The Brussels Post, 1920-11-25, Page 511P
�ro rJ cf LIMITED
Mac to tlto font nloo, Ethel. 00.4
A o CDR, will soli lur bettor prises, to
better men, in lees limo god leas charges
than any other Auctioneer in !lest Huron or
be won't ubargs anything, Dates and orders
can always bo arranged at this °!flee or by
p ors!"Lal application.
viM, 81t'lOLAII�—
T a llarrlstor, Hollnttpt, wart'sConveyancer,
Notary t'ubho, 50 Ulla°—Stowarl'e B10011
1 door North of Central Hetet,
Solea itor /or the Metropolitan (I ub
0n ,.
Honor graduate of the Ontario Veterinary
rend night calla. Office op
Flour Mill, teed.
T. T. M' RAE
M. B., M. O. P., d)S. O.
M. O. H„ Village of Brussels,
• Physician, Surgeon, Aoeonohenr
C' Moe at residence, opposite Moly file Oburoh,
William street.
Barristers, So' loiters, Notaries Public,
Office on the Square, 2n.: door from Hamilton
Private fund:, to loan et lowest rates.
' E. J. D. (IOOKE
d��>�.6'�dvar.E.�®b'asAvm� vii
Yong° & Charles Efts., Toronto
Prepares young men and Women for
®, unployment as accountants, stono-
\ if
rephere, typlets, private 000retgrtas,
ns biers. °start 5ohtl toechnre, fin„
Falnriep to afoot. $IO to $:5 pee' wedge
•d wrenrddthroe mareenexce1lheonoennnpoa rhgitoiod
openings occur In Toronto each year
and the demand for our graduates is
greater tha
n 61x0 enpphy. Oommeuoe
anytime, Write ter pnrtiolnre.
. John Oliver
1 has taken over the Deering Ag- +
,ency and handles a full line of 4.
.t. Farm Implements including the i,
+ noted +
1 H. C. Cream Separators .1.
Cream only CreaSeparator with +
X two wide open cream outlets— +
4. no cream screw in Lhepath of 4*
the cream. See it when in town. +
* —7 are among the best, +
4. The Deering Manure Spreader
+ With the wide spend and very
+ light in draft.te
John Oliver `p
+ it
The I. L C, 5-11 and 10-20 Tractors
• •
•• •
• PO .
•♦ All kinds for which the•
highest Market price well
e be, paid. See me before
• you sell,
.04.••.44.*•♦•0ee•0.40044• *
WBIIcall at
your home t
for them.
me u p -. hone 62x
Call ,
Bull for Service
The undersigned will keep for serVIOrl, ml S36
Lot 80, Con. 2, Morris township, the thoro"llred
Short Horn Hull, Gnbifnrd Of Salem, No
ired h Gainford Marquis (100800)
IqO, Pod
Dane may b VII by Royal Sailor 1 a )
5((1C0.00 may or some on application,yaaeTonne-
arn Se
vice wior th
e00 payable et Mine 0 I10
alae with prlvnege to return. C•Irndo solve no
allowed. TH08, ?IMOD,
Opre r )
Wed raesday
Evenings each week.
2 Showe
7,30 am,' 9, t 5
Drop in!
W. C. Smith, F. Crowne
Manager. Plop,
Taal ebxs Pols
ONLY 5 weeks to Christman,
NE= Tuesday closes out the month of
HONG up the fiddle and the bow and
take down the snow shovel.
"KEEP the home fires burning" is be-
ing practically followed these days.
HURON County Council will meet in
Goderich au Tuesday, December 7th.
See advl,'
RIPLEY Express say's :—Fifty stn•
ployees of the Hydro Co, are camping lit
Ripley, and in another week it is expect
ed the hydro poles will be erected in the
Nurse Henderson, well known here
has been laid up in a Detroit hospital
Qom a strained back caused by lilting a
vYeighty peewee Hope she will soon be
as hearty es ever.
SRAFORTII news last. week sate P. and
and Mrs.
Digs. Scott, Brussels; Brine
Scott, Toronto ; Fred. and Mrs. Burchill,
Brussels ; 50. Scott, Hamilton ; and W,
Brine, Toronto, were here atteuding the
funeral of the late Mrs. Brine.
U. F. 0. of North Huron met in
Whngham for the purpose of organizing
along political lines as required by law,
and a large number were in attendance.
An application was merle for the charter
for the 51145 organization, of which the
officers elected were •—Pres. R. Ruth-
erford ; Sec., C. Procter ; Directors. A.
Procter. F. Morton and J. Jobn'ston.
Two more postage stamps will shortly
be issued by the Post Office Depart.
ment, one for 13 and one for 15 cents,
Since our registration fee has increased
to ro cents the 'combined postage and
registration fee in Canada and to Great
Britain and the Coiled Slates mud cer-
tain other countries are withdrawn from
• the horns and then a public service in
the chtuch. Owing leentnluni•.le x0-
' Orient on the tvey tc, I gonad. IiC4. ,1
ileo J. lel, Nichol, Li+towel, tvua
satlltd un to 4.0101lu t Nig vete at
Bean vieav nemetery. The fume ill was
la•gely'titteuded by the people of the
ueigbotlinod, '1'here was pr(larnt 2
Lo 1 'rn, 17nnuhl, Of 13141111h Alrinie
r+'nrn Hoene eon, 011 friends from
North Beelhopt' f41,eutfont, Hamilton,
Brnenele, LI 1'..tri heel ether mettle.
Sympathy of whole eientuurlity is V...
tended to 111r•s. Crenate telcno health
ie in e, very et Heed ruwlition, and to
elle rem, Alex, Orerer, ohm ala bet,
el, meant Ilia lobe of a faithful Mee
band turd a wise reel kind father..
Sleighing. -
8 Bazaar's.
Business boom.
Monthly Horse Fairs.
'Rush ot entertainments. _.
Renewal and new subs. to The Pose.
5°%, added to taxes ion and after Dec.
15th. •
Suspeusfou , of the Scott Act in the
counties of Huron and Perth, Ont., was
before the Cabinet Counuil. In both
Counties. suspension has been approved
by the requisite majority and all formali-
ties have been met. Actual" suspension
of the Act is, therefore, more or less a
matter of form. '1 he effect of suspen-
sion will be to-briug the Counties withlu
the operation of the stricter provision
of the Ontario Temperance Act.
LICENSE PLATE FOR 1911.—The-motor
ticeuse plates for 1921 are being pre•
pared for shipment throughout the Pro-
vince. They are a !narked improve
meat over any previous markers issued
by the Highways Departineut. The
plates ere ot neat design, lettering being
embossed so that an observer standing
at au angle, may clearly decipher .the
members. Numbers of more Ihau tem
is done r hyphenated as o
b h h na
figures will
Michigan.For example : License num-
ber 186654 will appear in embossel
orange colored leltors on a black back-
ground as 186.654. Announcement of
the, new rates lar auto licenses which
come into effect in January will be made
public by the HlghwaVs Department in
the course of a taw days.
death Friday 11101(1111g, November
12th, of Peter Clever, uncle of
the Hon T. A.Geer ale leaner 1)11111111•
1011 Minister or Agriculture anti now
leader of the new national Pi'ogi essive
Party, this community has Ink! an
old and respeute) resident. He
for 'ouaideab e
been in failing health f L
time, but took worse about 2 weeks
ago and calmly passed to his rewind
li'riday. He was 0011 to North Hest -
hope, 48 years ago he and Mrs. Overate.
moved to Wallace, having purchased
a farm on the town lie between Wal.
inl theta the.
land told Howlett, arid c -
eided until about 6 years ago wl1•n
they te111 ed from farm and Moved to
t• creme of
I'; t
"Ill *e, h l U
the vt
Scotch Pi esby Let tat stook, was a life
long tethered and a 0plendid.typo of
°tee o. He had the estt'een and re-
speotof al who knew him, Daring
hie residence here, his lite has been
closely identified with the work or
St. Andrew's Presbyterian 01111.011,
In 1806 he was ordained to theeelder•
ehip and for 25 years faithfully pper-
fottned the dodos p06Ca1ning Lo thee
ofliee and will be meth missed in the
, neighborhood and chinrle Mr, and
children, ,lnil I,
" r had 2
• Mls. Q
n•Lta r
'„who died 4
;Vets, George Menzel
( g
years ago ; and Alrxe, 451151 onenpiee
t the itcmestead, Funeral was held
While et'ttlikil( his car Item Broth -
ere had the tuiOfnrtune, to break his
Jack Mr:Check en has purchased the
portion 1,1 1111rn01'0 Milk 4'0111 c' i01 0Yes-
teul part fa town.
A. H,
Ll (forge has Laken a peeitioln ars
malinger of London branch of the
". andCoffee Con pithy.
United lea lit 1
Miss Adelaide li. Claytoln, 13. A.
Listowel was stumping for. J. L. Stan -
se the uvernmeetstandard bearer,
.II i ,
in Eitel, Elgin 11 Het a lit.
t gn y t
Rev. W. H. Dunbar showed motile
fowl at, the Winter' PxhibiLion LIamil-
Len; and in the White Wyandotte
0109s, tonic 1st prize for cockerel and
3rd for best hen.
Announcements were 0P»t not re-
cently of the marriage, Saturday, Oct-
ober 15611, of Mise Annie Gertrude,
daughter of F. S. and Mrs. Howe,
Listowel, end until recently on the
staff of the bank of Montreal, to John
Wesley ;Werke, fru neer of t,Valla0e
tOweship, near Moorefield, which took
place et the inense, Palmerston.
A proposed by-law is to issue de-
bentures of the enrpOratiOu for the
sum of $2i5,000 and loan Carne to a Com-
pany to he incorporated to +resist in
the establishing of an industrial rao-
tory and plant fur tate rnrttutfttutnre
and assembling in Listowel of motor
oar and motor truck disc wire, wood-
en and other wheels and other aeccs-
eoiieo, parts and egnipnlene io connec-
tion with nlnt011' ear, automobile, bicy-
cle and other. 'reticles. The
The amnnut of the debt to be created
is $25000 repayable in 20 (peal .annual
installments of $21.70.01 each. Inter-
est charge is 0%,
Howici► Township
Remembers Its Heroes
Monument Unveiled
Three years ago the people of How -
ick Township decided to erect a suit-
able memorial to her 19 sten who gave
i Great War. The
lives in the
h taken the form n a
memorial has r
soldiers' monument erected in Ford-
wich, in a park donated by the citi-
zens of the village. Thursday, Nov,
11, tnonllwene was unveiled and ded-
icated in loving end sae'ed tnemnry
or our fallen heroes and neighbors.
Township Committee spared no
p tins or energy to make the ceremony
a fitting one. A -well prepared pro-
gram was printed and distributed so
that all might join.
At 2 o'clock Bugler Harry Richards,
late 153rd Batts lion, snitnded the call
to assemble and fall in and a military
guard marched flout the Public school
and lined up on their side of the
monument. The chairman, Rev. A.
Laing, gave a brief nntline of the
movement which lett up to the eel<v1CP
and also reminded the people for
what the nlohnnlent steeds. Other
speakers were John Joynt, M. P. P.,
North Huron, Lieut. 0u1. R. T. Peit.
(hard, Fergus, and the local clergy.
Many of the Pol'divich men were un-
der Ool. Pritchatrd's command in the
Pr Hetet
tt P
M'mlday afternoon, 11ev, '1'. A. .Belt
eondnnded a short private (1'5X1 at
Offset s La;ls
1lFru t. Wiyesff Restored Her
To Perfect Health
103P/ter/new Ave., Morin: ns.
"For three years, Isttfhi°r'il Kreal
hail# in the lower part of my body,
with swelling or bloating. I saw a
specialist who said 1 must undergo
au operation. I refused. e.
I heard abou0 "Frail -a -lives" so
decided lo fry if.
The first box gave greet relief; and
continued the **amen le jinn my
health is excellent—I am fres of
Pall—an I give n
s m
warmest thanks",
50c, a box,
6 for e.50a trial size
At all dealers, or sent postpaid. by
Fruit-a-tives Limiteel, Ottawa.
Air. Jnynt congealniatee the people
On wbat they had done and said the
monument would be a wm'thy record
in days to carne of the spit it and de-
votion of the men of to -day,
Lieut, -Ooh, Pritchard also Cnmtnend-
ed the people of the municipality for
erecting such a beautiful tribute in
memory of the fallen and brought the
news that this is the filet bronze
statute of n soldier moulded and cast
in Canada, Canadian 501111ers he raid
had never turned their backs upon
the foe, had never failed to take an
objective, 00 lost a foot of ground so
Telegrams of regret at inability to
attend were received frorn )rev. W,
Fulton Wallace, Toronto, a Fordwich
boy; Jas. Bowman, M. A, for North
Herne, and Col. D. Carmichael, Tor-
onto. Last named in his message
said he would have been glad to meet
again ,• the men who returned, but
wished to tell them he was confident
that they would face the everyday
problems of Canadian citizens in the
same steadfast courage with which
they encountered the enemy Mid bore
the hafdahips or aotiveeervicc and
that by 8o doing they would petfol rn
!18 great service and earn as much
gratitude as when they served in the
armed forces of the ]umpire.
At the time of unveiling Lieut. Cor-
bett called his guard to attention and
the bugler sounded "Lust: Post."
Reeve P. F. Dnip;'r ellen unveiled the
monument amid profound silence.
Rev, R. F. Joues, or the Anglican
c t ,
hu'ch who served overseas c• fee
the dedicatory prayer, and all ;Mined
in the Lord's Prayer. A. massed choir
from the churrhee of the district
rendered 4 seleolinne :—'•C, Canada",
"Onward Christian Soldiers," "0,
God Our Help in Ages Past" and
n ';:anted
Bushmen and also men
to work at manufacture of
Butter 11Moulds. High-
wages. Apply to
Ament Bros.
r Shortage
J. A. J51deon, Buffalo Creek,
Mont , says : "We bought
our Delco -Light in the Spring
or 1017. Besides saving about
48 hours each week, it has gis-
en perfect With
the presentdifticuity -in secure
inghe1p we consider it indite
Write for Catalog
He G. Darroch
District Agent, Listowel
question has arisen in the mind
of litany a farmer who is "getting 0n
in years," and who begins to feel that
it is about his titne to give up the
gLwding hard s
4 he has oliva ark i
lied t0 do, mein) and Lake things easy.
So lie thinks of selling the feign and
moving to town, Maly farmers do
thiel almost always to their leen, lee
tet, beaausH they $lid that they are.
not camfortnhio in town and that
while they don't, want to grind as
they've always had to before, still
they miss their farm work and farm
interests. So they fail to find satis-
faction after all,
Others have,, struck a much better
scentinn of the problem during the
last few years, within which time the
lam electric plant has put '151 it,e ap-
pearance and changed the whole face
of enuntry life. Ti7010r1n01'' who has
the retiring age finds that
necessary r01' lire to g0
isn't a' all r eeeasl
LO teem to find d.
n the leisure that
needs, He find that if he electrifies
his farm, the drudgery will 'dise'meal'
from farm Werk, chores elrnnot do
"Dear Lord aid Father u£ Mankind."
The rettioilel.i.iathers WI 4 sung le
ole ibr,
Artheitell W3e Weather was cold Ie
15111.+, a enb)y stood in riche at tem
till, fie evert),2 hula's,
.the monument, is on at concrete
1 fouhdatinu ; le of best Catnadian 1
5(4nile, I,Luvnonnted by the I'nll-nine
lig115 o£ a needier. 7'he whole Maude
16 fret abu'^e the base. Ar the feet, of
1lie *tidier 5))'are the neter. ofthe
1men n lin gave tip their live'. (do j
the lidos ate wtmea of principal
bittt'lee to wideli they 45115 engaged 1
and at the back is a wreath and the
drape u1' the war, '('he figure of the i
soldier is in 1'5111 trench egntpmeel, de -
lMaim: a Inas ,lust ruling out of the
ine, He 1(501 rrrr'ivr(1 a letter from
home and 0la0015 in meditation
Howlek Township slid themselves
Newsy letter from fiorida
Fttr3Nn Remit —Here' we are and
all halo and hrluty. Several asked
not to write and tell theta a11nnt the
Iand how we bkpt Mother trip ( OIt(llt a0 tI11R
r a l
is the easiest way out of it, that is if
you will spare a little settee.
After spending a couple of weeks in
Flint calling on old friends we loaded
our "Prod," the only oar for the trip,
0111 started one on Saturday, Dot.
211d with the sun corning oat nice and
bright and the weltlher• looking favor-
able. We sure were fortunate as every
day was like the first one and not a
drop of rain all the way. Had a mop
from the American Automobile Asso-
ciation marking slit in ted best
route to follow and my advice to all
tourists is "Do likewise" ae we talked
with several who calve different routes
than we did and we had the best
roads. We always made inquiries as
to the best roads but we only left the
red line twice. Once In Alabama
where we saved 26 or 30 miles by go-
ing over the sand mountain and we
feel satiefisd as we got as good a road.
Then in Northern Florida we went
about 10 miles around about, to mesa a
piece of road whish they told us was
almost impassable since the rainy
season, which was just over a week or
10 days. Were advised to come by
Washington brit T have been talking
with a business man here who mUrll!
both ways and he said we envied a
1000 railer, and 501,1110, UR good roads.
Our plans were speed for the first 2
clays en we wield get it warmer O'r
camping. We only spent onenight.
in Ohio and Sunday night we pitched
our tent. below °Weekend in Ken-
tucky. We always found pretty good
spots. to camp and met nice friendly
people and the children were always
getting something, T118 11114 morning
in Florida you shnnld have seen them
picking peanuts off the vines.
Below Cincinnati
is a very rough
P you would
n to
look ahead count! andY
wonder how eine would ever get there
and I guess before the mountain
routes were paved a lot.would wonder
but now you can sit back and sing
"The little old•Fnred is going lip still"
or "'Phe little old Ford just rambled
light along." Say did you read that
little book the Fold people got out
this Summer, "The Pard in Palestine?
Well I believe we got that same
motor with a new body because we
sure have a gond one.
Yon have all heard of the Blue
Grass country, well it is line with
some bbenntiful mansions and some
111)lf101SSO 810(114 0111118, which I would
judge would phobably hold 1,000 head.
'You will also find a perfect road from
Paris to Lexington over through
Frankfort to Louisville and down to
West Pointe where Lhere is still a sol-
dier's Camp. Through this big camp
they say eo hold all autos to 4 guiles
an hour. We went through a part of
the moonshine's but the bulk of the
whiskey stills are further West where
Itis hardly safe for a Govetnrnent
omeiel to act according to his orders
or lee joins the list of "missing."
The roads in Southern Kentucky,
Tennessee and Alabama are not sn
gond sn had to rut clown our speed.
When the Dixie is enmplel:Prl we delft
touch Alabama but we spent 8 nights
there, \Vhen you cross Into Alabama
you read a sign "Gen Jankecn eros80d
the Alabama line Oct. lath," well we
beat, him out as we crossed Oct. 7th,
102)). Then the second night we
camped were lien" Sherman had his
headgea'ters when he began his ginri-
ons march to the sea. Every foot of
road was fought foe and it was near
there where he gave the command
"Hold the Fort for I am coming." It
was after this that song was written.
1t erre was interesting to hear the old
veteran talk. It way on our last day
in Alabama that we saw our first
Florida license, a soldier with both
legs off driving a truck. These were
his consoling words "Yon have come
over sortie rough toads and you sure
have crossed the Alabama line bub the
worst is yet to crime, you have not
emptied the Florida lin, the road
where no r.ha0cl
' ,member can travel,,,
Well we travelled nn and much to our
sue !wise found excellent roads in
Geotgili and sure enough as we (drew
near to Florida we got quite a ship of
However I forgot to tell 9011 that
just before we remised .the Swalee
river We read a big ah6n"Gee right
with God" Well we welt on across,
took 0 good drink at the mineral
springs and I guess that helped us
through the sand. About 50 miles
into FIot41a we got good roads from
there down, Landed at Vero Friday
morning, Oct, 15, a little over 18 days
on the road. The children stood the
trip tine enol the baby the beat of all,
We were unable to get a (101100 netil
Saturday noun and they said it was
the hest one in town just it new house
however but they are building mire,
There will be a mem 11000 anon to star t
on 200 houses add they expect it will
be a tent city before long. 'Trains (1514
fell erow(led going South and the errs
nee p0utitlg through every day from 8
to 6 tittering on the free camp ground
every night oh their way Smith,
Up North you often hear that the
South is a desnlat0 coleetry Where
povel ty feigns and the people are lazy
Will adroit
fd the dines, I 1 ii
and be 1in
sections in the
1 h°1s
there are mete poor i• n
South hittyon have gob theta in old
Ontario and will for 001110 time to
themselves, and d he'IF have an extra
hired malt
171ecteieal ennveniautcee of all kinds,
such as waellitlg machines, vacuun.
sweeper's and flat irons 4v111 slake hie
wifo'e lot lmucit melee ani give her,
too, th0increased leieare that she
needs as much ars 11e sloes. -
They will have in their house bright
and safe eleal.r)c lights in every room
upstairs and down, lights in the halls,
cuntrotted 10001 either flexr, lights 051
the porches au1 at the tem that Can
betturnd 041 and Oft 1'101u the house.
They will haveIt bath room with hot
and cold running water. Where will
be • water ei tap in the kitchen,
faucets outside for sprinkling the
All of these L:nnvenience8 none with
oleottieityt end the farmer who takes
advantage of them finds telae he no
lnogee has to thinit or Felling the farm
and moving to town for ease and cone -
P He can
U a
'll 1149 declining
, right oil the
n hem much 1
enjoy t
farm where he hag spOnG 018 life, arid
hr nut atilt tette an interest re itis life
Jewel flour
6"20 per cwt:
CuaI for' aIe !
Ethel- - farmers' - Club
Teas a car of choice Nut
FLOUR 15 A 1 Coal for sale.. Stored at
Harvey Dobson's.
Applvin -
�re PRATT,
Phone HALLS w Ethel
Phone 196 Walton
Since our arrival I heard tt state-
ment thateevery foot of Intel ie Flori-
da would be Lukas up in 5 scale, Of
muse I took that with a grain of
(,alt but atilt I see COMM wooderful
rhaugee here in 7 yeat'e. Last year
Mr. Walker, Meet et lives about3 miles
frorn our grove s01d the fruit on his
trees for $21,000 and we earl glow al-
most, anything here,
From Kentucky down we saw
horses cattle,hogs, shee
poultry and all farm produce being
moved by motor trucks and a good
(lumber of tractors in use, Can you
imagine the Nashville Buttermilk Co.
with a big tank on a 0 wheel track or
one man drawing 3 wagon loads of
cotton with a tractor or tractors tak-
ing loads of tobacco over roads which
2 teams of horses would be beat on
and have to take a smaller load ? Be.
rove I forget I must tell you some-
thiug we saw which always aroused
the children arid you see them all
through the South. A gate which
you can open and shut. from your seat
in car of buggy.
For the sake of others I sincerely
hope the cold weather will rouse the
Grand Trunk and their agents to a
dlittle speed ae °ter goods which were
elivered In Brussels, Sept, 11th, juee
Walton farmers' - Club
Is expected to arrive shortly at Wal-
ton. Those interested should govern
themselves accordingly.
reached Detroit Oct. 28th. I suppose
we will get them for Christmas.
Have b eel away nearly every day
since we landed and we find every-
thing looking fine and we all think so
far there is no place like Florida. Un-
til further notice we will be located at
Fort Pierce as the expect to go there
next week. Then a .little later when
we think you will be busy shovelling
snow, we will write you a few more
good things about Florida.
Sincerely same,
Vero, Florida, Nov, 510, 1920.
•The t
•• Palace Bakery
• •
e •
♦e••*AAA .••••••••••••••••• ••••••e♦•e•♦4••••••♦•ea••• •
Our Baker
Tells Us
n other placehe ever
That in no
worked was so tench care given
to Bread Making. That's the
point. We aim to make the
very best Bread possible and we
think after trying a loaf you'll
agree that we succeed in doing
so. Make the trial to -day. a
You'll be glad you did so.
Phone 32x
Gifts That last ;
UBli011111.1111ee II 11 •'
—1 N— •
J Ll,.s � 1/ E L A.o R Y e
®NCE more Christmas is near at band. et
We have a large stock, well assorted, 6.
from which to make y0nt' selections. iv.
Don't put it off. You can have better ser- a •
vice by shopping early.
Our Stuck is Now at its Best
14k Pearl Set Neeklete and Br000hee
Diamond Rings Ladies' and Gents' Watches Cloche
Out Glass Silverware French Ivory in seta up to $86
Ladies' and Gents' Gold -beaded Snit Case Umbrellas
Waterrnan's Ideal Fountain Pens from $2.50 up
All the new models Brownie Cameras and Kodaks in stock
Jeweler & Wendt Wroxeter,
J. p
aOptician "" R.Ont'
♦••♦.••N♦♦•••••♦•...... •4. G•••..•+$•••••••••••♦•••• e
Service Station - Brussels 's
1 •
Having purchased the Garage belonging to Mr. Salol.
Carter, 'Turnberry 'street, I all prepared to attend to
the warts of owners of Automobiles in first-class style.
Service Station for all makes of Cars. will keep in
stock, Gas, Oils, Tires and Accessories of ell kinds.
Satisfaction assured.
Call at file Garage or Telephone No. 9x and yoril
wants will be promptly attended to.
be glad to'greet old Customers and'getfugue int-
ed with uew ones. - 5
Ea G. Cunningham, Earl
4144.64*i►1i.•••Nt•••••••••••••• •444•440••••4444440410100010l.