The Brussels Post, 1927-12-7, Page 1VOL, 53 NO, 25 07z•o0 per annum in advance BRUSSELS, ONTel RIO, IVEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 7. 1927 ov am..oar+grew.oterma,.snn w,.asra..ue.ra.ne rmme.-...ma,.,m,vrnm, TRY THE White hso Survice Statim BRUSSELS, FOR SNAPPY S'T'ARTING WTNTI R FUEL ZERO OIL MAPLE LEAF; ANTI FREEZE SIIEI3ERLING TIRES Batteries Mored and Charged at Reasonable Prices Accetylene Welding also the No-Co•Rode Battery, Terminals Thi Anderson Garage aseetteeetaletaleealaatteteleeeteteteseetee«2. eeeetet,a1 e!e ealse!Q«F-yet +.tatelee:!%:stest_iatteeesa' The Surrounding District W ROXETER Philip and Haeoicl Durst will have charge of the:Iriuk for: the coming' season. Mrs. G. Davidson returned to Osh- I awe, eget week, owiug to the illness of her father, Robt. McLaughlin. Rohe.t Ballantyne leaves on Wed.+ nesday for Melita, Mau„ where he r will visit for two months with rel. actives. Archie Edgar and Robert Gibson returned front the Peace River Diet- l vice, last week, where they speut' three months, Ceder the auspices of the Mission Band of the United Church, a very I fine program was given by the mens - bet's of the band, at their thankofter-. ing service, Iaet Wednesday evening, 1 in the church. 0 WALTON. ENGAGLMENT. - John and !Vire. Shortreed, Welton, announce the en- gagement of their eldest daughter, Eetlter D , to Leslie J. Johnston, younger son of Robert Johnston, of Blyth, the marriage to take place early in December. BROTHER PASSES AWAY. - The many relativee and former friends of El ;Mel J, Devereaux deeply regretted to hear of his very sudden death at his hone in Los Angeles, Cal„ on Thursday, Nov. 24th, The cause of his death is riotdetluitely known yet. Mr. Devereaux was born 62 years ago, son of the late John and Mrs. Dever- eaux, who resided on the farm now owned by S. F. Oarron, just East of Seaforth, on the Huron Road. He was a graduate of Seaforth Colleg- iate add obtained his certificate at the Goderich Model School, Deceased did not teach, bat joined the hard- ware business in Seaforth, owned by the late David Johnson, A. few years afterwards, he became a member et2 the Kim bark Hardware Retail Co., in Chicago, as city sales manager. While in Chicago, he married Agues Cowan, of Ohirago, raid formerly of this vicinity, He purchased a hard - war e business in Edmonton, retrain- ing there until a few years ago, when he moved to Los Angeles. There are Mrs, Devereaux and fern' children sur - 1 CAR OF Bran rShorts and Screenings Expected to arrive at Ethel Station about Dec. 9th. Special Price off Car J. B. LAE Phone 2229 ETHEL St, David's Church HENFRYN RECTOR Rev. Maurice F. Oldham. 3rd Sunday In Advent -- Dec, 11th 2 p.m.— S. S. and Bible plass 3 p.m.—Evening .Prayer Service. Monday, December 19 Sunday School Christmas Social at Mr, T, Kerr s home, ANOTHER CAR OF COKE EXPECTED THIS WEEK Special Price off Car ... H. FEAR J Phone 2214 ETHEL viving : Raymond, of Springfield, 0 ; Adeline, in Chicago ; Helen and Dan- iel, at home, One sister and four brothersare living : Mrs, John Mc- Donald, Walton ; John Devereaux, \Vm„ se., Robert and James, of Sea - forth. The funeral was held in Los Angeles. The late Mr. Devereaux was a very popular young man in Sea- ford) while in the hardware business, and won many friends wherever he went, through his gentlemanly char- acter. Though it is some years since he made his last visit here, Ire was al- ways a most welcome visitor, -.-0 BLUEVALE Russel Jermyn has had a radio in- stalled in his home. M. J. and Mrs. Smith spent Sunday at the home of Jas. Masters. John Bosman was home from Chatham over the week -end. Mrs, Clegg is spending a few days with relativee.in Wingham. T. and Mrs. Field, of Wingham, spent Sunday at the home of Jos. Underwood. Burns Moffatt is at Kinrardiue re- lieving the isletk at 0, N. R., who is on the sick list. Mrs. R. Johnston had the misfort- une to fall and sprain her arm, which is very painful, Ohae, and Mrs. Boeman visited friends at Fergus and took in the Guelph Winter Fair, Rnbt. Shaw is having a Supeetest gas pump installed, This is the sixth pump in the village now. "A. couple of autos collided in the village, last week, but no serious damage was done nr no one injured. F. Black received a carload of cows, nne day last week, There is a gnod demand for them, at present, as cream prices are high. Mrs. Alex, MacEwen underwent tt serions operation in a Toronto hosp• ital. last week, and is getting along as well as can be expected. Wm. and Mrs. Thornton celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary, on Monday. Their many' friends wish thethemmany (Wore years of health and happiness. The W. NI. S. of Knox Preehyteriau Clinrch met in the eehonlrnnm, on Thursday afternoon; Dec, let, with a splendid attendance. The President, Mrs. O. H. Gaieties presided. The meeting was opened by singing hymn No. 592, the President reading the Scripture lesson, Acts 8 : 1: 12. This was followed by prayer by Mrs, Walt- er Smillie. The following officers were elected for 1928: President, Mrs, P. S. Moltwen ; Vice -President, Mrs, Walter Smillie ; Secretary, Mrs. Jas. Nichol ; Ass't. Secretary, brae, R. F. Garnies ; Treas., Mrs, Alex. Mow- bray ; Oganist, Miss Margaret Garn- ies ; Supply Sec'y., Mrs. Jno, Mund- ell ; Press Sec., Mise Olive Scott ; Glad Tidings Sec., Miss Hazel Mund- ell. The meeting was closed by sing- ing hymn No. 595 and prayer by Mrs, Peter S. McEwen, The Ladies' Aid o Knox Church Cranbrook will hold a BAZAAR -IN- LONG'S HALL Wednesday, s a 14th �i Dec, Afternoon and Evening They have for sale plain sew Ings knitting, articles suitable for the, Chrietmas Gifts, heroes, made candy and baking. There Will also be a cishi pond. Doors Open at 2 o'clock A 15 Cedt Tea will be Served Mts• D. Heeler, Mrs. M. Engel, President, Secretary. NOW Advertisements Ford -Kemp Oros I lour nna P(r rd 1 13 1.18/co 1111 otCoke--..l. 21Poor ticbool t etirxrt $ t• No a arey 1U.evu t a tnbrook t mos Alt; (21(1 Sugk neon•-Alton'x Drug Store Otetolive 1,1 -'P1tr Al,dernau Garage I,net•- Tno ph (Perla Icor .ala Phnt,o 7+ Notice 1 Aaxanvsrs-tt. III°Dowell For tio.opentng-Eitel Pre+hytartan (laurel( Repetrf n,i dune -John Kraut or John and Mrs, Quinn, of Ingersoll, are at present visiting with \Vrn. and Al Ali Thornton, The set vice in the United Church, on Sun(lny mousing, was fu r.11tt1ge of tate Women's Missionary Society. The Presideut, ells. Goo. Thorni.ou. oon(lucted the service, Mee. Snell Ied in prayer turd Miss Well wood, return- ed missionary from West China, gave an excellent talk on 1'liesionary work and conditions in that country, tak- ing for her text (Gal. 0 : 2. U BELGRAVE Mrs. McGee has gone 10 Wingham, where she will spend the Winter with her sons. Ches. and Mrs. Ooultee and family have moved into their new home near the station. Dar( Ferguson, of Toronto, was a recent visitor with his parents, Andy and Mrs. Ferguson. The Foresters of Belgrave will hold a euchre and dance, at the hall, of Friday evening, Dec. 9th, Mrs, R. C. McGowan, of Blyth, spent a few days with her daughter, M -re. 0. Coultas. and family. Clifford and Jgc}t Stewart have re- turned home after'spending the past few months in the \Vest, where they were helping with the harvest. The Ladies' Guild of the Belgrave Anglican Church held their regular meeting, last Thursday afternoon, at the home of Mrs, David Scott. Friends of Miss Violet Anderson, daughter of Jas, and Mrs. Anderson, Morris, are emery to know that she is at present suffering from an attack of typhoid fever in the hospital at Dunnville. 0 MORRIS Simpson McCall spent a few days in Toronto. Morris news is always welcome for THE POST. Final Onuttcil meeting is on Dec- ember 15th. Reeve Henderson is attending Co. Council at Goderich, this week. The Winter Fair at Guelph has at - treated many Morrisites, this week, Mrs. Bd. Bryans visited with Galt, Guelph and Torcnto friends, last week. Mrs. Chas. Bambridge, 6th line, is not as well as usual, we are sorry to say. J. H. Scott, of Hallett, has been with his brother, Robert Scott, and is seriously ill. Mies Gladys McLean, of Kippen visited recently with her sister-in- law, Mrs. Robt. SieLean, Mrs. Robt, McLean has returned from Kitchener hospital, where she hes been for X-ray treatment. Mrs. Geo. Kelly, 13111 line, has re- turned from Kitchener Hospital, where she recently undoes -yen t an op- eration. Mrs, Geo. Redmond, while walking along the street: in Brussels, recently, had the misfortune to fall and bream her left arm. James and Mrs. Anderson went to Dunnville, last ;friday, to see their daughter, Miss Violet, who is suffer- ing from typhoid fever. WARNING. -The (party who took the poultry from the hen house on the Gravel road North of B( easels is ask- ed to return the same at once, as they are well-known to the owner of the birds This notification is given to save frit thee trouble. Last Saturday, Billy Ireland, 3rd life, delivered 'o Barr Bros., al.13rns- sele, two Shorthorn cows, which tip- ped the scales at 8570 lbs. This shows good feeding and we would like to hear froth some fellow who can do better. ENGAGIClLENT,-William J. and Mrs. Souch, of Morris, wish to eminence the engagement of their youngest daughter, Bertha V., to Frannie J. Stamper, of '1'oruberry, only son of Mrs Stamper and the late Francis Stamper, the marriage to take place about the middle of December, Sowoot Remor'r.--Following is the report of S S No, Morris, for the moot of October. Pupils were ex- h e'. t P P aminecl in hit„ IIyg„ Gram,. Spell, and Hist, *. denotes absence for one examination, Set IV -Stuart Bry- ens 67 ; Artie Bewley 64. TR, IV- Tnm Kirkby 60; Oliffnrd Pease 58 III A-13eachanr Alcock 54, IIT B - John Neilson 68 ; *Is the! Alcock 66 • Mate Shortreed 58. IT -Addie Bell 85 ; Walter Bentley 53 ; Lloyd Pease 51; Lloyd Alcock 35. I -Ruth Al. cock vete, good. PR-13obbie Kirk. by, Jackie Bryaus, Wattle Bewley, Allan Searle, Margaret Bell, David Neilson, Stuart McCall. Average at- tendance 19 0. MoGoWAN, Teacher. SOHOOL REPORT. -Following is the report of S. 5. No, 4 for November, Pupils were examined in Hist., Geng., Comp., Spell., Arith„ Gi'am„ Agr'e,, Ree. and Daily work, Total 100 per cent pass 60 per cent, Pupils mark- ed in - ed missed one Or more eRam talons, Number of school days 21; number ofpupils 28. Average attend - once 20, See IV -'"Glenn Smith 80 (19 clays) 1 *Gordon Harman 76 (14 days ; Mervyn Pipe 74 (21 days). JR. IV—Kate Russell 84(21 days); *Dave Miller 82 (20 days) ; Harriett Smith 80 (20 days) ; *Margaret Rnssell 72(20 days. Sn.-*Gor'tlon Nichol 66 (15 days) ; Tack Pine 65 (19 days) ; *How. erd Smith 51(1.7 days) t 'Mac Senn 40 (16 days). Sitt. II-Lewie Russell 74 3 THE ANNUAL ilristmas Tree and Koncert Will be held in FULTON'S SCHOOL (S, S. No. 8, Grey) friday Ev' j, Dec.16th at 8 o'elock Program will consist of Drills, Dialogues, Songs. &c. The Section Cordially Invited Admission 15c turd 10c. (20 days) ; Adah Grnsby 69 (20 days). Ili II-Olara Smith 73 (20 days) : Janie Bernard 71 (21 days) ; Glenn Nichol 65 (20 days) ; *Bill Harman 51' (1.13 days). Set PR -Jim Davie 98(19 days ; Eleanor Nichol 92 (20 (lave) ; *Frank McOutchenn 46 (19 clays) ; *Tom Bernard 21 (17 days) JR Pa - Kenneth Spent 01. (19 days) ; Bruce Smith 88 (29 (Jaye), WINONA A. FRAIN, Teacher, 0 GREY The tax collector is busy this week. Not much stir in municipal matters yet. School concerts will soon be on the prog vane Let us hear the news from Grey Township. Grey was represented at the Wint- er Fair at Guelph, this week, Reeve McNabb is attending the Dee- enlbee session of the Co. Council at Goderich, this week. Jack Work, North gravel, has re- turned home from Toronto. where he was called on account of his father's operation, The next meeting of Grey Council will be held on Monday, Dec. 12, at 2 o'clock, and will close up the year's work on 211015th. The annual Christmas entertain- ment will be held in 5, 5, No. 3, on Wednesday evening, Dec, 21st, Ad- 01188(ol 25 cents, children free. Don't forget the date. Old friends are glad to hear once in a while of Joe Killough, now living near Dungannon. He has .recently installed a Delco lighting system in =his house and barn. Notizie,' Hoover, 9th Con., who spent several months in Saskatchew- an harvest fields. arrived home. 0n Monday night. He was as far West as Edmonton. Wm, Work, a well-known resident of Grey Township who went to Tor- onto to visit his sot, R. Work, under- went an operation for appendicitis, last Friday, and is doing ns well as can be expeoted. hhucaTED -A very pretty wedding wes so)ednlized at the manse, CI an - brook, nn Wednesday of last week, when Miss Agnes Cochrane became the bride of Oliver A'Ir0teery, of How - ick Township. The happy conple will make their home in Howick Twp. To mil' neighbors and friends wan helped us find our lost dog, "\1'atell," and to THE POST for Liie 'nee of its ad, column in finding hint, also to Mcs Ryan, 5th ('on., Mortis, to whose home he wandered and wa11 infm•rned us immediately on evading THE POST, we are sincerely grateful. He tune a strange dog in ct strange land and had wandered to a strange home, hit: wits well cared for by Mrs. Ryan and her family, MRS MAY KNIGIrr, W EC1nING BELLS -- On Wednesday of lust week, Wilfred Allbr'ighr, son of Wm Alibi ieht and t hp late erre, Allbright, of'Toronto, and Miss Janet., daughter of Alex. and Mrs. Nichol. 17tH Con„ Grey Twit , were united in marriage by Rev. F, G. Fowier, at cite Presbyterian Ohnrcb meow, Brussels. The groom was supported by Elywen Somers, while Mrs. Somers, sister of the bride, was bridesmaid. The bride looked charming in a drew; of white satin with pale hate trimming. white kid shoes and white silk stock• ince. 7n tine evening, a reception wits held at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Nichol, when about 80 guests were present. There were games, serial °Pott, dancing and lunch, The wed- ding gifts were valuable, useful and well chosen. Mr. and Mrs. Allhr•ight expect, to make their home in 'Tnron- P They� n go with .he best wishes f to. w 1 t a wide circle of friends for a happy and useful life, ETHEL Oeoil'Bateman Is still undo' the Dr.'s care. Miss Lyla Ames has been nh the sink list for the past week. Miss Jean McFarlae a is spending a while with Mrs, Robb. Pearson, Mrs. M. Henry is confined to her home with an attack of 1a grippe. Mrs, James Bremner spent 11 couple of days with friends in Seaforth, 3, H. Fear unloaded a car of coke, feet week and has another car to un- load this week. Max and Mrs. Raynard and son, Nelson, of Lunknow, visited at 0. Raynard's, or Sunday, August. ust. E kinier is at the time o f writing, rite seriously ill, We hone to see him better soon. Those who attended the Pie social at Union United Church, last Thurs- day night, reported a good time and lots to eat. Andrew S. Bain had a carload of salt delivered at the C. N. R. here. last Wok, and supplied a number of the farmers of the oommunity. Baroid Love is leaving this week for Toronto, where he intends to take all months' special course In embalm- ing, SI:t.VI(.1:�1 Ethel Presbyterian Church Sunday, Dec, lath Rev. D. T. L. McKerroll, Toronto will preach at 11 a, m, and 7 p, m, Fowl Supper in Church Basement Monday ev'g, 19th Inst. Supper eerved from :1.30 to 8 o'clock, followed by a good pro- gram of Murk, Recitation,', Solos, Speeches, etc. Admission 50 and 25 cents EVERYBODY WELCOME Mrs. Hearn is spending a couple of weeks with her daughter, Mrs. Jas. Bremner, Presbyterian services will be held in Oranbook, next Sunday at 11 a. m. and at Dunbar's Hall, Ethel, at 2,30. p, In. Mee. Willis, of Wallace, was called home, on Sunday, to the bedside of her father, August Eckmier, who is seriously ill. Carpenters have been busy at Dr. E. A. Mclliaster's new veranda, the last few days, and it is almost com- pleted. Itis a nice job and adds greatly to the appearance of the Dr's. residence. The mutual Christmas cnncei t of Ethel Public School will be held on Friday evening, Dec. 16th, instead of December 2122, as announced last week, The Ethel Presbyterian Church will be re -opened on Sunday, Dec. 18th. Services will be at 11 a. in. and 7 p. m. A fool supper will be served on Monday, Dec. 19th. Rev. D. T. L. McKerroll, of Toronto. will be the special preacher on Sunday. There has been a number of easnal- ties reported among the care, doting the last few days, as several automo- biles wet e found to be frozen and in a few cases. badly ant of order We have not heard yet if Henry Ford's new car is any better protected against the froet than the rant, but it seems that anti -frost is the word. Roe's United Church Women's Mis- sionary Society held a successful baz- aar and cooking sale, in Dunbar's Hall, on Saturday last. It was a real Winter day, but the ladies were well pleased with the results of the The funds will be wed fol the S... • ciety and itis reported that this en- ergetic gr nap of ladies have reached their Pt teabyterynhjective, this yeal, • The Melee of Dr. E. A. 1icMiitteet'' r j 5..8105 t(1 be a p(,pnlat' gathering puce of old aid young, the last few day-, es many ere req1180ting to be race;. Hated. With the srmalipox epidemic breaking out in several parts of the province and its appearance in one' township, this is the only wile eon;.e to pursue. In smallpox, SR 111 ITeny other' things, it is quite true that 8n ounce of In eventien ratty be better than a pound of cure. The regular meeting of the Wom- en's Institute will he held on 'hill - day afternoon, Dec. 15th at 2.80, at the hone of Mrs, R. Bremner, A demonstratit.0 oa' "Making Salads" will be given by Mrs, Bremner. There will also be a Literary program. At the close of the meterog, lunch will be sel'ved. All the Indies of the enmonnity are invited to attend, whether' members of the Institut; n1' not, A Reception service was held in the United Church, on Sunday evening, Special music was provided and a pleasing solo sung by P. N. Ouriie, Eleven were received lute the rnent- bership of the church. On Snndtty noxt at.? p.m, the pastor will deliv e1' the third sermon in the Ionic; on the twenty-third P811101 The Ruh lest will be "The Mid•D,iy Drink,' from the text. "He leaflet h tu" beside the still waters." Beet yhody we!. 30111E4 The last meeting of the Women's Miseinaiai•ySociety and Ladies' Aid of the United Church wa8 lielrl nn Thursday last, at, the home of Mrs. W. H. Love, w11811 110111.41) ladies of the congregatind met to finish the bnneee oPh" crud r h net'siyear,f Afrs,isyenA. P, McKee,plan one fotoef (hp oldest end tenet faithful members of the W, M. S., who will be leaving our eillege in a few months, was fit- tingly honored by the Society and presented with a Life Membership in the W. M. S. After the meeeings and election of officers, a splendid Iuuoh was served. AwARns PR2SENTEn,-Thr00 naps were recently p :resented to the River- hank School, having been Lyon et the school fair held at Maple Grove School, tinning September. The cups were ; the school fair cop ; the county cop and the T. Mann cup ; respectively awarded for the best judging of bacon huge, dairy cows and for the cnnte52attt trimming the larg- est number of points at the fair. The 'Sander, teens consisted of Gerald'Sander, Oran Gimbel and Reg. Sehnaeringer won the first two cups e -- OF - Fancy and Kitchen Aprons Towels and Homemade Baking will be held in Brussels Public Library Saturday, has. 10th Under auspices of the Ladies' Aid of United Church Afternoon Tea will also be served Commencing at 2.30 o'clock l i Personal Paragraphs Ales. Nesbit Hatail too was at At- wood, on Fi ids y tart. John and Mre, Currie were at Kit- chener, oe Tuesday. Miss Helen Hebert ore of Clinton, is visiting her unit, Mrs, Jai). Ballan- tyne, in town. es es ReeveBaeker � is atGode1left, this week, attending the December session of the Co, (:unveil, sele.5n Mrs, Jas. Evans, Brussels South, is under the doctor's care. Her many friends hope for an early imp1ove- rnent. e•;• e Kennet li, Cur't to i,. back on his job as assistant et the 0. N. R station, after many Wd1/11lb' 1 elieving at other points. r,. r,. 4i Miss Mary Lamontvisited her brother, J. L Lamont, and Mrs. Lam - Ont, of Kincardine, fat a few clays last week. ,, P. end Mrs, �Am'-"l, Mrs. R F Downing and blies Addh• Cai+lin' were visi tore with (Deo, and :111'8. Dawson, at Tivert(u', last week. e armee and Mr.. MarKroz'e and John and Mrs. Walker, nf 1Tirobeli, r' e' d were visit t: at Il('• home f 1)1''. and Airs, Ratneg, , et.Ptesdt:y. Mrs.T W. K'•t (1.want to Geelph, , last week, where the win nn+1Pt1. 1 rri's trnvti in 1l(' hnepital. Hp, sletei :tire, .1 ee. Hind+, onenninanied her. Fin ats;elt Repo! ti : I.We are pleased to repot t 1''11:•'d,1ship 1cnprnvemetil in the enroll (ion of M.,. Sheldnr Socket, wlmo has hero crit.ieaily ill for 811(11 :Cc PIC ' . . P+,•e1' Ru>h•da,• home was rreentiy destroyed by fire at Pttikhill, have 1,'lnlned- '0 111811 and ,uP/1e„uryinr* (he Thn"ll hots° n(1 Alex mei e1' 511 set. • Wilfred \Vohs, Nils.\Ciliis, et„ and inn (liheree of ,11;111. 1te•'nni),+ul1e,1 by V. 'tad t1'= a x•ider.l,•,, of Wing. be, m, w,',',- week -end e:.rituty wilb H. H. and airs, Sullivan, et 3Ttttnt Hope. a. a . . Air's. Alex. 'I'hieuean, , f Termite, i spending Knew thre at th,• hntnP of \}}s•. Belle Walker. Me Thorn',,,, h:1. been bete for the past couple ('f menthe, assisting at the Pruduoe le' in pori u 13 Mea, L. Small and •her two (iaagh- tens, Mrs, Bailey and Mrs. Hampel ton , and Air, (4raltn.mt, of St. Thomas, 595112 Sm"day 01 the home of D. and Mrs. B,tdgley. Mr, Badglry a.nd b1rs, Small ale brothel• and sister, Mins. Small is in her 34th year. Souder car- menttn1' ted trade Gerald o 1 frr Ins Tied off the l Eaton u} c Jack n n nroterl. of school, Tac c Slemrn f 1511101, is the ler,clter of the River- bank School and Ile, un doubt, feels justly proud of the recto 11 made by 11119115. 0 CLINTON The doath occurred on Saturday morning of Chniton's oldest resident, in the person of Mary C. Kennedy, aged 98 years, only surv:'ving mem- ber of the nine children of the late Mr. and Mrs. L. Kennedy of Stan- ley Township. She was born in Sherbrooke, Nova Scotia, of Scottish parentage. She came to this part of the country 80 wars ago and settled in the place called Kennedy's Cor- ners, a mile and a half from Clinton. Latere she Inov I d to this place 0 into 1 the house where she died, Although In bed since early spring, she had use of all her faculties, add was always glad to see her great number of friends, She was a Presbyterian in religion. She is survived by one sot, Norman Kennedy, with whom she has made her home, The funeral took place from her son's residence on Monday, The service was conduc- , ted by Rev, A. MacI1arlane of the Presbyterian church. J. L. K'ERR, Proprietor Church Notes 1 Melville Church Leve, 612 n' -r 11,15 been rtigxlioted tender of tai• cloth in Melville ('lint ch and ,.oinn}wt.eru hi.. dill 11-8, ISet. H r, It, W. M. S.-'1'11•' (egitar meeting i f the Women's M15»110 n\ Society of 1,.Ivillr Church W118 held on Friday nftet'nonn, with the President in the (-hair. Folio -tying the Script ore 1earl- Ing from the 5'1) Chapter of Jaynes, Mrs. Relit. Oliver led 11, prayer. The •parts of the See.retary and the Treasurer were r"sd The Treasurer reported the 'Chankcfferiug to be $156 00. Miss Menzies, the Glad °Cid' ings Secretary, repotted 86 eubscrib- ors for the coming year. The report from the Nominating Cr menittee for the election of (fficers was read by Mrs. Jun. Robb and was confirmed without change. Miss Kate Dead- man gave a well ptepnred talk on "Thankfulness," 0,1.1, many beaut- iful thoughts which will not soon be forgotten by these 91 ivileged to hear her, Mrs. Robb govt. an outline of OUP new study. 'The Royal Road." The tweeting closed with 3,,eyer led by Airs.o," . The deicers for 1928 are : Hen, Presidents, Mrs. Jas. Strachan. Mrs. N. Mel'ittehlin ; Pres- ident, Mrs. Alex, St.tachan ; Vice - Presidents, Al's Thies. Walker, Aire, Rohr. Oliver, Mrs Harold Speir, Mrs, Jon, Robe • Sect etary, bars. John Meadows ; Ass't. Secretary, Mrs, N. Hamilton ; Treasurer. Mrs. Robt, Thomson ; Ass't'I'reasurer, Mrs. Jno. Logan ; Mission Band President, Mrs. F. G. Fowler ; Vice PIesidents, bas. 0. Matheson, bliss Al. McNair ; Home Helpers enrnmittee, Miss Bessie Mos- es, Mrs, Chase DT{ Via, MVP, A. Lam- ont, Mrs. Jas. Work, Mrs, 0_ Smith ; Welcome and Welfare Secretary, Mrs. F. G. Ft/Wirt ; 0111d Tidings Secretary, Miss Kate MenzieR, Ass't., MTS. F. Sperling ; Supply Secretary, Mre, John Duncan ; Pianist, Mrs, W. Sentt ; Ass't. Planter. Mrs. N. Card- iff ; Auditnre, Mrs. T. T. MrRae. Mrs. 0. Seeker; Convenors of Committee for visit.inp the Sick, Mrs. J. A1eFad- zean Mrs. A. Lament c Convenors of Cnmmittee for visiting Strangers, Eli s. Thos. Hitebie, 11 t s. 0. Fleming. way. Last Sabbath morning in Melville t••i:nrrh the Pastor, Rev. F. G. Fowler tank as his text, Luke 21:82: "And they aid one to another, did not our helots burn \v:ehin we while he talk- ed with us by the evey, feed while he opened to us the. Scriptures." Christ after his resurrection had joined the. two deciples on their way to limon.ans .."'t there nem in recalling the incid- en« ;,id: 'Did not 0111' hc?aris burn. within us. 1'.t,•." 'Chi' burnieg of the better was the enthusiasm of tea dis- �ii h lt'rnnh?',d them m to tmdure 1.:• ;usttlon and p(' 1,...1 they v11:,r l .:rl01o,i. Their enthus- ra t 11? the r:., nit of their vision n+' ('lei•ist. The Geepel. of Christ Tta'.st touches the heart :red than af•• "('t0 the whole pc -,:.,t lily. Chriet r= ' eche, .+meetin,-, with us uteri if we ret tit, VI' 3011 of Him it will kindle 11, our ht.tu•ts the enthusiasm which v;il1 s:anis us 1's iudiwldnais and as church to do gree; things. The way in which Christ kindles this en- thu=ia:m is by tallr.;g to us of the ''inn Christ and 1n the power of his personality. "J''15 and the etrmart Woman," was tho parl"r's lent nt the evening ern ie,(. The ttr::t being John 4:9. "T'hcn saltit :l:,• Woman of Nalm:riat unto Hint, how is it that Thou, being :t 'Tow ask - vet drink of m., :which am au woman n£ S:1•1011(1 Fer the Jews )torr no, di •im s with the Samares) s." The strife between et ,sive and the Sam- s as to where God should be worshipped had become so great that they would hove no dealings with each other. Je'us was a Jew and yet II, 1 ped trough Samaria to broaden the outio it of the Jews. .Christ in this n.c,nent Glowed him- self to het a Meat international char - ticker, because his: outlook was broad enough to take in all nations includ- ing the Samaritans. Christ has shown himself to be a great int.n'r,'ttionaI eltaracnr in the church he has foun- ded. He showed the woman that its was the spirit an nott place that d he c. , -1I counted in worship. Midst broke down individual prejudice. The dis- 1:iplc.a were. horrified 1.0 find itinr tacking with a Samaritan weinan who was a sinner but Christ showed them the better way to bring the sinner back to knowledge of God. o---- BRUCE-COUNTY James White, of Wiartot, had his leg so badly injured that it, had to be amputated, at Owen Sound Hosp- ital, Joseph Steel taer, of Amblel, Sask., held a sueceseful auction sale in Luck- now, where he disposed of 80 'Westefu spring oohs and a number of„year- ;dile and two -yew -olds, also for teans nf work horses. The colts brought from $40 to $50 apiece, while the oth- ers sold for 111911er prices,' tlrcording to age. John Purvis, 0f llnlyrood, was the auctioneer, Another of iVI)ldntay's 1211011 re• speeted residents in the perech of Geo. Klein, sr., has passed away aftee a lingering illness, at the 1lntnp of his son, George, The deceased, who was In his 77th year, was a resident of Carrick for many years, Abouteight. years ago, he retired and went to Mi)dtnay,