The Brussels Post, 1920-11-11, Page 7.-.-.....-..__ The 1Vlerry Bells of England.. Most people like chinrea of balls, Yet a largo number o1 us have not the vaguest idea of liow bells are rung. Ringing a bell does not merely con- sist in tugging a rope. neatly epealt• Ing, it is au art, and involves physical and mental exercise. An inexpert- 'Sneed POreon anon bee011le0 tired, and until he has learned to give the rope just the correct awing he will continuo to find It hard work. A ringer of prac- tice enmity Bede four hour's o1 con- tinued ringing exacting, though on Easter Monday, 1909, at All Saints, Loughborough, a record of twelve hours' continuous ringing was attain. ed. But this is a record hard to beat! A belfry usually contains from six to twelve bells --though twelve is an uncommon number, the usual being eight. Thetis bells vary In note from the tenor, which Is the heaviest, down to the treble, the lightest, They aro rung in changes. That is to Say that the Conor always comes first, and after that the other balls follow In various orders, A peal consists of at least five thousand Changes, all different, So that the bell-ringer has to corleontrato a great deal, or he wIll spoil the peal, In ringing a peal the bells are turned trent side to side. This means that, when the rope Is pulled, the wholly part which the ringer holds in his hand ---•usually called the lolly—la lift- ed several feet into the air, 'When 'you hear the bells playing some popular air they are sounding Viet is called a carillon, In this case the hells do not turn over, but simply receive taps from the hammers, caus- ing a light musical note, and are oper- ated by i.ugging simply at a series of chert ropes. 1t takes about six months of prac- tice to become a bell-ringer, and only one marl in forty ever becomes really proficient in the art. Hatch Eggs Electrically, The largest electric hatching plant In the world is located in southern California. It is said to be the first establishment of the kind that has fully and satisfactorily solved the problem of bringing chicks into the world on a wholesale scale by Stec - Welty, The plant has an output capacity of 80,000 chicks a week, and it works full blast seven months in the year. A thermostat of special construction regulates the temperature Of the in- cubators automatically and so re- liable that the percentage of eggs hatched successfully is extraordinari- Iy high, There is no danger of fire; no loss of chicks front chilling or overheating —the brooders being electrically warmed; no lamps to be filled or ad- justed; 00 gas burner to go out and asphyxiate the downy birds. All that is necessary is to turn a switch, and the machine attends to thhe rest of the business, The electric mother hen does her work at a cost of one cent a chick, Even the coops and chicken yards are illuminated by electricity, getting the laying fowls on theejob earlier in the day. What a Beak! As everyone knows, the beaks of bleat differ to a certain extent. Few people, however, realize exactly how closely a beak is adapted to do its work. The heron uses its beak as a dagger and very expert it is in its use in this respect, for which purpose the beak le. specially suited, The helmet horn- bill uses its beak In exactly the same way as we use a hammer, and its beak Is hard and shaped for this use. The beaks differ because of the birds'i d fferettt methods of dealing with their food; this is the ease with :'many fish -eating birds. The scissor bill, for instance, differs cons tto•a l 1 t b from the� y d riiin • the sheet flat tonic of the latter bird is made for holding as well as catching 0611, but ft is also remarkable for an- other reason. At the base of the' beak are certain brightly -colored ',plates; when the moulting season- tames round these plates are shed with the feathers. They appear again, .however, the fol- lowing spring. The strangest beaks of all are per- haps those belonging to the bind bird of New Zealand, for the beak of the male bird -differs from the beak of the female, and when food is found by one to be out of reach of its beak, it is 'said that the male is called, to see if, with its different shaped beak, it is able to capture the morsel. -0P Age Secrets. As most people are aware, it Is pos- sible to tell the age of a horse by ex entitling its teeth. The ago 0f a sheep may be known !it o similar manner—that ie, by its Teeth, me nuolber of year a oow has lived is found 155 different meth- Od. The loons are examined,, ant 'cte number of rings on these horns tells ahnost exactly the age ofthe coev, Just as the horns indicate the age of the cow, so the development of the antlers beteg one to Calculate the age Of animals belonging to the deer family, and the length of life of other horned anhnals is arrleed at fe the Vanuaway. Y The age of many birds can be dia. catered by exandlning the spurs. Trees often litre t -i a berg great age, and while they are standing It ie a dila floult matter to arrive at the age of these; but when they have beet Out down the age of the tree may he reek- tined by counting the number of ringti Vrtalble 10 the see}len, relieves pain of headache, neuralgia, sciatica, lumbago, rheumatism. BEWARE OF SUBSTITUTES moo a tube. 100 LUMINA MILES CO., LTD, AL Ascots 100 Ilor. juke mood RELIEVES PAIN Dem CASCARETS 8'.They Work while you Sieepe4 M0, T ite You're sluggish—slow as molasses! You are bilious, constipated) You feel headachy, full of cold, dizzy, unstrung. Your heals don't fit—breath ie. bad,. skin sallow. Take Cascarets to -night for your liver and bowels and wake up clear, energetic and cheerful. No griping --n0 inconvenience. Children love Cascarets too. 10, 26, 60 cents. The Land of Beginning Again. I wish that there were some wonder- ful places Called the Land of Beginning Again, Where aIi our mistakes and all our heart -aches And all our poor seldslh grief Could be dropped like a shabby coat at the door And never be put on again. I wish we could come on it all un- aware, Lake the hunter who finds a lost trail, And I wish that the one whom our blindness had done The greatest injustice of all Could be at the gates, like an old friend that waits For. the comrade he's gladdest to • hail. We could find all the things we in- tended to do, But forgot and remembered to late, Little praises unspoken, Iittle pro- le Nes ro- miles broken, And all the thousand and one Little duties neglected that might have perfected The day for one less fortunate. It wouldn't be possible not to be kind In the land of Beginning Again; And the ones we misjudged and the ones whom we grudged Their moments of victory here Would find in the grasp of our loving hand elasp "More than penitent lips could ex- plain. xplain. • For what had been hardest we'd know had been best, And what had &Nettled lost would be gain; For There ten's a sting that will not take wing When we've faced it and laughed it away; And I blink that the laughter is most what we're after an the Land of Beginning Again. --'— in a Curious Predicament. Two years ago a German"prisoner of war named Hopp was tried by court- martial for the murder, in atrocious circumstances, of a farmer's wife and daughter. He was condemned to death, but it is now found that he can- not bo executed, and it would seem that he will have. to wait in prison all his life as a condemned man whose sentence can neither he remitted nor carried out. In the Berne convention of 1918 the Allies and Germany agreed 11et to leery out sentences oh prism - en of war. It was meant to insert in the peace treaty a clause enabling the Allies to deal with flagrant crimes, but at the last moment it was omitted. —London Chronicle, ,eI The present ruling family el Japan calve to the throne in 060 B.C.. "Valuation, Tile thunderheads at twilight rolled up behind the trees; Thin, elfish lightning played bebind .a soughing, ghostly breeze; The tossing froth of blooming plum shone white across the dusk And filled the charged and reetleso air with sweet and drifting musk. Sock -footed farm kande, on the gross etretched loungingly about, Calve early In to seek their bede and shut the storm without, RICH, RED BLOOD THE GREATEST NEED Nearly All Ills ,Are Due to Poor, Watery. Blood --$ow to Im- prove Its Condition. the Sup- 1 the from If orbs hioh tetra rain, mans weak o 119 and and To be 11t.a healthy condition human body requires a constant ply of new, rich blood, Nearly al Ills from which people suffer arise Old Michael rubbed hie horses and one cause --poverty of the blood bedded them with hay, the blood is rich and red it ales While from the driveway gleamed the nourishment from the food w car brought home on yesterday, passes ,into the stomach and d But only when his cherished bays butes that nourishment to the b were ready for the night nerves, muscles and all the o Ho turned to eye the polished thing of Ole body, When the blood Is that caught the lantern's light. and poor in quality it cannot d "Ye're fit and fine, ye comet's tall," natural work of feeding the blain he murmured pridefully, body, and the result Is weakness "But sure, ye'11 never dare the roads disease, me nags have dared for me." Headaches and backaches, loss of appetite, poor digestion, nervousness, pimples and unsightly blotches On the akin, all indicate that the blood has become impure—that it is not doing its appointed work. If this condition is not remedied it will grow worse and worse, and te complete breakdown will eventually occur. To bring about a healthy condition of the blood no medicine can equal I)r. Wjllfates' Pink Pills. Their one mission is to make new, rich blood, which reaches every part of the body, bringing with It new health and increasing vitality, Thousands have testlded to the bene- fit they have found in the use of Dr, Williams' Pink Pills when run down in health. Among these is Mrs. Ber- tha Kendall, Darling Avenue, Toronto, who says:—'In the summer of 1918 I was in poor health. My appetite was variable, and I was weak and unfit for work, and I suffered a great deal from nervous headache and palplta. then of the heart. A lady friend re- commended 13r. Williams Pink PiIIs, which I used with splendid results, as by the time I had taken nix boxes I felt like a new woman. I think Dr. Williema Pink Pills are worth their weight in gold to every nervous, sick woman, as they cure quickly and save doctor bills. Dr. Williams Pink Pills .may be had from any dealer in medicine, or by mail at 50 cents a box or 6 bezel; for $2,60 from The Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. The storm, to meet the moonrise, blared nearer through the hille; A sudden, passing drenoh of rain sprayed off the window sills; Been, branching forks of blending fire split downward from the sky; And through a sudden, breathless hush a lasb of wind went by; Went roaring by and came again, to die and come 01100 more; A writhing maple wrenched its roots and sprawled before a door. 'Twee ben the heavens severed be- fore one rending blade; And in a moment more the wires rang out a call for aid. (0h, somewhere there are neighbors yet). Black homes winked into light As word and answer leaped aoroos the tumult of the night; .And readily, as yesterday they stopped to swap a yarn, Now, man and boy, old Michael's friends turned out to save his barn. The clouds were rose and orange and flying swirls of flame. First, coatless, hatless, swift of foot, young Donald running came; Then Martin Bain eame riding down, Moonflower, his little gray, Stretched out until her skimming length against the turnpike lay; Tolle Asher's muddy -geared machine brought up'a willing 1oad; And Dillon on his white-faced roan came pounding up the road. In scanty clothes old Michael the rain and wind defied; Stood with his silver hair ashine, a horse on either side. Behind him blazed his ruined barn, a bursting, glowing dame. He did not seem to see then there un- But when the fifteenth round I' drun, til they called his name, I thought none old till twenty-one. And "Michael, did you save the car?" 'Twee Dillon raised the shout, "The car be hanged!" he answered back. "I got me horses out.'r Growing Old. At six—I well remember whee— 1 fancied all folks old at ten. But when I'd turned my drat decade, Fifteen appeared more truly staid. 0 Sugar! Long before the white man came to North America, the Indians of British Columbia had a white sugar derived from the foliage of the Douglas fir tree. Prof. John Davidson, University of British Columbia, assisted by James Tait, has given us the results of his study of sugar -bearing fir trees. The sugar appears in small white masses and in small flakes. It is quite hard and..dry, not at all sticky,and ,tastes like a high quality of refined sugar. At first Professor Davidson thought that the sugar appeared as the result of aphides which punctured the foli- age. But he sem discovered that in- sects wore not present and th'ht only healthy firs yielded sugar. He therefore came to the correct conclusion that the phenomenon was the result of atmospheric causes. In the dry -belt t 1e i on the abundan t sun- shiee produces an excesa et narbohy But wondering still, while years have urates. Moreover, the same abundant rolled, min so heats the ground that there is When is it that a man grows old? great ,pressure in the roots of the fir trees even at night. As a result the MONEY ORDERS. leaves become water gorged and ex. Pay your out-of-towh accounts by tide water through. their tips. This Dominion Express Money Order. Five water is gaiettlY evaporated and the Dollars costs three cents. sugar is left, ' Though the Douglas fir_ trees will Mining is an ancient art, being men - never be a dependable source of sup- Coned in the Bible; while a gold mine ply for sugar, the sugar will always is depicted in ari ancient Egyptian be valuable to chemists and phy papyrus drawn in 1400 13.0. deans. Minard'a Liniment For" Dandruff. Portugal's climate is much milder than that of Spain. Endowed Flagstaffs. Before on aeroplane is considered perfect, it has to pass through 200' tests. Then, oddly, when I'd reached that age, I held that thirty made folks ,sage. But when my thirtieth was told, I said, "At twoscore men grow old!" Yet twoscore calve and found me thrifty, And so 1 drew the line at fifty. But when I'd reached that age, I swore, None could be old until three score! And here I am at sixty new, As young as when at six, I trow! 'Tis true, my hair is somewhat gray,' And that I use a cane to -day; 'Tis true these rogues about my knee Say "Grandpa" when they speak to me; But, bless your soul, I'm young as when I thought all people old at ten! Perhaps a little wiser grown— Perhaps some old illusions flown; lays Tell if you, feel off color and suspect coffee is the cause, a change to TANT will things STUN" if HEALTH IS WORTH T... �.x I �� E��a dd qt. 91 ire's aso For a long time England possessed the only endowed flagstaff in the world, that belonging to the Royal Asylum for the Deaf and Dumb at Margate. This staff was erected in the first year of the reign of King Ed- ward VII., in commemoration of his accession to the throne. The cost was defrayed by the plhpus and friends, end the collection taken was so largo that it enabled the institution to pun• chane twenty flags. Even when the •ataif and the flags .I.tati beeu paid fol; e:40 re3nai100 1n the treasery. This sum was invested 1 for an endowment tuna. '];here is an endowed flagstaff in the United States, that on the common at Lawrence, Ides. At the time of the Lawrence stripe scene years ago, when many indignities were s1n0w n t0 the American i;hg, there was held a flaga Iterate of 40,000 persons, each OW:Ong a flag as a protest, A public- spI>;ited citizen, Joseph Shattuck, of- fered. to f•fered.to oreet a flagstaff and to sot aside funds, the 11fterest on which 'Would bees flags for the Staff. The city o,1 Lawrence accepted this offer, and to -day 0t1 Its common is ono of the finest it/restates in 1110 world. BABY'S OWN TABLETS ALWAYS IN THE HOME Once a mother hs used Baby's Own Tablets tor her little ones She always keeps a supply on hand, for the first trial convinces her there is nothing 10 equal them in keeping children well. The Tablets aro a mild but thorough laxative which regulate the bowels and sweeten the stomach, thus driving out constipation and Indigestion, colds and simple fevers and making teeth- ing easter, Coneertfeg them, Mra, Satusto Pelletier, St. Dumas, Que., writes:—"I have used Baby's Own Tablets for the past ten years and am never without them In the house. They have always given the greatest satisfaction and I can gladly recom- mend them to ell mothers of little ones." The Tablets are sold by medi- cine dealers or direct by mail at 26 cents a box from The Dr. Williams Medicine Co„ Brookville, Ont. "Influence" a Drawback. "Influence Is the worst handicap any young man can have," says the presi- dentf a o copper company, It tends to make him feel he need not exert himself to his full capacity and has a bad effect upon hitt. When other workmen learn that one of their num- ber has a pull with somebody higher up they look at him askance and the effect upon these other men is bad. Then the foreman, or whoever is over him, will either show him un- due favors and puall him into a posi- tion for which he is not tatted, or, if the boss is of a different stamp, he will hesitate to promote him even when he deserves it .because the boss knows the others will think it is a case of favoritism. The effect, therefore, is bad upon the whole organization. When any young engineer or college graduate or anybody else comes to me asking for a leter to enable him to get a job at our works I say to him Just what I have said here. A tnerchant can obtain an imitation of MINARD'S LINIMENT from a Toronto house at a very low price, and have it labeled his own product. This greasy imitation is the poorest one we have yet seen of the many that every Tom, Dick and Harry has tried to introduce. Ask for MINAIID'S LINIMENT and you will get it. Vatican's Print Shop, The -Vatican possesses one of the finest printing establishments in the world. It was founded in 1826, and only one year afterward already pos- sessed the characters of 28 different languages. Save time by a daily and weekly plan for 'housework, by simple living, by cenvendent workrooms, by efficient utensils. MOTHER! F'California Syrup of Figs" Child's Best Laxative nee 1 Accept "California" Syrup of Figs only—look for the name California on the package, then you are sure your child is having the best and most harmless physic for the little stom- ach, liver and bowels. Children love Its fruity taste. Full directions on each bottle, You must say "Cali - torahs." AVarininA relief dor' "ieWi a aches. 7 rs Just used Sllean'a comfort h d brougght a snipe of pleasure to his face - Good for aelt,a resulting from weather exposure, e a,Y Pr atn s etr• ns lame tact .i. t '* overworked muscles.. 1'elre- O grates mahout rubbing. illi ii140 druggists have it. eg indict ix.,^,flr•.'Shib^.r "^oogc,.. - ISSUE No, 45-x-'20. Paints enemy PITS Or NtlhAOR FROM HERE 4,11>fEAE Proof, Professor—"What Js density?" Student --"I can't define ft, but I can give a good illustration," Professor — "The illustration is good, sit down," Between Friends. "Say, old man, tell the truth now; are you not a bit Jealous of your wife?" the guest asked as 0187 place idly enjoyed the after-dinner Cigars. "Well," his old-time friend and host admitted, "I am frank to say that I am. It is for that reason that I never invite to the house any one whom a woman" of the least setae or taste could possibly take a fancy to." Inqulsltfve. The pree001ous infant had .lust re- turned from his first day at sehool, re. gistering intones ennui. The anxious family gathered around. "Donald," asked his mother, "what did you learn to -day?" "Nothing," "Wbat, nothing at all?" "Nope; there was a woman there who wanted to know how to spell cat, BO I told her. That's all." The United States lent France $3,- 000,000,000 during the war and France owes 30,000,000,000 francs according to the present rate of exchange. UDANDERINEft Girls! Save Your Hair! Make It Abundant! Immediately after a "Danderine" massage, your hair takes on new life, lustre and wondrous beauty, appear- ing twice as heavy and plentiful, be- cause each hair seems to fluff and thicken. Don't let your bair stay life- less, colorless, plain or scraggly. You, too, want Iots of long, strong, beauti- ful hair, A 86 -cent bottle of delightful "Dan- derine" freshens your scalp checks dandruff and falling hair. This stimu- lating "beauty -tonic" gives to thin, dull, fading hair that youthful bright- ness and abundant thickness—All druggists! STORM WIND@WS &DOORS S!701 to suit your epea;ngr. Fitted with glass. Safe de. liven, guaranteed. Write for Price Lint ilsswetebills. nu winr comfort. The NALLFDAY COMPANY, Lirrtitod 1114Il70N rACTO,T OISTNIDOTODS CANADA yy A.p Send for fiat of inventions w'auted by Manufacturers. Fortunes hove been made from sample ideas. "Patent Protection" booklet and "Proof of Conception" on request. HAROLD C. SH!t'MAN at CO. PATENT ATTORNEYS it tN,IPM0N CHAMb[ba •_OTTAWA, 0074005 INV s Classified Advertisements. rou saxrl G lee Yuen SILVIUS F0X1,5 104014 guvd"Standard jraMand arantee,Pr1eeerhtl. MacDougall. West Core, N.H. Salt From the Sea. With a new Norwegian electrical proceas for obtaining salt from 80a water it is estimated that each kilo- watt -year of power will produce ten tons of salt, besides useful condensed brine. Mlnerd'e Liniment Relieves Distemper Sleep wdtil the windows wide open, with plenty of warm covers on the bed, as a cure for anaemia and that "tired feeling" you so often have when you awake in the morning. "`EREEZONErr Lift Off Corns! No Painl Doesn 1. hurt a bit! Drop a little "Proozone" on an aching corn,instant- ly that corn stops hurting, then short- ly hortly you can lift it right off with fingers, Trdly! Your druggist eel's a tiny bottle of "Freezone for a few cents, sufficient to remove every hard corn, soft corn, or corn between the toes, and the cal- luses, without soreness or irritation, Give Cnticara the Cine Of "lour Skin And watch that troublesome erup- tion disappear, Pathe with Cuti- cura Soap, dry and apply Cuticura Ointment Por eerenla1, raslleS,. itchings, etc„ they arc wonderful. Nothing. so insures a clear skin and good hair as making Cuticura your every -day toilet preparations. Soap 29c, Ointment 25 and SOe. Sold throughout theDam:nnn, Csnsdianpepott Ly,aa�mana, Limited, 81. Pall Sr., Montreal S9r.Cuticurn Sosp ah¢vice without mug. 5 A Cure for Bad i%eg "Bad breath is a nig of da mica teeth, foul stomach or unclean bpwol." if your teeth aro good, look to your digestive organs at - once. Get Seiye1's Curative Syrup at druggists. 15 to 30 dropsrmea, c efts a I eanu your fond passage and stop the bad breath odor. 50c. and $1.00 Bottles. Do not..buy substitutes. Get the genuine, 6i xiEntE3ene'c3tenzYtMri€l=f3CnE;f America's Pioneer Dog Itemodies Boca on DOC DISEASES and ITow to Feed Mailed Prue to. any Ad- dress by the Author. Zr. Clay. 01aver Co,, Aso. 118 West list Street New York, C.B.A. ONLY TABLETS MARKED "BAYER" ARE ASPIRIN Not Aspirin at All without the "Bayer Cross" Per Colds, Pain'Baritone, Neuralgia, Tooth- package which Coniston complete Lt. eche, headache ars 7 c n for B c i end motions, Th p . en you are getting real Rheumatism, Lumbago, Sciatica., Neu- Aspirin—the genuine Aeplrm pro - rifle, take Aspirin marked with the scribed by play/donna for over nine - mune "Bayer" or you are not taking teen years., New made in Canada, Aspirin at all, - Dandy tin boxes &obtainingg 12 tab- Aceept only "Bayer Tablets of lets cost but a few cents. Druggiata Aophiu" in an mlbrolcen "IN yet" also sell larger "Bayer" packages. T1soxo is only one Aspirin -•"Saye "*'ffommtt51 sa' "Payor" WflrtlAsnirin is Cho trade n11t lra alalod 111 l of barer 1taaura of ay, o. ae whia is well known Asel Moans Bayer innutttune, t0 assist ttaptagainst ,lCh7ablta of Pe er Coln 000, T.'e stnll:pod whheir general trade mark, the "iayvr ero