The Brussels Post, 1927-5-4, Page 8WEDNESDAY, MAY 4, 1927.
Is Kodak Time
All Out of Doors invites your Kodak these pleasant
Spring Days. This Store is KODAK Headquarters.
Fill all your needs from our photo,g'raphie section.
Bring in or send us your films and have them develop-
ed and printed.
See the new SLNWORTHY
WALL PAPERS, which will
Varnished Tile Papers—fur-
face can be wiped off, and are
fine for Kitchens, Pantries and
Bath Rooms.
not fade.
mg.-. SEE THEM 5?4
For Ha+use-
DOLLY CREAM for Tinting
Curtains, 15c
CHAMOIS for Polishing
20c each
• e l.�r
Druggist and Stationer
Local Nev,—.5 Items
e-SftEeefaaeeee+sair,+'eeee: ±".A:ase?w efItt: si setts;H,W, etre gtetagea ;«:ea-dte .`_: ea L;_ M _tKt
To Preesnt Plays. Successful Dance.
Members of St. John's Artglica*t Last Wednesday evening 100-
Meessful dance was held in the Town
of Fm
'hutch and the Owl TroopHall, The Towne Orchestra, of
Scouts of Melville Church are prac- Wroxeter, supplied the music.
'ring amateur
plays, which hey
-tan to stage in the near future. Improvements,
`eneral Assembly. W. J. 1tlrCracken has had Me barn
The high court of Presbyterians in on Flora Street turned into a trips::
garage and all occupied.
:':s General Assembly, thea will meet Andrew Carrie has had part of his
his year on Wednesday, the first of sou;" re -shingled.
Tune in Stratford, where there ars Jomos Thuell is building a modern
wo fine Prehyterian churches ar.d hen house.
membership that will hospitably
ntertain the 300 commissioners who Calls for Tenders,
!Al gather £ram every part of the Tenders are beim solicite•l by the
ominion, including representatives Department of Public Works, Ot-
'ram Brantford. The sessions will tawa. for repairs to the piers at Kin -
+e held in the commodious Knox cardiae, Ont. Approval for the work
"lurch. which has recently beer: re- was given at the last session of the
'heard after interior hams will
House when the cost of the fleece -
lie first important business will be nary repair:
t was included in the sup -
he selection of a more a o p
1 t r in
,ttr Icment fly estimates. The work
tesslon to Rev. A, J. McGillivray, D covers reconstruction :n concrete of
)., wvho o11 ha r tmnL t ,1 • v,;"a' lnr•tions of both the north and south
• rduone y^ar of re, re. alt olt to ; piers. Tenders are to be in by ',Lo,
,he covering of 20,000 relic,- ref tea- 9 and it is expected the wm'Ic w111
--el in his visit.^.tien of over hundreds commence 2hortly after that date.
+f congregations and mTherity
;roues in every nreviuee. S vor'al t Otcers of Tennis Club.
laminations for this honolahl- post I':i,iay aft,rrnoon the 11(11(1101 mrc.t-
ave been made by pre=byterles. I •cog of tie, rerun ere Temtis Club was
Minor Locals. ' held in the hank of Nova Scotia.
The followine: o,lieties were elected:
Time to clean np. 1 r i esi,1 nt Rev. F. L. Lewin; Vice -
Victoria Ttay will soon be here. President, Mies M. E. McNeil; Sete
Sunday, May 8th, will be Mother's ee•tary-Treasurer, F. M. Wilmot. Tits
Day. fcllowio ^ committees were appoint_
Daffy -down -dillies are pretty just cel. Entertainment', Committee, Miss-
'IOW s P. 1. Duchanmer, M. G w u M. E.
Another month and the Junei Me ab anti P. Taylor ;saute 1 r,eent
., ides will appear, and Membership, INL.,:srs Jame Fox,
Ston 1 c1,-.0 Thursday cater- Dr. Ramage, Rev. F. L. Lewin and
:onn. BR u 1..• tee. ML,, F. I Luchanan; Grounds Com-
- Tulips ar,. bee.finning to bl;. ;In in , mitte ' W. M. W. Rowell, I Sinclair,
C. Ja nicandel P.
oral garden plots.1 11' curios at'a hx
The song' Of the ls.•:=.•r 1 r 1 1I, Wilmot.
elroady been heard In tb lap,!. put la fir.., co:n,ii.ion 1 nd playing; w}]l
Hone ie a place where you can oat be commenced very soon.
-;rings pride won't let you or ler in a^law Passes Away.
Order your clitily papers through Chas. Lockwood was at Ilolyrood
-'he Post, thereby saving time, troll- lot week attendnt the funeral of
:,le and a little a "e.n e. lli., brother-in-law, Jo,—,.ph W, Awan,
The only difference 0 man l.i,11 1 11:1It sir honi, in iiia-
•fter spring cleaning, is that the da hese Township of Friday morning.
...Import is against the other wall ,ai, a i i. 'v n two weld.'' i1hn -. ti
;il. ..1,1 5111
. e
r Inez d.Gond time
-rthe se
Re -organized. itis
1 Club R g •'• 1 s cl as
0, -
Soot t Ba 1 1E•t 1,t ]w a
On Wednesday evening last the within the pa>t five week, that death
Brussels I`oot Ball Club held their • hee vi rt 9 the home. the Want, ,011,
nruual meeting in the Public Lb Cherle, aged two wear: having pise-
rary. About thirty interested fans ed away within that time. The lite
attended. The meeting was called Mr. Swart, who was in his 1Gth le 1 ,
to order with Robert Bowman in the was born in Clinton, and 10 year'
.:hair in the absence of the Presi- ago harried Miss Lucy Lockwood of
dent, S. '1'. Plum, who was ids. Of- Clinton, who survive:: him, as wv1.11 00
fusers for 1:127 were elected as fol 1 family of fito children, Helen, Bar-.
lows:—Hon. Pre sitlrnt, S. T. Plum; old, Pearl, Clarence and Jean. He
President R. Bowman; Manager, alt .liivivel by two brothers,'
Hamilton; Secretary, Normo Shaw, Georpr of Ashfield. and Charl'a of
Treasurer, Lawson Clott: ; Captain. Nokomis, Sask., and three .i Era,
Percy Stevenson. It was decided that Mrs. G.Etheringtnn of Exeter; Mrs.
-tare of the grounds be left to the P. TT McKenzie of Stratford, and
officers. The following motions were Mr.;. i Park"r of Wilcox.S L k, The
placed before the nreoting and car funeral whirls W111 Mfrs lv attended
vied: that we enter a tc.un in the by e 1 1`0. e ,1 and friend we,' held
W. F. A. 101110r 0(1109' itiot lender erten Ir' inf ho111e .tt TTolyreod,
the mune of the I in,:'r:rls •.Fon Ball end the body was lohl to met A. IL Pentland, of bun Innen, and
Club.; that W. T Willi-, T Clouse in Greenhill cemetery, Kinloss. Mre. TIarry Walker, of Tim sols, also
Bran -
mid J.- A. Ballantyne be x coli'1(ii -e Arming 1110A: who rtten 1 ,d the: fan- one brother, 0, P. An u toe, I ran-
fo arrange for 11 den(' or eides::ain- mai were L. ;Ind 111::. Power, !''Igat- i ford. Another deter, Miee CIaire
anent to raise money for the comms ford; I 1,,,okwood, Wilbur lock -1 Au, skin, • , x11 away at Tort Mt -
year; that the manager and .secretary wool earl i1Ti, i T e a.'e, Lockwood of v lum11 1ittle.l.i1 rover rtwo..•tweek r mr
inttit1 the foam and get the na.urssaty Clinton;:\I r, ones 141x:,. Linton, Mr, from. Fort.Sttskatchewaun to be pros -
*tapers for registration; that the of. sttx! MIs. liars and Ifenneth I'm
lt- ant at her death soil, not reaching
leers have full control in buying. woad, Toronto, Mr, and Nies. Wit~- there in time to sed heo, I cher
ultplies, but the players will b non ins, Detroit, and 4n1, and .Mrs, Leek- Interment in the West.
suited tts to sweater color, wood of Exeter,
BC Cd s las Clinr: h
Sunday, Mny 8fi6'o
11 MTh—Public Warship.
)t , -' it ty Address
Baptism and Communion
3. Sunday School—Open session
with a Mothers' Day program.
Everybody welcome.
7 p.m.—Public Worship.
Theme :
Tuesday—Y. P. S.
Wednesday — Prayer Service
Friday—Boys' - Class and Choir
Council met on Monday evening.
Send The Post to absent friends.
Change in Dates.
The Grand Theatre, commencing
next week, will be open Tuesday and
Wednesday, Friday and Saturday
nights, unless otherwise stated, for
the summer months. Don't forget
the change.
Would Not Go On With Contract.
The refusal of the Ryerson Press
to proceed with the contract to print
liquor permits for the Government
Control Colnlnission recalls one of
Morley's stories about Gladstone.
The two statesmen had been di-•rus-
sirt2 Southey's "Life of Nelson."
This biography was printed sown eef-
ter Nelson's death, and of course the
1301±117 people. \0 1'e aware of his re-
1^tine, w1 -h Lady Hamilton. "Do
Moving to Fergus.
Mr s' , M. and C. Hunter have pur-
cllase d .t hueineia property in Fergus
'11-d will shotty open 0 store and
lunall loons in that town, Their
many friends wi•11 than sucrc s in
their new venture,
Ocld Fellows' Service,
\V'c•aterll Slar.Lodge attended Div-
ine service et the United Chervil last
91119(5 '0 (11n^ when Rev. 1tlr, Bar-
ker ereaehed the 1.(1110111 sermen in
the Or,1et'. Vt itis l brethren were
ure.0,'ut from Seafelth, Win 11 -lm
Myth and Wreeetcr.
Mail Clerk Recovering.
John M. Farrow, London, lrinn, 0011 a
011 of the late Thos. l sere w, railway
'rail clerk, is recoworia;; Rola illjttr-
i:'s reeoive•1 at the union �tatiml,
Toronto, recently, when 71 was
titeow•n from one of the ,m11 motor
Sunday Ser':!ce for Old Boys.
Int•itaitions have twin) 10ewe pled
to Mon:. IIL't!r, forms+l• Parish Priest
m ee. ambles,. ('hatch; Rev. Mr.
Leneford, former !Elector of St.
dolaCs Church, and hew. Mr. Wish -
ad, Torun r minister t of Melville
(9t0rcll, to tele part in the Sunday
rw o c s for the Old I oys' ib niliou.
The mietietel• for the United 'Chu1•c 11
h.t- not been atntounra,•d yet,
Do You Cau•ry Insurance?
Here's what happened nt Advil:,
(; t ldnve you a little policy ;(1 your
home? slave you ono that will pro-
tect you 1 an 1111111(9' in 111,..
hit vot':,l Int;ruin': 1+",
you 11 1.1,1 t'<d or co;10,d into
�"b n!ittin
laughter, can len col-
lect ct on your insurance
Don't let 1110 of any such polity de-
ter you from attending tete I1aworl
Theater this week, where ilarnhl
I.10;v,i is holding forth in 'rho li!d
n, ke used lot• trail -porting snail Brother," for the theater 11111i'''
1 ,, :; to mid front the care. Mr. meld t has amply cared for ue
I arrow's head struck a rail, Ile VMS health and well-being. An Mena
t 11 -
removed to a hospital for medical fence policy, in the amount of 1110, -
attention. 000, was taken out Monday after-
noon by the management of the
Howard -to protect any who suffer
from weak hearts or who are prone
sale at a bargain. .Apply to W.
M. Sinclair, Brussels.
CATTLE to Pasture; Can Accomo-
date about 10 head; lots of water
and shade. Clifford Marks, Lot 18,
Con. 5, Morris. Phone 33-23.
BUNCH of Little Pigs Ready to
wean, for sale. Apply to Join G.
Fraser, Phone 209. 46-2
chicks for sale; also large white
Pekin ducklings and duck eggs.
Phone 51-12 or leave orders at
Post Publishing House. Mrs. Mc-
Cauley. 46-1
SAFETY Razor Blades Sharpened.
Satisfaction guaranteed or money
refunded. Single edge 3c; double
edge 4c, at Fox's Drug store.
FOR SALE.—One Ford Sedan; Just
overhauled and reconditioned at a
snap; a Peerless Oak heater, near-
ly new; an electric iron and cord;
one Columbia graphanola and re-
cords. As I do not need these,
they will be sold cheap. Apply to
Brigham, the Blacksmith, Brussels,
Phone 83(2. 46-1
LOST.—Between Brussels and Eth-
el, lady's leather hand bag con-
taining small sou of money. Find-
er please leave at The Post.
you know who published that book?" 4G_
asked Gladstone. Morley admitted
that he did not. "Weil,•' 51119 0110(1• TILE FOR SALE. -450 4 -inch tile
wv' h a chuckle "it was the So-' at S. S. No. 3, Grey. Apply to
storax. r n Stanley Wheeler, Phone 21-8.
ciety for the Promotion of Christian .16_1
Knowledge."—Mail and Empire.
Splendid Calendar.
Howard Smith Paper Mills Ltd.
has fortvarded a splendid calendar to
help celebrate the 60th Anniversary
of Confederation, with a picture of
Canada from ocean to ocean. Iie-
ginning with the Heart of the 511-
pire and the Mother of Parliaments,
we cross the seas to one of the great-
est links of the chain with which Bri-
tain has encircled the world. We see
the beautiful Lake Louise in the
heart of the Canadian Rockies. The
Capital City of Ottawa with its mag-
nificent Gothic pile; Muskoka Lakes,
the playground of Ontario. Scenes
in th1 West, thousands of miles be-
yond, where the foundations of
mighty provinces are being laid. The
Pock City of Quebec where our life
began, pictures of the Provinces on
the Pacific, scenes that will 'cake a
strong appeal to all in sympathy with
Canadian aspirations, and who have
a desire to see, reproduced faithful-
ly, pictures of the land we love.
Lucknow Wins in Checkers.
The Checker tournament between
Lucknow and Brussels on Monday
evening resulted in a victory for
Lucknow by 9 games, the score. be-
ing 91-86 in the visitors' favor, with
38 draws. It was a splendid exhi-
bition of the game played on the
squared board and a large number
of spectators enjoyed the night's
sport. Lucknow brought 13 players
loaded by the wily Jos. Agnew
Sanely Yuill's 11.111 -up was as follows:
T. McDonald, A. Brewer, D. Brewer
A. Yuill, W. Yuill, R. Brewer, T.
Pierce, A. MrLauchlin, J. Oliver, W.
Work, W. Stephenson, E. Cardttf and
P. Stewart, Play started at 8.30 o'-
clock and with the exception of a
period of time for lunch, went on
rontirmotsl'v until 2 o'clock in the
morning. To satisfy a crok!nole
(hallen.e, Tom McDonald and Rube.
Brewer showed themselves to be real
:sharks at this Maitre by trimming up
a pair of I.ueknowites three straight
Brother Killed in the West.
Ltut Thursday afternoon Mrs. H.
Walsers received the sad news of the
tragic death at Edmonton, Alta., of
Leverne Benjamin Augustine, who
fell from the ton of the building, 50
feet clown :n1 clovator shaft at Fort
raskatchewvan whore he was mana-
go' of the Grain Growers' elevator.
A •four -inch thickness of wall was
cut through at the ground floor in
order to reach the spot where the
injured man was lying„ He was in
an nncotarious condition- when reach-
ed, remaining so to the last, some 36
hours later, Mr. Augustine, who
wet; en his 559th year, was a resident
of.Dungannon district during his
early years, being the son of the late
P,enjaamin and Mrs, Augustine. He
was married some years ago to Miss
Alice Spence, of Goderich, whe is
well remembered as the former court
stenographer at that place, and a
niece of J. R. Grant of Winnip'g,
and .Formerly of Brussels. Besides
his widow he leaves two sisters, Mrs.
to "crack a rib" with laughter when
they are convulsed by the humorous
antics or wise -cracks of other:. Thu ,
policy is -on the Georgian Casualty
Company, of Macon, and the How-
ard paid a bona fide, legitimate $10
premium -on it. Its special features
set forth that the "party of the first
part, hereinafter designated, termed
and called The Company," will be
held responsible "for damage on ac-
count of breaking ribs and splitting
Standard Bank
Safety Deposit Vaullts
TF YOU desire to place any of
.your valuable papers, jewellery,
or other precious belongings in one
of our Safety Deposit Boxes, you
will find our staff ready to render
prompt and courteous service itt all
times during banking hour's, The
cost to you is only m)min:ll and we
are glad to be of any possible as-
sistance when you wish access to
your box.
- TH>
STAN DACAN.A,.DA.. .� ��
BRUSSELS BRANCH—G. H. Santis, Manager
FARM TO RENT.—Lot 10, Con. 14,
Grey. Apply to Nelson Askin,
Bent River, Ont.
CEDAR POSTS.—About 100, For
sale. Addison Taylor, Lot 5, Con.
9, Grey. Phone 238. 46-1
A RADIO TREAT.—Tune in On the
Blue Chain every Tuesday even-
ing, between 8 and 9, Eastern
Daylight Saving time, and hear the
famous Geo. Olson Stromberg.
- white Pekin. D. McKinnon, Phone4e
FOUND.—A ring. .Owner may have
same by calling at Post aria pay-
ing for advt. 46-1
FOR SALE. -1 Registered Short-
horn bull 17 months old; also 6
pigs, 6 weeks old. W. R. Sholdire,
Phone 1823. 46-1
GOVERNMENT Tested White Blos-
som Sweet Clover; clarified and
free from all Primary noxious
weed seeds, Phone 4214. John
H, Stevenson, Lot 12, Con, 14,
10 GOOD York Pigs, 6 Weeks Old.
Apply to Wni. Ilckmier, Lot 29,
Con. 7, Grey. Phone 35-17.
LOST.—Between Ethel and Mitchell,
by way of McNaught, e bracket
and tail light, also license number
212-942. Finder please notify
George W. Elliott, Phone 4016.
QUANTITY Seed Pe.a1 for Sale; Al-
so quantity oats. Hugh Lamont,
Phone 237.
HATCHING EGGS.—Rose's Strain
White Leghorn; eggs 10c above
market price. Seed potatoes, good
cooking variety, $1.00 per bag,
Phone 25-6, William Grunt, Lot
6 and 7, Con. 12, Grey. 44-t1
Loading Potatoes.
W. J. McCracken
er car of potatoes
•ss loading anoth- { r r... Uncle's Niece" this week. U G h h
Uniform Appearance.
No word has yet been received as
to the probable location of the Gov-
ernment Control store to be estab-
sicles with laughter, or any other lished in Brussels. At a meeting of
bodily injury resulting from laugh- the Board, held in ,Toronto, it was
ter accidentally suffered or alleged decided to have uniformity of de -
to have been suffered while tike poi- sign for all the stores. There will
icy is in force, including death re- be a similarity of fittings and of ar-
suiting any time therefrom by sea- rangentents in all of them, and in
son of the witnessing of Iiarold general they will represent the most
Lloyd in "The Kict Brother" while it modern ideas which can be learned
is showing at the Howard Theater." from "chain store" merchandising.
—"Tho Kid Brother" will be at the The provincial coat -of -arms will be
Grand, Brussels, Thursday, Friday
and Saturday of this week.
Advertising Fakir Gets 2 Years.
"Gordon White, who last fall de-
frauded a number of business mets
in Beaverton by means of a fake ad-
vertising scheme and who prcvions-
ly had worked a similar fraud on
some Barrie merchant:', was sentenc-
ed by Magistrate Jeffs in Bradford
on March 20 to twelve months de -
embossed on the store window.,, and
the winders will be such as to af-
ford a fair view of the interior of
the shops. The color scheme of the
stores has not yet been decided upon.
Minor Locals.
The trees are budding out.
A good spring sign: "Wet Paint." 1
Speckled trout season opened on
The speed cops will soon be taking
terminate and two years indetcrluin- their place again on the highways.
ate. The prosecution was ordered If your label tells you it's renewal
by the Attorney -General's depart- time we'll be glad to hear from you.
nlent and. White was brought to That little weed, the dandelion,
Bradford from the Guelph Reforms- will not likely he so sought after this
tory where he was serving a sen- May, as the stuff with a guaranteed
tence for a similar offence. Tl: is be- kick will be available.
lieved that he had victimized Hier- If the holes were as big as the
chants in ten different towns, among bunkers and the bunkers es smell as
them being Beaverton. White's the holes, golf would be a dandy
scheme was to sell the nterchente ,.c1- game, a beginner tells us.
vertising space on theatre curtains. "The Kid Brother" --- "Funny
He collected in advance and having; enough to make a horse laugh" be -
obtained the money disappeared. conies here than a phrase with this
The individual losses were small and one. It becomes a FACT! Convince --
1 1 4. Rollicking Farce in 3 Acts
written by Raymond W.
Will be Presented by
The Moncrieff Dramatic Club
in the
Friday [v'g, May 13
Under the auspices of C. 0. F
White's safety lay largely in ilio fact yourself that this is a real classic
that most of his victims would rath- from old Ring Remedy himself. --
(sr take their loss and say nothing - Grand Theatre, Thursday, Friday
than publish the fact that they had ' and Saturday of this week.
been talion in by a smooth talking 'Now Regulations Concerning Pedlars
stranger. In Beaverton he proposed -
to place advertising matter for the , The recent session of the Legis,
merchants o1 the curtain in the mo- tore Made a change in the act gov-
vie theatre. The advertising never e0 111g the Licensing of ha05now
appeared and White moved on to pedlars. Townships may now pass
pastures new after he had cleaned by -laves requiring a township instead
up. He came to grief at Mimic(' of a county license to sell in the
where he was caught attempting. to tipality. The act now provides
pass a worthless cheque and subse_ that that the license may be lower In the
quent investigation disclosed the na- case of persons who have resided i0
tune of his previous activities. Foo,, the municipality for at least one
charges wore laid against him in year, but it shall not be less than
Bradford and he pleaded guilty in $0.00 for residents and $15 for
each one. The sentences wore the non-residents in the case of ' a per -
same in each case and are to ran' son travelling on foot currying a
concurrently. — The moral or the ! slack or basket or otherwisearr-
above is, business men •cannot do 1111g goods for sale or to take -orders
better than use the legitimate and or goods to be delivered afteto the r
well tried means of - advertising,' the regulation sloes not apply to. the
through the press. Thi:; is the ser -1 sale of nursery stock, medical and
end fakir who has touched out mer- 'books,
books, sewing machines,
chants within the last two years. A books, of ice produced in Ontario, In
standing memorial of the first is seen all cases where the enactment is ef-
in the clock hanging for the past two, carry y e the licensee is required o
veal's beside the post Mike (which ! cahis license with him and to ex -
not go) for the advertisements hibit it to any person to whom he Is
on which and the promises of the offering goods for sale, if requested. 1
exploiter, the advertisers paid gen-- Failure to show this renders him lia-
erously, and in the fare of this along bre to a penalty of not less than
comes White and finds a still further $5.00 or not more than $26,00, Auy
batch of victims.—Beaverton Ex-peson
PASTURE to Rent. Apply to Alex.
Nichol, Phone 566. 45-4
9 PIGS, 7 Weeks Old; Also 12
Chunks; 1 Tamwoth sow, due on
May 12, for sale. E. Cole, Lot 21,
Con. 5, Grey. Phone 41-9. 45-2
ROCK Chicks to Hatch on May 12th
for sale, Wm. Crawford. 45-2
15 HEAD of Cattle Wanted For
Pasture, Earl Mathers, Lots 58-
59, Con. 1, Morris. Phone 4415.
ED Barr
ec1 Rock and
Single Comb White Leghorn baby
chicks, June 4th, 14 cte. each. Al-
so Thoroughbred 11 u'r•ecl Rock
hatching eggs from Schwogler's
best layers. Win. McNair, Brus-
sels, Phone 24-10. 44-tf
YELLOW Blossom Sweet Clover;
Government tested. Free from all
Primary noxious weeds; $7.60 per
bus. Wiliam Grainger', Wroxetcr,
Phone 602-r7.
SEED.—"Abundance" Oats, Grown
from seed that won 2nd place at
Guelph Winter Fair; Yellowy Rus-
sian oats, a splendid oat for heavy
land. Also a limited quantity of
Alfalfa seed. Use hone grown
seed and secure a good crop.
J. P, McIntosh, Lot 31, Con. 12,
Grey. Phone 566.
BLACK Minorca Hatching Eggs and
'Timothy teed for sale. Jas, Per-
t'ic•, R. 13. 3, Brussels, Phone 2516,
LIMITED Quantity of Century Seed
oats for sale. Earl Bentley, N%
Lot 21, Con. 8, 141orris, Phone
454. 40-tf
COMFORTABLE frame dwelling
house m r russels for sole at, a
bargain. A ly to W. M. Sinclair.
Richard Tate, Oso.—A rising
young Lawyer .. Adrian
1t 1e -
Franele Felton—The cause at
all the trouble r'lii ford
Para Hale—Very much atta111.0
to the trouble . Hazel Spelr-
Alice Malcolm—A close chum of
Dora's Laura Patterson
Mrs. Sarah Ann Mullen—A wo-
man of few words ,. Mildred
Simon F. Felton—Frank's t!ncla
who never makes a mistake
Jas, 1teTac;cart
Philander Filmm•e—"humble but
wise" Orval Harrison
Timothy slay—A Gardener at
Happy Palley ,. I awrenee
Silas Slrldemnore—A Constable
at Happy Palley Leslie
Admission 35c and 20c
A British army regiment recently
returned to England from Constan-
tinople, having been absent for 18
years and have done duty in eight
MURCAI1.—In Palmerston, on Monday,
April 1501, 1927, to Dir, and TIrs.
Charles Mercer, formerly of Brus-
sels, a daughter, (Dorothy Helen).
COLDY-COLI:.—In Stratford, on Wed-
nesday, April 27th, 11127, at the
home of the bride's parents, by
Rev. Tames Llford, of Sarnia, uncle
or the bride, Alma Bernice, young-
est daughter of Sigwo•th S.. and
Dura Cole, formerly of Ethel, to Al-
bert 3, Colby, of Stratford,
ADAMS.—In i-Iowicic, on Tuesday, Ap-
ril =i 1hl'O
, 1127, Jessie Meerchet', be-
loved wife of Allan Adants, in her
Gard year,
'BUTTERY -1'n Elmo. Township, April
26th, 1927, Jessie Thompson, beloved
wife of William Buttery, formerly of
Gref Township.
COLO. -2n Clinton, on April 26th, 1927,
lainbeth Ann Simpson, widow of
the late William Cole, in her 13rd
POIIIITS—At 1115 resleenee, Gd Fair -
151511 Crescent, Hamilton Ont:,, on
April asth 1n".7, R-'^, Louts Perrin,
trot holding a h101150 bat re B.A.., ih. 1115 eter, els year, "orm-
p remembered h vying' on a business as a hlwket o1 orly of Wt'oxetee
cessgentl will be reined aPe that
TURNBLTLL,—In Strathcona, Alta. on
his gentleman victimized a number pedlar is liable to the amount 01: the, Sel:ut•t1aY, Anvil 1utt1, a9z7, fohn
f Brussels business Hien in 1t similar 11'aolt'e fee and in addition a fine of Grey Turnbull, formerly of ltal-
tanner last November. $10.0D. ton, aged 6r years. t3
u° ceu . e
rtan ' Thea
For the Summer Months the Grand Theatre will'
be opetil TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY nights
and FRTD.AY and SATURDAY nights
The rnanagelnent wishes to thank all for their attendance
during the past winter, and invites all to come and see
the best films that will be shown during the summer
menthe. -
Among the shows coning are "Rin -Tin -Tin," "La Bo -
hone," "Faust," "Flaming Forest," Jackie Coogan in
"Johnny Get Your Hair Cut," "Noll Gwyne," "Mantrap."
All show commence at 8.15 and a good comedy will bo
shown each evening.
Grand "rNesitre