The Brussels Post, 1920-12-9, Page 7SUCCESS OF FISH CULTURE IN CANADA FIFTY-TWO HATCHERIES AND PONDS Fishermen of the Great Lakes Are Therefore Able to Pur- sue Their Calling. PALLID CHEEKS AND DULL EYES Tell the Story of Watery Blood- . How to Regain a Good Color and Health. To bo nut down in health and to loseiniof otrth cuinr ea ot ttrameat invye nyeosusng.is gtihries d To tiler pallid cheeks and dull oyes tell every- one that they are doomed to days of The conservation of natural re- wretched headaches and are vial= sources has always been a prominent of breathlessness and bloodlessness. thought in the Dominion mind, and The anaemic girl, IF she neglects her Canada as a country entering upon bealth, may be a sufferer alt her life; her youth, has the experiences of old- foi an active happy woman canna be er countries front whim to profit, and developed out of a bloodless, consume - the opportunity to benefit from the tive looking girl, without the help of utter destruction which follows upon , new, rich, red blood. the careless depletion of a nation'Pale, weak girls should take heed. natural gltts. I Bloodlessness must not be neglected. Canada is alive to the expense of Plenty of good air, a nourishing diet knowledge by experience; conserve- and rest will help you, but the euro tion is a term that looms large in na- you need most promptly Is new blood, tonal activity, preached by authority, Good new blooa in abundance, such and driven home by preas and liter- as makes all the difference between aturo. The Domiuion realises the die- sound health and poor health to girls estrous results of depleting her forest and women, is supplied by Dr. Wil- Preducts without replanting, of ruth- hams Ptak Pills. Their one mission lessly slaughtering each year count- eis to make new blood which reaches less fur -bearing animals without mak. every organ and every nerve in the ing provisioa for artificial propagation, body, bringing to anaemic girls and of depleting her lakes and streams be- women new calor, bright eyes, an yond their natural reproduction wide; elastic step and a feeling of joy in out replenishing them, living. The value of Dr, Williams Replenishing the Inland Waters, Pink Pills to young girls is shown by the euro of Miss Bessie Clarke, R.R. It was early realized that svith the No. 1, progress 09 settlement the lakes and Stevensville, Out., who says: , .,Two years ago, while studying for streams cif Canada cm" net w"." 1 the entrance oxamivation, my health stand the heavy annual toll oe sports - i broke down and I fell away to a mere men and commercial fishermen, mud to shadow of my former self. When the meet the situation the Government day for the examleatione came, I inaugurated a system of replenishing should have been in bed instead of the watercourses and established fish trying them, but 1 event on with the hatcheries for the artificial propaga- work and when through was almost tion of fish. From a small beginning, on the verge of collapse. I thought this work has grown as the necessity then that a rest would help me, but I of expansion arose, until at the encl did not regain my strength. Then of 1919 there were throughout the Do- my mother was advised to have me minion, forty-four hatcheries reproduc- try Dr. 'Williams Pink Pills, and after Ing young fish, rePlenlehing the taking thein for about a month I found streams and lakes of the various pro- myself restored to health, with good vinces us well as caring for the corn- color and a change for the better, which people V,-110 know me readily noticed. I ant very thankful for what Dr. Williams Pink Pills did for me, mercial fishing fields off both the Can- adian Atlantic anti 'Pacific coasts. There aro thirty-five main hatcher- ies, eleven subsidiary hatcheries, and and hope ruy experience will benefit six salmon retaining ponds in active op- rome other weak eration. Those in Braish Cour,thht, You can get Dr. Williams Pink Pills Nova Scotia and New Brunswick. have, through any dealer in medicine, or by in addition to their inland waters, to mail, postpaid, at 50 nate a box, or superintend the supply of fish off their six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. coasts, whilst those of tho provinces Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, of the interior occupy themselves with Ont. Producing fry to restock the inland lakes, commercial fishing on which is ever extendiug, and the rivers and smaller streams within their confines. Mortality Among Fish is Great. Nature unaided can do but little to meet the demand for fish against de- pletion. Mortality among fish is so per day In addition to non-inflauunable great that only au infinitesimal per- films, and other products. centage ren.ches maturity. Against —Is— — this waste in nature, as high as 90 per Salada Tea Reduced 15 Cents Silk Industry in Britain. Great Britain is taking an active interest in the silk industry, with a largo capital investment. One factory established in that country will pro- duce about nine tone of artificial silk cent. of the eggs taken by artificial methods, under favorable conditions, have not ouly been fertilized but hat- ched and the young fry liberated. The average hatch in Canadian hatcheries is from 50 to 86 per cent., depending on the species and the conditions under which the eggs are taken. In the year 1919, the Dominion hatcheries distributed 1,880,000 green eggs, 1,697,000 eyed eggs, 979,147,249 fry, 1,943,601 advanced fry, 356,388 fingerlings, and 12 yearlings, or place ing back in Canadian waters, the equivalent of 986,024,250 fish. The species used in restocking the waters consisted of Atlantic, eteemead, sock- eye, cohoe, and pink salmons rainbow, speckled, and salmon trout; whitefish, herring and pickerel. The Value of Restocking. The success of fish culture in Can- ada speaks for itself. Fishermen of the Great Lakes admit that but for the Government's restocking activities, many of them would have had to abandon their calling. The increased value of leases of Wilma streams in New Brunswick and other provinces are other silent witnesses. The manner in which the British Columbia Reim= fisheries withstand their heavy annual toll is still further testimony, Amongst the latest ex- amples of the success of these opera- tions are the Petitcodiac river in NeW Brunswick aud Hicks, lake in British Columbia. The Petitcodiac river was Drastically depleted of salmon. It has been stocked with fry each year since 1913. As a resell, this year, fisher- men, state that the river appeared to be full of salmon, Hicks lake was stocked with whitefish in 1913, the species not being previously found in the province. At a teat, towards the end of 1919, with a smaleplece of not, eighteen fine whitefish, varying from 18 to 21 inches in length, and.weigh- lug from 2 to 43 pounds, were taken. .....—..0...-.......,.... Dinah Differed. A big laugh is. going the rounds et the expense ef a certain painless den- . 'Mat, Seeing a darks, woman who had been suffering for wine time with a toothache finally got up courage etteegle..to go to this dentist to have 11 extracted, But the minute he touched the tooth Dinah began to roar. "What are You making such a noise about? e Dona yOu know I'm a painless dens tint?" demanded that worthy as ho hastily closed the windows, "Mobile you is, but I ain't," howled Dinah, By tho the recent parchaze Of an At-' Wide Cable, Britain now bee an "Mae , se freir cable route Mud the arefa . . ..e, .............. ; Buy Thrift Staneps, .. e.,..... a PI,Ind. Every effort is being made to supply the retail dealers with Brown Label "SALADA" at the reduced price of 55 cents per pound. However, it will take some little time before all have 11 10 stock, in. spite of every exertion on the part of the Company, as they have tens of thousands of customers throughout Canada front the Atlantic to the Pacific. Fish are bellieyed to have a keen sense of smell. DIMS OF NU FROM WE As Per instructions, Mistress: "Why, Bridget, what on earth aro you doing with all the broken Mates on the Bloat?" Bridget: "Sure, mum, eez tosvld me 01 wur to replace everyone 01 broke," Riding His Bill. A visitor at a country fair noticed ono melancholy individual who, des- pite the fact that he was apparently eufforiag greatly, persisted in remain- ing en ono of the merry -go -made. Eventually the looker-on spoke to him and asked him 11 he liked it. "No; I don't like it a bit," the man replied, The beaatly thing makes me 111." "Then why do you persist on going on it?" "2 can't help it. The man who owns this thing owes me money, and the only way I can get even Is by taking it out in rides." His Chief End in Life. There lived in an English town a wealthy but exceedingly "tight" old lady, who kept very few servants and paid them as little as possible. Among these was au underfed, miserable -looking lad of fourteen, who answered the door, did the dishwash- ing, waited at table, weeded the gar- den, washed the dog, and a few other things. One day a visitor asked this lad: "Well, ray boy, and what do you clo around here?" "1 do a butler, a kitchen maid and a gardener out of a Job," replied the boy gravely. An Artful Ruse, Tommy: "Mamma'didn't you say last week you wanted the carving knife and the chopper sharpened?" Mrs. Suburb: "Indeed I did. Bless his little heart! How thoughtful you are!" "Well, I'll take 'em round to the cutler's for you." "How sweet of you to offer to do such things for your mamma, my lit- tle cherub. 111 wrap them up." "No, don't wrap them up. I want them to show. There's a boy out there waiting to fight me; but I fancy when he sees me coming he'll go home." WOULD NOT IE WITHOUT BABY'S OWN TABLETS Once a mother has used Baby's Own Tablets for her little ones she would not be without them. They aro the ideal home remedy for the baby; being guaranteed to be absolutely free from opiates or other harmful drugs. Tbey are a geatle but therough laxative and have been proved of the greatest aid in cases of constipation, indigestion, colic, colds and simple fevers, Con- cerning them Mrs: Ernest Gagne, Beausejour, Que., writes: "Mayo used Baby's Own Tablets for constipation and colic and have found them so sue. ce.ssful that I would not be without them. I would strongly recommend every mother to keep a box in the house." The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 rinds a box from The Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Surnames and Their Origin KAVANAGH. Variations—O'Keevan, Keevan, Ke- vin, Kevens, Koveney, Coen, Cohen, Cohan, Cowan, Cuan, Cayenne, Mc - Kum. ' Origin—Irish. Source—A given name. Virtually all Irish f orally names take their origin in given names, ex- cept hi cases where Overlords, under English rule, have adopted as their family names the names of the places over which they held hereditary sway; but •even here the names trace back ultimately to given names in most cases, for even the Irish geo- graphical names trace back in almost overwhelming numbers to the names of persons. In, this the nomenclature of Ire- land is virtually tho reverseOf nearly all other nations. But in the translation of the Kava- nagh group of family names into the English tongue and spelling a most unusual number of variations has de- veloped from the original form, which was "O'Osonallain," iihe "m" in this instanee, as is often the case ite Trish, having a "v" sound as the result of the inflesctions peculiar to that Ian - gauge. The gem nitrite from which it is developed by the use of "o" meaning "descendants of" is "CaomItan,' which means "a noble ono." Under certain thuffeetional infiu. ences the "h" predominated, which explains such forms of the name as Cowan, whieli, it analyzed, would have a pronunelation something like "kah-o-han," easily shortened into "Oow-an" and Cohan, Cohen, Cum and Coen, Which must not be confused with tho Jewish family natio Cohen. AR of these two -syllable forms of the Irish namo are properly prononneed tuo the accent on the second ityPahle; not "COW -an" and "Oo-han? but 004. -Alt" it aco.11ANi1 though common usage is rapidly changing and making the former correct. McCATJLEY. Variations—Macaulay, MacAulay, MacAutiff, McAwley, MaeGewley, Ma- gauly, McCawley, McCauley, Wythe, McCaulley. Racial Origin Irish, also Scottish. Source—A given name. As a rule the variations Macauley, MacAulay and MacAuliff trace back to Scottish seurces, and the rest, for the most part, aro Irish. As a matter of fact, there ie little difference be- bween the speech of the Irish, par- tienlarly in the .norbh of Ireland, and the Highland Scots, Both are Gaelic races. The peoples now constituting the Iddeittand chins for the most part crossed over to "Alba," as Scotland then was called, from Ireland, about the second century A.D. The correct Irish form of the fam- ily name from which this rather long Hee of variations leas developed is "MacAenhaileolbb," but the Irish pro- nuneiation of that is much closer Ito "McOawliey" than one would suppose. The given name from which "Mac- Ambeileseileh" is derived is "Amitiall- gadh," compounded by two words, ambail" and "gad," meaning "lilico a wytho" (that is, a form of twisted osier"), which explains why the name Is sometimes niot with Anglicized into Wythe, There ane English authorities who suggest that the Scottish form, Mac- A.uliff, is a development of the Scan- dinavian name "Olaf."' It is possible, but tot 14kely. It would bo probable it the name were English. But Gaelic names are more likely to trace book to single than to many sources, and the final of "MacAmhailocibli" Wain easily and naturally become a "ff" on translation into English. In Ireland this namo is most com- mon in Munster, Cork and in what was the ancient royal province of Meath. E 1 LUIVI AGO,, NEURALGIA SCIATICA, NEURITIS Their Treatment by Your Local Druggist. Your own druggiet, who has known the people of his twenty for years, has a pretty good idea of wbet remedies are giving eatistaction to his cueternere. No number of teetimonlals from far -distant paeans counts half as much with hint as the results he gets front sales over his own counter. That's why hundreds!: of druggists from Halifax to Victoria recommend Templeton's Rheumatic Capsules, leach of these hundreds knows oS cases in his vicinity where T.B.C's have brought amazing relief. Men and women of all ages find free- dom from their pain In T.R.Ces. Mr. W. A. Hawley, of Campbell - ford, at the age of 84, was entirely cured, after being helpless with Rheumatism for months, Scores of druggists write of the satisfaction given by T.R.C'e. Here are the statements of throe from Ontario: Rose the Druggist, Midland, Ont.: O. F., Vicars, Penelon Wallo "Every sale of Templeton's Mau- is the most satisfuotory matte Capsules has meant a satle- of any line of rheumatic remedy fled customer,2 have yet to hear have ever handled." of a person not recelvitur beyond what they had hoped in results 33. J. Cook, St. Thomas: "We from their use. In many eases the have never had a preparation for benefits have been wonderful and rheumatlem and neuritis that has these long sufferers tell their sold like T.R.C.'s. The sale le won - friend& I have many calls for derful and reports from our cus- Rheurnatio Capsules and / never tomers good. I figure a matiatted hesitate to remoinmend them," customer Is the best advertisement" Sounds too good to bo true? The explanation is that Templeton's Rheumatic Capsules act directly on the poisons in the system that in. some persons oatiso rheumatism, in others lumbago, sciatica, neuritis or neuralgia. Their composition is the result of thirty years of patient study and experiment, longs years of experience in the treatment of rheumatism. Get a free trial package of T.R.C's. or Raz-Mah for Asthma from your druggist or from Templetons Limited, 56 Colborne St., E., Toronto and prove these statements for yourself. These remedies are ab- solutely harmless, or our druggist -agents wouldn't advise the use of them. When your own druggist recommends a remedy he is Imre to receive your thanks or condemnation. He won't risk the loss of good customer by recommending a remedy in which he has no confi- dence. The undermentioned druggists and huudreds of othere back T.E.O's and Raz -Mab. Allss Craig, J. A. Smith. Alliston, 130. B. Sohell. Alvinston, P. A. McDiarmid 9. Son Arthur, A. W. Busohlen Atwood, B. 0. Coughlin Barrio, WM. Crossland Beaverton, 3. S. Praleigb 331enheim. Crookshank Bros. Boboaygeon, 13. 3, Woollard Bowteenvine, jury & Lovett Bradford, W. L. Campbell Bridgeburg, R. A. Land Brigden, P. 0. Seeger. Bruce Mines, A. D. Jackson 13ruesols, Jas, Fax Campbellford. J. E. Berke CheeleY, S. R. Davey Clinton. J. E. Hovey Colborne, W. F. Griffis Cookstown, Wm. Malay Deseronto, W. 3. Malley Dresden, R. R. Dustin Dunnville, 331, 3. istefee• Durham, S. MoBeth Elora, F. J. Capeli Exeter. S. IL Sadler Pension Palle, G. H., Vicars Florence, L. R. Miller Glenooe, I. Johnson Gerrie, It Ir. Armstrong Earrlaton, Mo/Cibbon & Hastings, T. A. Coughlin liaveloek. A. D. Denilte Kincardine, J. P. Vandriek Kingsville, R. R. Picard Lakefield, Tanner Drug Ca, Limon, Regall Pharmacy Luaknow, 3, G. Armstrong Raz-Mah la unrivalled in the treatment of Asthma. Raz -Matt restores normal breathing, stops muous-gatheringe in the bronchial tubes, and gives long nights of exist sleep. And if Bas -Mak does not give relief, your druggist hair positive instructions from Ten:1,1)16ton Limited to give you your money bath. Fair enough, don't you think? Plan Auto Road on Railroad Snowsheds. Inge:aloes plans whereby a smooth concrete auto road may be run for 33 miles through a difficult pees of the Sierra Nevada Mountains, and a great transcontinental railroad may acquire, at the same time, a system of perman- ent concrete snowshecls, have been completed by a T.T.S. engineer. The design for the new snowshals pro- vides them with a continuous fiat, walled roof, on which autos could run with the assurance that they would encounter no heavy grades, or danger- ous curves. With -federal and state aid ou the highway part of the pro- ject, the burden of cost on the rail - reed would be greatly reduce(1 and early construction. encouraged. All set. "Now for the wedding there must be something borrowed and something blue." "Well, the groom has just borrowed. $500 from her dad. And that has made the cad man feel blue, I can tell you." "Pape's Diapepsin" Corrects Stomach. "Pape's Diapepsiu" is the quickest, surest relief for Indigestion, Gases, Flatulence, Heartburn, Sourness, Pen mentation or Stomach Distress caused by acidity. A few tablets give almost immediate stomach relief and shortly the stomach is corrected so YOU can eat favorite foods without fear. Large ease costs only 60 cents at drug store. Absolutely harmless and pleasant. Millions helped annually. Largest sell- ing stomach correcter in world.—Adv. A hen, when sitting, terns her eggs entirely round once a day. 'MOTHER! California. Syrup of Figs'. Child's Best Laxative Accept 'California" Syrup at BUS Only—look for the table California on the paokage, then. you aro euro your child is having the best and moat harmless physic for the little atom ach, liver and bevels. Oltildree love its fruity taste. Fell directions on each bottle, you must say "co. ferule." Better Teeth. Eminent English dentists have found_ that Jewish children have bet- ter teeth than Gentile children, at- tributing the cause to the use of oil by the Jew instead of sugar. Rural Route No. 1, Mascouche, Quebec, Oct 15, 1919. Tho Minard's Liniment People, Strs,—I feel that I should be doing a wrong if I neglected to write you. I have had tour tumors growing on my head for years. I had them out off by a surgeon about fifteen years ago, but they grew again till about three months ago I had one as large and shaped like a lady's thimble on the very place where my hair should be parted, and it was getting so embarrassing in public) that it was a constant worry to me. About three months ago I got a bottle of your liniment for another purpose and saw on the label good for tumors. Well I tried it and kept at it for exactly two months, with the result that it has entirely re- moved all trace of the tumor, and were It not that they had been out fifteen years ago, no marls would be seen. have not been asked for this teetimonial and you can use It as you see at. (Signed) FRED C. R013INSON. P.S.—/ am a farmer and intend using Minard's Liniment on my mare for a strained tendon, and am hoping for same results. FRED C. R. Her Own Way. Eleanor, aged eight, was enjoying a good cry, when her aunt came in. "I wouldn't cry like that," said the aunt to her, "if I were you." "Wel'., auntie," said Eleanor, bee, tween sobs, "ou can cry any way you like, but this is my way." Soothes tired nerves. For restful sleep at night apply BE GUE on the forehead and back of neck. BEWARE OF SUBSTITUTES $1.00 a tube. .. 1(111551000 MILES CO., 1.1D.;! MoNrsalkt gents tor Dr. Juiso !league '. RELIEVES PAIN t MIMPEORMINNECRINA A A Quick Relief for Headache headache's frequently caused. by badly algae tad fo od; the genet and acida resulting therefrom are absorbed by the blood which in turn irritates the nerves and cameo painful aymptonts called headache, neuralgia, rheuma- tism, etc. 15 to 30 drops of Mother Seigel's Syrup will correct faulty digeetion and afford relief, .vitranrelaiMaxgranium*.filiabi0e/9 g11113RCADUOI-IS ISSUE No. 49--'20, FOR WINTER DAYS wornowww•o•swoNevw,.....w...wwWwWW~ 9740 No. 9740—Misses' Dress. Price, 35 cents. Two styles of sleeve; two- piece sldrt in two lengths attaohed to listing; with or without two-piece tunic.. In 8 sizes, 16 to 20 years. Size 16, with tunic, 451 yds. 40 ins. wide, or 8% yds. 54 ins. wide; with-. out tunic, 27 yds. 40 ins. wide, or 2% yds. 54 ins. wide. Width, 1% yd. This pattern may be obtained front your local McOaJS dealer, or from the McCall Co., 70 Bond Sk, Toronto, Dept. W. MONEY ORDERS. The safe way to send money by mail is by Dominion Express Money Order. Alda to Travellers. On the back of a hair brush intend- ed for travellers is a mirror, which can be removed for use, while a comb slides into a recess beneath the bristles. Minard's Liniment For Dandruff., During the epidemic of 1918 ten persons died of influenza In the Milted States for every lee the Amedcan Expeditionary Force lost in battle in Prance. Stop that pain! QUICK, vrarrning, soothing, comforting relief follows an application of Sloan', Liniment. Just slap it on the strained, overworkedmusele. Good for rheumatism, too. Pamirs*, without rubbing. CASCARETS ',They Work while you Sleep' Mc, 7, ho 4L.V.I. —4s wee "All shot to pieces"? You are bile lions, constipated! You feel headachy, tali of cold, dizzy, unstrung. Your meals don't fit—breath is bad, akin sallow, Take Cascaras to -night for your liver and bowels and wake up clear, energetic and cheerful. No griping—no inconvenience. Children love Cs...scants too. 10, 25, 50 cents. Classified Advertisements. TOSOITTO roxacm roiAon, ngcnurra WANTED—Age 21 to ildeet AV live feet nine ittoltaa; 5930(718 year 41,460, next two years s 1.604 1 at third year SIAM subioot to 7 per cee deduction for benefit fund and pendia eight hours; ono day oft weekly; 14 tleye annual ieave; three-quarter par When slog; uniforms supplied, Apply Ordarsr Room, Police Headquarters, Toronto, sicesgannAlrgolas. INIA011TALITY CERTAIN—Swell .1 borg's great worn on Heaven an Trott, and a real world beyond. Over 40 pages, only 25e poStPain. IL B. Lava 486 Euclid Ave., Toronto. WANTED—Produce and POU.14,4 02 V V all kindS. Write for price. cross. 473 nog ton Road, Toronto. Chalk exposed to the air frequently becomes harder than many forms ott stone. Minard's Liniment Relieves Distemper Turner, the famous artist, was the son of a Sheffield barber. "DANDERINE" Girls! Save Your Hairl Make It Abundant! Immediately after a "Danderine massage, your hair takes on new life, lustre and wondrous beauty, appear- ing twice as heavy and plentiful, ba, cause each hair seems to Ruff and thicken. Don't let your hair stay ilfeo less, colorless, plain or scraggly. Yoe. too, want lots of long, strong, beautt, Cul hair. A 35.eent bottle of delightful "Dan, derine" freshens your scalp checks dandruff and falling hair. This stimtv lating "beauty -tonic" gives to thin, dull, fading hair that youthful bright, nese and abundant thickness -Ali druggists! CUTICURA HALS RASH ON CHILD On Body and Face, Red and Itchy Cried For Hours. Lasted a Year. "A rash started ell over my little girl's body, and she had soma on her face. It started in a pimple it that was full of water, d ater, an it got red and itchy. She cried for hours. This trouble lasted a year. "Then I started with a free sample of Cuticura Soap and Ointment. 1 bought more, and 1 used four cakes of soap and three boxes of Ointment welch healed her." (Signed) Mrs. Dora Langly, 1032 Gertrude St., Verdun, Que., August 11, 1915. The Cutieura Toilet Trio Consisting of Soap, Ointment and Talcum is an indispensable adjunct of the daily toilet in maintaining -skin purity and skin health. Soap 25c, Ointment 26 and SOc. Sold throughouttheDominion. Canadian/1mM 1. m000. Limited. St. Paul St., MontreaL sgotF"Cuticura Sono shaves without mug. America's Pioneer Dog Remedies Book on DOG DISEASES and How to Peed Mailed Free to any Ad. dress by the Author. IC. Clay Glover 00., Inch 118 West 81st Street New 'York, U.S.A. Elr-t.r-TCV BREAKUPACOLD B LETS TR), THEM PRICE 25(t ONLY TABLETS MARKED "BAYER" ARE ASPIRIN Not 'Aspirin. at All without the "Bayer Grosso , r -r-1 For Colds, Pain, Iteadache, earn paokago which contains emu let* all' gbh Toothache, Earnehe, and for 'cations. Then you are get ing real Rheumatism, Lumbago, Sciatica, Non- Aspirin—the genuine Aspirin met ritis' take Aspirin marked with the scribed by physicians for over prone 'Bayer/7 or you aro not taking teen years, Now made in Canada. !Aspirin at all. Handy tin boxes containing 12 tab. Accept only "Bayer Tablets of lets cost but a few dents. Druggists Aspirin" iu an unbroken "Bayer" also sell larger "Bayer" packages. There is only one Aspirin--"daayer".:Fen moat say "Bayer" Aepirin is the trade mark (regletered In canadsa of Barer Mennfaetuve vI mono. nocuccomestor at sancyucced, Wine it le well known that Aspirin memo, Beyer intumfoottire, to aselet the nubile against iteltatione, the 'Fabian! 33sy41s Gotopeng win, be stamped wah teen enteral trade merit, the olleYOr 5f094,