The Brussels Post, 1927-9-14, Page 8WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 14th, 19''. The Fly Destroyers THE BRUSSELS POST FI x ,(h'. hors Fly 'fox Band tit t Ayers lite. Wilson's Fly hois,IU l,k„ Tat,glefoot, ;i d'%tble -imet= Fly Coils, 1 for hh•. Ffr o 8`�vl tiny Pickling Spices Whole anti (;round Pepper Turmeric, Mustard Celery Seed, Allspice Cloves, Cinnamon Buds (tut'Iv P�, tt del', !•. Corks for Pickle Bats, and Catsup Bats, Parafirt Wax Bottling Wax in Tins For Soh Use the Be. endshle F.gf'a(,tl,. BOX GEliEW OX le11Ci N•ahtl. hu in the yellow box urait,s 1 he hog l,ieitiros .•very time. St, k up with it here and t:ak' .'tont*, act extr't t ail fae u r'•xpr rl cal •hanee.e. FII -NMS DEVELOPED AND PRINTED Jubitee Scisn oks 60c C •rv;tir. 1211 pages of Snags tot Sehoe i, Club anti Commun.- it y uultnuu=ity L'•e. Pictorial Review Autumn .Fairs Fashion Book flits -Union Jack or Can- adian Ensign. Dennison's. Crepe Paper for making cost union and d eoorinttorts, 25c Wilt a crupon g, od f,a we, cat t he put chase of any l'ictor- ial PA:trim \Ve stook Pt d Review D.t' terns. . R. SMI 111 1iS (7 • The eta ?f%:°�d.w�i• Sfltl"G Druggist and Stationer - � �» .. ^ ...»:«M»:»:�:•»:«:»:«:»;..;gig»;»;»;»;»;»;»;.;»;».,.s ; «:».*�.. w»�,+«;:,,;»:»F Local ] ews .items act:;» •,»;»:»:«..., ..:�' «3�:.':>:»: 4.-».».. ..». «»�.:»:»;»:»:»:»:»::•�'-r, , Improving Property. AI fluellitmut has r ci his note 1 .itis., 1 is erecting it n ..' v .x111:.1 .11, Made His Annual Visit. _ee .t-' G. Lo, , a int t e for 1f I rival Accident Pr ratio', danual ie,s0eetion here en \V'.'1 - n: 'e,l: t or i::'- wick. Hydro ,vas Off. Teeratl teem ,la Al t lay me• rt ,al teleehene wine, oot r sere around anon rad lc.',V I n. I`iehe]l. :e ,^.111.5 a1 ..lai•I. all Tue,dLy nrlcr. Had a Big Crowd Th U. I. O. 1 t unSeeer.ley nigh+ d.,, a ieg remail to 11 n ? AIcF ?i. I and tho tet ,l tLi They eieitai Mee et \\ in!:lean the :ane, evening. Settled insurance Claim. Archie Kay, "f the 1',:rah :.luteal Fir,: l -t urii. C,., w ;.:n on Tuesday, and settled t!i violin of Earl C.0 inn •Ilam fur :he recent fila: in his gr.l•age. Will Meet in Cranbrook, A Sectional meeting of the W. M. S., of the Presbyterian chur•tn, tri'l be held in Cranbrook on Wednes- day, Sept. 21st. The organizltioas of Mole•aworth. I]russels. TMel n'I Cranbrook are in this unit. Ye Olde Tyme Village Quartette. The Fall Fair Directors have en- gaged Ye Olde Tyme Village Quar- tette, for their annual concert. This Quartette appeared at the Toronto Exhibition, before the Grand stand every evening this year. They come highly recommended. Mistake in Dates. sees After having announced that Rin - Tin -Tin would be shown only on Wednesday night, it was learned, that picture would not be shipped until Friday night. It will be only shown the one evening, and 'Forlorn River' will be played on Saturday night. Engagement Announced. . ... . Mr. and Mrs, Peter Stewart, of Brussels, Ont., announce the engage- ment of their daughter, Hazel Mar- garet to David Clark Matheson, of Brussels, Ont., son of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Matheson, of Allen•ford, Ont., the marriage to take place quietly in September, rine Addresses. Last Thursday evening. Hon. W. D. Euler enol on. J. C. Elliott. Preen herr of the King C 4iinet rind. Mr. Taylor, M. P., and the Lihel•al can- clidate, Archie Hislnn, adblree • d . •nebl4^ meeting in the Town Trail. The addresses were well delivered. Women's Institute. The recent:1r mer,+i"e no .1,. +,• man', Tnetitnfe will he held Veidev afternoon of thus week at 3 o'clnek. in the Public L,hrare. "The Art of T- To1lsr•ke"ping" is the name of the raper to he given by Mrs, W. W. Ranee, Ma. .7.:S. Leitch is to give the "Current Events". A sbow•er of Fruit for the Children's Shelter in the Roll Call and the Institute will be glad to have a generous response. As this is to be an interestieer meet- ing, we hope all the ladies of com- munity iI 11 t19 to come, , Pr;ae Lists Out. Tit,- FAA: t Huron Fall I•'air Pr^z,• Lis'- are urns ready to he mailed. p.•c'•. i lit ie • e inay in, read en an- other lea.o of this issue. Two New Lamps. 'fwei new -1, -etc', t 1 hat.• h„ .•rc, ti, on,. a, the hridge n1+ 1 tide t, 'her i, writ• the woolen n' this ,:t a: colt err th .,tiler, to '11.. \Iain ;arc• t. Brussels United Chun REV. A. W, BARKER. E. D. MINISTER Sunday, Septa 18th 11 sent: —Public Worship. Rev. A. V, Walden 3 p.m. --Sunday Scheel and Bible L, kiteeee, 7 pan.—Public Worship. Rev. A. V. Walden Wielnes,hy—Frit_: r Service and Psalm Study 15 York Pigs, S weeks old, for sale. La,t 30, Con. 7, Grey. Piton..? 3510 3I':1'irr Gilkinson. FOR SALE -2 Shorthorn 11e1'i-rs, .eon du,,, W. R. Shuldice, Phone ._:i. 31-1 FOR SALE—Maxwell Touring Car n that; e e•'. ditiatr. Priced immediate sale. Aop'v 1'he Pot. 13-1' 12 Young Pigs, 6 weeks old, far rale. 2 John Grant. 1 FOR SALE—Dry Maple Wood, 14 '.:u11, 10 inch and co,, wood. A1, - ply tet Leo*, 10, Con 15, Grey, or p1.na,.• 2e-1-1. Andrew Turnbull, 1:' -lets KITCHEN Range For Sale; in good dit;mt. Suitable fair farm henie -\`:,, a coal oil tank., capacity 25 ;l. Phone ix -3 FARM TO RENT 100 acre f u•m on 2nd of iIol'rLsei:e . unany- time his tall. AP01:: o Shohr Ct1dh-cl Hnib16urv, Ont, or to \V. A. Lowry, hruss,•!.'. 1''-2 FOR SALE — 110 acr,- of choice land, lot 2, con. 13, Hulled. First elites buildings, deice light. 2-3 purchase price may remain en mortgage; valance rush or would accept let mortgage on other pro- perty. Apply to J. H. Wheatley, P.lyth R. R. 1, 10-4 BRUSSELS SILVER FOX RANCH— We will have to offer high class re_-istered 1927 Silver Fox pun,, tlo proven breeders nt reasonable prices. Terms to .-uit you. John A. Wilson, Ethel Ont. 1,-8 NOW is the Time to Order Fertilizer for Fall Wheat. Phone year 81 - der to No. 40, Farmers' Club, L'rus sets. S -ti'. MAID WANTED — Apply to Mrs. Donald Clark, 350 Ottawa Street, Hamilton; or Mrs. W. M. Sinclair, Brussels, Phone 70. A Benefit Game. -\ h. refit rout bill gathe will he 1.1 v t lit Seliforth this; afternoon 1 ocIc \v dt ,'0 1 for Nelson, on Go n l., and t pek:d teem of Alenketiii, tit. Collo-Mem Red Breeeele will play the F ,tlnt'•u boys. A trrrt dance will he It -id in tic • ..vening. Notice to Delegates. Anyone who is going to attend the amend district convention of the Weseiezies Institute at London on Oct. 1' :and 1i'tit, should Writ,.: •u 1lrs, Lamb, Walkerton, who will make arrangements for hill t;, etc.. Minor Locals. The School Fein are now going etre The rain on \Sunday night was 11 real soaker. London Western Fain• is drawing the crowds this week., The noon train was very late sev- eral days owing to the Toronto Ex. Medals Awarded. The following awards have been made to the pupils of the Public Schools of East Huron in the Cana- dian History competition held in con nection with the Confederation Cele- brations;—Silver• Medal—John La- mont, U. S. S. No. 4, Grey. Bronze Medals—Jean Copeland, Wingham, P. S.; Jack Habkirk, S. S. No. 12, Mc Killop; Dorothy Wilson, S. S. No, 3, Tuckersmith. These Medals will he presented at the time of the In- spector's visit to these schools, Presents New Books to Choir, Mr. Duncan Ferguson, of Stratford who was the guest of W, M. and Mrs. SInclair during the Old Boys Re- union, expressed t obis hostess his de- sire to do something for his old Mane I church, Melville Presbyterian. Ac- cordingly he has now given ver;; tan- gible evidence of his vital interest in the Church cervices by the presenta- tion of a cheque for the.purchase of new Hymn and Tune Books for the Choir, The choir and the present members and adherents (leerily ap- preciate the kindness of Mr. Fergus- on for this very serviceable gift. A Situation Guaranteed. What shall it be? A teacher and the waiting list, or a stenographer, private secretary, bookkeeper and a guaranteed position? Every grad- uate of last year in a real position, THE GOLD MEDAL SCHOOL. 'En- ter any day. Individual Instruction. Positions guaranteed all graduates. Home Study Courses, Fall Tenn be- "t erns 1'uesrlay, September 0th, bat new classes wi]) also be formed Mon- day, September 12th. For particul- ars write today to Wingham ilusin-I ess College, W'ingltam, or to 'Toron- to's Greatest School of Iiltsiness,' The Canada 13usiness College (Colleen Fi Spadina), Toronto, DO IT NOW. 3 • Erecting Fine Structure. The old building that e tytrred the: town down and 1 it t scales was torn ie t 1 L1 new bnildi!tg, with office line hem erected. The $dale.., also been fixed up. Acting Manager. Mr. Arthur Smith, of Mont era Bay Jamaica, is relieving manager t't the Dank of Nova Scotia, while F. W. Wilmot, is on his holiday'. Mr. Smith can talk "by the hour" on the climate ,etc. of his southern home. 1. Infant Son Passes Away. .. Kenneth Stanley, the infant amt of Thomas and Airs. Watson, of Lon- don, passed away in St. Joseph'; Hos- pital on Sunday Sept. llth. A ser- vice was held on Sunday afternoon at the home of Jos, Davidson and it; was conducted by Rev. Dr. McIntosh, of King St., United Church.. Inter- ment was made at Brussels cemetery. Mrs. Watson was formerly Miss Florence Bennett, of Walton. Harris—James Wedding. Midsummer • Rowers and ferns made a pretty setting for the wed- ding on Labor Day afternoon at 10 Hurondale Avenue, Toronto, of Dr. Elda Muriel James, daughter of Mrs. Ellen James and the late Clarkson W. James, to Dr. Ralph Gordon Har- ris, son of Mr. James B. Harris and the late Mrs. Harris,' all of Toronto and a nephew of the late Rev. Mr. Harris, formerly of tBretssels, the, Rev. A. E. Black, of Metropolitan church, officiating. The bride, es- corted by her bather, entered the drawing -room to the strains of the wedding march from Lohengrin, and was attired in a beautiful bougant gown of white satin trimmed with pearls and crystals, and wearing an imported French hat of white felt with silver trimming. Her shower bouquet was of Ophelia roses and lily of the valley. Her only attend- ant was Mrs. G. T. Lithgow, who made a charming picture in pink taf- feta adorned with French flowers, and silver ribbon, and carrying all old-fashioned nosegay. Silver shoes and hose completed her, ostume. Mr. Jaynes S. Lowry, of ChieTgo, su•ppot't- the groom. Following the ceremony the bride received with her mother, Mrs. fallen Jamas, the latter wearing a becoming gown of blaek fiat crepe, with Italian cut -work, slack hat and corsage boquet of orchids and lily of the valley, after which a dainty buffet luncheon was served to the guests. Latex the bride and groom left for a cantor trip through the Adinondacks and the Maritime Prov- inces, the hride donning a smart gown of beige flat crepe with hat and shoat en suite, and a midnight bluee velour coat, with natural lynx trier:" minks. Upon their eeturn Dr, and Mrs. Hatar]s will reside at 71 ikiver- dale Avenue, Toronto, . ANKING FIFTY QRS Buying on the Instalment Plan ��-�+pt T'llCllA lNti commodities by pay - JL tug „a dollen' drtvn and a dolhu a week has grown into f4toat paint - lark y. Often the object putehased is wut 11 mu befoin 11 is paid for, and the pntcht-err e nlinut•. 10 pity, Duty you: - ,elf it rot tuna nit the iu.tnllmeul plan by piaoing regular 1 ,1 LIIII cuts of voile r111 ring, in 0 St:uld,u d Bank staying, ac - 'Phe money is always avail tide for use If rt gulled raid there is no dept e- „inti,u,, but accruing tipsiest as atm;, goes 1,8, THE STANDARD BAN }! 5i OF CANADA. BRUSSELS BRANCH—G. H. Sarnis, liatlnper ajmayniatetrimaSsfar --- 0-'.++++++++.1.4..:-+++++4•+4.4.`":".'e sees. • . ,-•9•:....... ,^,h.?•,gq,,;•..p+4,.t- i -i. t, t,a-{.••[-d•,i•++i 4.4.+,( M tit ' * 4- - 4 s; 4, • First Qua y t to o n Pure Clover Ise Clover and Buelcwheat mixed Ile Buckwheat 10e Jas. S. Armstrong a Phone 3319 Brussels t•: ,.. ..9F•;^s .., sees,., - i 't' M Anniversary Celebrated by Mount Forest Couple. Two of 11 int Forest' d nln;t n- l cithAwas. Ah. .:111i .lI \V. I. (1,'.roy.,, 1 heated thou• el 1 mond wedding Monday at t u•t • r'rl home, naw th«•'borne of then daugh- ter. ,t 1ter. Mee. J. H. Addison •?e v •r.:l friends and relatives were pre*•:•,,t at a dinner. :trier which felielt iJone were ) t : tai by Lev. P Iueey, 8111 nu: I sur address of ,rppr -,tattoo for nv_ • tilts years' service frmn t':• OlIieiul Beard of Wellington ton Stn et Unit -'i ('iii1r 11; Holm C!IO,011. of 'Pimento; thair Sons, ns, F. H. Gilroy, of Petiv,iia and D,•. W. 1•:. Gilroy, 1i- tor-in-erh°':-t of The I'errcgatko•tal•st, L'nsto 1, 1.ed others.—Mr. and 31re. Gilroy :lee kee,Wn to many 11 ;true eels, v. au r. act con'_ ,aatla:.o::a to th, nl on tl: t`-cietornd ,ilthdee. Boosting Ontario Timber. Premier 1':1 euson says that it is 1 the ditty of the bovines 01' Onr.t'•ie to protect the lumber industry and from now onward the slogs? o`.' the I . Gort'titte•rt will. be that on all C v- etmnent construction work, wit : ' it be for toe T. & N. 0. Hallway, the e' v Ht .1 � l 1 ttric 1 a Gov to t o any r 1': work whatsoever,the contrat- W 11 he let only with the undu.t t, len._ that the timber need must have been produced hi the Province of Ontario., Wingham Editor Leaving. It is with much reclr'•t :he citizens of Wingham learn that A. G. and Airs Smith and family will be leaving town in the near future. For a n1110- ber of years ilr. Snaith has been ed- itor of the Advance -Times, there and has always been a great booster through its columns, for his town. He disposed of 11is business this sum- mer to W. Logan Craig, of Grand Valley, who for a few months had been associated with him in business. Mr. Smith will be managing editor of the Orange Sentinel, peeb]ish,r,l in Toronto. The good wishes of a host of friends are extended to Mr. Smith and his esteemed wife and family, who have been valued citizens of Wingham. Worthy—Brundle Wedding. The daily press of Wednesday lead the following wedding notice which refers to a daughter of Harry 13run- dle, who was a clerk with the ]ate A. Good, many years ago: — A very pretty wedding was 'solemnized at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Brundle, Brampton, Tues- day afternoon, when their youngest daughter, Margaret Helen, was un- ited in marriage to Charles Anon Worthy, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Worthy, Brampton. Rev, N. Mc, Leod, officiating, the living -room be- ing decorated with asters, gladiolus and ferns. The bride was unattend- ed and entered on the arm of her father. She woiee a gown of orchid chiffon trimmed with hand -made taf- feta flowers, hat to match and silver slippers and carried a bouquet of or- chids and lillies of the valley. Mrs. Brundle, mother of the bride, vitas gowned in F1'ench blue crepe with corsage bouquet of sweetheart roses, and Mrs, Worthy, the groom's mother wore navy blue georgette and cor- sage bouquet of roses. Mies Doris Milner played the wedding march. After the reception the happy couple c left on a honeymoon by =toe for Chicago, I11., the bride wearing a sports frock of beige, smart coat to match, and travellitig hat and beige fox fur, On their return air. and Mrs. Worthy will make their home in Brampton, FOR SALE •i• •1• .i. 35• 1 First Quality Clover k Honey 14c lb. 4. 1 -Harvey Hunter* -i- .i• l Phone 3413 + •r 4. ▪ .•. � e � �;.a..;.g-,;.,:.5.1,•i,.14+r^:^ i .... AFTER THE VOTE WAS OVER. \\ 1 Matt, Sept. 1; tin, town hall hc;•e lust Mgt.,: iu u,v I n;; n ,:10:!t1011, n \h S,w toil, su c _ ful Conservative ct:nt da 1 ttani ee his supporters for the sph•,did w, t ii I they had done. He d ,rlhre,tl that despite t'.te array of r, tih, rs, ex -members who h. thrown themselves into the fru: oil behalf of the Liherale, d :-pit• Prom - kr Mackenzie King, tut I aliened le entire cabinet and Hon. E. C. Ilrin.y. former 1.'. F. 0. premier of the prov- ince, the Conservatives had tr•inrnl Vit- 1 cd. It was a case of one volunteer being worth riiany men p'•est_d into service. All the election tactics known Since Confederation had been u,ed by the lab h le and they had not suceeeded he declared. Almost every _gaster hour had gazed 011 a cabinet nu:a;,- 1er• an,1 -n•ra•y home throughout the tow r .hips laud been visited •1y pro. i'essiohal eleetioneere. they hn'.l 1:c1ak. NOT A DEFEAT Godcrich, Sai4. 13—Mr. 111 .lo,), asked for 1 statement at 1111 1 -..; over the long di.etance telephone, pnkc as follows: "The result of the election its by no 111 111°0 a t1>Grat for the King government or its pollee,, The fact that ItIr. Spotton meled such 1. shall vote compared with re- cent Conservative votes • and tharr Bricker and myself polled over seven thousand votes, shows that quite plainly. It is merely an illustration of divided forces among the low -tar- iff parties. In a straight party fight Mr. Spotton would have been over- whelmingly defeated, because t'ne vote showed that the people have confidence in the King government," STILL IN POLITICS Fordwich, Sept. 13—"In view of everything we are well satisfied with the result." So stated Sheldon Brick• er, defeated Progressive candid'lto in the North Huron by-election yester- day, when interviewed today, "Naturally we are disappointed at not winning, but when it is consider- ed that the Liberals had seven cabi- net ministers in the riding and that the Progressives were battling a- gainst the two old parties, I feel we did exceptionally well. House to house canvassing was done even by the cabinet ministers. "The Progressives will most cer- tainly remain in the political field in North Huron," declared Mr. Bricker in answer to a question, PAINTED DRAWERS If you paint the inside of the dress- er drawers that your children use, you will find they take more pride in keeping them neat and in order. EA.ItItIED tl•7IEf.8-,lA0EL1N.-At +It, iohn'a Church, Iir11aoe18, on Wednei11sy, Sept. 7th, 1057, by r ev, 1r, L Lewin, pt'Se Mary r91th, Boo- elddaughter , of Grey p, to M alvin end be oars els 1nof nett•olt, MI h, DIED WATSON -At 80 Joseph's Hospital, London, on Huny,Rt.11(51,1115, kenneth'','n' ley callaap nton, titrant sem of air, and Mrs Thomas Watson, London, Hen's Drx i Store Vkre arc well equipped to supply your needs in Text Books, both High h School and Public School. SCRISI3LERS EXERCISE' I3001(S EXAMINATION 1'(`t1.)S LOOSE-LEAF NOTE BOOKS and FILLERS LEAD PENCILS and PENS FOUNTAIN PENS roc to $7.00 EVERSHARP PENCILS MATHEMA•I•ICAL SETS PAINTS and CRAYONS COMPASSES POCKET MICROSCOPES 'WE SELL 0. N. R. r11cu E'rs H. B. ALLEN Dru >,ist and Stationer Successor to James Fox BORN ('A11PBNLL,-ht nrussele. on Saturday, sept it i, ti�:7, to.lr. sa, all-. t.' ..rge '.'suit• bell, a daughter ',Margaret Lillian ('Mist• it , \1c5 MIL -At Iielmore, on Wrdne-tart Sept 14, h, 11127, to bur and Burs. Cecil 8.iefieil n • W ATs',1N -At St.Tooeph's Hospital, Londua, Sept ember 10th, 11,77, to 11r. tool :qrs. Timings Watson, n 800 (Kenneth Stanley). Auction Sale. F,t•rt"nunv. St FP. 17.1111.-7o head et Battle, at C. 5. 18, stock yard-, Brussel», at r eo '.clock Sharp. SL Lowe. Prop. 1 0, II. Scot), A :c, CaenAt•, Frier. 25s0. -Auchan Bale of goods and chattel,. at Lor 54, t•on 10, ti: ey. ale at I o'clock See posters Thomas Lime, , imd- , n,d tai and A netloneer ; W. M. Sinclair, Solicitor tor Mortgagee. NOTICE 111e Council of tun Tow esttl of Grey rs asking for tenders for the ns rineti, 01 rile Chester Bahr drain Work to be done 11 cording to Engineet'0 pian', end si •°.i3^s_ tions. Said ,tans tufty be ',Pell nt th ,-1e, k's °lace Tennere trill he npeeed on :aunt: g evening, September 94111, at t a'rlock. J H, FEAII, 1(11101, Township Clerk, Tenders for Bouth Privileges 'render': will he Pec, ived by the under+ig, ed np to Werbt -cans rrtemher 1nth, for It. 111 Privileges et tIrn=srt- I''nit Fair on 1k,1 7th. U. 31. >Ltt'TA VISE, Seeretary. TI -1E FOURTH ANNUAL kj;i ,a N� f OF- HURON COUNTY PLOWMAN'S ASSOCIATION Will be held on the Farms of Henry Timm and and Percy Coupland Lots 22 & 24, Coam. 0, Turnberry Just North of the Village of Wroxeter Thursday, + Iet'.eber 20th .if $350.00 in Cash Prizes CLASS 1—With high cut plows, in sod, Free-for-all. CLASS 2 --General Purpose, wooden handled plows, in sod, Free -for all. Skimmers barred. Cut allowed. CLASS 3—Men from 19 to 25 years, with general purpose plows, in sod, with skimmers. CLASS 4 --Boys, 10 and under 19 years, in sod. Skimmers allowed. CLASS 5—Boys, under 16 years, in stubble, with Skimmers. ed. CLASS d—Single Riding Plows in sod. Free-for-all. Skimmers allowed CLASS 7 --Tractors, open to men owning Tractors in the County. Class 3—Heavy Tractors, with 3 furrow prows, 12" bottom in sod. Entries must be received by Sec.-Treas. by Oct. 14th Special Prizes Splendid list of Special Prizes, as yet incomplete, will be announced later. Rules and Regulations Competition open to Ontario. Amount of land to plow, left for Committee to decide. Teams to be on grounds at 9 a.m. to start plowing at 9.30, Finish to be made at 4 p. Average depth of furrow 6 inches. No tidhapilag of furrow after 2 rounds on crown, Judges' decision to be final No shifting of stakes after start is made. Each Plowman allowed one helper only, All crowns to be finished before lunch. Plowmen to Gee 6 rounds on crown. Piloas to be paid on ground before leaving. ;Entrance fee, 51.00, except in Claes 5. Directors to be on grounds at 9 a.m,, wearing official badges: All General Purpoe•e Plows must have plane irons, neo cut, either Coulter or abler. 1; RULES WILL BE STRICTLY OBSERVED PRIZES --There will bo 4 prizes in each class viz.—$15.00 �I12.00; 510,00 and $•9,00—either Bash or its value. 'Itractor s — rite 520.00;, Class Prizes $18.00, $15.00 and 510.00, There willbe a booth on grounds where .plowmen can buy lunch. For Further Particulars write —L. I.. CARDIFF, Secretary- Treasurer, ecre t - Treasurer, Brussels, Ont. ' 4ar y . i 4