The Brussels Post, 1927-9-14, Page 1VOL, 56 NO. 13 82.00 per annum in advance USS E S. ver R 1 O. JV1ixJj, y,SEP1 1E MI: 1.:R 927
The Surrounding District
I-IENFRYN and Mrs, Wm. and Nits, Pa4.
Tho unmet' 11,1rvest Thanit.giehlg 110011, (14,1111/11 M4 (411101.10, A w tl
services or 4L. lievet's Hem Sri.l Ir. Levee and 1,11911
fry II, (%4'I 4' 114.11 011 Smolay, Sept, , 1. and Mrs, \Visit field, and
11411, at 11 a. to. and 7 31 p. 111. nit. 010 (101011/01,4 j Chas, anti
ND, V 11 tnee al I 1 NI
Palo, {limes 4.. and vt gilt:111es. The
pterrelte, for the day %vas Bev. T, 44
Howe.. 41, A., of Ulteeley, ()i4(,, 10.14
ing his stow:dog it..xt 1 St:1n (1 13,
"6 the eveninew
g, ilehre 10 :23
tvet 4%011 attended co
both occasions (((((4lIll W0111 Plailely site
It was p,..110 d.,,4414,1,(1 ill, • •ki 1111( 1•
New Advert temente
To4v:, nlp or (1444
tt. if e e for 14•
I, .1.40.141400.
,(44t,t44.......• t:•. -r 1. I Tmli C1.1:1.,•14
Fly 1 14 .1„..t
11 • •• •• 1 .1" • •
(111104, 1'10,11 1."100,1
wr,t.v.-P; .--Ft -rev,/
1114Rno .1•/-1 .1. -14 1/ .t•r•I
1 Anniversary 9e1'v ices will he held irt
' rnited C1414404.. n• Sontlait
saps, 1/0 11, Se. at 11 in• mut
NOW that the vseation is (Wet', ev-
erybody is settling down to 1111 14.
Keeti.ial meeting of tie.. \V.
S., comprising Meiesivol 111, Bruesehe
Ethel end ell ti14i ook will he held on
\Vectirestlay, Sept. 21st, in U1'11.111/10111C.
Th0 11101011111R all:live, y of the
Ci man noir PreShyter fall (11111.11 Will
be held on Sunday, Dee 0111.
Ladies' Aid le p1(Illti1111: e, roWl SI11,1w12
and entertainment for ruesdny, Ont.
Under a will of utohet t Hawthorne,
or New k, which IVA.Sl In (Waled
(14.1 44, 4$.'4u -,lav, y Hetetloi ne,
I t' seeferth, mother of the (leCrtts,d
11MM :11,c1 1ittW111(.1111,, 01 1.1:0V
Y•trk WitillW were tis, only lots s
tro estate "not ex,. ',ding $135,9(10,"
it was 10111:104) 111.11., Cit Sat 111,Itty
eight. Nits Hew therm) died en .4034•4
(1st 17th. Eohett Ilawthorne was
1.110, of IWO *00. "i t,1:1-titew in , 13ELGRAVE
this dist. let, Only one week bet, 1..4 R44,00,0,100, ,40,4. zcio cod sale ra.
hs' cli-.'l. '11"1.1 11‘111 """1"111'111111.'"41 home made
ibaking to be he..ld,.um i -
with a I,((4(44I,((4(4I,((4(44 e.izen to make to:mute- 1 ,4114w
7 30 p , te• ()melees( it he Rev, A.
W. Theism.. of Hs tassels. Special rum -
lc by the choir. A cordial invitatioe
to all 10 11.11.011(1 111080 Bevy lves.
l ,011
VAtrso—Vc5A110.—A (inlet wed.
4(144 was solenieizr itit, QIK121•14, UR,
(1111.01, (111(1111, 1,N0111y, when
Al A11i0 Itlalatine, daughter f
.1(4(1(1'.' and Airs, McManus, 1,1 col.4444-44,' row n41111), been (»P the bride of
Vt. 51. Ntatson, of Myth. Therr.
monyIves ptm!ter. N li:d•
1,4444,', Till. hWes MIS of
((((1(44 leaf crepe, with hatto (1,441(41),mei she. este quer .1' 4)4.14.44(4re/sPFEtold maiden 1144(4' fern. Master
Billv eissett. nephew of the ide,
Keret] (1.' 111)g -bearer. After the wed -
dims tepee, (41(41(4)1 was set (‚4441 al
eres 1111Oi all() MrS. NV11
ert 111 e melee / /lie InMe (44444(4.
4444 11 RIM 1113111311 WM. lomillepmm-
11.4trever, . tedomat i e, ith moleskin ttriimniegs and
dose -fitting hot,
1""Isfh'I'" "P'1"11(91' 14,ksew.
110111 1111 (0.1 "1" 111'1144.14 11"1111.1/1OW basement of the Uited
1,Ah;,sdeli, utal-rthe atspiees of the
."('l 4!'.' Aid.
111"1/1,11' 1" "7111'"1 11 1'1111" "11' "( (; '1' Auniver eel y 1.011,4.0,4 Will he
"Cub. The istte !tam Mum. p4 ('10,10(1 Kisox Unit (1(1 Choi o»
1,,on 5101:11191), h. Pee)), sem-Inv, the . 2nd. Itev. Alt., Alp, 444'
hi. ...Weep.). iti the publie St. Helens, will have ('101-44(4 of the
4.chool e In the Seafert
("11'4i"U' 141'4'41e. WhP" Y'ung id 11 „. a„(1 i7 ip (0,
44,4 A Mu vest r» nkeevre,
sere). e
110 1,111.110Pd for "0 01. .41.100,,, 0.11i 10,4411,00,01
1(44 w101 ''"'""1""1111 IIP'11"1"111' die OvellkliM. The F1'et1Cliel. Will 14.,
lOfl'dir 444.-
aml later pIll clotsi-11 44(e \i""1"'I 14" IteV. J01111 N101 IR or old Sr 1'1l1tre
le mei, on , /el way, New Yoek w„„aet„ek. my. motet,. i,
whIeli he entidoett d etweessfully mi., a native el. 1!'' Inca and ((11441,,
(10(1111. His 10111.111fIS 1111( „Li lug of 41(44
red in
Ile will 1»ve 14 goer1 o1e4,444age for von,
The recu tat monthly meeting of the
Beigrare \V' /0.0'14 111,1i11110 UM be
14"111 WeileesileY efl el "mom mer'l •
11""i"P` 1. 2let at the bent.. GPye. l
P' • k 1"." "u a vi'a v`.1.11 "Id r`iyi 11'1' Pro;tler. A 'raper will 1r, given isv
('114414444.41 in th'' 11(4,4- me.; N. Made 0,1 "Perennial P10.0. -(•I'
1104 1111,1/110,14 aml looks ft. 1 r Wolk
131,111e1 14," 11 101 14 should peeve mi in.
agreed with hitie
'en eeliets etil)i et. Mitsited mettle,' e
Amulet toe Eig PICINFER 131 .'r Will 411S0 be el ek11 Ille lediee
tessere -Atwood loet one el' Ile elen- the nommunity 111P 0111'i4
l"4 11e41
11 i)l.Sti it 3. 111;11$il seeence
31.1, when Isabella Jam. A miss twig.,
w (low ((1 11144 late John Valiance, -re
p 'seed et., ay nt the age of 02 years WROXETER.
and 7111011111N. Despite her advance ('4
vaanee wee awe 40 he „e. 441-114, \ 1444(114 le on the eitee
"'"'11(41 Lhe 11"S,. (1(11 11 feW "Y8 (L P4414401.
[Anne Retake, Hugh Easter end Geo.
1440. The late Mrs. Valiance was bort(
Hewlett left for the West, last Wed-
'eyrone, Trebled, and came to this acy.
;rennin arid Mrs. Garrett have
cosset ry with her (0.114,44' and four sis- "'
((44441 ,41 the etre of 11 yettre. They set-
, moved to W. A. lentlievien Ws bonne
sled nem, tirld afteetvattle onsmain stree,
to teed to Weet lelainboroe where she 'File ('041(141„1 the elect ien line oil
(("000(1y44e4e ego. Moneley rens : Hislop 92 ; l3441414. 12 ;
met het late hueband, t It nt e de
Sputum 72
utharled and came to Elam township
Archie Gibson is enjoyieg a two
when it (4448 '941 1)0'11' "Wing 0” (4,44e weeks' vacation, pert or 44441(1,11) he is
12th C01111014S11011 Where they made a
spending in Tolman.
comfortable le me. About, 22 yeats 1
Alex. anti Mrs, Hamm, nr Dunn-
age elis. V'' 14,4(4444 went \ Vest whet e
vlle, were weekeend visitors at the
she lived with 114444daughters, Mts. R. i
Moore (now deceased) and Mrs, Mc- 1)0,11(4 of and 141". Pattel's°".
Iirtyre. The winters were too cold
and she returned to Atwood and litts
resided with her dttughter, Mre, Thos.
Inglis, since that time. Mrs, Vai-
1 ince wile a highly respected resident
and bad a host of friends who deeply
regret her demise. She had a won.
doris) memory and could tell stories
of the bible and quote verges from
Geneeie to Revelations, She had her
second sight and could read and sew
without glasses. Three sons and two
daughters servive. viz 4 Mrs. Thus,
Inglis, Atwood ; Mrs. D. McIntyre,
Okotoks, .Alta, • John and Charles
Valiance, Atwooil ; and Estates, Gland
Coulee, Sask. The funeral was held
from the home n(4 her sote•,
Thos, Inglis, no Friday afternoon,
Sept, 2ecl, at 1 30 o'clock, and intev-
went 99418 made in Blum Centre tom.
*steel. The funeral was largely at-
tended, it being one of the largest
ever held in Atwood. Rev. W. J.
West, pastor of the Presbyterian
church. ronducted the service, assist-
ed by Rev. 0-0, Kahle, 01 441)44 United Dr. Frank Neal, Mrs, Neal and their
Church. Pallbearers were Vallarree son, Allen, of Peterboro, are pees.
Grosert Ingle)). Walter Hol- 140(1visiting e doctor's parents, Wm.
flan, Lorne Vallance, Lloyd Valiance, and Mrs, Neal.
,,,e&Genrge Tuener. Manse beautiful Mr, and Mre, Allen, of Texas, were
floral tributes were received and were visiting 'belt cousin, John Bullard,
to follows :—Wreathe, Thos. and Mrs, of Winthrop, It is almost 50 years
Inglis Prq) fondly, John and Nile. Vol. since Mr. Allen left these mots.
lance rind Teabelle spways, tips, Ed. The Ladies' Guild of Si. Gent giv's
gar (Jerseyville), Geo. and Mrs. Church, Walton, held its regular
Greensidee, Rev. and Mrs. West, 8, montedy meeting at the home of Miss
Dvisceoll, Saab gravel voad, last
Robert Patterson, tvho had his leg
broken, a few weeks ego, 9911.8 taken
to the General Hospital, at Toronto,
hot Fridey, and underwent a painful
operation, on Saturday, sons to have
HENFRYN the leg properly adjusted.
The Vg Peoehese Society f
14th godly After Trinity—Sept llth Dtiff's Uotinnited- Olierch re -opened itos
'meetings, on Sunday evoning, for the
Fall season, The Presider t, Mre,
Gardinete peesided end had charge of
the topic, which tired t principally with
Mission work, A splendid report of
th Goderich Summer Sohnol 99199 44144-
(4444 by the two delegetes, Misses Ruby
Young and Gertrude Miller, who at-
Pa;5 1:1,43P.1,3g1
1 ditH
Sept. 18 8g, 19
1, .
is t
by Is
Drey, 14,y,
13‘qt Joitoti tot. of the ltitCoo.,
badly 0.4 t4 ol
kicc 110111 1. 111.1.p. 1iis 1%1.0
(Mit.badly "Ill 0•1 1, 01 it wsat,
first feared 111(41 skull v.ot (44(1.4.ited, no W4,11111 il-fi 10 OW /10911/11
1110101101, WI1010 all X lay WA.(0.1(4.11, 1101, it, roloot 44 the skull
n.1.nitg.-.1. Her'fat her, .911.
J0111,1011W1.1, il tie 1VPSI, nt aes.
(4441, (('4144 telegraphed to.
s. ('(4344444 414'41 41,1111 Hay-
den visitett over the week -end at
Fergus (1.111 114)0111.
elelville at d 114yden nod fam-
ily of Fee 441144, vi.ited .:ve: 110' 4011411,34
/11 1110 1111110 (i1' 4'11,1,0111 ami 14119 140.31.
den, 2n41 (./011„ (11., y. Mks Ma'am et
Hayden retur tied 14 )114 arel is tit
p4444444441444941 4(144 with ri Fel 141-
01, Guelph and , thee points.
51144s 11411141 N,'44,4041 14", Of Newatee,
N. J., 1,1 ,41011d11115 1101. V110010111 114111
144)114 (('1444 Mal :111111/0 and
811111e 41414 SI.) throats entered Bet
Clavter's reeler sometime 44 the fam-
ily's Issetsee 01. 9911011 1110y
11,31Upp helped themselves to 41,
crt.e of beer, whielt was in the house
for sickne.s. Nosv, 4. there anyone
who would like the thoughts of sem),
nne omming ir house iloins and
1/01(1y %N'4i ttg in, taking what they
wanted 444 104cent. rolthet4s didn't
touch tosyr [ling else, 14' they had
asked rot it they (sda wlittogly
loose had it, es the family had
no use fov it mitess as a
good no 11111 west). W'lien the settle
kind of 11,4444 1.' (Om tied 01 settled for.
this 1441111411 be send( 41, And, ph say
vote fol 1 gum. and (1111(11 ill! tor
yout g•-od dogs, ir 4, boric at night.
• thither up nil your (rid helms lyilig
SiX011 /Ill al4t1 SaWe plou. 71r. AlttNab a
I rip ill 614(1.144 time,
Sunday services alt1 sere. ant
7 p. in. conducted by
Rev. E. W. Hart,
Speelal Music by :he Choir
• •
Monday Ev'.1., Sept. 19
:-t. • L: • .
.1, .tari T.,:..4t,
Admission 50 and 25 cents
Ernest E Campbell visitsti son.
4,0slie, 10 Tos (((41 0, hist week, and
((4,111 in 010 I OD,
The scale, 1, the renege of Ethel
have been re-mtill, under gore( 1, Immt.
inspection at d 411.1. now available to
nue bed!, (0! weholor,
Addison nodVtlY01` 11.1111001101,
the pegngentent or their daughter,
Merriam .\h'N- ugh ton Lowe, to 14.1,441(4
, Harold Sholdiee, son et Ad; w and
,2,h, Slo Mice, of Walton, the mere
Liege to take place quietly in Sept-
Last: Saturday evening, Hervey
, Hunt er, of the 1114 Cote, and a well.
knewn carom er, took LL WWII( 811e41
in \V. el. doorway, Brussel.',
and it was stone time before lie reviv-
ed, lie is now feeling better, we ttre
glad to say.
ENG.\ (414:1Iv.x,r.—Jelin and Nits, How.
au], of Grey, 1(1(1441( ((644 the ('(444(14444'
11)44(14; of their eldest daughter,
Maiquet Katheleen, to lettin, Stanley
Stuart, ('1(1(451 80» of Alex. and 1414 (4.
Stunt 1, nf altinkton, the (04(11 4(44(4
11.0 Wire Mare quietly in Septembev.
DROWNRD 8 RATTLE —A despatch
to the daily papers from Seattle, last
Thursday, trays : "'While bathing, off
A k Point, 144488 Msrgaref
aged 45 yeare, of Senforth, One, who
had been visiting her Mother, 304114
004'1E1, was accidently drowned.
Miss Cuthill could not swine The
body wee ecovered, Oity hospital
internee and a tire department squad
wagon evew sought. vainly to ('88(11(61-
1,1144 the WORlall. Ilo particulars of
4441e 81441 accident have yet been receiv-
ed by relatives here, to whom the
isews of her death collies with a great
shock. Toe late Miss °titbit! was a
C. of Mess's. A. A. and John Out.
hill, of McKillop, and Mrs. J. Patter-
son, of Settforth. She had been a
resident of Seaforth for some 14
yeats, and since the death of her
mother, two years ago, had travelled
considerably, In June last, she left
for Seattle to visit her only brothel.,
at whose home she bud spent the
Summer." Mies Cuthill resided North
of Brussels for some years. The body
is being brought home for burial and
interment will he made lb Brussels
oetnetery toward the end of the week,
1144s PI peoted,
MATRIMONIAL —A quiet, brat pretty
wedding took piece at St. John's
Citureh, Brussels. on Wednesday,
Sept. 7th, when Mary Edit h, second
daughter of Joseph and Mrs, Jecklin,
was unit ed in met riage to Melvin
Rnbert Shiels, of Detroit. The nine
simony was performed by 11.'v. P. L.
Lewin, The bride was Attired In a
White eilk flat crepe dvese with white
bridal veil Minuted with nrarme 14108.
noun and caeried a bnquet of enrm
Menne, roses and maiden hair fern.
The wedding mereb 9908 played by
Mlss Masten. MISS Laura Jack I in, 4418-
44,4)44 4' the bride, as bridestnnid and
Andrew Jacklin tined as groomeman.
The groorn's gift to the bride was a
purse, to the bridesmaid etving of
pearls end to the groomeman elite'
The bride's Beetled dress was
rosewood silk flat crepe, anti she wore
pastel parchment steppers with stook..
ergs 40 (11(1(01), in 44140 844441(11)44, ti, re.
cephon 99(144 118441, when many iteefill
and valwao gifts vs ere received, The
evenieg. WAR spent in dittoing, wiener;
and 500451 chat. The happy conple
181( 104' their home In Detvolt, on Mon-
day, Sept, 12th,
Teobt. end Miss Anderson h ve pur-
chased a hoe in Btussels, where
they will 6004444short13;:.
Mrs. P, V. Dickson is not 10009.81'-
4(444 14 one her ilinees as rapidly
as her friends would like to see.
Some of the recent vieitore to Tor-
onto were : Edward Gilman, Ge erne
Paulin, Kenneth Edgar, Seed and
MPS. Kitchen.
Harvest Horne services were held in
the Anglican Church, on Sunday 89.'
444111144, when 11 944448 very 41(4 111441131 dee,
crated with fruit and flowers. Rev,
Mr. Mills, of Goderich, was the
Rev, R. R. Pionock, agent of the
13ible Society, gave a very fine atr•
dress in the United Church, on Sun-
day morning. M. Pinnock labored
for 35 years to missionary on the
Wet eoast of Africa. Rev. Mr.
Chandler, of Fordwieh, preaehed in
the evening.
Bt. Davids Church
2 p.m.—S. S. and Bible Class
S. p.m.—Evening Prayer Service,
Rev. 1ViatNice Wham,
'LO1,1 •
P ;11111111.1 4.90..14(44 and auttivers-
1 ary services id.'Clintkfl Presbyterian
! Churelt lo -1d in. Stolay, when
' E. Lloyd Mori est-, 1"11. 0., of
Knox (lollege, '1',(01110. WaS I14er.(1.0re•
4 (444 prt.ttelier, Evening 441'4V,414( ill the
1..1xe1e1- :5(141 Hensall Pt esbyterian
OM:Aviv s net 14I 1110 01011011 A ngli•
; mut H ,ttd. (' Lot clo, 944et 1. wit h-
i dr1(4444.4 1'01. the rt hitt. filled
the Hunch 0, rapseity, it bring hec-
. 1,14Iy phtee Omit.. 44 '44444-31 vacant
spot. The 'tumuli, Wili(11111/114 1(01(014•
ly (well 1010.1'4110d, 1111.1 beam' folly
(leveret Kt wit 11 fere, heti tlewere,
r. Molitor", who was assisted by
Rev. 11. (2. Al. Detittitl, (;oderiell, '1111.1
Rev, .11r, McFarlane, Clinton, me:wil-
ed powerful, inspuettienel se, m
Ant !MUIR {Vete tendered by the ehoir
at both set vices, while solos and duets
were sung Isy 5114 Easson, 44-f stems
ford ; Mrs. of (4,,14,'l 14.1),
ntid :1.14ss 1110.1'y rticitlurchie, of town.
The anniverssry 44'' 11 g amounted
to (Mc., u t $0110,00.
Roe's nonivr•rsery services will be
held on Sundae, Sept. 25114.
Miss Ruby Cienver her holi-
days 14 11411(410 (00.1 Hamilton,
Miss Rhea NieLelland left last week
for Ine.,e11.01, 1.M11. 1 Ili
o untity Franklin and I/4.1.10 Gill
a4144 at tending ussels High 441».' '1.
Mrs. le, A. 'McAlester ie spending a
a few (Flys .11 her 11110144 10 Walket ter,
Mrs, limidie spent a vsontino
'omtit() and attended the Exhiteiton.
The Mission Hand of 1 he United
Church will meet on Saturday after..
noon at 3 p. m
Dr. Ie. A. and Mrs, McMaster and
Joan motored to Toronto to attend
the lex h bi time
School WAR 1 e-opPlied, last. week,
with kses Elizabeth Fear and Ella
Fraser it. charge.
David Sand S s Horsing snre
foot and hie son, Jack, is suffering
rrnm a broken
Remember the social st the hrzne of
.1as, and Mrs. Bremner, on Friday
even 4444 of this week.
'The village scalers have been re-
built rimier government inspection
and are now ready for use.
Harold and Mts. Love and family
returned home, last Fridny, after
spending a few weeks in Afuskoke„
Quite a few from Ethel attended
the opening 8ee04e440 of Molestvorth
United Church, on Sunday and Mon-
d nee last.
Rev. D end Mee, Gueet end Jimmy
returned home, last Friday, after a
three weeks' vacation in Chatham and
Plans are being 'mule for Ole an.
ntral goose supper. on Thanksgiving
night, at the United °bereft, Keep
diet date open.
George Addy has had his Ford mint-
ing oar completely repaired after his
accident a few weeks ago, when he
had the top taken off.
P. 14. Onrrie is in charge of the
choir of the Union United Church for
the anniversary eerviees, on Sunday
next, Special unueic will he provided
for both mortiing and evening 58144144'
Rev. E. W, Hart, of Trowbridge,
will preach at the Union United
014,11 511, at '11 a. to. and 780 p.
There will he a hot 'upper, Mon•
day evening, Sept. 19th,
The Peesbyterian Ohurch has been
bricked and ehingled. Servicee are
being held in Dimhar's Hall and are
very W44 attended. Preachims eervie..
fie next Stutday at 280 and 7.80p.
llvet'ybody welcome,
.A. timber of the ladies of the Worn.
eo's Inetitute are preparing (4, play,
which veil1 he presented in the
ehip on the evening of Septem-
ber 30th. Watch eat for particelars
later and remember the date,
The regnlar meeting of the Wom-
en's Trotititte 4444)44 4144 held On Thi,s.
clay riftetmonn nf thie week' at 2130, in
the institute room, %he subjeet 011
))1e14'de" will be fakett'hy Mise Meter),
nan. The Roll ()all will be nnswered
by repeating a verse nbnet. either
birds or flowers. A display of
bogus(.' (l'0441t,11,' home garden el-
se be on the penitents). Every none,
her requeett el to he pveseet and
bring a triend,i
North flue
RN- y
R A' , 1rotriet; r
n Pulling k. Miss Mary 1, Brod ',. NEW eeEMISFP..
leetiewieg 111'1' (LW te,0141.i by .,,,,. •
Meriday :
eiree he, it, Nit, I ll /1111-011, 1101t1 (.1, I 1 Wi11 10.' at
. di skim, et' t he polling ill ill(' lly' 1';
801. I 't MiSS Hingston's
7,711. 1 AS1.114.211:14.1.1 oi 4,1
114144ir: llis• Sis,,,.. l
et lop ton 4.., ERUSSELS,
Millinery Store
INNN-,:i..:.1 till :1:21
61 ::.1
1 ,4
V Every Friday
, •
69 ? TO 5 .
No 5 :SI 4i JM
,l, ! .,
_., Water Wave
316 1148 311 ' t
1 . I
12 ? arcel and
pl ,? ,... ,
:3i) 160 1:11
11 Church Notes I
30 212 107
N.., 1
No, v
St. John's Church
No 1 31 0,1
SI...1,Am's elm++ will /old tee:S-
ee, 2
o. 4
Nee 3 73
22 05
5 41 45
17 sweial Harvest llotne aritevereel v
52 62
set 4.14 Sunday, 0441,4:14,41 16
N 111,
whiert will he fhllnwed by a hot rovii
No 1
Ne 2
No. 3
94()14(4'L', on 51.rtinyevenii.4
4. Fur titer
1111 t1:411 1S7 pAltt s ill 10. given fate).
17(1 Melville Church •
17" LI 111)1 T• 3. thertialsse. 311II, ,ift.t- :I
h 1
o ),' 51. S. ..f Chin
111 222 134i noon ... last nee*, 14 ,4e14 F.Mm, I : ' •
Advance P01121 1'171
:Co. 6
71 1171
12 2:14 ,
.,11.41:4:441111. :1::
No. 1 37 65 24
No. " 42 22 21
N., ;10
No. 4 5:1 82
Nr 55 (12 32
No, 0 211 114 41
No, 7 07 94
313 488 270
No. 1 71 41 437
No. 2 131 55 344
No 3 ss 1412
No. 4 ltil 42 131
No 5 72 tin 017
No. 0 70 17
810 320 4330
No, 1 34 68 31
No 52 33 01
No 3 51 50 52
No. 4 71 70 tri
No. 5 48 37
No. 0 71 70 05
327 328 1'31
No. 1 4S 7:3 184
0. 74 80 ill
No. 3 - 28 439
No. 4 WO 31 42
:2813 212 21.04
No. 1 44 4(4 21
No. 2 444 24) 79
No. 3 72 25 ,34
No, 4 58 30 37
No, 5 46 27 49
801 151 210
Nn. 1 23 432 80
No. 9 32 48 74
44013 21 21 41(1
No, 4 88 15 17
No, 5 70 42 31
No. 6 45 39 15
279 217 273
No, 1 46 46 144
No. 2 20 88 133
No. 3 10 SS 142
No. 4 15 105 173
No. 5 6 38 90
67 360 682
No. 1 12 93 72
Ashfield 316 348 841
Blyth 20 160 194
Britssels ... 30 242 167
Oolboree 110 231 184
Goderiah 71 1171 931
Grey '311 488 270
Rowick 800 8213 550
Morrie '327 828 881
Turnhevry 286 212 296
E. Wawanosh 304 154 240
W. Wawanosh279 217 273
Wingham ... . 67 860 682
Wroxeter 12 93 72
Greed totale 2785 4333 4581
Spotton's plurality over Histop 398.
Spotton's pinrality over, Bricker
Postmaster W. W, Hicks, of Mit-
chell, passed away, reeently, in hie
82nd year. He 99(18 11 native of
obeli, his father having 101/11011 tfl that
section in 1887. He was postmaster
for 54 3144(1( 5,
On Teledneeday morning of last
week, Ienatine leerier, reeve) of the
Towilehip of Ellice, died suddenly aft.
ev redly a few houre when stricken
with en t4414411.0k Of dieenac, at the
family residenee. He 9941( 46 years of
nge. The late Mr. Demo was born
in St. elements, Cent 'rw44nly'4wo
318(11,4 44440, he went to Roatock and
there established the butd11V891, wide!)
he inta sueceeefelly carried on sleet> t
that; time. He wee a member of the ,
Kinkova Catholic Chilreit.
"E';,111,3:i011 1(1/t1 Wkl, 1..4'.
14. 41, l. I111.1V:iii
0100.411, 14,1 LIMAIII 1,44,4(14414,
le14 Izeinz vet 10, 'lb.. few
of the 1..1,1 is the begioning
0,144i /IA .1 the kn,wledge t19e
414 linder,tatitling, P(A%
411'4.44444' (vs- tile tr99tor's •ot, 111
44 1'('I'1144) •0•144i440, 4.-xt 1444444
1,..14h 11 : 14, "Aral he 4judge
aftei eVfq,, ((44411(4,4114.
‘..ftel tin. h,.-‘4 ing .1,t i,r ...41
44.4,' atit (.1.14, Miss .1, -al,
':51.04.- with
?14, 11.11),, And v
smog, el soul seem -I 1', (4(44te
'Nese. • be met. '1'140 44
411110 4 f 111,, ,..',•tp•tter will be
4144l0'11 (.444 4-14, 14,1111, al the t(1.'6
v will 4s.
,nolo,ted ,.t,4141, aftertnon at fl
1, k.
United Church
Personal Paragraphs 1
Inoffl, e after h. t 1,, •
...:. .44 post..
14„1,44'41.,, 1, .wiy 4,, 1 Lyndon, !hie
1 v,eek, 4114,1 CM:.
• Mi -'s'1'''' -,'o1 N144
1 receet vieit ((4 1110 1 .11 H411 /14 4.1..114,..
1.7 7) 7)
/1. .1. 170fil 11, LMO,,t).
spent Die ..''•'k., • d 114 the p,44'e1(41161
ot NA) , visit-
*, 4.*
14. Ctruningimin,
X..114 .114.4411, Rev. A. V. Walden.
g,f the Wlipit
(5.4444,4 Chord], morning Will
114,1(14', 14 11, 3 Voy 4(1.99'.
.1444 14(01 pt..ti I1(ee111,g
',vas hell let he iiit,ctIlettt.
11 was lip, •/1111(1 tl meeting sod
it chare f 711(44401.-.', ks,iciate
lIelpet, Sect eta( y, The met 4ing (T.
ened 1434 sioghig sod prtiset, lett
Mrs John E Shnith. Th,
le—on wit-. read by Mrs. 441411 14441. Mts.
1; S.:s141im/1 ,t401 Airs, Meiinft 1, lead
9444101414 44 In the II 1,111e Help.
els' work. Miss Downing made It
very urgent appeal rm. the help ..f the
44441144131 and especially to the tomes
wheve Gee cs 9444414' children, to help
along the most important, work of the
Nlission 110.41. Mrs, O. 1-1. Walker
gay,. a nowt 11(8441(1(144 ,11(13 111,1
Impel. from the ('4 •»1y book, '"rite
ClItist of tire Indian Iimati," Approp•
Hate solos were qung by Misa J
&radian and air.. Detonate A.
feat e 0( 14,,' meet tea was the report
(41 ,1 nu tuber ('1 (1(44444 menthe] 9, sh
ing the thriving condition of the
Society. The meeting Wile eleSed by
singing and prayer, led by Mrs. Proct-
or, after which a pleasant secial
hoer was spent.
Leet Sabbath morning, Rev. A. W.
Backer took as the subject of his d is.
course, "The Greatest Song in the
World," foonding his remarks oe the
muds found in Rev. 1 t (3, 6, "Utito
Him that loved us and washed us
from our 81115 in His own blood, and
hash made ns kings and priests unto
God 110 father ; 1.11 Hint be. glory and
dominion for ever and ever. Amen."
34148148 15 a strong relationship between
patriotism and music, between 1110510
and morals and between music and
anq peat National movements Muse
lc Mrs elways held 41 peat place in
any social reform, Music is closely
allied with sacrifice and with the
doctrines of the Chrietian 41)414 (41).
Four. greet thoughts are exit/ 8 -Sed in
sthe phrase, "the greatest song in the
world." (I) The Personality of Jes-
uq. Ile is a divine personality, living
NI the Spiret to -day tte tents) as he liv-
ed in 11144 644,411, and by faith, (le be.
0004448 14 reality to us, If Jesue were
only a human Christ, He ceeld not
meet, the requirements of the SOUL
(2) The Me/1.8111,01e044 hove. All that
is 990e1.11 while in life has love at its
core. (8) Spites of Condeseens
510n. ,feens condescended to come
froin heaver) to earth to make it pos.
sible for no to go from earth to 1)44044 -
en, (4) Illetchless Service. jesto
said, ''4 (1(0 Among 3' 00 as one that
serveth," trill do four things tot
evevyone who will place themselves
in the right rein time.111p. 11) 14r
frees ate ..17n to HIM thnl W 11 e 414
from our 51119 in His 0449.11 bloml.“
(2) He exalts to. He 1411444148 (19 king
and kiitge mite hither. (81 He
adopte us. "Now are we the eons of
Gnd." (4) 13e nnifles es, He unites
the poor and -.1444 511411, the colored rate
4144 41011 the Witte, He smooths mit all
diltereneee of ripinion, We are all
01)44 114 Chi fete Religion le art individ.
ital ()neve('4). 0144 (45 music 1,4 made np
of di/fret mit parts, so We most, ntl unite
o make the minim of this greeteet
ung in (44,4 9940141,, 4444) 1444444. The only
Way we can make this tong count
Ken. Whi' more, WM.
lit•lrilltg TtiN ros'r, for at few
days last k.
Mid 444441 1'/.1I and Attn-
iiy, r,, speto Sunday with
144 onk ;Ala
Alb.'1 11(414 and
01 were 0.i,,,419y visitors.
it I,
R. J. and Mrs, Me.1.,1,1111111,1 tool Miss
1114414 161.' ViSitm, 41. I,011i14.11
Illis Woek, 144441 41441(44441 having
a game of golf.
1414.9, (1 ('111444' Lou. z y and her ;dem
• 4.1.
511 44, 15111.11 ed. Si ewe:4, have let mated
from an enjoyable week at Brantford
and Seafin h. At 13, 40,? 101 11, they
441844413 Mrs. er, Mrs, j, 111.
1 1,04444.
Hon. W. D. Euler. Minister of
National Revenues, 81,61 his partner,
Fred. Motz, of Itirehener. gave 1'HE
?oar a call. 011 Thor salty litst. The
gentlemen have the (11'(' 11(41111144 inter-
ests of the Dar1v of that city.
A, M Koy, 0)' Stratford, and Mrs.
vv. H, Kerr left on Sunday everting
for Winnipeg, owing to the seriotte
illnese of their father, 3. a. Greet.
Mr. Gra»t, formerly peitniaster
Brussels, lute not been well for some
Gerge McLanehlin, of Winnipeg,
4. • • 0
sales manager of the Marshall -Well%
Hardware Co., spent the week•end
with his elates., Mrs, R. Thomeon, 11.11(1
his brother, R. J. McLauchlin, Mrs
McLauchllti came 11114844 011 a busineee
trip and took run up to see the otic
town, 0 18 801110 years since he bac
been here,
Is by singing every day in our lives,
"Forenoon, Afternoon, Night." la
e evening. the subject was
14499, 11)8 the Middle Man," John 1: 41,
"He first endeth his own brother.
Simon, and eaith mart hint, "We have
found the Messias, which is, being Va.
terpreted, the Christ." Three emu
ale here pictured. (1) The Obristr,
the Saviour of the world, (2), eendrew,
holing the hand of the Masters (3),
Simon, the man in the dark. 13o.
(ween 11)44 01(10 in the dark and the
Saviour, eteride Andrew, uniting the
two. Andrew is a man of receptive
'mind, possessed with a spirit of sere
Mermen, 01111114414 clementine, tremble -
Minded, but broacbmieeed, willin44 to
teke second piece, Andrew brought,
Peter to Christ, Peter became (1
penminerit 11117014418 141441 Andrew wets
that his brother eliould have
the higher place. Andrew wart the
first pereonat worker. for the kingdom.
of Gnd. 3444 00434 have had (tidy one
talent, butdie need that nee. Whet
we treed 71.178 workers who 11/711
willing to use whatever talents they
have, whether they be rev 0/. matty,
Andrew searched for the mom in the
(dark and found him, told him lite
994)0(1 118998 and bronght 1111114.n Cinders
Ancivew realized the value of hie
brother'e soul. 1-1P fel+ his brother**
great need and he etnew where that
need cnold be met, 10 he brooght hitt
10 388418, May we nil be like Ands