rind
Sherbet )0058e8, as 11 slight token of
esteem. Signed on behalf of the
J. L. KERR1 Propietfn'
Ethel Presbyterian
Sunday, Scc1 18th
Rev, D. T. L, McKerroll, Toronto
will preach at 11 a. M.
and 7p.m.
Fowl Supper
in Chnrell Basement
Monday ev'g, 19th Inst.
Supper scnvr d from 5.110 to 8
o'clock, followed by 0 good pro-
gram of Mut'ic, lie rations,
Solos, Speeches, etc.
Admission 50 and' 25 cents
. and Jack \Wright, Brussels ; tem -dm -Ts
and pupils of S. 5 No, 4, Mnrri' ;
't\liunir,Aliller, Mrs. Marlin and 1'liss
Staples and Mr. and Mts. Cameron,
all OFTot•rinto; Wrest 138, VV. 1. Cenip.
hell, Chatham ; Win. \W, is:ley Jr (]o,
Ltd. and Firlai,ciai Peet.9talf, of'lnt•
onto, whet,' Misses Jean and Helen
hold positions.
JouN9rox--Suo1TREr-v -A quiet,
but pretty wedding 10'11, place t:1, :Sat.
urclay, Dec. 3.11 at high 10014, al the
lnansr, Blyth, whim Esther D., eldest
daughter of John and Aim. Shnt•treed,
S ini o t
of 11.1.1 Id. was united tel+11 1 ❑ e 1
Leslie J Johnston, sontt n rtLa
Mrs. Johnston, of Mist. Wuwlmn: h
The ceremony was conducted by Rev.
Dr. Barnby, of Blyth. 'The hide
wore u dress of beige flat crepe and
blue hat with king blue velour cont..
She was attended by her sister, Miss
Grace D. Sho rteeed, who wore a gown
of black tltffeta. The btide=mom ,
was supported by John llcCal thur, of
Blyth, After the eerin10ny, the lit id -
al party returned Co the Inane of the
),iithern, 191urupluhn
wedding'spa13111e('ts01• was01° :aenSPns(i. Laters,
the bride and 111 inegr( 0111 left 014 a
10,110,' trip tl Shelbout•m(' Flnd other
p011159, On theirreturn, they'.
will reside ,n the snide- -
gtnnru's farm in East War-anosh.
Wednesday everting, Nov. -3111 it, 1110-
110 me of Garner and Mrs. Niehnlson,
4r11 line, Morris, when a nnatter of
friends cf 111', Nicholson met to at•1•
(dilate his 79111 birthday. 111 r. Nirh-
ols0u is still hale and heart and has
just reePti IV Sade hie 11.1101101 trip to
tits Northern 0,1,1110 11(111111.5
grounds, whets he excelled, as
former years. For many years, 111•. i,
Niclthleon has invited a number of his '
friends to celebrate wil h him the an-
niversary of his birth. Those pt•esont .
this year voted this gathering the
hest yet After partaking of a lavish
ltlea1 of oysters, chicken 111d Mary
of her dei1caries, which lir. and Mrs.
n so Plow o well (1w 1
Nish 1 I k s e l h to pro
e there was a very interesting, vide, 1111 e1 St111°'
prngrem, the first part of the evening
being passed in euchre. The ptngrem
o,usisted of a duet, by 51r, Nicholson
„1,,l Dr. Kirkby ; violin solo, Joe Mil-
tat' and Alex. Bruce ; song and dttnr0,
1 by l.uleline and Garner Nicholson,
jl. ; readings, Chas, Johnston ; solo,
1 Airs. Wray ; speeches, De. Calder,
Richard Procter 7, Nields and D.
Rae, Thos. Brydges acted as choir-
m111. Those present were : J. 1'. and
Mrs. Brydges, Charles and Mrs John-
send, Alex. and Mrs. Bryaos, T. and
Airs, Fields; D. and Mrs. Rae ; Walt-
er Lowry, Miss F. Buchanan, R
Procter and Alias Eliza Procter, Dr.
Calder and Scotty Ross, Alex, and
Mrs, Ross, Joe and Mrs; Millar, Be-
fore they disbursed, the wish was ex-
pressed that Mr, Nicholson may be
spared to enjoy many more anniver-
saries and gond wishes were extended
to Air, and Mrs. Nicholson for their
wonderful hospitality, after which
was sung "For he's a Jolly Good Fel-
ow" and "Auld Lang Syne."
Mrs. Howard, of Con, 14,• spent tt
few days with her pa1euts, Air, and
Mrs. ale ay.
We are glad to report that Mrs. Mc-
Kay, of our village, is better a5airgh•l
after her recent illness.
Dr, ane Slss. McMaster aud lou
ter, 3rar, and Miss Elizabeth Corbett
spent Sunday i1 Walkerton,
Mrs. Jos. Nicholson had the tide
fortune to fall, one night last ween,
and fracture her collar bone. •
Jos. and Mrs. 1tenrmingway are
spending the Winter wish' Mrs. Hem-
ingway's mother, 51 re, Spence.
The Oln'istmas concert and social
evening of the United Church le be.
inti planned for Friday, Dal, SOth,
Mrs, Holum left last Saturday to
spend a while itt Toronto, after a visit
Here with her daughter, Mrs, Sas.
Mrs. McLaren, of Chatham, who
has been spending a while with her
father, Me. Leitch, at. Brussels, visit.
ed here tale week with her slater, firs.
Next8unday, on eccount.ef the op.
ening servicer 111 the Ethel Presbyter.
ian 01101011, the eerviee in the United
t)hurelt will be held at 2 80, The past-
or will deliver the 20)111)1 sermon in
i the series on the 28rd Penh), eubjeat,
Noon -Tide Beet," Come 1
DEAT4t OF Rollt.ltT SCOTT --The
many friends and rein Lives of 1 b lute
Robert Scott, of the 6111 line, Morris,
(veto 51'01.tly'she elt:'d to heat of his
sudden death, which ocenrred nn
Wednesday evening. Dep. 7th. The
MnS •ntt herd not been 1 1'14 ill ,
Tate t c 11 1 1 b er enjoying -
1 Y g
the best of health fur some time, but
anything Of a. l InUK nature wee not
anticipated by his friends, On Sun-
day, Nov. a7th, Mr, Sentt sutfeeed. et
severe hemh1rt'sge of the attune eh,
from which he did not recover. The
late Robert Scott was born in the
village of Blake, in the Southern part
of Huron County, on July 27111, 1800,
His plteeu18 dying when he was quite
voting, he was reared by his grand»
father, the late John McMillan, ex.
61, P. for South Huron, at his home
in Mullett Twp, He received his
education in the village of Constance
and was a pupil of the late J. W.
King, of Bluevale. At the end of
twenty-nine years, he moved to Mot,
('is Twpand purchased lot 25 on tyle
6th Con„ known ns the Btu'rie flout,
On the 16111 of March 1898, he was
married to Miss Mary Knight, young-
est daughter of the elate David and
Mrs, Knight, 8th Ono„ Morris Twp,
He leaves to mourn itis loss iris wid-
ow. three daughters and ole 8011 :
Mrs. Harvey McOul''cheon, of Morris
Misses Jean and Helen, of Toronto,
and Robert McMillen, at home, also
two grandchildren, Misses Mary and
Helen McCntoheolt, Besides hisfam-
ily, he leave, one brother, J I3,
Scott, of Iii Ilett, Hie only sister,
Tennis, passed away several years
ago. Thomas McMillan, al, 1', of
ilnuth Huron, and R. 3. McMillan, of
SaafotNl, 01'e uncles of the deceased.
The funeral was held f1•,1n his late
residence, on Saturday, Dee. 10111,
The tonere! service was conducted by
Rev. M. G. 'Dowler, minister of the
Presbyterian Church, Ilrnesela, In-
terment 11) Brussels cemetery. The
pallbearers were six 110151rh0re of the
deoeased 7)108. Miller, Win, Phnell,
Robert Nichol W. 11. ltiieC ttehenn
R t
Wm, Bernard and Jain. Nichol.
Merry beautiful floral tributes were
received t ni110ivs, Nevin the family, J.
11. Scott, Peter and Mrs, McNabb and
Mary 1 speay9, Alex, and Mrs. Me.
Laughlin and family, hired Hunter
For the next 10 days,we are
giving. on our stock of Win-
ter Hats a reduction of
50 per cent
Treat yourself or someone
else to a Christmas Box at
half price.
We cxtrud to all our customers
Iaea aide, for a Merry Christ -
ins; and Happy New Year.
Carrie Hingston
W. I). 1',ekmi01, of Winnipeg, 0r-
1'ive(1 hets, holt week, and will ++pend
s•1tn•' tittle with friends in this lnoalty.
Last week, the weekly prayer meet-
ing was conducted by Hey. D. Al,
(Guest, at the home of Jae, 11eLellaud,
with an unusually large at ten(ance.
Meetings ere held every 'I'nes1.11ty
night. You will he made welcome.
The Ethel Pr'esbyteria11 °hroo'h will
he 1'e-t+p1'ued on Sunday, Dee. 181 h,
Setvu'es will he nindttrtld et 11 ,t. tn.
and 7 p. in. hy Rev. 0. T. L. MrKsr-
roil, nt'Tnrnnt.n, A fowl supper will
be served on Mood. v, De,,. 11.1'.11.
rolintvi1125 which 1, .Splendid pro 1111
will he given In Ow ililtttel (1111 (.f the
chis oh. i1, wbnh 8i.s< r_i, (1011114,
eluent anise, of stent'°, 12, will he the
91100101 entertainer,
Miss '.14,110 1(y.n ,misra,11n•Il the
choir of St, Amt.rns„ Chinch, Brie;.
sets, en Wednesday evening of l' s(
l tl and ]I Y 13(11 LI d of Win.
'• 1-
1111441),were I t1 I
r a P e r e n t]p. at-
tending the funeral of MIS, Bullard's
grandam/her, Urs. Leeishli loll,
The dame held in the Fat mors'
Hall o1 \Wednesday night. r.f 1'181
week, (5118 very well attended. All
(147)111110471051911 excellent little.
Alts. Frank Jo1n,ar,.11 and little
daughter, ni' Wtntbrnp, 1471(11 r 1,0w
days with Alts Johns)on's 7)1)41(718,
Jon, nod M 8, B n', 17th Cott,. Grey.
Owing t0 the incl„Illellt tr+'11 her all
Thin ,l ay, the 1)111, es of 4t. Geo' er s
Church, postpnnett their hr✓1a111 utltil
last. Saturday r,ttrruf:uu, W1110. 1. large
crowed ns 1,1e51ot.
Anniveesany .ergine were held in
Cavo. C11111ch INilithreo, on Sue -
day, Pee, 11111. 1f•'v 17. 11. Connor,
of ICippeIl, r11 o•letea the set vire:;
both tu'n'1'istt4 soot ev ❑logs
A 011, istntbs 1: 1-1, 14,4,1 'Steel1ain-
melt will lie held in hull's Fruited
(lhnlch, \:call,.', 01 evening(
23rd. A gond pl "gain is hen;F
prepared and Santa 01.0115 will he
elect e,
The Ladies' (411114 ref SI, Alban's
(:belt ch, A mood, held a ver v suer( -see
fed bazaar., oil Smut day afternoon,
Dec, 101 11. 1'11„ riiact eot 1„oohs were
tve)i ptttror.ized mid tt hot supper (('.+s
served. The proceeds .nonmed to
CIrrrARY.-1 -There passed awaynn
Saturday, i),e 3,41, at hir )(ewe,
maw stle05, Al wood, Jatnes l)nu.a1,
in 1118 94111 yettt , The deceased than
was 110/ 11 On August 2nd, 1634, in tell
parish of 1)rd:quill, Bat. tfsh0e, 81.0t-
1and, and cattle to Cattails with his
bride in the year 1855, settling 00 the
12411 Onneession, Edna, at that time
known as the Queen's Bush, and To.
wither they worked and cleat ed rip a
fine farm. He was a roan who noised
son 1111 sense with strung enlrictions,
and tl nanditl, outspoken temper r-ter-
inentiy fitted to mould the rude el-
ements of pioneer society into form
and 0o 181510ncy and 10 aid in raising
a liigl1 sl'.and11 rl-hf citizenship 111 this
500115 and growing nation. How
numb this enm)nurlity 11we8 hint and
such as he is, it is impossible to est.
invite, though it would be a grateful
task to trace his influence lit 1,11511
some of Ole more direct channels, in
his various ehal•arters of husband and
father, of neighbor and friend, to
speak of the sons and daughters 110
hits reared to pet petunia. his mane and
emulate his virt105. But it: comes
not within the grope of this brief art-
icle to do so, snllda0 to say, he lived
nobly [1011 died peacefully. In the
year 1909, his wife, whose maiden
101100 was 100111 Alarie Robertson, pre-
deceesed hint And i1, December 1910,
he married Margaret McNeil, of Grey
Township, In the year 1914, he re-
tired From active work and moved to
Al wood, where lie resided lupi) hie
death. During his long and busy
1120, he honk a vet y native mut. in the
welfare of the community and served
for feat'teen years its tax collector of
i;lma Township, He was a staunch
Liberal and in religion a member of
the Presbyterian Ohnreh, To the
union were eleven children. Two
died in infancy. The surviving aro t
John, of Vancouver; 11. C. ; (Jessie)
Mrs, Ayers, of Mulford Harbor, I3,
0. • Peter and Louis, of Estevan,
:Seek. ; 3ames and Andrew, of De.
lean, Man. t G0015e, MaryhnlNigh 3
Mrs, John Valiance, of Altwnnd ; Hee.
ry, on the hoinestend, lot 12, Con. 12,
Hhna. The funeral was held on Tues-
day afternoon, with service at the
house at 2 (('cloeh, conducted by Rev,
Vi1, J. West, of the Presbytei'i i,.
0huroh. Interment wee reticle 111 Pal.
ma Centre cetnetcry, The pallbrar.
ere \vere'a)11 grenrinhlldren, Lorne and
Lloyd Valiance, Iamee, law,11, Clar'•
once and hale Duncan.
A Progressive
Five Hundred and
Euchre Party
Followed by a
Will be held in the
Tuesday [t►'g, Hee. 27
Under auspices of the
Personal Paragraphs
01d friends will regrtd, to hear drat
Teesdale IVhitfiold is sot :misty ill at
his home in Ate,or.d.
We. J. L Kerr and ;Hiss Lyl.
Brown received a phos e message, on:
Tuesday, that an 011111. Mrs. James
Brown, had passed 140;ft901 the home
of her daughter, lire, .i.,110 Wright,
neat Pot007,11 hue:,,swill beheld
np l l.ttt•'lavr.frrir. 1 n.
51.tatfntd Bea• n - Herald ; "lit.
l:»v. Mgt, ,1„1. 13: a1 , f 1'mm:to, was
t week.rnd visit, t 1(t l'is h'lnle on
Hine/Ilia street, trod .•14t•.bt'atrd the
1 11 y III :156 rn St. J[ s•-•l,11's (111111 eh,
Slgr. Blair hu, tr ne'e'dy rr•turrrd front
n trip t.hrnnglt the West with His Er-
eaft1:ury the ,M.e.t Rev- Andrea Casa
nin, A,stnlir Delegate to Catlatla
and Newfound:a::d.
I kChurch Notes
. Melville Church
.A Life 1 e11)ershp Certificate to
Women s 51issilluatt .5,+c•ieey WW1
r(-eontly pie5111,1 d Fn Alis, Kate. Afc
('soap., 11. wow 11 gift f11te” tdre \Vcut-
,'u s liilaio (' t. A4:-, JeCallutn is a
lose,, :ori rn La,htu} aleln11erof
Molvrile l'r• s.lyte:•t,ln rhumb,
St. John's Church
l'Iie Lat: ' (1,iili1 e f Si. Jelitos Aix-
ediea(1 ehurch held '.hen• atnl,,mi nisei: -
Mr; 1,t th, holm, id' Mrs. D \\-anter
Iasi Wednesday if! nisi'. The re-
ports, as 5' n0C1,i ed. -11, weed that the
past year had berm 1: y n'y successful.
ere and '11 nine l:',tense to the gaud
i.vos in the 1iautds of :be Treasurer.
'111e'•1. ei ion of officers tot the eneuln
Y'•uu 1 e'atalled .,>• t, It(+tt s : -- 13ra:
Pt/•-idcnt, 1)t t. l'. L. Lev ii,; Presi-
dent. Ales. 0. 9,Vciket ; Vice•Presi.
droit, Sits. 3: 110 Watson ; ;ietsetar5,
11rs. Alec. (lo) 'lI1 lel ; TI els 111 =r, Mrs.
A. E. litttnn:1151'.
Hrussefs Genitioeatdon School
Follow lrgt t.irerepot 1 0f 1.31 meek
con n SeLeol ft f Oeleh't• and.
t ex
I Oalh:+fine 'Walk,',' '88
.1:s..12 Caldwell 80:1
a Agars Davis) 1. 78.1
4 lien Y 0iierk 77 2
5 Lenntlyd Walker.. 76 1
ti Viola Fox 89.8
7 llnuglue Hemingway 648
8 Helen Whitfield ' 628
0 lack Ht .tilt<nl
p 66s
10 Mabel littviey 58±
11 Alberta McMurray 681
12 Mildred Nichol 552
13 Ft'ed Glassier 6.18
1.4 Allan McCracken 04,5
I5 Joe Qnetin 51.2
16 Florence (40ulmage.... ,490
1 George Kirkby 60.8
2 Huth Strachan ,69.5
8 Kenneth Jackson 694,
4 James 3ohnsto11 06.12
6 Murgatet Dowui(1g 0e,.kl
Helen Armstrong 80.1E
7 Clara McCall 65.8
8 Dotis Gill 61.5
0 Laura Manning 57.1.
10 Emylelle Steiss M1.8
11 Jack Sanders 85.8
12 Janles.Turtlbull 5321
18 Dorothy Fealklitl 49 ti
14 Doreen Eckmier - 47;11
1 Carl Hemingway 68.6
2 Velum Jordan 67.7
13 Helen Beek er,, 66.2
4 Hattie 111c01111 03 4
5 Mary Ritchie
6 Beryl G911
62 7
Helen McNabb C26
'7 Mlu'gat'ot Smith 61.8
8 Harvey Bryan& 58.6
0 Alvin Logan - 585•
10 Margaret 81ra0h411 57 4.
11 Viola Wilson 52 F
12 R.nosel Shnldioe 491'
18 Dorothy Fso,' 498
14 C'inlny Sands 408
16 Marie Buethee - 411
Brom (4. PEAMOLf, Prise.
linemen 7, Donna Ase't,.
When a number of Fordwirh rib
14101,5 were lowering an in grin'f1'olso at
window of the Oornmorliiy hall, Mg,
heavy instrument crashed Chrouglb
the large window of. Mhas. Soh5Afeeel
butcher shop, when it slipped oft titin
the ladder on which it type being iote••