The Brussels Post, 1926-11-10, Page 3Wanted
We pay Highest Cash Price for
Cream. 1 cent per 1.1). Butter Fat
extra paid for all Cream delivered
at our Creamery.
Satisfaction Guaranteed
Brussels Creamery Co.
Phone 22 ,Limited
Vie ST.; -titt
Empire Statesmen to Debate
Status of British Dominions
Canada, South Africa and Irish Free
State Anxious to Come to Under-
- standing on Subject
London—Empire stateamen are
now trekking from the ends of the
earth to attend the Imperial Confer-
ence which is scheduled to begin here
on Oct.- Id. All the Dominion prem-
iers will be present, and the Indian
delegation includes two representa-
tives Of the Indian rulers besides the
Secretary of State for India, Lord
Foremost on the agenda of all im-
perial conferences he the question of
foreign affairs and policy. "Thie year
the subject is to be reviewed by
Stanley Baldwin at the outfeet of the
conferencti, and it is expected to give
rise to an important discassios re-
garding the status of the Dominions
as self-governing nations in the Bri-
tish Empire.
League Council Seats
in previous conferences it hue al-
ways- been found possible to`relegate
this question more or less to the
background. But this year Canada,
Sotith Africa, and the Irish Free
State are understood to be extremely
anxious to come to a definite under-
standing on the matter. Canada, for
instance, wishes to know how it
stands on the question of the con-
stitutional rights of the Governor.
General to refuse to gtant 0 dissolu-
tion of parliament. South 'Arrive
has very pronounced ideas on the
question of deminion indepenelenve,
as shown in Rs recent attempt to
design a new flag -from whica the
Union Jack was entirely excluded,
and these views are shared by Ire-
land._ Canada again is credited with
Reeking election to the League of
Nations Council next year (as Ire-
land did this year) and wishes to
know what the attitudesof Gent Bri.
tain is going to be toward is candi-
Hitherto the British Government
has been inclined to shelter itself be-
hind the comfortable 'assumption that
France and various other European
powers would regard a Council sent
for the Dominions as giving Great
Britain two votes on the Council
when other nations only -had one, and
that they would therfore never agree
to it, But there is a strong feeling
both in Great Britaineitself and in
the dominions that if Salvador, which
pays less than 21000 a emelt toward
the expenses of the League is entitled
to a Council. web, -so are the domie-
ions which between them pay over
2100,000. Canada alone pays more
than either Poland or Czechoslovakia,
both of which have temporary seats
on the Coun'cil.
The Locarno Trepies
But the matter •does not end with
the mere question of dominion eligi-
bility to sit on the Council. 'Under
the present arrangement, Great Bri-
tain is tacitly understood to speak
for the whole Beitish Empire on the
°Outwit. If one of the dominions
were elected, would the British re-
preantation merely bo doubled, or
would the present ararngement cease
and the elated dominion apeak for
ell the other dominions? Or, finally,
- would it speak for itself alone? The
other Members of the Council would
certainly have soneething to Say if,e
the British representation were mere-
ly doubled,. and there are indications
that even if Canada were •elented to
the Council text year, Australia, and
Now Zealdand would much prefor to
be represented. by Great Britein,
But if the elated dominion spoke for
itself alone, What Would become of •
the ueity of the British Empire?
Besides the question •of the League
Connell, the surveyof foreige policy
tenet inevitably cover the Locartto
Pact, but so far the dominions have
been quite definitein refusing to do
so. No one here takes this to mean
that if Great Britain had to go to
war in fulfillment of its obligations
under the Locarno treaties, the dom-
inions would necessarily stand aside,
but merely that they wish to reserve
the right to form their own judgment
on the merits of any partieular case
that might arise.
Rights Under Pact
British Gbvernment spokesmen
contend that Great Britain really re-
tains, this right under the Loearno
Pact becauee the League Council
must decide by unanimouse vote what
to do in the event of any breach of
the Treaty and Great Britain by vir-
tue of having a permanent Feat an
the Council, therefore, has complete
power to sway the issue on way or
the other.
But since the treaties were signed,
the theory has gained currency that
no interested party, can vote in a
League Council decision. Great Bri-
tain, being heavily interested in the
question of a breach of the Locarno
Pat, would therefore in this case be
unablet to vote and the eheory that
that it controls the situatioa Would
fall to the ground, it is not expeCted
hereethat any of the dominions will
adhere to the Locamo Pact unless
this point can denitely be resolved in
Great Britain's favor, and probably
meet of them not even their
But it is considered extremely
doubtful whether Stanley Baldwin
will be able to give the doted:dons
any assurance on this point, espec-
ielly no there is 8 strong tendency
on the part of European goverements
to leave the question of votine rights
on the Council severely alone until a
crisis arise to, make decieion inevit-
able. That it would, of course, be
too late then or the decision to have
eny effect on the actual trisis which
brought the issue to a head, dotie not
seem to affect the situation.
Empire Settleinent
In addition to foreign policy the
assembled premiers will 11tinlitll4 the
question of empiregsettlenicnt. At
present Great Britain allots mime -
thing like 23,900,000 yearly to assist
would-be emigrants to the dominions
but so far not more thae about 2500,-
000 in any one year has been taken
up. This is not due to a searcRy of
would-be emigrants, The Christian
Science Monitoe reeneeentative un-
derstanda, but to the unsuitability of
most of the applicants and of the
great caution exercised by the domin-
ions in making a selection. An effort
is theeeore to be made to finclea solu-
tion of the difficulties whieh have
hitherto prevented the many vacant(
spaces of•the Empire from being peo-
pled by some a the mother country's
surplus population.
Other subjects for discussion 111, -
elude interiMperial trade, including
the work ef the Imperial Economie
COnunittee and the position' of the
Empire Marketing Board; communi-
cations, etipeciedly wireless and air
routes; the status of empire nation -
ale, more particularly in regard to
British women married to foreigners
thereby losing their British citizen-.
ship without necessarily etquiring
the nationality of theirdhusbands; ex-
hibition of empire films; affovestation,
and the liability of state cnteepriees
to texation.
Keep cereals in a colored glass jlite
in a cool, dity plaee, ae they spoil
very easily,'
C.. C.
Pert little bouquets for the button-
hole are made of feathers in veil
brilliant shticks, '
TransCanada .1
rive years u.go the prosret of
having an all-Canaill•ta
from coast to mabt looked a reniofr
possibility, writes Dr. P, Ie. Doolittle.
president or the An iineel.ile
A lion. To- dtt y 11 1 111 11,0. 00
110000310-18ho 1 10 vl • F1'0131 1301iie,X on
the cast to Sault itiari. at tip.
foot of Lake Superior, id 11 now
11 ,,i,e ,it-liway, with only a ferry
tii, Lawrence rit 4 r 111 On—
bee., 1.111 1• 1, 'hitt will soon un-
necessar;., arc toii art 11 tact
QUebec will sition he planked
for mot o rist s.
From Vati,otiver 011 the st tii,.
ree•it .0
lacks only om. uP, the
Fraser Canyon from Hope to Merritt,
and this, built this year ttt an expense
oe three million dollars, will be open-
ed for traffic this year. There is every
prospect thitt the Kellum aed Lake
Of the Woods district; will be, opened
up to Winnipeg this year, and the gap
between Kenora and Sault Ste. Marie
has already a number of seetions
built that need only linking up. Tho
Trans -Canada Highway should be a
great lure to Americans to come and
Ylpit our wouderful sutnmerland.
Another highway that we are as-
sured will be opened late this sum-
mer is that leading from North Bay
to Cochrane, to the gold and. silver
and pulp districts of the north, This
should have an immense attraction
Lor the American tourist to see a
newly -developed country with safety
and he will be able to site the great.
est gold mine in the world and tee
largest pulp and paper mills in the
world, also an immense undeveloped
mineral counrry that promises 8000
to be the greatest gold-produeing
district on earth. Fie will also see 9
district, not only in .Northern Ontario
but also it Nova Scotia, Cape Breton
and Northern Quebec, in fact all
across our Northern Canadian terri-
tory, where fishing streams are to be
found with the gamest of t141t in their
cold waters and in the autumn moose,
deer and hear abound, making it a
sportsman's paradise as well,
The greater part of eur great
northern playground is beautifully
wooded with abundance of streams
and lakes, but the section from Win-
nipeg to the" Rockies embraces a
large area 02 prairie land that in
many places is devoid of trees: To
Improve thib condition we are ar-
ranging to have trees planted along
the highways from Coast to coast in
Canada, whenever they will add to
the Attractiveness of the highway or
the beauty of the scenery. This ap-
plies particularly to the prairie sec-
tion, but also applies imp stretches of
the older parts of the country where
the virgin forests were ,denuded by
the early pioneer and there are many
places where reforesting will be to
great advantage.
The tourist on a holiday wants to
feed on more than scenery, hence to
satisfy- his desires it is essential that
comfortable hotels b&provided for hla
entertainathnt wherever he goes.
Canada hes many high-class hotels in
the larger cities acrois the continent,
so that within a days tour one eau
generally get one Cif these fine
To the motorist fea.nada has many
line rends over which he can ride
in perfect Comfort and enjoy beau-
tiful scenery, but the pleasures of it
vacation In Canada are not held out
to the motorist only, breause our
two great railways have from roast
to mist lnxurions trains and luxuri-
ous hotels where the de luxe tourist
can have all the delights of a holiday
with the best accommodation. They
have many hotels specially erected
for the accemmodation of the tour-
ists, not only in the Rocky Moun-
tains, Rocky Mountain Park and
jasper Pnrk, but also in Northern
Ontario end in Quebec%
If you are a motorist of moderate
means, •vomfortable touring camps
are sitnated along all the main
travelled routes where you can live
In cotnfort at a ntinimum or expense,
and, seen from the seat of either a
humble "bus" or the highest priced
touring car that money can buy, the
scenery, the fresh air and ozone of
our northland la the same, and it is
equally free to 'eel.
Auto to Speed 230 Miles Aser Hour.
A Speed of 20010 250 miles an
hour is (Metered to be expected Irma
a gialt motor car now being ttom-
pleted at. Wolverhampton, Englend,
with a view to lowerieg the world
record recently claimed by Thomas,
the English racing driver, at rendine,
The London Daily Mall, describing
the ear, says it will be the largeet in
the world, officially rated at 1,000
horsepower and so unwieldy that it
will only travel at speed in a straight
line. It will have two engines 01 300
horsepower each, 12 cylinders, and
it hi estimated it will cousume rough-
ly a gallon of gasoline per mile. The
deeigner is a FreMchinait, Lottis.Coat-
alen, a noted ratiiig motorist. Maio?
Seagrave will attempt the record In
the tall either at Peedine or South-
Larg9st Inland Island.
Manitoulin, in the northern part
of Lake Hurort, .is the largest frpsh
water island in the world. Its mag-
nificent sweep' of 'shoreline is a con-
tinuous succession of Ideal spots for
the summer vacationist , The nutty
bays and inlets'that divide the island
from trio mainland are full of sal-
mon troet, bass, pickerel, =skin -
tinge, etc. Manitoulin is rich in In-
dian lore, and es a holiday resort is
"being discovered" by ever increasing
numbers &telt year.
Vety Thoughful.
Hilda (marrieed a fortnight): "I do
think it was Mild of Mr. Dash to
give ucii a wedding present. We scarce-
ly knote' him"
jack: "Oh, well, you sae,! tient a
Wreath when Ms wife died. I sup -
p050 11: was a case of 'I thought of
him in Me trouble, so be thought of
rdel n mine'!"
"Every person suffering from
Constipation or Indigestion should
take "Fruit-a-tives" and I am posit-
ive that they will soon feel in the
best of health. As for myself, I
have tried nearly every other kind
of remedy and have come to the
conclusion that "Fruit -a -Byes" is
best. Mr. Alphonse Cool, 2922
Lafontaine Street, Montreal."
Because "Fruit-a-tives" is a gen-
uine fruit medicine made from fruit
juices, intensified and combined with
tonics — it corrects constipation,
stomach, kidney and bladder troubles,
in 8 natuTal way, and purifies the
blood. No other remedy can be
the same as "Fruit-a-tives."
25c. and 50c. a box — at dealers
"What a noble structure, the
Washington Monument," re-
marked the visitor.
"Yes," answered Senator Sor-
ghum. "One thing I particular-
ly admire about it is the feet
that in spite 'of the numerous
delays, they got it completed be-
fore the present prices of mas-
onry set; in."
ee +
- "Now, boys," said the teacher,
"can any of you tell ma how
Iran was first discovered?"
"Yes, eir!" cried one.
"Well, my boy, explain it to
the rest."
"I understood my fathee to
say that they smelt it, •sl"."
+ + +
Professor of Astronomy: "Did
you observe Sirius, the dog eter,
elosely last" night?"
Movie Fan; "Yes he was great
in 'Nomads of the North,' wasn't
• ee ite +
;Tow did your stenographer
react when the professor dictat-
ed that long scientific epeech to
"She was spellbound,"
• "Did the Indians have any fra-
ternities or social. aetivitieet"
"Certainly; haven't von ever
heard of the Indian Liebe?"
+ +
Ail elderly •Negro had, been
hired to dust off the works oil art
in a southern 1310800111. At the
end of his first day he was found
by the overseer very much de-
jected near a reproductioa of
the familiar statue of Venus.
"What's the Matter, Sam?" he
asked. "Job too much for you?"
"No, sah," said Sam, "but Ah
hopes yo -all won't' thiek Ab
busted this monument,"
4. .5 5 5
"I can come over if yo11 asks
me," said a little noighbee giri
through the hedge.
"Well, 2 should like very mueh
to have you," I said cordially.
After elle was stinted gomfort-
ebly in a porch chair ehg saki
"You might 'phone- my mud -
dor end say you has company,
and it'e me," '
ite + 4. C.•
Mime (returning, from par-
ty); Good graelousi How sticky
your glove isl"
Child; "Sowould yours be if
you had n meringue and two
chocolate Weirs in yoter Muff,"
WEDNESDAY, NOV. 10, 1020,
ejeow ,40., you, my Petle • The Car Owner's Scrap -Book
"Anil what are you going to
( By the Left Iland Monkey Wrench)
I it ?"
.5 4' .5 5
"I think there's goiaitiny
doweet airs."
"Bow d'ya 1010W?"
.110,1 hoard 31i1011111
t pitmes joh,V.
111,1 'XU Ii1i1t:1141u)'
"Mr, 'midi.; le 110 01,2
"ele 8r74. -n:."
"Well, if you are 1!t • other
0. of i1l,. ti1. y
go itt.''
eSinada is hemming finite a to-
bacco country. Formerly eMba and
Virginia had a practical monopoly
in the Western hemisphere. In fact
as late as 1921 we exported as little
as 200,153 lbs. of leaf, where as last
year we sent abroad 3,531,422 lbe.
or more than seventeen times as
much. As in many other tinge Great
l3ritain was our best customer, tak-
ing 2,210,109 lbs. of leaf. Of the
total production, Ontario's 18,261
acres (Essex 12,840, Kent, 4,471, El-
gin 780 acres an dother muntlite 161
acres) yielded 20,023,000 lbs. Que-
bec's 0,554 acres 8,632,000 lbs., and
ten acres in British Celumbitt r
110,000 lbs. The total fv_mt value
given in the annual report of the of-
ficer in charge of the T4flill,(f,-) Dive
sion of the Dominion Experimental
farms (Mr. C. M. Stagg), is $7.004,-
600, Ontario being creditei with Sh,-
270,000, Quebec with $1,720,100 and
British Columbia with $2,200.
' The Division, as far es its °ppm.-
tnnities allow, lietributos free of
charge to applicants, one quarter oz.
of tobacco seed of high quality,
grown at the Central Farm, Ottawa,
and the stations a Harrow, Ont., mei
Farnham, Quebec. Lust yea: 6,929
seed lots were dIstributed. Mr. Slagg,
states that the supply is alweee ex
hausted long before the eieeling sea-
son begins. No only has British Col-
umffia, to a limited extent ae yet,
taken up tobacco growing', hot ex- ,
periments aro also being conducted !
at the Morden, Man., exoerimental
station anti at other plac is through-
out the Dominion.
' It should not be forget -ten tbet the !
crudest appliances of antiquity were
once regarded as marvile in the
march of progress.
Tlie peactiee of paeting eticket
on the winilshiebi hae little oc 11
Vahli' V) fill and 4.4 r1111 •
01C0 to inotori.s(s. Wind ite
elem. 1.1ion. 8041 111111y
10.1!1 1 dinlif tf) VI•i' /I!
o, th Part 1-,
;,eloti:i to put,r, "ety.
s1x:11110e" 011 tfli. ,101/1,1*
mornines will soon sap the lir, free,
n battery. 11 the engino af'er
look for troubk. A titi
way to start the cur in the new/ling
during earl weath,T u,,,
crank to turn the fthgine over 0 few
times. This ehurns up the .11 IOOI
makes :darting easier, with Mee &sin
on the battery.
Before trying to start a cm' that
has been stored for a long p,Tied, bo
sure to draM off the vacuum tank
and refill it with fresh gasalin. Th
carburetor floats chamber van be clear
ed of the stale gas, if it is not al-
ready dry, by holding down the ilot.t
until the fresh gasoline from the.
vacuum tank runs into it. Carbur-
etors are equipped with a tickl tr,
or plunger, to that the motorist can
empty and refill the carburetor float
ehamber with little effort. Cn some
carburetors. however, there 14 a lit-
tle dome cap over the tickler which
must be unscrewed first. it simply"
is a protective cap.
Installation of louvre cOVerS on the
inside of iqptini. hoods is atbn.Fod Inc
winter weather, even on ears equip-
ped with devices for controlling rad-
iator and engine timiperaturee. Satis-
faetory tiovere can be cot from or.
eardboard, and ehould be at -
Melted so :le to close the louvre open-
ings by cord or wire tied around the
fins of the louvre. Cali air fines
s prevented from enterme the en-
gine compartment.
While the modern laquer-type tin- '
ishes of the ell. are extr
able, the following rules len' hell)
keep the surface attratitivs for a ;
much longer period: -
Dust the car frequently and care-
Always uee eat raes for ,
Polish the car after dusting it, us -
lag. a pier:. of old 141k cloth.
Wiji ofr OD. raindrops with a
elean piece of thamois012212' llmwieg
been out in 011111.
If i/011,11 18 to 1: lased,
bur the kind recom,mmied by
10,,,1factur,r tic: nar'.:cular
11 i:.lingibeeet in iinietiese• the
" leehol en the 1 w 1imib i- sure
:a 1..f1V.81811,. lien ecomot be rc-
Never oark :,:o* or on the 11' t;
;t 1,01, a A!:1014 11011 euro', nor
0,48 1 rt. 1100,1 01 ..itqta"Ati," ahead
101' 01 criAuti..,.. of 500 feet is obe
A craeked te—eit—ei7iacket ie not 80
it trouble as one might im-
agine. The cylinder should ne re-
moved and the inside examined to
make sure that there is no leak into
the cylinders. If there is, tlaat must
be repaired also. If not, thei leak in
Ll) e water jacket can be welded and
I the casting made serviceable again.
I When lights grow dim when the
engine is being started it is a sign
that the battery is nearly discharged,
and it will soon become difficee to
I get action from the starting lamer.
Although it may only have been:
driven- a few hundred miles, the val-
ue of a new $1,000 automobile at the
end of 3 months is estimated at $700;
after a year a $580, and when three •
years old at $270.
Battery - terminals are usually
marked with an X to denote positive
and a daili or minus sigo. to show
negative. If no marking ean be seen
hold both wires in a cup of water •
containing. ,'alt Or soda. Bubbles will
collect on the negative terminal.
Traffic jamii.; are often the result
or not preserving composure.
+ +
Recently it has been ettel that it
is the car, not the clothes, that makes
the man. And sometimes it breaks
him, too.
+ ite
Many a youngster wondins about
being 'sent to bed when he is not
sleepy and made to get up wh,i he is.
4 -
The election may show 'hat many
New voric people do not like wet
polities any buttcr than "wet" milk. •
It is interesting to note 'hitt Queen
Marie pronounces it Roomeenia, not
The New Immigration in Canada
IImmigration to Canada is ro-
il, cognized today as one of the
eountry:s greatest if not its greatest
eponomie asset. Authoritative state-
ments en the subject have been
made to the effect that internal
problems confronting Canadian peo-
ple today can, practically without ex-
ception, be solyed by greater popubi-
time Writing in a recent issue of the
Dalhousie Review, Mr. Fe L. Chi-
canot of Montreal, special publicity
representative in the Department of
Colonization and Development of the
Canadian Pacifie Reilway, strikes a
most optimistic note concerning re-
cent intneigraeion to Canada. His
article entitled "The New Immigra-
don" 18 000 of the most compre-
hensive that has been written on the
subject, Mr. Chicanok who was in
close touch 'with the development of
Canadian peptilation during tim Post-
war period, states that J110 era 01
Canadian immigration opened up it
1.—Sturdy Scotch family, recent arrivals in CAnott11 on the (1.P. ltuer "Moot:ultra."
2.—An excellent type of settler for the Canadian weal.
the spring of 1926 was essentially a
new immigration. In explanation
he goes on to 5113:
' "The years since ,..e war have
serged to bring out a N . tual revolu-
tion in nearly every phase of the
matter, as actually for the first time,
immigration became a public question
received the thought and attention it
deserves front the people of Canada,
and was realized to be of lirst national
montent. Immigration to Canada in
the years before the war Might
roughly be compared to a broad
stream pouting into the Dominion and
spreading out emeontrolled in all
"The war ended, and a great
popular inner from Europe was ex-
pected for Canada. It never took
Otto, largely because the trend was
discouraged at the outset. Canada. --
unlike Australia"then regarded im-
migration as a possible fresh problem
instead of an economic remedy, The
Canadian Pacific llailway which,
in expectation of a heavy post-war
movement, had organized a cbloniza-
tion department, most keenly appre-
ciated the change which had come
over c'hditions in general throughout
th country and the necessity of
taking a different view of immigra-
tion. The days of surging ROW rad
passed, probably never to return in
the same way,and in any case such
an haphazard nundation was hardly
Mr. Chieanot then describes the
great immigration work being carrfed
ottt by scores of immigration societies
M Canada which came into existence
through the new intereste of tke
Canadian people in immigration., As
the result of supervision throtigh
these many societies the type of tate
migrants to Canadian shores was
greatly improved. "With the var/ous
channels beginning to act", contraues
Mr. Chicanot, "each por
trickle of new life blood int anada
g its
the railway—equally.solici, us asset°
keeping these peopleM the Dominion
after arrival—directed attention to
tho other end di the horn, and set
about turning the new popular in-
terest in immigration to practical
account, People actuated not alone
by the national good, but also bg a
pride in them own locality and, a
desire to see it prober and exftt
hadmerely,to liave the 1110008 n d
out to them in order that their
natural sympathy for the newcomer
might take practical form."