The Brussels Post, 1920-7-1, Page 1VOL,. 49 NO. 1
5' go .Per A
�. nslu,n in Advance
Gln1 lIUIllIIII11Il1
n llm1i l ammitnnmntnIlningpm
The v,.lue of
All su.c essFtal men began by saving,
Later, perhaps, they invested, but they
first had to accumulate capital.
The first step towards wealth is to
open a Savings Account. The second
is to save regularly.
Come in and ask about our simple,
convenient Savings Accounts. Interest
compounded every six months soon
amounts up.
Bank of Nova Scotia
Paid-up eapttat 0 e,ac0.•os
Reserve Puna - 1g�000,000
aeHDnrCe'J - . • MO000,ea,
tl 111
sts •illll1Iea
Brussels Branch
New Advertisements
For gala—Mina Forbes.
Union Pic-nio at Welton.
Teacher wonted—R. Nye.'
Money Sound—John Wright,
Cow for $ale—Joseph Smith
Twilight Sporn at Teamster.
Mr. Auto Owner—W. Davidson.
Auction Sale—James S. Smith,
Shoe atook sale—R. O. Rathwell.
Mnrtin•$onour Paints—Geo, R. Waller,
Ali trixt : I etas
Rev. Mr. Boyle was elected one of
the vice Presidents of Huron County
Prohibition League at Senfortlt last
The 0. 0. F. intend holding a
Garden Party at W. 9, Nicholson'e in
July of which further particelars will
be given next week.
Large congregations greeted Rev. S.
Davison in his closing services, Be
and Mre, Davison and daughter left
for Tupperville this week, We wish
them every success.
Mrs. W. H. Ferguson and her sister,
blies E, Irwin, of Toronto, were re-
newing old friendships in this locality
during poet week.
Next Sabbath Rev. W. Peter's, the
Hew Methodist pastor, is expected to
preach his irtaugneal sermons. While
we said Good-bye reluctantly to Rev,
and. Mrs. Davison we extend a cordial
welcome to the new inmates of the
Wm, Yeo, 2nd line, Turuberry, lost
a valuable Hackney mitre last week.
The owner refused $276 00 for her last
Fail 1,
One of the most successful events of
the neanon was the Garden Party held
in the park last Wednesday evening,
under the auspices of the Women's In-
stitute. Wingham Band was in at-
tendance and an interesting Foot Ball
match took place between Salem and
Fnrdwieh teams, the score being 1.1.
The net proceeds, which go towards
the et action of a skating rink amount-
ed to $200.00. The ladies are to be
Convenience, security and economy are
secured by the use of Travellers' Cheques
issued by this Bank. They enable the beam
er to identify himself and are readily
converted into the current coin of any
foreign country. 82A
PAID.UP CAPITAL - $15,000,000
RESERVE FUND - $15,000,000
WAI,TON BRANCH, 5. M. McMillan, Manager.
•4•44/04/404•••••4.4•••4•••'?• ••4•••9•••••6+•0••••••••6•••• •
1 Does it Pay to Paint
With the present price of lumber good Paint is by far the
cheaper of the two, You protect your crop against hail by in-
euranee ; you protect yourself against loss by insuring your
house against lire. Why not protect the same house from the
influences of the elements of nature by giving it a coat of two
• of Paint ? It is a very good investment to -day, even if Paint
does cost more than ib used to. We pantile
s 100 a per cent
Pur P'
2 ��o sitll
and we guarantee this Paint with any Paint yon want to
mono, ow Ws
tand thewear
tear of t
weather, ,
and tocoverMORI surface per gallon than ttny other Paint on the
market, We also have tha famous
Martin/Solelly Varnishes and Enamels
Its name is a synonym for good Varnish and a safe name for
Paints, Enamels and every other kind of material the painter
Being in the business its likely we can give yon sonic useful in-
formation in respect to that little job yon intend to do in and
around the house, and we will be pleased to do so.
• 611.....4.044b410•b•••ib••bt••44•••• •••04••••1440•40••••
W. H. .ZEF.iY , PfmAriekk'a
PERSONAL$ —Mts. Fleming, Toron-
to, is the guest of her daughter, Mre
Thos. Brown,—Ohne, and Mre. Sprnal
and son Earl, spout Sunday with tele -
Lives iu Caoderioh,—Mre, M, M&Lennis
attended the funeral of a eister-in-law
at Brantford last week.—Rev. and
Mrs, T. \V. Beattie, Selkirk, Man„
spent several days recently with the
fotmer's aunt, Mrs, Wm, Douglas,—
Miss Laura Barnes, Huerietan, is visit-
ittg her oousiu, Mrs, M, MoT'ttvieh.—
Mre, Alex. Smith left this week to
visit her 2eons and daughter in Sauk,
—Mrs Geo. L i
m m2er andc
Detroit, stn i
nests t het iu
t mother,. Mrs.
J.Vogt,—Die Little, 'Toronto le ul.
jnying a few holidays with relatives
here.—T. Ritchie, A. Lamouby, f,
Duret and M, Howe reimposed a rink
that attended a Blyth bonspiel on
Wednesday last.—Robett and Mrs.
Black left an Monday for a two
months visit with relatives in the
West.—Miss Alma Rann, who bas
been attending ,Business College in
Toronto is spending is two weeks vaca-
tion with parents here.—Mrs. Perry
Patterson, who recently returned
from London, Eng., is visiting rela-
tives in this vimnity.—Mrs. Frank
Sanderson and little daughter, Toron-
to, are holidaying at the home of Mrs.
Jas. Ritchie,—Jno, Rutledge, Bramp-
ton, called on friends in the village
this week.—Before leaving for their
nets home at Maidstone, Rev. and
Mrs. Stride were recipients of a silver
spoon tray and syrup pitcher from the
Epworth League of Salem and a silver
cream piiohee and sugar bowl frena
the Ladies' Aid Society of Wroxeter
Methodist church.
Mies Jennie Bolger is now living at
Cleveland, Ohio,
Dominion Day fun at the big picnic
in the Williamson grove Last of Wal-
Duff's church choir is planning to go
to Grand Bend on Dominion Day for
an outing,
Walton was well represented at
Brussels last Friday afternoon at the
District Women's 'nett tuts.
Following constitute the officiary
of St. George's church for this year :—
Rector's Warden, Jno. Bolger ;
People's Warden, -Fred. Scarlett ;
Sidemen, Thomas Bolger and Ohara.
Oasts ; Vestry Clerk, R. H. Hoover.
The Rector is Rev. Mr. Mess. .
On Sabbath, July 11th, ab 8 p. m.
Rev, R. D. Mess will preach the
annual sermon to members of Walton
L, 0, L. Brethren are asked to as-
semble at the Lodge room at 2 p• m,
to march to the church. Visiting
brethren will be welcome.
V p
• •
P We hove all makes of Tires— a
• Dominion, Dunlop, Goodyear, •
• Standard, Partridge and V.D.L. •
••Oome early before our supply is•
• gone and get your choice. •
d Also for Salo 1 • •
o Almost new Rubber Tire Buggy, e
2nd band McLaughlin Touring
• •
• Oar,
•• 2nd hand 4
Reo Truck.
F. Davidson
ford and Chevrolet Service Stationo
Mr. Auto Owner
Stop ! look ! listen
y01I need a spare Tire for
that car. For the next 80
days offering we are $erin with
every °mite Casing purnhnaed,
one new Inner Tube
4414144140414•WGv .:ees•••••••••
Wma Crawford
Turnbarry St., South
• Phone 56 Brussels
Strawb rries
25 Cents a Box
Orders booked for preserving.
Massey - Na rri s
Haying and
Harvest e 'di ng
Also some Second -Oland Bind-
ers and Mowers on band.
e,4A.4a.4 ,.."a,®�..,da..,,a,A,.,p4k,G We are sorry to learn that our t:v;.
school teaehere, Miee L. Ballantyne
and Miss M, McMa t
h have
their• positrons.
A number of auto loads from Ethel
and surrounding country went to
andel ichMonday to attend the tiini
of (leant VS. John ltury•
A meeting of Temperance workers
for Grey township will he held itt tite
Methodist church next Monday even -
lug at 8 o'clock. 0o, Secretary Coup-
er will be present,
Hcntry n
Mrs. A. A Fingal, uP Meleval, :tusk.,
visited the home of H. Puget during
the past week, She has been 8 years
in Sask. Prospects for a crop itt
Meleval section are vet sr bright and
white elle is enjoying her visit here
with her friends there is no plane like
Meleval or home. Mee. Fogel rame
home to celebrate the Golden Wed-
ding of her parents who reside in
Day y of Sports
July 2g}
Excellent and Up-to-date
Program on Victoria
4 Park
Stirring Competitions, Choice
Music and Plenty of Fun,
Mark down the date and watch F
out for posters giving fuller
t`it's Wonderful how we da it
but we do,"
George and Mts. Ferguson and
oltitdren, Toronto, are visitors at the
parental home, of the former, Robt,
and Mrs. Ferguson, here.
Wednesday of last week Thos,
Rockwell and Mies Flossie Clark were
united in marriage, Rev. R, A. Lundy
performing the ceremony at the home
of the bride,
Next Sabbath morning Oommuninn
will be observed in Duff's church, At
the preparatory service Friday after-
noon, at2.80 o'clock, Rev. Mr, Fer-
guson, Winthrop, will preach, baptis-
mal service following.
St. George's congregation will join
with St. John's on Thursday, July
8th, in a Union pic-sic in W. Shol-
dice's grove, gravel road. Supper will
be served and a program of games and
sports. Read the advt.
A Community plc -sic will be held in
the McOnlla grove, 24 nines South of
here, on Friday, afternoon, July 9th,
commencing at 1 p. tn. under auspices
of Walton Farmers' Olub and the
Women's Institute. Fine program of
addresses expected, games and sports,
vocal and instrumental music. Danc-
ing pavilion, refreshment booth, &c.
See the posters and be sure to attend,
Miss Fern Eckmier and Miss Jesele
Menzies took a trip through the 1000
Islands before coming homeward from
their positions in Toronto.
Lightning rods have been placed on
the house and barn of S. J. Burk. He
was laid up from it kick from a horse
but is able to get about once more we
are pleased to state.
Dr. Jae. S. and Mrs, Strachan, of
Fort William, and Mrs. Youmans and
son Jirnruie or Detroit, it, aro visitors at
the old home. Alts, "f'r umane le n
daughter of the hostess,
Special meeting of L. O. L. No. 681
will be held July 6th.
D. J. Falconer and wife have return-
ed from their vacation.
Dr, and Mrs. Ferguson Rud sou
spent Sunday atHarrtston.
Miss Viola Mitchell has accepted the
position of Olerk in W, T. Spence's
Bestowal: b,
0 pupils from our sehoo] are writing
at the Entrance Examination this
week at Bruesele.
The Presbyterian Sunday School
will hold their anneal Pio-sic in Ethel
Memorial Park on July let,
Miss Mary McDonald is a welcome
visitor in town. Also Mre. Orippeu
and son, of Los Angeles, Oat
Misses Rhea McLelland and Pearl
Dobson will attend the SummerSehool
at Mount Forest, July 6th to 11th,
Regular service in the Presbyterian
church was held Sunday evening in-
stead of afternoon. Rev. Mr. Ken -
Desist, who is back from his holidays,
took it.
Mrs. John Db l a
ug t icy, 12th eon. of
Grey township, whose husband pre-
deceased her last Fall, diad at the
home of her daughter, I
ter Mrs, s, Da m'e)
g ,
Mecham on Monday, Funeralto
cemeteeyyWednesday af.
ternoon. She was in her 86t11 year.
One by one the pioneers are passing
Wednesday, June 28rd, T, J. Love,
of Mitchell Square, was united in mar-
riage to Miss Edith Moore, youngest
daughter of Mrs. Isabella Moore, of
Hawkestone, Ont. They left immed-
iately by motor for Oookstown, Allis-
ton, Shelburne, Mount Forest, Ethel
and London. W. H. Love is an uncle
of the bridegroom.
The following were visitors at the
home of R. and Mrs. Barr :—Mrs, Mc-
Kenzie, Guelph ; Misses Phebe and
Ethel Barr, Port Ft'ancls ; J. 5, and
Mrs, Cowen, Donegal al
' A
and M
euson from Cheyenne, U, S The
latter to a brother of Ars. ora. Mt•s.
McKenzie is Mrs. Barr's sister and the
Misses Barr, neices,
A company large well i. h'
ny oP w 1 tvs eta ac-
companied our Foot Ball boys to Bros -
eels last Friday evening for the return
Longue thatch. While Ethel did not
win they played 8o strong a game the
result hung in the balance up to the
close of the snatch. Both teams pub
up a great gatne and we Inst by one
goal. The management and boys ate
to be complimented on 1920 record
and we are sorry wo did not get into
the Shale just to show what we could
A clearing sale of Bowe & Sboee is
announced by R, O. Rathwell. Save
money by reading hie advt. in thie is-
The $ acre pint of Miss Irene Forbes
has been sold to A. McLean, It was a
part of his farts, 16th Con. Will. V.
McKay, bought, the dwelling hours
and will pull it down and use part of
'nutmeat for a garage,
NEWSY NOTES —Mrs. Albert Ttiom•
as is at Toronto this week to see her
husband who is suffering from an at-
tack of diphtheria. We hope he will
soon be better.—Mr. Martin, White-
church, shipped a couple of Cett'S of
hay from here to 17. S. this week.—
Stanley Hall, Stratford, was home
Inc the cveek end.—Rev. Mr. and Mts.
Burgess left for their new home at
Fingal.—Remember the Garden Party
on Methndistahurch lawn July 7th Tea
served from 6 to 8 p. m.—Mr. Sander-
son and daughters also S. and Mrs.
Young, all of Toronto, are spending a
few weeks at their Summer homes
here.—Alex. McGee has gone to Galt
where be has secured a position,
Council met last Monday.
A. touring car has been purchased
by Juo. Robb, 0th line.
George F. Kelly, of Kenora, is here
on a visit with his brothers and sis-
ters, 81,11 line. and expects to spend a
couple of months. It is 20 years since
he went West.
Sato. and Mrs. McCall, Toronto,
were renewing old friendships iu Mor-
ris, Brussels and locality. He was a
former resident, hence should be
familiar with the old scenes,
Wednesday of this week Wilfrid
Mathets, eon of George Mathers, 1st
line, was at St. Marys where he went
into double harness. We extend con-
gratulations and hope to publish fuller
report next week,
We are sorry to hear that Miss
Mary, daughter of 8. Irvin, formerly
of Morris township, died in Winnipeg
on June 12th. Oause was the flu and
Miss Irvin was
ears of age. She was a fine young
woman whose death is deeply regret-
Glen Crawford, Sarnia, and Harry
Ziegler, Heidelbueg, ?peat the week
end at the home of L. and Mrs, Steins,
Mrs. Alex. Wilson, Atwood, is
spending a few days at the home of
her son, John and lure, Wileou, 121b
Mists Irene Hoover, of St. Louis,
Mich., is home for a holiday with rela-
tives and friends. She is a daughter
of J, Henry and Mre. Hoover and is a
welcome guest.
De, J. W, Campbell, of St. Louis
Mich., motored over for a few web
earned holidays, He is a brother of
Mrs, J. H. hoover, 11th Con., and has
been in Michigan for the past 80 years.
Dr. Campbell ie a brother to ex- War-
den Campbell, East Wawanosh,
Wednesday morning, Mrs. Geo. Clark
died at the home of her son -in-law,
Jacob Ziegler, Lot 17, Oon, 13, iu her
79th year. Funeral on Friday after-
noen at 2 o'clock, service half hour
earlier, Intormeut in Brusselsceme-
tery. ce -
Gann ore TxnNlcs.—We wish to ex-
ress out• thanks to neighbors p t t }1 ora tied
p g
Mende for sympathetic
n words and
kind deeds icnnection with the
recent demise of James E. McDonald,
our sou and brother. We appreciated
it greatly in our, hour of unexpected
bereavement. Yours gratefully,
VVednesday evening of last week
Elizabeth M, Bollinger, beloved wife
of B. W. Dark, of Galt, was mullion-
ed to the Great Beyond, aged 89 years
8 months and 7 days, She had been
an invalid for the past few years and
had several operations, the fleet itt
in Febtnary 1918, and Inc 74 months
prior to her demise had been in Galt
hospital. Every care and attention
wasg iveti her but the nature (pints of her
ailment forbade any pettttanent re.
lief. At she times o t e tune a great rotifer -
et and ltopecl for early release, The
casket was brought to Mrs. Dark's
father's, Jno.II nig , 0 lin r
e 1 tTt Com,
from which the funeral took place
Sunday afternoon to Brussels isms-
teey, Rev. Mr. Kennedy &inducting
the service, Pallbearers were 0 Galt
residents, Messrs, Spalding, Clerk,
McPherson, Stein, Locking and Ray-
aynor, 8 of theta were from factory
where Mr. Dark has been employed
for past 4 years and °thee 8 were from
the Fire Depart, to which Mr. Dirk
was attached for 12 years. Beautiful
wreaths were also sent. It wises very
kindly act and much appreciated by •
Base Bali Dames,
Band Concert,
Moving Pictures,
Other Attractions
Program at 6 p. In.
Adults 50c,
6It', D,uft and Itis friends. Messrs.
Kitchen, H. Raynor and McDonald
and chauffeur, of Gait, also attended
the funeral as did R. and Mrs. Arm-
strong and Mrs. 11, Howe, Moles-
worth, The bereaved share in the
sympathy of the community. Mrs.
Dark was a fine woman and enjoyed
the esteem of a large circle of friends.
Presentation of Veteran Jewels
By Western Star Lodge 1.0. 0. F.
Thursday evening of last week an
open session of Western Star Lodge,
L 0. 0. F., No. I49, Brussels, was held
when the brethren were invited to
bring their ladies and enjoy a few
hours in the comfortable lodge rooms.
A large company responded and a
roost enjoyable time was spent.
Early evening was spent in game
and about 840 Noble Grand Wil tot
called upon Postmaster F. S. Scott, a
the oldest member, to preside.
A well arranged musical program
was rendered, solos being well sung
by Misses Verne Walker, Isabe
Strachan and F. H, Gilroy and a fine
quartette by Misses Walker, Strachan
and Fox and Mie. R. Thomson.
One of the special features of the
program was the presentation of 8
Veteran Jewels (being pinned on by
the accompanying persons) in the fol-
lowing order :—
W. H. Kerr—Mise Eva MoOtacken.
A. McGuire—Miss Margaret Ameut.
W. 0. Swith—Miss L. Leatherdaie.
8, Wilton—Miss Kathleen Wilton.
R. G. Wilson, London—Miss A Wilton
D. 0. Ross—Miss Lou Ross.
R. JohnstonToronto—Miss Toronto
Miss N Fox.
W. A. Grewar—Archer Grewar.
A. Koenig, Paris ; S. H. Jackson,
Moosejaw ; and Gordon Mooney,
Deloraine, Man„ were also in the
close but on account of abseuce the
jewels will be sent to the lodges they
attend for presentation,
The following address was read by
the chairman :—Brothers 1 for by that
endearing name we are privileged to
he hailed, and remember. that Record-
ing to our principles it should be from
the heart not the lips.
Weare here to -night to do honor to
you who appear before us ae Veteran
Oddfellows that is those who
for 25 years have been mem-
bers in good standing in the Order, as-
sisting to teach and practice the
principles that we love so much.
You have travelled the road that
goes down to Jericho and been taught,
and assisted to teach other's, that
memorable lesson of Charity, as il-
lustrated in the story of the Good
Samaritan, a lessnn that all true Odd-
fellows should practice, in feet the
world at large, remembering that
maxim that "it is more blessed to give
than to receive,"
You have also been taught to prac-
tice what closet folio Charity,and
known as Brotherlywe ove, as ught
in theet or
of Jonathan
d David
which is Love wider than from one
0ddfellow to another to others those
outside of our lodge room, in fact to
all humanity.
Those teachings have brought you
and all of us up to that cardinal prin-
ciple of our Order which we call Truth
and which is taught by the Scarlet
Degree, remembering that an Odd -
fellow, or all mankind, Who is with-
out Truth is not worthy of being cal-
led either an Oddfeilow or a man.
Some of you have even gone further
in Oddfellowsbip and been taught
that grand moral precept that has
been taught ever since the world be-
gan, taught in our churches, our
schools, out homes and in
shtp. for it c
e right
if it t d
not both practice nridteflCi it, known
as the Golden Rule, which
is the
foundation stone of all society, let it,
be Oddfellowship or the world at
We, throng's those teachings, have
looked (Simard n:•t dtotheCir
no when they
would be practiced by the civilized
world and that war should he no
snore, Mit during the last 'few years
We have hada rude awakening I.hat,
made us doubt the teaehing of our
Order, for remember our Order
flourishes in Germany as well
as here, and for' that breach of those
immortal teachings wo have only to
look around to see the results of that
breach which will be with tis long
after the greater number of us Will
have a - :u :tttc. t r , tsiteet Beyond.
F1 MN this rte .re taught that at1
O00fellowe and all men should be
more aesiduuus in both ptaoticingand,
teaching the priuriptee of our Order,
believing as we have done tktat when
practiced by all then and (poly then
will war be no (prove, Remember it
is only by the practice of such
principles and not by militarism
will cunt a clay eve'. conte.
I tart astute you all that it affnrdrs
rue, and all of your brr'thwre present,
very much Jl a!Uta l,,
Omer t
Omer n
t y tug larhra who 1 frust trill
some day become Reltec r rte In the Or
der, -with this Vatican Jewel and 1
tenet you will long be spared to wear
it, aitd remain a good Oddfellaw prac-
ticing its immortal principles, until
that time which conies sooner or litter
to all of UR, when we will be laid away
In the cold and silent tomb, for we are
taught this entente lesson by tate em-
blems we see around iia, viz, the skull
and cross bones and the coffin.
I am yours,
The reply for the recipients was
made by W. H. Kerr.
Past Provincial Noble Grand Coup -
land, of 9t. Marys, (who with Mrs.
Con/stand, Mise Coupland, Mies
Constable and S. Whaley; had
kindly motored up for the
occasion gave a eplemdid address
full of rich things and complimented
both Western Star and the I. 0. 0, F.
on the program and happy relations
now existing. He will be welcome
back. A tasty tunch was served and
after vote of thanks to lira. Coupland,
the chairman and all who contrib-
uted to the good time, the National
Anthem was eutig and the company
On the reverse side of the Jewel is
the name of the brother and present-
ed by Western Star Lodge, No. 149,
Ontario, June 1920.
Bros. F. S. Scott, Wm. Spence (de-
ceased,) A. Currie, W. Martin and
Jno. Pugh had received jewels on
prior occasions in Western Star,
Lodge affairs are going well at Nu.
149 and the membership rail of up-
wards of 100 growing nicely.
Huron Co, Temperance Association
The annual meeting of the Huron
is County Temperance Association was
1 held in Seafot th ou Wedtr'esday after-
s noon and evening of last week and
was well attended, nearly all parts of
the County being represented. The
principal speaker at both sessions was
I Ear, A. D. Grant, D, D., chief execu-
tive officer of the Provincial Referen-
dum Committee. Dr. Grant explain-
ed the plan of campaign of the Cen-
tral organization, Dr. Grant stated
that to save the Government the ex-
pellee of making new voters' lists,
which would cost about half a million
dollars they had agreed to accept the
old lists nn which he said "we secured
an overwhelming cnnjoeity last Octo-
ber, and should increase in this year."
The speaker also pointed out the im-
mense saving to the Temperance
forces in this regard, as it did away
with the necessity of providing a force
of secretaries to check registration,
neutral Referendum Committee
have planned a shot•[, intense cam-
paign which will be largely cotiflntd
to a period of 4 tort weeks before the
aetual voting, They felt, it was not,
necessary now to educate the people
on the advantages of Prohibition, but
will confine their efforts to combatting
the apathy of temperance workers
and the feeling of reaction which, Dr.
Grant said, had Het in the larger nitiee.
There is a feeling prevalent in enure
cities, notably in Toronto, that the
Prohibition workers had gone far
enough and should not fnrtltee re.
strict the consumption of liquor'.
"This is all wrong," he said, "as the
importation of liquor to a considerable
extent nullifies the victory wort last
year, There is no doubt of the ver•
diet of the rural districts, but we do
not want to have our majority pulled
down by an adverse vote in some of
the large cities.
"In some respects" De. Grant said,
"the present system is even worse
than the old licensed system, where it
takes the consumption of liquor right
into the home where it cannot fan to
to have an evil influence on the grows
in/ boys and girls."
The total cost of the campaign as
cu hn
t ed by the speaker,
be a ant
$100,000instead nstend of
8500,000 as
ed by some speakers. This sum it is
proposed to divide proportionately
among the counties where the local
committees will add the necessary
80108 to carry on their work, thus
making one call for funds from the
people interested in temperance. The
local bodies will then turn over their
share to the Oentral organization.
The plana of the Central Committee
include newspaper advertising, posters
and an attractive pamphlet that itis
proposed to put in the hands of every
At 0 o'clock an excellent banquet
was held in the school room of the
Presbyterian church at which over 100
sat down.
Reports of the various committees
showed the Aseo o have had
cint'on i v
t ta
very eucceesfnl year, and the balanne
of $100 remains itt the Treasury.
Following officers were elected :---
Ho President, Hon, P eaident, 7)r. A, J. irwht,
{Vinghaut ; President, 3, A. Irwin,
Clinton ; Vice Presidents, 13, J. Mc-
Gaw Gc r
tie irh ; ;C. T. Wood, Bette -
eels ; Rev. A. 14, Boyle, Belgrave ;
Mre. A. McGuire, Brussels ; Mrs. 14.
W, F. Beavers, Exeter ; Airs. A, T.
Cooper Clinton ; Secretary, W. 1i.'
Wlilis, Wingltam; Troasueer, A., AI,
Robertson, Goderich ; Represent to -
Gees, 8, Bennett, Wingham, North
Huron ; James Cowan, Settforth,
Centre Huron ; 0. Harvey, laxeterl
South Hilton,