The Brussels Post, 1927-9-14, Page 2WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 14th, 1027.
We pay Highest Cash Price for
Cream. 1 cent per lb. Butter Fat
extra paid for all Cream delivered
at our Creamery.
Satisfaction Guaranteed
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ark IE' -moi,., '�il •-tzu.,�+Kk.�+.¢c�.�.r1 MGGku uuA4LTIv
Sunday School Lesson
tj The
,,,I Scarecrow 0
., t:•.+, W,,..r,•: n ]tear+r.,l'.•r 1•I8wt/
11 s'.•th,•rl t" 368.:'10117 Darien Hutt
she k;:4 renelie•II lit.• 1,vy height of
e1111.1y 1''•lielt3 11!h•i, ::ht 18''111)1)' (he
.,!.• ••17 001 . ,1 lh e1 hyr 011 e, Vol'
tilte, i 7,:us i, 11.• had l:ut•slu 50/1/111
^1 Ire': 'II 11 v1 15,1- i"•t' 111oney 111111 81i1w 111
I11i••t)''1ne 111111 11 71.1111 up annuity poi-
brin;:iuc, her 1.01 r(nil;u', a month
i 'die haul soltle 1 ,iu1)1 011ui i „entity aid
Lne,• n0s 'eery I,le:ls:uu'y "t
i'nnG•'1 :ilia tl„ 11:1` a 110 :, et Aar,
11,'1). 'ihas 1,1111.1. 1.1.1 1,•011'u,•gb. "l
in.,' 111 harlot lino ,111, 11 1'1:.;: of
i to;l:,,111,.' '.I .. she olilamated^lite
n:•.o, , t„ :1 . .\t +11;'1':,0 ager,•. ?Ic-
I. 1'.1118. hr,l „�: 1.. Ie gal 1
1111) l' 11.1.111,1110 't twit
1, .:•11 Ie- 1 1., a r, 1.:1: 'flu al. -
it; P„. 1.;1-. 31;.'i"tl •latta lls-
, ; mai if they 1'118111
1 n lir fat,, v •-nr(; to do they
halJ110 of Iilr•r•e:as-
iu- the!!• uh•2uu',
"'1'1• 111'`1 thing 11e 1.11 asl. do Is 10 get
Flint old ciacl:cu yard in o1 (1," saki
Sly 1111,
"it will take about fifty yards
o: (.'1)1)13' netting- to (such up the old
Olive tool it neer gate :111(441 be ramie
ter it. 'I'hero's laying hose.. to gel f.r
the vllirltens, loo, abut 1111+ onside shed
mr_de t11 be whitewashed. You'll leave
all tett to ate, Whitt yeti, Amity?'
(Editor of The Sun :.-+Y School Tlmcs)
KINGDOM DIVIDED 't1 un ln. u, 1:, hobo tang 1 i -
"d ,L'• :in fele. And that son v'.,
Sunday. Sept. 18,-4 Kln;; 12:1-21 i given h18 gold 48 opportunity to make
'geed: the matter was left :0 h._ free
Golden Text. �
will rho(c•e.
Pride 'oeth before destruction and i
b'f r a f• ll,.1 Jeroboam, a brilliant, masterful
an haughty spirit o e
Prov. 1G:1S. lvoting main, who had risen to d.esety- if I've lungcll to he able 1, pat up
cd promi:lenct under Solonr,n, had fruit raised by my own Lund.'.
Why was the Kingdom of Sol0ntetl incurred the latter's displcasu'•e. and
after his death, divided and t4l)...[had tied to Egypt, L'pnn So1,nlnn's
Miss Ilurtnu was folly agreeable to
Iris arrangement. Iles• owe hobby
about thl pliu'& nti• 11 cherry tree that
004116'd the center of the garden. "It
bore for the firs 111ne last year.” a
neighbor: toll tee," slat said to Myra.
"There 5118 only 11 11111e fruit than. ilut
(1115 will be a 80.1.1 year for it. :111 111.
tin 36ss Borten sprayed the tact' and
watched the buds grow into Iittic. green
he returned and led a national g11118.1:111111 Atoned and Polished some
away from his family': P'xctu.-e death uta fruit ,jars and made great prepare -
Solomon had divided himself fromr,temand upon the new Iiing for a
the Lord. When we separate our-! lightening of the ;grievous yoke of
selves from God. He separates us service. and perhaps the heavy R taxa -
our blessings. God is our great- tion, of the reign just ended. l' -:•ho-
•t hi. .s's what He said to the • boast deliberated before malti'g
duns for the harvesting of her trens-
31 eil1lthne 3Iy11l lived in a sort of
elysium of delight. Her 1011). was mak-
ing things spiel;: awl Span 111111 keeping
father of believers He says to all who ; answer. And he took counsel with theta so. Shy nos tryitt g to su;lighten,
stretch and attach a1 roll of puuliry
fully trust him: "Fear not, Abram: 1 two Parties of advisers, the oid men
wire to pias one afternoon 111111111 5
am thy shield. and thy exceedingand the young. yuan mon of about hreuly-t"
great reward" t Gen. 15.1), Wh_•n; It 01)5 wholesome, Sc ipturel ad- clung, 111 51.111 rolling 11 11101 cm"
by sin w+, turn away from God, we 1 vie.' the old nt.'s gave tnr•ir King. 111111 .11111 1) small rtl,1IVlts bag, evirlc'ntiy
have turned away from our greatest: Perhaps they had seen the di=con- ''')111 0 1 11111g tolls. _
reward. 'What won,der, then, that teat of the people, had heard tho . ".lust".lustlot nae salve you time and
o". mutterings other possessions
and sensed the spirit of trouble. 7(1)11; lady," he spoke briskly.
p "'l nll've go too pretty Ililgel'.l' TO
Solomon's life was ma etificr11 110.11 revolt. Here was their reply:" if 81111191 and mush up with sloth rough
was magnificiant with the thou wilt be a servant unto this 1' 1) t1'ork, lisiu„ nails": OP', that w'on't
tragic, L
e1' upon his. It' pie this clay, mil will serve th'mn, tin! Ileus 1113111 yon need for tacking
blessings God lavi it d f
his deliberate :.bath and answer theut, and sneak gee/. 111111 huhling Hiro," 0011 he tool: ]'rum
was tragic in !wet. Is to them, then they will be thy his kit n box 11'11011111).8 u•shuperl
donment of God. brads,
:truant. forever:'
4f t' Its 1rrf:'rt choice' of w•::8 turnetln at5• 1 31yra 1(1;''11 has fate 11)11 111aulner—
to 1 - "A :ti ft answer
',1 'u1' 1 e' 8'1(5 11111 shales
1rhovtt would. ••t tut 1
moat t'heeer ti: that "'ai ]nest wrath ---that was me of th very
111150011811111.1, i1t(0111•'4os11'he
meant11the v • in 10;1'111 of (io,i, aottl :int (herr.)', 0t• w1se ''uy;ng'., written tit• • would ('eel 110111 if .she .1....1111. 41 his
Will of Go l a : +. 1111'1'', and 'io;l as e.mili1 tt 1)8 tile father of the young' 1u,1p, but sine said. "11'1• 111 ()tali; must
111:4 1(f kola ti n•ivar1, and after he 1ih11 , (1'ruv. 15:11. But could a of tial• o ilk ;11 111 1 Lr•r'', .mut8 Dna
lead 1111-11t tl'.0 Of tile _1 111 t hsu e" t8 1.. cunsuul. to 11 10)ne a setvane :' i 1)11 1 1; 1\ 1 Loren'( ;at umel 111u111v"
70 ILst,rv, 8' n:81 Cyst :till tis I„tthez, could a acne Wool 0urh-eat to ( 111. 1La) won't be wo:: "nr nae,” de-
)'. 11 ,,,,a,..„.
111 e, t::....'.. ..:, __an.,
. 11 fur ti (e o 1e a1 King without being t1 :.e1- ( elat•.•1 the ynn111, 111111. "1''„ gal 11 la.
1 lull a b
till lith': if
\-I_. :! (•,, I;•;,.t 1{1171 I (1e 1,4,111•,., Nn51 11a.a. y '11 Ink,, this
'fi :' 110117 kings whom th 1111
'1 ,• 81la?le' 1
, u, 111,'''
' e '111•. i l
t;- , nl- :i•lt:t L1.ti1 11,-.::1.1 and :`!,lo- , ' 11111 11111 1 11 1 1 11
I-_:l.evp,e have. loved .and honor. a h,n'e: , tlaih 'I'htn'8 it. 1•;ut,n'is: .}gra � •trio;;
mon ^Il'1 1)-1,1 , 1.. 11 1 ;t it: 1 : ;111 [ e rut -tants. to their' , •,) tit'
1 1 r, 1111' to 1111'1.11 a I'u rut "i' ILe tao'e
zine of lift. for H._ disc 1 } c
t.:,n1 • ....,p.'1'. a... work mist it ,•e11 don't 117:1111 drop
,. "lFi u;1', ';'r tvili be .a a- su•ound ,110.11 iu a white• ;:n'I glove you
lU, .ii'tP •, t ... tit.
rt .. . i,
suet , tr' t net .f t- L1 ti Liiu e,tab:ir}1, 1 thus eh': rut ,11.17(1: lip, :1 t of 1 1111e
'1":: ;u'v 11 1'1111): saucing her•• fora 11 4) or
1�t,•t. _ 1,,,,,,..„,,,,.;,
.1ja(t ., t r;. 1•t Him- Iwo. I k11o'1' something aLe1 gar11• l
, lu Id.• h.ui accepted a tor 1- t I'll
t41.1 II , i 1 .t... Soli... (1110•.
tin's a h;t Iglu, 1X11. •] t)17.'„'":::,:,1:.;.'-:„:‘i.:.:1.,.".1.t'1111111tH 1)111 81',• ,- 1"'
; ^ash, if }1111 \naiB1:" eX nuea ,llcrl
tin' 111. :1881 t, -1•1. -ever 5,111 b.: unci among y'et14 let 1)1111 1111,1 111 her ili,tell11 SIS way 1„W 411' 111.
f':I1 „,.,,,,i,,.,11.
„: f r'a, Ai:,l 1111 X11 ..-, h , t:.. h:vin llurtou` u'ricniluratl 1111.1 :Ileus, It led
'• iull<' -11'1"111 ll%ort ,1laltll,
- "' • -asst •1!1111, oLunl hiuls'L, lis 15 r; ti
ifre 'urvra) but
tv {1 iI
tt ''''''''.-`.1. (b1' a a1'11aot1• 111.+11. 20, os ,\reLlo Lu11, 1111)1 ;011.1^a ILit ho
'tom.- 1[�'.. iL1.. '15 IL t 11'lr-i
•` '., 1'011 porno i'rum tut '', r --In), 511u•t•e
,,,I.. •111 „ 'e' of :1 :,i or (0114 �-
1: r'.- 1uL;n. .. .,.' a mot ref tar he hood 1,11111 in charge ge ore 771';1111 eir-
8111t lC t :•:1.'' ''.'111-t 1.1,-,,,,,,1,_,,-,•, _ i Valor for a 3eallh; r, 1)1Ive, tine any
n"'' iii..1. 1 , a^ '1111 tit'.; v'' t', ,I
1, 1, 1.111 1'11:,1 sun, 11;11,17 71 1 reh•a \v31h Lis W'il'e. fu the elry;stn!'
' 1.- an -wet x: !,, oilier 1.11..1_11;01 sn•nrk her. All the n1;lu-
X331. 2I<.5.ICU( 177 Q'1dl' . alts1
117 'a .nut a '11.1•: " 3Iy fathu• nutde h2oa n( ull rese•nl,a I,ne In•nlulirv.
hot 1 1 1 'r i!„ t ne
, ,I „, e I -. , y, ,1':)u 1 1.111 ;hl,t t,, He It1)a 111111 Iht caul th • lel:hii :v.
mint ,t' I<'tu 1• t , was 1)1 (11ntiai
Yarlr"r n .0 r lt_I.1:,;:...,1 � ,d' his ilio, 'Clot 1,1 t 't
l!, 1.1 . 1 e , user • 11 a 1111
Iu : 1.'.” (I, 1111, i t a ... tilt(]]-, but 1 trill chatsti , ons 1Lrraltein'4 t [ 1 t,te f u t
"But I 't u:t le 1111111.
81! Ltr ion:•••
,, to
38811 t,''' w, 18 L1, " 'Pao, 8:tm 1111111 ' I„ I
1wi r rpt •.i i 1 , boort 1811
1.111 12.,;11'.1. 1.111:0':: with 118 11 ( P' -`-"ill, 1' ,roto'.) t^:
Gell 1181 furh;dd':n I'l-uu1 to 11135. r- '
,,, Ir!'<1 _. m 11111,,11 nut: "T,. , .•tr'
;cu tiok, nr .:. h t -1 - ` ' Ln ht.): 1un're511d visbe11 tent" her
1 �0^
of tl• '1 e1111 • 110, 'r. ne 1 i
I1' Uu i ha. put in h,. .tl..
I :.r .
..,., ... turn„ls st,:•y', e L"01,• a„r 1 s name
c"in•� ?- :'•.. .111..,0, v -ht t ' i1•. .!” (.. - _. ' n uruehin 1lrndtil e 1113 er 111,1
rtlat'r; 1.1111 11loy 17.'U1l'b' 1.,, •n.a ..
t.0 5.117'111 • ,11111 , al
1" ((111e o:,11
1(' d1t.• let•'i
7,71 •
upa!xt 11111 ..
place , er31(• l r.e? 11111111,
of M,:tb.ein the ?7(`.1 that
their King oral put dr ,be,en
Ictu2.)1.11 . . ' -. h"'r throne; while "thee, w:1-
Ue'': a.1%er uCi; ,Cn(.,rient :ant 1013011'•rl tilt house of
(uc5(Szb". %V- ('8111101 worshil 10'111 s'17.4.1 !s.,. !,- Crib: '11 .1!111811 o•I'
among several gods, Let us ', \ 1i,,l 5 1+..1'ni ''17' 101 )) 1,11 11
l'i'717'.ITIb,`a' 117:: 55.1 1188 1ni5Ll::,'!1'y 'tt' w'llil'!w'11,l 15111' reaped.
• told 1111,1 11110)018 mi—ions 11,.1111
not rend:min the heathen religious, FALL FAIR DATES
but should t:•nc•uur:,gc the lu'attll'ai to __
"keep what i•; best” in their ownBrussels
llglurl.' 1101 add 1 hl'istt.ulity to it. Attwood
A widely read missionary book thus Tat.fiel(1
looks hopefully roe the ('dna it 1)z- P,lyth
ing of Hinduism, believing that "His- 1)uneamnan ...... , .. . Oct. G--7
Sept. 20-21
Oct, 1
Sept, 21---27
Sept. 29-30
Sept 27-28
Oet. 1—'7
I have commanded them, 1 wi•il surely Ripley . „ So,t, 22--28
rend the Kingdoln from thee, and Stratford ..... ......Sent. 19--21
will give it to thy servant." Teeswater , . ...Oct 4---5
God in I 'is mercy did not do this Wingham . , , .... , , ...Selig 22-23
Sit Solomon's lifetime, but postponed Zurich ........ 11, .Sept 313-27
Oct, 0--7
Sept, 10•-•21
Sept 27-28
Sept. 27-•-28
duism will gradually ,•volre umd 11'1x(4.111
change into Christianity wl,thout 10;- Goderich
ing its good points." Solomon may Gerrie
have had that futile hope about the Listowel
religions of his Moabite. and Ammon- 'i,ucknow
ire wives under the influence of Mildmay
Jehovah -worship, God's answer was: Milverton
"I'orasntuch as . , thou has not It•.pIi Mitchell
hay covenant and My statutes, which Palmerston ......'
"It 55.11E en\101'1!7' 111 1'1111 1(811)3'," 10th
fesu•d Lnll, "1111 1 11 118 1 ir„l of Ilse
ne ulotounns .1011 11011,1-: c, .0 ('te sort
of made la; sell' s,'ree,"
Ito was 11 tireless worker, wen la-
cerated. a.reeold, tool aceohlodating
01111 he w:u L' 10)1113 1)118 fU'n4s. 11a
1.011 11"• heartiest illiPriwiiii1011 of 311,1s
111)80111 1)y p81118. np 0 s'•n ro,.rmv lu
allay ILe ('018115 111)1 111111•kldrdS
1142111 bel' Pre,•inun oht11'ri1v mot cur.
L) noodntt do. sear, crow 1,1111 had
10.ed "1111 old Cunt of 112 Value." be de-
clared, •'urn Inml to 'wear on 1lid
#11.....1 --P.,' 1151.11 it 11151,10 1110 ('1t11!-
1nr )'Nice." It 81115 cn11sp11'112t1s 111111 11111
its 011111: well. floe day It 1111111 umlor-
111 by ha ed 1,1111 came up 00 1110
"Young holy," he Spoke to :11y1111, "ex -
(else mo, het that coat of your scare-
crmv strikes mc' ns fun111hu', ll'ould
you tell me smeetl11ng of Its owner?"
and then, as Lull appeared, he extend-
ed 11114 111111(1 With heartiness meld the
words: "Lucky ive found you. There's
ai lei' to 101 yen."
What the attorney told Archie Lull
was that Ids relative, (lying, had left
him one o1' the heirs to 1 considerable
amount. iitiss Burton looked disap-
pointed and Myra sad at lasing the
eo'gnu1onshlp of their cheery, helpful
Mary Roberts Rinehart, wI.13 the
puhlie)''int' or `12,, nnr:l Lu:!'. 1•:, :_
t:'<7•". 3111 I:1n;.L'o,t ennt"! ,.,
year, l0 nutlr,r 1i", h1"' fit' -1 l i 'k,
••1•'i„ Circular 1•'air1t=•'
been puh1i:41,.1 .!,11 a, :,Lo,
l,c> .„ s!. 8,•11 21)111 (11 )i '11et} 1,',1111.
S he hos 1118)14 a fertile,: oil: 01 1;'..1'
wr1tl118s: -
6s History (lot.), at e'er;,
Just because rum r
11104- ,.. • :1 •41 .
"'MI .1' 1
:1' that ;1t''” In '
.thloit ,l to u .
'f food,
]'Toni 55.1: -'neo it
„ally ]ant•: •: , . .
▪ ing ;as,',1.1 111,•
t. lF•• F'n1 n
'en b ince our, ere.'`,''11 '•
:,; 11:11 a!i 1'+f ' 1 .
, 8)0:1:8""! inolial. ':1).11 1.•,:11:'. .
•: n .111
rem the ('er41n 5akhu is 1
'nrinnsly Ifkr the'rvld"rll "
To trace its • v.ntful 11.11'
Is from t'nlltl:i'y to coital,. 1111
tri ry nainen+. t. -•a e1 r'•:•.
con+'n•v, and m•l17 181')"l 1 ' rler e;
derring-do n•vlorue•'1 in tine old
11113'11 b{' Ill113'1:1! .1 t 1'11,', '(1• 81110'1•:'': 1
•. , 1'1(5 101.1'.-•a luxury "nr 11•.'1111
enentr ,
In the oir:hth 0,11 II 117 tn.'
hare,luv.•d 8011111 ram:; iota ;::tin,
,,111 tire renttrrl!later .sugar iva,
lutre111)10 11 Ln C ;free and St" lle.
Then it was that V"hitt, 18'l'l17ing
the source of wealth it could be-
come, centred all 11,-r ('nergles on 111
beeoming the ch 14,1 marker for •111't
w•n)derfnl prodtivt. So 81)51(8 tleca'110
ink ---a trade link.---herwee11 on-
ions that had previously been 11n-
15vart of etch other's existence, and
,1r•ewen Asia and Europe there grew
'011 fl"nrished a prosperous crummy -
Then cattle the Crusades, and gal-
lant wn.rl'iors r'lurned to their Pa -
land loud in Ih•• ]'raises of the
wonderful sweet."11n•• , Iet1'nt o; 111'
;inti 1?n^1 and s'llllht to 1,10atn
hr su^n6es to 1 t 11,rr,,': n nraeds.
10''-I5 la !'n• lit,.,•113111 •' 01117 a
1': .• •'iillViTt'„I n 1)01 •r':111110a 1,1
1,-11007 0 11r 'fa. 1-.h'•” 1,101 11,
!`' .• ., Idu;alfy 'ihr•• e.,tlt•I;i"81 i•e-
••11..1 th" 110 rot "l'( eh. t",' - exacted
!,it•• 111014
1 ,111.• r"tnld
:`r ill, :11111 11'- ,11111:11a111.2, .11' i:' 111-
) . , -1' ' .1'' ,:n. : •11:•1'• ,f
f• t: in el 1.. ..,1 i»d 1.41+t(raa
1) ,•• ,-ni '.1 '•11': to ?f1 -
"I., the i1,11,2•1)'1' ..11'•11 ."1.1
' ..,1 ,t for I t., ".1,111'1,•, 13)8118.13
in• 12, 11.1 " lin,11111 01111r. til' t,e
,, iris,• .i,?i„ 1,1111,11, 1 5111 11'11-
,1 14011Ie" a:+ 0 '111, 1 111ot17, t.
'-. 143x111', 81; • 1l'^t.1 ern
I'n.. rail• " .'115• of 1iI.'
')'; ,•,1t„ 12. 01•11111h11 and
••e'•' . n,' , .'tai • -.u,•"!' 11111115trp
er - 151„1 t,,
Thr .11.11 111 1 r;f • !':'t 10lled fn:•
t" T•v. 11 1111"1 111 oil ,:•t'I' 1
'l rly^Int7liv' far 111011)' 1', , : 1,111 ;t .,
411' 11' tL• 1,1 d •,11.1 t et' 1J�v'k
a from A:1'v! l I'., 1.011 i'
(11 11'1,1 of 11112ar ttittillet1111, 511'.1
(''1 111)13 1.111i,17 •. 5e 1'1••' 111111111 1111,1
of x1111/'kart nr 111• 1 11'- nr' Wnr-
N.sfer and tri, 11 111'1; tl I r, 11, hint.,
and 1 1 toir, ds or nnittt ^!I
prisoners wore 1l'1I15 put l' -a to 810
West Inrlies to It 3e thele place
among the nnpre:::' I.
Ermine tier ':• hteon! h cen+nry
(England, 'Prance ,10111,0'1, and venin
all +ereill'd for Ilio ('8811.11 of the
world's sugar supplies, whIir in the.
T'ni1ed states Its r111ivatirin wont on.
11(111'0, says the ve`rif'y' or 1110 Toro -
:ming 111 the Weekiy fast, Birming-
tSRHHDIN41 0Il (CIvon'1a`1 IN INTIT1I.
Authoritic++, !lave Dc.11(lta 1'onslilur-
:4bte 11one! on its 1) vel+lp inert
"'he 51111 11111usl.l'y of 1 110 1,1 r: 0118
full el (nt, rem, :old 111 111•'
141111'', !Write:, t•eeril! y','al':1, 11•,• oarttl-
1 11' ,; hen ' 118)1'•,(
14)1111' 111 1'11,1!'1' 11 lt,. 11' ', 2'1 'W.) IIs.
Lit sem, fli:•u'i, i,, 11 '',. 1 ,11
15, o :1 1"'1'1. 1)1 tale 011, ,!1 "1• i.: 11011..
hu'. 11 1111: 11,'I''''l 1111 '•'
,Vi", 11 A' 1121 '112'';" ! 11, 1• 11
1111 0110 1),' 11 1,4. i,1
In • j'a'i) 20 I„ ,L' .1.
11, .'„`•
;.n • 1.
11!11 '1 11 1'11' 1:.1' '. 1 ..
ria' '12(2);!);o. 1• 111 ..
' , ' 111,
., , a'n /'e , .1 411 11i•
1.1-r 011.1.1... II r.• ' ! I I r 1 1,•
' •
. 4 ' 111'1'' •n' Ii, 1,. e
111; Ihtsl';It i" .,. It:, and
''.• 11l 1)'',I l '(11,1'. '11 0111 "11111•.1
'r a ..'1,11(8 :,1 , 1, 111•
i 18 ',• 011:, ' ,111 11:1
Allot' "0, :1 • 111 the 1vork,
:ie l,l) P.• 1('1.1 6,1,• I.• .:'a •- I" say,
the :odor of tit, worm, etot a they
1)111'• )'''urh- 11 :'e• :I'd 1.11 o! which they
1.• g'r,-111 :11'1 2ppsrlII111 r 1(1
flpldil111 g. .''U' 0,81118 i -,r,-' rl'l1)1011,
use by one. and 1)188,•11 4111 a fill 1110.
:,1111 the WO11), altlach thefl10'Ives to
ane 1f th'• 10)'05. Then the spinning;
begins, and ,''•n the worm is env,: -
loped 1(1 1(2 ' ••nc2o11 spun by itself,
When the prucese is completed the
coe4141ns or, removed, and the work
of unwinding begins.
Pl(AiR131 l,'.1413M1•:RS.
Wheat Has Been Grown t'untirnlously
leer Eighty Fun's.
Judging from ell that has been
said about the 1101/t1e:15 plight of
agriculture in the Old Country, it
seems ridiculous that farmers sllonld
1'0118 here from other part, of the
world to pick un a few tips, says a
writer in Answers.
But they do. A party or South
African fanners rec(nile visited Bri-
tain, They vtsit'd 1 hanl'red, and
spent two days 11s the guests of the
Royal Agricultural Society at its an-
nual show at Newport.
Rothamsted showed our friends
frau overseas what we are doing in
the way of agricultural research. It
is probably- the most important ex-
pr'rime'ntal farm in existence; cer-
tainly so, if you take results as the
And the Agricultural Society's
show illustrated in str(lt?ng fashion
the supremacy to: liri11lin 1n the
breeding industry. No olio r roan -
try in the world can 1011011 as w11e1,0
horses, cattle, and sheep are con-
It is nolo eighty year's or so since
Itothantstetl was rounded as an agrt-
c•ulttu•al exn,'rimenhal station, but
even before that Its 1uuuder, John
Rennet Lawes, had Leen doing: re-
search work on the estate, Isis own
personal invest t/mions 11,' dis-
covery or super-pllr., 1Iha11•,), one of
the landmark In raeulla 111 (tory.
Many other experincut, 1111ve been
calrl•ivd out at Rnihi.ta,u'.1, .:one of
1110111 10111113 11111stil 1 t 1.11 1•, 811115.
On ons' (0,4r1 Wheat 1111). ......71 xrown
" 1• "' e y.i. buy 8(111'3,
1 1 �,
The Smith Africa , during Ih1'lr
four of England 110: sr"il:t:t(, saw•
11„11 British iatan •rs ar, t:cktint: all
sorts of sells and r"n,ll inns.
Is (1 01.:ne•e Hood?
Talk or, lain :eta 1 1,g dead! i,'ot
al. all, for weal at 12111, 11111 romance
could pot Imre than Urs milt; lentos
-lilue In h!•, Cato, l'y 1(1 tis' ;11,01 of
('11=1171, "1•at,,-s is ll' (ting;",
• It you have an 011 eepe ,.1 An-
d'tv (.:,i::'s ia(ry !ale, ?'"• nook
of ('S(1)1)s and ('1'hlc t-4,•' first pub-
lished in 1'10,4, look 111 up, and you
will lin'• I1 ,e,iea,rd t1', • Elizabeth
Angela Margaret 11„1'•s-l.yon,” If
y1,l) have 1015 cin yon will In-
stantly realize that ills w115 1111' lit-
tle Sentdislt 81r1 who Is now her
1.111'11'1 Iils;ha%iis the 1ha01 -45 of
llervostimr Glauber :':alt',
About 2,000 tolls (11 1111188')' salts
have been harveato:I 111011, 74,1111)'
share Lake, 0118111 - 4)111, ht the
,-name or the win 11,1. arc/ ' arty ••(rias,
NO ltut8hitivey or 1)1881 of a"v kind 15
111 Ile,. 111, 1111'. 1'lil 11(1`1., th.' warm wea-
ther the mineral bee:ones dissolved
from the rock beneath the lake and
ars the water tolnp'1:titer., falls below
30 degrees the AalttY:'"•0111' ti'ysf711-
l)sed 011 MO surface and collected
by melt w1111 teams.
A Strom, M3'.o.
One 101111 11e1'1111'.'-';1 11'11 111 1)1fi-of-
wat• alt Bath, (fl11(and. He was ono
of the expert blacksmiths competing
in the events, A100111 01110r feats
he performed were: Bending thick
iron bars across his .1118; twisting
rails a quarter of aro . inch think;
driving nails into wood with ills
fists. Thr, 17111 is 119 years old, and
is the youngest of (11.Velt children
Alis Job.
"What's the, matter, little boy?"
"Ma's gone and drowned ;all the
"Dear me! Thki.'s too had,"
"Yep, she—boo-hon—promised me
I could do it," ---The Detroit Free
The ordinary bluebottle lly troves
its wings about 330 tineas a second.
This great speed Is exceeded by the
bee, which vibrates 115 wings at near-
ly twice this rate, The wings of the
average butterfly move nine times a
Sir Janes Aikins, Plesi:lont of the second.
"But I'm coming hack," declared ' Canadian 13111 Association, epeaki'ng;
Archie, and he. (11d, It was to court at the annual convention at Toronto,
the 1ins0tn0 Myra and wl,h her later ' 1'eafi
settle 'down on Miss Burton's minim-
urged the profession to b0 tAnS'Cieus hta 0 0
titre fart) as the dearest spot on earth, _ of its capacity for public service.
is actually coal in the first
Sir George E. Foster, w•(18 r,•Irhfu L"d (11, 31011 birthday at Vat:vetiver
o11 Saturday when, 111 tears in.',11 111 11
1 The Car Owner's Scrap -Book
(11y the Left Hand Monkey Wrench)
SHIFTING :'EST starting motor when the e-rrine (s
'1'111• - test of a good driver is in ' 1•oc•k(ng back is another Catl. • of
shifting from high to low without emergency calls. Most 01'10115 1111)1ke
noise. The trick lies in speeding tip the m.'take of operating the start-
ing motor instead o fusing the iTimit
or being towed when the battery is
nearly discharged. The huge with-
drawal of current by the starting
motor reduces the battery voltage to
such an extent that the voltage at the:
ignition coil is insufficient to crc'tte
MAKES TIRES' TASK EASIER • a firing spark. The lower the elli-
Keeping the wings ruacuu' :.1g is ('18ne3' of the starting motor, the
a matter of economy as w 11 .,a coin- more numerous will be the enter -
fort. If the springs are rug i•y, un- g1ncy calls,
Lubricated and generally run down, -
it means that the tire.; are vatted VIBRATIONS OF RADIATOR
upon for overtime work to : o,npen- 111 many cars still in service, lite
sate for tI) 5 d.'fect. Spring: lack- radiator is mounted directly upon
ing in r.:.•lioncy force th., tires to 1h- the front frame cross member. In
sorb many more rood shocks 111101 this position it is subjected to the
511(15ses of road shock and is likely
to herniae loosened. This acem is
.for a great deal of the noise 'n nt,n-
nt' 01'' older cars, An e8'i•rtive te-
Oh, engine while the gears See shift-
ed to neutral, until the ear run, at
what the drivel' believe, would be 20
miles an hour, then throwing the
clutch and shifting to second :,t the
same time.
t Electrical equipment \Vl'11's hath needy is to cut an old inner'`',be into
mechanically and electrically. Me-
chanical went is limitednut:!)y. th •`trips to make a cushion uetwee.n tn,t
b,laringa, brushes and timer-dl''rlhtl- Lase or the radiator toll the fr n .
1. (111. should be taken to maket3.e
tors, and can he determined by or- „'' ' absolutely tight 'l:
111011117 merhauti811 methods, 1•71 •;- ,mar or -
mooring boIt,
1.1.111,11 to "1111111 the ndvant:t:.;es 111.0
tt'icnl wear, however: cur: Ldert.
eel only by th., art st nuns, tan• by the rubber cushion,
voltmeter, the ammeter, the i; h.,at•
T' '. < 1.ent oto 1s in traffic cans:. nut
!,,, r [t 1
, 'Te r •n •n ; ,
'1 111• 11'1.1 h "t t5 I•r I i
t I ,
heavy discharge tea set. tnsutdirse li
.1111'118211112)1 consumption in fuel,
lube'•: atinn usually 11ev'lops troOldo
Tl"v' 1 111clay,
Tams.. a i ,
al the road. The battery , 10,1?,
n8er theunit that 8)11111l) aaurse l car to skid, :tt times, at t}t;
teutiun, ye t (s frequently nt 1:•1.1 :I. ' !Last touch of the brakes.
When water is not added, til 11 0-8,4
sulphate aid them ih:•re are no I.: 111:' Try t" 11801(1 having the 1'..11' ,11
for the drive home, Corrosion is the lllghw-1 y while repair,. mien u;
(nr.'ntittr (l to form an insulating" (1.111 i tire fhnng0.4. 111'1' 1)1"(11)8 math,
1 to 'battery posts. '•! •''e'
of i t y po. .nod the I..n,.
will not start bora-Ise the, '1111 ut
A "erre ig" motorist
on Uel
cannot penetrate this film to resat h ! congested highways 1$ a n1en.tce, 1211,1
the 811111111" motor the ain':i ,n 'ite1'tIy responsible for motor
Broih Damage to all types of stcuz- accidents.
ing mechanisms is freettently the
owner's fault. An advanced spa.']: When cleaning the exterior o1 the
at starting' usually 10,1111:+ in d:uaag,, cu'riu, with 1111 oily rag, be sure to
(le t.11tr starting motor is suddenly r•,•.• wipe it elven tend dry, or the metal
vers:ed by reverse rotation of the parts will collect it great amount nut of
engine umtkshlft. Re-engaging the du.:t.
ril'�-`: r..,>ti. a u.,.,...sgta •®....m.e,�.,".'e,..� ":n„r"` euko .. masakeira ,,=�".�n,a;�.,�; d
There are a great many ways to do a job of
printing ; but quality printing is only done one
way—THE BEST. We do printing of all kinds,
and no matter; what your needs may be, from
name card to booklet, we do it the quality way.
P. $,—We also t10 it in a way to save you money,
The Post
Publishing House