The Brussels Post, 1927-9-14, Page 5It is the selection of rich, western wheats — the finest
grown on the prairies -- that gives extra flavour to bread and
buns, and extra richness to cakes and pies, made from
Sea 30c a; stamps fir our 700-rlcij1c Purity Flour G.ok Book, 2(8!
Western Canada Flour Mills lsCo. Limited, Toronto, Mootrooll, Otturv3, Saint John.
Dr. nechtel 9s Fall 74 heat
its Again a Splendid Crop
,t•vcl1,e 'Or i.•,s+ Four Years 1,Y'i!1'.,e :on of Lb -.• flank of Montreal, ;;,tt"':,
Around 28 Bushels to the Acro ill (1,•1lout1d manager of to Bv.lik
: re; '11,11 Year Wes Olt on 1111tnn111`a I I- i'to110n, and 11 111. •'
A,.r,uot 11th--•alethnd of '3%•.:, a 11' .(11.1(( mperintaident of tit, 11'0k
Important, of \l o: ;, al t\ nn llr(• 1,1 p1 ' t
in lu< viol:, strongly of ised their'
oaai: 11'41(., i!ltindea!, of 1'20111 e'ustomers to ::ow 11141 of tm.
11'"I*h '( t1 +'nlloviu, (110,,_ Sr:utt.
up ,1 a 1'1111_ t r, a of tills In rnnvct ,tion 1b'. lineebtli made
1.a •' c,., '1 an :u•ticie hl 1). -\. • Ih,l 1'0lowling remarks with r( 0)')! 10
hi:: sucr•ess ) glowing winterIli at:
Drown, a 111, 1l:y•r ntontal ! a tn' That the ;,lain must be sow a from
31:10,1m, appeared iu the 1'lailel
`tog. 2(8h to Sent. 8th in clean
whir:; ht A at ed that all eh r a'•
tl,t • to ,;01,11 .;liter or Lata
1,1. ,•he drill being 188 with th,• sub.
` 1111• roes•.;. 'rile Winter wheat (1',p,
I'!t:;a a; th1 3[trd u. tart 11'1,1 b1 n 1.rrahly should be the mann(' cropYsil;tro.:. Tho
.1„.4 1• experiment. -o
Mr. lioow•n stated in the arti,•1•', ata (1'101 sunuu ri'allo('.
mar[,] . Ip25 from Khtu•ko' ...rd In order to get the grana i'1 the
secured from Dr. Knrabtel, o1' notalo ground before th 8th of tieptetnber
hoc, acre w1.4 nerd «1 on Sopf 11tH),.]. Dr. Knechtel has. at tlitl'erent ting;,
Sod, on wheat stubble, which aver- left the sheeves lying and tli.1 0m-
ezrotI $ to 10 inches in height., J,itlr• played three or four men in stool:log
snow lay 011 the ground during win_ on the sown area. Pour men can
tltr and alma.( a complete fail tee was easily keep ahead of a drill.
experienced, Experiments were that That nearly always too winter
year discontinued. crop appears to be winter killer) un -
.As everyone in the Souris 1 o o (et til tits real warm weather commences
at least, know, that Dr. I;nech`o1 has in the:Piing. In his 0011)) (•eneri-
been growing• hinter wheat with 111ents Dr. E1s0htcl two or three
marked same:, for : onus y(.1 , nolo, tines was On the point of plowing op
a membra of the Plaindcaler affair, the crop, thinking it killed, but in
in company wit.: Mr. Gibson, of the (very c88e reaped a good crop. H,1 is
Pante of Montreal, visited Dr. I 11ech_ of the opinion that the Menke i'ix-
tcfr farm or. Friday evening (1711 perimental Farm men were ;ie^haps
while, there, t(•ats furnished with the in a similar way, deceived into think -
following fart: with regard to win- think-
ing the crop winter killed.
ter wheat.
In 1!1'2.1 Dr. Kner•hters winter
wheat a0era_.:`l 20 bushels ti tits
act'-•; in 11113. ;171: lm,hds to an:
That a single disc drill must b,:1
used. the discs being kept sharp and
lite yrrings in good shape 00 tet:)) the
grain can he put down,
:tore; in 1020, 20 bushels; :1111 thea That nothing in this world nr
year'- 000): :haul(i yield at le.ut 115 value unless we know how to u:;' 11,
1101+111.10 as his 27 acre field, whi,'h and that consequently anyone can
;crow winter wheat in this Dart of
11011 t)bn : u( osrftllly i1 they use the
proper methods.
was rut on .\u,,u 11th 1s a ..plen-
di:1 u'op. 'I'hw• ::ver::..0 for tae 11,1
four y, ars will be around 28 11,)-111
to 111, :wee, 11 ,gl'10-g there 11:1111111110
Itinr• •htol dr,v; 0!(41)11 aft, .riot)
1:1 the fart ;hu'r. 01,' ; ear th:.. ih11 PITHY
3lnrtien (':um hod it., final ,.;ilti"r "Your grandfather is the oloverest
was til uoe v,8' 1:12 II, 111:(1 his old g.nt.lennin I ever mot, Ile'.s f,111
crop tIverag,1 20 bushels to the oi' Witty sayi,:,;.•,"
.r1 ! also the 0'))) that Mr. (.iib- "Yes: w•4' calf hint 'epi12ramiu."
for Economical Transportation
" 0U would require three years of
arduous clay -to -day driving to know
as much about Chevrolet performance
and endurance as the General Motors
Proving Grounds brings out in a few
There's strength—stability--rnggeclness built'
into every inch of the Chevrolet Chassis; into
its beautiful body by Fisher; into every detail
of its powerful engine. ,
After year of trouble-free driving, you will
1:now tifat Chevrolet has added to its economy,
its smoothness, its power and its Beauty, the
greatest measure of Strength and Endurance
ever possessed by any low-priced car.
Ask your,' Chevrolet dealer for a demon-
C) -he
e d ).
in Chevrolet- History
Touring $645 Sedan $850
Roadster 645 Landau Sedan • - - 915
Sport Roadster • • - 720 Xmperial Landau Sedan 955
Coupe - 765 1 -Ton Truck Chassis - 635
Cabriolet 875 Roadster Delivery - 645
Coach - 750 Commercial Chassis - 485
Prices at Paetary, Oshawa, Oo)taris—G0v0ra)nen150001 Extra
Pl>utlix age
1910, w,:-e•ra ' 1',, pn.• r 110,.. t
h1 .erlons f:lluliy 'l'Il '11 doe' nil -
!roll his wife 011+1 tie dm,ght,r 111' the
tiOra.a, 1111i h. di , u- ,•d the Important
ii,' •et ui flit. ,n:u•rl:,:a• or 1lit' .on and
11'.!,•r, W'n14:'o,. for urn years malt,
11 :::nil w'hule:alle tluat•ealllti•
1)04"• il) 1111. 1.1(1(,
ills ,U'liue 1) 01, ,and,,• .Tool Tal
10..) •'a prrrty lolluo,..
"And 111,•11,: h+'a•!!,'' 1'01001001Pd
11111 It 'p'a'int• 1(1.13, '4114+?' yua sr4'u
Ir• piel1100 , fat 111' "
"1 ala n(,,n.t in 1-1011: (lent la
rl rng,l.01 Nips. Talbot' welt (errioni
ere dict,:t0 Ike was rill her nod.
I,m,., "W':.h,r1 n 1 i 4,,1 1N lour -11
1t,t of .11, •., 1,1' 11, 811.oa 0.1,1•"
0101 ,\Ii', 1
Tal',. tI : •iititttl 16 • opoatk4l
0 trills nae0'tly,for Ilk hill (taws
Wont 1 111::'1 11•ii!, 0011m:1iliw ui !:u
ra:au 11.11
bin ernes,. Ile wonden1
111•. and 100,, 811 ,•t 1•1,1114!(1,il :UI
(•n(Plop , emlin!' f11111' pot t-: rnp!,s
1(1(0 1101111' hill I 10 Ito -1-0014,1 010111
w 1111 ,•(1 11 i ' ,nal 11;1 rr 11i1m nual
00'80 th 111 11113 renoir1):
-Pretty 110 p14 8)')•, 180 •1110.1'
'•T4,t 1. a ,01. -,tion:' 100111001(011 :qrs.
T,tlhuti 1:t11,o,• sl 1pi 1-1,13•. -1 m1 not
the w'an11n 10 '11.110' or interfere !n
toy San's 1)1101110 0111(1•., Ina 1 au)
1"((611 10 11!1111 11' 11144 wel fall•]';'
"11.11%', whet on, yt1 tililciug
y1:1r11111Y' 11111,1.100:.1:c.,1 her in:sla :1 in
Yazoo 411(1)l•i8e. _
"11' you 11:1.4' eyes, '.1 ))'! y,1tt see tor
yourself'!" challenged )irs., Talbott.
"Tiw,o four pictures tell the tato. don't
'•1 11111111 she to the mast charmingly
dressed brine T o1ot' 10014'11 111)1'4," sllid
'•\\'ity, 31st' nnddo(1 311. Talbott op-
'011 ! you rin?" ilarva forth the (vire
and mother. "And let me ask, have
you considered (chat those elot114')
1:1111 oust? \Vhy, the 4111 simply has
the latest and costliest gown. that
Paris 1111
"well, oven so," sli0(0lecl the 1al-
eranl Mr. To Moil, 'she's (111.1(1 nut for
a whole year, tam'? she?"
"Yes, 0'411 nh ; how 1 wu111,1 !!Ice t0
ser` 111,x1' lovely drosses," c1'ied Both.
Sirs, Tilihnit ((•us for Writing nt
11111•) to Waldron, exhorting hint to
think twice hefrlrr he took to 81181,11'
r, rnhun)sly mxlr)Yn(rntt wife. There
her husband set his foot dot•. • had.
Tt w')) 1101 111011' 11(1.11100 to ittl'rf'r,'
in Ili' heart nil':trs of W':114fnn. Per-
haps he 101)s wedding an heiress 1,1)8
e0nld afoot in wear what she like,,
But this ideal "irs, '1'11111111 soma() lit.
forty by 01110118¢ to a letter w-rltton
in the past 113• 1l'nlrlren, 111 1.81'11 1m
had stated that his tlnnee0 ala• mar,
worked for her ]!vin., but was ;;,1011 1)s
(mir, and would uwk, lila n helpful,
eeenoule11l wire.
"•I:cnmmnlieul1" shrugged airs- Tot -
(':di, and looketi d(p•t•ife,
'•.8 sister-in-law to be proud t1', any -
woo 1" whispered Ilnih to herself.
"I don't hIll)) \\'ildrnn for falling
in lure with stir!) 11 •'1111111 of :t bounty."
selllnqui:' d loo old 11:(11.
in a rmtlpl, of il:0011,Iti11, netts 001110
tnrorming the 1181111•' 01' 1111 wedd'e4.
Tt was 0 to I1''') unprelcnlenh ;crane.
'I'll:, 1111117,', 1•-'hi'd Lair were Iu ,.,011,'
1., (1,' '1'01',011 1,1111' for a w'4'+•i) and
+b u, i. 14::8:.;(4.n, (r„r•' 1112),• In rr-
rOi0” 111• in, :.11iuterh Mrs,'1',T'''(1. wont
•11141)1 hot• Males 1.01111 pretest, She
••''i'ntl 11,111 1',e• ('ihle Iris 111(•1:} n, all.
Lear ns n rap)•) l)l 0 arrrdres'•••d crin-
t1)1'?, 11)111 and eslruv:ut:ul), a sort of
lunnan doll, with fluor)' om1 011.418 v 111,.
ul!u 01at•:i('un•islics of her .1).1100'
1)10:)1•)'. - ,
11 tors (11x'1( :I Tncalay than the ((•e11-
Oerl ("w,. „41••11. 1811), 01 1 h
:.sic' mu 1111 ll'( (' al' 1'xpoc!111!un look -
for 11)411 v,as s01(1!0'd to see at
cal) (li'lt's lila it, !runt of tip' lttnsl'
rial•'iraa �:1(41e pasmwtro', n plain,
1,111 neatly dressed holy with n mitt
ease. (Thom 81,0 )11 li liatolr pr'•
ri:•o:l as her o;s'.,•-in•law, :IMims 11.10
unwhnt'sll 1,0113• 1111
.herr ((110 n4' aP1 ,'(1111'4!11, g0:10:11;:.0,,,1114111,,01 11
1,ns0,l 11,•1isrhl':hp WI)) welcomedby 18th 111)(1 her 1nlnt',n'r,
"\Pn1,11.0n had :+,a11:.‘ 111101110SS 1(1 111•
1 01111 In aP \\•yndh;an," 1.21111111111
1100, 11111(1 Will hp 1I11 ((1111 the trunks
1111( l raw, 1-inw h1 ,le1184' 111(11 cozy It
!s Imre. ailrlher. door, lot me help
'1'41111 until Waldron comes, won't
8110 reappeared 100111 her room clad
111 0 simpie giIl101)l(1tt gown, wearing. no
uvel13 lint her wedding ring, curl pre-
•utlna not the slightest 1111ro of al•tl-
h'illity. 'Mrs. 'Talbott 1(08 110111•Itled
hy her simple, sc11011le ways, hot 11oth
111.1111('11 the arrival of those trunks
w118 ,joyful anticipations.
"'Thorp certainly is no flash 11(1(1 -8111-
1.; (limp her," admitted itIrs. Talbott
111 1180 1nsl)and. "she 0881)) 1)1)x10110
01111 10pns01 to fall right into our home-
spun tray's nod help all she can,"
"I never was so disappointed 111 my
life'!" piloted Itnth to girl friends the
next dot when I111 expected treasure
house, the trunk, arrived. Why: I've
{.et 08 pr'fty a gingham frock foal a
pink organdie (nil a white lawn as she
"Dainty but ec0nomirnl,'r voted ),los,
TuIb011 mrd blurted out the indica-
tion, or magniileonre the pictures had
fixed to their• minds, -
"eh 1 did you think n11 11rnt finery
belonged I0 me?" smiled Arline, "In-
deed, not Yon 500, T was working for
It garmenthates)' as enmern girt, Thttt
I posed for (heir fashion plates in
;1181:• newest told finest hooks,''
"Arline nerds 110 gay pinning() to
make iter prettier than she is1" ''''''80
)' 10(1 \Vfhli'on- .
']t'i'le pet'1ahtly does (lot!" said 1)18
fl,ther admiringly, and with enthu-
WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 14th, 1927.
Mimi i FerriQOzer
For Fall Wheat just artiv('tl.
'Unloading this week.
Those wishing, a supply
should see
Thos. Puerta: e
I'hope ;1.511
S'Tt>";15. Cll :illi 1,1()NS
11•11I '•+ %:' g, ,,1.A of
1 e,•.
All '1 1.4••I'.., :,( r e 1111 •rl 0
(•• oily :,' ,, rile 1-.,.1,1 •!1 w,(:.t , int
;;1'411: r. , \1(4.11• 'i 111s, 014(1'',,
r ru•• 8 1: 44 . , ,n. i'10(f.,
• 111 1111 .1.. •t ...11 liu:. in ('. 1
not: alt ',l''. 1 r
i t 111) 1',I 1 1. ,. L"io II,. 1.1 .
11 !JO!) odt i 111.11-,44'-
r, rot ital. d 11
1„., , 11— ,'
•t ,.1 r•iut.::• 1141 0 ,•t„n : 's
liana.' Ire.{ 10 1 11.11' 18
1••1. th,• stork, and turn ,( 011!1
p.• •nt:.• c:i:u ha lie -d in tie'
;48) 1,•, - 11 0 pair of
'!!t' Ill�ll:''I Il:l": ii, '1'1'1:••,
i;. I only in 1 1-op,,''in'• .4,, un ell,')
h p, r•r,•,, hal it 1' roa!ly n): ar0,14
`e.., min,. 1., 1'10(1, 1)!141' Holt. 8844•
11'1 8'44:1(0 1,111;•4'1-^^ or „I:fruro 1 'kh•
bird 0,11 ova: 1.ud ellas,• it I'tlf .1
mile or 1104.•. T:: , qo(('d' 5t part of IL
nil Is 'hate the hawit never ;+rem, 1'0
An ''1 [than( 1 )0 kill a t1,cr. and
if a lion at;au w (1 '1n elephant you
would be fa3 ly ::aft to bot on the .
elephant. Bot put a mouse in an
elephant's stable and se„ (what ho -
pens. The elephant is scared stiff,
harks into a e1rner, and trumpets
lila a sh'ntn siren,
Kangaroos .1'411 xl:a:Tr:1 at''• also
badly scared of lute. and will 113
ignominiously if one of (.hear animals
is Introduced into their .asst At
Barnum & 131i1•'y's the t'xper`m'-'nt
was tried of pla:•ing a mouse in the
den of the groat Bengal Liver Mo-
hammed, ' The mouse did acrobatic
feats up and down the, tier's lege
and the great beast ran. round and
round the r:lg«, in blind pante.
Yet, oddly enough, when the same
txperinlrat was tried with leopards
they made no bones about killing the
mire right off. The African river -hog
was equally- nourageous. It not o)1y
killed the moue but ,eta lt:
In Golden Gate Park, San Fran-
cisco, is Preserved a herd of bi•con. 1 -
'I'liore are n ••t:•' of flues., 101(; ••,
shaggy 1,1'))les, each wet ehln • as nmah
as a prize hull. In tete 00111.. 01110 -
sure i, en elk, who is absolute boss
of the oholo outfit. \our dares di
they him.
11' two linffalo bulls fight he t;1 p-
arates them at (no—. A if any buf-
falo is lazy 1t. d _1 1 iO4 11111,1 .4,0
inns the elk goes no and tot louch•s
TOM, W11,1'011:(011 111' b,. ";uo at o1:..,,
s up and . )o
„ Tho writer on: `,,1: ;1 wail heat
a tent r, TI' t, ori, 11 : mall
spi•r! of (1, ' eel - l: l;,w-001)
typo. 1 -Te ani :111 t L ' (1'- '1 of a
141 and ran mart ' , 3 I, .;1.; 4111
light. But 1'' 3313) ,) , ::u aid 1:11331:.
turnoff round ate! .. :11 :
HIM rhe• :, . ):111 sir u... . •
In; The 1:Ther it a' e 8 oeo
('1,1(1)it tarn 11!"41 a Cert„t tt'te. MO)
it away. in '111,, ('11, the d00 had
polio!, !, w'it11 her.
It is moor safe to 11'4(1'!)' on the
00)01 me of a 11,rat 1( 81 :a (Orton rt.
animals. Yen at('21311 net ,!link 111:11
it eat wound have torten 018,1'•'•
against a 10x, v,•1 thor•' Is r( i• :14
(1111` 011tie 011 1'00,1'11 (Ir :t wil:.4, 1- 1•::1:0(0
0111 11 11111 'nx hall 1114 111,1 11:.,111.
This happened at Ec, , :1'"wean, in
1)11tnfrde, shire.
A:111 yon v: uu!d not ilnaoiu•' that a
hare, one of th'' ma /! timid of peon-
luros,-lvould itt•' 1.11•.' ''11331:3e to at-
tack a ca.t. Be' u: 1•'111k?n !lam, in
1,lnnolnsltire, a lamlar 1111';' .'em'., to
the resole or Imr 101• rel. 10!,118 w11.0
'wing tttla)li(d by a cal, and 1011„711,
AO furiously 1111)1 tot ,:at b•'it('1.
1 What is Roto-Sogg1'.rion?
Thnngh some coonoeti,'n betweeln
mind 11nd body 11110 tor c8011ries been
snspc1ted, it Is only Of rrra4nt years
that scientia a have nwle:a pled to
trace Its wot•king;s. 110))011!', thr'th
nry is that 1)011 111(1 the ,,rdinnr3' work-
aday thinking mined Of reason 11es a
11 18(1001 second "self" eoneornrd only
with impulsoo and instincts and that.
this instinctive . min:! '•x„rcises an
enormous eJTuet upon our 1'odtea
without our t'csson knowing it.
Oonseglyentiy, t1' any one moots you
with a 1011;(11 of "hot( 111 you look.,'
you begin to ('eel wet 1:linnst a
modiately% Without quite knowul..
']'his sent: -suggestion. Is row hr in-
ning to find a place 111 medical treat-
It ry
H gheStpriee
For all kinds
of Poultry
R. Thomson
ea c
Of all iteirs entering into the cost of crop pro':,htic oia.,
IGtfor is the one itcin tliat can be redl:Iced And the
or' p
e.ilecti7e means zs of reducing G0884 to a >~~iir.mulaa
is the a� Jt;+'-�"i tr% 'mechanical PUorr:r and modern
A",, r - ':,^ bas c gr '131."'' r pacit J for wort' He
vat ,•.. ...l). 2 or 3 tiYnes as t:: r.,-tl as he did 7':_'f;'Z.e
m f asT,: and C' .:. i `ii<3 's for himself.
ilabsrr:'.tes la-rger acreage -3,
V ,r ,,1 11,0'—at ,',list tile right time.
r,!.,,Ira T fres os wheat ei,i:en more than pays
for 8 F°oXt1oCl.
T' e F''rison isbuilt and sold to serve mankind. It
1., g(gniA::c1l('t that over 201000 are now in use ort
Canadian 2arms.
ChrrIllilt, folder •'Thi(((sYouSRrud Keno,
Be f areYatt BuyYour Truett0 ' u+i 1a. ifterest
you. Ash for a copy.
B. G. McINTYRE - Brussels
( 701 430- I -"..,,'
rlla:. F11%4i10. 0011.
IN i
Plowing Match.
Uu another nape atmouneemem ;
made of the annual plow 11)0 :mach
to be held near \\ ru tc t on 01.1,';,e':
_0th The special 1,...,1. will b, 1111-
nouac(331 later.
u:anding of Para - 0S,
The :landing of tLc paritcr 11) lite
Federal House now 1,il)erds, 1 L:';
t'oals,n•v:ah'ca, 1)g; United, 10)110ers
01' Albortu, 11; Pr1;::'ressives, 1:1;
1.11(11:11 i,ogreacvt:s, II; Labor 2; in-
u,.pendcnt. L.
Prepare for October 1st.
11.;inaing on Oct. 1, all \•ehic'(•s
u.lug the liitflt(Yay0 at night 1..;!t
carry lights and all eau., 33qu'1'!',•d
• with foar-whe,el hrai:n- must di-ad.ty
on the tear :: sunl: triangular 1ralte
^n atiq•:rr.1.1 by the dep:u't:u':tt of
1114110.1;s. r•,• "1101114 'be no (1'I11-
11111t- in were or4;u,r the latter cuuen-
+.1nr,n1, 'Dot in solving :he probi,yu
111. light on hoc -:•-drawn v,•11icl:s rho
department may a'sporienee
The danger ai' carrying 8 li'thtcd
L•tnip un the 11.1.11 of a load of hay is
obvious. Provision « is outdo •11 the
lmcndm,ait to allow th:• deo( tmont
110 (10 111' rrt1ertors, The ante•ad-
nw'nt 11:41•: a.: follOW:1---11tH 'ct to
.hu protisian:- of the ehmsp 11every
veltich• other than at motor vea['alc
of a bicycle of a t111 ycle when on
1910 highway a'ter dusk and before
dawn .hall carry in a c'oti )ieuoua
- position on the left side thereof a
lighted lamp ehoW111p; white, to the
:.i rout and ted to the rear. Any
lamp so used shall be visible a`„1 dis-
tancc of at least. 200 feet.” Penalty
for noncompliance for the first of-
' fills' is not over ,$5;• for the &MMoud
not less than $10 and not more than
823. 11on, Goo. S. Henry stated that
these two amendments would be en-
forced promptly, "How generally will
the use of rebectors be permitted:"
"Very strictly limited."
That the fire waste of Ontario ex-
ceeds $84,000 a day? That on an
average pea capita basis EVERYONE
contributes $4,00 to this huge bonfire
last year.
44 t4 it A
That there were 10,880 frees in
Ontario in 192(1?
That the fire loss in hntar.ia a That along their (van to the finish-.
'4;01'4(011 to 81'2.11:,1(1111? ed product thislire tax is ad•lel to
'he con an([ when you l -
n uv a "•ar
'1'18:1. those who had. fin:•s h,t averInenf, a 1,181 m1' bread• 01• (118(1i' 81'-
not Mance insurance, two n11101'n d,'1., ,,1i you lay illis rumulut:'e fee
181,, 1 11110".
4ywxsmolerwxtasu,m.>,.•-..•.- _.emaaaralanr .• .. _..._ ,. ..._..-.... __ ..
x^+sa t
. A «
C1.1.1215'1" 0'.70" t'°1L
7i77, 11.41.^,r11a
1 /.11 1 a
re it:: r:-1 '-inus mohair
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