The Brussels Post, 1927-10-19, Page 8WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1027.
your favi:-i;1,---.1..ratives
Pater., 1 :it'v t •1.'.I itl
I1: of 'Ire t
1111 II
at 35; •rue, `"1,30, $1.15.
aua ❑').
Kodak P'tetei Paste, 1?a';'
\c] ilius i u ottl .art t
el.-, for .n.,'1 ',11 f :It, so 1,s.
i'. 1 .A11.• •t.
Our Space of
Wali Paper
is attracting many
12 *'a sterns
of Wall Paper clearing '1t
nearly half the regular price
Pattern: are suitable for ficin
rooms, dining rooms, halls ami
Bedreinns and now is .. _ >t
chane:, to have room:; Y e -d e,1,-
ated at a very tnuch reduced
cost. It will hay you co see
LI x
Tot., per bottle
Fly Tex, I?:.nd Sprayers
Wilson's fly Pads, pkg.
P.:o Coilr, 2 for
T¢ng'eirt :7 dc•ihle sheets :Ze
bapoo Yowler i'uifers 20c
Motu ritiriai Rama
aarteirly Fashion Rook
Now on sale at 25e copy
The fc
Druggist and Stationer
Local News Items
weamlat«t :Mem a: •ataa!+tla t ;»taaftl aa t »Salta +.t t5 k+:atate a aePeseta ce
Will Listen In. Leaving Town.
Messrs, Will Baeker and John ' Than„•, who has conducted a
l;nncan have new Radios installed , laundry business here for the past
by Bert McIntyre and are all set • year has decided there are
for the coming winter months. pastures than Brussels in which to
practice his profession and will prove
Warning. out next week.
A warning' has been issued that
Brussels citizens should guard -Auction Sale of Cattle.
against the possibility of bogus sol- By Advt. in another column it
iciting for the Christie Street boa-
will be seen that Nesbitt Hamilton
pital, Toronto. will hold an auction sale of cattle at
the C. N. R. stock yarns onSatu'ciay
Made A Collection. afternoon of this week, with D. M.
Salvation Army Officers trade Scott as auctioneer.
collection of old clothe:, pots and It Pays to Advertirtise.
pans sad magazines. To -day. It was
one way for the :sousewife to get
rid of a lot of storage.
Opposed to New Train Service. .
Through the advt. which appeared
in last weeks issue, relative to .he
mach n •i: of overcoats at Cranhrnak
chersh, ea:ech man war brought into
.k deputation waited ala tai,.,
possession of ht.- own garment in
short order, which helps to prove
Kincardine Council asking that they that it pats to advertise.
take action with Railway Compa'ny
to eh n_c ;'te service now in ctrl- . The Romance of Canada.serviceat it n on the C. N. R.
Thought- Themselves "Dumbells."
The chair of E,aauuadville United
C::urch will present the pa ewit
"The Romance of Canada," in the
A number from town went to Brussels United Church on Monday
Stratford last Thursday eve nin:< to c•venine', Oct. 21st. Keep the ria.'
hear the "Dumbells," but were not in mind,
taken with the Show. 1 ry report.
Huron Old Boys' Annual
it was net as good as former y�'uz:-,, y Meeting.
The annual meeting of the Heron
Free Trip to Royal Winter Fair. Old Boys' t Association of Toronto w'1]
We hat • been informed by G. R. be held in the auditorium of the
Patterson, Agricultural Represent- Y.1T a".A., 40 College ,-ret, that oi_y
rive, that the competition for the on Thursday evening, October 20th,
purpose of selecting ten boys from et 8 o'clock for the election of of -
Huron County to be the guest, e.E firers and transaction of general
the Ontario Government at the Royca business. R(•fre.:'nncints will be ser -
Winter Fair this year will be held Inc ved nnrl an interesting pro neem will
Clinton on Tuesday, Oct. 25th, at be provided,
9 a.m.
Law is Now Enforce.
The ton;;' -talked of law requiring
all vehicles to carry lights when on
the road at night went into effect on
October 1. So far we have not
noticed any great enthusiasm in 'mot -
plying with its provision. It gener-
ally takes some time to snake a new
law active, but in this ease the pro-
vincial authorities state that mule
warning has been given and no fee-
eeway will be allowed. It might be
the part of wisdom for drivers to
F. Brie;'hanm and family have moved
from Graham's Survey to the house
on Flora street recently vacated by
Allen Sneir.
John Pidgrifs has moved to his
'hone on Queen street, recently oc-
eupied by R. Cardiff, the latter tatt-
ing the house vacated by W. H. Bell
on Princess street.
H. H. Sullivan has been here dnr-
ing' the past week moving his house-
hold effoccs to Mount Hope, near
Hamilton, where he is now managar
govern ' hemselves accordingly. But,of the branch of the Standard Bank.
we wonder who is going `to catch firs. Willis has taken rooms ever
these drivers. the store reeently occupied by Joo
Miss Carrie Hingston and her
mother will move to rooms in the.
Holmes Block, over R. W. Ferguson's
;tore for the winter months.
Held Reception.
T''Irs. C. C. Ramage rfieeived for
the first time since her marriage on
Thursday afternoon, October the
thirteenth at her home on Queen
street. She wore a French frock of
tango crepe draped with Chantilly
lace, grided with American beauty
veld. A gold bandeau and gold
slippers completed her costume. Her
mother, Mrs. Jas. MacKenzie, of Mit-
chell, and Mae. F. G. Fowler receive
with her. The home was prettily
decorated with autumn flowers. The
tea -table was inviting with its silver
basket of gold and bronze chrysan-
themums tad baby's breath, flanked
by ,orange candles in silver holder,,
on an Italian lace cloth, Mrs. Robert
son invited the man callers
to the tea-room w!ere Mrs Jas.
Ballantyne poured tea. She was
assisted. by Mrs. Robert Downing.
aria' Mrs. F. Wilmot. Miss Nancy
Jane I+'owler made a charming door_
attc<tdaht. •
Died In Toronto.
The death occurred of Loftus
Stark at his residence, 78 Bellefa]r
avenue, Toronto, on Oct. 14th, at
the age of 159, He went to Toronto
from Seaforth, He hat been in fail-
ing health since. April, For some
years hit conducted a furrier's bus-
iness as 81 Bloor st. west, and he was
a member of Bellefair United churrn
He is survived by his widow, Mrs.
L. Stark, formerly Miss Belle Smith
of Grey Township, two sons, Wesley
and Earl, one daughter Ruth, and
aeaster, utopia, Mr. 'S a 1
at Soo 0
was eployed many years ago as
tailor with 'the late E. C. Dunford,
and well known to a great many of
our citizens, who extend sympathy
to the widow and family in their
REV. A.:Y. F.AF'Kr.-R. re. D.
Surida.y, Oct, 23rd
11 a.m.-Public Worship.
"The R!.'bes of Influence"
3 p.m. -Sunday School and 1i ble
t Classes.
7 p.m. -Public Worship.
Theme r --"Till the day break
and the shadows flee away."
Tuesday -Y. P. Society.
Wednesday -Prayer Service
Sunday & Monday, Oct. 30 3:31
Annivaquy Se t..:ceada,ted by Rev.
W. D. M D nald,,,t bn,n iilcille, at 11
a. m. and 7
Special Thar,k•nfiering will he received.
Monday evening the Egmondviiie Choir
will present their dramatic'production,
Adntis.;on 35c and 25c.
FOR SALE: -A 7 -tube Radio corn- I
plate, With A. a B. Bacteriee,t
Aerial, and Baldwin Speaker.
Reasonable terms. Apply to L.
C. Clouse.
revery lay from Friday, Oct '11,
until Monday, Oct. 31, both days
inclusive, S. H. Chapman, Prep.
NOTICE: Having served the Public
for the past 8 years as Auctioneer
and feeling. I have give entire sat-
ie.faction both in reepecc to prices
secured and also settlements
where notes were taken, I again
solicit your patronage. Make ar-
rangement at Brussels Post and I
will be on the job, Providence
permitting. - D. 71. Scott, Auc-
PIGS FOR SALE: -7 pigs wilt
weigh about 100 lbs. Also litter
of 10 pigs 8 weeks old. All are
of Yorkshire breeding. J. P. Mc-
Intosh, Lot 21, Con. 12, Grey
Phone 550. 18-tf.
lambs for sale. Apply to Robert
Hislop, Wroxeter. Phone ring 3.
FOR SALE: -One Kitchen Cabinet,
011e dresser (cireission walnut)
one refrigerator, one coal heater,
two golden oat rockers. Mrs.
(Dr.) White,
Lambs for .,ale. Walter Yuill N?i
lot 30, Con. 4, Morris, Pnone5S-
16. 1S-tf.
NOTICE: -All Parties having laun-
dry at Lee Thang's shoal(' call at
once as I am leaving town. Lee
FOR SALE: -Second Hanel Lumber
in good condition all sizes, also
2" scantling anti joist, 16 ft. long
.Al: o Lathe. Apply to Mrs. 1).
RAMS FOR SALE, 2 Ram Lambs
and 1 Shearing1(1'egistered.) Wm.
.Blyth th Phone
Myth l 0.j
Taylor, 3S
87, 17-3.
ford Down Rain for :ale. Chas.
Sink:sea, Phone 8.11+;.
FOR SALE, 3 Leicester Ram Lantbs,
Snell Breeding Apply to 0.
Smith. F:lone 58:',
tension table, One Parlor Table,
One I-Iall Tree. Geo. C. Manners
3600 FIRST CLASS Milton Pressed
brick, median buff color. Apply
Bolt, - 315, Ethel,
FARM TO RENT -100 acre farm,
on 2nd of Morris; poses;:iun any-
time this fall. Apply to Sheriff
Caldbeck, Haileybury, Ont., or to
W. A. Lowry, Brussels. 15-tf.
FOR SALE OR RENT - House and
barn and 6 acres for sale or rent.
Apply to Geo. Colvin, 69 Cherry
street, Stratford. l4-tf.
Returning to the West.
Monday of this week, G. W and
Mrs. Abraham and daughter, kit
for Achill, Sask,, from which locality
they moved to Brussels about a year
rap, owing to the ill health of the
former. Mr. Abraham had been
engaged in the life insurance bus-
iness during his residence here -and
has greatly improved in health, hence
his return to the West.
Cousin Secures Important Position.
The following paragraph from
The Canadian Machinery and Man-
ufacturing News, refers to a cousin
of W. Gillespie, oftown, both of
whom are old Seaforth boys -"The
Toronto Board of Education has ap-
proved the appointment of James
Gillcxpie, 13.A.Sc,, B.Paed., to the
post of director of engineering and
superintendent of plant, at Central
Technical School, succeeding M. Bar.
ry Watson, who resigned to take ap
consulting work. Mr. Gillespie grad-
uated from University of Totonte,
in applied Science, and wor-
ked for a short time with A. W, Con-
noes Co., civil engineers, Five years
ago he joined the academic staff of
the technical school, leaving that de•
to become teacher
itectural ndmechanical chanicaldrawing,
and tater teacher of appfticd nlechans
Where Do You Keep
Your Valuable Papers ?
-y1113 tvherenbuut,i of ya'ur valn'thlee
i:: nobody's business but your men,
end for that tory Ira ell tlt-'y
should lie Allred beyond the :eucll Of
uleddliag permruis, thieve. "r t'Irut'"ts
which reutprnmt•:r th, a ,re 011 y l' -t at
n tlety d•,tr,,h 11 x ill year a tt rut In, HAI
nt the :itttunkid fiul, it it the hu c
e„nt'euient method ,.1 ••ufe keepil,g 1.a'
dnruulents, jenejn al,d '11..•1 rmail 1e1-
jrete of Yatni•.
BRUSSELS BRANCH -G. 14. Semis, Manager
, nvemo,.,.,r,. *nea.,r n liz.-mver, mat.,,....1.,0..
Maya eaa,ra.e..*Daseswymeomosion
Appointed M. H 0.
Dr, James Moore, of 1,1 towel and
t former e t zen of Brussels hay
h - appointed medical health of-
f-t c er of that town.
Brussels Woman', Institute wish
to thank all those who so kindly do-
nated fruit for the Children's Shel-
ter, Godcrich. 27 jars are. being
forward to the Shelter ror w:tich the
Childlren's Aid Society are very
Gets A Promotion.
Miss Olive Schoenhals, who itis
been with the Department of Agric-
ulture, Clinton, for the past couple
of year:, has aerepte:l a position in
the Parliament Buildings, Toront e
Wi: wish the young lady success.
Peter Stewart is having his house
sided with patent shingle's which
makes a decided improvement.
George Manning is having a large
up-to-date hen house erected on his
lot, Turnberry street, north.
A new floor is being laid in the
Post Office to replace the badly
worn portion near the entrance.
Plowing Match Thursday.
The fourth annual Plowing Match
of the Huron County Plowman's As-
sociation will be held on the farms
of Henry Timm and Percy Coupland
just north of Wroxeter, on Thursday
Oct. 201h. The association is offer-
ing 83(330 in cash prizes.
Supper and . Concert.
Thursday evening of next week
is the date of the big Hot Fowl Sup-
per and Entertainment in Melville
church. Supper .served from 5.30
to 8 o'clock, followed by an Al pro-
gram by the Eveready Male Quer-
t.ette, oi' Stratford. A first class
time is exsected and everybody is
Lost Their Home by Fire.
The home of Peter Rutledge, a
former resident of Brussels, was
'urned at Parkhill last week. The
fire originated' from the furnace
pipes at 2 o'clock in the morning and
the family hada close shave in escap-
ing in their night clothes, all their
household effects being consumed.
Mr. Rude dge was out of town at the
time 01 the file.
Sold Practice,
Last week Dr. .3. H. White disposed
e1 his mental practice to Dr. W. D.
S. Jamieson, who has been practising
in Conn. Dr. White and family will
move to Pot Arthur where he will
:Iect:ne associated with his brother
who is in the drug business. The
family have oven residents ]fere for
:0 moo's. The Dr. took a great in-
terest in football and bowling. They
Will take the best of wishes o their
new home.
Minor Locals.
Lots of rain.
How does your label read?
The Post Want Ade bring results.
ITallowe'en cones on Monday this
The radio is conning into its season
again now.
Monday, Nov. 7th is the day sat
apal'c as Thanksgiving Day.
In spite of the saying, "Don't take
your troubles to bed," many married
men :till sleep with their. wives.
Cheer up. In a little while you'll
he wondering what kind of a woollen
muffler you don't look bad in.
Christmas and NewYear's day
1111 on Sunday this time, but as us-
ual will fall hardest upon father.
An advertisement headline says:
"They called her scrawny ibut not
for long." What did she do punch
them in the jaw?
We would appreciate aL renittance
from a number of our subscribers
who are in arrears. If. this means
you, will you kindly oblige?
FR 11127 to Mr. Grey t e. a. G Fraser October son.
MORAY-PRATT,-At the manse, Walton, by
Rev W., 1. Msin Hs, nn October 11111, 1627,
Forest:+Iegity, second lion of the tato Win,
(18 and McKay, to
Pratt, only
of GdaurieytTowt sof hip,
Auction Sale.
SA'rnanAY, 000.22ND,-60 1 end of Durham
atter,, anti heifers, at the O. N. 10. stock yards,
lirn,sels, et1 e'elork, sharp. N. hlnntil'Gon,
PI,p , 11, d Sea tt,AllO
W t.r'Nrep 1Y, Nov 261n,-Cattle,horsee,&o,
at Lot 16 Con, 2. Grey, Sale at 1 o'atock.
yf)lam7 o2
,marD_. iNrarm hoanA,i
flim canlot Oen 8,Mot Whwan ub 11 wile
west o 11, e 1 9>,
A n-
11 ct sok sbarp. Jas, 0.hiylcr. ao tt. Pratt.
i 11'1110, 1 .+Yup 40' doProp.rm stock. Pante.
mos,., and grafi). n IN 1,et29, ( an 11, 1..103'.
• scerved et 4'c ao'r, tie ry lateral, gioloatign
I` Church Notes
St. 3ohn's Church
On Sunday last, Oct.. 16th, the an-
nual Hai vest Thal,ksgivieg eetviees
were held, Rev. W. Sehntfter, of
W1 tgharn, being the special preacher
Inc the day. There were splendid
congregations at both services. At
the morning service, lir. Sykes, of .
Toronto, sang "Galilee." The choir
rendered an appropriate anthem dur-
ing the ntret'tot•y. Lt the evening,
Mr. Sykes ltgaill sting a solo, and the
choir singing the anthem, 'enhe
Earth is the IAD d',." Rev, Mr, Fowl-
er and Rev, Mr, Barker both assisted
at the evening service, when their
services were withdrawn for the nc.
codon. These courtesies between the
churches are very much appreciated
and prmmnte the feeling of fellowship
in the colnnlunity.
Lt co•ltinuation of the Harvest
Festival, a fowl supper was held in
basement of the church, on Monday,
17th inst. A. splendid band n1' work-
er s and the ready response of friends
provided the tables with a bnnntnnus
supply of fond. The reputation of
this event is becoming so widely
known that visitors come from far
distant ppints as London, Goderieh,
Stratford, etc. After all had been
fed, • the crowds adjourned to the
Town Hall, where an excellent pro-
gram was put on by the Harmony
Qeartette, of Toronto, Misses Abel
told Ohristie, Messrs. Forbes and
Jobb, of Witlgham, and Mrs. Hawk-
ins, Blyth, The hall was more tlhnn
full. One big improvement in the
fowl supper was the arr'Rni,'Irtent,
wheteby there Was 110 scrimmage or
lineup by the crowds. Th • t ick•xs
were all numbered and the visitors
sat comfortably in the e.hmch until
their numbers were called. Then
they dt0 itbemto
Nat, Six
proceebundleded visirts o'e ewe w'1'e centrtter-
ed to. between o o'clock and 8 o'clock.
120 people were seated ttt a time.
Melville Church
The regultirmeeting of the Wom-
en's Missionary Soe;ety of Melville
Ohuleh was held mi Friday,tl'terimen,
the President, 111 s. Alex, Strachtul,
presiding. The Patrii tic prn5ivun
front the "GI id Tidings"'i was carried
out at this meeting, 1110 Seriph -1i0
l'aelings were token by 31rs, ilic-
Lttuchlin and Mfrs. Time, Wltlker,
fnllnc'rti by lire. A. 11. Macdonald;
leading in player. The booklet,
"Otulada from Sea to Sea." prepared
in commemoration of the Dinmorid'
Jubilee of 001110deeation, was token
up by \fps. .7,111 I'tnbh, the topics bp-'
illg "Fifty Y"it'a of 9 otrress Inc old'
[V. M. i," and '"1_lte Pleshytenon '
nhur'ch in Vilest et ti CRtlnda, Stxly
Years ago and 'I'o-day." Airs, Lov.'n
t(ttve the RPview of Missions. TitP
Making was closed with the National
fit Alelville Church, last Sabbath
mot ning,Rev. F G 1''nwlet' Inc,):fnr'
his text Romans 8 : 3. "For what the
t n 9s ri1 d ilr:l"S
a CI
i `Iiw
r ,;, ,, x i e
As a preventative for the spread of infectious
bacteria which are the cause of so many dan-
(4.11 )tib diseases, Hydrogen Peroxide, as made
by Parke Davies &s Co. is unexcelled,
Its usefulness as a germicide is due to the
liberation of oxygen which has 0 great affin-
ity for the products of decay and putrefaction.
For this reason we recommend Hydrogen
Peroxide as one of the -most effective of
Household Remedies.
A Few Suggestions
for It's Use
As a gargle ; nasal douche ; to cleanse the
pores of the skin ; to remove stains from the
finger nails ; for body odors arising from per-
spiration ; for burns and scalds ; for cleaning
the mouth and teeth.
Price 25e bottle
Parke Davies
L=quid Petrolatum
Especially refined for internal use and recom-
mended for an .intestinal Iubricant in the
treatment of Constipation. Exceptionally
heavy, pure and viscous.
Price $1.00 bottle
He ;111.3 O ALLEN
Exclusive Agent for Nyal and Penslar Remedies
Druggist and Stationer
Successor to James Fox
law could not du in that it was weak
through the flesh, God sending His
own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh
and for sin, condemned sin in the
flesh," and spoke un the subject, "Re-
ligion and Law.' The children of Is-
rael had established a code of laws
which set forth tate things which they
should not do and for the breaking of
each of these laws tt punishment was
attached. They thought that
if they followed the let-
ter 11 the late that was all required of
them. They did not follow the spirit
of the law. So God sent His own $on
to teach principles cif living which
would enable men to keep the Spirit
of the law. The principles of Christ,
if applied, will prevent crime, but the
law only deals with the result of
crime, The duty of the Church is to
prevent crime by transforming the
lives of men and not to seek to pre-
vent sin by legislation. 'Phe evening
service was withdrawn nn )Ute(nutt of
' rhe• rtnaiversat y services in the Angli-
can Church.
United Church
At a tneeting of the Sunotly School,
Alias May Armstrong and Mise Myrtle
Carter were voted as delegates to
e S,n,Anr Sehonl meeting to be hind
at Blyth, nn Friday. They will rep.
resent the Ynnng Peoples t3oriely
and George Pierce is a delegate free
the Sunday Fir ionl.
The evening service woe with•
drawn, owing to the Harvest Nome
service in 81. John's Church.
AI0DONALD.--in Alorrta Twp , of Monday,
Oct 17111, 1927, Betsy Bell. relict of the late
Alex. A. McDonald, aged 00 yenta and 27
PARES -Soddenly. in Grey Twp , on Octob-
er 16th, 1047. Gideon D. Parks, aged 07
genre and 7 munthe.
STARK, -At Ins home, 75 Selifair Avenue,
Toronto, on Friday, Oct. 14th, 1027, Loftus
WIIIRBN.-111 loving nlem01751 Grnca A.J.
Spelrnn. beloved woe of Albers d Wet -
bean, who passed away October:Mrd,1915.
We who loved you sadly miss you, Grace,
As It dawns another year ;
In our lonely hours of thinking,
Thoughts of you are always oenr.
FoNDeY it rinhinaRBD BY FAMED, 111000 -
DR AND 11811111'.
Cattle Strayed
Strayed on Lot 28. Von 7," ray, on or about
October 10111, four ce'v,a--three black rind
white and one -red. Owner Is regttestedto
prove pronerty and pay expenses.
Phone 8614 A. A1o1EB,
Farm for sale
The undersigned offers for sale his eighty-
ightysix acre farm,being Month parte of Lots 6 and
7, 00n 1?, Grey Township. Good atone von.
e, -red house with steed ruol, targe 1nnlc barn
rind driving shed combined 78.108 ft. with
acral roof oenl ant stmhnng undar entire build -
h11110701., nod smiled well,
' ht150 orchard of eboioe fruit. Over 000 rods
of wit's fence; about a nems o1 bush, 4 pores of
Fa 11 wheat, ch a l needed ed ellfutf1 exoept
26 acme whloli le all ploughed. : ?C mites from
C3 ua .1 1111 }4 i f at of Liberal
rime a 111 1f' 15111 a to
• terms to 11 truck bore•. Fur further partici.
1 ulnas apple to 51.5N GRANT, 5. R No, 8,
tame-, LOOK AT YOUR LABEL t Phone 250 Brussels,
51sto%Mkiga ztlIse1W I:'mavaitl,,,• al r '3e t t:r ls' , ;i '* .orr 'c,3t1" l7•
NaI;ttvlo: f1'
WALTER'S while the sale is on and
assortment good. The $2.500 worth of
Men's, Women's and Children's Boots, Shoes,
Rubbers and Overshoes purchased in Toronto
at a very low rate on the $ must be turned into
cash speedily, That's what we have to do. We
have cut the prices- less than half. One dollar
will do the work of two. Everyone from far
and near will have a 'chance of a lifetime to buy
Footwear at your own prices. Money we want
Footwear you must have. Buy them' here and
now at prices less than they cost the man who
made them. TERMS CASH.
Come prepared for Bargains.
YOU won't be disappointed
Men's $6 Oxfords for $2.95
Men's and Boys' $3.50 and $4
shoes for 1.95
Men's $5 and $6 Shoes for2.75
Men's Work Shoes for ... 2.98
Men's Work Shoes for 2.75
Boys' School Shoes for , . 1.95
Boys' $3.50 Rubber Boots 2.45
Men's Red Soled Rubber Boots 3.50
Men's Overrubbers for 1.15
Boys' Overrubbers for .85
Women's Overrubbers for .90
Children's Overrubbers ... .40
Ladies' $2 Spats . , , .39
Children's $1.50 Leggings.25
Children's 905 Slippers $ .60
Children's $1.40 Slippers .95
Ladies' Oxfords, 1 Strap Slippors
and High Shoes
95c, $1,49, 1.95, 2.95 3.95
$2.50 Overalls for 1.95
Worst Shirts .90
$2.00 Odd Pants ... , . , 1.98
$1 Ties .50
$3 Gloves . 1.75
Felt Hats at HALF PRICE
$35 Blue Suits for 27.50
$25 Blue Suits for 19.50
Tweed Suite . 12.50
Tweed Ovorceats .. 15.50
,,{,List°yt ,�
gear" Prop. ; 0, 71. Scott, Aura
vas+ n ..f it'l xt a x a; CGi'fi,
P1213, 'l