The Brussels Post, 1926-7-21, Page 3f, 7r BRUSSELS POST Prime e _• i i4v 3d" (C4n,. 1V3 WEDNESDAY, JULY 21, 1920. ov Ministry X Ysopa :4: " Six Lawyers Tw© Doctors The professions hold a ma erit of the new cab1uct host.;, Of the six- teen names on the slate, a a,• aro professional man, Si:; .11.1 11.y s, two are medical ductal's, 0!.' ?a a veterinary surgeon,, .rod the :,'ntain- der ::t'„ either farmers rs nr mar:dimes• The laWyers are Pi•'hi: li,u, .. ur 1lci• hen, Hon, R. B. Doer' '.t, Hon. E. L. Pate/wort„ H, n. idm•.1 Guthrie, Hon, E. D. Il1•rrcae,r. Henry Drayton; the doctors are Han, Dr. R. J. Manion and Hon. Pi'. R. 11. Morand; Dr, S. F. Tohnie 31 the• v, -t- I erinary surgeon, and i3 also a 1'r; Sir Geerge Penley i3 a retired 3 lumber merchant, the Hon. H. H. A. Black is a shipowner, Tian. 11. H. Stevens i, a broker and merchant, Iion..L D. Chaplin is a manufactur- er, Holl. G. Il, Jones is a Mother merchant, and Hon. J. A. MacDon- ald a merchant. The religious na'rsm'sions cif the ministers are as follows: Presbyterian ---Tit. Hnn. Arthur Meighen, Hon. Hugh Guthrie, Hon. J. D. Chaplin, Hon. Geo. B. Jnnns, I -Ton. D. Sutherland. Anglican --Sir (1,'o. Pcrlev, Ilan. S. F. Tolmio, Sit•. II, Drayton. United Church—Iron I:. 11, lien - nett, Hon. 13. N. Stiwen.;. Hon, W. A. Black, Hon. E. B. Ryckman. 'Roman Catholic—Hon E. To •Pat. mantle, Hon. R. J. Manion, Hon. -J. A. MacDonald, Hon, 11. Moroni). 'l'he following are brief ,ketches of the careers and personalities of members of the new Meighen Con- servativi.' cabinet: RIGHT HON. ARTHUR ME1GHIN Premier Arthur Meighen was born sat 187,1 at Anderson, in Perth Conn- ty, Ontario, and educated at St. Marys Collegiate Institute and Tor- onto University. He is am,,,r.};school teacher and a barrister, and twos first eleeted to the commons in the 1905 general elections; re-elected in 1011, 1913 and 1917; and defeated for Portage la Prairie in the Conserva- tive debacle of 1921. He was re- elected in a Grenville by-election, however, when a seat was made vac- ant for him. Mr. Meighen has twice been prime minister. Appointed solieitor-gener- al in the Borden cabinet in 1918, his. wise to political faitwas rapid, and, d , whenSir Robe retired, he was the ,rt et .d 1 ready choice of at Ieast the Conser- vative element in the Union. govern- ment -to carry on as first minister. His ethics in continuing what was originally returned as a war admin-! istration were bitterly condemned by + the Liberals, and.his government was swept from office in 1021. The prime minister has one of the keenest of analytical minds in the House of Commons. He is a ready debater, with remarkable poster to Wither his opponents with sarcasm. According to his Conservative friends. his biggest handicap is the absence. of the qualities to make him a per- sonally popular figure Jike his great predecessor, Sir John A. Macdonald. In his career. at Ottawa be has filled the posts of secretary of state, minister of Mines, minister of the interior, ;nd sv(perinten<dent'geno')nat of th.di'alt a(fairs,•Itte Was called Upon ONTA'l") lT%:^i'IH''L1 SEVEN MEN FOR NE W CABINET Right T -Ton. Arthur els when, p''hme minister, has :uulou0,'ed 113. now minktry. Shown above 9i',• d'alee. of the ministers wil0 Wer4 sworn ill: (1) lifinist,'i' of Jllstirc•, Hon. 1:. L. Pateuaude, Qileher; (2) Minister of Customs, Hon. II, II. St, vans, Brit! h Columbia; (0) Prime 1\li.nist3 r, sec- retary of state for es, •'nal affairs, to form a :government for the '-'1- and tinge. on June 29 last, '1(t -'i' the 1 Liberal administration un,lc'r 1Tv illiaun !,yon Mackenzie Fin)1. had resigned; SiR GEORGE PERLEY Sir George Pcrley, The acv i •c-! rotary of state, wan high commis; i ,n- er for Canada 311 Lnn'jan from O.'- tobclr 12, 11)17, until I''ebruary, 1'122 when be resi':'tu'(1, Two mnnth3 be- fore the outbreak of the European war 13' George, who ]a 'entered S G had entered Sir Robert Borden's cabinet at thie time of its formation in .1911 as minister without portfolio, assumed the duties of 0(11113' High cominissien- er for Canada at London. On Octo- ber 81, 191(1, ho was appointed min- ister (,f overses military foreee ter Canada in the United Kingdom. Ho was one of Canada's representatives at several European peace confer- ences and first entered the House in a 1904. He 111p !, resents Ar'•eult( u,•. county, in Quebec, Sir George, as a personality, is very highly esteemed :n Quebae pro- vince, as elsewhere, and his victory 1M a Quebec riding• was ascribed by Liberals to his personal popul ll tiav, His is one of the scats the Liberals claim will revert to the Liberals in the next eleetd'on, Str George is not a very ready speaker or powerful debater on the floor of the commons, but his experience and knowledge of imperial affairs make him it vola« able member of any cabinet. HON. R. 8. BENNETT R. B. Bennett, a member of Mr, Moighen's fernier acbninistratioll, was one of the Conservative mem- bers who sat on the committee which investigated the department of cus- terns and excise durin,g the past seg' ',ion. Mr, Bennett, 'ta/1to was first o}aetod to the Zoete of Comotllns in 01.d pre -i len* or the Privy ('o(.aC11. 111011t Ilea. e#rthur ;Heigh'u: (-t) 1Lni:ti e of :1erieelture. Hon. 1)11'. 8, I'. '! 'lal3o, • 11'33. 11 Columbia; (01 S... '•tory t,t' Stale. Sir cbionirie Pot•- lry, Qu) bee; 3(1) ?Tinian 01' Nation. al Del a, Iron. iTuall Guthrie, On - toe.; 171 Mini:t'•r without portfol- io, 11011. l)onahl i$ulherlanl, Oeta110; ( ror of 'r1•a)e an,) Corn - 11'')'), flea. .ian3's D. Ch, min, On- tario; (0) Ifinister without portfol- io. Sir Henry Drayton, Ontario; ( 10) 111inist(n, of Fintulee, Hon, It. P. 11' n - nett, Alberta; (11): Postnia,,.,, G.311 - vital, Hon. Dr. 11. J. Manion, Deter - ' 10; (12) Minister of Public \Fork.,, Iron. I':, 1). 1:Veltman, Ontario. 1011 1, .ail the post of 111ini.1) r of ' jus• -v' i'1 the last Meighen wovern- nienti Ile was defeated in the •en- srb"e oi' 19'21, hut r. t'i.'+"d at the last election f:,r tit•' con first- 1 r ,t' .,I'•. 1'1';, It' .f, u1 ;rt• t'li'1n1.9tt, 3-1 1•- - 1 ,,< one ot'. the mo--) ",1vrlful d. balm's. An stn u'1 „}a ii ur•' ;hid I I 'horst':, hie speaks with n,na•siniz ith:•ac^ eloquent and forceful, and -111 hie 111: )1)4d of ges- ture uappeal il • ofnitU,u p, 1t the actor. Ho wao Said t•.) 6c in the lead 2'11a('03 na' th+ rank and (d., of hes own party because he did not play the "party game" sufficient)' Hard during the recent customs enquiry. HON. E. L. 1'ATENAUDC . E. 1,. Pntenaude, who re -colt'' the rode r •11 pplitical arena al® minister of was minister of inland rev- enue In Sir Robert floidi'n'a cabinet < from 1.)} 5 to 1817, wh'm h; resign. ed, In the general election last fall )1'. Paten.utle was leader of a group in the province of Quebec. Patcnaude being defeated by a 101011 majority. The new minister bis been nether also in provincial politics, having represented Lat)n'nir- ie and Jacques Cartier county in the Quebec legislature, It is not known definitely wham seat he will contest in the coming election. Mr, Patenaudo's inclusion in the Meighen cabinet is one of :the most remarkable features of to-nigllt's cabinet announcement, As reader of what was, termed the "anti-Meighen" group in the 1925 elections, Mr, Pats eunuch, said in Quebec: "I am as free of Mr. M:eigh4n as from Mr. King." H,; also said: "1 am not, ready to ad- mit that when Brit#itn gods to war Canada. should necessarily go to war. Canadremains, and shoulti. 1'011ia011, mstress of her own participatalon," Since then ITr. Meighen h", made a ver)' similar statement at Hamilton. HON. HUGH GUTHRIE, K.C. Ptell Guthrie, h, C., ha; rrpre- sented Smith Weliiegtou for 28 "ears, 11211 father, Donald Guthrie, represented the same constituency between 111701 and 1882. Or3gleally u Liberal, air, Guthrie joined the l.'IIIO, governat('itt during. the albeit war under Sir Robert Borden, an,l was appointed solicitor-)ialeral in ].117, Tn 19..2 0 hr iodic over the portfolio of militia and defense which position he resigned when tau' 11c3- ghs'n government went out of ofllee in 1021, He was one of Canada's representatives at the International Financial Conference (tailed 11y the Le:'a'ne of Nations in Brussels in 1920, He also represented Canada on the Imperial. War Graver 00111111l.6 - Rion in that year in London. 1-111 is a n. eri n ]d a( 11 t a an lives m V , 1 , where he was born of Scots -Canadian parentage.- in 1808. HON. H. H. STEVENS H. H. Steltens, who assumes the post of minister of customs, sprang into prontbnence during the Present session of parliament through his charges of maladministration of the customs department. The charges made by him 011 the floor of the House resulted in the formation of FL parliamentary committee upon the report of Which a 11100;e11 of censure against the Ding government tuns based, 1'Ir, Stevens has sat in the Hous0 of Commons since 1911. ale WAS minister of trade. and 001311nerce in the former Meighen government. He represents the oonstitucncy of Vanconvol• Centre, and list F. in Van- couver. • Although en accountant by pro-, feasion,. l.dr' ,Stevonr Was p.lpulatrly I1"•c•tm'ed to be "Ill,. 1,' Ft the custom.; 'omit`31,',', parol,'. nt' '''•r r!"-''-'•\:1lnlnhlllenL, 8331,'1• the invweAgat`on he is regarded as one of the 1,1•30,e4. m n in t),;• ('nn- r'vativc party. Althnu''n un„ua'i- 1)i'.rtly '4 ('nrrnry:'titer '1 )polities, he -rlin,•utly fair in debate, and hers • blindly •partisrn than m)1n)' another parliamentarian. KION. S. F. TOLMIE 1'. Tal ori,•, 111310 mini:tar of attti- r•n,•tl•• returns to the administration of the department, over which he 04) -sided for two years before the, de- feat of the.I',itthcn ;rovernm ant in 1'1'21. Tn every important dlscu;si•1 on 'Matt era pertaining 10 aiTleultUl'^, - Dr. Tulmie has been a forceful nor- - tieinant, He 1,ntcr,'4 'all :snarl at ' 311,• fort, of the 1917 war ,.t,.('t1on. Ill' r,•sides .. Victoria. 11.C'., anr1 is • e rm'mh„r of the Church of England. 1-10 is heard leas in pa"liero,•nt than +» of h3:: ea113313 t. roll'' 11)3)1' , HON. W. A. BLACK W. A. Mack, 1,linis'er of railway:, was first eleeted to the Deno. of Corn llk,n� 111 111 i'v-"lertion Ill ,1),T,-Il1h v, 192:, for one of 1h. 110,1:n: -'.,t I-"1• ll urs ins h,' has spoken rale•;}, bs4L forcibly, or, nuu'ine tnat- t'.t'' 131 floral 111'1 inar'tlln,' rights 311 1•ntie'l11)', Hai ih.• (loan of the ( nn>•'n}.ttit(. r••rnup from tile• 4e•a: rot prnt'inre . H,' w 3- bora ra five, will carry oft. 1 an Wi dsnr, JI.S., in 1t4- , of' Scots- HON. DONALD SUTHERLAND 31110 parent.,. Mr. Illuek is a Donald Sutherland, nett• utinst' r w1thnllt. portfolio, dates itis political career back to 1902, when lit 31r.t entered the Ontario legislature as nlenlber for Oxford South._Hr was a candidate for federal honors in 19(14, sufferin.fi' defeat; but in the rrclt,l•o:•- ity campaign of 1111 i wits sneefissful. Mr. Sutherland "adds thi.i 3)i:t.inctiol, of being the first Conservative e ieet- i:d to lrpraeorit the county for 'ith- '11i'i U 1.1 , "'I i'3 ?assn(:r ''lir 11' ri 1:1,tai 1 ;+ l4i.tiltirtl. ..ii!,ii ii ifsl:' i 'l.11 1:1•11./.1,143 li.l'i,' 1 11); (r:-1Y10r.y t'',..in ). 'r. 1 ') r ✓ 33, i .-,( '4 7 ,�1, .(11(: et11 '1 ., ., , :l'. 1,...,1,-1 1; ,1.,Ib t 14 4 . li!, E tine . ;n'ba) 111 ' •, - i i+lit. ,,.=c :)01;! . . 1',a9a• ria:' .,e; tau?' ah . ( -..t•1 ,•i' 0.1 6 i ).111 ,a:. ' 1.. ' •y i Id ,A.' 3, rr:4 Its r 5 d `h 1r,6Y9if>P 1C 1'Sae a'.. a - lift JG)';T13 t. .. ii 1. •. , ,- iiia l 'h , of t.:._- . • ., 1 t -:i'`,; 1 ,t i:, 11' ,. it;- ..ott to .. ::1:•;r._ ,:.,,: .. :10-:1:1„_ of 161' ..3 .. 3 5,1i.33"'11 1.•;al-.1 t -tale, , 11 1 ?11•. n'. 3, .'.,:3 seat 111 r}1e ,lou,!! for I'l tiro year-. 31r. J,,i,• has ulltays 0''- cu;,i''d a pr„11111) It( part in C'nna;r ,.til .r )11 t 1•c. 11.. rape's -'113: t:1'.• c"n-tituer.e of Royal, a.h.. having ,lice''ed''d General Tlugit •,o„1 is it l'resbyteriau in r,dl1:,ion. lir. Jones has filled it numher o'• p'1i,lic et16_r, 311 Now Brunswick. I HON. E. H. RYCKMAN II E. D. P.yl•krnan, the Mees 01303 ter of pull:' works. . Meir'• tinted the , on- tituencyn ISas t T„r+�rCo i,t th • House of Cont,nons. ii,• i.; a ba -Mrs lawyer and Mild3. his +-miry into f' (11- . -sal politics in 1921. 11' has always 3'1 tine 11 ,0„• u3' Conmems 11'11. list- nal b,- 0 a 111'',nh' r of Ib. lu3nkr.. fa) tln'i1 to -r3: ',I.. 1:yckmalt 1-a )ani„•,• of the 1lt.3ted ("Cafe", of (:'amilla. Ili lit -1 `.n Terei,te,1}is &rer),tatice of a p)31)fnl a 00snc- w'hat of .. -131"i'I'1, .-. SIR HENRY DRAYTON sir H,•0)'y Drtlyton, minister with- out portfolio, las 1e,en u)ir' orf thn 1no:•1 a, five m,:allhrrr- of tie. C'"n'eiv- a111.„ patty in the House of Com- mons Since 143, ''11bry into federal polities in .,u u -t, 1 91 a 11<' was :4pp' 1111) 4 m ,_' u -r of finance by Sire 1:ohrrt Eotdelt shortly before b _, re- tirement, and rontinue'd to 1i'hl+.t the portfolio under 11i3ht lion. Arthur lici)-11'•n until the Cona(•rt•at:v.• de- feat in 11,,• ;;,.neral ,•leettcr,1 of 1;121. II:: represented 1111' eon:title ne. of West. ),'melt in tine How, till Coil - 111011s. Fir 11 mry is a nr•l,ihnl• ort Hp, ('bun -h of I n i. 11,1, ii 11' -:'lo. in Ott,0711. Fit Hrnr}'= , x,'Idsion front ^,hitt,°t i3 probably the bi3_;ost sur- prise in the allnnni'1('•:lliotlt. an art IVO worker for hi:- 311rty, "reed ,114. M,•ithen as first lieutenant all thr'('3,'11 thy• 1•ecent,-sslur,. 'Var- ious ( •o 111,'ctlu, s s]"' rife as to the tae' plclln'•ia11 _:''1:4'.,.•':• err -... It ,ti> 11 1 11;.',Inll, 11. t'<.• ,. ": 1 • 011ta1'11,. HON. DR. RAk'MONI> MORANO Rxyr1" d LI rail:d, 1)113 -1) r vrltluuft portf"lb,, Mad. 113; rl'•lnit ai 1h,: 11'1-. '-1,1 political arena only 31,3. fail. .� 11,•liieaif pract3nr •a lie• politically as a good ,•0111),331)'1'"r. ll 13- appointment sappointment will site rem', s •nt 1)1.1 in in filo cabinet in Frr•neh-(lalrl1) n.- in Ontarin. Dr. Morand, who nowt:- soot: ow - sIlt: Essex 1':ast, is a 'Zemin. idle in religion, alld lie's in :3':n'1:or, Ontario. - HON. .1. A. MACDONALD J. A. MaeDottald, minister v ithout portfolio, is a former minister of public works and mines in the P••ll)rei Edward LNiand government. He was first ,•!,ectad to tb, legislature 3:i 1905 sitting emitinlously until 1t''. fail, 7h'•), 111' r,•st••';lod to run for til.. fed- eral 130335,, Mr. MacDonald is a Roman Catholic 131 religion and rc:- 1','' "nts liing'e' P.E.I. ------------ Twa Provinces Attain Majority Tie' two Canadian pr0vincos •1f .k11,'•rt3 and Soo,katchewa,l attain their majority in regard to- ago .341 September first nest. They will 4)11,:11 doe 21 y"ales old as pr0vin(•r-s o+.' th4 Dominion. Prior' t'i that slate tilt ai.•a they now emi)enee had the status of territorten erliu,l'-.Dred 130) rely i)' the ('anadiai 1',•1(''101 Gov - e el-rum-mt. The occasion of till:' tw•u province: reaching thea. ma ]=ttr provides an intereiting 1•ett•o-p; ,.1. 111 19(40 th,, combined pepuhltion of A1- be•ta and Saskartrhewal' w.ts 1.00,0(113 in found f,.,n;:e. i'.. is now 1,3100,000. The valor' of the annuall agricultural pia -ono -Hon has inereased in 11.1 },ars from about S-10,1)30.0419 to s 7,- 9O0,1,0). FARMER'S FRIEND ni'ho pion -or waw t-111' tiu•mcr',, l:, -•,t fri,:nd, it wa3 said at a nn'rt';n;; of Car a,.r01' 11ir,• farm+•rs l0 )11•nt.cs0 ',113011 fat' his retirement, atuott_ against the robbing of the 1,11,4.-' them ming the one that h1' w111 rue- nests. coed Pigltt Hun. George 1'. Graham a.: heard of thi' tariff board, which, it 650 WANT STATIONS is generally understood, t11u ('nuc' r- fI HON. R. .1. MANION 11. J. Manion, formerly minister of :0ldiors' civil re-establishment, 111111 Mitt' poslnnlst1')'-general, 11:1S been in the 1-141.1,:e of ('0n111100s sin,'1217. He is an 13rressivo debater, and has been •r his : t of the ell n I} 111 11.' el']tl('1.1 1 King government during the past ses- sion. siot.DI'. Man31n1 is one of the sold- ' it. members of the House, which was one of the reasons that led Mr. 1Tel- ellen to - select him for the soldiers' cit it re-establishment portfolio when forming his last government. IL. re- presents Port William itt the Tinuso. In relIl3i'.111 hi' is it Catholic. lir. Ma ion's appointment as post- master -general is another surmise. Speculations hitherto had hum slated laLed as either the minister of national de- fcnsc or soldiers' cd'v31 re-establish- ment. In debate. Dr, Manion is a queer mixture of gentlemanly pol3tc- noss and belligerent irrationality. Ho is one of the most popular men 111 the commons. "310311•r of tie 1 H -s 1101 110 1111 ,J,':sort 11) w2yS 1> 0110 (It' the gionorally regarded d marine minister. aired 1 htrr('h if s in Halt fax. minister of tol- st1rnri.s s. He 0031), as the prospective HON. J. D, CHAPLIN J, D. Chaplin, minister of trade and commerce), has represented the constituency of Lincoln in the House of Commons since 1017. He 'has not served 111 a ministerial capacity thus far, but ire was one of the most ac- tive critd'cs of the King administra- tion when the Conservatives were in opposition. Ile has devoted his at- tention largely to trade matters in the House, and discussion on the tar- iff o1' trade treaties found him a ready participant. A resident of St, Catharines, he belongs to sine pres- byterian sharal'i. 'there are 050 applications for hload,ttstin licca>es oft the waiting* list at. Washington, arcrll'i1in0 ter despatch from there. REQUEST MORE POWER INT cue ']re't'ie p(w'•r for i11,- !int l •,ern pari oi' ihr.' prof 11e<• wine r it. a ed front th<, r)u13rie Hy.tr) the T t 1''m Cn,nm ssiun iiy lh,• ptele? c ttti)bi -s eolnmissien. 'r1+' 11(rin lotwor th,' sit )1 )tion, 4h There area great many ways to do a job o[ Printing :' but quality printing is only done one way—THE BEST. We do printing of ,'ail kinds, and no matter what your needs may be, from frame card to booklet, we do it the quality way. P. S. --We also do it in a way to save you Milner}, The Post Publishing House