The Brussels Post, 1927-8-3, Page 1VOL, 56 NO, 7 $2.00 per annum in advance
Mr3laigh in arid Star Sairijs1
White Rose Gas Enarco Motor Oil
The Old Reliable English Oil
Good Year Tires
Jubilee Flags
Accessories •, Free Air
See our stock of Used Closed Cars
New Advertkceineats
311,1-4tuamor Hale A. Ifuotor
i'nr repairing-- 1,01, ..'1'111-011
Anntion to!
A tatftott Salo .1. :et. 1 c
Binder for
pow fir •81... t; t
/1011,44, :pal 101 to nal'. --111re Pia:0111g 111,011:4 LL :'11. 1.10 wa.11111•
iinarnere witpled- '1' 11 1 I', eT . iLvg, LI ..r - (0) a load of hey, •
. • 4011 001'1 of 1 114: Mtn 1 iit.,14 14,10,, let. •
1,..: r,11 f t
1)1(881''31• ;
t 4:
I '
i1)1111 II II,. '
, 11./Lioi :4 10 lint Eleineotat y Piano Ex-
I • ori Person al Parai raphs
Jung. of Tot, oc o Con -to y f
4)1140. „FI:114144 FoImi 111 1-- Ilt-1
IPHHIPt4 / tirlA
j. L. KERR, Frofiriekr
(la 11e111 er ,,/,
Tr "!Ir i V i ^". 1-.1' •-• t••..• _i_ i. li. , , , , , .; , 4 1 .4: •I : al AilliCi'
son's Garage I ani pr,' -
c.,,. cc, t 4,
'Owlet WWI 14 lilt 1.6,404" (Itit,P 1,. (,%%11..
ellittliign 1118111."
Itev. \V. A. and :tiro, Vi1 li,, no and
family are holidortaqt• Sinn Immo-
ton tool Niagm tc
Aliso Dorothy 1-latuilton, of AL,W0041,
rt Alt t(e) to 111'); home ate!. 4peed-
1 og to week with her friend, Mist; 14.3‘1
1411 (1 Z
Rev3tr, 3t.Cullt,ug. 1 o "1"
will take cluoge 4If 1 he RPrVII.014 in
E het and Oranbreolc Presbyterian
1.844, a 44/410410, e1l1011111011 for tt r01.11,4
81.11841 (4 111%011 Mill 3li, P,
of Hamilton, epPli1 11114 Civic Holiday
at the home ccf NV. R Moses
Miss; 1:1Iva Bonnell, 1 f Owen Sound,
has been the ilea( of her fi lend, Alb;
Mei mete fur a P011 Lle. of
w' eke.
John and Mre Wihmti, Roy and
Wis. Buchanan and ((TI 8. Baltzer re-
t (trued to their 1141004 al Ilerrow ;die!'
sin'llding a week among friends in
• hie
char next Sunday.
Mrs, Harry titualldon and (laugh t er, MORRIS
Edith, arrived home 144t week after i Eh.„1 and „„ri Ali 11(0.
1101 (lay 0(1188 W6'81cm 11 101Id9 p otectek are spending a few clays with
cc; Galt, Damn( on, Ayt and Stratfool, joe Ittillh, at Sow ford,
Th ey repo] a geed time.
Airs. Mal h MeLeecl, of Detroit,
1) !1! and \Iv"! (4"Nt1i15 And spent the week -dal al the home c f
Delmar, of Flint, 511414, have teturn- B. and Mrs, Bot rest, 2nd line,
ed after spendirg a week with the Alex, and 3114 Oamnbell and
former's patents, J 3 and hips. Got..
, floco4111ers, Lou, Main 1 coal Grace, ctf
and also ,vhd_tg with t: tylotd, Alich., WPOP ViniL01,4 With
1'108101g in Kitchener, Gait. ztclaffata Nvattoc. yntli and
Folio and Buffalo, MiPS 1.:(1111) (-I411.*H 11111108 Nowoomhe atm Basil IVal-
sali1z accompanied them as far 11.8 lacu returned to Newcti k N I last
i al t.
pared to make repairs on all ,
kinds of cars.
Call and give us a trial.
Lorne Turvey
Wm and Mrs. Hollinger, 8th ren.,
and Dave Lamont. of 3,1elita,
visited with friends at IirantIcad and
Dundets, ovet the weekoonl.
31 ts. Cola NVIcittielti, of Dot (lilt.
spending Lk 1111,0111's 408(111:40 1tt 1104
0a1 Nam hi 1110 it; (-Ivey, and with
friends at Pot 11181(11 and t'litfold.
PPP,' alif1 'I'll,k and (Ism:liter,
D!;x:cctliv, Mrs. Turk, sr., and .31,
Cora NVicit field, the latter, of Ddcoit,
cipeot the week.end with ftiends at
Hon:Mon and Triuman.
01, Jelin, (1 (411 Mlle P3118,
0011. 4, Grey, hay. 11041 LL 10001 ('(1 Y-
11,1/1. Viol 111 1 11Pir ft 11,i11,
ewe rt. nf th
(till iltiy, eft PT' All enjoyable holida 0.i her etut 11, she tvill visit with hot,.
11(; 4.444++4ses4seses4.4444;44-4.444 4.4.44-4.+40.41 I with relative. a 1f4 d 7
'The Stirroandina District
WROXETER .1:14, Itolototc„jr., of Detroit, it en -
Ash ton and Mrs. Mentritanl, Oath- joying a holiday with relatives here,
)111l),')1, are holidaying her P. al1d Mrs, Jackman, Teromo,
Merton Rowe and f.ttnily, Iclington, Were weekomd visitors with 'I'lloracts
toe spending tt, week with the foon- and Mrs. Brown.
1.,iArchie and Mrs. Wells, ami
Mrs, Fred Westlake and children, daughter of Tot onto, (1(8111)11)143' vis -
4,1 Listowel, were tecent visitms in i tors in ate village,
the village,
Mac Allan spending a two weeks'
vacation with bis pat etas, Gem ge and
Mt 4, Allan,
Miss Mabel Ross, Gorr le, bas been
appointed junior teacher the Pub-
lic! School here.
Robt. Mitchell, Wingliam, called nn
friends in this neighborhood, ou Tues.
day of last week.
Reg. and Mrs. Pye, Torontn, spent
etiverel days with the letter's par-
ents, Robt. and Mrs, Black,
While aesieting in the erection nf a
new hp,] at the United Olin reit, Roht,
Sleek. suffered a SPVPI.P shaking tip,
when the scaffold, 011 Whiell 11P was
standing, gave way. Fortunately,
no bones were broken.
The regulae July meeting of the
Wroxeter Wmuen's Institnte wits
held at the home of Mrs. J. Lovell cm
Thursclay„Inly, 281h. 11 17(411 decided
that tit5.00 should be sent to help pay ;
a doctor in outlying (11811124(4 such as
Tobermot y and parts of Northern
14141') r11 Gibson and family, of De. Ontario, Aliso Davidson told of
11 ctit, are visiling with the former's "Fond Values of Fish and How to
perents, at it Motitlaud 131(10," Serve thou," Roll nail was "A well
Mims Get Arinstroog is visiting in
Pairnet de n.
A number from here attended the re
u • B
311 s. Sem Redden, of Byror ,) is via
: Wog with her 14( 1111(81, J. T. Cannes
11 1Vawatineh.
Mrs. Caesar had the misfortune 1,c
fall and break bey leg, 011 Wedneeda
of last week.
:Vies Violet Auderson, It. N., r
steatford, spent a few days at het
j home in Mnrik,
Mrs, P. D. Scott rind Miss Hadfield
of Millon, are visiting Mrs, Kirkby
ancl D, Scott in the village.
Mrs T. Belleau(' John e. spending
couple of weeks with the former's
; brother, S. Morton hi WaWalleSh.
Miss Estella Nethery, who teaches
in the West, is spending her viteatinn
with her parents, John and Mes.Neth
Walter and 3118. &Teaser and child-
ren, Lois and Yemen visited fin a
few days with NV. H. and Mrs, Arm-
stiong, Morris.
Mr, Halliday spent a few clays with
his daughter, Mts. T, Walker, and
also attended the re -union held in
Brussels, LIM first of Ow week. M,',
Fa wheat harvest, btu, 001001011(18,1'
Miss zsl Meehan spent the week-
. end in Goderich
The (Sole kiddies me the happy poe.
• s,sors 1,114 tine Newfoundland pop.
.31iss Debit., of Settforth, hes been .1.
engnged 4(8 teacher at the Fulton
f Miss Lsnore Nate] eon spent a week
at the hike with her friend, Miss Mlle
Mitchell, of Ripley.
Mrs, Jack Williamson and family,
• of Hatniltort, are visiting in this
AInster Itoss McTaggart had 1411 (00.
sils and adenoids removed, on Wed-
nesday mottling of last week,
511.8. Pratt returned on Sunday,
from Btacctfold, where she spent a
couple of weeks visiting relatives,
11 1840118 shame that such non tro-
vez ey, no has been read, should arise
from 1 he game of softball. It is
unite natural that Ow team should
wa»t to play as they are, but on the
0)1401 1181,11, (1 1-14,' mat vied ladies PRI E1
to go to the; ar"c to play ball, it kir, al-
ly their own busine,s, not that of the
:ugh t et. arid lor-band, at et N le
N'N'tn. H. and 'Mt s. lindoco; :Lod r,,n,
lIalliday is one of the pioneers of IMor•
Atan warawragmevrwrse-mosumvaarselesancemexcurr.,..Iserrous- ,sre.caramertrame) I
In order to make room for our Fall
Merchandise which is beginning to
come in, we offer Big Reductions on
all lines to clear.
All Ginghams and Cham -
brays, wide width, regular
30c and 35c for 24c
English Broadcloth, all
shades, regular 85c, to clear
at . . . 65c
Silk Broadcloth, regular
85c for 69c
Double Fugi, white only,
regular 1.35, for 1.1 5
Flannelette Blankets — 50
pairs Ibex in White and
Grey, to clear at 2.25
Ladies' and Boys' Cotton
Hose, all sizes
25c, 5 prs. 1.00
Black Duchess Silk, good
heavy quality, regular 2.00,
70 yards to clear, at 1.25
Ladies' Silk Hose, remnants
of all 1.50 lines to clear at
Towellings—Reductions on
all lines of 20 p. c.
Men's Overalls in Bibs and
Pants, I. 2,25 for 1.95
Hodpath Sugar ' P, & G, Soap
35 Bags and for 1 week only We have an over -supply
$7.00 Cash 5 for 25c
mmar..m......,.....,...............„....,...... ,
Above are a few of the many articles too numerous
to mention, Come with your wants and we will fix
the price,
20 p. c. off on all Men's Sults
1)0-1 31186 W1811 to explain a question
about which I have so often been ask-
ed. (1 481405 co an item which ap-
peared in the same 1851(0 (1.1 the Whig -
haw .Ad vanes as my h WM11111.1'4 0814611
notice, The title given it, by some
member or members of L. 0. No.
452, Belgrave. was "The Needy Re-
membei ed." It then went on to print
14 0:11 ci of thaLlts, which my hueband
had, suggested that we send to L, 0,
L. No, 402, Belgrave, of which he was
a member, thiteking then; 1.01. a box
of eats, which (1(83' had sent 011 IWO
dill'erent occasion, and (1150 a large
dressed gu I (IS t Christmae, This
was! all they did for us 111001;11, in any
way, during the three years of uty
husband's illness. We did not ex -
pec this card of thanks to appear in
print, ae it was only to be read at
their Best private meeting of the New
Year. Some thought that it had re-
ference to the collection taken up on
our behalf, last year. But it, did not
refer to this as Orangemen and thnse
who ween not Orangemen gars to it.
Others thought that it had reference
to funeral expenses and norse bills,
hut I paid all thoee myself, although
16 14145 been reported that the Orange-
men did sn, This is mieleading and
untrue, do not wish to hurt any•
one's feelings, because we were thank•
ful to all who helped us in any way.
MRS, OLIVal 00110Irre, Belgrave,
James Campbell has purchased. the
(-femme Hall,
Wilfred Olark, of Guelph, visited in
Walton, recently.
Willie Flood, of Palmeraton, visited
his ciousimletabel Mitcham
Roes Burns. of Detroit, visited W.
0. and Mits. Bennett, tecently.
NV, G. Neal and P, B. Gardiner mot-
ored 40 37010010, nae day last week,
Mrs. Win. Wonds has returned
home from visiting her sister, in Sen.
Miss Vera Alfeee, of London, is at
nresent visitieg her mutt, Mee. Jos,
Garter; of Walton.
Rev. W. and Mee, Button and
ehildree, of Flin eine, visited friends
in Walton, recently.
Miss Beryl Ashton, of Govile, is
spending a few holidays with her sis-
ter, Mrs. W. El, Raci foi
Miss Wilhehnine Flood has return-
ed to her home in Northern Ontario,
aftee visiting her consin, Mabel Muth.
M1, and friends at Illonkton and Mon-
Mary Hewitt, of Buffalo, visited
in Walton, recently. It 38 80 years
83(100 110 hoe been here 7 -Te was vieit-
ing his brother, jack, in Benssels,
during the remninn.
Mites Gladys Day and her brother,
Prank, who 11/1941 been 7151! 111(4 theic
aunt, Mrs, W. Neal, have returned
to their home Prestnn, They
motored there with W. G, Neal.
, George and Mee. Jackson and km,
'Kenneth, 14;180 Russell Barrnws helve
left for the West, by nintor. They
intend spending the greater part of
the Summer months there,
Mies Quettengeeser aesisting 3,1
the Lake Mike -shim for a while.
0111-18, ISekiiiier and John King ate
e.,ekting Gee, Addy with 4118 haying.
Charles Cleaver LIMA MI the sick list
fin a few days but 15 (41)14 to he about
J, N. Lamont and family' called on
old friends in Brussels and Ethel, last
Alias Della McKee, of Lethbridge,
1111 spending a few holidays at
her home het P.
1)11.941 Serall Rsnenm, R. N., of He -
ti nit, has been visiting relatives and
f!iends in town.
The &fission Band of the 'United
(5l -211 held a Pie-nic in the Pat k en
Teesclay afternoon. !
Wm. Berke:, 0(Toronto, called 011
9f11119 of his old schen) mates and
old feienilii, during the past week,
Itev. R. S. and Mrs, Johnston and
son, Laurie, ate spending a few days
at the United Church Parsonege,
The Vndclen nne and all, made
n pleasant trip to Stratford on Mon-
day 10 114480(3 the Family re.uninti.
The Ethel and Union ecnimunities
will their Oivin Holiday en Tues-
day, Angina, 0111. They will celebrate
in the Park at 8,111110,-a.
Rev. Jae. and Mee. Pearson Bald
daughter, of Owendale, Mich. nee
',Pending 'a sheet vacation at, Mr.
Pearson's linme on 1149 4414 con.
c!penial Baptiem service will he
held in the United 0140(41) on Sunday
evening next, at 7 80 o'clock. Special
music will be provided. Everybody
Congratulations are extended to
Miss Jean Sanders nn obtaining linn.
ors in her recent Entrence Exams. ;
first-class hnnore in Theory and pass
in Primary Pial10,
Mrs, F, Collins is not enjoying as
gond health as her many friends
would like to see.
M. Wm, Beirnes Oth line, is ser-
iously ill at peesen't. Her wetly
frienda wish for n speedy recovery.
Thnmas and Mrs, Vodcien, William
cunt &les, Ward, Mes, Mary J, 'Weed
and 'Walter and Mee. Ward attended
the Diamond remnioll, at Stratford,
on Monday,
R. 0, Artnatrong, Robt. and Mrs,
Dockett, Mrs. Mary J. Ward, Mrs,
Joseph Savage arid Aire, Wm, Gorecki-
itz all attended the Auburn School
vemninit, csn Friday 01 (554 week, and
11106 111111134 old.tino; friends,
We are glad to hear that 1Wre. Pear.
son is enw able to he in a wheel chair
Pot' a sbnrk tinie eneh day, Alias Ful -
toe, who has heel, assisting in the
nursing, hes eel:110(14d Brussele,
and the fornier's blighter% Mrs, V1.
pond, 18 4411)) her for a few weeks,
°Ann M. TRAN11.5.-3, E and itire,
Rewland and family wish tri thank
their Mende and neighbnrs for the
many acts of kindness and eympal
extended to them their ecent bet,
eavement, also far the meny be(4t) tf.
fill dolls) trihutes end those who kind-
ly loaned their ears,
netted ; Living4!on !cod
daughter, Ruth, of Inthinc, sask. ;
Mr4. H. M. Smith and datightet,
Glaclyo, of 'dents, 31)411,, W01.8 ;reedit
visitots with Alex. and 31,,.. Yuill,
81.11 Con,
• 51,40.0tetn,--On AV..41tiesolav morn-
ing of this week, Miss I: rme Entnter
of Ethel, was; united in Intli jam.
William Laird Campbell, 2ti Com, at 1
the Presbyterian 010.11 11180,,, 143' 4
Rev, NN', A. Williams, Th11 Kapp
couple will reside on the gi nom's foam
After being ill foe Home 11111. 44,1 1 11
heart trrohle, Aire. flastitg
passed away on Saturcncy cam
noon, July 22rd, at her home. on
Wallace street, Liett,wel. She wits
in her 781.11 year, The late Mrs. Het.ings. whnee meiden name wes Ere -
abed' 14011ey, 171111 horn in WpliPpley 1
Township, on June 50th, 1855. F.fty.
one years ago on April 19011, she was i
nnited in mat iage 1°J-et:nes Hastings.
Ivor about 25 years. :tit's:Hastings liv-
col in North Movnington, and came to '
Luctowel reelde, about ten years
ago. She was a member of the Pi es. I
hy erian Church. Besicles her 1108- ,
band, forir sons and two claughtees
7 I
'IWO left to mr urn her demise : Roy,
of Amend ; Omer fled John, 01 N.!rtli
Mornington ; Het beet, nf 141-11014 ,3
Mrs. Richard Robins, 11, of 11, ussrls,
and Mrs, Meredith Levet y, r f trw
el, The fl111P111 I 57AA /1P1(/ 1'1 1 hi ber
lat. 11,;i41:408P, Tnesday, ,1(114- 211.1),
covvice being ronducted at 1 30 p. nc„
by Rev, E F.
p are in airview cemetery. The rill -
(50 -0, of
the United Chm rh. Inlet (((91)4 rook
bear ers were : Meosis. Geo, Alelre-e,
71110 811 Ca/110011, 161. G. Mr Dicald, !1'
Rohr. Roe, NV. J. Finley and F. T40 -v- t
es, Friends from distenee ho at• w
tended the funnel weie Air. end I8
Mrs, Warder, Niagera Palle ; led, end t
Mee. (Ilegg. Mrs, Eliza Lawteson, Mt.,,
William Wilonn, of Toronto ; 11.4, s
John Hno'y, SI elfin d 4 Adam and 1
Mrs, Bingham, Mts. Gen, Rirhat (Isom B
Crnashill, * Mr, and 3118. 811)11, 11
Niaaara Falls, N. Y. : rind 1111.4.
Wilson ; Wm, and Mts. Bell, At-
wood ; Mrs. John Pettit+, &Riverton, I/
1. 4 i 41: .• 1,,, 441
mi.' ull A ,Ib111 1,
- I 1'01 V d Al.. SIll1111. '14 411,-,14-. III
' ,p,.,4 i 1 1, 1, 11. (,t:. ,-;.'1,..,1;,1,:i,-,:,:i, (1
. ' •ii 0. , , 1„, , 1 1 I. i. N 8.0 .41 t1.11,
J• Sl.'. .1,111.'1. 1.!.! is
• W444.1,. 11 '4: in N 0 thettc Dotatio,
((''3- sreourl, p, it'. :::.11 Po I:, , 1 I4,1
i ,
41,18,L,04,..k:,,41 01.44 (1)1(0 fk 1 111, Wel.k•PIA•
(4,(IN41.11-,3. 1,11Ti'l'el (0')' '('1(1
I mo. Th..o. Arelcitteld, ...pont las
, s i i int., ) iet c s in tool ttrolucca
I3t nose/s.
ii 1,. 0111:1-111(07 11.1:1 It! 11.i-•'t:1(till I',74"I'il‘P'r (S)71:1'"'131.';'1VS1 1
11'N'.1 -7(1....1.1-L.1 Mrs Huntley, of Smola,
we:0 het e, attending 1h., 1.1(3 11,
Re.Vni. n.
j!, Is and \ I r.,,, 31,0,,,r, ri, Mei 10:
1111410 41811014 41 1)11 Mre, A. Meciuitc;
4'! 140,1,,
.1goi. of N'togto4411, 8.14,k,..
.41.4- vi4;;')Ing his reusitt. Mt:, 131.1,
NV10111041. .
Air D .1014. yet limed In Ituffekl, 14p,
Saturday, elite spet,,h,g (11. ('1- ,s,.,.;,,.
in It.(011,
AITI/P1 011.1481', of the Bova
onto stsIT, T111•11t 14, Wit:. /lc 11,1. fi.1
(18;1' 11)41,111.t.
ri',11ci: Wit:VI', ,1D...111 it, ,c/I:t1,1 1:1.1
44(.81: cit 111,. 17,11 ellittl ht -141P (If j),b1
m111 Mre. 0(iVP1'.
.1, a(01 Mrn ?war :mil ''131,110( tri.1 cc
Vi..itc-1,, With Seo. toed Mt, Whlttard.
d 01611/11.(1141(1':14181'44'.;:N.I'e'dff-1 111141 :ND st. Pan•
ete, of Elginord vine. spont Stiod.4y
with .Joht, :cod Nits Oliver.
Douglas Walks.? 1 et to tool to But'.
rall,, List S'itmnia.14, aft,41 fir:L.1011g 1114:
Inditlayo with the 13.e.17ttien.
Nt.Iccolc Nioholscot anti f.twily, foorn
near 1138) h, 8(401,1 S11 rislay el the Inoue
were werck.end vioitors at the home
of Earl 011(1 Airs Cmcriogittrtn.
Mrs, GPI/. NValker, of London. spent
oeveral days with ber eccush., :11, ,s, A.
R. Clwrie, during Old Boys' week.
011N01.71ShAul'arRit'enri Printdi a :II 8 (4,1 (111. a oN, '1,91-1.
of London, 44018 here fcr the Old
313880.1 and Annie Brodie, of
Sectrorth, have !teen the ghosts of
it thiEtTiyi/eo.eiP (Ind two), Thos. and Niro
Mro. A McGuire left this wootc 41, ca
1:1-,11- with Icer dam -Ater, 31111, ,T T.
M,...1111. ,1t .41,..r1,n Slot 4.,X31prt,. to bp
LIVag all,' t It 111011111
Stewart At tw-01 nog, of Cameo.,
visited at the Immo nf his gisocipse.
0(1)4, i'l 111,,..1,11r1 4IPe. A imeIroma, and
RkalcentitIsvER;t7t(1Tert'lln'tl::. 1)80(1 ,no,„11,,L,
. 11,,, c1;tot west: with A C ,,•;,1 41.4 4,.
il,I) ::.:,:7 r. j',14.41171.:.vri.; pri'-‘1.-i1'1'Plw 4-:‘44.31:.14',:1:41-." " t
j J. NV. A rineirom.t, itseemes.hel liv
i,,,T% '171:1'7« 71.1,1,11! 41:113 :::1 '1,4% '11pnvi-04)11(1:11"-A'.1.1.71,-11,11111;r1,
Lynn otl. Alltmon. Lint Pricier, actee,1-
tur the psortIon of the Anhwei soh..M.
Tie•L- S n041 Mi 46 1.11 414".11 .1)'') pi -Ina
P11, of lYinghetn, wet. L43.01 r a I ..; II 4
110 home of Nit 4. .A. MoGnit 0, foot
epic, Mrs, Mason anent sUly). Limp
11 111. Wingharn rall'somign, 0111•10g
lin Wen!: '
Mi88 ITP14:101 P11.004. , f Torooto..
(10(11 the wook.etol with 311.0. 33:1,,,T. ;
vet new,,letr, 111.11 took in the Oid
nvot Re-rnion. St.; r;;'11)4,-.41 with 1
pr mni141f0ther, n iota, fi LP:1111,-r.
olo, on Friday,
11-1480116 visitors for tho 01(1 l'14,v-.4''
estreinn et Roo nod Mrs NI"Icit. 1
ard's were : Fred and Mrs. Wilk i t s :1
414(44 111141 Ili,: Devel. Misses Hark. j
PPP, :Mien Dmothy KPlovel', #11 el"
Urn ((‚4.4(1, a141 .lark Dm 1:118.4.., Of Det-
1 .1.0 ''4-,) ,411 L (4113 1,13/11131
11c c c, 1)-.-) 1. , ,c, c HI' (-1:3414;
i .
Hi t 111,1 was
O • 31, • • 14, 0 oIlmi•
(1. rpm' II. Poni 1441i8111 (11,11
,,011, Held (1 141t 11
J1W 10:11 .M44.
IL -41 1 0114101 't, Standard
flank 1711,5 14
Vt•-il 1,1 if, 14. t: Silt day.
5,14s Itill/v 43t ey, ,,f !sseifel th, vis- with her enctsio. 2,h4s Edythe
Porish, tIVP1' tisk (1'11 14,,y,' 1;e ITnior.
A. 14 hod tiernie me arid (ant-
i y weie vielois in Mount Fort,4, On
f.„.„,84 resi-
dents there.
&lies Alisrgici Lisiliosoi, mid Mra.
Henley upended His fonds! of the
fe!ci Hastit,ge. ttt Listowel,
Tuesday 01 1(141 Wi`f
1.1,4yd and Mrs. Jook4or, and young
doughtet of Lond, 14, wet e visitors
t he ft o 1.11PC:4 vh1 H. H. L. and
Mt.. Jecits00,
Maonger flai.ley, of the Itc•yal
Benk, Aylmer. nod sof . .1sek, were
!visiting I, whit Mt!. Han -
183.0,„ pal lisg v. (1.11( .
Alex and 311 Andolson 1,44 on
Tuesday 18:4101- 14:47; Thes..clort,
Ater -ma. to vioit ft lototo. They PR.
pf r, hP Way ,1111.1)1 14 ti
31(4, (,P1't1'11,11P mati404,
New Yolk st .1 Irs, 11410114
filipsi 111401 101404, (41,0 1:111,1, and
13 1'',, N'ol!pek.
Miss Otga McKay, of :U. 11irioe
15 )11,' otics1 of her 14111,1, lure. In. E.
`"ncith. The 43-1),,, recive of
Fl gab',
11,(1 11-14-1138 PI 141:111 to
Dooald anti Mts. Cretin!, 4
wnolv Visitors 00611 R0111 r 41 MI.. CP -
14 -404, 110 '1'004.41Ny. The sis (40P WPIP
fr, met. W4411 known tesidoc ts rf the.
h ("on . ey
I'ttion Sl -e was iree..mearded by her
:43-1.06 Oliep'41 5011, Vtio-6,o0P For:4,PP,
441(11 Mint:ling scheol T. ;man.
S, end Leppsld, Toronto
She, H. E. Maddock and Mioct 19034
Niaddock, nod 111rs. 13 R.
Creighton tool 111104 Betty Bancoson;
Econoville, fish od Ced HOLTIP Week
wit It H I. anti Alis ,l,sekson.
J. I, and Mro„ Lamont, of Kin-
nardine !Niisa Stu, goon. of RPI.ViP,,
and A. D. and MIR. T.,g01,1116 aria (.-
m.4 and Doneld. of St. M.,.; we•
visitors dui t; Old Week with
A. A. and 33188 Macy Icactnnnt
11 L. anti lir.. Iitincohrieo anll
family, of Chatham, wet. visitols
her. during 01,1 k 1,V11h S.
(((11131(0,14\1'i/taint c;tv•
1 Pie with 1,1s 3:1'st :11'1; Is.
Arclun end "t1 • , to:0
141111 (4,1. 1.041. and Alre, liretoot, last week.
1 P14 Wa.1410,
.111,' (1108,', 4,111.1 144 141.13.1 S 4, 1:e rf rige,
wee smite !ssfill te,,0"oe .1111(3,,?'
4-.X,11141111 I 1011 it, pig, with
s, at ler nitlo (101:4:pi vainly
I). 1) and Mist. Stewart and donee
6011S, J:lek, 06-41 7:17•14.
11(39 81414,114' 4;131';11i(I4.1-s ivn-c14 1u7 ;0111..1.0.r.4tta.k11-1
king their beat'ull-1 (01,111 herne
of Alex sc PW(( 1, Qt1,-“,n .1,00 Tb.
former io ;colt of the :ate Doottid
14),. '-7)411, and is we'll nonototatt,t1 1.7
TIM 010M' I 444:iiiptite.
,Itm, Alro. Ynill. Thos. and Mt s.
ruin, Sam. and Nit s. Y011). JIM. and
Niro and sort. Bobby, 411 )1 Miss
Marion Yuill, all (.f Vando hilt,
were visitore nt the home,. .1 Welter
and AlPX, Y11111 11 11(1 Peter McDougall,
Grey :rod Mort to
o ow rig 14)0 1 le new teachers
engaged for Clintnn Public; School :
Miss Pepper, Miss V. Fraser, of
Blyth ; Miss Dolietty, 01 Hoderieb,
and George Jefferson, of Forciwich,
Pri nei pal,
Russel Hays announces the engage-
ment of hie eister, Janet Agnee,
daughter 01 1310 late John H. and Mrs,
}Tart, of Seaforth, to Reginald S.
Reid, of Stiatfnid, youngest son of
Mrs. Reid and the late J. F. Reid, of
Seaforth the tnavriege to take place
dheeter, carried
oil the prize awarded at the blark-
ern( ths' picnic, held at Pt, Stanley, for
the oldest workman still on the job,
Mr. Dignan is 82 years old and is still
active, and never misses EL day front
the shop. He has been working itt
the trade for 08 years.
O. B. 804(1 (4 fitting up the old Piek-
aed home, at Exeter, for a private
hnopital. Several 01 3)10 ciontma are
fitting up ermine. In the front is a
Moe operating room. The budding
is nicely located and efforde simple ac-
comodation. It will he bents,d by hot
water, Mrs, MeNicol will be in
1/11(Itle the Department of Agricult-
ure, a judging etimperition 110080.
hold $10811811 Will be 11810 /11 Liel ewe,
on Anglist„9111, and will be open to all
girls in the 001(013' of Peal) 11(1(340 25
years of age.
Rev, John Matigalsen, who has been
paetne Sl. Petet'e Lutheran
Chnech, at Milvertnn, for the paet
four yeare, preached his farewell
eermon, on Sunday evening,
The oil tig now engaged in sinking
a test shaft, neer St. Marys Cement
Worica, has reached the 000.foot level,
1)01 110 ititlicatton of oil has ns yet
been found, The Well is being deilled
by John Lind, Preeident of the St.
Marys Portland Cement Company
Brussels Old Boys' Re -Union
Some of the Letters received by the Committee from former
Well known Brusselites.
Sask, May 24, '27
1 . q.,
Brussels, Ont.
Dear Sir:—Rceeived your kind
invitation regarding the Reunion tm
July 24, 25 and 20th, 11(27, - and
was suiv .pleased to receive it, but
at the same time sorry that I can-
not be there as that is our busy time
here so that one can hardly get away
only in the winter. I guese you have
forgotten me, but 1 will never forget
my old teacher, and would very
)much like to meet You and Alex. Me -
Call with a good bunch of the old
school on the third. So wish you 131
a good time and may you have a
good erased, Rope Uncle James will
be able to be there, Yours truly',
John S, Parkins,
<''3 1.
Courtenay, Vancouver
June 14th, I:127
Dear 0141 Brusselites:----Your in-
vitation brought te me memoriee of
bygoile days, .happily spent in the .01,1,
home on the 5111 concession of Grey.
.These memories reech back to the
year 1089 when as a lad 1 often went
with Iny !father and mother to Bras-
sels, our market town where we pur-
chased our boots from Alex Betted,
shoemaker; groceries from Mc-.
Oracken, who dame rumor stated
could throw a barrel of salt into a
waggon over the tailsboard ; one
drugs from G. A. De:Oman; drygood8
from Nightingale; hardware from
Gerry, and the Brussels Post from
Xerr, Nothing would please me bet-
ter than to visit the old home town
July 24, 25 and 2113 and with my old
time friends, Joe Shaw, shake hands
with others of the old time friends
and with those of the later generat-
ions. As we are now located in the
beautiful town all Courtenay on Van
eouver Island., the great distance
forces us to forego the pleasure of
a visit to Brussele this year; however
I hope that "some day I'll wander
back again to where the old home
.stands. Thanking you very much
for being remembered and wishing
you all a very happy reunion. Yours
sincerely Joe. McKee,
Fergus, May 20, 1927.
Dear Mr. Blark—Thardts for kind
invitation tty old home town reunion
July 24 to 20 and may say that 334 38
vevy possible 'that we may be dole to
attend. Your very truly, Mr. and
Mrs. Ham,
334 Sixth Ave. N., Saskatoon,
July Oth, 27
Dear Mr. Black:
I regret vow much that I shall not
be able to join with the old boys and
girls in their reunion 011 July 24th
to 26th. Please accept, my thanks
for the kind invitation, and extend
to the members of yom• committee
my 8017 best wishes for a good olkl
fashioned reunion. Sincerely yours
Mrs. W, Ibberson (Pearl Sharpe).!
(Continued on Page 4)