The Brussels Post, 1927-8-3, Page 8"WEDNESDAY, AUGUST srd, 1927 THE BRUSSEL Toilet Requirements FOR Summer Days Ordono 4.0c and 60c Rex, It Nice 35c acorn ia Rose Bath Salts 75c Jonte: I Comb,: Cream 500 Rexall Foot Powder 25c Frog' ch Balm for Sunburn '25c & 50:7. Shampoo Paste 35c erk,e Bog p 2 'arg,e cr. akes 25c 'loner -et entrl o'rer m Face P. verter 50c Your Films TAKEN AT THE. RE -UNION ELECTED TO OFFICE flave them leve oped and Printed at our store. Eastman Films Kodaks Brownie Cameras CIEZV-77.. For Your Correspondence • A Waterman Fountain Pen There are a large number of models to choose trom and are priced at $2.50 and up. Fine Writing Paper to suit the pen— by the Quire. in Pad or in Papeteries Waterman's Fountain Pen Inks, 15c and •2.5c hots. Our Album With the Snap Shots of the Girls and Boys of yeStcrday, Pictures of Foot Ball Play- ers, Groups at Pictures, Sports, Sr.c. When in the store havc look through it. Special for This Week One Gillette Razor One Gillette Blade One Tube Rexall Shaving Cream All foe Take advantage Of this 1r ery Special Otter while the supply lasts. F.RSMITH - • 4.• 14,0 ;tad :•itatioLer MmoUsolea....11.1.01.........1=e9.71.0.11212M.,.........., • I ..,.......trITA....tatusunrnuntySTI.,67..P.TreNnor. 4R.a. -CAIRARAt4r 14444 ...',A41:14 4. ...IA. -0 i4.:...14:.....:441.44C.R.1.4:44..:÷t Local News Items • It Pays to Advertise. The, wedding ring that was lot on the street last Tuesday morning. was found and returned to the own- er. Improvements. A new door is being placed on the bridge. Mrs. Forsyth is haring a new roof put on her cottage, and other Im- provements made. Have Contract. W. Williamson and W. C. Smith have the contract for painting Tern- schoni. Gr -y; Morrie Taste Hail eehool, and a ehurch at :Joni:ton. Work will h finieited this month, Wingham Fair Date Changed. Owhig feet :hat the in !'I FaIT Pair kmH for Oc,:er 6th alvi ,..entIlcting with the dates of 0•Iler faire the direetore have deeiGd te held the Wltwlia tn Fell Fiiir 071 nL11:15,!PV and Friday, se. see e eese i' -'l Tl,le • a r/10/1V.,1` IVOM theI t dates sent out to the press some few weeks ago. Passed Music Exams, in the meek examinations in con- neetl,)n with the London Collet if held at Myth reeently, Mse Mate Ritehie, Brussels, took ist class Certificate with the Advanced Inter- retedinte Piano Grade, and Miss Ida Cochrane, 14th Con. Grey, 1st ela ts Certldeate with the Intermediete piano grade.,: Miss Mae Wilkineon is their teacher, Congratulations ere extended to pupils and teiteher. Fire Losses Increase. Fires in Ontario during June eLa',- 51) increase of 73 over June of last year, 906 being reported to the fire ; marshal. The loss increased from! 3056,003 to 31,357,222, The largest loss was the McFadden saw m111, at Nestorrille, Algoma, totaling 3311,- 000. Thr lumber fire at Pembroke enst 3190,000. The Ontario Fire Marshal's office is moving to Rooms 302 to 305 and 334, west wing, Par - Bement buildings. Married. On May 28, 1927, J. Herbert Stret ton, of Brussels, Ont., and Miss Thelma Strasser, of Lucan, were married at Teeewater Presbyterian church by Rev, Dr. Forbes. The par- ents of the bride attended the cere- onym. Herbert was on the staff of the Standard Bank of Canada, at Lucan when he met Miss Strasser at her home there, Miss Strasser has written her Honor Matriculation n. urination this ;year. Herbert with his bricle are itt Inc hoone here and will take charge of Stretton's Jewelry Store, while W. F, Stretton is out West Act in Force Oct. 1st. 13y an Act passed at the last Lege! islature, lighted lamps showing white to the front and red to the rear will be required on all horse-drawn so - as well as bicycles, tray:ITU/nail on the roads and highways after Oct. 1st next. The obligation was once . made optional with =Moine] court- ' ells but the result was lack of uni- forrnity and the cry was made that it was the duty of parliament to pass a general law for the whole province. Now that it has been done, we vole titre to predict that when A becomes general the nubile would not go bank to the rieks, of the old way, • Open New Postoffices. Two new postoffices were opened Aug. 1, Cote Siding in the Coehraoe dietriet and Fountain Falls in Cabala dietrict. The name of Bradley post - office le changed to Sonp,is. Newfoundland Display. A display from Newfoundlanti wlli be shown at the Canadian National Exhibition this year for the first -Lim,. !a its history. thi, nature of the ex- hibit hes not been definitely :t1 .1 but exhildtl.en offielale are vonfitleet filet it will 'trove or great interest to the many theu.ande of 'visitors who attend the fair. Sandy McKay Drops Dead at London The. London Free Ness on day reports the sudden death of Santis- MeKai.i, i iltut ntnfl, iflI a a former re:et-lent of Brussels, b.,ing connectw!th RoFS' Flour mill for many ykar.:. He later resided in 8.-,r:itforl in 101 when he was en- gineer et the Whit., Peeking Co. Th, report wee— Alexander McKay. years of age and latterly a resident of 11,1 1' Ont., dropped Gad laet ...venire: in Queenle Park is watched 11 amine of soft hall. 'Katt dieease nias '1)V 11 as the cause ef death hy Coroner Dr. J. Cameron Wileon, who was called on the case. There will be no inquest, Mr. Mc- Kay formerly made bit home in this city, following the trade of a plaster- er. A shot time ago, however, he removed to Harrington to live, al-. though he retained his business in this city. On Sunday he visited his home, returningto London yester- day mornmg. Last evening, vehlle at the soft ball game in Queen's Park he was seen to collapse. Dr. A. S. Demean was veiled, pronouncing life widow and several ftothers and sic- ters. No funeral arrangements have yet been made, Towne—Lavis Wedding. A very pretty wedding took place at the home of Mrs. George Levis at Winton, when her daughter, Ross M., beeame the bride of Mr. Percival C. Towne, of Toronto. The Cere- mony was conducted by Rev, C. J, Moorehouse, of the Ontario Street United Church. The wedding music was played by Miss Emma Leyte, sister of the bride, and during the signing of the register Dr, Thomp- son sang. The house was beautifully decorated with pink and white peon- ies and ferns. The bride, who was given in marriage by her brother, Mr. 3. B. Lavie, wore a pretty gown of French beige crepe, with hat and shoes to match. She carried a shower bouquet of Ophelia roses and maidenhair fern. She was attended by her little niece, Miss Helm Lavis as flower girl. After the ceremony a buffet luncheon was served, Later Mr. and Mrs. Towne left en a meter trip, the bride travelling in a smart dre:s of sand crepe, blue and sand kasha coat and a beige fox fur, the; gift of the bridegroom. Out of town guests at the wedding were; Mr, Karl . Wilken, Windsor; Miss E, J. Sparks, Seaforth; Mr. and Mies Fred Keeler, Ingersoll; Mrs, Keeler and Mrs. Win -1 tars, Woodstock; MiserEthel and Florence Beattie, Seaforth; Mr, George 3, Towns.. and son, Wroxoter; and Mr, 5, Carter and Miss Myrtle, Brueselli. On their return from their honeymoon trip Mr. and Mrs, Towne. will make their home at the Marriott Apartments, Toronto. 1 01,,, A,-Inctroun., ve T1.1ee tt toil w..- 111. for tit, i-ith y• Seeretary-Treasur- Jp BANKING FIFTY YEARS POST Create Your Own Currency Y 01711 ownership of it Savings Eank Account mettles a cm Laney all your own, A eht ono bearing your sig- n/0.111e jointly With 111.11 of the Standard Bank adds the prestige of our name to the integtity of youis. 1 el:titillation of inestimable value yt 11 ft IA1115.1/11,111,.1 0.111.1 51(1111 Vitq1.1111111t, n11110 1401 11:g itt. er inaptly/LI advantages of incalcuiable number, dcite.it or one dollar to your credit in 01(.11131'1,A :”0;1.111.1it1'li lLttk 1:31.1111011 will 1113' the I, tiorlation for a curt eLcy all 3(111 0 1., 1). TH STANDARD BANK OF CANADA. BRUSSELS BRANCH—C. H. Sarni, Marrow .,1=111% r of tit •• Oeli.neieti-Vaiednin Ilusiness es-- ..........,............... 31 05 Assoc:allot), I 11 Church 4 I err— f Iovinc,s. I (1 Notes I I 1„w,,.. ,,,y„,.,; 1, mr. vtitlf,dg, 0;1 1.0pn: '1'11-'i y has moved to the ik. r? Mill ,',VP,T, 1):Irk 010v,e1 tnt re et lirr .11 31111 n/14 1.1.11 A False Ir....pession. Th, !) advertis- inr add: • , brier. tff tle . On th.. !... ! • i• •:11-•41 lur allveri4siog, urs orldu.!tien ees, 1.0 11 1.,P 011-, 1,111 0, 111 '1411 21:11001 2 21 the of 1,1 ,...P11; 011 n,11,..r,, rieeed Saw w7th s eee e ink e W.1. 1»• 7-tf. FOP 5.',.%I.F.-...-r?eelden; Biner, 6 Foot ect.1 gee,: W.1PH e order. Phone ,III1ii 1, le. 11. -1., 7-tf PLUSH Robe, color yellow and black i.".•• Victoria Pork at Mass trr.oting service Sunday evemeg. pio‘tee leave at Public lainetry, 7-1 HOUSE and Lot for Sale — Good frame hous., anti nalf acre of 1111111 on For paid:11- 10apply to Mrs. Mary Sperling, Bruseele. 7-tf. I y ti BOARDERS or Roomers wanted. Applt Poet. 7-tf. ' FOR SALE—A span of good large 31u1e colts, rising 3 years old, and ready to break. Apply'10Robert Patterson, Lot 37, Con, 2, East Wawanosh; /thong 18-16, Blyth.0-2 MAID WANTED — Apply to Mrs. Donald Clark, 840 Ottkiwa Street, Hemilton; or Mrs. W. 31. Sinclair, Brussels, Phone 71. HAY for sale in the field.. Apply to Milton Huffman, Phone 47-5. dtf HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE:— Comfortable frame house in good repair, good cellar, hard and soft water. For further particulars ap- ply to George Me:di:Ian, Brussele 1-4. Minor Locals. August. Fall FC7.,. 1.100n here again. Seheol days are draw -nig near once more. New potatoes and green peas make the bill of Tare very appetizing. Many chi:feint were at Goderish and Mount For,.t to the Old Boys' Reunions. The poppies and hollyhocks are making a great showing in the Power gardens. Wm, Clouse is holding an auction sale of household effects on Saturday afternoon. Full list in Post, Died in The West. The Weekly Province, published at Innisfail, Alta., on July 21st, refers to the death of Mrs. I -I, T. Gray, and it daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Witham Petrie ,former residents of Brussels and Grey Township.:—On Saturday last Margaret E. Gray, wife of Har- old T. Gray, .of Lethbridge, passed away after a brief illness following an operation for chronic appendicitis. Mrs. Gray, who is better known to her Innistail friends as Margaret Ferrite. wars tilg daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Perrie and was born at Crarilbrook, Ontario, and came west with her parents, who settled in In, nisfail, some years ago. Mrs. Gray taught for several years in the Dinh, fail school and also in Olde High School. She attended .Alberta Uni- versity in 1922 and 1923, and was married July 22, 1925, to Harold E. Gray, assistant Dominion Entomo- logist for the Province of Alberta, located at Lethbridge, where they have since lived. She leaves to mourn her loss a loving husband and baby son. Her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Penile, of Innisfail, two brothers, Leslie of Edmonton, and Davidof Knee Hill Valley. The sin. eerest sympathy of the whole com- munity goes out to the sorrowing re- latives. The funeral was held on Tuesday from the Union Church, Rev. Heston conducting the services to Innisfail cemetery. The pall- bearers were: Messrs. W. C, A. Watt, fite. A. Laird, R. S. McMahen, John Nichol, Norman McLeod and A, In- gles of Red Deer, Among the floral tributes wore offering from husband and Ferric Family, A. Ingle.% Red Deer; Rev, A. A. and Mrs. Lytle, Cal- gary; Mr, and Mrs. A, E. Wilson; Mr aand Mrs. R. B. Johnson; Mr. John Torrance; Mr. and Mrs. Brown - he, and Laura; Miss F,velyn Green; First United Churcb; Staff of Experi- mental lam; Mr, Frank Barnes; , Mr. and Mrs, °lender and farnilyi Andrew and Ruth Watson; Mr, and Melville Church The next tNvo Sabbaths, 111V. W011- ,1(0, cd -1,10n1011, will V011(10)1, 11t' inn, OPP/. in Melville Church, during the tr,ettep or the pastor on 51(11(1 30). Ltw Sabi ath morning, in :Melville (lunch, the pastor, Rev F. 0. Fon'. itt'1(11111 a.Itis 1lllu'Ctl "The Fttl 1313' of indiff-IPM`e." Ilte text being Obad- iah, verse II, "In the day that thou stotliest on 1 hp other side, in the day th.tt Ili' strangers (nulled away captive hie 11111', and fet ed into ltiq gni P9 'and retPt Inf. nr. Jot usalem, even thou Wag 1 005 of them.' When Jet tutaletn was besieg- ed, the F,,lotnitps did nothing to help their blood relations in the city, al- though they pOSRP.g.1,t1 115 n05.01. in turn the title of bottle in favor of Judah. Their indifferettee down the wrath of Obadiah. At this time, the whole worship of Cod w.7.a at stake, n,.1 yet 161(01' was loci' ff4rpn In times when great moral issues me at stake, Christ abhor. ind ifereitop, To -day, NVP have this same tiro hi am In 11111' churches : the problems of the PTI 1. Each has n part to play, and thv impoi rani thilig is that each sh, uld play his or her part and not stand mule in ind,fference, To -day, there is a great battle going on he- t weer) right and WIT'11,,0'. Tr We 1)P. lieve in Clod, is ,it indifferent, then WP SII0111(1 each do our pert to being in 111P kingdom of God. At the evening aprei es. the pastor's t sx t was 1 6 , 87, ''Aol Ftp SII no 10011 to follow Hint save Pete: aril James anti John." Ohri.t had been called to the hruee of Janus, and though others saw no hope, HP rnif.nni the danghter ; o life. LPSPPI1S to be (1) tlhcist determined to art on His !Mil convictirns ; PVPII (11-t th could not tern Him aside from His purpose. (2) Christ shut nut those who were not in 9vinpathy with Him an cl did not believe on Hirti. (R) When we go to p51 form some wort hy deed, there is a coniVrt between our 11i1411P1' mid lower natures. (4) The honae of mourning cyte turned 10 the liousp jot, bv the preserves of °Mist, .5) (11,, 151 has still this PATIIP power to transform ('(11' 11111155 to homes of irdrolness. Sabbath morning, Mr. Sullivan sang ' 0 Man of Sorrows," and at the evenintr ger vire, Mollie Halle otvtie sang "Orie Sweetly Sol- emn Thought," Mrs. H. L. SennlOnS; Mr. and Mrs. W, MeCaffery; Miss Joan Mc- Kenzie; Margaret and Della McKee; Ernest Tinkharn; Mr. and Mrs. - H. Bruce; Mr. and Mrs, J. B, Grey, and Verna; Mr. and Mrs, Fred Botford, of Lethbridge; Mr .and Mrs. Mac Key; Mr. M. L. Main; Mr. H. Han- sen; Mr, and Mrs, T. Atherton and family, Calgary; Miss Kate Carsweb; Valeria Chisholm of Alderside; Mr. and Mrs. Jas. A. Laird; Mr, C. il. Clark; Mr. and Mrs. W. C. A. Watt; Mr. and Mrs. R. J. McMahen and family; Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Werner;St. St. Andrew s Freda te nen ,iurch and Sunday School; Coronatien Re- bekah Lodge, of lnnisfall, - M. R. D. Sheffield was in charge of tee funeral arrangements, Obituary. The Kincardine Review -Reporter, refers to the death of a cousin of Mrs. W. H. Kerr:—Kincardine friends were verysorry to learn of the death of Mrs, m. Brown, aged 87 years, which occurred at the home of her daughter, Mrs, Fred Schwalm, De- troit, on Thursday, June 30th. De- ceased was one of the pioneers of Kincardine Township. She was born in Glasgow, sentland, and was the daughter of the late George Welch and Miss Ferguson Kay, 'When the family came to Canada Mr. Welsh set tied in Ayr where he remained for 13 years.. In 1853 they moved to ' lot 37, Durham Roatd, wherfe de- ceased lived until her marriage to • the . late William Brown. The newly wedded couple took nn their home at Lot 31 on the Durham Road, where they resided until they came to Kinardine about 26 years ago, and where Mr. Brown passed a- way. Mrs. Brown was a woman who bore the hardships of pioneer life and in her days was known for her kindlines of heart and ever ready assistance to those who neededhelp, help, The Brown home was noted for iU hospitality, She was a mem- ber of Bervie Presbyterian Church until she came to Kincardine, when she became. connected with Knox Presbyterian church. She was a woman of strong religious convict- ions. The following family is loft to mourn her loss; Robert 3,, ,and Thomas W., Bervie; Mrs. Jas, -Chea- ter, Rivers, Man,; Mrs. 3. Clark, Mrs. Wm. Farrell, Mrs, Fred Schwalm, Mrs. awes Atkinson, Detroit; Mrs. Kat Specialist Here Why use poisonous drugs, when nature in her wisdom and be teficence has provided in her greatt vegetable laboratories the fields and wrests a cure for the ills of man. Mi. Murfin the noted herbalist, will 'oe at the Queens Hotel, Brussels, Tuesday, August 9th, one day only and will • give free consultation to all who are suffering from disease. There are thousands of herbs winch are used for their special diseases of the body Mr. Mullin is an expert in nabs with itif e experience and will tell you what you need fur your trouble. No mat- : ter what your trouble is or how long standing; it is. Nature has provided • a herb for it. Call and see Mr. Mar - fin, it will be worth your while. He will be giving a HERB DOCTOR BOOK FREE to all who take herb treatments, Maguire, Irma, Alta. To thee,. the •eympathy of a large circle of friends et. extended,a he remains '(('''11broug:ht from Detroit for interment in Kincardine cemetery, the funera1! taking place from the residence of Miss 1,6. Welsh, Huron Terrance St. south side on Monday afternoon. Miss Welsh is a sister. Mrs. Mary Brown and Mrs.. Agnes Hosie, Buf- falo, also are sisters. The services at the house and grave were conduct- ed by Rev. T. D. McCullough and Rev. Dr. Conners, of Beryls. The pallbearers were Messrs. George Clark, John Campbell, John Kirk, J. Geddes, J. Bushell, Wm, Peters. Alexander and Mrs. John Sturgeon sang "The Lord Shall Wine Away All Tears." Among those present from a distance to attend the funeral were, Mr, Roy Brown, Buf- falo; Mr, and Mrs, Harry Brown, Mrs. J. Bowers and Mr. and Mrs, Sonnerman, Detroit. These passed away at her home on Cott, 4, Culross, Mrs. Robert f-itaitles, in het 7711, year, widow of the late Robert Geddes. She was horn in Strat 101 (1 and her tuaiden name 1511 Sarah Parker, Personal Paragraphs Ex• Wm den Alt. 1 Wilt of Hayfield, Was in town, 00 Tuesday last Mos, ThOS. wn, nI (+Tat rot il, spent the week -end with r`J1litaild Mrs, Goddard itt Bright, spent Tuesday with Miss 13t uce, Turnberry street. Thos. 5110 Mrs. Al mstrong, of Tor- onto, were vii tots in town for a short time, last week, air. and Mrs. Quarringtott, and son, Earl, of Toronto, were recent visitors with Mrs. Ed. Bryans, 0POrge 1.31.10110.110.11 is able to be out again at eV being confined to the house for font ot live days. AtiSS Dottie Ross, B. A., t.f Toronto, was 110111P f011 t110 weekend with her parents, D. O. and mrs. Roes, Gifford Swartnian, of Lite Forestry Air Force, was a guest 'el D. 0. and Mrs. Ross over the week.end. Joe and Mrs. Wilton retire:led fritn their wedding trip, on Tuesday. Mr., Wilton will be at home after Sept, 1st. Mr, and Mrs, Greenwood, of Mit- chell, and Mr, and Mrs. Scott, of Ganton, were vistl fits, last week, with S. and Mrs, Walker, Arthur and Mrs. Sainsbury, of Tor. non, spent monthly withr D. 0. ROW , and family and enjoyed a day's golf. I ing at the Seaforth comae. Bob, Downing left oti Tuesday, on his return trip to hie home in Med- r see him hack to the old town. Mine Hat, Old friends were glad to IL and Mise Laura Leathertiale left last week for Toronto, prior to re- turning to their home in Winnipeg, We wish them a pleasant and safe joti ney. Mrs. (Dr,) 0avenagh and Miss Tr. ene Cavanagh, of Owen Sound, were visitors in town, They have been on a motor tripon the Blue Water high- way to Sarnia, Guests at the home of 0. C. and Mrs. Ross and R. ,7, and Mrs. Ma- Lauchlin during the Re,Union 2- ('.1(1(1(111 :—Dr, Vernon Rost nna 13. 8, and Mra, Scott, London ; Dr, Geo, 0, and Mrs. Ross, Wingintm ; Mrs, Harry Horton Galt Mis, Christina McBean, Detroit ; Miss Bertha Nep-, hew, Kincardine ; W, T, and Mrs. 1toes, Oheeley Cleo, and Mrs. Weller and 13obble, Essex ; Rolot, and Mrs. Wroxeter; Wm, Barker, Mrs, Wilson Turner, and Misses Margaret, Belle, Sarah end Eel i tit Me Lau ehli n, Toronto ; APIC111 and AIPS. Sehinhein, and John and mre, Sehinhein, Listo- wel ; mise Aileen Buck, Saskatoon Mrs, John Attlee, Helmer, Alto, ; 3: W. Ames and Mrs, 11 Maguire, Btheli '11 Pi I fl S ru Stoi-9e The edir R.o nd Tonic POLEZ EXT,A0 of Cod Liver Oil Banishes that tired feeling so prevalent in Summer and tones • up the entire system An excellent General Tonic. Price $1.00 bottle Get it at Al!len's r rr Store B. ALLEN Druggist and Sraioner Successor tel James Fox T110111118 1111C1 MIT. Sit i els of De ti nit Mich., have been visiting Mrs. Par- risitiii;sr1210"."-BmIsS:',IrriLtresetv.ille and childt en, of Acton, visited with James bit s. Arrnsttong for the 13 e -Union. tris Olga meKny, of -;redieine Hat, and Mise Gladys Rose, of Klocarefit1P, 1101' with their aunt, Atrs. E. Smith LOOKWOOD.—In Brnopels, on Monday, A ug. lot, BEM to Air. and Afro. Ohs rleo Look. wood, a daughter (Margaret 7.111)1/111 ) Auction Sale. 8:1111110AY, AUGUST il,ro —Auction sale of lisusitisilt effects, oarpeater s took, ete, on Queen street, Brine:elm, at 1 811 o'clock, obarp. Wm, Prop 1 0111 Scott, Ano. WnllnICSDAY, A 00555 10'i ostlon sale of Ohnice hogs, at Lot HO, Con. 5, hieffilloP: es North of Seaforth nilule West of win tarots, at 2 o'cloett ohs rp. . W. Doi:nage, Prop. ; G. El. Elliott, Ant. r 1)IA.11.11IED callIOTTON lOTRASEIE. — A t Teeon filer Preohyterian Chnreh, on Nay 28ih. by Rev, Dr. Forbes, Theban, danghter of hl r. and Slr, SIrarier, iAllin111, to J. Her- bert Stretton, of Bru.elo, Ont. Farm for Sale A very desirable stool: farm of 150 acres, 14 mile from 050551 13 ood building:: and. (it:inn:etas, nosy terms to snit purchaser. For further partionlarm apply to A . 51, 111 Al 'DONALD , Brussels. For Sale by Tender '115 Trustees of the United Church. Blue. 1100. are offering for sole 1,y fender the hleth. odist Oh arch and sent,. Trude.: for the seats orale will be considered, 'ie tenders will be opened on Monday, August Silt, 11)7 The highest or any tender not nem:verily accented 0.2 A, msetzwEN, Box. 5 Blueva le, Ont. heatr Last Time Wednesday To -Night The Famous Play in Picture Form "FA el T 99 Friday& Saturday, Aug. 5 & 6 A Double Show "The onkey Talks" and hen Husbands flirt" Also a Good Comedy Tuesday & Wed'y, Aug. 9 10 Greta Garbo and in Th Antonio Moreno Temptress Friday & Saturday, Aug.12& 13 "The Son of the Sheik"