The Brussels Post, 1927-12-7, Page 6'WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1927 THE BRUSSELS POST i uck en Why is it that duck eggs are not as popular as ben eggs? The only reason we know, is, that the hen ADVERTISES just the moment she lays an egg, while a duck keeps quiet and hides her egg under the straw. We try to be like the hen. We try to tell the world we bane a great line of building lumber, dimension ete. A11 No, 1 5x B, C. Red Cedar Shingles [Edge grain] All No. 1 Extra N. B. White Cedar Shingles Alex. Murray & Co, Asphalt Shingles Cedar and Hemlock Shiplap and Boards Siding, Flooring, Ceiling, Moulding, Etc. Drsssed 2x4 Hard Maple for Hay Fork Tracks 1 1-4 in, Pine Wagon Box Lumber, Etc. Lets not be Ducks Gi i !War Erse iii K `rooter ?. [, Phone No. 30 WE DELAYER ✓ Sunday school Lesson BY CHARLES. G. TRUMBULL 11 (Editor of Tho. Sunday School Times) ISAIAH COUNSELS RULERS. Sunday, Dec. 11—Isaiah 7:31, 36,'37 Golden Text to rulers should be taken in eon - Thou wilt keep nim in perfect rection with the lesson in Isaiah: "Be, tions to trust the Lord. peace, whoee anind ie etr yed on wise now therefore, 0 ye Kings;• be Thee; because he trusteth :n. Thee. instructed, ye judges of the earth. ONTARIO'S MINES (Isa. 26:3.) Serve the Lori with fear. , . Kiss If ever there was a day when the the Son, less He be angry, and ye Aceord:ng to figures just iesued by rulers of the earth needed God, i;. is perish from the way, when His 'wrath the Hon. Cheelee McCrea, minister today. There never has been a time, lie kindled but a little. Blessed are of mines, the mineral production of of course, when the heads of Gov- ± all they that pat! their trust in the Province of Ontario for the pre- 'ernments +could getF-;- along without : Him." • sent year will be 36,600,000 in excess' God, !though straight down through j The other chapters in I:aiah con-. of that of last yeas. Of this increase the centuries the most of them have ' tine the only safe advice to Kings. metallic production is credited with tried to do so. All who have tried it They warn nations against alliances 32,000,000, non-metallic with 31, - have come to disaster. The shining vet& godless nations. As Judah con- 000.000, and structural materials and instances of those who have been templatns a confederacy with Egypt, clay products with $600,000. These true to God have proved that it is she i; told: "Now the Egyptians are figures undoubtedly show a buoyant the only practical way to govern sue- men, reed not God, and their hones I condition in the mining activities of cesefully. But • today there is per-' ,pie;;,, ; ,1 not spirit. When the /the province. The report for the nine Traps a more widespread indif- Lord shall'steetch out His hand, both 1 months ending September 30th last ference to God on the part of he that helpetlh thall fall, and hel shows that the metalliferous produc- nations, a mare general ignoring or that is holpen shall fall down, and tion for this period was $46,990,113 rejecting of God by rulers in the they all shall fall together" (Isa,31:: against 344,330,619 in the corres- world at large than ever before. 3). How many confederations of dif- i ponding'period of 1926. Activities in The world-wide sweep of Belsho ferent nations look openly to God , the gold, copper, silver and nickel vism has fostered this. Atheism and as their chief reliance today? What ; industries' have been exceedingly •en - agnosticism are more popular than assurance of permanent 'success has couraging, and in each section de - is the memory of the preserve gen- any nation, or any alliance of na- ; velopmcnts took place which were eraation, perhaps than for centuries. tions, that conspicuously leaves God! indicatieve of an augmented produc- And there are outbreakin;r sins, out of .its plans and purposes' I tion during 1928.' frankly paraded and approved, that Chapters 36 and 37 tell a story The gross output of gold has con - Christ, and how He is going to reign over the uttermost parts of this earth. The Psalm'ist's counsel God of 'Judah to save her, Said the Asee ion spokesman, =bleat/10r of Mighty King Semmeherib, to the people at Judah: "Let net el•.r.ezialr lar live you: for ho Fh01 net be able to deliver you. Neither let Ilez.' hive make yam trust in the Lord, saying, The Lord will eurely deliver us." And .he. '-cut Judgeh'e King a letter promising her certain deem. King 1Iezekiah, In his holple:, nese, ; took !cleat letter into the ]lou of the Lord, ,,pie cid' it out beftere God. I and }prayed. He reminded (.odd that Assyria had conquered ail other lea- i • tions, because the gods of dere na- tions "were no gods, but the work of nun's hands, wood and stone." i And he coneladed: `Now therefore, 0 Lord; our God, save us from hi ' hand, that all 'the kingdoms of the earth may know that Thou are the Lord, even Thou only." Was this a practical thing for a King of a na ion to do? The Assyrians found it too practical for them. "The angel of the Lord went forth, and smote in the camp of She Assyrians a hun- dred and fourscore and five thou - sere: and when they arose early in the morning, behold, they were all dead corpses." They who arose early in the morning were not the dead corpses, either, but the people of Judah, who looked upon God's mighty work. It pays even for Kings. and nad s rNS The Season - of - Christmas - Cheer A BRACELET WATCH de- sire) by all in Gold -filed or Solid gold, . a gold movement in a dainty modern case. $10 and up. All nicely boxed. - • MANY CLOCKS we have to show you for Poudinr, Mantle, Heil or well. You may spend as little as $5,00 for an at- trar:ive good time keeper. Eight Day Tambour clock: ;rs above, $9.00 and up. f as fi �f B ',iM i` i ` We are showing some splendid values in Diamond Rings, Green and White Gold Mountings.Your 5hoice of many styles. Prices from $25,00 to $150.00. Our Christmas Leader Thos popular new green and white gold Diamond Ring, a beautiful de- sign, delicately pierced and set with a good duality Diamond, in lovely Gift Box. Special $50.00. Jewelery Gifts, Etc. WALDEMAR CHAINS BAR PINS WALDEMAR KNIVES TIE PINS SIGNET RINGS CUFF LINKS EMBLEM RINGS INDESTRUCTIBLE SILVERWARE FOUNTAIN PENS PEARLS FLASHLIGHTS VANITY CASES FANCY CHINA KODAKS FRENCH IVORY CUT GLASS UMBRELLAS 1;11.51 rI' s# CHRISTMAS CARDS BOOKLETS SEALS AND TAGS Orders taken for •Personal Greeting Cards. Early Selection Means Satisfaction. J. R. JEWELER Be Wise. WROXETER ceased 'do be a buyer of importance in the silver market. In addition, European governments have debased their coinage and, as a result, the demand for silver has decreased. The People of Ontario have reason to be 'prated of the fact that there is like- ly to be an increase of $6,600,000 in the value of the mineral wealth pro- duced in Ontario daring the present Bend to exalt gran and dishonor God. that ought to be read aloud in the tinued to increase, while that of fear. The nations with truly God-fearing council chambers of heads of Gov- silver has declined, due mainly to When the fact is recalled that rulers are few and far between; Brit- erntnenta, The mightiest nation of political ain and her Dominions, and theentire mineral production of that day attacked holple�s Little Ju- only about this amount United' States, are among these few, dah. only it Such a lesson a, this on an inspired prophet's counsel to rulers premely vital an:d timely. The four chepte+•s in Isaiah report the varying attitudes of different Kings toward God, and the raying • resul'tl; of those attitudes. e are not sumriieci when heathen nations, worshipping• other Gods, fail to honer or obey the only true: God; but :here is tragedy in the record that et nation of Ceti's own people Ephriaan ani Israel, being the ten northern tribes of Jacob'e deseen- dente, turned against God aired en -1 tered into a confederacy with a heathen nation, Syria. Worse still, I they did it in order 'to attack their 1 own kin, the people of Judah, or the two southern tribes. God said this: apostate alliance should fall, It is a lesson to beam in mind by Chris- tian rulers today, when entangling all.ianlces are offered en every side. To Judah and hex King, Ahaz, God said that the 'time was coming when He would give His people a sign. `Behold a virgin shall con- ceive, and bear a son, and shall call His name Emmanuel." More than seven centuries before the birth of Christ His miraculous incarnation was foretold. But what had this to do with na- tion:- and rulers? Everything; for Christi is the rightful King of this 'earth, and His place is, by God's mysterious permission, usurped by !Satan, "the god of this world" (Ii, 'Cor. 4:4). (fine of the most remark- able and terrible Psalms in the Bible is the second. It predicts that time, perhaps now near at hand, :when the Kings of lithe earth are go- ing to "take •counsel together, against the Lord, and against His anointed," and try to break away forever from 141a rule. This will he under the world-'dlornindon of the Satan - inspired Beast of Emperor, when [mankind in general • will revolt .against God. We have 'seen in Rus- sia the :foregleaims of this unthink- able, insane and •. futile rebellion. Then comes in that Psalm the start- ling, vivid word: "He that aitteth in the heavens shall' laugh: the Loid. shill have 'them in derision." Not that, defied the the unsettled China, it is lard', and' to the fact that government of India recently conditions in the the Canada wale. 1 at Confederation, and only about $10,000,000 in 1886, it can easily be seen that extraordinary develop- ments have taken place in the prov- ince in the last 25 years since the ;opening up of the vast area of ,Nor - thorn Ontario bythe construction of the Temskaming and Northern railway. If the predictions that are made from time to time prove to be a The Car Owner's.,,,.%.,,.Scrap-Book, Car (By the Left Hand Monkey Wrench) NEW PLUGS FOR OLD. Tho points of a spark plug actu- ally wear out. Thies, in addition to the cracking of the porcelain, is a re- sult of age, The point that comes dawn from the centre of the plug, which is the ono that eau•ries the high tension positive current, will appear to be eaten away. Pings at 10,000 mace often will show $o much weal' at the points that .the gaps will be much too wide for perfect firing at should the ammeter needle paint be- low zero, for then the drain on the battery is greater than the energy that is being put into 0t while the car is goings Inspecidie of the battery solution Itself should become a week- ly habit. In winter, even more than in Cummer, the evolution must be kept well charged to prevent from freeze Mg. Therefore the hydrometer should be applied to it at every inspection to see 'chat the acid's specific gravity low ear speed,. The point; 'can be show between 1275 and 1300. brought closer together, but since the wear is uneven there is danger of not 1 WORTH REMEMBERING getting the right clearance, The When the engine steps suddenly, safer plan is to instal new plugs. with no preliminary coughing or spitting, the trouble is with 'the ig- CAUSE OF HEADLIGHT GLARE. miction. A wire may be n:hort-circuit- The glare beleived to be caused by ed, a connection loose; the magneto headlamps often really arises from may fail to trip properly, or the the particles of dust allowed to ae- spark plug short-citcuit as soon as cumulate on the Windshield. 4 clean it gets hot. If the engine first coughs windshield is essential for safe night or spits and then stops the trouble •driving because dust . refracts the is in the fuel line, the valves or the rays of oncoming lights.lubrication. If the valves stick it I will show by the lack of compression TO START COLD ENGINE. immediately after stopping. The best way to start a cold engine is Ito set the throttle control lever about one -thud open and the spark lever •about midway, turn on the ig- nition switch, step on the starter button and allow the engine to ro- tate freely; then pull out on the choke control slowly, and when the proper choking limit is reached the engine will sta'rst immediately. BEST ANTI -FREEZE MIXTURE. A solution of glycerine and winter is a very satisfactory anti -freeze anix- ture. The reason is that the glycer- fine is not weakened by evaporation, and its resistance to freezing as the weer evaporates becomes corres- pondingly greater. While the origin- al expense is greater, there is no con- tinuing drain on the pocketbook for replenishment, as glycerine will not evaporate. All that is necesary is to adcl water as needed. BATTERY IN COLD WEATHCR During cold weather the battery requires special attention, because winter makes many drains upon it. Glance at the ammeter at every op- portunity to see that the generator :e charging the battery properly. ,Starting in cold weather against a ;trustworthy, there is likely to be a ,coagulated lubricant makes a heavy steady increase in the mineral pro- demand on,Ort, and the freezing+' tem-• duction of this province during the perature itself is far from beneficial, years to come. Only when the headlights are lighted The Post A regul HEAD REQUIRES CARE. When removing the cylinder head a sharp chieel or screw driver should never be useci: to pry it loose from the cylinder block. The better way le to .use two eye bolts ecrewed into the head which can be handled with a chain, fall or •even by hand. In either case the head should be loos ened by tapping sit the lugs furnished Tor that purpose. These lugs are pro- vided ale bosses to be struck or bump- ed lightly with a hammer. The mechanic should be careful not to strike to hard, as he is liable to break the wall jacket; and much force will not be necessary if a. slight sla.'ain is put on the eye boll. When the head is removed for any purpose it is alleo desirable to take off the head gasket. It should be raised evenly, exercising ease not to bend it out of shape, which results from catching on one 00 more of the studs. The same precaution is 'te be taken w hen replacing or installing a new one. Shellac or gateket cement should never be used on this joint. Never apply oil to band linings and d rums of brakes. Serious accidents may be caused by poor headlights. Never drive a car with tarnished reflectors, dirty lenses, burnt-out bulbs or poor eon- tacts. ill be sent' .Free f rlr December New 5u scribers 2o0C.� P ys a �� ece i ;, f,�n }. r 31 sty 1928 Add 50c for papers to the kJ. S. r Letter from home each week. A real Christmas B your Boy or Girl who is away from home. Residence Phone 104x The Brussels Post x for Office Phone 31 '11he Psahn0, goes on. to tell us about tile Son off" God, our Lord, Jesus