The Brussels Post, 1927-9-14, Page 7.verLim arta
i1.nod + ber Finn
Out f I'usi' s ess
Just one of the news items which are appearing in papers
quite too often these days throughout the Dominion. And
What is the reason? There is only one, and that is lack of
loyalty to home inatituti ,ns and the lure of the flashing
publicity of the large city' establishments. Man)' citizens,
while earning their wages and salaries in one Ala0,'. never-
theless send a large proportion of this money out of the
community for questionable bargains, thus depriving such
community of that much necessary working 111101al,
B 1• siness Men
o the Same
They have local firms Who are able and ready to supply
them with all their requirements, yet for the most trivial
reason or excuse they will consent to extend this patronage
to outside firsts, thus helping to build up distant elties of
the expense of their home town. They seems to forget that
this money so sent out might otherwise have been largely
returned to then( by those with whom they should have left
this business. Therefore, when in need of printed matter of
any kind, whether farmer, business man or professional man,
always extend first consideration to
The Post
;::r, Publishing House
Cream Grading
M Cans
B'1" I'} R CREAM
EAI" I' ER [lU'l" 1'IiR
\Vi are now prepared Io (loam, your ('(pant honestly,
gather it twice a Werk twd clehvpl it1 tint' GIspinet 'y each ,lily
We lift it. Ws gather with (overfed truck, to kill) slur off B.
\Ve pay a ih endow 171 1 r•ett1, w•1' i1', hurler -fat f, t iplc-
iale ever that of \.', 1 •'1 • 1 , lint S cents per Ib. hut ler'fal for
No. 11;111de over that , 1 i\ '3 gt,,de,
The basic in in elide of Ilse improvement in the getnitly ni
Om a 10 butler is the elimination of Seeond and oil' grade
stslue This may he aceoulpttthed by paying the producer
nl 114 oil ((0771(/77 11e11e1 purse per pound 01 butter -fest than is
wee tut lie inoduee, of p'er 7,1 pain \\'e selirt1 your pattaul.
age and cn-„prnati o; for betiet market.
,R:r\Vt. will lean you a can,
See our Agent, T, C. McCALI.,
or 1170110 2310, Brussels.
Th Seforth r emery
The Advent res
of a Coward
"I tun your guardian,” said Mr. that she intended to !Drury Art.itur,
Ferguson shortly. and that immediately, This was no
„You are; but I have made up my dream, whatever the Rectory garden
mind that nothing short of physical might have been.
dislike this Mr. F
farce Nal stop me, I di. i. Ferguson i,uson knocked the ash
country, and 1 intend returning to
Englavl as soon as possible. Do
you intend using 'force to prevent
me?" "Is that your only reason—that h:•
"1 do not! lar. Ferguson replied, is a coward?"
and save a short Laugh. • Pen moved uneasily; she could not
"We have not returned to the bear to hear him called a coward. But
'Middle Ages," said ('firs Ferguson, Patty (male no sign that she resented
with a :shake of her shoulders. You
from his cigarette,
"Is it that he is a coward that you
object to him?" said Miss Ferguson.
have your eyes open, niece, You sec
all that you want to see.. The Ulan',:
a coward, I heal'; but you know it,
it in the least.
Mr. Ferguson turned his head, and
looked. into the gloom where Pen sat.
"What docs Miss IIerringham
niece, and, if you like a coward for say?" he asked in calm- tones.
a husband, why, you must have him, "I—I have nothing to say. What
and slake the best of t! 1 shan't say
you nay, and why should Patrick?"
"Patty is a lhoh woman," obser-
ved Mr. Ferguson.
should I have to say?" Pen spoke
with a catch in her breath.
"I thought that you might have,"
said Mr, Ferguson,
"The more reason rho should 7711(/_ ")Miss Ilerringham is his cousin,
1'y at poor man!"acid .alis. I''ergusolt, mar -
and that is all," said Patty conpo,-
"Patty is Sc'otc'h, and 170 can look of.- eclly.
ter our Stn, ,•h, niece?" "What should she have to say? You
She laughed again, know' Arthur's means; he is not rich,
"2Iy money is settled on int,'% but he is not penniless. If your on -
;aid Patty coldly. To -morrow, nn_ ly reason for objecting to our un-
less you consent to receiving Mr, Moment is because Arthur showed
Delarey, I shall leave Cadent with a very sensible care of himself on tilt
him." • (light of the shipwreck I thick you --
"He will consent," said Miss! "A sensible care of himself!" .lar.
Ferguson briskly. "Come, Patricia, Ferguson interrupted; and tiled he
the 1' 0., wideawake' as you or 1, laughed ---a sudden burst of loud
and :re's willing to pay the price for honest laughter.
her beauty maul! It is her own His .sister turned in her chair to
choice. We cannot let a niece of out•, look at hint. He stopped suddenly,
go egooli.elies about alone' w'ah :a lav- as though astonished at the sound
el. of his own laughter.
i1'1'hat's a sound 1 like to Ileac.
boy!" said Miss Ferguson.
The laugh seemed to have altefct:
the character of the scene. Patty
know that she had conquered.
"Will you ask him up here Uncle,
and may I he married :from this
house?" she said. "I bough; a 1101:(
in Lima that will • do, and Arthur
and I both wish to return to England
as 00011 as possible."
"Patrick, you surely cannot say
'Nu' when the wedding -dress is
is bought," said Pio sister.
"I shall (t•tiuuly 1111e far to 11)111
before I can 1'11111 a 1117111 who can tnko
such a sensible care of himself," said
i11r. Ferguson guson dryly.
"1 10111 drive you down to-mnrrow
to fetch hint," said hiss Ferguson to
her niece "You shall have your
beauty 01110. He is certainly an 01'-
11an1011t to any house."
"Have your awn way!" said Meir,
He whistled to the terrier, and
stepping through the window, went
out 077 tho grass, and walked up antl
down beneath the stars. Pen saw
him walking with downbent lined
when she looked between aur sun -
blinds the last thing before going to
bed some hours later.
Miss Ferguson drove her macee
clown to Cndera tier next morning.
Pen caw )111101 depart, Mist Fergus-
on on the box -seat driving the wild
team of four horses with the strength
and mastery of a elan. Patty s:tt
within on the second spat, a cool,
white dainty figure, with never a
. tremor or an anxious glance at the
horses or this driver, Pen envied her
cool nerve. Jonas, a black -boarded
shock -headed main, who collect him-
self an Englishman, sat beside Misr
Ferguson and flourished the long
"It will be much more cane uicnt
.f you consent to reeeiv0 him here."
said Patty calmly; but it will mese
210 diffarcnee to 111y (1151011, I 111 -
tend to nary hint .shortly; 111,:1 •
tarn to England with ti411 1,1 nn' htts-
"Hark to the woman said 111as
Ferguson in a deep "aside.',
Pen 7)110• listening to this arrange'.
11101 1'ur the marriage with x110111 )'
girl of the man to 701101)1 S111, had
been engaged live 101(1(s ago. Could
the Rectory garden told the walk, in
the woods. the evening's under the
blossoming' apple -trees, the morning -3
by the river have been a dream? Or
was this a dream—this white-wtalicd
lung room with the windows opening
to til' heavy scented nicht? Had
that, night of the shipwreck been on-
ly a dream?
llut, Alas, she could hear Arthur's
voice shrill with. fear 111 he screamed
that he must he taken from the ship!
it was no dream that 14h(' was' listen-
ing to Patty Campbell announcing
And all kinds of Business
Stationery printed at The
Post Publishing House.
We will do a job that will
do credit to your business.
Look over your stock of
Offioe Stationery and if it
requires replenishing call
us by telephone 81.
The Post Publishing Noose
It Wa16 a long lonely clay for Pun.
Mr, Ferguson had gone to a distant
part of his estates. The drive to
��Mjj Make 01d
MAKE., your attic int:, entry
sleeping quarters or 0 chil-
dren's play -room(
Gyproe will 7777•,7 you l,right,
rntlllirtable: (.01011 rooms at smallrust,
Right over damaged w tlls
a1111 tern, faded w•.Illl..(in 1
C y pr. e Fireproof Wallboard. Cw l rnr will -land ceiling's Will urtl r ty
n oil bright. and fresh 1 tikes ant Il e"ration. Fireproof cold proof
and heat proof. The strongest nod light t•sI insulating w,tltboarcl known.
\t'rtt • ' f1' I -I I •t--"1fp Hem" •.•' It will tell you 60.1 ( , e•, It „t,,,:,1'1
1, t b, -W_1' ., 1,)l ' 7''t god 1,1 files nil! reduce ; .µr (uta
,li to 10 p, r cont,
HHrepr.ihof Wallboard
For Sale By
Wilton & Gillespie - - - - Brussels, Ont.
(',010,11 was tr.'..lve mile., and 11! ,. 11r. F..rusort had turned to sp1.1111
Ferguson and Patty would ort return to one of the men le:21(1110 away t
until the ••('111110, 1171 the. heat ,,tas horst and did not enswvvr, -
tnu great to drive in the• middle of Arthur Sheol( with I'en, hes
'11' day. Pen wandered about the 7702170( looked at the other. Pen
Place, and looked at the 110 1'.,r•:+, the was remembering vividly the ' ',,n•;
mores and foals, th1.t colts which in th • Rectory gardelt.
monied to live In herds Upon the es- 1 Patty w a' annoyed with the htral
tate. She walked to the. orchards, 11112d the careless laughter of the -
where the women and children were saints. She grew still more annoyed
gathering peaches, and from the o1•- when it was discovered that Carols)
chards to the village, where she washad forgotten to cook any dinun•,
greeted in pretty broken I1nglish and i "1 shall leave here all 00011 as PO. 0.
771120(1 into a dozen 170(/0)0. .l1'. ible," she said to Pen, standing in
Pe guson s workpeople 7001',' well Pen's room in a smart evening -dress
1212rue1 for, though the comfort was and looking fitter for the West End
not that which an English working' of London than a hacienda in the
man or woman would have -1"sired. depths of South Anter ca, "'1':110 is
Pon went back to tare 110(/.,0. It .unbearable!"
VMS. late ie the day, but there 10.2.2 i 1101 (1 steal of volt meat and fruit
no sign of a melt. Carola was sit-; was procured, Mr. Ferguson we.:
ting in the doorway of what Pen , 5101110 ray polite to his guest. Miss
judged to be the kitchen quarters. Ferguson was more talkative than
The negress grinned and nodded her usual ---,but site could always talk,
turbaned head, and asked "missce" and her rich chuckle male other peo-
what site would like. Cold chicken, pie smile. Arthur and she kept up
bread, and a plateful of fruit were the conversation. Pen had filled the
brought to her, auui she ate the meld • lamps that morning, and tonight
on the verandah while Carola, with there was light in every roost and in
hands on hips, stood by and discours- 1 the long corridor. -hiss Ferguson
ed volubly on the grandeur of ?ears (•haled hot brother's attention ±0 1`,
Ferguson and his sister.
(/shed 10170)170( ate had ever 0(077
"Hundreds of fault:, missce, are
such an illumination, in the haci.'oda,
111020( Ferguson's SOPanta-171((/1.' "It is my l'L•ae fr'iend's doing'," said
reds and hundreds. His land is fight Miss Ferguson, ars she patted Pen's
up to the mountains, right up to the hand.
Peaks, Mister .Ferguson he ought to After this night they settled down
(/tarry—starry 0 nice pretty missce, l to the life of the place Pen wary
like missce here! Mister Ferguson I given the management of the house
ha.< money—a lot; and he is slaking by MIiss Ferguson, and the servant,,
•--Harking more, Mister Fe1go. on were told to obey her as they would
never laughs or talk; he very silent,' 1 been obeyed. It was. understood that
Thu llegl'155 chattered on Wi.ile their master—Miss Ferguson httd
Pen .ate and listened, Pon 7vas uu longer Patty's 0onlpan-
'1'hrre small black children crept ion ---she 701(14 to 000 after the hou <1 .
out from the kitchen and chute near, hold platters of the hacienda
but they were horridly driven away. 1 Ferktasoh warned her that it. was
"Are they your children?" Pen ask fearful wont to keep the 'rw-1 of
ed C:,1010. 7 lazy servants in anything like orris•(,
"Vest and that's 1hair father, the and she had long given up the task
idle lazy skulking niggers' "nut my poor Patrick would lila
Carole darted across the verandah things differently ordered," sato
to a negro 17110 W08 walking leisure- "He likes thine,, 111 order, and 1
ly towards the kitchen quarters. lie' know that he hates itis meal., hours
took to his feels, pursued by Carola. hate, though he never grumbled hast
I'cn heard her tongue for some once. That Was when be ':rot only
time after site was out of sight. She , dry bread Tor two days, C'ar;6t 77'),
went to her roost, and rested through i 011 to sono•. merrymaking, ;out the:
the heart of the afternoon, A otos- other servant.; had an orgy. Ile said
quite buzzed at the curtains, but then that he would g0 up to Pin.
could not get within. The stuali:,hc layso's and gest a chop rooked, and
fell in long lines through the blinds,' stay u night or two, and perhaps Car -
11 10)'2)1 a drowsy afternoon, 2111 t•,1 (/lit would have+ rend ray then."
found herself' dropping into sleep, \\'hu is Fiulatt 0011?tuuc^
Presently the shout: of the servants. ; "Pau seas',; head ratan. Ile lite.;
and the crack of the whips awakened much 11 42,11,1r Up the: 11101111 Will, an :
111. Miss Ferguson and her paeiy has 0 house and wife and a ln'et,y
)tui returned, anti immediately he- baby. Hu has always been 10.1)1,
hind • them was Mr. Ferguson, ((opts•, Pattrick,"
The servaults 2111 any w•0lkpeO,1. ; Miss Ferguson paused in he,
who might be near 1110 house always • speech and looked away at the dis•
(tome with loud clatter to welcome 'taet line of blue sea; theft ,she rouse,'
any ono arriving. Carola, 111)11 her herself from her nbstt'actluu with a
orange -coloured turban and red Reck sigh.
handkerchief, her picaninnies peep- Pen did find that it was n0 1'(s!
ing hchind her skirts, grinned from task to ,bring any :ort of order inar
the kitchen door, the dogs barked, the hacienda; but her face plate
:he drivers cracked their whips — every ratan a wIlling slave, and her
it VMS to scene of southern light- voice .md unanlicr conquered the
hearted gaiety, woolen. Carola called her "an 21)1,01
Mr. Ferguson dismounted and drain'," an delude her husband - -
carne to the side of. the t 011011acse,
where Arthur was helping Patty to
vended from the driver's seat be -
(geld 1't'orn the high driver's seat be-
fore he bedtime to offer her an arm.
'Phu master of the house carte for-
ward. He was going to receive Ar -
titer as a host should receive a guest.
Ile •elloo11 hands with Arthur. Pen
remembered that he rarely shook
hands — never if he cotald avoid so
without remark.
- "My niece asked ole to receive
you. I •hope that you will stay as
long as it is eonpenient,"
Arthur's bow was graceful, his
Smile easy; he could :forget with the
greatest ease,
"What a lovely place you bevel" went with her brother, sometimes this
'110 said, - went alone, for Miss Ferguson was a,:
"the lazy nigger!" --tight anollr'r
nigger who grumbled at sono:. work
Poen had given him to do. Diluter,-
iluter,antl other meals were no longer .for
gotten, and were always on the Lehi,
half an hour, and no more, Inter that
the specified time. To malts the' ser -
vents punctual was hc'.yon,1 the tusk
of tato best of housckrepors, 1,'h.
1111)11)8 11altl always oil in thmti, 1117
rooms were dusted, and the hacienda
knew peace find order which it had
never known,
Miss Ferguson vowed that she her'
77010( known what happiness was be-
fore. She rode oaf every morning
on a thick -set ,pony to pisit different
parts of the estate, Sotneti nes she
• I light st m (rhe t :ill( is
s Yollkkk
WE1I•Iti1':$DAY, SEPT. 1 Oh, 1r127.
•'6•a•4'Y•i�+hF'f'0'�•i•®•6dY•'r0•f&''rt•'•H®04.81• ,
tt si ,t1;,1 plea -"11. Pen and ht'. neves'
cook,• to each other.
(Continued Next Week,)
Your Heft
The only time nlu?t ;n .nh• thick
Haid 1'' r ,cur 1'ullrttt
an Ih111e ttb.dU 'h' ••LL see Clow of
tidesis 101,11 1170( :n •• a, (tI, `,./.;1,14,..
1'',•ts' pe,:91a' 11( 0 til, c 11(.'11'
(/1077 (11111 li,i' - .r ,t• hl•",d sir_sa.l
pt 1'1 ''' 4 1'7,71+ 01771' 1,1,;u'1,
I'it aha n„ 1• .'I
11•. 4 '•I, : r
lb 11. 1, 01,1, .l'. ,.i .• r r 1 .
„I I A,- ,,.' v; . -I•, ie :111,I,
77ti1/LI c,7 1 -.",i' 1 11.' ,., i ,
r: 11mi, , ori r .,..
,•i•1'r1-G,,t.q„l•.4,4.'1.444,440-Pd,.11.614-I"P^F' • "I- it t,..:t.i„r ,
1' ,17' bt' II:)e.: dl• 1 fast, rd, ,,_, ( .la,,•
iib. .V:( c..1'._'.,1 ail tier 1 ... i 1•
• •d' „ t , •U) 4' at n!'- 1 ...
1. rod,,,,. :11r, 1•',artn.
,I he, '"l, ;uu± •11.,f31-11
lar 0711,1177•• :.a, ,L•,1t,,:.. 11'..
t to a role 1',0 tl 1 lis: h(!
her. 1 1. lartt. fort:( , ':0 t!
h r•: i, 110,1 he,.'n '.:e
\re, era ht. Ott(, 1121❑ Lehie I •,
(;rota(/•( anti ,1. -ter had
fond of hur.,':. and 'Ir:•y hod
hr:'t thug 117(21) +,7 hen til'y ,:tile 1, r11,
ha:cie, da. Then 1Ir. 1 , ,•u.on it rd,
begun to 1)(1110• fruit to ,. n.• 217,0 lazy 1
uoverty'5.stricken peopl'' o,•etn,'ttintl,
tart thc h t 1 grown far h;•yr.rel
What hal ever leen anticipated,
Mr. Trrgu.Olr 7771 alway. (170117' the, C'enn,L:.
grcator part of the day. When et' 1.v."8°' is a r',ut;,r,v'iw01'o ..tall
.i', P.I •
.. ..
1 lila`
vi 11
, , 1'l .1'
a 1 1•, :
,. . n..t, :dl 7'"11
home he sat in his study, reading or I
doing .the accounts which his long:
trade demanded. His sister was tl':1
only person who dared to e^tel' Ih01
room Withotat pe1'lnissloi, He eat
at dinner with them, seldom -p^ul:•
ing. Afterwards he walged up and
down before the house, his terrier at
his heels, a cigar in his mouth, Ids
head forward 01 his 1 t Pen
1 1 3 ,ren.; . „•
always saw hits walking thus when I The Mother Language.
she went to bed. Once she was tel Father never gets a chane,. to say
Wal:e00d at night by some sound, and 1 very much. That is why our Ion -
peeping from between the sun -blinds I cling" Is referred to as the mother
saw him still walking'.
Patty and Arthur ;pent their time
together. Sometimes they drove,
but Arthur did not care for the style I
of driving in vogo there.0 They were 1
offered horses to ride:, but Arthur
would not ride, and Patty declined
to go without him. Pen would see 1
them strolling together through the
orchards o1• sitting together in the'
shade of the trees. Patty never ask-
ed ler to accompany them ,and Pen
had no wish to do SO. They dial net
appear to have much to say to each
other. ,
Arthur had been there ten thea 11e-'
f01'e ally mention was made of til•!
marriage. and 1h'. Ferguson treated
him with cold politeness. Hiss F, r•
truson was warnatrt She toll hien
openly what a handsome loan 011'
thought hint, and Arthur was Ilnt-
la • 'i; fa t' rritery in 11,11111' ' Eastern
A. civil hark from the eon;t of the
Jtdlian O -•eau, It is one 1,1 tie, great
Pepe= 1 r, r••it„t., 1', ,' mon. 'lir
,ural produ:tion of th, clop^ of this
•„lone was valued ,1 - r' t, u 1
, t i at a 10
siring 13_,1 21'
, and of Pais ammmt
94.25 per rent. consisted.t raw col-
ton and 001200 510.4, 0,tiTe0 and 111b-
brl• were the only 0th r (naps of any
importance. Ther.• ,11e (1nstdetrable
f'rrest luras in I':anda which yield
good hardwoods,
i tongue.
Carpeted With Flowers.
A botanist on the Assam and Tibet
border has found the mountains car-
peted with flowers up to 14,000 foot.
The Gypsy.
The word typsy is derived from
Egyptian, which was first corrupted
Into Gypclan, and then into Gypsy
or Gipsy; the Gypsies being ra'p- d11ar-
ly supposed to b1'' E,-yptians. ® Eth-
nologists generally tenet's in roo ard-
int; them as descendants of some ob-
scure Hindu tribe, They appeared In
pastern Europe at the b.•zinning of
the 11th century, (/ltd are 110W found
in every part o1' the wnrid. They
speak a corrupt Sanskrit dialect, and
are dark-skinned, tat k-, sari, lithe
and sinewy. They are nomadiac, liv-
ing largely In tents, ibttts an raves.
and are generally fortune tellers,
musicians, cattle dealers u0 tinker...
They appear to be destitute of any
system of religion but true"s of var-
ious farms of paoanisni are found In
their language and rn-t"11$,
fnc((lstrial Morvgageanp
Savings company, of Sarnia
Outario nre premised to advent 01"aey "r
Mortgage.. on (10 el Mods rest dent riog
stoney 01111/0/8 nion ,n1, Neil rine• apply
r" J erner c'111411.., to 011,, out 101,0 will
funds!. tet,, ,t,,,1 711 r per U11,1w,,
T(,0 lntluatrtal Mortgage
and having,, Company
V . b1'/ o 1f Y o
1'rd,•ry left nt the ' Nee ., ,t nl rim- Hiner,
Lie nes. t- Plume is 1 0 (11 nemnr . sm, (Alit of
r01t•,- 5110101,) (•l10
t,.: !Al
LlS;- OUA'EL 3 ',,.•:4't
Canada's Greatest Life Insurance Co.
Sun Life Co, of Cadatl
Iliatt'ic't 7.1plrs,u(talive
C. C. RAMAGE, 0.13.5., L.U.S.
Graduate Royal C011e!,, of Dentat
(/,setons and Honor llr:nluate Pal-
vc•isib of :rorontu. 11unt:at)'; i:1 lei.:
Its br'anc'hes,
Office Over Standard Bank,
Phone 200
Ethel, Otlt,
Conveyance, Commissioner and C. J.
Agent for
The Imperial Life Assurance Co. of
Ocean Accident Guarantee Corpora-
tion, Limited
Accident Insurance, Au'onnbila In-
sstance, Plate Glass In.urance, etc,
Phone 2225r.thel, Out.
r” 1'Ad N ka,lamer
fire, Automobile and Wind ins,
For Brussels and nd vleinity Phone 64
Agent Ilowick Mutual Fire Insurance Company
Hartford Windstorm and Tornado Insurance
Phone 92 Box 1 Tarnberry Street Brunel
D IJ7p
Nor references consult any person whose Sal
I have officiated at, Phone "920
T. T. M' RAE
M. 8., M. C. P., A S, O.
Dl, 0. H., Village of 13russel0,
Physician, Surgeon, Acooueliear
Oflceat residence, opposite Idelvtlle Church,
William street.
1'T . GtS . SINCYi, elle
—e y
Honor graduate of the Onterto Veterinary
College. Lav and night calls. ()Moe opposite
Floor Mill, Ethel.