The Brussels Post, 1927-6-8, Page 7THE BRUSSELS POST
Its superior strength makes Purity go farther timn,
ordinary flours. it is perfect for all your baking-- (771kes, pies,
buns and bread --- so the one flour sack only is nk , cs'Lry,
Try Purity Flour to -day ---it is ceratin to pial..(. you.
(1.t 611,1
Send .30c in stage*s for our 700 -recipe Purity Flour Gook Book, so
'Wow. C.auato Floor Mille Co. Limited. ':orunto, Mootreul, Maws, baba Jobe.
,ccsm,.rJ,.,�nm,r,.�mv::.-.4,nca,,.r-3.wwcvm,c,orc: rx,�•�.•.,•mn:, smv,ww,xsx: ::..a.-... u�x>xcsncu,,�:-...=.v�
f f r nlahf
� h
'du larnIra
Copyright 1913.
Our installment for Story has been.
lost and we are awaiting another
from the Publishing firm, which
has not arrived for this week. --Ed.
"Atria duck" is a y'oung'; dunk
'has h,•en crown very rapidly
by special 1' ,vilul. The length of
time required to grow green flue,,,
depends mainly on two things, the'
114,0.14) or doorr, uo.•d and the method 1I
of lending. j
1ttxt'nt experimental work conduct -1.t
ed. by the Dntninion 7:xperimentnl�
Fa m' )Lows that ducklings of tile!
1'.itin hr. '4,1 will attain ,mals •t:ebl'i
.;i•4,..• in about ten weeks, while thosel
o1• 4.,144 014,1(1 • of du 1 . :tke to •1'.
to fifteen welts. l;eeinners would he
v;e!I ;h!.."1 to stele with Pekin'
(lank, if they teittelimte :n:trhetin ;
ereen deist,
.1 geldings are email NTT '
houl.d 61.1 1 .=ix time, daily. etc 1,:ediee 1104' .. wry as pulite,
duck. ere . or feeders, When the
ducklings are about two )Week: old
live fee iter, miry he•en daily and
be continued until the ducklings have
r' aced marketable ago. Fregment
feedial' promotes rapid growth,
The feed n.;rod for growing duck-
lings at the Experimental Farm, Ot-
tlnva, 13.1 011101 parts bran, Aerie and
cornmeal with about 4,:•n per cent
beef steal added. A little charcoal
f rtbout ono )ter vent) •s also reeon-
mende.•d. This mash should be m1i'd'
oiled with water, hut not made sticky
or sloppy. Add only sufficient water
to maks, the neral stick together.
Sprinkle coarse sand over the mach
before feeding;. The sand serve; as
grit and aids in the •proeess of di-
rr',tinn. Feed Only what til„ rhlek-
ling''s will eat up clean at each foal-
After the duckling's are four or
five days old some green food sh•,ultl
be given, such as clover or alfalfa
which has been freshly cut, and
chopped up fine. Start with Only; n
small amount of this material and
gradually increase it until thf, leash
contains about one-fifth green food,
When the ducklings bre about six,
weeks old the green food should bn
gradually eliminated and at the com-
mencement of the seventh week the
mash should be changed to one poss-
essing more fattening properties. The
fattening mash used at Ottawa is 10
pounds cornmeal, 35 pounds shorts,
and 15 pounds beef ureal, with a
sprinkling of coarse sand.
By the ttene.the ducklings are ten
weeks old they should be in excel-
lent flesh and have developed their
fht emit of body feathers. Thi• i'1
the right time to market them. If
they are kept longer they will change
their feather'.=, and the rate of growth
will decrease, thus increasing of t
am] rcduc in profit-.
Experimental work at the (i anal
Experimental Fermi, Ottawa in 1921;
Indo lass• filet Pekin dueklinlzs aver-
av •c-
;e,4,i about six pound; teeth in ten
weeks, end made a net profit, over
cost of feed and duckling, of Stele
each, 'illi.; was at least one half
1'0(11(1 heavier than the gain made
by other bee do under eimilie , con-
ditions. \4'h4 re a fair price can bo
obtained for '':Teen duck.;' profit.
are umally
During the year 1020 a total of
$15 03,000 was spent on construe -
tion and maintenance of all pro -
highways in Canada, accord -
Mg to computation Made by A. W.
Campbell, Dominion Highway Com-
missioner. Of this total $20,585,-
000 was spent on construction and
815,987,000 on maintenance of high-
ways already constructed. The total
mileage of roads involved in this
aggregate expenditure was 40,824.
Itepresenting fifty Nebraskan
families who wish to settle in Can-
ada, a delegation headed by Prank
Stewart, of Nort Platte. Nebr., con-
ferred with C. A. Van Scey, super-
intendent of the colonization de-
partment of the Canadian Pacific
Railway Company at Wtnripeg in
order to obtain details regarding
suitable tracts of land. The land
seeker. v
11g •o to Calgary with a
g Y
representative of the department
and inspect land in that vicinity.
The group proposing to emigrate
has ample capital, it is said.
The Follfsong and Flandicraft Fes-
tival held at the Chateau Fz'ontenac,
Quebec, May 20-22, under the aus-
pices of the National Museum of
Canada and the Canadian Pacific
Railway Company, proved to be
perhaps the most outstanding' musi-
cal event ever held in Canada. Many
Persons from all parts of the con-
tinent gaLhoted at hitt An1:,,:nt Capi-
tal to hear the old songs of French
Canada r and o see the handicraft
products that are still produced to
a large eict,:nt in Quebec despite the.
modern methods general in almost
every ether pert of the Dominion.
There are a great many ways to do a job of
printing ; but quality printing is only done one
way—THE BEST. We do printing of all kinds,
and no matter what your needs may be, from
name card to booklet, we do it the quality way.
P. S,—We also do it in a way to save you money.
The .Poesy
Publishing House
T(1 IiRI'l'iSIi t'01,11114I:I1.
"flewdutlon" and "i)i':t••,very 1b u•h,
( 4,l l'anennver inland lit 17714--
Tradc'ril tlr,brit In 41(01•--.•1•ut'ttules
Made In Trading With Indians,
The drat ships to int1iatte the
014'00 4,f dear- is now the start of
Brit Ian Coln ntbit. were comma11,1•«1 by
that. famous 110111ish nayit4stt,j. a1111
explorer, Capt.. Jut -in.., C0011. who
sailed in those waters 11(11111^ his
third and last voyage,
In the early spring 01 1776, Capt.
Cook res ivc'd his commission in Lon-
don to command an expedition. Iia
101 instructed to nail to the Pacific
Ocean by way' of lilt. Cape of 4,o 1
Ifopta, to touch at the Sorin ty Islands.
and then to proceed to the north-
western coast Of North America, and
snake explorations there. The 021-
1,1111 loti
9 1111htn consisted of two ships ---the
Resolution, of 402 tons burden, and
clri,in1 112 mon, under Capt. Janes
Cools, and the Diss0very, of (:00 tons,
tnd 4,a, yln1 80 men, under Capt,
Charles ('lorke. The expedition sail-
ed from England on July 11.
Entering;ho Pacific Ocean Capt.
Cook (t c, e�:d to the south and vis -
Hod Von 111011)•1'0 Land, N 1: 1,4 a-
loud, and other Islands nn which he
left, she.. p goats and Pitts l'or breed-
ing pttl'pnsc:n,
Towards the end of Mo(1) 1770.
the Pesolution and the Pl 4,c very
stilled Into hope Bay, Nor tk' ,lune!,
e!o the
wort const of what i•: now
known e.0 Vancnnvr•r Inland. That
was the dawn of hit' 4:ll0, en 1l,
west,rn .5'1 11r111.,•11
1' h1 ,1117.
After 114.• 1 1'- 11-1 .I,.rnt v -
001.150 111'• P51.111 111 41311, 4,l 114 1
repair=; 1..111 they were woe 1.:4 ,! 1111(4 11
(11111,: h tr14(0 In 11),• inner part n!
1111' buy and l uron• .c1 by to' dna of
111105'1'. 1 ('(. r:411 to trees,
The 118t.i0' 0 leaded -it on hrmr'd ..kir+.
((f Var'inns kinds, and particularly of
the1 ti 1118.001.11bin n r)on',
and ((r11'1' 1 las. "But," ' a h nar-
rative of 1h,• i•/•.••0,• -t•, ,h,• ,. t .1))•0(
ordinary ol'all theut101,,; whirl, they
brought to the 89,4,1 for solo were
human skulls and 10111,111,, not y„l 1(11it„
01 rii•pedof 11 11 -h, whir(, ti,._.
p'((! t
they had eaten, anti, In»!'. d sone.
1114,111 had rlid:'n, storks that 1114.t.'
had boon itunn ((1., tire.”
Towards the . , 1 ./11 lull the es
pesters had 11101, d .r'•• repairs to
the ships, w1ti+•h w r.• :emir, tit for
sea. 11, fore sailing ('ant Conk k r-
eeI,V1d 0•4 t_ •.1'11 :.. 0e:•r:,l Indian 4,1114,1';;
:weenip:Heed by hundreds at' 11m Fr
Subjects. In return for 511.1111 ('1.e:1-
etlt. One ('1/101, who had 1' 1,,,come at-
tacked to Conk, gay, Mtn a t;-11a1'e
robe of beaver slain; wh''r•nlp'ul Cook
presented 1114' chief with a now
broadsword v if 11 a bra,:; hilt. Tito
present, it is narrated, nutd4' the
chief ceopletoly happy.
The natives pressed Cook to visit
thorn 11 nim rind bring more goods 111
exehange for )'urs, Conk promised
to return, but he did not live to fill -
01 his promise. This is tho earliest
recorded visit of :chips to our Pacific
Sailing northward, Capt. Cook
navigated P,ehrin'1 Strait, and 111011
he sailed 0nulinaard, Teaching the
S11 111111i1/11 I11l111141/1 01' 11ow;tfl as they
aro best known to -day, In January,
1770, There, in the follnwinC moth,
Capt. Cook lost his W4'1101,114, 148010t•-
iug his men to recover a 1111111' boat
that had Been stolen by a party of
natives, 1,
Tho cOntunud of Capt. Conk's ex-
pedition now fell to Capt. tltrke, who
made a trip to Behring Strait. On
this 140'•1: e Capt. Cterke died and
1000 $ucre.•d1'1) by ('opt. Gore, who
guided the expedition hone to Eite-
l1an7140d,, 11where it arrived in 00411',
A11ttn11 the 10X1,4,8 who served -un-
det' Capt.. Cook were .('''sial Alen
whore nate-e ars, pt'"14, 1'•' 01 in 11 '
geography of 0111' Pacific Coast—Van-
couver, Broughton Blirlt, Burney,
Comet, and Dixon. They helped ear -
1'y on the ,emlortitinns commenced by
Capt. Conk,
\°'11hiu live years of the 109)") to
England of the Resolution and the
Disenvr'ry, 1488.'1,1 begun to arrive off
the coast of British Colombia tor On,
purpose' of (rte -ling wire the natives.
Out of the furs collected great 1'01•-
kunrs were Made.
Amen:; the early fur -traders en
our Paelfh' cons( was Cont. Jalun
111.' -'ii' o, who bore the ra'l!; of sort.
(0110111 ill tilt, T3 1/1141811 navy, and to
whole b longs the cli,lili')lon of hav-
ing built the flu t vessel leuncleal
11'om the 011010s of British (2,94 Con4440,141.
In Janie—try, 1783. John :11,110 14. 0.4
mg i'1'min Chinn with two ve:w•Is, the
Felice and the fphitoen!a, for ('(1114811
Columbine Among the :4,011, of 1110
1.470 1.1(1)3:4 were a 11111111)•.1. oL•0,1111 's',
who, as Meares writes in his jouruat
were "shipped e.0 an experiment,
they having been generally esteemed
a hardy and indnstrio(,4 ns well as
an 1n;guloes race of people. They
Bee on 11011 and rico, and, requiring
but law wages, it was aL molter Of
economical consideration to employ
tharn." Many of those Chinese wore
81)111('11 1,1.'•vitantfl:ha 111111' 0:u•pe.nters.
The crews also contained a large num-
ber of European mechanics. ',These
were the men who commenced ship-
building on Cllr' Pacific coast:,
The coining of the first Otenin1' is
another epoch-making event in the
history of our Pacific coast. P111s
vessel Zara the Beaver, built In 1834-
36 on the Thames, near London, for
the 'Hudson flay Coe at a cost of what
would be equivalent to $125,000.
This vessel was rigged as a frig, and
made the voyage from London to the
mouth '01! the Columbia river tinder
sail in 10,3 days.
At Astoria on the Columbia, the
great western post. of the fur trader,
john Jacob Astor, tite Beaver 11)14'
charged verge, and then getting tip
steam, Cap(„ Bente made, a trial trip
to Vanctauver. She slid good work
until 1874. 0when she was ;mid by the
011108ot Bay Company (0 henry Saun-
ders of Vi.tor(a, who converted diet
into a tow -boat. In the rail orf 1);88,
she went 011 the rocks at high tide,
:ed all eforts to get her off failed
4,a 3 as
111.11,.-11 1 I
ul, l4,
3:11111 :01».
1. 1)1,41 141 1'.
,rf•• , F. . 1.1,
-i +'.'.:4 1111) :11
_'111-.•011 11».f -h 1' •1.01111,"
13 1101'i. 'I 4,u ','� ,
''1 nnil „r is i4,'. i',
8)1".11e- a•1, 'v143
8,1.11.1; 1111• 1111.' 11. 1'0 1 003111011 10 110
10,1 4. 04 'C1m117' 114- al
aur,, dr, 1, '1 1 14,4 Ising at. it :11
. a,llel ,1'.11, 0-1'.lir •'1 'Pod'
'1'l 01.1
'11'4 i ' T 11. !f iteter_tnt,
'41'h, 1 'd• I"
1 . ^11 ,1.13 tris 1-n„r•
slice, il, 1 d.-11. 'd (1:410'1 I l'l 8
a bla,l,• ivl,-.o I • (1?
('Itt 41 0: 1i,- '1, i,,rh•ro- or.•1 ,.e,
piima, 1111,1 11(1 ) v -o with ti (.':e?
1n1n•k, wen, . . a me 1.11 VI 111'
steal 104381. it :11'2'011-1 ml. 4,11'111,0 silk
ilia: lura')' 1,11.1 11104,3., and 10, nl
1)114111,11 !1 /41”!.44,S4 1i4, 1,11 1. 111/4 1111 ad.
v --1;111 0 throat, 43L4,1, In tie. Nam
of (;rdl (lad 1
"1 1,1 11 I 11.1 e, 11141. I 111,41 not
e.r1 n i(-1Rh5ta. 0 t .. 11.4,.1 e.'
1;t "1:4.41 -N 1 11-,14.-, 4) 'd
i 1 q,tlr( 1', 444r vnrhl (i4,, 14.3 I( 10
I h•• 't . rt. 1' r 'v,•n 114 114.•4 Ilse
(!d I1 0 11' 1'041., 11 4/1141: 111 114 1..n
of 4 • loon (, ;,,,n l lm
too rot. 1.I 1.t,4.: S..1,' 21.. 111 11_. 1....t., `
The ti rot 1 - 11 ' :10 (n
A:13.1:0e.•-. 1'110 Orr+ 111111,• r, r•�::; , ,1
• la 105, 11,11 d 172-1. 1:414 zee b, 00,1
1'1 1; it 1. , it V..11 (1.711 t 11, l;1,
t'4.;31y'1od i, 1111111'0,11t 1 111114
14111 .. 11. 111'
11. 17,1 110.,/ 1 -- tired 4, o 4r
i „ ; ,1.I . r -:,o 1.
1,1, 8 I r Its „d c. .0113. 1. lee - re
44.71•m th44; 411.1., tett 1,:trhar..t/tt
O''nnr•11, tn.. tate 4ha11 11' P .. ',L.
(4:0. ('(Si\i 11.,,i... 1,4'nit,:
,: 111 1'.' 11 l (,1,11 . ..b,
to 14 a.e411',: • 11 1.1 ,4,.0 h. 114
r1e(414.1 11 1:1041„ 0.1x4,• of ,11'li'4,,5
htoking kali . _.4,:i ,4cil11.,,4,:4
• 141 4,.,.4 -4. 44 . .1 ill 1.. 'Ir
1 a:: 111,441.-1.1
of ie. :1 ••,• •
Pattan. • c •1 et )i •r're.
14I' 141111 1''!
n -;•.t.' } 4,r:, 1 - 1•1 1'1ltltril1a story
"I (0 .) ,1 a t Ia•n 1,41,1 111
the fact that, 01,, 41 „ had 10.1.14'(1
showing 1h.' 44 )11; 1•111' ..n•inur; 01j40.42
of Int.:4-.4'4. and 11.,1 1.-,1 Mot to 1,11
• 1';'). .4
114( 4,.i his -!t!af (11 .•
14rs put
not 111 11.1 0 b: hind his hack fm
It r safe to stir that 11t' renowned
"Duliol, 11111" t •l,•• s.'Idr in fr i;i,tvnr'•d
(ltlt•in0 hi, adventurous career. Tint
he +els certainly .1.lnrut -d for a nee
Wrenn when he visited these show.
1•nou114 in Norfolk street. lie pulled
out ermidly a kit; re or ills ow•n. show-
ing 8,1)1„ sinister•101111n;t blondstnine
a r,rnrd of t11,, Indiatn woes, and
pointed nut to the head of the firm
that this blade was one made by them
at Sheffield. lir. Ttod,;ers at ons',' of•
Cored to tape 1110 knife, 0101111 it thor•
rn101113', and make it like new.
'i'he famous hunter got a shook!
"Not a hit of it!" oto oxelaimed.
"110 you think 1 went those marks
tabbed off!" T.n1 Ito was greatly
pleased and much mollified after•
wards when the first made hint an•
other knife just. like the original e le.
with his 1121110 engraved in Cull on
the blade, and sent it to hila as 0
The story is atilt told In Sheffield
that, when a Britiolt officer lost 1111
knife 91 a village 1101.(11 of ('as:hI14re,
110 was asked if it was made by Tiotl.
Cern sahib! He replied 111 the 1:4.4. •
ative, and tho headmen of the v11104•r
11mn said he was very sorry for the
loss, as the k,ivas made by Ilodgerx
sahib we,'e the hest 111 the world,
and he could never make any more!
When the British ()Meer asked fol
further information, the 10000,148
told an astoniahiug story.
"Rodgers, sahib;' h+ id, "made
such knives 01100.tliat Ih •v went /vee
through iron. There 001(0 a prisonet
in 15ngland who had one or tht'sa
knives, and one day he cut through
his fetters with it and eseape'd. The
King of England was therefore very
1ttn;ry, and he sent for Rodgers sahib,
telling hila to bring with hits one o1
his knives.
"The Bing tried the knife on iron,
and, finding how sharp it was, said
he could net afford to 111100 1111('11 good
knives made, and so lose all his pris-
oners. So tee ordered both the arms
of Rodgers sahib to he cut all above
the elbow, so as to be certain he
ahollld make no mere knives."
W11011 yc'u sol' some of the (nor•
mous elephants' tusks in Me's'srs. Rod-
gers' show -rooms you wonder what
sort of elephants they Paine from, 14'01
they seen) as if Jumbo himself must
lingo been 0ma11 beside them! One
tush--holirvel to be 1.1m, second larg-
est in the world-- ;!s over ten fee)
long, and it weighs 216 14111108! II
VMS bought snl(1c years ago fur just
over 0800, but ivory has risen so
much in price that it is new worth
something like double that SUM.
Rodgers do not, by any means,
cOncontrate on the making of knives
and weapons for warlike purposes,
The firm turns out over 1,250,000
pen- and wicket -knives alone tt11n1101-
ly. Yon can buy a pocket-knife at
anything from sixpence up to £41
And, whatever the price, yon can be
sure of getting good value for money,
(lroatcost Seaport of the World.
Notwithstanding its many and
growing rivals London continues to
be the greatest seaport of the world.
During the year 1926 ships entered
London port having a total tonnage
Of 24,717,056 tolls, and ships' clear-
ed having a total tonnage of 22,347,-
92,0 tons, The ocean trade of the
port that year hart a Value of over
Oil Plant at Vogt Churchill.
A. modern plant for extracting oil
from whales has boon established at
Fort 01 urehill 01 t
wr;DNESI)AY, .11'Nr: 1-.1 le 11P-ri,
I;SK fOTli
Stll')) i iil)q.
sy Doing so 1.'e,.. s,tv+ 54ur Brainw is Rest.
Ont of ev'•i•y hun,1r. 4,f nithl
t i 1_ 4.44,141-01;
4 61 , 44 ':r r t ,.
M, i ,FJII .;• ,, ,.11 .. . .
111,.'11 111I'a rii 1.'t I>t i' 1' q. !,11,1
!';t.1(1 1, r tlatr »1(4,1 l•' 3l
:)fw.0 .14.40:,.
r It, 1:;3 L'1)d+.?.v]'11$P '®t• 14,11 iti 1,4,,
L,..' ;141,1 1,•S , 1 ,
andgeleeraree.1.0+4,1-1eieee eneeCteee-1,•Cr+b•A
+ o,• 1,1,,,11 +;
11 :. •i'; ..
1., (0— 111 1 ,1 414.1, 11(3 in , , '1 a+,
APPLES %'10 1 P )', '1' (.1)111114, ' 1, ;14110,
loedles4 llrnnt;e•r. 1 ('nue.:,., 1,1111 (:rapt.•, bolo! t,t!le t 1 Iv 1111
H,rn 1111 1 t, I nl ,o, r., 1.
, 1113
C1 (1
to u•. b1t;,
1,'rtlit, and
'1'1„•4,,4 Iris., i4,. i. .•o 01,1.1 1.4.:10:;;;10,,44,1'„:1,1::111,1::: ! ,read i'' ctrl;, 1 ..
Ora ill '4, 11.111(0111. ,1 1 11111.• ,,.'1 0110 w„lit 11 .
,, 14,0)1. an' ,
111-04. e.1 �:II 111 '.
A sr.•t11e.•:, fi I•i1 41, 1 1 ((1•11• tt'nrl. for h, h. .
9.19 its own 1 _.
1111 hraltrheti ,u'„e , u t:��u a1e.• a--,• e.1 in11nu1 t.�;
r. lid pet1.1 t-1.
Iri.. _ l:, s 1111, , u. 1111 t- t 1 1
•1;(4,. pulp :,, 4,7 On'n': , .
fi'oul ti til
111, a tee:nk 111 e,1 1 ti:= I 0t, I,.1 1.l, 11. 1.,
i! Mr. eel
13 f) ,a tui..- i •!e„1'C' :`ie.. ! , (I. ,111
1114, n er•'d 1 ;, 4 ,r (t'
growury wilt! vee, . 1 1.,1,11 t,h„,.1,,• „
111 IIC }.::';;L1.11 (; to .,. . .
1ir11 11I 1. l:t1.14' :: P at 11 ., ,
twelve 1f 11. • '. I'uu•
:ant tai ai-l4,., tr.....
- ..
lotto, 40.1ieri4Ni.•!'. ••1 1 I . 14..i11
laid 110.
A 21te. 111,;.1 0
'4va.1,'..:r4e11 ..011 ..
fol ',1.:. 0:10 Of
p1snl,r 1 v, 1k 1' 1! ,
(Irvin: good ,,11.4
N"xl to 1111.11/. t CI i . ,V"I .
91)11,1 : i.r.; 1 •.
1,J'1' r1 I I'll, it. 1 •1• '
10..1 1 1114. to 1 .4.'41 , 4441 11..-
710] if then 4 d.
Aron1(1 Snort Ire !11 u. ,r' ,.
1 141 Ih 1 g 441 „
i.e _11,4,11" ;h. ,-t.,
1.h,: leer.,
II: . left i 1
• to side 44
, to 1(91,
('.4Y174et. I; 1404.
i %•sant Of i ,....
.1 d°acts 40 i:t; 444
, 1,4
On (1: r .
10.01 1�' 1•l„4,l r ..,
L'' of t, ,i1 -- ..
1i: .Lot.
00' 1. .110
.41. •i1
more than hlit lowers
n1. adz, '
t t
the vitality. of Ile hotly 1;1/11 d, -pre -
elate the acts 1 1 e'1.' (144. rt.•rt import- ,
ant organs, beet/line 1tver.
The liver 1s sultPosod to 01)9 0.00'
fain material. from pm-4,ing it ggd
when it is not working (' .pr rtz 11
material, succeed 311 setting by eiei
reach the brain, which 15 poisoned.;
This accounts for the. 1-11100 of bud
temper and irritability so (rota ton j
When an east wind Is blowing.
To prevent this. keep p watt . and
take exercise. This does not neces-
sarily entail the wearing, of 'wool
next to the skin, :;ilk is just as warm
and certainly far less irritating to
sensitive skins and tempers already
put on edge by the wind.
north In it it said
Oslcr's Prescription.
Dr, William Osier's prescription
for success in doing the dally job
will appeal to many harassed souls;
"Banish the future, live only for the
hour and its allotted work. Think
not of the amount to b4,, accomplish-
ed, the difficulties to be overcome,
or the end to be attained, but set
earnestly at the little task at your
elbow, letting that be sufficient fol
the day.”
Tlt 1/11 1/.
n(', i.e.( e
11.1.10, 1,./'1V:11•1::.,
titre) silk- 11
the ducal urn, ,
stock In 1:11. 133. 11:4
n at i„n.
'L'lze tenant of ge, gel
Seoiland is snpp1: 11 1,
lands with a bucioa14,1
ily these estates at,
V 0( v1tefe snow 1),
11 44;•14 all 1h• voar
,1 „1.
,.• 4 ;N
',id cense-
1..1quentlz thi p t i t, ., . au b, paid
at almost any 11144 11. 1h, t, 1.r
At one tituc' 11 111' 4:1 144.;;' 1,• ,•n 311"
tieult for the tn,,'; C'1. 1:1011, in
Bucks, to raise his 1,./11 which 11' I''
.11010 of a garland of 3•081•'S.TIn. trod- 1
ern gardener, hole o,m, o0,( guarantee
rasa, w111 -nigh all the year nand.
Tho last monarch 11 , at -o: 11100 a
certain service In 11u o rent Cor the
lands of Keppc'rton :1101 At t,-rton, in
Kent, was Edward 1. king John bed
granted these ,:tate 4,441 condition
that whenever he or 1115 heirs crossed
the Channel the holder should hold
his head when troubled with mal de
LOC'Ili 'AT YOUR. L 11:'4,.
i'•IE Industrial and ,
Saving s Company, of Sarnite
Ist1444 4,4. 1110 1.0. 3 1;) 411 1111111 ey or
,'L0e/111' 0/1 1 L- 1-' 0h• 10101
00-1 11 u , 1 4,101 1.7 s e' apply
1 411, 1 4, 8 r ,1 , 4, r e lie ivlh o
I 4,)11,3/ list... til a 1111 rI 00404,, 444
Tho 1nW"xt i 1 Mootg xt;:c
cult! /1.�vn r, •, Cnnlpanp ..
<fUQ71.4,+1114'41 FC"
1 ..
41.4 to wet y,t4 brat of
:...J'0T17.1,^ C,^.. r' 1404P141'
f71A1 ' 11!411(1,5) life k15111aace Co.
.��;. F7 5p „e4,, ASsura nee
4:11) i':1J v 1 PI":0111 1 w-444; Co. of t3aNe1C1
It!01.ri4.4 ie -presentative __..
C. C. RAMAGE,, i..A.S.
Gradu t. i.oyal Cnhlogo of Dental
Suss "on. 3/1,(1 11,)10411' Gr. -Acute )snit
yt4r.444ity of '1'oronlo. Dentistry in all
Office Over Standard Bank,
Phone 200
l. ,4001
tl l Ont.
Conveyance, Commissioner and C..1.
Ag'. 0i, tor
The imperial Life Assurance Co. of
Ocean Accident Guarantee Corpora-
tion, Limited
` '.14; t i , .'1.r•: r•, 1,t' . n: tale
5) 0./4,4, 11.1,1• Class Imuran', etc.
t' -..,ac• 222.0 it:,el, Out
AC 1:1: 1
i l lt[ W 'Wind lo
80, 1114) 0110 Pt -,one 64
41,119 8411:., t ;1,111 i lid 1251?PtrCa Compal,
1. ., .. ------1 -'t-e,.e Ora,•o..
•r.,4, retrr.rr••'+o,»,.net any person whesesal
1 have officiated at. Phone 23220
C. P.,.8 S. O.
81. (1, U. Viltsge of Brussels.
1'tt(volni n, Surgeon, Accoucheur
t hire :lt residence. Opposite Melt ille Church.
10119(1,11 street.
088•. WA Rlt9L,4W
13onnr ,;r'' o: , e 140.3.-3o \eterin•'rr
College. its • 1 •.-., 1, 011 , re n,.'nrs•t.
Flour :1.11, 1;81..4.
n4, sls�., 00 -ins, t===:t =:^-:1<,:t, rfouromorn,
Another Firm
.'] ut of Business
Just One of the new; items 009(111 are appearing in papers
quite too often these! days throughout the Dominion. ' And
what is the reason:' Th.,re is only one, end that is lack of
loyalty to home institutions and the lure of the 11.111111
publicity of the large city establishments. Many citizens,
while earning their wages and salaries in One 11x,1-, 11e0er-
thtk,s pend It ln•'re 1(1.
money- u1. of the
community for questionably bargains. thus depriving such
connnta}ity of that much necessary working capital.
Etu°ri1esF I'' hien
Do the Sarne
They have local fuels Who aro, able and ready to supply
them with all their requirements, yet for the most trle-ial
reason or excuse they will consent to extend this patronage
to outside firms, thus helping to build up dist tut cities at
the expense of their ]lonn0rtowu, They seem to forget that
this money so sent out might otherwioe Have been largely
returned to them by those with when' they should havo left
this business. Therefore, when i11 need of printed matter of
any kind, whether farmer, business elan or professional lean,
always extend first consideration to
The Post
Publishing H ouse