The Brussels Post, 1927-10-26, Page 8'WEDNESDAY, OCT. 20, 1927,
The Season for
it `15
Evel"ything in the VV , -.1y eat'
Goma hrushe t ass 1
20e, 25c, 45c, & 50c each
Milk of Magnesia
Tooth Paste
c 1 an til th,
Acid and prevents ,i, ..y
25c and 50c tubes.
PBretEst Mor4taegi
Cud Nor Oil
Rich in :'it.iat'as
Is Clear 0.441 Speri,, ting
arts -mt ihonf•tc .rl , al.
::est.• and Odor c M.e'.1y Other
i,, i'•
0. le: 75c
S )91TCe bottle, 40::
far Dapped hods
1":1'm 25c and 50c bot;.
c 1 tot Doc bats.
,i •.., -'•?l :1- ..I e 0:;11+.
!; . - • i. .•,! .tr. 35:.
:The jolj.9a,Store
Druggist and Stationer
BeFsfale5•. w.i«,- N'S4.«: «;4-.14,441 : 44tA eterelaase»: Z .ewes 0•«AeteM:,_ +latese•Ree
Local News Items 3
Fowl Supper and Entertainment.
The ladies Aid of Melville Church
are: holding a fowl supper in the.
To Meet in Seaforth.
The Huron Co. Publisher's Assoc-
iation will hold a business orcein* 1 • Thursday evening of this
in the Town of Seafoi_h on Fricl,oy. church on
• fternoon, Nov. 4th, commencing at week. Following the supper the
"Eveready Male Quartette" of Stra.-
y delock' ford, assisted by a reader and viol -
Congratulations. Mist will give, a program. This com-
pany come: highly recommended.
The Post extends con ratulatinns
'to John G. and :qrs. I :'.c' . Toronto,
on the gerrival of a cos goad 'heir
(Robert John.; We know h.. will he
"some ho;;."
Will Hold Hallowe'en Social.
A d• lithtful ,Id t nt - Hallowe'en
Social wilt he it '.I i'-ivtll church
r..t.t Ti day e 1t.r and 1 aospieee
of ths Bee Sioyate geedto 11„ Pee-
Smdety, 1.1 ryhotly welcome
Supreme Court, Nov.lot.
Mr. j',,—tic.. Mo -Am L[ ill 1,.: at
Secured Her B. A.
3liss Maude L. Ilrurk, a former
teeucner 00 the Brussel- School Stuff
lied the degree of Bachelor of Arts
with honours conferred upon her et
the Fall C'unvocac1ur. of (Tucci'. 1
ersi y. 3L. flock .s atm thin„tar
graduate in LL..11,h all'' History.
tier old friends 1 ,'e nfi.l Cull 1'at-
U1121. 1 u10111 ..1 c0ln1.!.(1.itn1 tit nor
.1.r, _ . work.
Change at Grand Theatre.
BrillifiEhl B rte' l',a ei
REV, A. W. BARK,! -R. e, 0.
Scxritday, Oct. 30th
Anniversary Services
I1 a. !n. .and 7 p. 111.
C ln(ueted by
Rev, W. G. McDonald, 13, D.
Special Music and Thank -offering
p.m. --Sunday School and Bible
Monday Evening, Oct. 31st
The 1=tamnndville Chair will pre+.rot d..(•r ( 1„ durnen, "C.c•rda,”
the 'fate. 11.11 ,.t 8 dde.cle.
• elm'oi 11 35c and 25c.
LAUNDRY—Owing to the removal
of the Chinese Laundry from town
1 wish to state that I will be pre-
pared to handle all Kinds of laun-
dry lift at my shop,
John Hewitt.
(cuetssion walnut), one refriger-
ator, one e•onl heater, two golden
oat rockers. Mrs. (Dr.) White.
TURNIPS FOR SALE in the Field,
fly the Bushel or Row. Also •t
number of Coder Po:s. J. 4.
Nichol. Phone 42-2:3. 19-2.
FOR SALE.—Seventeen Chunks of
Pi all ernnel Yen'k breed. Apply
to Wm. Gor salitz. lot 941, Cnn. 5,
Grey. 19-2.
FOR SALE. -12 choice York Pigs
ready to wean Apply to Glenn
Eckmier, Lot 29, Cnn. '7, Grey
township. Phone 85-37. 19-2.
condition for kale. Mrs. J. E.
Smith, Phone 10x r3. 19-tf.
YORKSHIRE SOW, Due to Farrow,
for sale, L. Hollinger, Lot 15,
Can. 7, Morris, Phone 45-5. 19-1.
Wood for sale. Parties wanting•
a supply should phone 10-12,
Frank Nichol. 19-tf.
—Would make good light truck,
Apply S. H. Cunningham, Palmer-
ston. 19-2.
FOR SALE:—A 7 -tube Radio com-
plete, with A. & B. Butteries.,;
Aerial, and Baldwin Speaker.
Reasonable terms. Apply to L.
C. Clouse,
PIGS FOR SALE: ---7 pigs wilt
weigh about 100 ahs. Also litter
of 10 pigs 8 weeks old. All are
of York -lure breeding, J. P.lIc-
Intosh, Lot 21, Con.. 12, Gr:y
Phone 5311, 15 1f.
101111,4 t'.,r tl •. Apply to Reber:
Wroxeter. ter. Phone ring 3.
Laughs for sale, Walter Yuill ti lc
lot 30, Con. 4, Morris, Poon •5s -
i 10, 18-tf.
„f A_ th Sail' holiday- n 011:ou_h FOR SALE:—Second Hand Lumber
a sitting !t ',
(vt ,... to ,'i 1 ? 1'911/ 'h ( int 111 t.•r gill ill �nm1 condition all sizes. also
r Gad.. 'ir_.. ,.. ,.:: in_ Tea. -..0 .,11 lc , lI,n,4ay,1111± I'u,,.'r ay. 2• canting and joist, 16 ft. long
Less(•, 1
d1.;., Nov, mh•:r Ist•w 11 6 made when The Last of the Half Holidays.
aged l: uday 1114 t t : ,1S' q1 -o Lutile. Apply to Mr , D.
,I �u 11111. 111i11 . Ewan.Will ' Will 1'9111 che
RAMS FOR SALE, 2 Ram Lambs
and 1 Slu•aring 1 registered.) \\rm,
Taylor, Blyth P. 0. Blyth Phone
37. 17-3.
Th:e Thursday vie] fieish 'til the r r.0 t day. lam,mber next
w i•l 1. de w:11 1,.. Monday a
!/9101 L far 11 1
tt-thrrnl it ray ie. 1 v•.1alca-. T— of Tuesday's and
moss '11 (8111.1 v.. t '.ty .I .,• aulc t5', d .. d,t; .:.
Chargeable Items.
Should Make Things Hum.C11 un e p-ni nt; t again re -
The 1 t clary Society of Stl nil minded that 1e, Memoriam notices,
Normal SchoolCords o1 thanks, and all items for
the year's work and 'Miss !maim 1. , , tern n - t 11 e , of nm••.4 n at w101111
is the Editor for form Il. L'adise an adnu_ao0 fes1 chareed, or col -
ought to have a live column. lection taken, are rese :l d as adver-
tL;'•ments and a chine,. Is made for
sane. 1 such items are included in
the correspondence please state to
wham they are to be charged, and
avoid disappointment.
Engagement Announced.
Brightened Up.
The large garage of Earl C. C en
nigham received 0 new dress of or-
• ange paint this week, the work being
done by travelling for the
Dominion Tire Company.
Can Get the Rest. Mr, and Mrs, James G. Chowcn of
Somebody took a rooter 1111 two Clinton ilnn0unc, the engagement of
their daughter, Elizabeth Dorothy,
fi. 'Franklin Fingland, B,A.,LL.B.,
Toronto, son of 311r. and Mrs. John
Finglred, i.on'lesboro, the marriage
to take place early in November.
The bride -.o -be is a sister of: M. 0.
Chowan, formerly C. N. 12. agent
A Bad Tumble.
of wearing apparel carried off. Tl1is Last week Geo. Lott, formeely of
is' about the last act in meanness. Brussels, now of Wingham, met with
Anybody could rob a clothes line. what might have been a very serious
accident. Mr. Lott was repairing
a roof, which •gave way under him.
In falling he alighted on his hands
thus badly spraining both wrists anti
getting other bruises and a general
shafting up. However theme were no
bones broken, and Mr. Lott is getting
on nicely, •
fine pullets from H. H. Sullivan (
chicken 000p, and Herb. informs u"
that the party might as well come
and take the balance of the flock to
feed over the winter.
Who Was the Sneak?
A resident of "Tory Hill" informs
us that her clothes line was raided
one night last week and every article
Prior to her marriage, Miss Mar-
guerite Little, was pleasantly sur-
prised by the staff of the telephone
office. After voicing their regrets
at her departure from their midst,
the operators preseriteA her with a
colored Buffet set.
Ye Olde Tyme Village Quartette.
Wednesday evening, next week is
the date of the re -appearance in
Brussels of this highly recommended
Concert Company. Ye Olde Tyene
Villlage Quartette, of Toronto, played
here Fall Fair night and their per-
formance state of such a nigh quali'cy
that the Brussels Bowling Club en-
gaged them for a second. appearance
here. A complete change of program ; home of his sister, Mrs. Jas. Spear,
will he provided and a crowded house; on Friday afternoon, Further par -
is assured. Tickets are now on sale titulars concerning deceased will he
at Allen's Drug Store, given next week.
Dies Suddenly in Tononto.
News of the. ,sudden death of John P. McRae, which occurred in Tor-
onto, came with a groat sunrise to
friends in Brussels on Tuesday even-
ing. Deceased had spent the greater
portion of the summer in this local-
ity, going to the 'Queen City in Aug-
ust, The remains are being brought
to Brussels Wednesday night and
the funeral will take place from the
ford Down Ram for sale. Chas.
Simpson, I'hone. 8416. 1,-tf.
FOR SALE, 3 Leicester Ram Lambs,
Snell Breeding. Apply to 0.
Smith. Phone 588.
3600 FIRST CLASS Milton Pressed
brick, medium buff color. Apply
Box, 36, Ethel.
FARM TO RENT -100 acre farm,
on 2nd of Morris• possession any-
time this fall. Apply to Sheriff'
Coldbeck, Haileybury, Ont., or to
W. A. Lowry, Brussels, 15-tf.
FOR SALE OR RENT -- House and
barn and 0 acres for sale or rent.
Apply to Geo. Colvin, 69 Cherry
street, Stratford. 14-tf.
Masons to Teeswater.
Several carload's of local Masons
went to Teeswater on Wednesday
where they attended a special ritual-
istic service.
Permits Expire October 31.
Liquor permits which are at pre-
sent in force will not be honored af-
ter October 31, according to Commis-
sioner Hanna,
Narrow Escape.
Tommy, the 7 -year-old sen of Wm.
McFadzean, who makes his home
with his uncle, Jas. McFadzean, town
had a narrow escape from being ser-
iously scalded when a small double -
boiler of hot water was upset on him,
His right arm was pretty sore foie
a few days.
Won Another Prize.
Mrs. 3. H. White has won another
prize in recent Macleanagram Con-
test as conducted by McLean's Mag-
azine and we wish to congratulate
her on 'che success and efficiency
which she attained in this interesting
and profitable contest. These con-
tests appear in each issue of Mc-
T,ean's Magazine and each one is
governed by the same results. Don't
fail to see MacLean',, next issue os
the magazine and got started while
the money lasts.
Where You_cep
Your Valuable Papers ?
TDB svh,•."ah; "its ai y1ur valnahl',
is 11111100 s 1•1141sl, but yt 1111,1511,
a114 t t 11..,1 v+ty r+•:.r,0 111ey
ehuld hl• 1 11c1 d le yend the herb of
meddling Il t 14 44Ve14, (,r eh 411.'.1411
0111.11 4'4'11411 4.1111,14 Ie, t1 x''1(11131 1 se ct
sat'.'ly .111011 I(A 11y•nu n^(t' at timed'
of ill- •1..0ndai,i Ilam:. 11 1- the 111,11
,.nveideut met tig.. 1 -,:f. 1.1 , ('111 1,13'
L.runn•ot ,1' v. 1 mat uth''i smolt nb
rah t,1 5::.191•.
BRUSSELS BRANCH—G. H. Samis, .'Manager
Anniversary Service.
u Instead of supplying water tt pres-
\rxt Sunday :tnetit•,:rsary 11 ;r1• sure at some 40 pound the meeh-
will be coudin•t d in 1111 Unit.. 1 aillcal device :o in installed s•111 sup -
Church by Rev, W. G. Monday
of ply the water at some 500 pounds
}•'rmm�dvilh•, 00 choir
cvenin pres-1D'e. In nidition there, will be
'the E rametville choir will plese1l 10 11411111 a modern mechanical greets -
dramatic production leonlanee Illi op -
apparatus, which will increase
of Canada." the efileency and •peril of this op-
• `.e,ction. With ed Ir tonal vulcanizing
Stewart -Thompson. , apparatus the whole will cost in the
, •110.1
The a -tlor h 'yews says:—"A neighborhood of 55,000.
T k t
quiet but pretty wedding was solerl- overhead doors are to be installed,
nized on Saturday October 15, at gas and water pumps and other ser -
he, home of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. vice station equipment. There is to
Thompson, when their daughter, be placed steam -heating equipment.
Sadie Katherine, was united in 101111 The iayuttt of the building will conn
/lege to George A. Stewart, son of prise rest rooms, battery and ser -
Mr. and MIrs. D. H. Stewart hey, vice, rooms. It is planned to start
W. P. Lane officiated. The charming work 01 the project by the first of
brido was given in marriage by her the month, and according to G. W.
father, and wurc a rose beige geor- lsn' chtel, of the Auto '.Lire and Vui-
gette dress and carried a bouquet 11' eaniziug Company, the project will
lily of the v lluy and roses. Miss b-- reit 1 for service in two months.
Florence Bettie acted as bridesmaid Toe contract for the plumbing and
and Mr. C, A. Honey played the heating has been awarded to Alex -
wedding march, Mr, J. C. Backus ander and Baird, 'of this city."
of London, was hest man. hiss Ruth
Thompson sang "Because" while the
register was being signed. Follow-
ing the ceremony the happy couple -
left by motor on their honeymoon,
followed by the best wishes of the en-
tire community." The groom is a
well known traveller making coils
in Brussels every few weeks. His
irlenis offer hearty congratulations.
Minor Locals.
October will soon be, over.
We are having a nice fall.
Soon be time to .;art the Christ -
1m:1 shopping.
Hand in the locals and personal;.
They are always welcome,
A number of householders had the
furnaces going last week.
Corn roas_ fowl Suppers—turkey
Indian Simmer should be along
pretty soon now•ara.
Great preptions going on for
This Thursday ie the last of the
half holidays for the year.
Why is it, if apples are so good
I'or people that no one says a word
for apple cider?
A hen is the only thing on earth
that can sit still and produce a div-
At a race track ni the States,
Scotch and Soda won 0 race but Wes
disqualified. This should seem to be
carrying the Voles ad Act to far.
Hallowe'en is coming, and many
rollicking persons ato preparing to
improve their looks by wearing falai
"The Four Horseman," "The Bet-
ter 011:" wttl Svd Chaplin+ who
played `Charlie'; Aun.," ars on the
program shortly 11( the Grand.
A few in this vicinity have been
screed with notice. to serve on the
jury at the coiling session of sup-
reme Court at Goderich.
Anniversary services in the United
Church next Sunday. Entertainment
on Monday evening.
Don't forget the concert in Mel-
ville Presbyterian church on Thurs-
day evening .of this week,
Erecting New Building.,
The following item taken from
The Moose Jaw Evening Times, may
be of interest to many, as G. W.
Knechel, Manager of the Moose Jaw
Auto Tire and Vulcanizing Company,
is well known here, being a son of
W. N. and Mrs, Knechtel, of Sea -
forth, a form/ resident of Brussels,
"Complete with the facilities of a
modern super service station, a pro-
ject costing in the neighborhood of
520,000 is to be built by the Auto
Tire and Vulcanizing Company, High
Street East, in his city. The con-
tract for the erection of the building
was let to -day to Bird and Wood-
all, contractors, and it is estimated
that the building alone, independent
of the equipment that is to he put in,
will cost in the neighborhood of 515-
000. The new service station is to be
located on a 75 -foot frontage on
High Street, East, immediately west
of St. John's church,. Plans prepared
by Henry Hargreaves, architect, call
for a one -storey structure of brick
tile and ssucco construction, The
building proper is to be 125 by 25,
and there gigs to be a large yard.
There are many innovations in the
architecture of the building. Be-
sides being of a general attractive
of the structure is to hold no fewer
than 100 electric lamps to light the
exterior and lend a pleasing effect
to the building. The floor of the
yard is to be composed of limestone
,chippings, so arranged as to show up
brilliantly at night time. The, facade
of 'the building fill have plate glass
windows, and Spanish tile and stucco
:finish, The equipment to be festal -
led is to be of the besit. A new car -
washing procese is to be introduced
which will be of an effieent type.
Cheap remedies, got (0). Use Mrs.
Sybilla Spahrs Tonsilitis for Cough,
Bronchitis, Croup, Quinsy, Head
colds, Catarrh, Sore Throats and
Tonsil ills. Success or money batik,
For sale at Allen's Drug Store, Brus-
Dr. Dame, of Grantee, picked a
dish of beautiful ripe raspberries off
the bushes in hie garden, last week,
and presented them to a shut -ill
John Shute, of Kirkton, is making
preparations to build a new barn to
take the place of the one recently de-
stroyed by fire. Robert Ulm Ice, of
St. Malys, has been awarded the con-
The Kirkton Hotel property was
sold by auction, hit week. Dr, Jese,
of Kirkton, we+.e the purchaser at a
price of 51,800.
A sudden gust of wind blew opt a
window above R. 3. Easson's ding
store, Stratford.
11 itehel1 Fair had a surplus of near.
ly 2801), this year,
Airs. (Dr.1 caenzie, of 31]o kt 11 ,
served stl'awhel lies and cream lin 11
number of lardy friends, The firth
had been picked that day in her gard-
Mrs. Johanna Fitzgibbons, of Con,
12, Logan, had 1,115 111i,.fol1-01(5 to be•
thrown fume her buggy while (living
to church, at Dublin. Her son and
daughter were with her at rhe time,
but jumped Frain the buggy when the
h0110 rim away. Tire clip loosened
on the shall and 1'tigliteued 1.110 driv-
er, which 10 a quiet animal. wars.
Fitzgibbons'rSunteued in the buggy
until itsuuek a telephone pole, and
ill the fall, one leg was fntetured.
Kippen United Church celebrated
its 69511 anniversary. The sermons
were given by Itev. Archibald Owner.
nn, of Ottawa, a sen of a hewer
Uod0rieh Centennial Cotninittee
sent a cheque for $250 to the town
council, p (rt of the surplus.
Thomas and William Mackay, form.
er \4iligham boys, grandsons of the
late Thomas Abraham, have made
gond In it musical line in Detrn'1
where their selections are 81oacicast-
e 1 every Friday evening at 9 o'clock
Nem W. SV, ,L, Detroit News. •
Beginning last Sunday, Winghem
R tdiu station 10 B. P. began a series
of connel is to be given each Sunday
from 4.15 to 5,15 p. m. 'these broad-
casts will continue through the Win•
ter months.
Russel Wilson, Blyth, had 85 begs
of potatoes off half-an•aere, 6 of
these potatoes weighed 5 lbs, and;ll
BB1$4>N bo MMlr, and M Township, non
son. on Wednesday,
OALLAHAN.—In Belleville, (1011 K
OliS 1, a cls 1 daughter b;rto (n and MB)Ilae ei UAL
Man,a daughter(Kathleen E1lzabeth1
LEOKm, — In Toronto, on Saturday, Qat
221,6,1027, to.Mr. Aud MMr+, 3ohn Gardner
Leckie, a son (Robert John).
MCORAE,—Soddenly in Toronto, on Tuesday,
Oot, nth, John ll'ergneon Macrae, of Brim-
1 ome. of his Mrs.noon James o.Spelr,
Thomne street, Brussels.
Auction Sale.
TDDnSOAv, O0T. 27Tn.-1'11/9 stook. bnple-
ments, grain, furniture, @c, at Lot 40, Oon 8,
East Wawa/web (1 mile West of 86191 ve), nt
1 o'clock sharp. Jas. Taylor, Alla. ; R. Proot•
er, (Berk, W. J, Cole, Prop,
FRIDAY, Nov. *14:—Farm .male, Imple-
ments end grain, At E':6 Lot 20, 0011 8, Ores',
Rale unreserved at o'clock, Henry Berms,
Prop. ; D. M. Scott, Ano,
Wen)senav, Mos. San —Clearing filiation
salsa the estate of rho late Marshall Har-
rison 11
r grain
rls1 liou farm stff e, . lemon n. , g
tan r8 Ore
mr of 82 < s'
Td o(foote, at L
and llnlieell O
auctioneer ; +Mrs tMarshalll• Barrrison,, Prop-
'7'nrlllSDAT, 1(03'. 8ol,,-1Arm etaeh and
implements, et Lot 41, Oon. 0, Haab WewCI•
osh, (hslf•mlie West of Bolgrave bale Imre•
aerveassnroprieter has sold Itis farm, T.
lldmnnd IrWln, Prep. ; 31144, Taylor, Ano,
As a preventive for the spread of infections
bacteria which are the cause Of 50 'many dan-
gerous diseass, Hydrogen R:!roxi.le, as made
by Parke Davis & Co. is unexcelled.
Its usefulness as a germicide is due to the
liberation of oxygen which has a great affin-
ity for the products of decay and putrefaction.
For this reason we recommend Hydrogen
Peroxide as one of the most effective of
household Remedies. -
A Few Suggestions
for It's Use
As a gargle; nasal douche ; to cleanse the
pores of the skin ; to remove stains from the
finger nails ; for body odors arising from per-
i and scalds for cleaning
'r ti n ;for burns S 1 a 0
the mouth and teeth.
Priee 25e bottle
Parke Davis'
Liquid Petrolatum
Especially refined for internal use and recom-
mended for an intestinal lubricant in the
treatment of Constipation. Exceptionally
heavy, pure and viscous.
Price $1.00 bottle
Exclusive Agent for Nyal and Penslar Remedies
Druggist and Stationer
Successor to James Fox
Growers and Importers of High
Grade Nursery stock. Want Special
Representatives in every locality.
Liberal Commissions, paid weekly.
Wr!'te today. Address Ridgeville.,
Ontario. 16-12.
Notice to Ratepayers
Township of Morris
Parties wishing to pay cash an tate Peacock,
the Tarvey, the Wella, the Bowes or the Tip.
ling Drains should notify the tresstrrer (A.
Shaw, Blnovale) at once, as the debentures
are being prepared. A. MACEWEN,
Clerk of MJrrls.
PR l tC E
Following Lines will be cleared re-
gardless of Price on Saturday
15 Pairs of Men's tligh Rubber Bocits
to Pairs of Men's Gum Rubbers
,} Pairs of Men's Leather Tops
5 Pairs of Men's Felt Shoes
10 fairs of sidn's Work Shoes
Also, Men's, Ladies' and Children's�Rubbers
F ... >, l 4ta.Bs'o
P. S.—All accounts not paid by the 1st of November will
beP laced in other hands for collection.
We will pay the following ' prices for Selected No, 1
Poultry. Dressed Poultry to be bled in mouth and
dry picked—all feathers off—and starved properly.
Alive Dressed Alive Dree'd
Spring Chicks over 618. .23 .29 01d ,Hens 37r to 41b.....10 .12
.t ei to 6lb, .21 .28 " 3 to 4 1b ... ,09 .10
41 5 to 4 lb, .20 .27 t' under !i 1b,..07 .08
1, (4(; to 5 lb. .19 .26 Young Ducks 5 Ib. and
4 to 4i ib. .15 .23 over (white) 14 ,22
under 1 lb. .14 .21 Young Ducks tender 5
over 6 lb.....18 ,21 Ib, (white) I2 .22
55618-.,....17 .20 'Young Ducks (colored) 10 ,20
4i to 5Ib.,...16 .18 Rooeters 5 Ib. and over ,13 .16
4 to 4i lb.... ,13 .15 Roostelis under 51b, 11 ,14
We are taking in Poultry at W. G. Neal's Store, Wal-
ton, on Wednesday, November 2nd, andwill pay prices
quoted above,
The East Huron Produce Emporium