The Brussels Post, 1927-8-24, Page 1VOL, 56 NO, II jeer annum in advance USSELS. ONTARIO. iVEU4V1:.51)4 Y. .1l:'!r' USM' 24 I927 Il"/ 1.1 'dS, 4 ..,0 eetings In the Interests of the 'UNITED .g''.1Rl1Erni' 0(1.1XI)1IA'1'1'. SHEL )ON BRICK -ER Will be held as follows : Monday, Aug. 29 -Blake's Church Hall (Ashfield) Tuesday, Aug. 30 ---At Cranbrook Wednesday, Aug. 31 --At Belgrave Thursday, Sept. 1 -At Glenannan Friday, Sept. 2 -St. IIelens (West Wawanosh and No. 11 School, East Wawanosh Saturday, Sept. 3 -At Auburn and Blyth Meetings will commence at 8.30 p. m. and will be addressed by the Candidate, Miss Agnes McPhail, M. P., and S. R. Oliver, M. P. P. Afternoon Meetings for Ladies to be addressed by Miss McPhail, will be held Monday, Aug. 29 -At Dungannon Tuesday, Aug. 30-S. S. No. 12, West Wawanosh Wednesday, Aug. 3u-Lohalsh Friday, Sept. 2 -At Fordwich These meetings will commence at 2.30 Cordial Invitation is extended to Everybody GOD SAVE THE KING ! New Advertreeatea(s li7718k8 -.1 R W n I1 )Cara ro71111 Pat Ira HIM PEW sSl( i A. *71 Jlr•I Hound lor ).refs) RO011S. Tel'1 el' lune Pies forst-de-tem tl Ill GPC I, ycle for 2.I 719 blur tt hand for a, 1. rl. Wluatlx,v (.o'1 for ole --W, le sill, too Vutet,' [.,.t- 'rawn•Ito of M,•rrio ('8)' or v7( R,i, 1,•1.011& '. ifeer Hnoer tor ',ale- Hnr'•i r Hnntxr Notelet 2..,1 I R 7, .. Io A UPtiva sat.--un+n nu», p,,. ,.77 'Phos, S,(irlereon and fetidly, of De. krait, were weelt•end vi-itncs wit It the enter'. parents, 11. I). told lir John 77)7,1 Mrs. 1[upfet' anti (laugh- ter, {Visa;Marvel rt, of the 177) 1) 11 Son, and W. J. noel MIN Greet, of . Pontine, Mit 11., ate guests of the putter'( l»'tthei , Gen. Pad),(, JAMESTOWN Farmers ars busy (1uishing up the heroes. r. bliss Mallory Fulton, lln:)ci, f, spent the week -end with .111.s Elva H ute:ay. Miss Luella Cowan, of Lohalsh, spent the t'r'ek end with 'Mise Varna JOhn7t(n and Niles Elva Railway. fiulld(ty night, 11 car nrefdent no. ',tiered at the bridge, and alight have been a Int worse. A env feein Strut. - ford rnro{ng frrm the North was in the tnix'np Will. Kemps Oar e'uoe otf best, having stopped when he saw the cru' enmins, 7101011 the 10(7(1. MONCRIEFF Lest. Sunday, William and 't1,•s Mann. of Mnrnktoo end it'll., and 14l1', 51r0reigllt and 11Th', H11nBertha of S: 7 fryn, mount's) to tit. Marys and called nn several old I'rieeds of (11.. The Surrounding District = . tis$744; +4.4... ;•• ::.t•;i4 i :+•:: 4 :4-. :. 4+" .•i is Moll 14.1 44-4.4 •4.44 i-4 :«42. g. WROXETER Miss Eileen 01' 1)0031770 [s ft 4181101• in Tn1 ont0, this week. limey and Jatnes Allan and I1,7119 Ball epeol: last week 10 Muskoka. J01111 M('Nallghtnl, London, is visit - it gold friends in this y. ,Miss Kate Hazel wend is holidaying ++ich relatives at Toronto and (rink. by. Athol Stuart, of Tnt onto, Was the guest of his uncles, U. D. and A, J. Sen(1et son, last week. Mts. SV, H Bevirgtnn and /laugh. ter, Miss Eleanor, and J. and iMrs.Ale- Intvt•e left on Monday, on their re- turn 1(1 Cleveland. JON. Fleming, Tnrolto, who is re. nnpertt1ing front a serf(7s (11(11107), '7787 the guest of his sister, Mrs. Thos. Blown. lost week. Mrs. 1I. McLennan returned to her home in Toren( this week, Alex. Biggins tine' frutily are hol- illaying w711) relativ8') in (Guelph. Jno. Rae and sore, hardy, were re. cent v iaitors with the farmer's father, D. Al. Rae. bliss Elean0t' Selnderson, of Tot•on- tn, is holidaying With her aunt, Mts. Alex. 117717,1111711111'. Howick. Jno, and Mrs. Hartley and dangh- ter, Pauline, returned to their home at Vanleek Hill, this week. Rev. A. D. Armstrong Occupied his pulpit in the United Church, on Sun- day, (if1et' n month's vacation. D. Al end Mrs. Weikel', of Nf77377t•77 Palls, who recently returned frrm year's visit in England and Scotland, ale vie' ting the latter's mother, Alas, Jno. Gib -on, sr. u- 4� Il aria .1� 1 er' 'v r'r'S; .r 1111474 k e itt_ 1g h•§ tlr,J, a - „' ay `t y) e,t�� ,g, .11k',t a,,1;6iwili v��N,;�t� tk,•l; d ,.aeAA* R`la�f&' !tsa�., .. P4�l�linr}'' In order to make room for our Fall Merchandise ' which is beginning to come in, we offer Big Reductions on all lines to clear. All Ginghams and Cham- brays, wide width, regular 3oc and 35c for 24c English Broadcloth, all shades, regular 85c, to clear at . 65c Silk Broadcloth, regular 85c for 69c Double Fugi, white: only, regular 1.35, for '1„15 Flannelette, Blankets - 50 pairs Ibex in White and Grey, to clear at 2.25 Ladies' and Boys' Cotton Hose, all sizes 25c, 5 prs. 1.00 Black Duchess Silk, good heavy quality, regular 2.00, 70 yards to clear, at 1,25 Ladies' Silk Hose, remnants Of all 1.50 lines to clear at $1.00 Towellings-Reductions on all lines of 20 p. ca Men's Overalls in Bibs and Pants, reg. 2.25 for 11.95 25c 35plygedpath Sugar P. & G. Soap Bags and for 1 week only We have an over sup $7.00 Cash 5 for Above are a few of the many articles too numerous to mention. Colne with your wants and we will fix the price. 20 pi ct( often ail Men's Suits T T F. . A. HUNTER �TT`ER and Mr's 'Coln. They went by wap of Blanchard Twp. and Mr, Alarm ('771 - led in (7t several place. where, in Iris young clays, he had built Orme bons. es and fnundatinns for balms, He ' 1001)11 them Standing (7c gond 770 the any they Wer'P built, that heirs over fifty year.; ago. tieing BELGRAVE Charles and Mrs, Campbell, 13el• grave, announce 117- engagement of their graudrinnghter, Trete 0. 171c. Dowell, to Orval SV. (;,reh1nl, son of 1Villfnnl and Mrs. Gr(rh77o, Stratford, the n7(71(17ge to take place on Mon- day, September 5111. GREY Roe's Church anniversary is to be . September 26711, this year, A deer and her offspring have been seen many 11tn110 in and around the 0111, 12th told 7th Onus, I Miss Florence Balfour, of Mitchell, is visit ing with her cousin, Miss Eva Balfour. for a temple of weeks. The 1111n1ing.h0use, 20(1 Onn„ was well-filled en 5nn(177y evening. 11r, Stewart, of 'Guelph, was the sp11(1ker, 'Mem 5.Pis Knn Peed r Pd Rtld811 H FIay. den and O11ril Payne mot018(1 to Kingsville and Detroit', over the week. end. Mr, and Mrs. Owen and daughter, Miss Gerrie, of Sh Thomas, were guests Of 0. and .lire, Hutchison, 6th Con. Alex. an(1 M•rs. Palmer and (laugh 18/.. I177clelin', 0P Otlledrnia, Were visitors with C. and Mrs, 'lhtt7hiuson, All'. Palmer is a nephew. Will. Balfour nal Mervyn sod Cecil Grainger, 1711052.8 Eva and Florence Balfour and Ruby and feene Grainger 70010led to F0rmn811, on Sntlday, 3, D. and All's. Whitbiel7 and (1nngll- ler, of Plttsburg, accompanied Ily t1 sister -{n -law, Airs, Whitbfek, have been visitors with Cline. and Mrs. Me- Quarrie, [1111 Con, The ladies are co (1.1118. Her B'R''timit.-Two young boys from Brnseel8 with a car failed to make a gond turn at Oal(1er's bridge, on the 12th Con„ and str'llck one side of., the bridge and then the other. Both the C(11' (111(1 the bridge railings were bad- ly damaged. Lawrence Jscklill, of 'Grey, and Fleming Johnston, of M0rrf0, tander- went operations fnr the 'removal of their tonsils, et Listowel n 111001{2.1 Hospital, on August 101h. We are glad to learn of their speedy recovery, t4-- ,t-d••I••F•h•F.l•i•+•t•+i•t•'fWt••F':••!•9••t••P•N•A•A•M a i -E• fi First Quality Clover Honey 15c lb. FOR SALE + e + d' 4, + h .1. + Harvey Hunter + Phone 2413 ............7(.s,,,.. St, gauid's Church HENFRYN 11th Suptley After Trinity -August 28 10 a.n1.-S. S .and Bible Class 11 aMe-Morning Prayer Service '7.30 p.m. -Evening Prayer Solwiee RECTOR Bev. Maurice F. Oldham. 7(.v J. L. KERR, Propietcr CAR OF :HOLIDAY ' Short Personc�agraphs I2.�,I�I'ArI'I-I NEXTWEEKi ! Jne Nf•ha•adr„„,,m„l (ha week end Joh!) 4htr1, sols i. ,•14'n'111.9: his i,l •I'nl Ullln. Velr'i, I.Inn lu freta,. ,l Leamington. .4 To be uill,)aued at Elite( Station the First of September, $6.85 per bag off car Phone orders to 2211 tench et Zeigler ETHEL Mr. and Alts. Bull (urd sou. Leslie, of 13ei:miller, Wert- recent visitors with U, tied Alas, Hotchieo(, 8. 11 line. 'Misses HT byteJocre McKoy (wt1' Bertha Maxine Spei1an, both of Wind - see, who have been visiting Bet t11a'e • pat vete, Geo. N. and bits. Speitnl,, for the past two weeks, have re1taul• ed to Wfu(11107. CRANBROOK Miss Velma 1+'lsrher, of (11'aanbt•nol is holidaying in leit111eoe1, this week, with her cousin, Mies Myrtle. Fischer. Sheldon HI'eke', 17 P. 0. candidate in the North Huron election, will tic1-'l these n meeting at etembr0nlr, on ' 'Tuesday. Aug. 3015. Agnes Al (Plod! • 1''nL'n,+in nae 74,1(1 el).40 r, Elmer and lr 1.:11P11noel children'lr74. lib 1 1,1:1,. f `Coront.n, a v,s, „r • 7(0 , •v•:: r, tl iu .• u ,:71 1111.'+ iu 131 : Holiday n, 1 t t7 1:, 7)741 til„ u•.•>.7. will I i , •d, CL•nt,•104-r 7ti1 Will r J1- •.<pnnl tt- and (u1L('.it , ci:, l 1:,.Cly tel n 17,11 •. e. Airs. Gage, 11tlivatlton, le visiting her (10usin, biro H. I,..181k4r,li, :Visa Dut'i» R,,., 0f Polnufr,, pxut the week -end ((r I,Pr h"77111 here. $y,..7( Hiss 3(11111 Ross, •,,f (3hesley, sp1'nt. • -•• the poet week with her aur -t, 5118. Jun 13. Smith. Miss Gert 1n177 Ros411(ts just return- ed 1(0[[11' 1'I, w a 1vPPk'$ 7712.11 with Stratford friends, 44.4..) Miss . Roth S" c (1 Isir r, iwtviug it R week n e• Greve n t xnt r 14rP Hospital, (1 Toronto) as nt)Z0P.i, -t.11inirrg, 'last( Lloyd LLuk,•'' F .laln70totvn, Is enjoying rt week of 104 holidaye %Elth his grandpa' etas, John ((lid Mr/2. Dark, nl1Nsel Lillian and telly(heDurk, of Hamilton, are leilfdayfng with their patents, John and 71(•8, Dark, 171i11 s1( eel. Gen. 1). Huntley and ehilaren, 11,ug. at Pt 141)11 .1,11,11:, of Stra11' , 41, were re. rent viz 7,018 at tate p,u'entel herr». of the former. us, :,oi1 as yon p telt it le,e a needy [+,nae o,• 017 (.1P-1171„ hent, 1 "('•'dobe) the h.lppv days yl111 •p„7(t lit Ellin!. I Signed on behalf of E•rltr-L MLA. MORRIS Morris Connell minute. (nay he re71 on another nape, J-ttneeend Mfro, Bevd. of SV.11elIon and liable grandson, Anton, ale vi.11 els )71 the home of 11)'. \l'm. 'Vickie tit11 The Sunshine slut `•.';:, •-hod and t•ontr•nis will be offered for sale on Saturday, Sept, 17th at 2 o'clock. Full lien is in this ii.ue. The closing set•'{re if Sunshine Church was held last Sundt »''t,.r- ltunn and th•'i' was 't h <om;r'•ga- ion present. 11111 3Ir. Davidson, of Winch un, and t for .net rats :or, con - 11100:{ the ('rosin e 1x•i1 e, :S me,. ^xtended write-up of rho old church will he given in our next Iva,•. 11, P. and S. R. Oliver, Al. P. P. will also add1e78 the meeting, HENFRYN St, David's Church, Henfryn, has been undergoing considerable repair.. The brickwork on the (411101de -et the church lute been nnr(1431111Piy (11177tir'ed. end at new chimney hire been built on the chlu'eb, 77(1(1ing much to its ap- pearance. This week, the inside walls and ceiling (7(•e being painted. When , completed, the abut ch will be in pret- ty good condition. ETHEL Dr, P A. McMaster spent a coup days in Tot•ooto and Barrie. Rev, D. NI. and Mrs. Guest and Ji my are spending their holidays Cha1hnnt. Masters Meecyn and Earl Johneto of Trowhtidge, spent a week wi Mr's. Coates, Mrs, John Stevenson is visiting f a cough' of weeks with friends Niagara Palls. A. Car load of sugar will he ut110n1) by Messrs Leitch & Zeigler, at lith station, about Sept, 1st, Mss Ethel McMaster retut'ned 11117' home in Utopia, on Sunday, aft s endin the c 177 n' 1 C trod tt K t Dt'.' At 'la8ter's here. Galvin Kreuter is enjoying a coup elf weeks' holidays, after working f rt few weeks at let'. Campbell's, Cot 8 Grey, .het a will he nn church services on the Ethel circuit United Chul rhes for the next two Sorel eys, while the past- or is on vacation. J. W. turd Mrs. Stephenson and 1'»1111)', aeenmp(1((i11(1 by Mur. John Kranter, spent Sunday in Hillsburg '77th Jae. and Mee. Milky, a Gen. and Mrs Hall (711d SVinni111111 and Mr. and Ales. McLaughlin, of Flint, Mich., are spending a few days tsilh friends here and at Brnesels. Miss Jean McKee left this week for Brant fel (1, where she ie entering the hospital to train Env a nurse, We wish her rntlell sneee1111(1 her week, Thea. Vodden and sons have pur- chased a 7(1.177 threshing outfit and ((('11 'early to do the wok right, They w111•e 17nfn1'tt1(177111 111 having a. new epar(Lt0t' destroyed in 111P fire, whish completely destroyed the horn of Wm. Michel, Cnn. 10, last week, A veer pleasant surmise party was 101d nn 141nndny evening, 177130111 6th, at the haeme of Leslie and Airs. T 1ak1, tvhen.a let ge mit/thee 11 fl iends and neighbors aseemhied to (in horn)' n Willman and Mrs, Oarophell, A hart nroglarn follnwed, after which 0 address was reed and a 111180Pilan• nuts shower given 10 th11 young Duple, Mr. and MIS. Catnphell banked their friends in a few well- hosen words'. Ater adelieinus10nn11 nn was served, the remainder of th vetting was spent in dameleg, On Monday evening of this week he girl frieode of Miss Jean McKee athered'(71 the horde of Miss Lyla rtes to spend a socfai hour with Jean efoi e she left fro"it'tining in Brant. ord hospital. A few puzzling cen- sers were heid, after which a ahnrr d(1x1185 was read by Mies Muriel Me- aly, and Alias Martie Haneuld 'pr11- ent11(1 Jean with a hat box. Jeal( bunked the girls for their nnexperl'. (, but much appt'eciated gift, The emaiuder of the evening was anent n progressive crnekinole, Miss Jean c1Cee being the. winner. A dainty Itch was then served, After enjny. g some tunefe by Miss Ruby Oleaver, le girls left for )tome, one and all ishing3ean success in her new work. ollotving is the address 7 Dean JEAN, - We, a number' of your gird friends, 7711 assetn11111d here, this evening, to end asordid hone with you on the e of your departure from nor midst, uring our friendship 4771111 you, we ve (nand you to he a true and 10y11 1 and always willing to help things ong. We are happy and proal that u have chosen such a noble atl,11 Orth -while work, And we %viol) you cam. But, we regret that in ink- y1)ur work that you must leave oar rnmunity. We nett 7011 to 77ceept is little token of remembrance from Passed a•.vny--A •'•10 77'1 w,1- rt over the neighlbOrhoO:l on Tuesday this week when it was learned 1 spirit of Mrs. Alex McCall had tak its flight. She was in her 1. et yen While not altogether mlexnecto hopes had been enteeta'ned that might rally. She had been marri to the late Alex. McCall about 7 years and spent the' • - • n 1 orris Township. Her uta{d( name was Elizabeth Paley. In 190 Mr. McCall died and ane has sin made her home with her sen, .1..tim son McCall. Always of a cheer disposition and a.nx{ons to (tel a 1st cf tv re a r. P ha a 0' Mrs. Pmorssntl Helm,. has 1 .turned hero. after Rperlding three work. ith relatives in Chatham, 1)elroft '1d Pontiac, •• 11Pssrs. Thomas•Orookshanks and Prey 111111 1.41 of Stratford, are wet• nine visitors at the home of John n(1 Mrs, Dark. Mts, Gealge Robb and (laughter, lis Fafr'y, of St. (latbari7(117, have Pen the guests of relatives and 'iends in town, .•. ' .v Frank and •Mrs. SVnnds, Mrs, Trl(7lldnn road 'Liss Edith and Mise Ila Woods spent S indny with n111 lends around Titvistnek, e i pI (r married d h£e {4 5I fl ce i fol s one in need of her p riy_ E p, she had endeared ' le herself to all who knew her. She is f, survived by six sons and 2 daughters ti,- -Mrs. Wm. Gibson, Morris; Mrs. at Walter Perrie, Meriden, Coln„ 1sT, 3,; of J. Simpson, Morris; George L. and K n, Thomas C. Brussels; A. T., and 177111 117 J. of Chatham; Samuel P.., of Tor- ' onto. Two daughters, Mrs. George S „r Speiran, Grey, and Mrs. Joe Tinwley, (u in Morris, predeceased the mother. The.' a deceased was a Presbyterian in church d relationship. The funa•71 will take el place on Thursday afternoon horn 5„ the home of Simpson McCall, S?: to lot 18, Con. 7, at 2.30 o'clo -. Sur- ' p ee vice at the house at 2. I ternl1nt le Will be made ode at the family plot in , Brussels Cemetery. To the (famiy w ie the sympathy of old neighbors and 11 01. friends goes out to them in the Ioss at 1, of their another. ha George and Gertxnele Seam leb,lry, Stratford, were visitors with their t 111+ 'useels, •1st (• t. 111)4, [`}, 1'', 1077, /dog i.pent the week. end the guest ,,f Mts, (Rev.) Barker, 'a Kiuratdine. Mrs, Jolnl (11 Itr'v1nt to 'Toronto, last week, ivtle;o •1,,. 174 mete) going an epee atinn 1'at 1,4iilr g g ' ••• 14ri11, McDowell letutn•(d on Tues- day everting 1111(7 his re (treeI{inge- IOn Univeteit7. 4 ` .b Will. and tad M1I . r Mitchell hell were 2.k KircllrnPl (7, So t day, and Alas. Mit- chell ie remaining (47(11 bat 1'8t1(P(', at preset». - v :. 4, , Cnnnciller Hewitt was taken to Iiitehenet 11071.iul,, lust n'exk. where he intends haw(; au operation for :all st(nu's, Ienn ,1( lir Stet) at d 1)kcn'nrh1t, Mrs, Hob». J01111111 7,11, cf To, 11)', 1711)11 71 ftirlg i(1 town, Iasi x1'177:7, w 1111 old ft lends. ti .;. .;t Brine and Mrs.Seel t and Mist. Jean, .•1 nlnn1renl, were 5'i11)(.)e here due. ing the past week trit1, P. 511:1 Mrs. Scott and Mrs. Fred unitt11fp. Mrs. N. F (let rCleft [` 1,tst week for 3n.)7)(-,-.- '` .17,u1ny of a k, her she will visit 2.r the hues of her' dnnghlpr, I7 ,e Hoy AL111731(7'(11, (nee All"s Stella 1,Pr1 y ) J. L. and Mrs. Kerr and 'fn, % Hel- en were visitors Rt SS'nR1ga Bearh. nn Su0day. most of the 1(7(170 were lntlglt and the 11rrne,1 and tams pc01- ly marked for tiny unto')) jeer, 4. r,. 4. W. fi and Airs Parker, (•f 0rlon- v111e, Mirth., ((111i .78o, Parker nod wife, of Pontiac, 17911.4 , trl're 1nn11av 71517- 0,8 with .1. Wright.. Mrs. 1V. S. Parker is a sister of N1,- Wt fight. ) 1r• and Mrs, Gr11Pn, , 1 Rainy River, whn have h,Prl vi.ittng with Walter (0d MI'.. R.noP, 1Nlt for (11'11.- home, 'andparents, Gen. (7n(1 111's, H770IPy. rest week, and (7.111 'Crit at Tl' 0(1rn, etrillia end Sudbury, P7( trIt7P Mr. Miss Mnrgeret Ruse -11, of Grahatn's (4rPer 1 (7r a his pct 1f;P1, U,2. h::e 5{r. laver, line been yi74rling 11 P[' nnr1P )11111 Ti pl`17.P, wPr, '1 hp pc ,pre 1.0 stet I.. 1(1 aunt, Mal' tin and Sirs, Thornton, 11111 „111111 ie 1(a'Y Rrrtrm herr, n18nye t Henfryn, daring the past wrek, cents ngn The risi•r,t s '111 ra(0htat h heir golden wedding, 11,18 D, ( mF:er, Jud_e.1,rkw,((, tweemp30(le(1hrhis ifPparrd. n end de ugh ter, far -[n the W2,2( •3 4• .• (774,9)1 lllroneh ro7vo, 1,..1 week, to Mrs. SS'. H. Kerr ^•1'1r;ri7'c1 w nr(1 sit miif.,01 Kink)), at (-hoed Veil. that her Mere, Miss Helot) lifiy is ill v. The „'1 ' , he v.w I ter 1,110W11 t .1 ++•• ifli T - le t T nand bel (.30 C1 o, Nen In, "S7 l,e_ -. n ytrinn, Erg. :7I'• hay w2.; on a "tin tel the, Old all" .1)017.4, when IIB nun71 to Ally Country and Europe, and was Px- (71111.017 inn Ilse f inou: '•3,('0(18," petted to he leaving for• sea 1))111, '. (t ..-ru',1 give d 11r1nio -' home 177 a g fey; clays. Fir • 1177:. (draCP. 71d with the 1•ruo»1110 tenet, , n e Dickson is in the OH Cn11n+1•y at the few neea1lun11. il1•earltt time. 1 e t 8 c P g A P r( N r et 1' M 11 fn tl 777 r e ha 5p 117 n 1114 pa al 70 177 sr) up eo th WROXETER TIIRIR ACAS TOTAL 158. -Irl 1119 vil- lage, there lives tc•(h,3' one of the old- est men of Ontario, whose age is 90 yeas, 11(7(1 a chum of his, 911 years (1i' age. Both these teen are seen each day together'17) cued the village, as 71 schnnlbrys in the (lays gone by. The older (1f the two men Itl Thnm(18 SagP, W1(11 '115 ho,•,, ill Pet. erborongi( Township, hi 1832. To the year 3868, he was mei(ied to Miss Margaret Moore, nn the 20th day (if Jenne) y, when he was 26 yeses n1(1, A. family of nine w(8 raised, only three of which are now living, His wife passed away atone yeah. ago, 1•le states that he is Fenn; a family known 1'o• inegerity, as his mother lived In thE. age of 09 yeave, 8 11101(,115 end 8 I et days. He has hod a poste• brit once, wheu he had tt 5(0171111 hip. Tn•day, he i8 nitre and heady, walks erect without the nee of a cane, Call read without glasses and his memo) y' is as good as a roan 40 years OF age. I•Iis occupation1) was that of wruking in rhe 71715rlearfng 7117 1(7(1(1 with we lie was later in the stonemason work, In politica, he is a Conservative and in teliginn, is a metnl'er of the United Church. He has been connected With the Orange Order since he was 18 years of age, g , and WW1 7(t 131yth elle Inst 12th of July, Tt. is said that he has never missed a "12th" celehtation in all the years which he hes been a member of the mrler. He has been in Wrex7t0l' pinc11 1888 'Thrmno Hend- 11r8011 is 00 veers of age, being born on D11011m11er 1211], 1837, in Dumfrie5hi,e, .71. co1ltnd, Mrs. R. lark end 1li.ees 1,ilifan and I (1 H, and MIR. Oal.,liss R tnr7 f,trnily Myrtle (Walk, of Can1E 1011, Ont., ate ' amtoIed to West Lnrt,e for a few 'ironing 1111' Jos. R llamflCoo• days. Peter Gludinet bar+ been 107.7711-g' $ (1 and 1711 N. 1),,01;15• and Vise hay again. Lou 1iowined and John ()Bye have ('11101n((1 (0 iheie 11 clue in Armstrong have 1,14'11 ''d 1110. 2a141. :Toronto. 11190 Hazel Drager, tt Detroit, v h,. Ileo. A. V. 1Valdee and family have has been visiting her drabel, :Mrs, 1elnrned frrm ,pendia• their' VAC. Charles Drager, tuts returned to De- atinll at Pnfdt Ch'11711, I unit. I Win. and Mrs•'Ieghton arer1 dough - We are s01ry 10 hear of the lllneee , 1111, of Hamilton, spent the week•en(1 of Alex, McDonald, of '1'I't(11(o1". 1vi(h M1,. Inger Oke, His many ft1encls wish him a speedy; Airs. Reid. of Brooklyn, 1J, Y„ recovery. (formerly 511.4e Her1111) Pal 11473 has John Miller and his sister, Miele, (f' been visiting frierd5 in the vicinity, Port Eigin, visited their mutt, Mrs. 1 Mrs stew, rr Ynu)g ml; d f.rnily ; Ohartes Drager, recently. Mrs. Drag-: Dr. and 171re. Ed. Coulter 7 Dr, John and son, Jack, returned t0 Port I Coyotes WALTON New opulent steps are being built at St (ieo'ge'Ohm eh, Miss Margaret. Beton, of Winthrop, is visiting Mends fn W1(1ghnln. Mies Addie Cardiff, of Brusselsf is visiting with William and Mrs, Dodds, Master Mervin and Ne190)1 Donley, of McKillop, are 7191110g at the horde of Dan. and Mrs Stpiss, W. 0, and Mrs. Bennett, of Win. therm, visited with Wm. [old Mrs. Kelly, of 131y117, quite rece(ltly, Mise Ruby'i'nnug has been in Sea- fo'th, at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Finnigan, while they were on a sheet vexation, Mrs. Rnbert.Sherf11nn, of Pnrnn11), who has been visiting her niece, Mrs. George Eaton, at Winthrop, has re- turned to her 'horde in Tornnt0, Mrs, Fergus Bullard. Betty and Jack have returned to their hemp in Winthrop, after Spending a very r7(• loyal -tie %mention with Mrs. 31107 (d'e • parents, John and Mrs, Armstrong,) in Wfng7ram, 1 Elgin Y in wlGh 111910, and they will ( Ron non floss Mabel i Cm11tPR hncP returned to their re• span(1n short va)00100• . 84391tire homes in Tot onto and Phil. R$S1ILTS DISAPPOI12'rnw.-'1'11e Inc- adelp hitt. al C. P. R. agent has received a enrn- lnunfen1iriu from the districta8se( +• er agent, which reacts tis follows • 1 DUNGANNON "Si"" the new 1ra1,) service was nut into effect ntl the Gnderirh 5ub(1ivis., The death occurred on Saturday at 10n, et181117710 M'I'T 2nd 10st.., the ear. !midnight at 11{s Monte on of 7111 con. )rings on 11001 of these trains 111(5 !of Welt Wawanosh, of 0.10 of the been disappointing, Tf art7 consider- hihltownship's most citizen emus and most Won 1s to be given, 11110 Fall, t,n the i Allister, respected eitiu)t ,W{iliam Me. enntinuatiol of the double daily Ser- Allister, in his 7 7111 year. Deceased 1112. d been ' m v' failing vice, t a l 'r healthfor c , he t t yings will haus to int- g' al some p1'0Pe very much." Years, but it was only during true past five weeps that he was confined to , bed. Bes7des his widow, he leaves {odaughters, Mies lat BLUEVALI3 !two MrsWilliam A. Messer, at Edtl,Tahnston'p and family visited of Bluevale, and one 400, David at Miss Grace Conn -es, of Listowel, ie (home. Deceased was an ardent Pres- visitingwithrelariveshere. ! t uponthe altis life, t of attendance of the d Was pseivices nail1l(1 0Mcf1Ca ken17(nnndehpre,glns7 of the church as long as health per - week, mitted. The funeral was 1111.1 from Jnhn Moffatt, of saskatnnn, was 11115 late 11on10 on the 7th cone ession home for a few days, and has return-1of WP.t Wawanosh and wets arne)y ed 111, WPet. WI -41. and Mrs. Llt)1g'1srath. of Inger. snll. have been spending a few days at the home of Wrn. Thornton. attended by former friends arta neighbors. The service was conduct- ed by Rev. C. I1. McDonalii„ of Er - skive Presbyterian church, Dungan - Mrs, Stewart Young and familypall- non, interment beung made in the lin ye returned 10P01' nto,77fteeslencDungannon Ctmetety, The ing the nest, couple 0P months hw 9, ue11'kr' were Messrs. David McAl- John Underwood held a suecessfnl lister, song William �r. IYfnssel, sort_ 811'11'711°4n al" 7(P two nar8 0P , 1101808 bvmlght in -)2.w; Robert McAllister, brother; frrm 4nskatrhpxvnn. Thnv Rnld we11,'Andeem Mason Mc'AllisVi', William sntn7 going for ()ver X200 a 11011d. l 11 77) 77 and Rev. 117. Richardson, Farmers are almost through rnt.lnephews. ting oats, and will have theta safely stored fn afmore adays,if, the weather keeps favorable, h: is the heaviest crop around here for vemr5. Leslie Greenaway, who tried his i;ntrnnce Examination, this rent', has + been notified that! he Passed, nn 7143. neat, There hoe not been a failure PERTH COUNTY List0tvel can now boast. of a bowling (41107. Arr''sted 177 Toronto, on a chatg11 of reusing bodily harm to'inward Bain, 21 -year-old St. Marys marl, whn10 death occurred in the Stratford has among Entrance pupils from 311(, 777711 ital, last' Thins(1ey morning, Mervfn 3nh001, fm, the ow Ilse. year's, Ninp. Smith, 11 former Stratford men, 2.p - teen 43n43115'nave written and all have' pearled in 11111ie0 en'n t, nn(1 7)'•n9 t11. been successfni, maoded 11(1111 Monday, 471guet22nd.