The Brussels Post, 1927-10-26, Page 4WEDNESDAY, OCT, 211, 1927.
WEDNESDAY, OCT, 26, 19.27.
One more week gone and the Post
Elec(ioft account is not paid. Why
the delay':
An fntal'io .,1111tt;7 high constable
is .:.rein•, s thirty -da? tet1U for
driving while drunke and another
constable has been tined for .auuz-
gling ;noel :e fac;na a ehorge of brib-
ery. \\' i'_8t is this pl•leviln,.• con in;;'
to, anyway':
What would Huron('onlay land
be worth is it had a real home'.
Down ie Colchester South, F:vsex Co.,
lade' dispo:erl or her 5 acres For
just ;20,008. Neat• then, start .x .1
figure what a real 100 teen, four0
would bee wee. \ in Huron :1t this
• When you .: 1 the way many
student boli,'- eerie' 8 1381 8' '(+1.•1'
what theree hie idea in iii.; will 1,,e.
Many a dad is .w'extine: bleed t +
ridge ninny t.o give the lolly (1 e'ul1 J,•-.
education, and many of the boy -ace
as if they belong ,o that elate of an-
imal with the long. ears and 'lege
Grey Council Meeting
Minutes of Council Meeting held
Oct. 3rd.
Minutes of previous meeting were
road and adopted.
The tender of Wnl. Connolly for
the construction of the Chester Bak-
er drain was accepted at 1912.50
• I'; was decided that in future all
cheques for Twp. work should be.
sent direct to the ,nen who did. the
work instead of to the patrolmen as
had previously been done.
The following aecounts were paid:
Work on Close Drain, $3:10,75;
Various Patrolnen, $1250.04; David
Milne, Sheep valuator, $3.00; Wm.
Grainger, Sheen. killed, :zaa''.00;
Abraham Bishop, sheep killed, 121;
Andrew Jacklin. part Contract Clark
Drain. $403.20: S. W. Archibald ac-
count, 5800.00; Howiek Insurance
Company 23.05.
Next meting Saturday, Nov, 5th,
—J. H. FEAII. Clerk.
Rev. G. 0. Warner, Judge of .Tuvenile
Court, ?.ondon to Address Annual.
Meeting Nov. 15th.
The 1 'ulal n'hh meat n8 of
the i .! ('o l (/ \:ill! 1 +'d )c
( let; wee ..-•Io nn 1 t It 0:1tlbo!
11'h. 1'11 .. milt ut': off:^o.
The preaid .. -11.,•v. J. 1 Eerd.
e' .A1370et11.., 171111:..1. -
11.C'• were p e'o: d end
,_vi c.flltl.
•r , .
7 1 , , 1 'o fel
twenty .. 1; aa -ea. 888 Of ,.ani
t„ rt. li t_•1 . T . ll o ;1c
dr to ] u' 1- .t. Thr ,-•
ward. were 1 '1111."1 tri the111
cler[1 men ar,.1 two• -
girl i 11 '1(11811:
+111, wee pilled for adoptior. A
thee < e!Q 1, r Pati 1),73 :1 18 1
f, S; C;71111 7.,•} . Te. -
me e. ter _ ,'•Stm-nt. Ide 1 -.,,tw 't
1 11,i sa':.1 •. bill. w i1 t treat -
meet t 'loll/lite ilia a tt Ter, per -
imps. :
w.,rds a ttelie•l th,:le niaim{ty
this met One had io 11.1r credit
t'he1 , 1 e it and the h .•
One iti1 ' e•1rl 1 e. yeare old '_: , ',-
(' 111 1 -'l the Shelter 1131 ' e ro •;)
Ridden death of her f1, t, 1• ;0' ie'..
It we.; 1. 18 l'd to invite 11,':.
Warner, Judge of the Juvenile
London, to ,:rive an address- at the,
annual meeting to he held on the
evening of November 1Sth 11 Mac-
Kay hall.
Th0. following con`:llhution: have
been received .uta; t i.nort 11!1
are gratefully 4Ci.nowl d • d: A
friend 82; Reg. Shut'1n,n lin..
Au[seltweb T'tetc, 550 T. Cameron.
Exeter, wt; 1118: (Dr)bolster, b'tp.
leas; clothinee Mrs. W. G. Mr 1 0::,
DIrs. Colborne; fro it ;!Ir-,. P1 ii:t.
Women's 1n., itut., 1188991:.a Aurae
er of 20 jar: Mr,.ldtat 111:, Wind-
mill and Mrs. Fere—neon; \1r Roy
Maize, a bag of aPplea cail.e and
sandwiches; Victoria street 1. itell
church, Knox 'aurch, Baptist 1 n e n,
St. Gorge's cintreh, 1.u11.nowl Iles-
. byterian church.
-When glass bottles, jars or carth-
• en vessels have a musty, dies : oe-
able odor, fill them up wish cold
water in which soda has been dis-
sovoct and it will soon freshen them.
Canceil deaths in Englund and
Wales, which broke all records with
. a total of 1,302, last year, will be
even greater in number this year,
according to British health authori-
' les.
Huron County Plowmen CAR OF
Hold Successful MatchArgenti
Splendid weather, good plowing
and 8 skilled field of twenty con- -
ttstants were factor: codr.'huting
toward the :access of to 1'i"win2
311dch held ne:n• \V ..x ter on '1'11111:•
day lata, it '211, 11,'41 1111,1(•1' .the 1.1=-
niees Of the Huron ,'onntt•
81311 , Asr t it'.'n :ni,l... 11.:t -
Copeland have a
1•}• 'rilnnl and P •ray
gond start towards no xt y,:u'r sus
A crowd estiuln:e:l clad• to 1,5(10
turned. 0110 ':ami 1111 p u• 1,111y
+..1• it }a the .1111, )• , .,,:;t of woe•%(
Twenty her.<,• 1!.,81111 and five
t11 '' (rs rdwpr'i.,v1 tine fi, 1,1in the
t :11'8.'1.' , ltee - :end ell get- tt .apb•n-
did ... et'•et .. - e r '1'.•-, Fu'1
rat 1 '! .e- fee ��p11011118 were' good
tie e,_ii rNte. ....111 . the i?e,e,,, 1-
w -re 11..oyd to <•1y til.. land
w';1a a 'vii'' 1'.:!11:3 to :,limey til,• t'tn:-
t., .11 1' hes: work.
The :vie. .. U;, 011. 111 ','1t:' 217!-
dy 11 1 \\ Tee
a., e -t s, rr•1 t3 w .rte,_ have
• I ' 1is 11.•(11 :1(1d 111aay i9 t1,•
1,,•12 wear) (1(1 lr• has tread be -
hied :,x and hors• as the plow^;Ir
mere' ild their work, but he call
..,4,11 abut; the "11111119 Bloods" a
tick or two when it comes to eur101ne
tit,: sod-, 020%
'1'n' days- v:ork meant 2(;4 to Mr.
1IeK-t h:r agoods and casae.
As .at '1' er, a felt days pre-
viously, Bert Hemingway carried
the rel ticket for his class. Another
Ibrusselite closely watched was Ale'
Russell and though In; came about
the loot in his field, everyone was
ceefident his work would bear as
good a crop as Flack of Walkerton,
who the judges favored.
Young Jack Kelly came home a
winner in the boy's class and Sylves-
-ter Fox is a real sod -buster when it
carnes ;o tractor work, Wm. Speir
haul his task finished at 12.30 and
wee the first mom to say "quits."
Little ;vender the genial William wits'
so epeed7 when he had Don 1lcTuv-
ish ri:t,ed out in overalls and follow-
ing behind him in the furrows with
n 01eaeuring rule. William received
115 for his share. Now the question
is how much did 1), 31. gas"
Plowing started at 0 a80. and the
match wee over by 3.30 o'clock,.
null team plowed one-third acre
while each tractor plowed one acre.
Over '-100 wm• paid out in prize
motley and there were epeelal pr12105
las 1ybi1.
President R. I., 1ltDonald and
See—Treas. L. E. Cardiff were busy
men during the day and were highly
-Alerted ted wile the results and success
of ih, day.
I'a nriz,• list is 1 follows,—
(';:,r4. High cut Alex McKee.
,her wen 1 t and for h, A ian•(, also
Itcal (20',211 and Pini -n, tcilinin9 :10
1,-1 t
i. - C H. I
, n o Il.
4 orth
l:"l,t.. Doig .,i: .. - 1
wits e second. lir. MeKerelier
won e.veeeetaltee '1 , he•_1
plowed land .n the field wit! 1(9 a
toe et F:' -e'i rallied at SI 3.00
•!n 11 1 ,• t:e• \\'1071!&m F1 rt:liver
1' y n' a elude downed by A,
V5 •,11, a foe the (',it.. t Plowman.
Cines —Int. Herb. Flack. Wool-
1:et r.!, ,:'1.Is!1:,;whollri',l\alker-
t" 1, 58d. P, re; Woods. Ehaim: 4'h.
Alex Bus,' 11. 1':'u' 1 Best crow••,
Hill Flash, : r is 11, - H •r1,. Flitch,
e•in:; 'hl• Doable. roes donat,,l 13'
t; t 3lartnl Wrox t r, ads, .00
rep ltest finish, donated let A. 3I.
Chia, 1-1 kelt Ht,tti.t way,
18!, d:•.earel. :Alvin Thacker, I'or-
inu_,t: boil. Gordon Yiv,, 8 -(ovale;
i1est crown and best 1:81sti. Port
1l nii .[sat, 81 81-19 the :3.00 of
(1.r.,i 1, J. 13. Jlel., as 'oil eannt-
1.1- be e4\', IL Gurney, \\ ir1,;L:em.
Class •1_--I:t. Walter Woods,
Wine :un; 2171. A\'m. 1)81 1!,, W16',1111;
311 Herts. sNekell, Tee. Weter; Test
crown,:\1[11 1(11(1i9, wine. nWettler
vont o1+e:'ed 117 King i rev„ Whot1111111
v du It (110: 11 Wal-
len • Woods. winning goods va'u' d nt
1'3.00 of€.reel b;; H. T. leeird, Wing -
Claee5-1 •t. Jct I r eineer, Wing -
hem: .:811. lack Willits T.'eewatei 1
3rd. JI(d( Kelly, L'rn.sels; dth. Ed -
:n• How„t , Blyth: 5th. Chas. Keifer,
Ethel. Boit crawl(, Jack Wi11it$,
0(I le.nated by the Wingbanl Co -
Operative 1tive Crealmel'y. •
Class 6 --1st. ltobt. McMurray,
Belgrave; 2nd. Albert l,y:idiat, Wal•
ton; 3rd. Wm. Speir, Brussels; Best
crown, W. .1. Greer, goods valued at
12,50, Albert Lyddiac, Walton;TScs't
finish, J,
Hanna, Goode valued at
12.60, ltoht. Mehlurray, Belereve;
First finished land, Wln. Speir, 15,
donated by Ser. -Tress., L. E. Car-
Cines 7•--•, S. Fox, Brussels;
2nd. T. P. O'Malley, Toeswater; Arlt.
Roy Strong, Gerrie. hest plowed
1:uld, 2. Fox, Winniue the silver cup
,ionated h3- Bank of Commerce,
Clans e— let. 311'. McEwen, 1Vrox-
-ter; Ono. J. W. 11yteinem, Corrie;
1"t ,'ruu•n,n-gal. 'Praetor nil offrl'e,l
by Ja:. Edgily. 'tar. lir, llcl•:wen; 11
`l. -1, A\ liyedre n,
hest plow tun, Edgar Howell,
myth; Yn1u10„•.i hay plowing, Edgar
llow•e•tt. virn!n9 wheel barrow don.
meet by W. White, Wrox,•tcl Pett
00 k e1cu4' by •P^.teary ,plow, Gordon
Y, n, winnintt the ,ioubletreee com-
plete. offered by G. Dayiason, Wrote-
.lir. Kerr, %Vin:ham, detedeIT a
11 Duret, Wroxeter, donated a
• 11..11oen'y, •(I(lnatecl 1a paii.
John P 119lti- donated a 11(111rn,
Toru(,. arc C'oun'il and effieers
1115.0( to be applied in then boys
Turnht i' y and Howlck Townships
,ash donated a grant of $50.00.
Successful Rally Held in St. George's
Parish Hall, Goder:cn,
Ideal Corll for next
year's Poultry Food.
An O. Baeker
Phone 4 Brussels
;mill1.11 era previous. :111•. ('0018115
cannot , 19lain how She lire sttit•'.d,
as all w'a. • 111]lal•elltly in ;'smell order
when he ler; the building to gollmue.
Too 1005 is more serious than the
amount of the actual cash loss on
bull 111111 , t•1uipment and stock, as
I. will rause delay in turning out a
pi'neill-•t whish enjoys 11 fine (litett' t
('.•pllt:rtion, as will as being snipped
iu ler:o quantities to Toronto and
Niag; 111 Fall;.
A most successful meeting of lay-
men of the Deanery or Huron ewes
held in St. George's parish hall, Gad-
erich, on October, 12th, delegates
and clerk being present from Bay-
field, Clinton, Seaforth, Ileneatl, Ex-
eter, Blyth, Belgrave and Wingham.
The Women's Auxiliary of St.
George's church serves an excellent
supper, which was enlivened with
community singing led by Mr, Fred
Sturdy. The roll call of parishes
followed and ninety-two responded,
a remarkable attendance considering
the wet, stormy night. A solo by
Mrs. Douglas Brown was very gen-
erously received and an encore given.
Then came a shoot devotional period
commencing with the St. Andrew's
hymn, "Jesus Cols T -.c O'er the Tum-
ult,” prayers, and a Serieture read-
ing by the T'h finery scrretavy, Mr,
\V. T. 1300t11, of Wingham.
Major Edwards of St. Thomas, the
13io((esun secretary, introduced 'the
speaker of the (evening, Mr. F. W.
Sutherland, of St. Thomas, the dio-
cesan chairman, who gave a most
practical and inspirational ad(lress on
the opportunities for service for the
laymen of the church. He particul-
arly instanced the result= obtained
in the Deaneries of Essex and Elgin
by the work of the As008l11 icnt, In-
terest had been aroused, a spirit of
fellowship between the parishes built
up, and the enissionary apportion-
ment of every parish had been paid
i11 full.
A hearty vote of thanks to the
x 01 r r, tea: m01 -e(1 L) 11- 1:;.
n<1 i
Si1 t'
•t ,i
\iltt y ofE1rtt'r .1
Conrnlin of Lxetry
invited the :A.'9nriatio)1 to meet in
Trivitt Memorial Hall, in that `awn
on e, date in November to be setIatee
when it.. 19 possible that 111, ` chel-
son of Chapleau, the Dominion chair-
man may le the speaker. Mr. Pots''
and Sheriff. Middleton of Clinton
moved a vote of thanks to the 11111.3
end the . ntging o1' "The End of a
I e rfaet Day." and `The Hint" closed
a ver;: enjoyable evening,
Creamery end Dwelling Destroyed
13y Flsmoe--Origin of Blaze Un-
known — Women Do Splendid
Worst In Bucket Brigade.
H11,t'1;VA1,F, Oct, 23.—Despite
heroic efforts of 11 bucket brigade.
in which al n0)111)1' of woman gave
splendid a::ista'nce, the creamery
here, owned by A, IT, Coombe, :and 1
the residence occupil'!! by 1Tr, he'r-
win, the butter -maker, were destroy-
ed by fire of unknown °eerie, 1191 ;
1201119. With the eream.'l' thane
W0., .7),troyed :he machinery, a large
quantity. of butter ready for thit0
(nellt end two large tats or lreaill.
lo alma 30.1,(118(,, parch CM,
red by 11111T.!cc
The 1,1„1,1. woe 1180(717 ad at 9.15
p.m, by Mr. Mundell, who at once.
notified 31r, Coombs, while neigh -
hove formed 11 bucket 0421'. de, carry-
ing water from a spring )lbntl( iii
rods from the building. The volun-
teers were badly hand cnppd in We
by having to climb 1a - 88(1) hill and,
de»pile their hest efforts, ;Jut factory
Wari de:$treyed, while the dwelling at
Liu. rear Wad also completely ruined,
The Kerwin family was absent at ,
the time, but neighbors saved most
of the contents.
The creamery, 1t brick structure,
was about 35 yearn old and was
built on the site of oomhined theefte
and butter factory, destroyed by fire
Interesting Missionary Meeting Held
At Eluevale On Thursday With
Large Attendance.
A very suec e•s, fol rally of 31,
Section of the Huron Presby-
terial ,Women's Miosionary Society
of the :United Church Ivae heel at
Illuevale United church on the after-
noon and evening of .Thursday, Oct-
ober 20. Mrs. Willis, of Wingham,
leader of the section, presided and
the Opening exercises were (•oildtle'Led
by Brick Church Auxiliary. Mrs.
Geo. Thornton, president of Blue -
vale Auxiliary, extended a gracious
welcome to the visitors, to which
Mrs. Lane, of Ashfield, responded.
In this section • are 15 auxiliaries, 2
mission circles, 1 C, G. I• T. Te group,
7 mission bands and 1 baby band.
With one exception, all these organ-
izations were represented and 'she
reports showed the great interest
which is being manifested in the
work. During the year two new
bands were organized, one at White-
church, and one at Salem.
Mrs. (Rev.) S. Davison, of Wing -
ham, spoke on the value of a
group in connection with the W.M.S.
and explained the need of this pro-
gram for the teen age girls. The work
of the mission bands was presented
by Mrs. Smith, of Brussels, who took
each letter of the two words andlnade
18 stand for something of value to
the band.
Mrs. (Rev.) J. E. Hogg, of Clinton
president of Huron Presbyterial,
t, -
seek,. '1 fl'w• words of greeting and
che,•r to the In .ting and then ven-
d ••-kid a qtr tine drawer, when
many difficultt1's were exphliee(1
The speaker of .he day, Miss Lola
Clarke, of Chatham, on furlough
from Japan, conducted a (tuestion•
naive, inviting questions about J11p1111
wh}rh slur an.ewered in an interesting
and lupn011us manner. During the
afteruoua the 811111nce were filVor.11
With it duct by 31Irs, Gibson and 1'11' .
Stoerk:, of Wroxeter, also a reading
by :llla.; Sleriel Miele. e, of Fehel. A
pleasant tea hour was spent when
sapper Wit.: served by liluevah,
les, Bev. Bev, 311'. Weldon, of Bluevalc,
Presided at the evening session, while
Pev. Mr. Barker, of Brussels, offered
prayer. 51ise Caroline W1•llwood, of
Willghanl, lately (''turned from
China, w'11(1 is always 11 welcome
speker to luta' audience in this com-
munity, told something or the Wo-
men of China, who had teen. under
her instruction while thee., and snot
of whorl were carrying on the work
in her 011201ced absentee.
:Wee, Clarke 18008111 addressed the
meeting 181)1 made 1n1 appeal for (1!
foreigner in our (Meet, in0rdl'r to
win him, W Allier treat him as an
equal, not tag an inferior.
A niseiontu•y reading, "The brown
Towel,(' by Mrs, Van;ye3, of Wing -
ham, was greatly :appreciated, 11.5 w-1;
luso a solo by Mrs. (Rev.) Harker,
of L'1useels.
A pleasant feature of the evening
was a pageant presented by the Blue-
luevale Mission Band, showing how the
torch is lighted and sent to other
lands to enable them to learn the
Gospel Message.
An invitation from Fordwlcll aux-
iliary nor the next sectional meeting
was accepted and the meeting closed
with the National Anthem.
More than ode thousand horses
have been shipped this year from
British Columbia ranges to Soviet
Among the :100 pupils in one
school in Dundee, Scoclanll, are 14
pairs of twins, 18 boys and ten girls.
An Italian-Amecican Me -enter has
developed on under -sea life boat to
be attached to and released from ie
submarine in an emergency.
The prefect of police of Pekin,
China has issued a decree forbid-
ding short hair, short skirts and de-
coletcc gowns.
Of 41, 866 articles left on Glas-
gow street curs in the past 12
months, there remained unclaimed
7,425 umbrellas, 3,799' purses, 2,790
bags and cases, 2,687 gloves, 1,416
articles of jewelery and 2,855 par-
cels of various sizes.
Last 1, um.i=' Wednesday To -Night
Norma Shearer iiro
s t `„�y
Friday and Saturday - Oct. 28 & 29
A Fox Special
hispering hVL
�i'[a/W i)
.CY �(t.
A Special Comedy and
"[Around the World"
Monday, Oct. 31 - Tuesday, Nov. 1
Friday & , Saturday, Nov. 4 - 5
A Fox Super -Special
6 Auctioneer"
A Metro Goldwyn Special
Thanksgiving Day, Tues. & Wed'y
Tremendous Business
• In the last seven weeks has been
transacted slightO' none. titan 1 ,. of
all the husuu .818 10110 by the
Selada Tea Company In it, thirty-
five years of existence,. Sates in
this period were 2,1 76,01,1 pouted.,
J, H. Otuuloe, It fin mei. town.hip
clerk of 111(w1, died et ()wen Sound.
Uentge Davldt n, Hund it.rpet loot
l incardiuP, is aervmg a ,,,unlit In ,juH
11(1. (1 11'euse.
Ai•ll1tnu1})11' hl.I'lleughltn, n native -horn
\\lake' (on boy and (1( mal, War veter-
an, hits heel] (ippllulen pn8linsster at
J, I), cnhu('ti, Cargill nndertakcl•,
wile in01(181ly killed when a C. N. It,
p(088(0 ee teeth, hit his env abut 11)
Welted; fest Tuesday evening.
1t rung 1wentylive yours logo, on
(haulier 10111. 19112, time the (charmer,
Ann Maria, way set eek VII ole Kin-
cardine and five people 1081 their 11)1
.17, n Ceelli1 of injuries received at
echonl, three weeks n.go, Anna 131.
11uc11, the 13 yone.old daughter of
Ohms. and Mrs. Hoick, of Walkerton,
))(l1(141 away.
It' p1ey's new skating rink will soon'
be a (Polity, Clement pillars have
been ((.110(1 and ere Long the rink
will he e." 1pleted, La1ot7 11115 been
furnished gratis by many of the
cit teems to assist with the well:.
The Ladies' Aid of Knox Presbyter-
ian Chet eh, 1Citleardine, recently (1811
('11(18-0(1 It slew silk gown for thele
minister, ltev, 1R'. 'McCullough wore
the gown foe the first time, , last Sah-
11'ath, It is it beautiful silk prndnctten
1t' the highest glade and made by
'Phe Wnikertoa Band leas completed
arrnugements whereby 111. Arnott, of
Hanover, will act es instructor- 1311.'
Arnott is leader of the: Hanover Band
and 1e the han1tn1ster who assisted
the Pelmet sten Band in practice prior
to their taking part in the band com-
petition 1tt. the O. N. El,
A pi stay wedding took place at the
home of Alex, and Mrs, MacLennan,
Ono. 6, Huron Township, recently,
when their second daught0e, A110lo
Mary, was lin}led in marriage to
181t11lt Scutt, Oon. 2, Huron Town-
ship, son of Ilrs. Scott and late John
Hon, ,lames Malcolm, of Kin.
cardiae, 11inistel' of Trade and Omu-
'tierce, and Dr. Iiall, ex -M, P„ of
Walkerton, have each donated a
handsonleteopby for the junior farm-
er.' home plowing eompetitinn being
conducted in Brute Comity, this Ftlll,
The (Malcolm trophy is Inc the young
man scoring highest in the plowing of
end, while Dr, Hall's ti'cphy goes to
the champion of the etuh11e classes.
The trophies will be held for the pear
by the winners, but swat be won at
least twice before becoming their
permanent property. The former
Malonlm trophy wits tv011 outright,
last year, by Herbert Flash, of Walk-
Drainage Tenders
Tenders for the repair of the Carron Sinn•
iolpnl Drain, 61010ll0p, will he reosived by the
undersigned until Tuesday, Nov 811. 1027.
when tenders will be opened et the wl:N:rap
11111. of 2.80 p. in, 10 per cent of contract
price to accompany tender, Lowest or ally
tender not 1l eeeasnl'ily accented. Work to he
done nrnorditlg to plans. ,8n, of engineer
charge. Plans, &r,nt ('1s11t's oRire, Lot 85,
Con, 8, 550Rillop Twp. Excavation 1008 crib.
yds. JOHN 8n 2 RClerk.
n fn tit.
Farm for sale
The undersigned off,,-, for cele his righty•
six acre form being snot parts Of Lots it raid
7, Can (.(4'o Town-(dp. Good stone vee
vend 11ni1s0 with at eel romp, lnrO, hulk horn
and driving shed combined -3x60 Pt. with
w stabling under entire
steel roof nota rt shlb
Ings, enhouse I 511x:.0 t t. O drilled well,
large a (0004 of choir a fruit. Over 0e0 rods
of iv ire Penne encu t5n1011 of Alfal4note- t
1+'kill wbeut, ba lance s, -ailed to Alfalfa exnspt
26 acres which is Ml ploughed, 25'5 miles iron,
Brussels and 1j. mile .from school. Libela
tonna to a qulnit buyer, for farther myrtle
111110 apply t0 11.89 GRANT, R. 11 Nn, 5,
1 Ilene 260 Brussels,
Farm for Sale
100 acre farm, being 1,01 12, Coo. 15, Gr88
tuwn'ulp. with good hank barn and 9pleudld
11•11)11ng; 8 roomed 110,141 %veli 11ui01)1d Inside;
cement cellar, garage and drive shed: spring
well. Rood orohatd, 5 acres hntttwooil bash
11110 15 (tures peatnre ; onions working land.
nolle from school; 01 miles from Walton
station. To settle 0,1(110 pill be mold very
renannallle and on good terms. Pride $5,(00.
Por further partloulnrr aa1118 to
18.4 511011. MARIA AMARTS,
Phone 11-0 Brussels R. R. 2, Biuevale
&h Lot 5, 0011. 2, Morris, has instructed the
undersigned to sen by public anotton, on
Tuesday, Nov, 8th, 001ntu0natug at 1 o'clock,
the following farm stack 1 12 bead dual purp•
use Hb0r th0rnmit 008*, 0 heifers supposed to
be with onlf 5 to freshen this )eon li1•jving
horse 7 yours old, 0 pigs 0 18 0ks old, set of
burn ogles 1 000 lbs., :i5 pullets, 12 Oxford
breeding etvss. 0'1)180104.-12 months credit
on approved joint OOPS. or 5 per cent cff for
wish, JOHN.PURVIt, Auc.
Executor's' Sale
of Valuable
Store Property
In the Village of Brussels
in the County of Huron
Nor the purpose of olosh,g upoho estate of
the late George ,l8oksonthere will be offered
for sole by P0bito Auction an Saturday, the
5111 day or November, A. I.) 1027 at 1110 Anter
loon 130001,10 (bo Village of Brussels, at the
hour of throe O'0loelt in the afternoon, by D,
51. Scott, Auctioneer t
Tent vearnble property 1no8vn 00 "The
11100hi11 Block," eomposed ore portion °PIM
number Nluetyelg1t having n frontal of
twenty4lve feet six inches on Won any.
street 111 the aforesaid Villelte of Brussels,
There len good brink building open these
prend8os in good repair, now 001115)0(1 as it
butcher shop mid Jewelry store. The upstairs
hos heretofore been 119007 nee Foresters' Ra11,
and with little expense may be mode into
Veil desirable dwelling 8pnrtononto,
Terms of sole, Tho property will be offered
for solo aubieet to n removed bid, Ton per
omit of 111., purchase money to be paid down
at 1110 time of sale and t1(0 balance in thirty
(1078 tllmrenftOr without 11,081080,
0, be lied
and ond10)080 of der.
1 11application to 11(8 tinder.
may 1,01 nil opo
d mt Iirissels this 24th day. of 'Qot.r 1027.
1)xeolln82.Sooit,Au0ioneer, Solioltor,
Notice to Creditors
in the matter of the Estate of
Donald McDonald, tato of the Town,•
ship of Croy, in tha County of Hur.
on, Farmer, Docotteod.
Notleo is hereby given, puramna t to Hendon
511, Chapter 121, of the Revised Statutes of
01 to vie, that all persons having Matins against
the estate of the anld D,uu11d 61000118111,
firmer, de,:eaaeel, who diet on oe oboe) the
21st day of April, A.D. 1927, urn required to
send by post,preaalll, or to 401121'' 10 aha 1)x•
teatore of 11t, teat Witt and testament of
111e slid deorased, thole mono,. and ad•
do -+sea, with full .articular., in wiling of
their eininls, and thenntare of the securities
(t1 any) herdby them.
And further take notice that after the hill
dny of November, 11127.111') said Hiceoutora
wool p•onet,1 to dist, lhnte the assets of
Cllr slid ustr,te m11000 thin parties. snt1111(1
thereto. living regard only to the claims Of
81.111,1, tiler shall 11a"t have had notice, and
SSW Idxeenlurs shall nit be liable for 1119
said 8 8 .], 01. any part: thereat' to 5ny person
of whose clidal 1)10y shall not then have re•
oelved notice,
Dated Oda 16th any of Ootoher, A.1) 1957.
w, 7.1.81911.1(11),
Soliniior .for John A, and Donald A Mo.
Donald, Executors of the appeased.
Building for Sale
barge frame 0,1111 hog 40x60 feet, two story'.,
built for flax mill at Walton. Double board.
111atnhl'el 831)10a 01110 dol 2 Moors d,11hle
bearded with hemlock, All lumber in the
building 1+ strictly ardente*: hemlock and
sprees. (Cnida Itl(11 Se. 1t.
Phone 1019 Walton
Farm for Sale
Being Lot SO, Con- 10, Morris toweshtp, con•
mining about Nacres, adjoining the village
of Walton. O, P. R. Station within 40 ,'ods.
011 the property la n bank barn 10 x 00 feet 1
lied 1,00.e to x 8l feet; silo 12 x110 filet; never
foiling well with whtdmill ; a comfortable
triune hnase eoutaluing 7 rooms with modern
conveniences; now furnace: electric lights;
large woodshed ,,unshed 00 house. land Is
well drrmed toad la In splendid 860(0 of aniti.
vatlon. Phone 1018 00 89917 00 pp1'elellnaa.
154 ,1880. 0100088A80, Walton
Farm for Sale
128 nares, Rayon County, adjointne (ilint0u,
all clay loam, large brlok house,'2 hank 111800,
alio, large orchard, a few minutes' walk to
town, churches lad schools, town water pip•
ed through bafldhngs,nd liver nt hark Ap-
ply to E. W. hiorricot), R. R. No. 5, Clinton,
0nlar10, 15 4
Farm for Sale
A very desirable stook (arm of 150 nares, 33
mile from Brussels. Coed buildings and
equipments, Easy terms to suit purchaser.
For further particulars apply to
A. H. 5IA000NALD,
Farm for Sale
50 acres of choice farm land ; loose clay
loam, splendid orchard, frame house and
barn, well watered and fenced, 40 acres sum•
mer followed and cultivated ell randy for Nall
wheat. Easy terms. Griot snap for quick
sale, Lot 11 Con, le, 1(lsRil lop: Apply to
81404 7 SfoRAY, B. R. 2, Walton, or A. R
COTTER, 317 15th street E., Owen Sound. 8•IO
Farm for Sale
Lot No, Pt 28, Vence:Won 14, Township of
61eKIllep, 1 elite east of Walton, containing
42 acres of land; four -roomed frpine house
and small barn and lien house. All well drain
eel nod fenced. For further an rticnlnrs apply
to ROBERT HOLLAND. in kind' of Theodore
Holland, Sen forth R. 11, No. 1, Phone 257.8
Do Your feet Donor You ?
(1(1 ! the (1(138117 of aching feet, the misery
nl' pn 1//01117 dragging ono foot after the oth-
er, the bitterness of watching others step
n1an5 without 11 foot Bare in the world. Foot
lniunry 01(11 be avoided. 1 know, beoonse I
suffer. for yearsround t
d a e rbut I o 1 i a r
1v to e
Ile- other painful' s�rei1 1 n1 ,
Vstroll: upon m weakened
urn e
h 0. Note 1 wast to !tido other • if
area •gff J.T. 1)11 mention Tu r. Puss' Ham.
writing J. T. 4VOr1D, d2'l Prosspl•ct tai„ Ham.
11ton, Ont., or may he pm•rhn+,d at Downing
Bros„ shoe duelers, Brussels.
Nouse and lot' for Sale
The nndersignod offers tor wale his house
and lot on Albert %trent, Brussels. House
contains bath, formica an11 ht efeotria wired.
Good garden and garage, Everything in
flrat•rlese repair,
06•tf ,IAS, 11ENDI411$0N, Seaforth.
Farms for Sale
1011Q aot'e», being the south 1,012,1,, of Lots 10,
19, 20, 21 and 22, 10 the lab Con, of Grey town.
ship. 100 acres ideal grass form, with rule
ping water and shade, will he :gold separately
if desired, Willem:alder renting part 0e ell
to suitable tenm(1. Auphv to (1801
(}O)O,)1,.lOHNH1(N, 11111, Bluov0111
or GIOORlE SPO'ITON, Wingllnm,
Nouse and lot for Hale
The eliglhlu house and let on Queen street.
Brussels, the property oe the let,61 r0, Noyo.
Is offered for slue. Comfortable house with
small garden, Fele fart ler maroon lore apply
to HARt121(1(28,
8'12 l0. R, a Brussels
Farm for Sade
(The old Hamilton Plaut)
no mores, ;being 8834 Lots 7 0, 0 and North
40 sores of 10, Oon, A, Turnberry township.
I,nrgatirst-alassbarn, oplundldstonestal)11n
' windmill, targe driving shod,
50011 fr,nne hose. 111111 0(0118 k(toltot), large
orollerd, never failing sprite en farm. 2 1011e
from Wroxeter rillogo ami t mile from school.
This farm has been in pasture for some years
811d will Ore highest returns. Varna land
valne9 wnlclae; or ll0181ottlot'e apply t0
Administrator ,10111% R. Gilson estate
P. 0, box 77 Wroxeter Phone 80
Farms for Sale
The undersigned ()Morn for male his 1.00•1tore
Pavia Ue1,tg 0832, Lot t5, Oen. 7, Morrie, Also
150 acres being North S4, Lot 20, and E9, 27,
Con, 7, acres,
aced houses 0,1d barna in
first-oloss condition, also 011 good out-bdlld•
Mks. Will sell with or wtthodt crop. Reas'
on for 0eltiug, poor health, Por further part-
Molars apply to \V. H. M000800E011,
Proprietor, B. R,d, Brsssets
Farms for Sae
100 acres of land, being tin month 3g of Lot 6,
Con. 8, and the sontll 3Lef Lot 10, Con. 7 h1 the
Townshia farina are offered
for .ate t1o'ah m8 of 9pi the o.9tnt0 08 the bate James
Smftb, If net sold ahoy wiU be renten for pas
tore, Poe part tonlars npnly to oleo executors,