The Brussels Post, 1927-1-26, Page 1.1
VOL, 55 NO. 32
2.00 fier annum in advance
BRUSSELS, ONT.1 RIO. WEDNESDAY , ,J.f N U-! 11 Y 26 Ica27
1 Da "Ice
Will be held in
1 U. F. O. HALL
��� EV'�9 Mann
Hogg Orchestra will
supply the Music.
Tura 2i
Will be held in
Tuesday fu'g, fete.lst
Good Music
Gents 50c. Lad'l'es Free
W.:A.444 44 44:** 444:444.,:etette:44:+1+Ktfftletttnttetti4;044.4444044444.04el
The Surrounding District
km.y « t»%* :. viva r_,;{v,.-v« w««: tivAT g tr. := Alt, , a ! to »;r; a r.;+AA-g S fo
Mrs. Gray and son, James, spent
Sunday afternoon at John Huissar's,
Mt'. and Mrs. Corry ; visited with
Mrs. William T, Gray's, on Friday ev-
William and Mrs, Kargas and Mary
spent Sunday afternoon at the home
of Jabez Chapman.
A number of hunters started out
Saturday worming no 4( Belgian hale
°bane, but were rather unlucky, as
they secured only two.
James Smith, of Britton, who has
been setionsly ill at Listowel Memor-
ial Hospital, has returned home and
is as well as can be expected.
R. M. McKay is confined to hie bed
through illnei's.
Mrs, Cllrie, Rogerson won first
pine(' in Blyth egg pool,
Mrs, A. B. Carr is in Ingersoll, this
0 eek, visiting at the home of A. F.
Rebottle will will be pleased to 1108r
that Mrs. M, Jermyn is improving
Will FIeffr'on h-118 the ink:fortune to
here the enroll 11011e of hie leg broken,
while sleeting nn the rink, on Monday
evening, of Inst week.
Miss Ella Metcalf was removed to
Landon Victoria Hospital, where she
will und`pigo an operittinn. Ilex
many I) lends hope for a speedy re-
Noble Feeling is visiting in \I,,Kiilop
Twp, Ml•, Probes hue spent the' last
1111ee months as the guest of 0111 is,
east Mrs. Rogerson,
line '
i Areal good 1 e of Men's
Pants to clear at Prices
Very Low in Fanceys, Greys
Plues and a Heavy All -wool
Work Pant -Hast what you
need for Winter. You will
save money by buying them
now at
25 p.c. off
Also all other lines at the
same reduction.
R. der a on
Brussels United Church
Sunday, Jan. 3 t
1.1 a,m, Public Worship.
Second sermon in the series on
"Pearls ftoin Patmos."
2 "Surer ; 10(88 tvos to Faithfulness"
8 p.m. -Sabbath School ses-
sion and Bible Classes -
Missionary Program and
7 p.m. --Public Worship.
"A Man's Market Value"
Tuesday -Y. P. Society.
Wednesday -- Prayer Service
-Choir rehearsal.
Friday at 7.80 -Boys' Class:
Saeratnental Service
Sunday, February 8th
Much sympathy is felt for our
townsman, .Elwin Munro, in the
death of his mother, which took plane
at Auburn, on Sunday, Jan. 10tH, in
her 09th year. Mrs, Munro's maiden
name was Marie I1ene Blair. She
spent practically all her life in Au.
been, where she and her husband kept
a general store and post office, for
many years. Her husband, D. 11.
Munro, predeceased her by some
years, as did alto }tbr son, Frlink, who
died in the Nest five years Cage,
Three sons are left to 01011011 the
death of a beloved mother : Roy, of
Mitchell ; Elwin, of Blyth, and Ralph,
who is conducting business in the old
Stand, in Auburn. Service w/(5 held
iu Knox Church, Auburn, hying can.!
(ducted by Rev. W. Alp, pastor of the
rhnrrh. Interment trite made in
Maitland cemetery. M18808 Eliza,
and Susie Blair, of Auburn, are 818.
The death envoi red at her late
bonne, on Vir.tnria street, of Alice
Henrietta Walsh, wife of ttirheu'd W.
Irwin, in her 55th year. Deceased
had been ill only a short time with
pceumoniv. Surviving are her hus-
band and two some Hereon anti Ed.
tnnud, Of Wawannsh. The funeral
was held fa ow her )late residence, on
Monday tater noon last, with service
in the United Chinch, at 2 ('clock,
Interment wits wade tri tVingham
There peeeecl away in 1Vingliew
General 110.16 rel, on Saturday, Maria
Bloomfield, 881111„' of Jimlea 2114018,
in her 851.h year, A1'ont live months
ago, the late 211•:s. 21r(iee lyra shop.
ping in one of the etnre0, when she
fell and fractured her hip. She wee
e h
tttlter (
1 t L llilapj tail, where 6}1H 1'A-
maine(1 until her. death. Surviving
are four daughters and one son, Mrs.
Donald Baxter, Toronto : Mrs. \Vm,
Hillier d, 1!'cllestel' ; Jane's and Mrs,
M. Smith, Cortland. and Ries. ,/mate
Ellaeott, \Vingltau, Funeral eervic-
e8 were entrantlttel by Rev, Ad. M. 13e11 -
nett, of the United Church, on Tues-
day afternoon, at 2 o'clock, at the
residence of her daughter, Mrs, 3, El•
Iarntl', FI9lrinis Stl't`^t, \Vingharn. In-
terment took place in Win:;hrun 01.111-
etel y.
Feanit Westlake, of Webb, Seek., is
spending as month at. his horns here.
A118. 21111 y Edgar. wet son, No, man
Edgar, or Peace Rivet: District, were
recent visitors iu elareletnn,
Mrs. Gnmelon anti little eon, of Ar.
coin, Sa811., are spending a month
with the formers father, Peter A1c-
EEwen, of Tnruber'ry.
Ft lends or Mrs, Jno, Buffer, who
rec1'1)t.ty en me the• ugly :L reittral np.
petition in the General Hospital, Tor.
notIn, will be pleased to know that
she is pengreseing favorably, •
The following item was taken from
the Toronto Daily Star : "Albert 1:.
and Mrs, Gallaher, of Wroxeter, an-
nounce the engagement of their
daughter, Alha Rose, to F. Earl Act
psora, son of Mrs, AL Ck, Ant'son, of
001), of Vancouver, B. 0. The wed.
ding will tante place late 111 Jan11a'y,"
Special Price off Car
. . Baeker
++++++++++++++++.1„t.t•I..i,.(, ),4.:{..4.
1 is
M •
To arrive shortly
at Ethel y
�+ 1 Station
'r 45Cper bus. off cat
Jos. Pearson 1
Phone 3912 '1
't 14.7'+3••F•i'•t et +04'4 0 44• •F•7'+'h'r'a++0
New Advertisements
haat, Irate G,', A I1lllott
A11141011 etch-'rhnea,s J, Mrlfay
8011 +s t, ,., Iles. ohernee !telly estate
:•.,100.1$11( ps tY--1 els N 14. Class
Dane.1u the Opera Ranee
1'61111 fur Pala- .1 A. Marton
Convention_. North Huron harmers
Oar°Peorn- A.11 Seeker
U1 Iiettnetians-11' A. Hunter
car or trate-Joe Pearson
Au^elan sale -Mee. John Hann
Anotlnn ants -A1011116. Kennedy
•os,nae--le "ran sola
Pren1, tuning J, c knaokstona
Piga for sale--leaggnn 01814.
Pigs formate -Gilbert Me0allam
Pigs for Halo -Melvin einktneon
Nor sale -John Wilson
Arnold Edgar has purchased Ude
stable and int where Robinson's gen.
eral store, which MMS recently de-
stroyed by fire, stood, and he may
erect a large garage,
An interesting curling bonspiel was
held in the rink, on Friday, when
rinks from Wingham, Gerrie, Ford -
wish, Harriston and Wroxeter,
twelve in all, competed in the trophy
event. Whitmore, of Hahriston,
came first, and Tieker, of I3arriston,
second, In the Ascooiat}on, Elliott,
of Wingham, was first, and Naeh, of
Gor'rie, second,
The Wroxeter Public Library
Board met on Wednesday, Jan. 19th,
with five members present and Rev.
Mr.'Armst:ong in the chair. Very
satisfactory reports of the work for
1926 were given by the librarian, Miss
]�. J. Howe. The public library serv-
es those who wish to extend their ed-
ucation, and 115 patrons have found
this library a sotn•ee of profitable in-
forruation and pleasure. The cir-
culation for 1926 shows a (Budded in-
crease, as 8,00.1 books -an average of
9 7 per capita of population -were
loaned during eche year. These con-
sisted of 681 juvenile, 1,498 nation and
95 classed hooka. 90 new books liars
been added, snaking a total of 6.506
volumes. "Well chosen hooks serve
as roads to the hard-won knowledge
of mankind and to places of beauty
and romance, that has been created
by the 110111an imegtnation. Enjoy
this mode of travel by becemhlg a
Patron of the Wroxeter Library.
Open from 2 to 6 p. m., on Wednes-
days and Saturdays.
Miss Annie Stuwhan, whose health
has not been very satisfactory, left
for Wingham 'Hospital, Instweek,
where she will take medical treat-
ment. Her sister , her=, A. 1) 1J(Cnsh,
11cc0mpanied her. If gond wishes
have anything to cin with her 10eov-
ely, all will wish to see her home
again scan.
Quite ea (111131111'1' around the village
are suffering from severe colds,
Alien Viola Mothers is improving
`,'l1)10)y,afterhoe recent operation in
1 g lam fleapit el.
We are glad to hear that. Airs Jas.
Nichol is recovering after being con-
fined to her home with a very sore
The valuable farm of the late John
W. King, Al P., i$ being offered foe
wile by tender. See advt.. in THE
81189 Elva Ramsay has been on the
sick list with a severe attack of ton-
s(lite, (his week, \Ve wish for a
speedy reenvery.
We aro pleased 10 learn that Gord-
on Gallaher, who underwent a very
crit tenet 01)erni ion ir1 Tnrnrltn Gen01(1,
110sp1titl, on Dec, 10th hast, is making
favorable progress toward recovery,
A dance will be held iu Long's hail,
nn Tuesday evening next. Good
music will he provided.
Wnl, Calinernn was in 1'Vinghttrn,
last Friday, attending, the Exeentive
meeting of North Haran Liberals,
arra, Joliet Rent) is holding a clear -
trig auction sale, al her farm. 011
TIIPaday next. See hill list fn 17300
The induction of Rev, W. A. Wil•
Bann. into the 0ranbrnnk end Ethel
charge will take plaice in Ethel, on
Friday afternoon, Feb, 4th.
Rev. W. A. Williams and family,
w 11 0 are Homing het a from Oxford,
Town, are expeete(1 to he here about
14 Ph. 8118. We are glad to have a
(111)1istei' here ag18111. -
League snciai, on Thursday night,
11verybody welcome.
Mos. A. Ward spent a creep with
her daughter, Al's, W. Bray,
The Ethel skating fink is going
strong+ 11018. Came nut and try it.
Arthur Ward has been laid lip for a
few (1ny8 wit h en at•taelt of tumbegn,
'Wm Zeigler is conducting a thor-
ough stnek-tithing of bis large stock
0f Irn0da
W. 11. Love hoe been nn the -stent
lisbfor the past, week with a severe
ettallk of qui trey.
Mrs Quest; Dobson end Billy have
retll1ne(1 home, after spending a few
'2200.14/1 '11911 t. n- �runt0
et u h n.
Mra. Nlichaet 1(l meter is intprnving
after her recent Blease, Norse Trent.
0r, 0f Brutteets, has haminattend-
Mrs. W. Reay is rale to be a'oun(1
Again, after her recent accident. She
1 r 1
a6lrifn fail nendnfnllJn
down (rel.lar end receiving a bad shaking up
and minor 101111fee.
The induction eerviee of Rev, W. A,
Williams into the 11t.h01-ilearilm0nk
pn'ashylorian Ohnrehee will he held in
Ethel Presbyterian Church, on Fri•
day elft rennnn, Feb, 41.11.
The kneeled go•:en.ehureh natnpnign
the reel Crimech will elnee next
Annday, Jan, 80111, and everyone le
Invited to attend the eerviee, Sub.
lee[, "Nape like a River," and. spe01111
heron steely, "80100 any ,ho wilver
cord will /meek," Come 1'0urseif rand
bring your friends.
Will be held
In the
Friday Evening
Speirs' Orchestra
Couple 75c.
Extra Lady 25c.
Jos. Peaison is having a car of
black oats arrive at Ethel station,
Special urtce off mart. See advt..
Miss Jane McLennan left all Satur-
day last, foe Cameron, Ont„ where
she has taken over the Junior Room
in the ech(ol of that place
Nearly everyone has bad an attack
of that tronbleeoum la grippe, and the
few 1, ho have escaped Calvi beginning
to w.nder if they nue too slow to
catch the cold or are joss naturally
born lucky.
8. C. Howlett was celled to the bed-
side of his father, in Clifford, a week
sago, and the old gentleman passed
away on 'Wednesday Iasi, at the age
of 95 years. l+'uuerul was held 011 Fri-
A few from the township attended
the Ford 2•day Oonveiilio11, at Brue.
side, hist week,
Morris Liberals will he represented
at the convention, in 1Vinghanl, ou
Friday. of 11114 week,
Reeve Henderson is attending en.
Co., at (,nderirh, this week, Thie
will he hie first session,
Earl Alm het s held (a successful auc-
tion sale, at his farm, Let OS, Can. 1,
teat Fri11y. Allot ioneeer I), 21,
Smit lied charge of the sale.
ReaUxune.-At as meeting of those
interested in the re -anion to be held
1 S. S. No. It
as rPc}dot tb
rhulsday, July 21,1, would be the
date of the big event. Anson Shaw
MIR .0.ppo(nto1 Piesideet for the oc-
casion 1(1111 111rs R. J McLennan,
Blnevale P. 0 , Seereteey,
J. 0. Comma, ewers AWAY. -The
Guelph AIworn y refers hl the (1011th of
an oltl Sunshine boy : "Citizens gen -
erally will deeply regi et to lean 11 of
the peening oC al/ aid and highly re.
spectre] resident of the city 111 the pe1-
:.011 of J. C. 0011109, Who passed away
at his home, 148 Yersk1411i(4' sire 1,
1011n -wing an illn'ss prn1onged (ver 1a
period of nine mouths, Mr. (lottery,
who wets in his (181)1 70111., 15180 barn in
Huron County, enming to Guelph 28
years ago. Until hie retirement one
lull a 11(111' '74114 •ego, be rnndacl1d
the Royal A11.lfre}al Stone Onnlpn.nv.
Deceased was a member of the (18,11•
radian Order or Forestete and of Speed
llfacnnic Lodge, .and wn.a alt effipin1 of
Dnblin sl'reet. United (:httra'1t. )'lo ie
survived by his ,rife, two 00no, \V14).,
Of 13uff111n, lull 11rlIPat, or S1..'rho1n-
ne; orle(1a11011pr, Mrs. W. Ruskin, 01'
Guelph : nae :deter, MrS. .101111 Fnwl-
Pr, of \Magian, arid one brother,
William, of PIyrnnuth, Mich,"
Goorgo E, Ferguson of Toronto,
who has been off duty for the past
two weeks, was able to get borne to
see his. father before his (death on
Wednesday morning.
Passed Away. -Robert H. Fargu
son passed away this morning (Wed-
nesday) in hie 82nd year. The fun-
eral will be held Friday afternoon at
2.30, service at 2. Fuller particu-
lars will be given next week,
Doai'b forget the carnival, in the
link, Walton, on 5aeurchey night,
Jan, 291,1i, Prizes will be given for
the following : comic Comore le, girls
115 tend owlet,; cnemis costume, girls
over 15 ; comic costume, boys 15 and
under ; comic costume, boys over 1.5 ;
boys' race, any age ; best clown,
Mite, AMAX, GAM/1NOa DLoUg'As•
AIL -Itis with great regret that we
1ecoid the death of Mrs, Alex. Gard-
iner, at her Home, in Walton, on Frt.
day last. She was stricken soddenly
with pneunlotiia, the Sunday prey
ions, but medical skill, with the aSaist.
moo of two trained nurses, failed to
prolong het' life, and she passed pewee -
fully away, surrounded by the meta•
hers of her family, as was her wish,
Mr, Gard` t is death nth ncontrel while
he was a vi 11
s rn la slitn Ale
t tod tree
unr .
desire to have all the tarnil,y around
her at the last (vas gratified, .Mrs,
Gardiner's maiden name was Janet
Keri', She was born on the North
gravel road, IVIcIC}llopTwlt., on Aug.
141.11, 1858, and was the eldest of eight
children, her death being the' first
steak in tate Kerr family, She was
married on Det, 7th, 1880, to Alexan-
der Gardiner, of the same township,
Mr. Gardiner was twine templed and
had home left with four little children,
at the death of his first wife. The
W1131(erful way in tvhieh shp;i tt0111er•
ed these 11 We ones and later two sone f
Under auspices of
Palls Sunday School Class
of Melville Church
At the Rink
Wednesday, Fehr 2nd
Skating From 7,30 to 10
Lunch at Church from 10.20
to 11 p.m.
Tickets can be secure() from
any member of the Class.
and (daughters, is amply shown h
the mutual love tilde existed be
[ween them, The surviving tn0mbel
of the family are : P. B. Gardiner
1 Walton . Mrs. James Mowbray, ale
trnit, Mich. : Mrs, W. G. Clark, Will
ton ; Dr, John Gardiner, Chi7ugn
MI's, 11(12111 Scott, I,nnkncw, an(
Mrs. W. (trehealn, Aclnn, Out, A
daughter, Mrs, fliev,) D. 13, Mitre))
passed away in llttrrtt. 1916, and on
son. Jahns, in Sept, 1915, T11P 1st
Mee, Gardiner tank an interest in al
the attaira of eh0 a'nuwunity, and
had filled the nllires of President
the Women's Institute and Preside(
of the Red 01'oes Society, Hie w,1.
stn active Christian 18'nrk('t' and evil
heteteatly 11119se(1 in Duff's Church
where her rime Tied telt-tits Were giv
en so ttnsparlingly, and where On
had been President of the Ladies' Aid
t of the W. Al. S„ and tauten
a Sunday School elites up to the aim
ofher death. She was honored by
the presentation of a life member•..hit
in the Women's Missioinery Staler
by the Gleaner Mission Rand, in 1920.
The funeral was 11 Phi nn SaLnrday
service at the church being cotlllueted
Cy the pastor, JLr'v. W, J. Maines,
end was veryl,(r;elyattended, Many
extra seats 88018' venni red, A herr tifnl
message from 11 former pastor, Hee.
17. Chandler, was read at the service.
The pallbearers were : Jame. Kerr,
Seaforth: Peter Kerr, Toronto ; Pet.
er (inrdinei', Blyth : James
zal B/114/0,18• 7anPwRimr neon i>1.
ton, and Finlay ticKPleher, A1c'TCi'-
inp, Floral tributes were: pillow,
the family ; spray. Mrs. J. A. (•lard-
1n0r and 31tl.s Gat diner, Chir"}n;
1nr'ay, 111rg. Pnrtl'id1 P and 'firs. Rsrr,
Pomata 1 spray, Ladies' Aid of Deify
Church : eprr7, Dr, 14(1(1 Mfrs. Kerr,
1lol'a, Airs, 13 (111inee's memnre will
long remain green in the hearts of the
nee pie of thio vicinity, who feel that
her ;tarn will he hard to fill,
J. L. KERR, 1^r-brietor
Players, Pianos
and Organs
Tuned and Repaired
Satisfaction assured.
J. C. Blackstone
Orders taken by
Talker & Black or S. Carter
Sarah Dumiker, daughter of the
late John and Mary Stevens, of Steph-
en row:Wile, died at the age of 82
years, on Monday, of last week,
Rev. Weyburn Smith, for the pas
year and a half pastor of Kensal
Baptiet Church, London, has accept-
ed a nail to the Baptist Church, at
Rev, Walter Jones was inducted to
his new charge, at Trivitt Memorial
Church, Exeter, on Monday, Jan.
241h. Ven. Archdeacon Sage, D. D.,
of London, assieted the visiting
Y clergy,
Aquiet wedding was solemnized at
y Trinity Church,. Bavtield, on Satut-
day, Jan, 15th, when Isabella M.
' Woods, widow of the lute William
M. Woods, became the wife of Feeder-
, ick G. Neelin, of Seaforth, Rev. F. H.
i Paull officiating. The bride was at-
tired in a French gown of brevet,
crepe 611(111 and silt velvet with hat
e and glnves to match, and wore a
e handeonie coat of t.aune needlepoint
1 , with raecoen fur trimming. After
the ceremony, they went. to the home
f , of 21re. ,I. H. McLeod, wher1 the w'ed-
[ ding (111111141 was 1:0088(1. Ou Pace-
s ; day, Mr, and Mrs. NPeiin left for
i London and Toronto, and from there
to North Carolina and Florida for the
remainder of the Winter,
A quiet wedding took place at the
parsonage of the 00tnriu street
e Unite(d Church, Chilton, NC 11111 Rel,
C. J. Morehouse United in marriage
bliss Violet Louise Mrlarehothe am)
) Arthur Oscal DWI, of Buffalo. The
'tide wore et pretty white gown and
earned a baguet of white carnations
, and fern. 'roe bridal couple [vete at.
tended by the bride's stype' and br'ntb-
er in-law, El(115' 111 and Al s. Snell.
! of
IlttyOn•Button Farm, and [heir littler
slaughter, 21iee Parha(ru, Mrs. Snell
wore is frock of powder 1,11/0 hn,t 1'R1' -
Vied pink races, while Miss Barb:ere
Was iuWhite anti earlie(1 a 1l:,4,t1f
pinket11.wrttin,,, ALII:+1t inumedtl1(e.
ey after the ceremony, Mr. ar'(1. 21ts.
Doll left for Niag : t Fit 11; ural I3(lt-
falo, The Widow (c nl is stn t Ulcer in
the American nary, 111..1 hoe been
stationed in Buffalo, but expects noon
to be 2emove(1 to New Orleans, The
!ride, sine*. cerniug from England
sevet'al months ago, has spent muc11
of the time with her sister, 111rs.
North Huron
United Farmers
The United Farmers of N.
Huron evil! hold a nominating
rnnr,':r•1u11 111 13:•:' ['own Hall,
Wieraleinr, on Tuesday (81'1a1•-
noou, Feb. 3s! at .1 p.m. for
thee purpose of nominating' a
candidate to tilt the va•'.,ncy
in the Mediu;', °wing to the
death of the late me -111',1,1', itD',
John W. Ellie, M.P.
All the follower, of the or-
ganization are cordially asked
to be present.
Wm. Rutherford, R. J. Currie,
President. Secretary.
1 Personal Paragraphs
Al' 11. 1.11.141011 87111 \11'l11g1iilnl, toot
Friday, et tenable the North Huron
Liberal Executive !nesting,
Reeve John McNabb was in Whig.
Matin, last Friday, attending the North
Hnrun Liberal Texe'entive meeting.
Reeve John McNish' 14 in (inderirh.,
this week, attending On. C'nuncil.
He has been to martn1P1 el' the Co,
Council before, so tete worst will not
he new to hint.
Robert Grant, of Craven, Sask.,
hotter known in Grey Townshia as
R. J. Schicl?, paid his brother, Ales.
Grant, of Atwood, a flying vieit one
day last week. 11.; is 33 years since
they last tart,
Card of Thank,;. -The endot'oatn-
ed wish to thank the nei';'hhore and
friends for kindness shown during
the illness anti death of tlx:' late
George Johnston, It was much ap-
The Johnston Family.
Goot'ge Johnston, n well-known
and highly respected resilient. of the
second concession of Grey Ierenship,
died on Saturday morning in his
79th year. Deceased was :t mem-
ber of the Orange Order and Was
one of the early settlers of Grey Tp.
The funeral took place on Monday
afternoon and interment wets made
in Wroxeter cemetery.
The funeral of Duncan Mernnis
was held from the residence of his
son-in-law, 1 von Evans, on the 14th
concession of` . Grey Town ship, on
Monday, to Cranbrook cemetery.
Services were conducted by Rev. Mr.
Fowler, of 1 eussels, Mr. Mclnnia
was -0110 of the earliest pioneers of
this district. He died last Saturday
in his 89th year, His trate died over
30 years ago. He is 1arvive(1 by
two daughters, Mrs, Lynn Evans and
Mrs, Harry Gorsalitz, both n£ Grey
Knotty problem of Ger'many's
eastern fortifications is solved, forts
on Polish frontier will be, deett'oyed.
Three men risked death many
tines its taking .food across ice floes
to a tug 2b miles off Michigan City,
Tnqurrt at Hamilton found Mrs.
Madeline Iichner responsible for the
sleuth of an infant tout, in a dubbag. d
Western Secretary of the Salva-
tion Army doubts that officers are
to be banned from joining secret
Listowel Fair will be Sept. 26111 and
D. Arbogast is the new president ob
Siratfnrd Agrirullllmt Society.
Henry -Sege has taken t( contruet o1'
hauling milk to Donegal cheese fact.
0:7. at 5711 per ihuu88nd )18.1111118.
11111118, Ellice and Mnrnn18tnn Twpe.
are 11.1cing the County to put the
eolith; in the North pard into -better
3' B, 1Vaugh, Public Utilities
Chairman, at Stratford, was suddenly
eteicken at the Icing Edward Hotel,
Toronto. last Frtday morning, 111 he
Wa8 Nett11115 hie bill 10 go home. It
WAS something like a stroke,
Thomas 'Wilson, pioneer resident of
Perth district, died at his his home,
in Stratford, in his :Bet year. His
death, following au illness el' sono;
five months. severs n 1in11 with the
historic past: of Perth County. The
deceased man was one of the- first
white children born in this district,
Henry \VaSlnann, an esteemed cit•
tzen of Stratford, linseed [away at hie
lanae, following 1111 illness of three
weeks' duration. 11 WAS 111 his 51717.
enty.firet year, and hail been eejny-
iug excell('nt health before strick-
en with heart tr0ttble, a short. time
ago, Born 111 HOMO/ 001111ty, the late
ill•. Wastuan0, early in life, moved to
Logan 'r(wnahip, and there he spent
the greater part of his life, pursuing
the occupaliou of rooming, He retir-
ed from farm life 19 years age, and
einem that time. had resided 111 Strat-
ford, For some 17 years, he 87118 ermp•
to ed with the Stratford Chair (l0,
HP WO a member of Zion Lutheran
Church, ami in formex'years, took an
Ia011714 int .ereetj. n the tlhe affairs of the
First Lntheralf Chut'ch, Logan, of
w11i1h he 874(8 trustee and a (1eac0,4,
He was married 40 yea's ago to Maty
Wesenherg, who eurvlves to mourn
his loss, along with four daughters
and two son.
\Valkey ton is theouiy municipality
in Bruce 47113(11, hoe early mmthinati0ne
and 01eetinns,
Mitre McPhail tumor PR the people of
Durham that a neer pnst.ofliee will he
built this Summer.
Dredging operations on the Tees -
water River have been postponed,
awing to th® sever0 weather, 1h1'
contractor ei;peets to make an ear17
start in the Spring,
Rev. Dr. Gem. W. Cnnrtnre, pastor -
elect of the :mint enngregatiorls 0f ,
Knee: Church, Ripley, and Knox
Ohnrch, Hervie, began his miuietry
nu S day Tai, 2Srd
Dr. (droves, of Fergus, was in town,
last Thursday,
G. M. Elliott, Children's Aid officer,
was in town, on Thursdsly last.
ass Mason, of Landon, is the guest
o i)her sister, Mee. [Rev,) Lewin,
,•• 8 0
Mr, and MI's. NicCart, of H(unilton,
aro visiting with their daught.r, 181['8.
TV. Kiug,
y • 'l' h
Mrs August Birt, of Hanover, has
gone to New York to visit her sinter,
fora few days
q. • r«
Dr, Warwick, P. Snort, 05. C,il10e-
pie and W. 2}. Sinclair attended a
meeting of (110 Nm ill /imam Liberals,
at Wingham, last Friday,
Water Kerr, • 0. N. if, agent, re-
turned to town, Werinted.•y 1.ight,
after his 1110111 ion in the South. He
1sports that business is none too
AJrs. William I( n>,,lerwr,of al
(>pinaticlu for appenctir•irl ii'et tS'ed-
nesday, and 1 00)11(1 116 well 11.8 rlin he
expected. Her army Pelona., Hope
for a glxink reenvPry.
\Vinghnnr Adr1.nce.T;tnPC 1 1" W.
P. sad Mrs. Vanst0ne have returned
from Tor onto, where they have „elat
,•renal weeks. !l1>, Vo net ene'e
friends will he idene.d to learn that
he is slitehtly improved in hr -11t11."
Rlace Co C„ut•eiI will :11181t nue
Tne,1,ty, (ctrl, 21111, K"P r. 181cLeven.
Port EIgin, rind Reev+. 21.•iCs(y, of
Httron and Reeve Wil] 1 gl,I v, of
Brant, tete is mnng the :.. tau 11...8 lee
19'27 0a'densl,ip,
The marring, of 111)4. N1111;at.•r!:s,
Harvey 2)'(:u/lough, (Burgh 1er of
Mrs. and th(, late W. ,J. oClull.nigh,
Kincan•dine, to Howard Igr:rel, Do.
h•oir, son :1f Jas. tr1,d Airs. Ageew,
Lneknow', hue 110011 aunonneed. The
wedding took Mince on Satni'des, Jau,,
In the death of Mrs. (".trick King,
which neon*red at tI;•• 1'nn' , "' ('>i1•
rues Township, that district 11],181,00
of les oldest residents. Deeetteed,
whose wei(1en mono 11:1 Marry. 0ihlrs,
MO hotel in Carl 1- et+le 88 years ago,
and me to Cnlrreso in early (arthn (1.
In 1870, oho vela, netreied to :Patrick
Bing. who predecease/ her' several
years sign. A 1181(1ity ei' fire sons Held
nee daughter enrvire.
The Kineardt(e I(evitw-I(1 potter'
ea(tries an open leiter, 111 Iasi week's
issue. over the signal n a t:f
%V81001), (hanging fl,lse stet emerit.s
11, .the par s11014s, t,':' tm(t. P11111 11111 Un
Lite streets of }ii uric dint.. 1Iu says
that. the ttecounls for gravel. Calcium
chloride and grading are false, and
blames the 111511a•uy emetniltee, and
the liul8l patagrapts ends tip 11y stat-
ing that he can back up every state.
The Aliidan y.Cnrriek Agricultural
Society held their 35111 annual meet.
ing, Just Wednesday, with a 1111.5(+ at-
tendance of rn('mhets. Tho Iln(nrial
statement showed a gond year 8811h a
substantial bnlal1ce on Mand. The
Fair in 1927 will be held ow \\'e'dt,es-
day and Tlhilretlay, Sept. 21$1. and
22nd, Following were the °Meets
elected : Prep., A. Schmidt ; 1st Vire
Pros., Al. Bilger , 2nd Vire•Pres., Dr'.
Huck ; Sec,•T:eas., 1;. D. Liesltter,
J. .1. Chapman, village clerk 11.11(1
tre8sul'et' of Pmt Elgin, made ap-
plication for an increase in onlay, he
elaimieg that be was receiving the
lowest pay of any lilt e 1,11)c1a1 111 any
municipality in Bruce, of tie san10
population. Air, Chnpn a:: hes been
receiving* 8150 far his services WI 0.lerk
uu(1 $10(1 as treastn en', 1lesides reee iv.
ing $50 fm• sending out the telt notic-
es and 840 for se011105 out the water
notices, ea11.1 year. l+oi' 0cmperigntt,
he submitted a statement showil.g the
salaries paid the clerk-ttenetree in
the following urban minlie dpatlitieg b
Bruce ; Walkerton $1,000 , wontlt.
115 )
t t )ban $951 Kincardine, ( , i e 1
� Ol
lar h n, $825 Chesle • 1
,$) J, 1, 88 ,
Lxtakaoev ii:.5, ttnd'I', $;100,
Sarnia boy got two years for
binning a neighbor's borne. He
wantc(t the farmer's daughters to
admire him as a .fireman.
Queen .Marie. says her Amnion
visit was nearly a failure. lelxper•
hence did not increase her love for
American people.
Hon. Violet Gibson, who tried to
8ssassinate MuSeolini is 10 a , 3870hia-
tric hospital. Trial proceedings aro
, postponed,