The Brussels Post, 1927-4-27, Page 1VOL. 55 NO 45 $2.00 per annum in advance
J. L. TiERR., Proprietor
To The Citizens of
Brussels rsnd the'
Surrounding Community
Having purchased the Grocery
Business of J. Leitch, we will
after May let be prepared to
serye the Public to the best
of our ability. Your pntrms-
age will be greatly appreciat-
Phone Calls promptly at-
tended to.
SERVICE will be our
Lorne W. Edgier
Hid United Chit
Frady !til 29
at 8.15 p. m.
Cees. 11 Ce1ke
Canada's Indian Basso
and Entertainer
and Local Talent
Admission — 25c and 15c
,'Sew A,Ivrrilsenten Is
T 1 I,t- \1,Ite Pose
1 1 n.•- it v \rehul
1 1'or t - 1., Colo
i to rot t-,,1.. -f, twit
T+Melo-:-1.111.11, %roles
t•f. uuroelc !!nIl
t,aorne W. 1•:111ott
\I q)ey 1 and--1•hc u t
h, ed Ibis1•4000111.
$Prlur: '0100 1--P. . It Smith
1'^,1:1" .
Plus' for sale—Time, AIee k
llatehing Begs—Wm. t^raut
Pias for sale—Win. Iscltni it t
Western Oats—Grover C. (1111
nnrort—Ethel United C'hurelh
Pigs for salt Clarence Martin
Iilcyrir for sal—Richard Elliott
Sweet Clover—John I -I, Stevenson
S. C., \\•hitt, Loghorns—Walter hose
Iln1f-Ho1lc1t ya -- Chamber of Com-
Don't forget the Concert this -Fri-
day evening in the Ethel United
Church, when Chas. A. •Cooke, Can-
ada's Indian Basso and Entertainer,
will give a concert, assisted by local
talent. Mr. Cooke comes highly re-
Scesoon RIs'1'owi' —Following is the
rewire of S. S. Nn. 0, (Moncrietf
tichool), of the Easter examinations.
Proprietor Pests were given in all subjects, SR.
IV—Velma Robertson 78: \Villie
Robertson 63. JR IV --Lundy Mc.
Kay 76 ; Mae McKay 72, Jn,. III—
Madalon Speiran '72 ; Jennie McKay
10 ; Cecil Meehan 69 : Cynthia Mach-
te.1 , , ,ureses:»,, r.:».: sseeas es : saws., ,asseassese sasse21 : »;»:. eseetsa>; se an 69 ; Jeanie Harrison 68 ; Herbie
'Huffman 08 ; Russel (Jule 63. Su.
�'r ,,g ,,t,,,, ,t, ;, Ii—Lindeny McKay 77 ; Ldhan I3ar-
l 661° Surto Q ing ��,SC9 ��G F risnn7a 141yrtle Gols 73; 1Vlarehall
ilr: •ItIt0 ,(4: +•34.I +i»:HkS»;tt3_:» or;«;«s;rtIt'.tri 'r. 4-40» -1.+44-3.4.44, 3+3+3.4IK'± : 'r'.«:
Glentge 15therington, thtee-year-old
son of J. A. L+'Lh.'ritig1Ctt, lixeter, is
in Al arrival condition, in Viftnria
Hospital, Lnnden, suffering from a
11 nctnred skull, as a result of being
kicked by ,t horse, on his father's
farm, 'I'he child's tionditimi, accord-
ing to intro in trent given at Victoria
Hospital, is extremely serious. liesid-
Ps tt fractured skull, the lad is suffer-
ing greatly from :;hock. His recovery
is doubtful.
Come to Church next Sunday.I
Sunday School at 10 a.m., preaching
service at 11. The first of our Sun-
day evening services will be held
next Sunday at 7.30 p.m. Every-
body come and show that thankful
people owe a whole Sabbath to the
J. Riley has leased 1111•, Dark's
farm, and is busy with the Spring
Jamestown Sunday School will re-
open for the Sommer, on Sunday.
Way let.
Mrs. Geo, lackrttier, Ethel, ispent a
few days with friends in this locality,
during the past week.
Miss (-1rettc 13ekin et'. 'Toronto,
spent a few days under the parental
tnol', during the Haslet, vacation,
Peter McDougall, of the Bnuudr:''y,
has purchased 4 lien' hoed sedan, 11110
Miss Mttrgm'Pl lies ah only become a
very competent di iVPi•.
Alex, Simpson, of Detroit, motored
ever here, last week, to visit his fifth -
FP, A. Simpson, who is nnw 80 years 1
Of age, and is in fairly good health.
Dance.—A dance will be held in
Long's Hall on Friday evening of
this week. See advt. in this issue.
Rev. Mr. Williams will conduct
Pre -communion service in Melville
Church, Brussels, on Friday after-
? noon.
Don't forget the Concert this Fri -
lay evening in the Ethel United
'',ltureh, when Chas. A. Cooke, Can
ia's.Indian Basso and Entertainer,
J1 give a concert, assisted by local
lent. Mr. Cooke comes highly re-
Stores Open
Thou, passed away at his hone, on
Thursday evening, of last week And -
rete Fox, in his 72nd year. The de.
ceased man had been In poor health
toe the past two years, but had not
been confined to his bed until about
two weeks ago. lie was been in the
Township of \Vest \'Vatvanosh, on
August 17th, 1835. Surviving are his
wife and the ee daughters, Isabel and
Alberta, at haute, and Lettip, \Vittg•
haul, The funeral was hell from his
late residence, on Saturday, with set. -
vice at the house, at 2 o'clock,
interment was made in \Vingham
tetter et y.
George Ot uikshlutk and George
otvi.s, of Lever Wittghnrtt, 111n have
been engaged int sevttal days, at the
Winghavt Salt Block, tearing out the
pans, both met with very painful ac-
cidents, I1. rotting the rivets, n
S11111ll pieta, of metal eta eek Mr.
Oruirk just helots the eye, requiring
several stitches to close the wound,
Mr. Orviss was siruitittrly Struck in the
neck, with a piece of ,areal, whielt
passed along underneath the skin, fee
abo)t four inches. The Metal was
removed by the deeme, Outside of a
very stiff neck, Mr. Devise is apparent.
ly none the worse.
Miss Arlene Livingston returned
hone, this week, after a visit in
\V ing Intim
Miss Marjorie Oilldweil, of Derham,
Was a holiday visitor with Miss Sadie
14 cNat t•.
There will be a special service in
Knox United Church, Moncrieff, next
Sunday evening at 8 o'clock. Ser-
' vice will be conducted by Rev. Mr.
Maines and a special collection will
Nas be taken on behalf of the C. G. L T.
commencing May 4th, and
half Holidays begin May
5th and continue until the
end of October.
Chanter of Commerce
Expected to arrive
Special price off Car
raver C. viii
Phone 5g. 14. Ethel
l Vs�t' II �
R White e ge B
Over a three year period our pens in the Canadian contest hav' made
the best showing of any birds entered by any breeder covering the
past three years. At present our pen in the Ca,tadintn contest is
in first place for all entries from Ontario in the light breeds. In
the Ontario contest our pen is in the first place for the light
broods. In the Nova Scotia c ontest our pen is in second place, a
Government pen holding first. Wo have the high hen in this con-
test in the twentieth week.
We are booked up in May for 12,000 chickens. Will been some
surplus each weep at $:to per 100. June chicks $15 per 100.
Walter R(.:'se Brussels
,aYoca;vdx:L9l,.,mz6etNCwmtrtaxKvamcaMienrtYe�:WYtYmrstiYssaxu;^eD:+aF vmt3oArmrm'•au� �ttm�tRr9a.:.aaswrxmsxo�,y
pry •lnaCkF.t;mNra'�`u'nnar.&rm'ansvarnuten"urciKctY.tL.itn�vnxna;tem7,sv�v W:v'icnc>rw,m..0 c.'!v+ssT.n'x'mrnalmlxiYWw'
Garrison 72; Dorothy Mannnn 71 • Dec -
ii Robinson 07. Jte. II—Donald Roli
6d; Leonetti Machan 58. PIs.—Ev-
erett: Robi noon, Louis Hit prison,
Lloyd Machan (absent), Highest
marks were obtained by Velum Rob-
ertson. SADIE E. MCNA)II, Teacher.
Thos, and Mrs. l-cperoft were visit.
ors in Galt, o1. Morality,
Mies Bernice \V Ititur'te, Harrigan,
spent hast weep with her grandpur.
outs, 1t, and 711.s, Black.
Mrs. A. McGuire, Brussels, gave an
utldtes nude, the auspices of the
W. 71, S, of the , Salem United
Ashton and Mrs. Morrison, of St.
Cittthtttlnes, spent a part of the East-
er vacation \sitar 'the foruter's moth-
er, Mt s. ,J. Mort isan.
!Wetly of our citizens motor over to
Bi ussels to attend the Shows at the
(ittulcl Theatte on Monday's trnl
Tuesday's and on Friday avid Satur-
ilr ye.
The funeral of th t late Andrew Ire-
land, of Durham, a former resident of
IIowick, took. ;bare from the Inoue of
his nephew, John Attains, last Samna
day afternoon, interment was wade
11. Wroxeter cemetery.
Council meets next Monday, at the
Township Hall.
Schools re -opened on Monday, The
next holiday will he the 24th of May.
Seine farmers had finished seeding
berme the wet spell set in,
Next Sunday, May lst, the James-
town Sunday School will re -open at
8 o'clock for the Summer. Every-
body is invited to attend the service.
We rue pleased to hetes that 7110.
S. McCall is improving after her sev-
ere illness. Much credit is given to
Iter physician, Dr. White, and also
the eat eful nursing,
MARRIED AT tSt.tltSyAtl'„—A quiet
wedding MIS solemnized 41 the par-
sonage, otnMonday, April nth, at9
p, in., when bliss Maty Etta Case -
more, of Morris, was united in mar-
riage to Walter Jeffrey. Rev, Mr.
Walden offlutated, only immediate
f.tit'nils of the bride and groom being
present. The {nippy couplet left on
the 8 o'elnck train for a short honey-
moon, it: 'Pt)1.'0t110 and other psi urs,
alter whirl they will reside on the
2nd lime of Morris, 'Their hearty
friends wish there a long and happy
married life.,
:Stamm, 11'1Poit'r,—Following is the
report of 5, S. No. 9, Minato, foe the
Easter exant1ttittiolle, Poitils exam-
ined in all suh,jec.ts, Pasty 60 per cent,
honors 70 per cent. * denotes nb-
semoe for 2 t'xttunicatinns, Su:, IV—
Bewley 81. ,Ira. IV --Stuart
I3ryttns 78 ; Arthur Bewley 71, SR.
III—*'I'ntnnty Kiel: by 68 ; Clifford
Pease 65, 111, 511-13eaehaul Alcock
50, Sit II—Isabel Alcock 78 ,11t
1T-11ae Shuntre.e•d 75 ; Lloyd Pease
48. i—Addie Bell 80 ; Walter Belt t.
ley 75 ; Lloyd Pease 18, I—Atldie
Sell 80 ; ANone, Bentley 715 ; Lloyd
A100111 66. Pit. --'Ruth Alcock, Good.
First Claes promo; ed In Jr. II A,
C7t,Aar4 1larownx,'Penches,
Alts, Lewis Jewitt is on the sick list,
Lewiet Jewitt visited relative. at
Luck now, last: Sunday.
John 13nslnau, of Chatham, was
hotne rat a fete claysholidays.
A'iiss Rarharlt Thyrntn fs nt present
visiting feiencis at Port Dover.
Alltel Ramsay, 011 (edgy, was it re -
tient 5151101' With his brother, Dave
R,ttnsay, and family,
Misers ,Tnhnetnn, of Taranto, have
10lurtted 1/o10, ((1101'.pen(ling a week
with their oracle, Arthur Shaw.
Miser, 131sie and Muriel Thornton
are 4(113 o-uffeeing from pols0)1 ivy, j
which they received while pulling,
weeds In their garden,
The tunny ftiend', of Mrs, (itev.)
A. V. 1Valden will he sorry to learn
that sho is on the emit list and at pros -
1111t its 1:110 1Vi0g113111 110,111 101.
Mrs, (Ten, Mr.TMita lcl, (Ttitttc11, lens
been appointed t) Ortega! IN in aiJmml
the Prt'abylt'sinn W. AL t1., which
W 11
We are oP.'oring $50.00 rr'wa r
for information that will it art to
the conviction of the date :r al•
t ":I't'.a,. 1't:: t9 otic' 1.1V a rata:•
C-:llat on the night of TUESDAY
April, 19th, and stole chicks out
of the boxes we had ready for
next day's shipments. •
Any information will be con
Walter Rose
.auto, A, and Hugh S., all at hent•
• Ueo„ar-t tl is also survived by nue se -
ter, Miss Robt. ('nate, of \Iridal p
1'tvlt mei tout htot It I t, .Inn, (1, Una.
I chi, !Jay ('ity Allot 1L'I)tomtit t
Port t \Vtlliaut , 'high lit'Doted1.
111'Ivill , Sce-k , and Peter 11e lh,tlalt, .
of !lager vine,' Alhitla. I:ev n:.,•:I
was a lifelong Lihetal and ti menthe!
of the Plymouth litethret. The fun -
el 'tf tr to h'14 nn 1t, ed„v nf', t,•(1 ,
Itll,I I toe•, ,',tie•, .. 1 ,•1 „ 1'"t 11111'leti It
hnrne and the graveside by 11r. Syk•
i•0, t,f Toro!!to. The Pill Were
hie three .nos, Donald, John and
!legit, raid his three sons•in-ittw, A
Johnston and 3a111es Clark and
Jos. Kelly. In ternu'ttt wits
made in 13rnsaels cemetery: The
bereaved have the sympathy of 1Itt
community in the lose of hnshaud
curl father.
Peter Bkhop is sporting a new
convenes in Brockville, the latter' °handlercotch,
Hiss Freda Sebneller spent a few
James and William West, sons of da} s ts it 1, 11 r°, P. N. Cott ie.
itev. J, W. West, have both recently \V. 0. and .Nr.. Bisbee and Carman
taken the service in Knox Church spent. the vacation in London,
hole. 130th young in are entering I Miss 11114 Pearson spent tete weak-
the ministry for the service 01 the end with friends in Lu'kuow.
Presbyterian Church in Canedt , 71rs, 1Ltvisnn Is speeding a while at
James Gannett, while working in the home of W. H. and Mrs. Lot e.
the field, 011 Thos. Grey's furor, saw tt Miss Agnee C"nhtaim is spending n
nice large deer go across the field in few days with Ml s. Ciltf, Rowland.
which he %vas working and disappear Miss Jho n Saunders, of Tavistock,
into the woods. There seem lo be is spending the week at her home
quite a number of theta straying ar- here.
ottnd here, lately. Mist Hedging. 11, N , of P, .irntrston,
This district received quite a heavy was in attendance with Mrs, \V, 11,
snowfall, on Thursday hist, but the Love,
temperature did not go low enough to )tev. D. Al. and 71re, Guest mid 3itu-
do ranch damage to wheat or clover. mie spent a couple of days in Kin-
Qnite a few farmers 114.0 1111 nugh semi- car cline,
ing and the (rope event in fn first. Lone Vndden lute been laid op
Masi; condition, this Spring. w1cr'
Mrs. 0. Higgins had a pan of floor n liteithn cilys4t'a,k of blood p >iauniug, for
wax on the 81058 to heat. It took hiss Rota Nestle, Winghant, has
Bre, and when 91)0 tried to earl 11 been spending a couple of weeks at
outside, it spilled on the door, brolly B. P. Carr's.
scorching the ,icor, walls and veiling Miss Christobel Bishop is spending'
of the room. However. she was able a few weeks with Mrs, W. V. McKay,to put nut the blaze with water. Con, 14, Grey.
'1'he regular meeting of the Wm 14
P, N. Ourrie, Helen and Bch
men's Institute wag held on Thurs..spent a few days with friend, i1.
day, of last week, at the home of bars. Gnrlph, recently,
A. Aitken, There ens tt gond attend- George Dunbar is ttble to make a
ante. Mrs. Roger Oke gave a tine few trips to the village again, We
paper on "Br1y S0019 in Canada," are glad to see hint better
nti Mrs, Li
. Turves, gave one nn Jos. tangier )las btt'D under the
"Flowers." The Roll Call was ans. doctor's care, for awhile, We hope
wered by each member paying the that he will be fully recovered seen,
annual fee. Rev, D. M. Guest is attending the
Presbytery meeting, on Thursday, of
tins week, Leslie Earl is the lay del -
GREY egate.
Township Council will meet on John McNeil has been on the sick
Monday. list, for the past few days, George
School t-e•npPned ee Monday, foe,,Eckntire is aesistittg with the woelt ht
the final school term, Remits will' 1110 shop4
soon be here. Z-'igler, Vodden and L'lke are each
Farm work was held up by the rain o) the rand, this week, with new
and snow. Many f,ttmere, however, trucks, ready to meet the demands of
are through seeding. all Itel treader.
19 es, S. Cream,, Iorottn, was a rN- Mrn. Desjfyrdhte is petting lip a
cent visitor at the home of her sister,
Mrs. P. A. 111rArthur.
Miss 13erva (Jartlill`, St. Thomas,
spent a few days at tl P home of her
mother, Mrs, It, Dardfff, Gal Oott. ery of Mrs. �9fien' e, a Her ninny
XV,,l,Steveusnn leas in Toronto, friends were g ( t meet her again,
Inst week, repr'seuting S. at the Faster Church service,
at the Dettt, in Education Association, Calvin Krim ter, our !neat news ng.
The Jamestown Sunday School re_ en t, has decided to take down his
opens on Sunday afternoon, Maly, 1st, shingle for awhile, els business is not
for the summer season. All are cor- sn brisk in the Summer months
dially invited to attend at 3 o'clock. 8 ":"'eea I !ta llnnsnld, ,Troup Mel,en•
Walter Brotulf ol. and his cousin, tlitlt and Edna McLelland were hnl-
Miss 1310ndfool, attended the funeral , idaving at their hem"s he"' while
of their uncle, the late John Robb, of their schnole were closed for the
Seaforth, last week, Walter Was a Ea9tPr Ix,lidti nt
plLllbwtre,, A Onmmuniol service will be held
Don't forget the Concert this Fri:. next Sur ernnoon. at 8 n. in , nr
day evening in the Ethel United theITninn (1.111,11..d Chtlr,,0 Tverynn0
Church, when Chas. A. Cooke, Can- is invited. R111 Ft/1enter s'I'viceo at Roe's,
ada's Indian Basso and Entertainer, ; tet it n, m. and label, t1 7.341.
will give a concert, assisted by local dies Modred Nocard is a'ltet- nig in
Lnite's hnk'ry fm' a)vhilr, There lo tt
talent. Mr. Cooke comes highly re- big demand for the (and things oro•
commended. sided by our baker, P. Somerville
On1T(IAIIY.—The funeral of ti' late and the trade is showing ev0t•y sign
llrnry Alcock 00115 held last 'l'lnu's. i of incPPnstug,
day afternoon, ft'otn his late home, ! HPar Chas. Cook, the popular Intl.
on the 141) Onn„ and intei'ut'nt was t izn entertainer. next Friday night,
made in Br'uesels eentetery. Rev, F. j April 20111, at 810. Mr, Cook delight.
Llewi 1 (tttttlt.tote.d the services at the ! ea his andfence, in his last nppeltrnnr'0
home and the graveside. The pull- . here, and a big crowd is looked for
bearer. wet 0 ; W. Pollard, Sit atford ; ' ;his trate again,
'Phos, Pollard, Kincardine ; Chas, I There ens a large afteldance at
Pollard. G. Alcock, of Monis ; J. both aftt'rnnon and evening services,
Alevelt, A. Engel, Deceased was ; in the Presby let inn Church, last
bo 111 on the farm on which he (lied, Sunday, Next Sunray, Snticlay
and 3.1 years Ingo, he was married to School, at 1.30, prearhiue o-,•1 vire, et
Miss Margaret. Oeidg. of McKillop 2,30, Evening set vice will he held in
Twp., who survives him with two (/ranbroek. 1 {�,
daughters, Misses J01+10 and M,ugal• ; The Women's Instil tt1 ' sue1. 011
et. Otte eon, William, passed away, Thursday afternoon, April 21s1, in the
some years ago. The lute Ale, A1- Teslitole room. The Opening Ode
cock is also survived by two bred- : %Vas t1111f: and the Lord's Prayer
ers, 'I'honas,.•nf (-Ivey Twp„ trxl Rich- tented in unison, and the minutes of
and 13., of 71 mils, and two eistets, ' the last meeting 1001' lend by the
Miss Eliza Alcock, of 13rnssels, and . secretary. The following program
Mrs, S. Askin, of Stratford. Deems- - was presented by the Blue side, of
ecl underwent ao operation seine which Mie, J. B1e11nt01 is Captain
I hree yetirs ago, but had ❑ever fully , Paper, "Ways et narking chi,dreu
regained his health, acid had been form Habits of ohediPnre and entut-
cotlflitell to his bed, since the New esy," by Mrs. R, ll,,ill'nbeek: pittnu
YP..141'. The beautiful floral lrihntes dupe, Doris (illi amd Otto1hy Frnnk-
testified to the respect 11) whicli he 1111 i ptlpet', "Sllggeatinns for mttking
was held by his neighbors and the Sabbath an interesting lily for
friends, 'l'kie family have the syln- : cihiltircn," by Mrs, Guest ; piano solo,
pally of the community. lean Saunders ; reading, Kathleen
PAsseln AWAY.'—Last: Thursday, 1'Bretuner; piano solo, RotagHustle,
Donald MleDouald, a resident of Grey ' Thp meeting wee closed in the nodal
Twp. for the past 88 years, passed l way, by singing the National An-
aw,ty at his hone, Lot 6, (lo), 5, after them. The tinniest rinses next
being ailing for the past couple of , month. The Yellow side, with Mrs,
menthe iron heart trouble. Deoetts' R. Bremner as Captain, is still ahead
ed was born in Scotland, and came 10 , in the ntun3o' of points,
Canada with his parents, its n ehild, j The ens Jotnvts1 had the
settling Near I,nntion, for a short fallnt"ing item in regsrrl In the late
time, Later) they moved up into AR's. 7111ton Hatch, who was it ui1ri'
Grey Twp., where his father corn. of Mrs. T. M. Henry, Mrs. 0. Grill, Ales,
minuted tett to clear the farm, on which Rohl.. Dilworth :'' Phe funeral or Zile
he lived so inn(;. Mr, Me 1101101(1 wan hate Mrs. Mary Fauber( -Fattish, well.
married twice, his first wife being ` known highly esleeut'd resident of
Miss Margaret Henderson, to whom thitc1,117, and beloved wife of Stilton
two children were born t Mrs, ii. Batch, whose death, after an long 111-
MM:teed, or 13stavtnt, tiaslt., and ARs, cess, occurred at 1101 resldc'ne', early
Mrs. 'GV. McLeod, of Melville, Sask.. 'Tnes(lrty, .4 1191. weelc, took plaice the
The dttcerised is survived by his see- ' following hr•idav afltrnt1)11, under
,teed wire, Wien was formeriy Miss the .metiers elf 13dn1 Rebekah Lodge,
,'eh McAdams, cif Wrnx'tet, and n. - I. 0, 0. Ir, interment )vas 1111131.8i.
atm y of two dnue; tteIs, Airs, A, Phomas t''tiletery, A fare' comm•,
301111slnn, Morris Twp„ and M19,.,) e, of fri'
.1 rind 'mIPl11 of Patna Re.
(lltuh, of Gres,; 3 sols, Donald D•, bekah ]:,edge were in elrt'1:dxnce' to
pert of this week.
couple of gats pumps and will have
three kinds of ",juice" for his custout-
ers, this Summer,
We are glad to report the recov•
t Wxy f
a LW r'1n tcv e
friday Ei . April 29
Long's flail
lunch Served. r All ere Welcome
A drive for new members for the
Chtnnher of Commerce was recently
put on, and the canvassers, F. M.
Wilmot and W. Gillespie, met with
marked success in the.r rounds.
There are now fifty-six members,
anti if there are any other business
people or citizens interested in keep-
ing Brussels to the front, the Associ-
ation will b' very glad to have them
join and hand in their names to the
Secretary at the Rexall Drug Store.
The following are the members:—
Egg Emporium and Cold Storage
--R. Thomson, R. J. McLauchlin, D.
0. Ross.
Furniture Dealers—De Walker, M.
Flour and Feed—A. C. Backer.
Grist Mill—J. Logan.
Grocers—Mrs. J. Thomson, Mrs.
M. Ballantyne, W. J. 1lcracker„ J.
Leitch, J. T. Ross, D. McTavish.
Harness Shops—G. Manners, N.
Hotels—S. T. Plum, Ed. Lowry
Hardware and Coal Dealers—S.
Davison, W. Gillespie, S. Wilton.
Implement Dealers --John Long,
F. Sperling.
Jewellers—W. F. Stretton. •
Midiiners—Miss M. E. Ross, Miss
C. Hingston,
Machine Shop—Chas. Pope.
Automobile Dealers and Garages
—I3. C. Cunningham, F. Woods, Bert
McIntyre. "
Blacksmiths—John Gibson.
Boot. and Shoes—Downing P,rob.,
E. A. Gammage,
Bankers—G. H..Samis, F. M. Wil-
mot, H. H. Sullivan.
Barristers—W. M. Sinclair.
Bakers—W. Willis.
Butchers—Bell ez Currie, Baeken
Barbers — Chas.• .Lockwood, J.
Creamery—Clarke Matheson.
Can. National Express — John
Drugs and Stationery—Jas.
F. R. Smith.
Dentists—Dr•. C. C. Ramage, Dr.
R. 5, Hamilton.
Dry Goods—J. Ferguson, F, A.
Physicians—Dr. T. T. McRae, Dr.
J. H. White.
Publishers—J. L. Kerr. •
Restaurants—W. A. Grewar, W.
Telephone Co.—A. 1I. Macdonald.
Tailor and Gents' Furnishings --•
R. W. Ferguson.
pity their list ti Butte of respe,f.
Rev, J. N. Gould, peel or of Grote.'
tied Ohurrh, ceothlct111 the serviced.
During the service at the residence,
riles Edgar Lettkey swig "\Vlntt hilt
it be to see Jesus." aecntnpnirie'd on
the piano by Miss 13,11.1 lint inn, and
for 101tta Relekall t ' 1g', .I1ss .Leila
1'reenlan sang "Soon. time tvt' trill
101nd,' being; 11'' 1npanit'd by
Mrs. hardily linrk01-. '11n' service for
lidmt Rebekah Lodge was enitdttcted
liy Mrs. ltal131 Reeves, Past N, (7.
Mee. 3, herd, V. (i,, and Sits. 0. Bah.
cock, Chaplain. The pallbearers
:vele; Itnhert Lt'i1'it, Byron (:barb
ton, Roy Iltssett, (4ent•ge Gftist+, lid -
wird S(ansell and Manley i\Ilillug.
Among the many beautiful fioral
tributes stumonnding the casket.
IVPI! it IBntV l., T
Il T
) tin fl onhP• s.
1 rho
band : stun '71oth0t," (leolg0 amd
ftutlil' ; weeeth, the neighbors ;
wreath, 01111ada Iron Fotntdreis ent-
lt1yees a btokeu chide, Edna
treknb ftndi•t 1 t'10,uh, P:t Noble
Gt•wnde, 13diaa Rebekah Lodge, tend
tln1nel'0121 olhers from rt'Inl.ivt.s,
ft•irnds 11nd ItIigit1lc'rs, In attend.
.nee train o1( ol^ tnlm we're : 11. and
Alis, Befell, Mrs. Wink worth. Lealtt•
int tont 0. •"Irl Mts. mend, Snrnii ;
11rs'1' 0, Cherlt 0), \Vfndsnt , Mrs.
(7111, Mus. IloltV, lIthel ; Walter
\litellell, Rirllrtm tl ; Edwin March,
Corinth • Ira:rod \lir 1311 elle!), Miss
Nellie Mitchell, Velton ; Altru Iva
Malrhr'll, 17t1rw.11 : \its, t• ltn,lt-•.
wood, Mrs. \'1 Gait', Mrs. Johnston,
tittlire• nod 111.. 11nsht(1, W, and
Alva, 1,t'„g, London,
Rev. W. Smythe Called Home After
Years of Memorable Service
The Brantford 1 xI n+itor of Friday
the death of a f;trmnr
panto' of Brussels Me:modiat Church
in the '80's, griller from here to Clin-
The Rev. Wm. Smythe, well
known in this city, 11:u -t1' d 211.117 last
night in the General Hospital, after
a brief illness, from pneumonia, at
the advanced age of 82, He was at
one time pastor of the Sydt:nhatn
Street church from which he super-
annuated, having lived retired in this
city ever since, with hes daughter, at
hit home on William street. His
wife predeceased hint during his pas-
torate of that church. Mr. Smythe
was one of the veteran ministers of
the former Methodist church, and
occupied the distinguished position
of being one of the oldest ministers
on the superannuated n'st. During
the years of his active ministry he
was 001 of the hest mown preachers
of his time, having occupied litany
prominent pulpits, in St. Catharines,
Tillsonburg, Seaforth, Clinton and
other centre:. He was of an earnest
evangelical type, and cis preaching
The Late Rev. William Smythe
was everywhere accompanied with
extensive revivals and additions to
the membership of the church: As
an eloquent and forceful preacher
of the gospel,othero wero few super-
iors to the late 11Ir. Smythe when he
was in the prime of Itis ministry, and
all over Ontario there are hundreds
of people who look back with groat
affection and veneration to his minis-
try. He was of a genal, lov(tble dis
position and had a remarkable facil-
ity for making warn' friendships.
This quality he retained until the
close of his life. A few year, ago.
1114 150.8 fncapacitat,d from pulpit
work by a severe illness, and during
the last few years he has suffered
from the infirmity of age. However,
until almost the last, he retained all
the brightness of his long and mature:
Christian experience and it was an
inspiration to engage in conversation
with hint. He delighted, during the
years of 1)1s ,stlpz:ranlr;Iatiott, 11)
meeting old friends and talking over
bygone experiences.
The people of Brantford, for the
most part, knew him only in his de
(lining years, but even then, until h;:
was incapacitated, his pulpit minis-
trations 1501'c' exceedingly enjoyed.
The nnnounemetnt of his dearth 1vi11
be received with a sense o)• beep loss
l eau ,„
1 people t
\ 1 who
Itis ministry with deep affection.
Funeral -
The funeral t cl<11 of the late Rev. Wil -
liana Smythe, took place on Saturday
,afternoon, from the Brant Avenue
United church where a public service
was held. Rev. G. W. :lIiCall, the
pastor, was in charge, assisted by
Rev. J. Y. Mackinnon :and Rev. Dr.
Philip of Hamilton. The pallbearers
were 1.. A. Hugh,, W. S. Brewster,
E. Sweet, D. 11. Coates, E. 1:. C. 17i1 -
mer and G. H. Williamson, • The
clergy of the city and distriet worm
largely represented. Mr. H. B.
Christie, who was Well acquainted
with the d'ceased minister, gat•', a
review of his life and ministry,
:peaking in high tonne of his long
and remarkable record. Rev. Me.
McCall also paid at ',net tribute tt'
his splendid character, referriiu;
mainly to his early life. Interment
o011 place in 11Mount. nope cemetery,
funder- Masonic ;to'pic's, „t,±tny of the
brethren being present.
O. R. ('ode sititp111 a etre of lto'e,
nn alurday. f
18) -, Shie'Ids landed east le nn til
tl Im•
11 AY, nl B'1gr11Vc.
Miss ('' It, 0°011 no 11.11Y a: )'nt. 1,1
n. with 110ait.t1'1, nt RI,11M11,
Mill. D nr and ilius 11e11,, le')'gmor-
1e1' veer tit visit llit, 111 P01'0111 0.
(Cottiltund on Page 4).