The Brussels Post, 1926-5-26, Page 8IITEDNESDAY, MAY 26tb, 1926. THE BRUSSELS POST Store =am u „rave with Safety Here For Young Chickens Pure Cod Liver Oil 60c pt. Hess' Instant Louse Killer 35c Hess' Panacea 35c and 85c pkg. Hess' White Diarrhea Remedy 25e pkg. Powdered Copperas 10c lb. for Sure fed Rexall Foot Bath tabs. 25e. Remlel's Bath Saltrates 60c Rexall Foot Powder 25e Liquid Corn Solvent 35c bots. Corn and Bunion pads 25c Good Moth Preventatives Red Cedar Flakes 25e pkgs. Fly Tox 50c hots, Moth Balls, Oil of Cedar and Camphor Gum Bell's Moth Proof Bags and Mothex Bags Razor Blades Gillette Blades 50c and $1 pkg. Durham Duplex Blades 60c pkg Auto Strap Blades 50c and $1 pkgs. Ever Ready Blades 50c Rexall Shaving Cream 35c Shaving Lotion 40c and 60c bots. Perspiration Deodorants ODORONA 40e and 60c REXALL NICE 35c Yardley's Lavender Talcum 45c Yardley's Lavender Soap 4[Ic Fresh Kodak Fiirn Lamer - tans in theeaking of good WP i'aVe a freeh stock of the differ- ent sizes, Films Develop- ed awl Printed. A fine assortment of Staunton's Sem!-trimmed Wall Papers to choose from here. Papers to suit any room and at prices that are much lower than they have been for a long time. P. R. SMITH The e47-(.C.C.ta, Store a Rud Stationer re«seeetaciatareateteStotalistaaaseseeleatelaeiefealeaWtaateleeeeiseeeeavaearae•-•41-ei * • Local News Itenis i" aterteefollEfeleff.ttatagataartsiielsaieaeaaataitaaseeeerteilelel'eaCelaleteestaitereetateseleeseselaaeatatelease Went to Goderich. A few from town went to the Co. town on Friday to attend the circus. Better Get Your License. There are many cars using 1925 smirkers yet. It's lucky that the Co. police have net seen them. Attended Convention. On Tuteiday afternoon P. Scott, Dr. Wa meek, W. GiMende and Arch- ie Hislop drove over to Wingham Gattend the Liberal Conve.ntion. Grey Tarp. was also well represent- ed. Against the Law. It is reported that ary shoot- ing robins and oth,r birds that are sleeting at present. Several hogs with sling -shots had better keep than out of sight. Tell The Post. • The Post is Ow”ys glad ty news of your travels. If yeu intend to be away or Mve. friends to 'l'it you, send in the information to us. or any other news of an intereetine character. Were at Blyth. Last Tuesday evening -Messrs. S. F. W. Mihnot, W. Willis anti C. Matheson motored over to DiyJi to attend a meeting of the Arasonio Lodge, The D,D.G.M. was making his official visit. Removal to Owen Sound, Acton Free Peessie-Aftee a roost successful ministry in the cone -Lea - Hone of Campbelle•Rle anti Nitssaga- weya, Rev, 3. T. Straehaa, B.A., B. D., has reeigned his charges, and will preach his farewell sermon on Sun- day, May 28, Mr. Strachan has re- ' ceived and nccepted a tern to the Pecisbyterian Church at Owen Sound, one of the largest and most progres- sive centres of population in north- western Ontario. Mr. and Mrs, Strachan and rami.ly will leave for their new field of activity on Tues- day, May 25. Their wide circh, of parishioners an friends wish them every success in thek- new field of labor."—Rev. Mr. Strachan is a for - tiler Grey. Township boy, being a son of the late John and Mrs. Strachan, Tames Ferguson Passes Away. . The death occurred last Friday night of Thomas A ,Ferguson, third son of the late James Ferguson, Oth Con, Grey. Deceased was born in Grey Township 03 years ago, and after a short time in business in Brus sols, moved out to Idaho where Int was in the ranching game. Later be went to Western Canada and took up a homestead near Medicine Hat. In 8 years he only had one crop, which was enough to discourage any Man. .1-1e returned to Brussels about a month ago in ill -health. The fun' ('0011 took place on Monday afternoon from the home of his brothereinslaw, Geo. .A. Best, the serviees being con- ducted by Rev. Mr. Barker. The pallbearers were: R. Henderson, C. Sbripson, R. &mann, N. Cardiff, .7. Crerar and D. Strachan. The deceas- ed is survived by two sisters, Mrs. G. A. Best of town, and Mrs. Jamieson Many Went to Mitchell. Brussels was well represented a Mitchell on Victoria Day. On Inspection. The County Road and Bridge Core inittse mot in Brussels on Tuesday and meths aninspection of some of • the bridgee in Grey Town&fp, Publisher's Will Meet in Wingharn. The Pel,Ushers of Huron aro hold - Inv a "Get -t ocether" meeting in Wingham on Friday afternoon, May 28th. Publishers of Bruce and Perth Counties are to he invited. An address will be given by the Mana- ger of the C.W.N.A. Brussels United Church 1 REV. .4. W. BARKER. B. D. MINISTER Sunday, May 30th 11 a.m.—Public Worship. • Red. J. P. McLeod, Sarnia p.m.—Sabbath School ses- sion and Bible Classes - 7 p.m.—Public Worship. Rev. J. P. McLeod Rev. A. W. Barker is attending Conference in Stratford. TWO Young Sows for sale, each with litter at foot. Quest Dobson, Phone 855 Lot 21, Con. 7, Grey 49-tf THORO'BRED Shorthorn Bull for sale, 2 years old. Apply to, Phone 18-4 Wesley Searle, 49-1 Lot 20, Con. 10, Morris. GOOD Driving Mare, 8 Years Old; rubber tire buggy and harness for sale. Apply to S. Carter. 49-1 HOUSE to Rent. Apply S. T. Plum 49-1 LAWN Mowers Sharpened at 75c. Also two good lawn mowers for sale cheap. Geo. Edwards, FOR SALE CHEAP.—Big 6-Mc- LaughP..n touring car. Apply to Elmer Ewan, Brussels. 48-2 FOR SALE—Chevrolet Touring Car, 1921 model in good condition, will I be sold cheap for quick sale. Ap- ; lv, to E. L. Desjartline, Ethel Phone 5915. BLACK Minorca Hatching Eggs and Timothy seed. James Perna, B. R. 3, Brussels. HATCHING EGGS FOR SALE. --S. C. White Leghorn Eggs, bred to lay. 10c a doz. above market price. Alex. Perrie, R. R. 5, Phone 25-15 Brussels. QUANTITY of Alsike and Dutch clover seed for sale at $12.00 per bus. Grown on new land. Guar- anteed free from had weed seed, t Also quentity of English two - rowed barley. John McNabb, I 40-tf Phone 4311. COMFORTABLE frame dwelling house in Brussrle for sale at a bargain. Apply to W. M. Sinclair. Th2ir Silvey. Wedding. Gederieh Signal last week re- , fors to ft f01111PD eitiZPD. Wesley Walker, and hie better 901,:—Laet ' Fritley °refine. the peneeful serenity of thy Weslry Walker home was -rudely shattered by the entrance of boisterous parry of friends headed Inc a one-man band playing, "Hail, 11111. the i.mne..'s 11 here"—and it wcf:: out. oh Charlie, where did you eat that het 1 After the involuntary host and hostY.:s Mid recovered some- what from the ehoelt. six tables of act0 were speedily organized, while in , the den ft realle- serieus game was . sow, in 0 ogress, and at a late hnur it. looked no thoueth Pop's babies bov, to go barefoot this sum- mer. Nstelless to say, the gang lirreeeht .• • 1 thc gisoger with them and about 11.30 the narty to the number of forty, fortified the iman• man The ehinnts of ntidnlght ushered in the twenty-fifth wedding aneiversers• and the friende gather- ed round to eongratula to the bride arid MDT to present Mrs. Walk- er with a Ann' cake.basket. "Wes." in reelvine, stated that this was about thy only time in their lives when a t•omilb-se surprise had been nut ovyr them. 11r. and Mrs. Walker and their thr°, firm sons, Leighton, Rol- and and ClimYnce, stood together and nar cslighttail picture as the '-'0101P0ny sang, "They are jolly good fellows," ;Ind ;vivo three cheers and O "Tiger " Thol the gentlemen eiluted Be", bride, and the ladies be- ing eemesehat Intekward in their delY to the greom, "Wes" rme gallantly to the occasion 01111 kissed te'erv lady eeesent, including the plates' Indian. The -next surprieo WaS the tuning -up of an old-tim,.• fiddler of such ripe 'vintage that his repertoire antedeted even the waltz. Ina • he could play "Turkey in the Straw" (was it by re- quest?) and the house o.f Walker re- eolmiled to Willis Freser'e cheery more counies %vented," In one of the sets "Wes," himself was on the (form, and when he said it was his first offence not is i:01:11 present doubted his word. Tit, dancing con- cluded with it costume sword dance and ciike-walk by Messrs. Fraser, Graham, L. Walker and "Miss" 13Iack—"fte1" petetere were a dream. The house had been ransacked for scenery and effects and the result outrietalled Poiret. In the late "0. M's" it occurred to someone that the neighbora might want to sleep, even e company did hot, and fares wells were regretfully saicl. But was she some party? Hot deg? We'll say it wag, et Winnipeg, and four brothers, Pet- er end Dan in Virinni. es, arid R, W. and john, of Brutes° Passed Through Town. Lee ,Bros, circus train passed thro town from Kincardine on Sunday morning en route to Owen Sound, A Successful Dance. A very successful dance was held in the Family Theatre on Monday evening and a big crowd attended. Attended Service at Blyth. Five auto loads of Oddfellows from Western Star Lodge, Brussels, attended Church service itt Blyth on Sunday Ea -ening with the members of the lodge', in that town. Wornen's Institute District Meeting. The distriet annual meeting of the West flui•on Woinenie Institute will he held in the Town Hall, Wingliam, on Wednesilny, .111110 2nd. Morning session from 10 to 12; afternoon ses- sion to commence at 1.30. Mrs. ,T, W. Simpson, of Tobermory, and Miss Chapman, of Toronto, will address the afternoon meeting. Six to be Ordained. The following class ne )roung men will be received into full connections as ministers of the United Church of Canada at the reeeption service et the London Conference held in Strat- ford Central Church next Friday night aud ordained by the conference president the following morning: A. It. Stone, B.A., of Highgate; E. 11. Long, B.A., of Woodstock; Murray Crsyl'y BA., M.R.E.; Andrew Boa, 13.A., of Hensall, and Shedden Bart- lett, B.A., -of Thaniesvilly. The Beautification of Rural School Grounds. The Canadian Horticultural Coun- cil hew earned- the gratitude of 0n- ery public-spirited citizen in foster- ing the ornanumtal planting of the school grounds throughout the coun- try. Commencing Met year 10 silver cups were offered for competition in various districts of the Dominion to the rural schools • accomplishing the greatest degree of beautification of the grounds during the year. Most of these cups were won last season, but they cannot betome the property of any school until won three times, not necessarily in succession. With the winning of eaeli cup goes an Award of Merit Certificate that initY he framed and kept by the school as a permanent record, L. F. Burrow, secretary of the Horticultural Conn- ell at Ottawa, announces that the number of entries being received protnised keen competitions this year, With each entry a photo- graph of the grounds should be sup- plied, to be compared with a similar picture taken in the antumn show- ing , the improvement that has been made. Trustee hoards, Wornen't In- stitutes and Horticultural Sovietize are urged to co-operate with the Council, which will provide inane - Hoeg and suggestions en the plants that May be used awl their arrange. molt -in the .seliool 'grout& • • BANKINC FIFTY YEARS aansmanzarn•souvrrisauscu, The ark is n Agent THE Bank is an agent whose duty it is to make the mar- ket a thousand miles away as accessable and profitable as the market which lies at your door. Xhe Bank maintains Branches throughout Canada and agents in every commercial centre of the world. STANDARD ANK OF CANADA, BRUSSELS BRANCH—G. H. Santis, Manager Will Go to Kincardine. There will be many members of St. John's Lodge, A. F. & A. M. at- tend the special lodge meeting at Kincardine on Friday, when the Grand Master and other official of- ficers will be present. Attended Convention. Among those who attended . the Huron County Social Service Coun- cil at Goderich last Friday were: A. and Mrs. McGuire, Mrs. H. McKin- non and Albert Lott, B.A. A report may be read in another column. Gets Deserved Promotion. Joseph Brian Scott, eldest son or Peter and Mrs. Scott, of Brussels, who has been special agent of the C. N. R. with headquarters at Lon. don, has been notified of a well de- served promotion. Beginning on June lst he will be a Staff Inspector with headquarters at Montreal and his territory will include the entire system from coast to coast. MI. Scott has been in the service of the company over 20 years, and accord- ing to officials, has always enjoyed the confidence of his superiors. Ms old Brussels friends are glad to hear et his promotion. 1 A Boys' Work Board for Huron County. On Thursday evening, May 13111, a meeting was held in the United church, Myth, for the purpose of organizing a boys' work board for this county. Rev. J. Finlay, field seeretary for this department, gave a short address. He explained that the elm is "To interpret the Christ Itfe in terms that the boy can under- stand." It was decided to form the boards, one for North and one for South Huron. Rev. Mr. Telford, of Myth, was appointed President of the northern division. The immed- iate business of the board was to make arrangements for a camp foe the boys of Huron this summer, and a eornmittee was ehosen to inquire into the matter. Among those pres- ent was Mr. Pentland, of Dungannon v•ho is thP representative of this rid- ing, at the Boy's Parliament in 'Par- ente. Rev. A. W! Barker and throe ynung men were present from 13rus- AQ1S. Minor Locals. Keen the ehickens in. Dandelions are in bloom. .Tram coremenees next Tuesday. King's Birthday is on Thursday. Tulip hods are all in bloom now. The 24th passed off quietly in town. The recent rains have helped the growth. County Council opens next Tues- day nt Goderich. The Beek Memorial Feud has renehed a total of $299,700. Beware the bond salesman who tries to N(41 you stock in the North Polo. Thie section had lots of rain, both on Saturday and Monday morning early. , Two things Canada can always be sure of in simnel': Dandelions and bush fires While "elfinning. up" this spring, (demi un ynur overdue subscription to The Post. Tt isn't all tacks, glass and nails that care pick up, there are blondes and brunettes. The Postoffice observes the Thurs- day afternoon holiday the 04011110 as other business places. Planning picnics and holidays is beginning to engage people's attee- Hon. Our office boy says he is ready at any time. Vegetation is moving upward by Mime and hounds, and it would P0111 as if nothing can prevent 'mother bumper harvest. A Chicago flapper was arrested for powdering 'her • nose in church. She evidently wented the white nnee of a blereeless It met be quite a 'relief to same touriets who purpose visiting the North Pole that they will find plenty of Inc water there. The town of Hargivee not coda has a first-class adult hand, but has also a junior band of twenty -flan members, in uniform. "How the Soviet machine works," is the title of an article in a popular magszine. The latest never; from. Russia gems to indicate that it won't work without private capital. Or, speaking in automobile language, you can't run a nmehine without gas. Thirty-eight bachelor menihers of. the British Howe of Commons held their annual banquet recently, in nommemoration of their "freedom from matrimonial shackles." Trite to form, they refrained from invit- ing the oely uninarried Woman in Parliament. Discretionle widely te- cegnieed at the better part of Valet Will Meet in St. John. The annual meeting Of the Can- adian Board of Trade will he held in St. John, N.33., on Sept. 28, 29 and 30. Will Preach in United Church. 1 Rev. J. P. 'McLeod, of Sarnia, 1 former pastor of Melville Church, will preach morning and evening next Sunday. Ordination Service. The ordination service in connec- tion with the appointment of the ' new elders will be held next Sunday ;morning at 11 a.m. Cadets Inspected. Capt. A. W. Hunt, of London, Dis- trist Signalling Officer, inspected Brussels Cadets last Thursday morn- ing, and the corps acquitted them- selves well. Lieut. -Col. Gillespie was on the sick list and could not come. District Meeting. Huron District Lodge, I.0.0,F. met in Brussels last Wednesday after- noon. Walter Vanwycle of Wing - hare, was elected D.D.G.M. for the next year, and W. Kechnie, Blyth, was appointed Grand Warden, Good reports were presented. W. J. Mc- Cracken, the retiring D.D.G.M., was in charge of the session and enter- tained the delegates after the meet- ing. Rev. A. G. Rintout, Inducted at Forest Forest, May 22.—St. James' Pres- eetei tan Church was well filled by members, adherents and friends to witness the indnetion of the new pes- ter, Bev. A. 0, Rintoul. B.A., on Thursday afternann. Bev. A. E. Hannahoon, of Arkonn, int.cmim mod- erator of this presbytery, officiated, assisted by Rev. j. .T. Monds, of Pet- rolia, and Rev. J. J. Patterson, D.D., of Sarnia. Mr. Hannahson preached a force- ful sermon and Mr. Mends conducted the induction. Dr. Patterson gave , the charge to the minister. During eervive a telegram of congratulation I was i•ead to the congregation femn 1 thy former pastor, Rev. H. D. Cam - 1 ernn, 13.A., now of Port Hope. At the close of the service Rev. Mrs. Rintonl wore introduced to the large congregation present, after / which all silt down to the bountiful supper provided by the ladies of the e . St. James Chureh now !stands free of debt and looks for- ward to a bright and prosperous fut- ure, under the guidance of the new pnstor and his wife; HAVE NARROW ESCAPE WHEN CAR IS DITCHED Mildred Sperling, Formerly of Brus- sels, Han Arm Broken — •• Stratbroy, May 24,—Four mcm-i hers of a Strathroy motoring party had a narrow escape from serious injury when a large touring car, own- ed and driven by R. C. Rathwell, Strathroy baker, was ditched on the highway about five miles north of Lunn. Mrs. Rathwell suffered sev- erely from shock; her sister, Miss Mildred Sparing, had one arm brok- en; her daughter, Eileen, aged 11 or 12, received scratches, while Mr, Bathwell escaped with bruises. The accident Is believed to have been due to the 'breaking of the steering gear, which caused the car to swervesuddenly, striking a stump i and landing in the ditch, The car was badly wrecked. The injured were brought to Strathroy, where they were attended by Dr. A. S, Thompson, Mrs. Rath - well was detaindd in the Strathroy Hospital for further treatment. Brussels friendsare glad to hear of their escape from more serious injuries. ATWOOD Mes, Wes. Brendle spent Thoradny at To i•on to, Blum Connell will hold its May ses- sion on Saturday. May 290. Rev. and Mrs, Gilmore, of London, spent Wednesday and Thursday in town. The home cif am Blair le under quarantine, Beverley Blair being ill with scarlet fever. Mo re, A. el, Rbintion underwent, a very eritiettl operation10 a hospital le Toronto, en Saturday, Wrogater Orcheelta 'supplied spie1 . g did nineic for the dance held in the ele Mink Hall, Friday aeening. A large n THIS Electric For.r P lis er For $2..0 a day $1.0 for half day Beautify all your Floors and Linol- eums Quickly without stooping, kneeling or even soiling your hands Use Johnson's Liquid Wax Call and see lt at Davison's Hardware Rey, Mr. Barker is attending Can- tPersonal Paragraphs Miss 'Carrie McOrackeu was hom for the 24th. Miss Ida Rands, Toronto, Wa6 1101111 fOl. the 24th. Geo. and Mrs. Irwin, of Toronto were up for the week -end. Miss Pipe and -Mrs. Skelton spen the 2415 with Ethel friends, Mrs. Clouse and Lawson Olous spent the week -end at Teeswater. James Hart, of Owen Sound, spen the week -end with S. and Mrs. Cart er, M, and Mrs, Yolleek and famil spent the week -end with relatives is loran to. Miss Margaret Maunders. of Mc Donald College, Guelph, was home fo the 24111. ) ference at Stratford this week. Judge Lewis conducted Division Court in Brussels on Tuesday, Mrs. Broadfoot, of Seaforth, was e the guest of her niece, Mrs. Jae, Bal- lantyne. e George Buchanan, of the Essex High School staff, was home for the ' I WeGe.kie.nDd'eacienan is spending a few t ' days at Kingston, and from there will I return to Merlin. I 13arristee Richard Vaustone, Wing - e , ham, was in town on Tuesday attend - 1 ing Division Cloud. ti ' Miss Gladys Ross, nf Toronto, anent - : the 24th with her aunts, Miss Ross I and Mrs. J, a Smith. 9 ' Mrs. R. W. Moore, of Saskatoon, 1, Bask , spent the week -end with her sister, Mrs J. L. Kerr. Miss Mary Clarke and Miss Esther Hume, Goderich, were calling au old friends in Brussels last lioriday. Lloyd and Mrs, Jackson, of Toron- to, spent the holiday with the form- , er's parents, H. L, and Mts. Jackson. - Lloyd O. Jackson, B. A. Se., and . - Mrs. Jackson, B. A., Toronto, spent nee fivoetelnk-eerr.id at the parental hcnue of I.„; Bert, and Mrs, Dennison, Preston, . aCCODI alliP(1 by the lot MM.'S mother, Mrs. m. Dennismi, were holiday iviiisliitostrileaett;.the house of Alf. Dennison, Wes. and Mts. Artustrong and baby and James and Mrs. Armstrong and Miss May motored to Acton and spent, the holiday thers. and also a short visit in Tor onto. Mayor Mcliliven, Reeve Monning aDC1 Deputy Reeve Mosher, of antler- ich, and Reeve Middleton, of Clinton, were in town lest week. They were feeling the pulse of members of the County Council iti respect to the pav- ing of the Godeeich-Clintou Highway, which [natter will come benne itIPJ County Council at. its june eession, Archer Grewar, of Waterloo Chill ege, spent the week -end with his fath er, W. A. Brewer. Misses Mona Hamilton and Oather ine Walker spent the holiday with feieuds in Atwood, Cameron *Aachen, of Sarnia, was week -end visithe with his mother an other old friends. Alex. Sperling and Dong. Warwick took in the sighta at the Midway, at Stratfm d, on Monday. A., T. Cooper', Minton, Co, Secee- tary for• the Temperance Organization, W0114 in tnsyn on the 24th. Miss Jean Ferguson, of Toronto, spent day last week with her cons - le, Mies Mary Helen Kerr. Miss Mildt ed Sparlitig, London, was 11 holiday visitor at her home. Mrs. W. li. Herr retnrned to River- side, Villa, after spending the Meter in Stratford with her brother. Will, Radgh and a couple or the boys, from Giant' Valley, were calling on old friends here on the 24th. Miss Jessie Cunningham, of Toron- to, spent the week -end with her par- ents, John and Mrs. Ounninghem. James Armsteong Was a visitor in Auburn foe ss few days hist week, ow- ing to the serious illness of his sister. Mrs. Hunter, of Toronto better known to Brusselites Nellie Irwin, spent the week.end with the Misses McCracken. Her b. and Mrs, Glazier and daugh- ter, of Stratford, cvere visitors over the week.end with friends in Bruasels and locality, Mrs. A.. Ratipp and"claughters, Miss Ruby and Mrs. E. J. Irwin, of De - omit, visited on Thursday with the Misses Fulton. Old friends of Richard Stevens are glad to hear he is now imptoving. Diok has been seriously ill for the past two weeks. M. G. Searrow and bride, of Rath - well, Man„ are visiters ab "Riverside Farm." The former is a cousin to Mrs, ROL, Thorneon, Ben. and Mrs, Kerwin and &mall - ter, Mies Pearl, of Clifford, were visit- ing Robt: and Mrs. Dark last week, The former is a 00(1111 of Mrs. Dark's, Mrs, Silas H. Jackson, of Vancou- ver, B. 0., arrived in Mussels last Saturday and is visiting her brother, Arthur McGuire, and other old friends in town. Jos, and Mrs, Davidson, of London, ammumanied by the latter's sister', Mise Florence Bennett, were visitors with the former's brother and sister, in town. Goderich Star : Bev, 0, F. Clarke, pastor of North street United church, is sone of the delegates to the General Ocionoil, which will meet, in Montreal, on June 101.5, Mrs, Durkee, of Leonia, 1Vash„ and Mrs, Davie, Elberta. Mich., visited last week at the home of Rohe and Mrs, Dark. The visitors are 'sous - ins of Mee. Dark's, Mrs, Kere and Miss Mary Hel- en returned to Toronto on Monday, owing to Mr, Brown having taken bad spells on Sunday evening and Monday morning. Dr. A., W. L. and Mee. Gilpin motor - NI from Detroit on Friday and rehire - ed Seedily accompanied by 3. J. Gil- pin and Mrs, Crich,. who will spend few vveeks visiting in Detroit, Mrs, Robert Dark wag able to walk to chetah Stinday ramming, the first Lime since het, operation live monthe ago, mei her many friend -14 were glad svelcome her ae the eerviee, Stanley of Victoria College, manta, was home OD a Vigil; with is pimento, 'Wm. and Mre. Mill frost, and lefb ter Leslie. Seek., here be will eupply on 01 Mission Oa tor tire motto'. EAST WAVVANOSH iViiliaia Fothergill, an esteemed resident of the township of Mast Wawanosh, was fatally wounded last Monday morning &mut 11 o'clock when unloading stone. His horses were frightened and bolted for free- dom, air.. Fothergill clinging to them fol. a time hut Was finally Hu•own under the load when it upset and was trailed a distance. He never regain- ed consciousness and passed away about four o'clock on Tuesday after. noon. Mr, Fothergill is survived by his widow and .three small children. He ttt a brother of Mrs, D. Bell, A, E. Fothergill and Arthuit Fotheegill of Wingham. The family have the sympathy of a large circle of friends' in their thne of sad bereavement, SAVE CLEANERS' BILL When you hang your light party dresses liway always cover them with a muslin cover or bag to prevent soil. DIED • BEWLIIY,-In Morris township, on Sunday, May 23rd, 1025, Margaret 18 WWI, wife of' Joseph Bewley, aged 43 years and Brussels, on Friday, May 25., 1023, Thomas A. Ferguson, in hie Card year. MoMILLAN.-In Brussels, on Thursday, May 20111,1025, Ruth Mitchell, wife of George McMillan, aged 11 years and 11 months, IN MEMORIAM JABIRS.-In loving memory of our dear sister*, Alice M. Jones, who departed this life May 21st, 1021, When the awe no longer shines, And evening follows the day no more,. Then I may forget yon, Net before. -BROVININ3 AND SDIVORIP Private Sale The following houSchold effects ere being offered for mile privately by the undersigned: o Inning Table, 1 Ritchen Table, O 2 Sttel aihn6gn 0°111antil.', O 7.Drawer Singer Sewing Machine,. 12nDrees rertonnd 81 pWriatVtrind , 2 Iron Bedsteads, thiffet, I Cook Rove mid 1 Coal Oil Renter, ,1 copper Boiler and Galvanized Wash Toll. Lantern, hand saw, number •;of sealers, cooking utensils, dishes, hoe, reke, hammer, eta, R, W.PP,RGUSON, tutussaut