The Brussels Post, 1927-9-28, Page 1VOL, 56 NO, 15 ;`2,00 per annum in advance 1;'1; ['SSE U:i%1',rj RIO, I VEE.VJ SJ) 1 Y, SEP] EMBER 1927
aoS4:.+11.H141,4M 4. - .8tti"f.1.4 1,1:HyN�11�0P1 1-H�.s1!'. 1 P:1 .4 I 1!41 .:✓'�
New ."t rt%"l'Ctlfrei111'Ilttl
•ft '
V The Surrounding .Dastracr
nt:F3k: - ,«gtw; :wHa2Ht:«et'�tt»Ft::h:b'; %+:.g«,o,«.i'+`« r!•i :M :-+,««i+�«'awt«a«
Another event iu lucid history was
pee pettlttted 00 'I'h alt slay after 0(100
Met, when the new pal k Kates were
1,-1ioinlly opened, in the presence of a
!;'hr ];atheeiog from town ,%nd 0, 111•
Inanity, A pi°cession of cats headed
the parade front the school grounds,
where the pupils of Teestvatee's
schools formed in line and then peo-
reedetr to the park entrance. Here,
airs. 0, Thompson, President of the
Women's 1oslitute, which organiz.
anion is responsible for the erection of
the new gates, welcomed the people
and called upon Mts. Brown, wife of
Reeve 131owu, to cut the white rib-
bon ell etching between the stone pil-
lars. Reeve .1. 8. Brown acted as
ehairuuul. Addresses were given by
the Dr. Fowler, who, in a well-defin-
ed address, reviewed the history of
the town and the various community
St. David's Church F
16th Sunday After Trinity -- Oct, 2nd
2 p.m. --S. S. and Bible Class
3 p.m.—Evening
Prayer Service.'
Rev. Maurice F. Oldham.
enterprises sponsored by the Worn.
i '4e 1 h [ I t1tu40, Adiluessea were giv
en by the local clergymen, Dr. Fnrh-
es, Itev, 1). O. Paton and Father Dog-
oeskt. The efleruoou was given over
t/ sports, lcli1r U'
u, eases ail cl.
tests for the young people and n sof.
ball game between Formosa and Tees -
water, the latter winning by a score
of 9 to 8, In the evening, a commun-
ity trance was held in t he hall, on the
park grnuntle.
TIM PASSING (n•' Rweii'nr BLANC. -
At his home iu Ilowick Twp„ on Sat-
urday, Sept, 17th, following an oper-
ation, Robert Black died, He had
been ailing for some time, bot the end
came suddenly. He was born 65
years ago on the old farm, near Blue -
vale, an11 here lie spent his.,bnyhood
days, went to school, played with the
"gang" like any other boy, grew to
be a real elan and later t( prosperous
farmer, 82 yea's ago, he married
Miss Elizabeth Robertson, of Blue -
vale. It we.s a happy union, i11r, anti
Mrs. Black wore gond entertainers,
and many., 'tippy social evenings
, were spent at their horse by neigh-
boe and friends. The late Mr. Black
was a orad of strong cnnv10110(le,
truth, ht'neety of purpose, helpful-
ness, kindness, r0VP •ence and a fine
sense of honor. Thee were the out-
standing features of his make -tip, and
he was a prince in his IIome° and in
social life, He teas a great friend to
the young people, anti boys and girls
of his amnal ntance will 01105111m very
rmaln '
A Special Invitation to you to
view the most Extensive Display
of Stylish Fall Wearables we've
ever assembled.
Fur Coats
Fur Scarfs Chokers
Now is the time that New Fall Garments are
wanted. Make a trip to our Showrooms and see
the splendid showing of Fashion's latest crea-
tions. Prices to suit every Pocketbook.
(aa l --James Txr inn
\4 n P. r •, -1 It smith •�'
1 ((1 I n.A111101/1—, (1 (4111.
Iurmal , x, —hlnl 1
sits, o ae 1 , 0 11
co, ol0 - 1 W,
Faro! 1.,1'.11) .tel Il 11 1 ,
tt t 1
I rnl - (}i h roofs(' r re
Rall Iarxnle wtn, Ma 1
(fl 1 114ulo- uxu eKnnn,n
1 AIR tar 4n ll._ 11yma?ps
Drink for solo -Box 101, IC'ht:l
Iiiril!lillu 11 PR ,11It
, r- rd
Rnzxnr-.l'w. r 11,1 014(11(110
Notice to n, s11I(ors-Tlw.un. Bowes counts
'such, Besides his widow, be is sur-
vived by Wive ri ildren, 11i -s, Gndhiu,
Of I•Iowick. rind Chan les and J000, at
home, and two skims, Misses Mary
and Jean Black. of \Vi11ghllm. He
Wai but ied in Fordlvicli aemetely, be-
neath a wea(1111 of tJ ,we15, the last
tribute of many friends of a life -time,
standing around the grave, We do
not say gond bye. 1(01 fatetv011.
The rector of St, AIban's Anglican
Church, Atwood, has been stlrres4l'nl
in proctning a fine new bell for the
church, It re an (1111 0, N. It locomot-
ive bell and weighs 'lase to 200
pounds, including the stand. The
rector p1•oro1 ed the bell through one
of the head oliicials of the C. N. 114,
Union ete the', at Pm-nnt0. It will
fill a Tong -felt reed, as throe has been
no church bell in Atwood. The hell
will be i1181allcd shortly and will soon
be du use.
Gen, and Alts, Allen spent Saturday
in Atwood.
Mrs, F. V. Dickens still continues
seriously i11 at her home here.
David Armstrong has gone to Lond-
m1, '`here he will attend Western
"tom Field Day was held by the Contin.
untinn Sr.hnnl classes, on Priday (Mel.
noon, in the park.
The Autumn The nk.1-Epping service
of the W. 11. S. of the United
Church will be held on Sunday morn-
ing, Oet. 0t11, when rut (((i(lress will be
given by Mts. Barker, a returned mis-
sinnnry of Korea.
The September meeting ,f the
Beige ave \Vn111en's Iiisti/IIIc Was held
1ece(1ly at the h(mle of Mrs, George
Proctor, lith line, 9101.0141. There wits
a gond attendance or ruenth(v•4, and
the meeting was r.uuducted in the us -
tial manner by the President. Mrs.
Finley MI:Clnlltuu, 'rhe monthly (tor-
reapnndeeceincluded letters of Wanks
receiveilleom friends, for tloweteor
fruit sent to 1lre0l duel lg tiriles or111-
i ness, showing that the wink along
this line is being kept up continuous-
ly by the Institute. The Roll Call
10110 •vellresponded to by giving 111e
mime of n. favorite perennial flower.
A splen(iftl paper was given Iry Al es.
Nor 1111111 WI(ieh, 011 '•P001 ,1tai Flow-
er Herders," which proved very inter-
01tillg and instinctive, The study of
the boort, "Lowe of Ontario," mu;
rnntinued, 11(4. Joseph Clegg lending
in the discussion. The business part
of the meeting over, a solo entitled
"Thr Lilac :Gree,'' was given by 'Miss
Cela amities, Airs. J. M. Ooultes play-
ing the nceempanitneut. The meet.
ing Was closed with the National An.
therm, after 10hirh lunch was served
by the hooters, assisted by Airs. John
Bell, The next meeting will he at the
horde of Mrs. Dan. Geddes and will be
iu rhm•ge of the girl members with
Miss Nora Van Damp as convener.
Mrs. Thomas Hack well spent a few
days in Milverton, visaing friends.
John Jetfery is filing Alex. Mit-
chell's threshing engine, for the re-
mainder of the season.
Roy and Mos. Sellers, Mortis Twp.,
and Mrs. Maria Harris spent Sunday
at the home of John Barris.
Mrs, Data Holmes, teacher in the
Junior room of Walton School, was
oil duty for a few days, owing to ill-
Mr, and Mrs. Moon and daughter,
of Stevensville, spent Sunday at the
home of the formee's aunt, Miee An-
mnie Johnston.
Lawrence Cummings and Mre.
Cummings and Duncan and Mrs.
Johnston motored to London and
spent a day there, recently.
Roy Bennett is off duty these days%
having received a naety scratch on
the back of his hand with a rusty
nail, on Saturday, which later turned
to blood poison. We hope that he
will soon be o, k. again,
St, George's Anglican Church, Wal -
Eon, will (told its annual Harvest
Thanksgiving service, next Sunday,
Oct. 2nd, at 8 p, m. The special
preacher for the occasion will be Rev.
Mr, Townsend, of Bervie, in Bruce
County. Mr. Tnwneend is an el-
ogent preacher, and was, before his
ordination into the ministry, a I3igh
School principal.
Car of Cement to arrive
this week and car of Do-
mestic Coal. expected
next week -
fr Phone 22-14 ETHEL
A Bazaar will be held in the
A. 0. U: W, HALL,
Wednesday, Oct. 5th
Under the auspices of the
Ladies' Aid of
Bethel Church
f• 0 11 :•
There will be offered for sale
all kinds of Sewing, Faney
Work, Baking and Candy.
Will also be served
At 35e and 15c
Air, Stafford, of McKillop Twp., one
of the ptnneers of this pal t of Huron,
has been ill for sols" weeks, anti 110
are sorry to say that he is not improv-
ing very fast.
ltoy Bennett spent Friday, in Lond-
on. While there, he called to see his
sister, 11rs. Toil Watson, who has
been real ill to 5t. Joseph's Hospital.
Her many old friends here will be
gleed to know that she fs improving
anti wish her a speedy recovery,
\V,1N Fors 1'IIts _ Sandy 5/e-
Limo&o, 111'1(001 rep d North of Brits -
sets, 11•,1 four first purses at Wing -
ham 1+'nir, hist Friday, with his heavy
draught tea1(1. The ;nixes Were 1''r
best heavy drought team : 1110,((141,
hest heavy draught tenni
draught or etteam bitr0dto wag-
; 'best ta011010 tenni, 11r. Ide-
Laulehiiu will be taking in a few more
of the Fairs, this Fall.
Council meets on Monday next, Oct.
Miss Edith (:1018011Ix, of Crania rink,
visited with Hiss \Vi110(la Fraill, over
the Week end,
t'rR( It 011100 FARM.--Janies MacFar-
lane, of St. Helens, has purchased
what, is known its the ,'rain fano, 3rd
line, and has taken po0sessicn.
Snuwlsa.-A few weeks ago, friends
of Melvin Spiels and hide met (tt the
llonle of the bride's parents, Jun. and
Alis ,laekliu. and held a misellaneons
slit wet'. An enjoyable evening 11.118
spa ut by ,ell,
1 N(4.1U san,NT.— W. F. and Mrs,
linlleabeok, of Grey, 0(111('1(11(00 the
engagement of their (rely daughter,
Myrtle J., to :Turman E. Weikel',
youngest sou of Ge01ge and Mts.
Walker, of Turn bet the marriage
to take place quietly early in October,
511LT, BCIONEIL-Old friends are sor-
ry to learn that \V, A, Lament lost
his chapping mill, at Mnleswoith, 1111
Sunday night, How the fire started
is a mystery, While 11101 e is some
insurance, it tvil1 not cover the loss
snstxined by bit'. Lamont, who had
worked lip 10 fine business..
7'he anuiverary services at Roe's
Church, last Sunday were very suc-
0080101, Rev, Mr. Armstrong, of
Listowel, was the preacher, in the
morning, and Rev. Mr. Walden, of
Hluevale, spoke at night. The Male
Quartette, of ListowelUnited Church,
provided special music, 101110i1 Wee
much appreciated by all who were
who were there,
At the last meeting of the Loth.
Midge Preebytery cif the United
Ohm ch of Canada, Rev. Robert Peat,
son was elected to the honotable
position of Chairman of the Presby•
tery. Rev. 141r. Pearson is a son of
Mrs, Robert Pearson, Con, 6, and his
many friends here Will be glad to
learn that he is making a success of
hie work in Sunny Alberta,
P1ts$XNTATION - The Luck now
Sentinel had the following item from
their St. Helens correspondent, refer-
ring to newcomers on the 3rd line
"On Monday evening, agoodly num•
bar of the young people of the 00m-
munity gathered at the home of Jas.
and Mre. MacFarlane,, and spent a
pleasant evening. During the even•
ing, an address was read and Miss
Janet Ma F. 'lane was presented with
a handsome wrist watch, on behalf of
the young people, Miss Janet is
President of the Y. P. 13, C., and dur-
ing her stay in St. Helens has been
very active in sports and social activ-
iteis, ns well as in church wet k, Mr.
and Mrs, Mac2at'lnne and familly are
leaving this week for ileac' Brussels,
where they have purchased a farm,
They have taken an active part in the
life of the community, and their de•
pltrttlre is lnueh regretted. The best
Wishes of a host of friends will follow
them to their nets home," Following
is the address to Miss Janet
To Miss ,IAN1.1T MeceFA ELAM?,
Yourmany friends of St, Helens
feel that they cannn0t let thio ems -
ion pass 101 11(000 expressing their le-
grotthat Yrit are going 4W1y,
since we welcomed you to our midst,
twine few years ago, you have taken
a vary important and helpful pat's in
all tine activities of the conmu0ily,
aeweve cheerfully nod willingly, We
Wish to ('xprees otn'sinear0 aprlreein-
tiol of What you have been and what
s.....n.v./'+`.v././,.,/+.ww.."rr...•✓.��,. ) w.rVv,...wvv,+Y✓.�....•�,.•.•,.v'..,•+„"rv...."•
-AND -
Fowl Supper
The Catholic Women's
I,eagtle of St. Ambrose
Church, Brussels, intend
holding a Bazaar and Fowl
Supper in the
Public Library
Saturday, Nov. 5
Bazaar opens at 2.30, when
Fane Work, oak, Plain Sewing
and Homemade Baking will be
offered for sale.
Fowl Supper
Served from 4,30 until 7
Adults 50c, , Children 35c,
you have clone. As an entl•1lei(,er,
you have hr' are enrlehe,I
our social gatherings. lin our spurts,
you have het a slaodxtt! Ahrah lets
can equal. But 1t, is of your helpf I.
I1e014 as oa0 of Ole vnnug people of
Calvin Chole, the wish cu spesk ea•
pedally. \Vt• shall miss 14((11 very
much from 0(0 Sunday School, 1.110
girlClubs and from the choir, 111
especial Way, W1' 5111111 luiss you
from the '',',nog Peol,le's oci01 c.
Where for s•,me tine, you have brew
filling the /lulu( u., (11.11 1mp'!11,nt
ofllee of presi(h•11t, 1'hou3;li your dr-
patltue meads ern. lobs, x o• feel ern -
111100t that ill your new ] .
y 1 me• quu•lvill
i find opportunity to roltiuue yr at life
(!f 11,,4111 "010(0.•, 'We 1yi911 you a
peat wealth 111(11 the best things in
Iife, As s111.(Il token of our ,(ppr(e.
iation and affset ion, We risk you to ac-
cept this little gift. \Vitt) it, go our
very best wishes laid the atssuranes
that the shalt often think of you, al-
ways be interested in your welfare.
May it often bring to yr (10 mind hap-
py memories of old friends and the
pietisa(ut and profitable limo s spent to-
gether in St ilelens, Rimed (rn hr.
half of the 'loom; Perple', 0nriety,
STANLEY 'r'(1111(,
Ant HIP. 11('1\10\14}',
HAitvxr 0Vlal;r,
VERA Tu1111,
Dirac ern Y 110( t -t L1.,N,
St, Hele1,5, Sept. 12th, 1027.
PA511an AWAY. - On Thursday,
Sept, 22nd, 01 1) p. m., Marion J.
Lamont, heluved wife of William 11.
Cook,11lusiels, and 11811gi1100 of the
late Angus and 11011. Lamont, Passed
away ,It a Louden Hospital, in her
43,11 year. Deceased had taker) it
(10000(1(4 brt'akai(1wll, 111110 feat.. ((g••,
and had been iu failing health ever
since. tin former 70,1'8, she WAS 1l
happy and cheerful disposition, and
will long be r01u0n1b0r(11 by her
many friends. Besides bee hushanld,
HIV 110reas0(1 is survived by 1 W •
(ln11gilte18, Mallon and Mai guerite;,
three brothels, Dave, rf 11e11(o,
Alan. ; Alex., of Viu1enuver, B. C. ;
W, A., of Molesworth, and one sister,
Mas, Win. Hollinger, in Grey, 'Phe
funeral was held on Saturday thtn,
Blus,els cemetery. frnin e hm
oe cif1
1100 1111110, Mrs, Jos, Speir. Rov, F,
G. Fowler, pastor of Melville Church, '
of which deceased was a member,
conducted the service, giving a most
appropriate discourse. The pall.
bearers were four cousins, Chas, and
Nnrmnn Lamont, Harold and John
Speir ; one brother, Will Latnnnt,
and one brother-in-law, Will. Holling-
er. Flowers consisted of a pillow,
from dangh tars ; pillow, brothers arid
sister ; spray, Mre. Jas. Speir and
family : spray, Robt. and ltOe. Ferg-
uson, of Brussele.
John Xing spout a few days at At-
A. P. McKee is spending a while
with his brothers and sister in Toron-
Ed. Deejardine has had his house
nicely decorated. S. Howlett was
the man on the job.
Mrs. W, H. Love spent a few days
last week with her daughtel, Mrs. Al-
ex. Speiran, Con, 14, Grey.
Mrs. Bert Vodden invited a few of
her friends to her home, last week,
for a quilting and a pleasant sooial
time was spent.
Regular services will be held on the
Ethel circuit:United Churches, next
Sunday, at Roe's 11 a. m., Union 3 p.
rn. and Ethel 7.30 p. rn. Rev, W. F.
Smith, of Ellin vale, will preach. Ev
erybndy welcome.
Some of etre young seen are begin-
ning to wonder of they are in need of
consulting an eye specialist 0r a per.
haps a nerve doctor, as a couple have
reported seeing strange n.ppaliti0118
at a late flour, a few alights ago
The Ladiee' Aid of the Presbyterian
Ohnrch isgoingto Wilda beerier, dot•
ing the latter part of Ontober, when
sewing, baking, ete, will be offered
for Bale. Announcement, as to date,
will be made later,
We are glad to report that John
Ames is at present enjoying very gond
Wealth, and is greeting everyone with
that optimistic: smile of hie, which
tee kes everyone a little happier for
meeting him, Just at present, lie is
111140 repairing 0(111 painting the tvind-
o"-nor Mire, Mneoiro's hoose and is
doing a thorough job of it, 'too,
Will be presented in the
TOL'V 7 - 5 HIY
Friday fu'g. Sept. 30
Under the auspices 01' the
Women's Institute
There will also be the Pante-
"Everybody Warks But Father"
Solos and Instrumental
Numbers between Aets
Come One ! Come All!
Program at 8 o'clock
Admission 35e and 25e
i-1rs B, F. Corr, Air., Kreuter,
Prr.i.{cot. Secretary,
J, L. A' 'RA', o/rieIo:
Personal Paragraphs 1
Barrister Situ -quiz was in \Vallter-
Miss Blake, of the ('liutr,n P. O.
staff, With L( visitor le town, 1111 Hutt.
0 es
Barrister Murphy, of Listowel, Was
a vii icor in town, "11 Monday after-
Ed. and Mi-. M 11111 and children, of
Clinton, were visitl.1--v in town, on
Mrs, W. S. 80olt trail M189 Jean are
visiting at Concord, Pt. Credit and
other points. -
C• - q• Is
Harold Whittard has gone to Belle-
vi11e, where he has accepted a position
in the 0. N. B. shape,
W. H. Maunders,of Detroit, WAS
00111biniug business and pleasure in
town, for a few drive.
George Pell of.Bluevale, is in town
again for the Fall (1(aenn, at Robert
Thomson's Egg Ernporinm.
Archie and Mrs Currie, of Toronto,
spent, a few trays, hist week with rel-
atives and friends in tow0.
Miss A, VVaneee•fhas returned to
her home in Oilmen afters d
a week with hiss 1 t Kerr.
Mies Wilma Galbraith returned
,Toronto Conservatory of MUSIC, on
%Mnoday, to reoutno heti et miles,
Mrs. J. S.'Wilton will receive for
the feet time sine' her tnrrt'inge, nn
Thliesday afternoon, Sept. 201 Is, from
3 to 0 p. m,
St. John's Church
The 0111.1105' Guiltl and Women's
Auxillinty met last Wedn04clay, at
the home of Mrs. David Smith, 6th
line ul' 11111118. Their. was A large at.
teudl,nre, when the ptineipalbusiness
was theurrttngiug for the fowl sup-,
The fowl supper, 1 1 rl lee, which has b(eIt ins
an 8110,1 tl ey011r in 111 users, ).ut 011
by tit, John's Cllureh, will he
Ott by nearly one thousand 1,0111110, I
judging by rep,.tts which tine corning
in This event hikes [thus..., en Oct.
ober 171h. in the 0111011 h;w0mrut
Tlie "1.110(.010 Il,•tving lc ill be held iu r
the town hall. 'Toronto talent is be-
irlKser•uretl fin part n1 the (1(091.101, I1.
,y 0
Hiss Whitfield, ((nese-ill-training
I at Stratford Hospital. was 11 visitor
with her sister, 14110. Jack Currie,
11i11 sheet.
e •.
M. and Mrs, Yolll•r'it unci .Joe and
I3ar1 y are iu Tomer',, thin+ week, ob-
serving the Jewish New Year, which
4tarte11 on Tit esdrl v,
Hiss Alice (intik nab returned to the
(tome of 1101' si911•0, Mts. Jaynes Arms
!thong, (''lora street, where she is
A 110W ,('Ifni'` to 1100(11 (ytliting ins ol, at prese'(t.
1101011 i, 1'r.t th0 Supper has been ar- •• " `•
ranged, 1 K will 10)1 bre . I). A, "oil 51ro • Lox ry. of Toronto,
tulips, II$ the [teats
sOtt tr41 i11 the 011111011 ;1111 called in 41'r'nl 111' week -end in torso. ,'hey
tilde „Ider ..f 0111110tn'e, the tickets all i 1'l100l'Rl of had been nl an HotA anribtn0, lu attend 1,110
grin;; r.uaub0led. 'Chis Will greatly i
odd (o 11(0 00111 0PL 111 the visitors,
The supper will c'•m mrnre
sanday, Oct 1fit11, will tie kept a4 I
H>u•1-rst -1'il lr(kl(;iving 1bty, in the
Anglican ('hnl,'It. The 1perlal
pr ensiles fol 1110 oesaeir,n will be 1111-
nnuneed 1,1410;, 'rile 401 vices Will he (11
laid 7 p- 111 , and the chin'rh 1
ill l0 h-•::ntil'ully decorated with
symbol.. of our blessings,
J. W end 1 C..t-,/.1;011 end fan:t-
ors at the hem" of the fi'tu1.'I's broth-
, (den.., (!s %•+ph.•I1, 0108`.0)5.
Mrs. ,'rank St;.mp�1 111111 h'rdaugh-
t0r, hazel, and Mendel, Yrn, were vicien,•s :ii±n" }3011. li1d 1lto,
W11111ara, Thr a n+lner i.01- .,stet.
,1011' and 1111,• RAM, Mrs. D. Me-
Tavioh0(1(1 141(5, i\,lil7's M11I�elyry
ata„n,i ed 11,0 f,n-r,e1 of the Int'- Rnrn-
1(011 Sell, at WIoxet0;, hist Friday,
Barrister W 1). ••sildoir was a
visitor in Torout0, and also eritle(1 at
Hantilloll, tln,tm ing 101(10 on Sunday,
with Mrs. Sinr11(ir, Who has been yds-
11ing with her (111 .1 h110.
Will. Atn001, Georg! Best and Fred
Rnrchill were all 0151tn10 at their
'roues here, during the past tveek.
They have finished up their work
i11 Eastern 000)10in foe the season,
James Logan and daughter, Mies
Logan, were calling o, old friends in
and around Hrnsent5, n few days this
week. Mr, Logan left the 14th Con,
of Grey 45 years alga, and has been re-
siding in the States. Old friends
were glad to see the visitors again.
at tiro 1. taint linen, net P huoil a 0151t-
(�.•i„ri; osteal nF six us befrn•e, y
Hes. D. 11. Guest prearhed in List.
ow el United Chnrrh, nu 80111107
m'i'ning l:,st, and in WIlevale, in the
0vering, ,141i1e Revs. Arnlstl'nng and
Wallet: were ta(kii,gspecial set vices,
at Rue's Ceite1l Chinch.
Will and Mrs. Smalldml attended
the golden wedding of their 11)1pie and
(inns, Poi or and Mrs, McKay, of'Purk-
egemith, nn Monday.
D L, Strachan, 8, A„ of Pott. El-
gin, was et 1, eek -end visitor with Miss
Annie Strachan.
The funeral of our old friend, S.
Snell, last Friday, was very largely
attended. Much sympathy is extend-
ed to Mfr, Snell and family.
Children's Promotion Day service
will be observed in Jamestown Sun-
day School, on Sunday afternoon,
October 2nd, and will be addressed by
1410, Stocks, of Wroxeter, at 3 o'clock
p. in. A special iuevitatron is extend-
ed to all.
After being in declining health for
three years, Sanluel'Snell, aged 72
years, passed away at the hople of
his daughter, Mre. L. Ratan, of How.
ick Twp., with whom he was visiting,
after a short illness, Mr. Snell was
born in Pickering. In 1870, with his
parents, he moved to Morris Twp„
where he had slime lived. and engag-
ed in farming. He i8 survived by his
widow, formerly Janet Miller, and
four danghtere, Mrs. L. Ruttan, Mrs.
A. Ruttan, Hotvick ; Mrs, Watson,
Mrs. McDonald, Morris, and one son,
John, of Morris. The funeral took
place to Wroxeter cemetel y, on Fri-
day afternoon, when Rev, A D. 41(0.
80(0(114, of the United Ohnecll, '111(161 -
W. J. Mestere is on holidays and
is being relieved by Robert Hender-
son, of. Kincardine,
him success.
Robt, and Mrs. Masters, of Tor-
onto are spending their vacation with
relatives around here.
Jas. and Mrs. Kerney are at
Brussels with their daughter, Mrs,
John Smith, who is onthe sick het.
Charles Messer has gone to
Guelph 0. A. C. where h(. is taking
a comae. Hie many friends wish
Tilley, Mr. Guest, of Ethel, preached
in the United- Church herr Sunday
evening and gave a fine eerin011
Rev. Mr. Walden was at hoe's church
preaching anniversary, services.
The United Church here will hold
its 0nftivel'sa3'y services next 5tnl-
dey, October 2. Rev; Mr, Taylor, of
Bell/10re, will' preach at 11. A.M. and
at 7.30 13.3n. Special thank offering
will be taken.
One of the old residents of this
district passed away on Thursday ev-
ening last in the person of Mrs. R.
Heckridge, at the age of 76. She
retired in usual good health in the
eyening and was found dead next
morning. She ,s survived by her
two sons and four daughters. Her
husband died about eleven years
ago. Owing to some of family com-
ing from a distance the funeral was
not held until Tuesday.
Grey Council Meeting
Minutes of Council meeting held
Sept. 5th.
Minutes of previous meeting were
read and adopted.
Clerk was instructed to notify en-
gineer S. W. Archibald to examine
the Whitfield Drain and report on
the •same.
Reeve was instr•octed to obtain
legal advice on the drainage situation
at Roderick McKays. Also the 14th
concession drain.
A grant of 1135,00 was Inatde to
the East Huron agricultural Society.
The following accounts were paid
Andrew Jackltn,Clark diain� ' 140.00
Serving by-laws, Chester Baker, Dr.,
;2.50-; John Gibson, iron for culvert,
$13.00; Various patrolmen, $1230.28
Next meeting., October 3rd.
-4. H. Fear, Clerk.
Dr, (toss has t 1(91)8txi of his plop.
erty and tnedle:0 p180lir0 in Clifford
to D1'. A. F. Thaler, of Brantford,
W110 898(nlee 908ee85101) on October
let, De. Ross hae had an active life
in needleal work in Oliffotd for the
past 40 sears,